Sichtbarkeit (Öffentlich, BV, LV, KV ...)
Filter auf list
MoveManyToStorage => Modal
Toasts für erfolgreich/fehler: https://github.com/Blazored/Toast
- Permission Groups (grouping together permissions + inheritance)
- Check results on HTTP requests (use extension ReadResultAsync, OneOf)
- Add cleanup routine for invalid tokens
- Add custom input component for lat, lon (which can direct to map for selection)
- Add custom input component for select/combobox (should include auto-complete)
- Add custom input component for checkboxes (clicking on the text should also set the checkbox)
- Add custom input component for password (including option for password repeat)
- Split up update user/update user password, currently updating password also updates other data
- Add +/create button on lists
- Server side validations for create/updates
- New user needs double password input
- Auto enable lower tier permissions if higher tier is set (e.g. _update enables _read)
- Disable accounts if user didn't log in for some time
- Add claims (Required now: "")