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The dictionary 词典

** Edit the dictionary from the Management Console ** ** 通过管理控制台编辑词典 **

The default dictionary contains many common words and phrases, but you will probably want to customise it by adding and removing entries. You can view and customise the dictionary from the Management Console:


  1. Open OptiKey's Management Console (with OptiKey focussed press ALT + M) and select the "Dictionary" tab.

  2. 打开 OptiKey 的管理控制台 (注视 OptiKey 按 ALT + M),选择标签 “词典(Dictionary)” 。

Editing the dictionary from the Management Console

  1. To add a new word or phrase type it (as a lower case word unless it is a proper noun, abbreviation, etc) in the box at the top and click 'Add' to add it to the dictionary.

  2. 如果要添加新词或者新短语,在上方空格里输入小写的单词 (专有名词和缩写等除外),然后点击 “添加(Add)” 即可将其添加到词典中。

  3. To remove an entry just click the 'Delete' button next to it.

  4. 如果要删除一个词条,点击这个词条旁边的 “删除(Delete)” 即可。

  5. Click 'OK' to save your changes.

  6. 点击 “确定(OK)”,保存更改。

** Edit the dictionary from the scratchpad **

** 通过提示框编辑词典 **

You can also add words and phrases directly from the scratchpad by pressing the Add To Dictionary key. OptiKey will examine the words and sentences that you have already typed into the scratchpad and ask you which you would like to add to the dictionary:

你也可以点击 “添加到词典(Add To Dictionary)” 键,将提示框中的单词和短语添加到词典。OptiKey 会检查你输入到提示框的单词和句子,并询问你想添加哪部分到词典中:

  1. Type the word to add on its own, or as part of a sentence.

  2. 输入单词,可以只输入这个单词,也可以输入单词所在的句子。

  3. Select the Add To Dictionary key.

  4. 选择 “添加到词典(Add To Dictionary)” 键。

Editing the dictionary from the Management Console

  1. OptiKey will find all words in the scratchpad which are not already in the dictionary and ask you, one at a time, if you would like to add the word. Confirm to add to the dictionary.

  2. OptiKey 会找出提示框中所有不在词典里的单词,然后逐个询问你是否愿意添加这个单词。如果你想添加某个单词,则确认并添加到词典中。

Confirming a candidate entry to add to dictionary

To add a phrase it is very similar:


  1. Clear the scratchpad using the Clear key:

  2. 使用 “清空(Clear)” 键来清空提示框:

Clear key

  1. Type the phrase exactly as you would like it to be available in the dictionary. You don't need to capitalise the first letter unless it is a proper noun as OptiKey will auto capitalise the first letter if it is the start of a new sentence (if that setting is turned on - see Auto-capitalisation for more).

  2. 按照你要在词典中呈现的方式输入短语。除非这个短语是专有名词,短语首字母不必大写,因为当自动大写化 (Auto-capitalisation) 设置打开的时候,OptiKey 会自动将一个新句子开头的短语的首字母设置成大写字母 - 详情请参见 自动大写化 (Auto-capitalisation)。

  3. Select the Add To Dictionary key.

  4. 选择 “添加到词典(Add To Dictionary)” 键。 Editing the dictionary from the Management Console

  5. Confirm to add the phrase when asked. OptiKey will also ask you if you would like to add any new words that appear in your phrase - choose to confirm if the word is useful, or skip if not.

  6. 确认添加该短语。OptiKey 会问你是否要把短语中的任何新单词添加到词典中,如果这个单词有用,就选择确认,否则跳过即可。

** Change the dictionary language **

** 更改词典语言 **

To change the dictionary language used by OptiKey:

更改 OptiKey 的词典语言的步骤:

  1. Open OptiKey's Management Console (with OptiKey focussed press ALT + M) and select the "Words" tab.

  2. 打开 OptiKey 的管理操作台 (注视 OptiKey 按 ALT + M),选择标签 “单词(Words)”.

    Change the dictionary language from the Management Console

  3. Select the desired language.

  4. 选择想使用的语言。

  5. Click 'OK' to save your changes.

  6. 点击 “确定(OK)” 保存更改。