OptiKey supports the following eye trackers...
OptiKey 所支持的眼动仪列表:
Low cost:
- Tobii Eye Tracker 4C ¹ - listed price (as at 17-Nov-2016) €159
- Tobii EyeX ¹ - listed price (as at 17-Nov-2016) €109
- Steelseries Sentry Eye Tracker (this is actually a re-branded EyeX) ¹ - listed price (as at 17-Nov-2016) $139.99
- TheEyeTribe - listed price (as at 15-Jul-2015) $99
- myGaze - listed price (as at 03-Nov-2016) €499/$499 Older and newer versions both supported.
- ITU GazeTracker - cost varies as this is a DIY project
- Tobii Eye Tracker 4C ¹ - 参考价格 €159 (2016/11/17)
- Tobii EyeX ¹ - 参考价格 €109 (2016/11/17)
- Steelseries Sentry Eye Tracker (this is actually a re-branded EyeX) ¹ - 参考价格 $139.99 (2016/11/17)
- TheEyeTribe - 参考价格 $99 (2015/7/15)
- myGaze - 参考价格 €499/$499 (2016/11/3) 新旧版本均可支持.
- ITU GazeTracker - 这是这个 DIY 产品,价格变化较大
- Alienware 17 - Unknown price, but includes an EyeX compatible eye tracker - THIS TRACKER IS ASSUMED TO RUN ON THE EYEX SERVICE AND BE SUPPORTED, BUT I HAVE NOT CONFIRMED THIS 100% YET!
- Tobii PCEyeMini - listed price (as at 12-Sep-2016) £2,168.75
- Tobii REX ¹ - listed price (as at 15-Jul-2015) $795 / €595
- Tobii PCEye Go ¹ ² - listed price $1,995
- Tobii X2-30 ¹ - prices are difficult to find, but an article from 2013 lists the price as $20,000 AUD (roughly $15,000 USD) + TAX
- Tobii X2-60 ¹ - prices are difficult to find, but an article from 2013 lists the price as $40,000 AUD (roughly $30,000 USD) + TAX
- EyeTech TM5 mini eye tracker ³ - listed price £3,600+ on reseller sites
¹ All Tobii eye trackers must be used with the Tobii EyeX Engine available for download at Tobii EyeX downloads
² The PCEye Go must have firmware version 1.1.5 or later - see Using the PCEye-Go-tracker
³ The EyeTech TM5 is not currently supported, but instead it can be used to control the cursor position which can in turn can control OptiKey, as shown in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M7FVBuMcec
- Alienware 17 - 价格未知, 产品包括一个 EyeX 兼容的眼动仪 - 这个产品被限定在 EyeX 上使用,对这点我并不 100% 确定!
- Tobii PCEyeMini - 参考价格 £2,168.75 (2016/9/12)
- Tobii REX ¹ - 参考价格 $795 / €595 (2015/7/15)
- Tobii PCEye Go ¹ ² - 参考价格 $1,995
- Tobii X2-30 ¹ - 这个价格不太公开,从一篇 2013 的文章上看,不含税大概为 $20,000 AUD (约 $15,000 USD)
- Tobii X2-60 ¹ -这个价格不太公开,从一篇 2013 的文章上看,不含税大概为 $40,000 AUD (约 $40,000 USD)
- EyeTech TM5 mini eye tracker ³ - 参考价格 £3,600+ (代理商官网价)
¹ Tobii 的眼动仪都需要下载 Tobii EyeX Engine
² PCEye Go 必须使用 1.1.5 以及之后的固件 - 详看 使用 PCEye Go 眼动仪
³ EyeTech TM5 当前还不支持, 不过还是可以用它来作为 OptiKey 的光标控制使用,具体可以看以下视频: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M7FVBuMcec
Other input methods:
OptiKey is designed to be used with an eye tracker, but you do not need one.
If you have an eye tracker which isn't yet fully supported, you may be able to use mouse emulation to control OptiKey.
You can also control OptiKey with a standard mouse, or use a webcam if you want to try it out.
Adding full support for new eye trackers may be possible - if you have an unsupported tracker then get in touch and I will see what I can do: [email protected]
OptiKey 虽然是为使用眼运仪所设计,但是实际不需要眼动仪也能够使用。
如果 OptiKey 对于你的眼动仪并不完全支持的话,你可使用 鼠标模拟 的方式来控制 OptiKey。
当然也可以用标准的鼠标外设来使用 OptiKey 软件,或者 使用摄像头 来控制。
对于需要新增支持的眼仪动仪,你可以通过向我发邮件的方式让我知道,我会尝试去添加支持,我的邮箱 [email protected]
Check out the differences between TheEyeTribe tracker and the Tobii EyeX tracker (the two lowest cost tracker available): 'The Eye Tribe Tracker vs. Tobii EyeX'
- 了解 TheEyeTribe 与 Tobii EyeX 眼动仪的差异,看:'The Eye Tribe Tracker vs. Tobii EyeX'
- OptiKey 和 Tobii EyeX 眼动仪的使用,看:Video 1, Video 2