Plugin | Link / Description |
git | aliases - |
colored-man-pages | add color to man pages |
zsh-autosuggestions | auto suggestions on commandline |
zsh-syntax-highlighting | highlight command line |
zsh-history-substring-search | type substring; ; then j/k to traverse through history |
| CLI | Link / Description | installation | other | | | - | - | - | - | | | mycli | autocompleteion / syntax highlighting | brew | | | | hub | git working with github | brew | | | | fx | json processing tool | brew | | | | tldr | simplified human readable man pages | brew | | | | httpie | curl alternative | pip | | | | http-prompt | http autocomplete / syntax highlighting | pip | | | | richgo | colorize go test output | brew | aliased go to richgo | | | fd | find alternative | brew | | | | howdoi | termainal coding answers | brew | | | | has | report version of CLI tools in PATH | brew | don't need know -v, --version, .ets c | |
bindkeys setup in .zshrc
Command | Description |
ls -l **/*.py | recursive ls |
cd /usr/local/bin cd bin share pwd /usr/local/share |
path replacement |
zmv | |
take test_folder : Create folder and cd to it |
hit -> arrow to complete autosuggestion
"alias" to see list of all aliases
Command | Description |
~ | |
.. | |
... | |
d | list dirs |
cd -3 | cd to 3rd dir in list |
Mapping | Description |
<ctrl-r> | fzf through command HISTORY |
<ctrl-t> | fzf through current DIRECTORY |
Search terms | Description |
atom | fuzzy search atom |
'atom | no fuzzy. search exact match |
^a .go$ | match ^a and .go$ regex patterns |
!^a !.go$ | DO NOT match ^a and .go$ regex patterns |
Use tab on filenames to select multiple files
COMMAND | Description |
rm <ctrl-t> | use fzf to select files for rm. |
kill -9 | use fzf to select PID to kill. |
Command | Description |
gaa | git add --all |
gd | git diff file(s) and show in terminal |
gdt | git difftool file(s) and show in external vimdiff window |
gcmsg | git commit -m |
gco | git checkout |
gcount | git shortlog -sn |
glod | git log --graph --pretty='\''%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%ad) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'\' |
gb | git branch |
fbr | fzf 'git branch' -> allows selecting instead of having to type |
fbrr | fzf 'git branch' -> allows selecting instead of having to type (including remote branches) |
gcb | git checkout -b |
gpsup | git push --set-upstream origin $(git_current_branch) |
gcm | git checkout master |
Follow these instructions
% bash
% sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
This is how to run a specific version fo python
source Environments/my_env/bin/activate
now python has is linked to python from my_env (which is python3)
"(my_env) python --version"
"Python 3.6.5"
placed in ~/.zshrc
CMD+SHIFT+H Show past history
# see github