- Parse
version 3.*
- Fix parsing of
- Pin
to < 1.2 for this: numpy/numpy#18355
- Pin
version to < 3.
- Fix issue with parsing
- Pin
, andplotnine
versions to avoid errors, and stop testingbarcodeInfoToCodonVariantTable
has incompatible versions.
- Ensure that
values of 0.
- Fix bug in fastqFromSRA for newer versions of
. - Specify pandas < 1.0
- Added --bcinfo_csv option to dms2_bcsubamp.
- Edited syn_selection to add pseudocounts for odds ratio calculations in order to avoid null/inf values.
- Added 'syn_selection'.
- Added utils.codon_to_nt_counts.
- Support python3.7 and pystan >= 2.19 and removed limit that scipy < 1.3.
- Remove barcodes.fracIdentWithinBarcode as it is not correct. There is a new function being added in alignparse that calculates the empirical accuracy correctly.
- Remove dependency on HTSeq.
- Added --no_corr and --no_avg option to dms2_batch_prefs
- Remove codonvarianttable module as it is now in dms_variants package
- Remove neutcurve module as it is replated by neutcurve package
- Parse - / + signs in PAF alignment scores.
- Works with pandas 0.25
- Added diffsel.beta_diversity
- Relax dependency requirements for pysam
- Allow non-integer --letterheight for dms2_logoplot
- Added option for single-color logoplots for dms2_logoplot
- Makes sample names a category to preserve order in plot.plotCodonMutTypes.
- Adds functionality that can convert the *bc_info* files generated by dms2_bcsubamp into a CodonVariantTable.
- Added mle method to findSigSel.
- Allow multiprocessing fastqFromSRA
- Updates to genotype-phenotype maps generated from CodonVariantTable func scores.
- Allow bottleneck of None in simulateSampleCounts.
- added CodonVariantTable.classifyVariants method
- dms2_batch_bcsubamp handles --bcinfo argument
- Added CodonVariantTable.from_simulation method.
- Handle large facet plots in
- Correctly handle missing output for individual samples in
- Added function to create gpmap.GenotypePhenotypeMap from CodonVariantTable
- Don't test rplot module, we now recommend dmslogo instead.
- Work with version >=1.0 of umi_tools
- Handle single sample groups in dms2_batch_diffsel and dms2_batch_fracsurvive
- added utils.sigFigStr
- make compatible with latest natsorted
- added diffsel.df_read_filecols
- Fix to work with pandas 0.24 and newest regex
- Bug fix to plotting mutation frequencies in CodonVariantTable
- Enhancements to codonvarianttable, including simulating data with simulated latent / global phenotypes, and more plotting.
- Moved CodonVariantTable class to its own module, codonvarianttable.
- added muteffects data type to
- added highlighted_sites option to plot.plotSiteDiffSel
- added title to siteSubsetGGSeqLogo
- Improve matching of termini tags when there are mismatches in dms_tools2.pacbio
- Some updates to dms_tools2.minimap2.Mutations objects.
- Added functionality to dms_tools2.barcodes to get identity within barcodes, take consensus of sequences with same barcode, and then use barcoded codon variants to call mutations.
- pacbio.CCS handles FASTQ as well as BAM input.
- Require Python 3.6 or greater.
- added pacbio, minimap2, and seqnumbering modules.
import dms_tools2
now imports all non-optional modules in the package
- Improved appearance of histograms created by findSigSel
- Fixed ymin for dms2_logoplot with small-valued fracsurvive
- Cleaned up organization of examples and added Dingens2018 and Lee2018.
- Fix setting of matplotlib backend, which was causing errors.
- Use loose versions in sra.
- Make diffsel and fracsurvive compatible with this pandas 0.23 update
- fix bug in diffsel.tidyToWide such that sites with matching values (i.e. all 0 values) are not dropped during de-duplication.
- added utils.codonEvolAccessibility function
- fix bug in stringency re-scaling by
- fix bug in axis scaling in plot.plotCumulMutCounts
- added Haddox2018 and Doud2018 examples and doc links
- added contour option to plot.plotCorrMatrix
- added white_bg to plot.plotSiteDiffSel
- added plot.findSigSel
- added --bclen2 option to
- added protstruct module for operations related to protein structurs
- added neutcurve module to fit neutralization curves
- updated required versions of some dependencies
- added compareprefs module
- added rplot module to enable plotting with ggseqlogo
- Added omega overlay option to
- Fix bug with
when using wildtype sequence overlays - Fix bug with
--fracsurvivemax 0
- Scale pseudocounts when using
with--method ratio
, which should give more accurate values when depths differ across samples. - Some minor bug fixes.
- Fix bug with handling of disulfide-bonded cysteines in
output. - Added colors option to plot.plotCorrMatrix
- Added
option todms2_logoplot
- Added programs and docs for fracsurvive.
- Added
. - Add grouplabel option and preserve group order for faceted plots by batch programs.
- Handle dependencies without __version__ attribute
- Added
option todms2_bcsubamp
. - Standardized color scheme in
plot. - Ensure naturally sorted average prefs from
- A few packaging changes for PyPI
This version is a complete re-write of dms_tools version 1.2.2.