A caching HTTP proxy for integration tests.
Testing applications connecting to backend REST/SOAP services can be difficult: The backend service may be slow, apply rate limiting, etc. Integration tests become too slow in such case, which makes test-first development impractical.
This can be addressed by setting up a snapshot-based mock server or using a caching HTTP client, but both of these solutions come with severe disadvantages:
When using a snapshot-based mock server, we must ensure that snapshots are up-to-date with the actual backend implementation.
Caching at HTTP-client side requires non-trivial changes of the application code.
A filesystem-backed caching HTTP proxy offers a neat solution that combines caching and snapshots:
- The first request is forwarded to the actual backend and the response is stored as a snapshot.
- Subsequent requests are served by the proxy using the cached snaphost.
- Snapshot older than a configured time are discarded and the first next request will fetch the real response from the backend.
npm install --save-dev @loopback/http-caching-proxy
Import the module at the top of your test file.
import {HttpCachingProxy} from '@loopback/http-caching-proxy';
Create a proxy instance during test-suite setup (typically in Mocha's before
const proxy = new HttpCachingProxy({
// directory where to store recorded snapshots - required
cachePath: path.resolve(__dirname, '.proxy-cache'),
// port where to listen - 0 by default
port: 0,
// how often to re-validate snapshots (in milliseconds) - one day by default
ttl: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
await proxy.start();
In your tests, configure the client library to use the caching proxy. Below is an example configuration for request:
request = request.defaults({
proxy: proxy.url,
// Disable tunneling of HTTPS requests - this is required for HTTPS!
tunnel: false,
Finally, stop the proxy when the test suite is done (typically in Mocha's
await proxy.stop();
See the auto-generated documentation at loopback.io
Run npm test
from the root folder.
See all contributors.