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How to use Control.Monad.IOSimPOR

IOSimPOR is a version of IOSim that supports finding race conditions, by

  • allowing many alternative schedules to be explored, and

  • searching through schedules in an order which (empirically) is likely to play well with shrinking; when a test case that provokes a race condition is shrunk to a smaller test case that suffers from the same race condition, then it is likely that IOSimPOR will actually provoke the race condition in the smaller test too.

To do so, IOSimPOR detects potential racing steps when a test is run, and then re-runs the same test many times with one or more pairs of racing steps reversed. IOSimPOR runs each equivalent schedule at most once.

IOSimPOR will usually not explore all possible schedules, because there are too many for this to be feasible (even infinitely many, in some cases). It prioritises races that occur earlier in a test execution, and prioritises making a small number of race reversals over making many.

It can test non-terminating programs with an infinite trace; in such cases it only reverse races in the part of the trace that the property under test actually depends on. Thus properties that select, for example, the first simulated 24 hours of trace events, can be tested using IOSimPOR; only races that occur in the first 24 hours will be reversed.

IOSimPOR assumes that execution is much faster than the passage of time, so steps that occur at different simulated times are considered not to race, and will not be reversed.

Exploring all possible schedules is possible with the right parameters, but not usually advisable, because it is so very very expensive. When IOSimPOR is used in a QuickCheck property, then many test cases will not even have a possibility of provoking a fault, whatever the schedule; it usually makes more sense to explore a limited number of schedules each, for a large number of cases, than to explore a small number of cases very very thoroughly.

Do not be surprised that tests run slowly. Each "test" is running (by default) 100 different schedules; each run is more costly than a run using vanilla IOSim, because race conditions and data dependencies need to be tracked.


The common way to use IOSim is to call

runSimTrace :: forall a. (forall s. IOSim s a) -> Trace a

which returns a trace, and then express the property to test as a predicate on the trace. Since IOSimPOR explores many traces, then the property to test is given as a continuation instead, which is called for each trace generated. The common way to use IOSimPOR is thus

exploreSimTrace :: forall a test. (Testable test, Show a) =>
                   (ExplorationOptions->ExplorationOptions) ->
                   (forall s. IOSim s a) ->
                   (Maybe (Trace a) -> Trace a -> test) ->

The continuation is the last parameter, with type

Maybe (Trace a) -> Trace a -> test

Here the second parameter of the continuation is the trace that the property should check. The first parameter simply provides information that may be useful for debugging---if present, it is a similar trace that passed the same test, from which the failing trace was derived by reversing one race.

IOSimPOR Options

exploreSimTrace can be controlled by a number of options, which are obtained by passing the function passed as the first parameter to a default set of options. Passing the identity function id as the first parameter uses the defaults.

The options are:

  • the schedule bound, default 100, set by withScheduleBound. This is an upper bound on the number of schedules with race reversals that will be explored; a bound of zero means that the default schedule will be explored, but no others. Setting the bound to zero makes IOSimPOR behave rather like IOSim, in that only one schedule is explored, but (a) IOSimPOR is considerably slower, because it still collects information on potential races, and (b) the IOSimPOR schedule is different (based on priorities, in contrast to IOSim's round-robin), and plays better with shrinking.

  • the branching factor, default 3, set by withBranching. This is the number of alternative schedules that IOSimPOR tries to run, per race reversal. With the default parameters, IOSimPOR will try to reverse the first 33 (100 div 3) races discovered using the default schedule, then (if 33 or more races are discovered), for each such reversed race, will run the reversal and try to reverse two more races in the resulting schedule. A high branching factor will explore more combinations of reversing fewer races, within the overall schedule bound. A branching factor of one will explore only schedules resulting from a single race reversal (unless there are fewer races available to be reversed than the schedule bound).

  • the step time limit in microseconds, default 100000 (100ms), set by withStepTimeLimit. A simulation step consists of pure computation followed by an IO action of some sort; we expect in most cases that the pure computation will be fast. However, a bug might cause the pure computation to fall into an infinite loop. This can be detected by applying a time limit to the overall test, for example using QuickCheck's function within, but if such a time limit is exceeded, then no information about the trace-so-far is preserved. Instead IOSimPOR can apply a time limit to each step; if the time limit is exceeded, then the trace up to that point is passed to the continuation, terminated by a TraceLoop constructor. The time limit should be large enough that the intended pure computations always finish well within that time. Note that garbage collection pauses are not included in the time limit (which would otherwise need to be considerably longer than 100ms to accommodate them), provided the -T flag is supplied to the run-time system.

  • the schedule control to replay, default Nothing, set by withReplay. When a test fails, exploreSimTrace displays the schedule control which provoked it. The schedule control specifies how to modify the default schedule to reproduce the failure; by saving the schedule control and passing it back to exploreSimTrace for replay, then it is possible to rerun a failed test with additional diagnostics, without repeating the search for a schedule that makes it fail.

IOSimPOR Statistics

When a tested property passes, IOSimPOR displays some statistics about the schedules that were actually run. An example of this output is:

Branching factor (5865 in total):
45.51% 1
43.00% 0
 6.58% 2
 2.23% 3
 0.85% 4
 0.46% 30-39
 0.38% 5
 0.32% 6
 0.24% 10-19
 0.19% 20-29
 0.15% 8
 0.07% 7
 0.02% 9

Modified schedules explored (100 in total):
22% 100-199
22% 90-99
18% 0
 7% 30-39
 4% 4
 4% 60-69
 4% 80-89
 3% 20-29
 3% 3
 3% 50-59
 3% 70-79
 2% 10-19
 2% 2
 2% 40-49
 1% 1

Race reversals per schedule (5865 in total):
50.04% 1
45.05% 2
 3.10% 3
 1.71% 0
 0.10% 4

The first table shows us the branching factor at each point where IOSimPOR explored alternative schedules: in this case, in 43% of cases we were at a leaf of the exploration, so no alternative schedules were explored; 45% of the time we explored one alternative schedule; in a few cases larger numbers of schedules were explored.

The second table shows us how many schedules we explored for each test; in this case we used the default bound of 100 alternative schedules, and we reached that bound in 22% of tests--in the other tests, there were fewer than 100 possible schedules to explore. In 18% of the tests, there were no alternative schedules to explore---since these tests were randomly generated, then these 18% were probably rather trivial tests.

The final table shows us how many races were reversed in each alternative schedule; in this case most alternative schedules just reversed one or two races, but we did reach a maximum of four in a small number of tests.

IOSimPOR Scheduling

IOSimPOR distinguishes between non-racy threads and system threads; test threads are intended to be part of the test itself, whereas system threads are part of the system under test. The main thread in a test is always a non-racy thread; non-racy threads can fork system threads, but not vice versa. Test threads always take priority over system threads, and IOSimPOR does not attempt to reverse races involving test threads. So when writing a test, one can assume that whatever the test threads do takes place first (at each simulated time point), and then the system threads run and any races between them are explored. Likewise, if a blocked non-racy thread responds to an event in a system thread, then the test thread's response will take place before the system threads continue execution. Distinguishing non-racy threads from system threads drastically reduces the set of races that IOSimPOR needs to consider.

To start a system thread, a non-racy thread may call

exploreRaces :: MonadTest m => m ()

All threads forked (using forkIO) after such a call will be system threads. If there is no call to exploreRaces in a test, then all the threads forked will be non-racy threads, and IOSimPOR will not reverse any races---so it is necessary to include a call to exploreRaces somewhere in a test.

IOSimPOR ThreadIds contain a list of small integers; the main thread contains the list [], its children are numbered [1], [2], [3] and so on, then threads forked by [2] are numbered [2,1], [2,2], [2,3] and so on. The id of a forked thread always extends its parent's id, and successively forked children of the same thread are numbered 1, 2, 3 and so on. Thread Ids give us useful information for debugging; it is easy to see which thread forked which other, and relatively easy to map thread ids in debugging output to threads in the source code.

Except when reversing races, IOSimPOR schedules threads using priorities. Non-racy threads take priority over system threads, but otherwise priorities are determined by the thread ids: the thread with the lexicographically greatest thread Id has the highest priority. As a result, threads behave in a very predictable manner: newly forked threads take priority over their parent thread, and children forked later take priority over children forked earlier from the same parent thread. Knowing these priorities helps in understanding traces.

When IOSimPOR reverses races, this is done by using a 'schedule control'. The schedule control is displayed in the test output when a test fails. Here is an example:

Schedule control:
  ControlAwait [ScheduleMod (ThreadId [4],0)
                            [(ThreadId [1],0),
                             (ThreadId [1],1),
                             (ThreadId [2],0),
                             (ThreadId [2],1),
                             (ThreadId [3],0)]]

ThreadId [4] delayed at time Time 0s
  until after:
    ThreadId [2]
    ThreadId [3]

The schedule control consists of one or more schedule modifications, each of which specifies that an event should be delayed until after a sequence of other events. The events consist of a thread id and a per-thread event number. The interpretation of the schedule modification above is that when the default scheduler would have performed the first event in thread [4] (that is, (ThreadId [4],0)), then it should be delayed, and the list of events in the third field of the schedule modification should be performed first. In this case there is only one schedule modification, and so only one event is delayed, but in general a schedule control may delay a series of events. A failing test can be replayed by using withReplay to supply the schedule control as an option to exploreSimTrace.

The final part of the output tells us how the schedule in the failing test differed from the schedule in the most similar passing test: namely, thread [4] was delayed (at simulated time 0) until after the events in threads [2] and [3]. Since the schedule control delays thread [4] until after steps in threads [1], [2] and [3], then we can conclude that the last passing test already delayed thread [4] until after the events in thread [1].

Potential IOSimPOR Errors

Most reported errors are a result of faults in the code under test, but if you see an error of the following form:

  Can't follow ControlFollow [(ThreadId [5],0)] []
    tid: ThreadId [5]
    tstep: 0
    runqueue: [ThreadId [3],ThreadId [2],ThreadId [1]]

then the probable cause is a bug in IOSimPOR itself. The message indicates that IOSimPOR scheduler is trying to follow a schedule modification that specifies that thread [5] should run next, but this is impossible because thread [5] is not in the runqueue (the list of runnable threads). If you supplied a schedule control explicitly, using withReplay, then you may perhaps have supplied a schedule control that does not match the version of the code you are running: in this case the exception is your fault. But if this message appears while you are exploring races, then it indicates a problem in IOSimPOR's dependency analysis: IOSimPOR has constructed a schedule as a result of race reversal that tries to run thread [5] at this point, because the dependency analysis indicates that thread [5] ought to be runnable---but it is not.

Another similar instance of such a problem is the following assertion failure:

InternalError "assertion failure: Thread {4} not runnable"
assertion failure: Thread {4} not runnable

This indicates that IOSimPOR was following a schedule where the next scheduled thread was thread 4. However, this thread does not exist in the runqueue, possibly because it was blocked and not unblocked before being scheduled again.

To debug this, follow these steps:

  1. Get the shrunken test input: Minimize the test input to simplify the failure case.
  2. Retrieve the failing schedule: Obtain the failing Schedule control the failure case.
  3. Create a unit test: Use the failing input in a unit test and run it with explorationDebugLevel = 2 to display the races in each scheduled run.
  4. Analyze the output: Manually review the output, focusing on the schedule that leads to the failure. Look for the schedule in the RacesFound log messages.
  5. Examine the faulty schedule: Investigate the trace of the identified schedule to understand why it causes the failure, i.e. find the race which leads to the error.
  6. Implement the fix: Correct the identified issue.

Most likely, the root cause lies within the vector clocks logic or the updateRaces function, particularly in the management of the stepInfoConcurrent and stepInfoNonDep sets, which are crucial for race discovery. So analyse updateRaces function along the execution trace to see if everything makes sense.