From f07f12ed7dc675a652bebf6f606069178ef154ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: fpaskali Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 15:47:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Type 2 clustering initial implementation --- App.R | 51731 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- 1 file changed, 25896 insertions(+), 25835 deletions(-) diff --git a/App.R b/App.R index d2803dc..0cd1d6b 100644 --- a/App.R +++ b/App.R @@ -1,25835 +1,25896 @@ -######## PhyloTrace ######### - -# _______________________ #### -# CRAN Packages -library(shiny) -library(R.utils) -library(igraph) -library(shinyWidgets) -library(shinydashboard) -library(dashboardthemes) -library(ggplot2) -library(ggnewscale) -library(ggplotify) -library(ape) -library(tidyverse) -library(rlang) -library(tidytree) -library(shinyFiles) -library(dplyr) -library(downloader) -library(rvest) -library(rmarkdown) -library(knitr) -library(kableExtra) -library(fs) -library(data.table) -library(zoo) -library(ggnetwork) -library(rhandsontable) -library(visNetwork) -library(proxy) -library(phangorn) -library(cowplot) -library(viridis) -library(RColorBrewer) -library(bslib) -library(bsicons) -library(DT) -library(shinyBS) -library(openssl) -library(logr) -# Bioconductor Packages -library(treeio) -library(ggtree) -library(ggtreeExtra) - -source(paste0(getwd(), "/www/resources.R")) - -options(ignore.negative.edge=TRUE) - -# User Interface ---- - -ui <- dashboardPage( - - title = "PhyloTrace 1.5.0", - - # Title - dashboardHeader( - - title = span( - div( - class = "img_logo", - img( - src = "PhyloTrace.jpg", width = 190 - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("loaded_scheme"), - uiOutput("databasetext"), - uiOutput("statustext"), - tags$li(class = "dropdown", - tags$span(id = "currentTime", style = "color:white; font-weight:bold;")), - disable = FALSE - ), - - ## Sidebar ---- - dashboardSidebar( - tags$head(includeCSS("www/head.css")), - tags$style(includeCSS("www/body.css")), - tags$style(HTML( - "@keyframes pulsate { - 0% { transform: scale(1); } - 50% { transform: scale(1.1); } - 100% { transform: scale(1); } - } - .pulsating-button { - animation: pulsate 1s ease infinite; - } - .pulsating-button:hover { - animation: none; - }")), - br(), br(), - sidebarMenu( - id = "tabs", - sidebarMenuOutput("menu"), - uiOutput("menu_sep2"), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tabs==='db_browse_entries'", - uiOutput("entrytable_sidebar") - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tabs==='db_distmatrix'", - uiOutput("distmatrix_sidebar") - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tabs==='db_missing_values'", - uiOutput("missing_values_sidebar") - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tabs==='typing'", - uiOutput("typing_sidebar") - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tabs==='visualization'", - uiOutput("visualization_sidebar") - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tabs==='gs_profile'", - uiOutput("screening_sidebar") - ) - ) - ), - - dashboardBody( - tags$head(tags$link(rel = "shortcut icon", href = "favicon.ico")), - shinyjs::useShinyjs(), - - shinyDashboardThemeDIY( - ### general - appFontFamily = "Liberation Sans", - appFontColor = "#000000", - primaryFontColor = "#ffffff", - infoFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", - successFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", - warningFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", - dangerFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", - bodyBackColor = cssGradientThreeColors( - direction = "down", - colorStart = "#282f38", - colorMiddle = "#384454", - colorEnd = "#495d78", - colorStartPos = 0, - colorMiddlePos = 50, - colorEndPos = 100 - ), - - ### header - logoBackColor = "#282f38", - headerButtonBackColor = "#282f38", - headerButtonIconColor = "#18ece1", - headerButtonBackColorHover = "#282f38", - headerButtonIconColorHover = "#ffffff", - headerBackColor = "#282f38", - headerBoxShadowColor = "#aaaaaa", - headerBoxShadowSize = "0px 0px 0px", - - ### sidebar - sidebarBackColor = cssGradientThreeColors( - direction = "down", - colorStart = "#282f38", - colorMiddle = "#384454", - colorEnd = "#495d78", - colorStartPos = 0, - colorMiddlePos = 50, - colorEndPos = 100), - - sidebarPadding = 0, - sidebarMenuBackColor = "transparent", - sidebarMenuPadding = 0, - sidebarMenuBorderRadius = 0, - sidebarShadowRadius = "5px 5px 5px", - sidebarShadowColor = "#282f38", - sidebarUserTextColor = "#ffffff", - sidebarSearchBackColor = "rgb(55,72,80)", - sidebarSearchIconColor = "rgb(153,153,153)", - sidebarSearchBorderColor = "rgb(55,72,80)", - 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- ### boxes - boxBackColor = "#ffffff", - boxBorderRadius = 7, - boxShadowSize = "0px 0px 0px", - boxShadowColor = "#ffffff", - boxTitleSize = 20, - boxDefaultColor = "#00a65a", - boxPrimaryColor = "#ffffff", - boxInfoColor = "#00a65a", - boxSuccessColor = "#00a65a", - boxWarningColor = "#ffffff", - boxDangerColor = "#ffffff", - tabBoxTabColor = "#ffffff", - tabBoxTabTextSize = 14, - tabBoxTabTextColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", - tabBoxTabTextColorSelected = "rgb(0,0,0)", - tabBoxBackColor = "#ffffff", - tabBoxHighlightColor = "#ffffff", - tabBoxBorderRadius = 5, - - ### inputs - buttonBackColor = "#282F38", - buttonTextColor = "#ffffff", - buttonBorderColor = "#282F38", - buttonBorderRadius = 5, - buttonBackColorHover = cssGradientThreeColors( - direction = "right", - colorStart = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", - colorMiddle = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", - colorEnd = "rgba(0,255,213,1)", - colorStartPos = 0, - colorMiddlePos = 30, - colorEndPos = 100 - ), - buttonTextColorHover = "#000000", - buttonBorderColorHover = "transparent", - textboxBackColor = "#ffffff", - textboxBorderColor = "#ffffff", - textboxBorderRadius = 5, - textboxBackColorSelect = "#ffffff", - textboxBorderColorSelect = "#000000", - - ### tables - tableBackColor = "rgb(255,255,255)", - tableBorderColor = "rgb(240,240,240)", - tableBorderTopSize = 1, - tableBorderRowSize = 1 - ), - - uiOutput("start_message"), - - tabItems( - - ## Tab Database ---- - - ### Tab Browse Entries ---- - - tabItem( - tabName = "db_browse_entries", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Browse Local Database"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), br(), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("no_scheme_entries"), - uiOutput("db_no_entries"), - uiOutput("entry_table_controls"), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 8, - uiOutput("db_entries_table") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - uiOutput("delete_box"), - uiOutput("compare_allele_box"), - uiOutput("download_entries"), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ), - br() - ), - - ### Tab Scheme Info ---- - - tabItem( - tabName = "db_schemeinfo", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Scheme Info"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), br(), br(), br(), - uiOutput("no_scheme_info"), - fluidRow( - column(2), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - align = "right", - uiOutput("scheme_header") - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "left", - uiOutput("download_scheme_info") - ) - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("scheme_info") - ) - ) - ), - - ### Tab Loci Info ---- - - tabItem( - tabName = "db_loci_info", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Loci Info"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), br(), br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 10, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "right", - uiOutput("loci_header") - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "left", - uiOutput("download_loci") - ) - ), - br(), - div(class = "loci_table", - dataTableOutput("db_loci")) - ) - ), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - uiOutput("sequence_selector"), - column(1), - column( - width = 7, - br(), - uiOutput("loci_sequences") - ) - ) - ), - - ### Tab Distance Matrix ---- - - tabItem( - tabName = "db_distmatrix", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Distance Matrix"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), br(), br(), br(), - uiOutput("no_scheme_distancematrix"), - uiOutput("distancematrix_no_entries"), - fluidRow( - column(1), - uiOutput("distmatrix_show") - ), - br(), br() - ), - - ### Tab Missing Values ---- - - tabItem( - tabName = "db_missing_values", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Missing Values"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), br(), br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - uiOutput("missing_values"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 2, - div( - class = "rectangle-red-space" - ) - ), - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 75px; position: relative; bottom: -12px", " = ≥ 5% of loci missing") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 8, - rHandsontableOutput("table_missing_values") - ) - ) - ), - - ## Tab Manage Schemes ---- - - tabItem( - tabName = "init", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Select cgMLST Scheme"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 3, - br(), - br(), - br(), - pickerInput( - inputId = "select_cgmlst", - label = NULL, - choices = list( - "Acinetobacter baumanii", - "Bacillus anthracis", - "Bordetella pertussis", - "Brucella melitensis", - "Brucella spp.", - "Burkholderia mallei (FLI)", - "Burkholderia mallei (RKI)", - "Burkholderia pseudomallei", - "Campylobacter jejuni/coli", - "Clostridioides difficile", - "Clostridium perfringens", - "Corynebacterium diphtheriae", - "Cronobacter sakazakii/malonaticus", - "Enterococcus faecalis", - "Enterococcus faecium", - "Escherichia coli", - "Francisella tularensis", - "Klebsiella oxytoca sensu lato", - "Klebsiella pneumoniae sensu lato", - "Legionella pneumophila", - "Listeria monocytogenes", - "Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex", - "Mycobacteroides abscessus", - "Mycoplasma gallisepticum", - "Paenibacillus larvae", - "Pseudomonas aeruginosa", - "Salmonella enterica", - "Serratia marcescens", - "Staphylococcus aureus", - "Staphylococcus capitis", - "Streptococcus pyogenes" - ), - width = "300px", - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = FALSE - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - br(), - br(), - br(), - h5(textOutput("scheme_update_info"), style = "color: white") - ), - column( - width = 2, - br(), - br(), - br(), - actionButton( - "download_cgMLST", - label = "Download", - icon = icon("download") - ), - shinyjs::hidden( - div(id = "loading", - HTML('')) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - br(), - addSpinner( - tableOutput("cgmlst_scheme"), - spin = "dots", - color = "#ffffff" - ) - ) - ) - ), - - - - ## Tab Allelic Typing ---------------------------------------------- - - - tabItem( - tabName = "typing", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Generate Allelic Profile"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), - uiOutput("typing_no_db"), - conditionalPanel( - "input.typing_mode == 'Single'", - fluidRow( - uiOutput("initiate_typing_ui"), - uiOutput("single_typing_progress"), - column(1), - uiOutput("metadata_single_box"), - column(1), - uiOutput("start_typing_ui") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.typing_mode == 'Multi'", - fluidRow( - uiOutput("initiate_multi_typing_ui"), - uiOutput("multi_stop"), - column(1), - uiOutput("metadata_multi_box"), - column(1), - uiOutput("start_multi_typing_ui") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - uiOutput("pending_typing") - ), - column( - width = 6, - uiOutput("multi_typing_results") - ) - ) - ) - ), - - - ## Tab Visualization ------------------------------------------------------- - - - tabItem( - tabName = "visualization", - fluidRow( - tags$script(src = "javascript_functions.js"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='Minimum-Spanning'", - uiOutput("mst_field") - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='Neighbour-Joining'", - uiOutput("nj_field") - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='UPGMA'", - uiOutput("upgma_field") - ) - ) - ), - br(), - hr(), - - ### Control panels MST ---- - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='Minimum-Spanning'", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "100%", - height = "500px", - h3(p("Layout"), style = "color:white; position:relative; right:-15px"), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Title"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - textInput( - "mst_title", - label = "", - width = "100%", - placeholder = "Plot Title" - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "mst_title_color", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start", - width = "100%" - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_title_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - numericInput( - "mst_title_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 40, - min = 15, - max = 40, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Subtitle"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - textInput( - "mst_subtitle", - label = "", - width = "100%", - placeholder = "Plot Subtitle" - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "mst_subtitle_color", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start", - width = "100%" - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_subtitle_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - numericInput( - "mst_subtitle_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 20, - min = 15, - max = 40, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Legend"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "mst_legend_color", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start", - width = "100%" - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_legend_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 11, - sliderInput( - "mst_font_size", - label = h5("Font Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 18, - min = 15, - max = 30, - step = 1, - ticks = FALSE, - width = "180px" - ) - ), - column(1) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 11, - sliderInput( - "mst_symbol_size", - label = h5("Key Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 20, - min = 10, - max = 30, - step = 1, - ticks = FALSE, - width = "180px" - ) - ), - column(1) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - selectInput( - "mst_legend_ori", - label = "", - width = "100%", - choices = c("Left" = "left", "Right" = "right") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Background"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", - materialSwitch( - "mst_background_transparent", - h5(p("Transparent"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "mst_background_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#ffffff", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "100%", - height = "500px", - h3(p("Nodes"), style = "color:white; position:relative; right:-15px"), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Label"), style = "color:white;") - ), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - div( - class = "label_sel", - uiOutput("mst_node_label") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "node_font_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_label_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - numericInput( - "node_label_fontsize", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 14, - min = 8, - max = 30, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", - materialSwitch( - "mst_color_var", - h5(p("Add Variable"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - bslib::tooltip( - bsicons::bs_icon("info-circle", title = "Only categorical variables can \nbe mapped to the node color", color = "white", - height = "12px", width = "12px", position = "relative", top = "27px", right = "56px"), - "Text shown in the tooltip.", - show = FALSE, - id = "mst_node_col_info" - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("mst_color_mapping") - ) - ) - ), br() - ) - ), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Size"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", - materialSwitch( - "scale_nodes", - h5(p("Scale by Duplicates"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - conditionalPanel( - "input.scale_nodes==true", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Range') - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.scale_nodes==false", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Size') - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 9, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.scale_nodes==true", - div( - class = "mst_scale_slider", - sliderInput( - "mst_node_scale", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 80, - value = c(20, 40), - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.scale_nodes==false", - div( - class = "mst_scale_slider", - sliderInput( - inputId = "mst_node_size", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 100, - value = 30, - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - br() - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Other Elements"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", - materialSwitch( - "mst_shadow", - h5(p("Show Shadow"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Shape') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 9, - align = "center", - div( - class = "mst_shape_sel", - selectInput( - "mst_node_shape", - "", - choices = list(`Label inside` = c("Circle" = "circle", "Box" = "box", "Text" = "text"), - `Label outside` = c("Diamond" = "diamond", "Hexagon" = "hexagon","Dot" = "dot", "Square" = "square")), - selected = c("Dot" = "dot"), - width = "85%" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "100%", - height = "500px", - h3(p("Edges"), style = "color:white; position:relative; right:-15px"), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Label"), style = "color:white;") - ), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - div( - class = "label_sel", - selectInput( - "mst_edge_label", - label = "", - choices = c( - `Allelic Distance` = "weight", - Index = "index", - `Assembly ID` = "assembly_id", - `Assembly Name` = "assembly_name", - `Isolation Date` = "isolation_date", - Host = "host", - Country = "country", - City = "city" - ), - selected = c(`Allelic Distance` = "weight"), - width = "100%" - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "mst_edge_font_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_edgelabel_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - width = 5, - numericInput( - "mst_edge_font_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 18, - step = 1, - min = 8, - max = 30, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - ) - ), - br() - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - div( - class = "node_color", - colorPickr( - inputId = "mst_color_edge", - width = "100%", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_edgecolor_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - width = 5, - sliderInput( - "mst_edge_opacity", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 0.7, - step = 0.1, - min = 0, - max = 1, - ticks = FALSE, - width = "150px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - hr(style = "margin-top: 3px !important"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Length multiplier"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-bottom: -5px") - ) - ), - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - br(), - div( - class = "switch-mst-edges", - materialSwitch( - "mst_scale_edges", - h5(p("Scale Allelic Distance"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_scale_edges==true", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Multiplier') - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_scale_edges==false", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Length') - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 9, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_scale_edges==true", - div( - class = "slider_edge", - sliderInput( - inputId = "mst_edge_length_scale", - label = NULL, - min = 1, - max = 40, - value = 15, - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_scale_edges==false", - div( - class = "slider_edge", - sliderTextInput( - inputId = "mst_edge_length", - label = NULL, - choices = append(seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), 2:100), - selected = 35, - hide_min_max = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - h4(p("Clustering"), style = "color:white; text-align: left; position: relative; right: -15px") - ), - column( - width = 2, - bslib::tooltip( - bsicons::bs_icon("info-circle", - title = "Cluster threshold according to species-specific\nComplex Type Distance (", - color = "white", height = "14px", width = "14px", - position = "relative", top = "9px", right = "28px"), - "Text shown in the tooltip.", - show = FALSE, - id = "mst_cluster_info" - ) - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 9, - div( - class = "mst-cluster-switch", - materialSwitch( - "mst_show_clusters", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_cluster_col_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - width = 5, - selectInput( - "mst_cluster_col_scale", - label = h5("Color Scale", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - choices = c("Viridis", "Rainbow"), - width = "150px" - ) - ) - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; text-align: left; font-size: 14px; margin-left: 15px', 'Threshold') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - uiOutput("mst_cluster") - ), - column( - width = 4, - actionButton( - "mst_cluster_reset", - label = "", - icon = icon("rotate") - ), - bsTooltip("mst_cluster_reset", - HTML("Reset to default Complex Type Distance"), - placement = "top", trigger = "hover") - ) - ) - ), - br(), - ) - ), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ) - ), - - ### Control Panels NJ ---- - - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='Neighbour-Joining'", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 1, - radioGroupButtons( - inputId = "nj_controls", - label = "", - choices = c("Layout", "Label", "Elements", "Variables"), - direction = "vertical" - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_controls=='Layout'", - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Theme"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - selectInput( - inputId = "nj_layout", - label = "", - choices = list( - Linear = list( - "Rectangular" = "rectangular", - "Roundrect" = "roundrect", - "Slanted" = "slanted", - "Ellipse" = "ellipse" - ), - Circular = list("Circular" = "circular", - "Inward" = "inward") - ), - selected = "rectangular", - width = "90%" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-layout", - materialSwitch( - "nj_rootedge_show", - h5(p("Rootedge"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_rootedge_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_rootedge_length"), - br(), - selectInput( - "nj_rootedge_line", - label = h5("Rootedge Line", style = "color:white"), - choices = c(Solid = "solid", Dashed = "dashed", Dotted = "dotted"), - selected = c(Dotted = "solid"), - width = "100px" - ), - br(), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_layout=='circular'", - sliderInput( - "nj_xlim", - label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), - min = -50, - max = 0, - value = -10, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_layout=='inward'", - sliderInput( - "nj_inward_xlim", - label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), - min = 30, - max = 120, - value = 50, - ticks = FALSE, - width = "150px", - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-re", - materialSwitch( - "nj_ladder", - h5(p("Ladderize"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Lines/Text"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_color", - width = "90%", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Background"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 7px; margin-bottom: 38px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_bg", - width = "90%", - selected = "#ffffff", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - br() - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Title"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - textInput( - "nj_title", - label = "", - width = "100%", - placeholder = "Plot Title" - ), - textInput( - "nj_subtitle", - label = "", - width = "100%", - placeholder = "Plot Subtitle" - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_title_color", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start", - width = "100%" - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_title_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - numericInput( - "nj_title_size", - label = h5("Title Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 30, - min = 15, - max = 40, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ), - br(), - numericInput( - "nj_subtitle_size", - label = h5("Subtitle Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 20, - min = 15, - max = 40, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - br() - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Sizing"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Ratio", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px;") - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - div( - class = "ratio-sel", - selectInput( - "nj_ratio", - "", - choices = c("16:10" = (16/10), "16:9" = (16/9), "4:3" = (4/3)) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_size_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - sliderInput( - "nj_v", - label = h5("Vertical Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -0.5, - max = 0.5, - step = 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "nj_h", - label = h5("Horizontal Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -0.5, - max = 0.5, - step = 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Size", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 9, - sliderInput( - "nj_scale", - "", - min = 500, - max = 1200, - value = 800, - step = 5, - width = "95%", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Zoom", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 9, - div( - class = "zoom-slider", - sliderInput( - "nj_zoom", - label = NULL, - min = 0.5, - max = 1.5, - step = 0.05, - value = 0.95, - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Tree Scale"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-layout", - materialSwitch( - "nj_treescale_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - br() - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_treescale_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_treescale_width"), - br(), - uiOutput("nj_treescale_x"), - br(), - uiOutput("nj_treescale_y") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Legend"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: -2px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - prettyRadioButtons( - "nj_legend_orientation", - "", - choices = c(Horizontal = "horizontal", - Vertical = "vertical"), - selected = c(Vertical = "vertical"), - inline = FALSE - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_legend_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - numericInput( - "nj_legend_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 10, - min = 5, - max = 25, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "nj_legend_x", - label = h5("Horizontal Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 0.9, - min = -0.9, - max = 1.9, - step = 0.2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "nj_legend_y", - label = h5("Vertical Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 0.2, - min = -1.5, - max = 1.5, - step = 0.1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_controls=='Label'", - column( - width = 4, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "280px", - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Tips"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-lab", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tiplab_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_tiplab") - ), - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-align", - materialSwitch( - "nj_align", - h5(p("Align"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 1, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_labeltext_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "nj_tiplab_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - conditionalPanel( - "!(input.nj_layout=='inward'|input.nj_layout=='circular')", - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_nudge_x", - label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - step = 0.05, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_layout=='circular'", - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_position", - label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - step = 0.05, - value = -0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_layout=='inward'", - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_position_inw", - label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - step = 0.05, - value = 1.1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_angle", - label = h5("Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -90, - max = 90, - value = 0, - ticks = FALSE, - width = "150px", - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_tiplab_size"), - br(), - selectInput( - "nj_tiplab_fontface", - label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 16px"), - width = "250px", - choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px") - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - br(), - div( - class = "mat-switch-geom", - materialSwitch( - "nj_geom", - h5(p("Panels"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_fill", - width = "100%", - selected = "#84D9A0", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_labelformat_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_tiplab_padding"), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_labelradius", - label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = 0.5, - value = 0.2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "280px", - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Branches"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-lab", - materialSwitch( - "nj_show_branch_label", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_branch_label") - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_branch_label_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "nj_branchlab_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 0.65, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_branch_x", - label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - value = 0, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_branch_y", - label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - value = 0, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_branch_size"), - selectInput( - "nj_branchlab_fontface", - label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - width = "250px", - choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "nj_branch_labelradius", - label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = 0.5, - value = 0.5, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-bottom: 109px") - ), - column( - width = 5, - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_branch_label_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#FFB7B7", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "280px", - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Custom Labels"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - textInput( - "nj_new_label_name", - "", - placeholder = "New Label" - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - actionButton( - "nj_add_new_label", - "", - icon = icon("plus") - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_custom_label_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_custom_labelsize"), - br(), - uiOutput("nj_sliderInput_y"), - br(), - uiOutput("nj_sliderInput_x") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - uiOutput("nj_custom_label_select") - ), - column( - width = 4, - uiOutput("nj_del_label"), - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_cust_label_save") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_controls=='Elements'", - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Tip Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tippoint_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_tippoint_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "nj_tippoint_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 0.5, - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - uiOutput("nj_tippoint_size") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_tippoint_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#3A4657", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tipshape_mapping_show==false", - selectInput( - "nj_tippoint_shape", - "", - width = "100%", - choices = c( - Circle = "circle", - Square = "square", - Diamond = "diamond", - Triangle = "triangle", - Cross = "cross", - Asterisk = "asterisk" - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tipshape_mapping_show==true", - h5(p("Variable assigned"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; font-style: italic") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Node Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch", - materialSwitch( - "nj_nodepoint_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_nodepoint_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "nj_nodepoint_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 1, - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - uiOutput("nj_nodepoint_size") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_nodepoint_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#3A4657", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - selectInput( - "nj_nodepoint_shape", - "", - choices = c( - Circle = "circle", - Square = "square", - Diamond = "diamond", - Triangle = "triangle", - Cross = "cross", - Asterisk = "asterisk" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - h4(p("Tiles"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - div( - class = "sel-tile-number", - selectInput( - "nj_tile_number", - "", - choices = 1:5, - width = "70px" - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_tile_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 1", - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 2", - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_alpha_2", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 3", - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_alpha_3", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 4", - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_alpha_4", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 5", - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_alpha_5", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 1", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_width"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 68px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 2", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_width2"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_2"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 3", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_width3"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_3"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 4", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_width4"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_4"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 5", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_width5"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_5"), - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - h4(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Title", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px;") - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - textInput( - "nj_heatmap_title", - label = "", - value = "Heatmap", - placeholder = "Heatmap" - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_heatmap_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_colnames_angle"), - br(), - uiOutput("nj_colnames_y") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color: white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 40px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - uiOutput("nj_heatmap_width") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 36px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - uiOutput("nj_heatmap_offset") - ) - ), - br(), br() - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Clade Highlight"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - div( - class = "mat-switch", - materialSwitch( - "nj_nodelabel_show", - h5(p("Toggle Node View"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5(p("Nodes"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 20px") - ), - column( - width = 9, - uiOutput("nj_parentnode") - ) - ), - uiOutput("nj_clade_scale"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Form"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - div( - class = "sel-clade", - selectInput( - "nj_clade_type", - "", - choices = c("Rect" = "rect", - "Round" = "roundrect"), - selected = c("Round" = "roundrect") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_controls=='Variables'", - column( - width = 7, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h4(p("Element"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h4(p("Variable"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-right: 30px;") - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - h4(p("Color Scale"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_mapping_show", - h5(p("Tip Label Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_color_mapping") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_tiplab_scale") - ), - uiOutput("nj_tiplab_mapping_info"), - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tipcolor_mapping_show", - h5(p("Tip Point Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_tipcolor_mapping") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_tippoint_scale") - ), - uiOutput("nj_tipcolor_mapping_info") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tipshape_mapping_show", - h5(p("Tip Point Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_tipshape_mapping") - ), - column( - width = 3, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; font-style: italic; position: relative; bottom: -16px; right: -40px;', 'No scale for shapes') - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("nj_tipshape_mapping_info") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 1", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tiles_show_1", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px; margin-right: 10px"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 2", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tiles_show_2", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 3", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tiles_show_3", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 4", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tiles_show_4", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 5", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tiles_show_5", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - div( - class = "tile-sel", - selectInput( - "nj_tile_num", - "", - choices = 1:5, - width = "50px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 1", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 2", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable2") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 3", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable3") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 4", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable4") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 5", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable5") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 1", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_1") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 2", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_2") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 3", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_3") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 4", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_4") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 5", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_5") - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("nj_fruit_mapping_info") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_heatmap_show", - h5(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_heatmap_sel") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_heatmap_scale") - ) - ), - uiOutput("nj_heatmap_mapping_info") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ), - - ### Control Panels UPGMA ---- - - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='UPGMA'", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 1, - radioGroupButtons( - inputId = "upgma_controls", - label = "", - choices = c("Layout", "Label", "Elements", "Variables"), - direction = "vertical" - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_controls=='Layout'", - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Theme"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - selectInput( - inputId = "upgma_layout", - label = "", - choices = list( - Linear = list( - "Rectangular" = "rectangular", - "Roundrect" = "roundrect", - "Slanted" = "slanted", - "Ellipse" = "ellipse" - ), - Circular = list("Circular" = "circular", - "Inward" = "inward") - ), - selected = "rectangular", - width = "90%" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-layout", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_rootedge_show", - h5(p("Rootedge"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_rootedge_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_rootedge_length"), - br(), - selectInput( - "upgma_rootedge_line", - label = h5("Rootedge Line", style = "color:white"), - choices = c(Solid = "solid", Dashed = "dashed", Dotted = "dotted"), - selected = c(Dotted = "solid"), - width = "100px" - ), - br(), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_layout=='circular'", - sliderInput( - "upgma_xlim", - label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), - min = -50, - max = 0, - value = -10, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_layout=='inward'", - sliderInput( - "upgma_inward_xlim", - label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), - min = 30, - max = 120, - value = 50, - ticks = FALSE, - width = "150px", - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-re", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_ladder", - h5(p("Ladderize"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Lines/Text"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_color", - width = "90%", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Background"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 7px; margin-bottom: 38px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_bg", - width = "90%", - selected = "#ffffff", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Title"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - textInput( - "upgma_title", - label = "", - width = "100%", - placeholder = "Plot Title" - ), - textInput( - "upgma_subtitle", - label = "", - width = "100%", - placeholder = "Plot Subtitle" - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_title_color", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start", - width = "100%" - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_title_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - numericInput( - "upgma_title_size", - label = h5("Title Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 30, - min = 15, - max = 40, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ), - br(), - numericInput( - "upgma_subtitle_size", - label = h5("Subtitle Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 20, - min = 15, - max = 40, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Sizing"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Ratio", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px;") - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - div( - class = "ratio-sel", - selectInput( - "upgma_ratio", - "", - choices = c("16:10" = (16/10), "16:9" = (16/9), "4:3" = (4/3)) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_size_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - sliderInput( - "upgma_v", - label = "Vertical Position", - min = -0.5, - max = 0.5, - step = 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "upgma_h", - label = "Horizontal Position", - min = -0.5, - max = 0.5, - step = 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Size", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 9, - sliderInput( - "upgma_scale", - "", - min = 500, - max = 1200, - value = 800, - step = 5, - width = "95%", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Zoom", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 9, - div( - class = "zoom-slider", - sliderInput( - "upgma_zoom", - label = NULL, - min = 0.5, - max = 1.5, - step = 0.05, - value = 0.95, - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Tree Scale"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-layout", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_treescale_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - br() - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_treescale_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_treescale_width"), - br(), - uiOutput("upgma_treescale_x"), - br(), - uiOutput("upgma_treescale_y") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Legend"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: -2px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - prettyRadioButtons( - "upgma_legend_orientation", - "", - choices = c(Horizontal = "horizontal", - Vertical = "vertical"), - selected = c(Vertical = "vertical"), - inline = FALSE - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_legend_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - numericInput( - "upgma_legend_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 10, - min = 5, - max = 25, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "upgma_legend_x", - label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 0.9, - min = -0.9, - max = 1.9, - step = 0.2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "upgma_legend_y", - label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 0.2, - min = -1.5, - max = 1.5, - step = 0.1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_controls=='Label'", - column( - width = 4, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "280px", - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Tips"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-lab", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tiplab_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_tiplab") - ), - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-align", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_align", - h5(p("Align"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 1, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_labeltext_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "upgma_tiplab_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - conditionalPanel( - "!(input.upgma_layout=='inward'|input.upgma_layout=='circular')", - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_nudge_x", - label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - step = 0.05, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_layout=='circular'", - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_position", - label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - step = 0.05, - value = -0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_layout=='inward'", - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_position_inw", - label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - step = 0.05, - value = 1.1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_angle", - label = h5("Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -90, - max = 90, - value = 0, - ticks = FALSE, - width = "150px", - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_size"), - br(), - selectInput( - "upgma_tiplab_fontface", - label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 16px"), - width = "250px", - choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px") - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - br(), - div( - class = "mat-switch-geom", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_geom", - h5(p("Panels"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_fill", - width = "100%", - selected = "#84D9A0", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_labelformat_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_padding"), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_labelradius", - label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = 0.5, - value = 0.2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "280px", - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Branches"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-lab", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_show_branch_label", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_branch_label") - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_branch_label_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "upgma_branchlab_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 0.65, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_branch_x", - label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - value = 0, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_branch_y", - label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - value = 0, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_branch_size"), - selectInput( - "upgma_branchlab_fontface", - label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - width = "250px", - choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "upgma_branch_labelradius", - label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = 0.5, - value = 0.5, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-bottom: 109px") - ), - column( - width = 5, - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_branch_label_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#FFB7B7", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ), - br(), br() - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "280px", - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Custom Labels"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - textInput( - "upgma_new_label_name", - "", - placeholder = "New Label" - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - actionButton( - "upgma_add_new_label", - "", - icon = icon("plus") - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_custom_label_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_custom_labelsize"), - br(), - uiOutput("upgma_sliderInput_y"), - br(), - uiOutput("upgma_sliderInput_x") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - uiOutput("upgma_custom_label_select") - ), - column( - width = 4, - uiOutput("upgma_del_label"), - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_cust_label_save") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_controls=='Elements'", - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Tip Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tippoint_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_tippoint_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "upgma_tippoint_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 0.5, - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - uiOutput("upgma_tippoint_size") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_tippoint_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#3A4657", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tipshape_mapping_show==false", - selectInput( - "upgma_tippoint_shape", - "", - width = "100%", - choices = c( - Circle = "circle", - Square = "square", - Diamond = "diamond", - Triangle = "triangle", - Cross = "cross", - Asterisk = "asterisk" - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tipshape_mapping_show==true", - h5(p("Variable assigned"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; font-style: italic") - ), - br() - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Node Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_nodepoint_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_nodepoint_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "upgma_nodepoint_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 1, - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - uiOutput("upgma_nodepoint_size") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_nodepoint_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#3A4657", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - selectInput( - "upgma_nodepoint_shape", - "", - choices = c( - Circle = "circle", - Square = "square", - Diamond = "diamond", - Triangle = "triangle", - Cross = "cross", - Asterisk = "asterisk" - ) - ), - br() - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - h4(p("Tiles"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - div( - class = "sel-tile-number", - selectInput( - "upgma_tile_number", - "", - choices = 1:5, - width = "70px" - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_tile_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_alpha_2", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_alpha_3", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_alpha_4", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_alpha_5", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 68px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width2"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width3"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width4"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width5"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5"), - br() - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - h4(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Title", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px;") - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - textInput( - "upgma_heatmap_title", - label = "", - value = "Heatmap", - placeholder = "Heatmap" - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_heatmap_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_colnames_angle"), - br(), - uiOutput("upgma_colnames_y") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color: white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 40px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_width") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 36px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_offset") - ) - ), - br(), br() - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Clade Highlight"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - div( - class = "mat-switch", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_nodelabel_show", - h5(p("Toggle Node View"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5(p("Nodes"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 20px") - ), - column( - width = 9, - uiOutput("upgma_parentnode") - ) - ), - uiOutput("upgma_clade_scale"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Form"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - div( - class = "sel-clade", - selectInput( - "upgma_clade_type", - "", - choices = c("Rect" = "rect", - "Round" = "roundrect"), - selected = c("Round" = "roundrect") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_controls=='Variables'", - column( - width = 7, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h4(p("Element"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h4(p("Variable"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-right: 30px;") - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - h4(p("Color Scale"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_mapping_show", - h5(p("Tip Label Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_color_mapping") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_scale") - ), - uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_mapping_info"), - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show", - h5(p("Tip Point Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_tipcolor_mapping") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_tippoint_scale") - ), - uiOutput("upgma_tipcolor_mapping_info") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tipshape_mapping_show", - h5(p("Tip Point Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_tipshape_mapping") - ), - column( - width = 3, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; font-style: italic; position: relative; bottom: -16px; right: -40px;', 'No scale for shapes') - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("upgma_tipshape_mapping_info") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tiles_show_1", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px; margin-right: 10px"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tiles_show_2", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tiles_show_3", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tiles_show_4", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tiles_show_5", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - div( - class = "tile-sel", - selectInput( - "upgma_tile_num", - "", - choices = 1:5, - width = "50px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable2") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable3") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable4") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable5") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_1") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_2") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_3") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_4") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_5") - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_mapping_info") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_heatmap_show", - h5(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_sel") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_scale") - ) - ), - uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_mapping_info") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ), - - ## Tab Utilities ------------------------------------------------------- - - tabItem( - tabName = "utilities", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Utilities"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - br(), - hr(), - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - shinyDirButton( - "hash_dir", - "Choose folder with .fasta files", - title = "Locate folder with loci", - buttonType = "default", - style = "border-color: white; margin: 10px; min-width: 200px; text-align: center" - ), - actionButton("hash_start", "Start Hashing", icon = icon("circle-play")), - shinyjs::hidden( - div(id = "hash_loading", - HTML('')) - ) - ) - # br(), - # actionButton( - # "backup_database", - # "Create backup", - # style = "border-color: white; margin: 10px; min-width: 200px; text-align: left" - # ), - # br(), - # actionButton( - # "import_db_backup", - # "Restore backup", - # style = "border-color: white; margin: 10px; min-width: 200px; text-align: left" - # ) - ), - - - ## Tab Screening ------------------------------------------------------- - - tabItem( - tabName = "gs_screening", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Screening"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: -20px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - uiOutput("gene_screening_info") - ) - ), - br(), - hr(), - fluidRow( - uiOutput("screening_interface") - ) - ), - - ## Tab Resistance Profile ------------------------------------------------------- - - tabItem( - tabName = "gs_profile", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Browse Entries"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: -20px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - uiOutput("gene_resistance_info") - ) - ), - br(), - hr(), - br(), br(), - uiOutput("gs_table_selection"), - fluidRow( - column(1), - uiOutput("gs_profile_display") - ) - ) - ) # End tabItems - ) # End dashboardPage -) # end UI - -# _______________________ #### - -# Server ---- - -server <- function(input, output, session) { - - phylotraceVersion <- paste("1.5.0") - - #TODO Enable this, or leave disabled - # Kill server on session end - session$onSessionEnded( function() { - stopApp() - }) - - # Disable various user inputs (visualization control) - shinyjs::disable('mst_edge_label') - - ## Functions ---- - - # Function to read and format FASTA sequences - format_fasta <- function(filepath) { - fasta <- readLines(filepath) - formatted_fasta <- list() - current_sequence <- "" - - for (line in fasta) { - if (startsWith(line, ">")) { - if (current_sequence != "") { - formatted_fasta <- append(formatted_fasta, list(current_sequence)) - current_sequence <- "" - } - formatted_fasta <- append(formatted_fasta, list(line)) - } else { - current_sequence <- paste0(current_sequence, line) - } - } - if (current_sequence != "") { - formatted_fasta <- append(formatted_fasta, list(current_sequence)) - } - - formatted_fasta - } - - # Function to color-code the bases in a sequence - color_sequence <- function(sequence) { - sequence <- gsub("A", "A", sequence) - sequence <- gsub("T", "T", sequence) - sequence <- gsub("G", "G", sequence) - sequence <- gsub("C", "C", sequence) - sequence - } - - # Function to log messages to logfile - log_message <- function(log_file, message, append = TRUE) { - cat(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "-", message, "\n", file = log_file, append = append) - } - - # Modified gheatmap function - gheatmap.mod <- function(p, data, offset=0, width=1, low="green", high="red", color="white", - colnames=TRUE, colnames_position="bottom", colnames_angle=0, colnames_level=NULL, - colnames_offset_x = 0, colnames_offset_y = 0, font.size=4, family="", hjust=0.5, legend_title = "value", - colnames_color = "black") { - - colnames_position %<>% match.arg(c("bottom", "top")) - variable <- value <- lab <- y <- NULL - - ## if (is.null(width)) { - ## width <- (p$data$x %>% range %>% diff)/30 - ## } - - ## convert width to width of each cell - width <- width * (p$data$x %>% range(na.rm=TRUE) %>% diff) / ncol(data) - - isTip <- x <- y <- variable <- value <- from <- to <- NULL - - ## handle the display of heatmap on collapsed nodes - ## - ## extract data on leaves (& on collapsed internal nodes) - ## (the latter is extracted only when the input data has data on collapsed - ## internal nodes) - df <- p$data - nodeCo <- intersect(df %>% filter( %>% - select(.data$parent, .data$node) %>% unlist(), - df %>% filter(! %>% - select(.data$parent, .data$node) %>% unlist()) - labCo <- df %>% filter(.data$node %in% nodeCo) %>% - select(.data$label) %>% unlist() - selCo <- intersect(labCo, rownames(data)) - isSel <- df$label %in% selCo - - df <- df[df$isTip | isSel, ] - start <- max(df$x, na.rm=TRUE) + offset - - dd <- - ## dd$lab <- rownames(dd) - i <- order(df$y) - - ## handle collapsed tree - ## - i <- i[!$y[i])] - - lab <- df$label[i] - ## dd <- dd[lab, , drop=FALSE] - ## - dd <- dd[match(lab, rownames(dd)), , drop = FALSE] - - - dd$y <- sort(df$y) - dd$lab <- lab - ## dd <- melt(dd, id=c("lab", "y")) - dd <- gather(dd, variable, value, -c(lab, y)) - - i <- which(dd$value == "") - if (length(i) > 0) { - dd$value[i] <- NA - } - if (is.null(colnames_level)) { - dd$variable <- factor(dd$variable, levels=colnames(data)) - } else { - dd$variable <- factor(dd$variable, levels=colnames_level) - } - V2 <- start + as.numeric(dd$variable) * width - mapping <- data.frame(from=dd$variable, to=V2) - mapping <- unique(mapping) - - dd$x <- V2 - dd$width <- width - dd[[".panel"]] <- factor("Tree") - if (is.null(color)) { - p2 <- p + geom_tile(data=dd, aes(x, y, fill=value), width=width, inherit.aes=FALSE) - } else { - p2 <- p + geom_tile(data=dd, aes(x, y, fill=value), width=width, color=color, inherit.aes=FALSE) - } - if (is(dd$value,"numeric")) { - p2 <- p2 + scale_fill_gradient(low=low, high=high, na.value=NA, name = legend_title) # "white") - } else { - p2 <- p2 + scale_fill_discrete(na.value=NA, name = legend_title) #"white") - } - - if (colnames) { - if (colnames_position == "bottom") { - y <- 0 - } else { - y <- max(p$data$y) + 1 - } - mapping$y <- y - mapping[[".panel"]] <- factor("Tree") - p2 <- p2 + geom_text(data=mapping, aes(x=to, y = y, label=from), color = colnames_color, size=font.size, family=family, inherit.aes = FALSE, - angle=colnames_angle, nudge_x=colnames_offset_x, nudge_y = colnames_offset_y, hjust=hjust) - } - - p2 <- p2 + theme(legend.position="right") - ## p2 <- p2 + guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(colour = NULL))) - - if (!colnames) { - ## - p2 <- p2 + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) - } - - attr(p2, "mapping") <- mapping - return(p2) - } - - # Get rhandsontable - get.entry.table.meta <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(hot_to_r(input$db_entries))){ - table <- hot_to_r(input$db_entries) - select(select(table, -13), 1:(12 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - } - }) - - # Function to find columns with varying values - var_alleles <- function(dataframe) { - - varying_columns <- c() - - for (col in 1:ncol(dataframe)) { - unique_values <- unique(dataframe[, col]) - - if (length(unique_values) > 1) { - varying_columns <- c(varying_columns, col) - } - } - - return(varying_columns) - } - - # Functions to compute hamming distances dependent on missing value handling - hamming.dist <- function(x, y) { - sum(x != y) - } - - hamming.distIgnore <- function(x, y) { - sum( (x != y) & ! & ! ) - } - - hamming.distCategory <- function(x, y) { - sum((x != y | xor(, & !( & - } - - compute.distMatrix <- function(profile, hamming.method) { - mat <- as.matrix(profile) - n <- nrow(mat) - dist_mat <- matrix(0, n, n) - for (i in 1:(n-1)) { - for (j in (i+1):n) { - dist_mat[i, j] <- hamming.method(x = mat[i, ], y = mat[j, ]) - dist_mat[j, i] <- dist_mat[i, j] - } - } - return(dist_mat) - } - - # Function to determine entry table height - table_height <- reactive({ - if (input$table_height == TRUE) { - NULL - } else {900} - }) - - # Function to determine distance matrix height - distancematrix_height <- reactive({ - if(DB$distancematrix_nrow > 33) { - 800 - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Function to missing value table height - miss.val.height <- reactive({ - if(input$miss_val_height == TRUE) { - NULL - } else {800} - }) - - #Function to check custom variable classes - column_classes <- function(df) { - sapply(df, function(x) { - if (class(x) == "numeric") { - return("cont") - } else if (class(x) == "character") { - return("categ") - } else { - return(class(x)) - } - }) - } - - # Function to hash database - hash_database <- function(folder) { - loci_files <- list.files(folder) - loci_names <- sapply(strsplit(loci_files, "[.]"), function(x) x[1]) - loci_paths <- file.path(folder, loci_files) - - hashes <- sapply(loci_paths, hash_locus) - names(hashes) <- loci_names - hashes - } - - # Function to hash a locus - hash_locus <- function(locus_path) { - locus_file <- readLines(locus_path) - seq_list <- locus_file[seq(2, length(locus_file), 3)] - seq_hash <- sha256(seq_list) - seq_idx <- paste0(">", seq_hash) - - locus_file[seq(1, length(locus_file), 3)] <- seq_idx - writeLines(locus_file, locus_path) - - seq_hash - } - - # Get locus hashes - get_locus_hashes <- function(locus_path) { - locus_file <- readLines(locus_path) - hash_list <- locus_file[seq(1, length(locus_file), 3)] - hash_list <- sapply(strsplit(hash_list, "[>]"), function(x) x[2]) - } - - extract_seq <- function(locus_path, hashes) { - locus_file <- readLines(locus_path) - hash_list <- sapply(strsplit(locus_file[seq(1, length(locus_file), 3)], "[>]"), function(x) x[2]) - seq_list <- locus_file[seq(2, length(locus_file), 3)] - seq_idx <- hash_list %in% hashes - - list( - idx = hash_list[seq_idx], - seq = seq_list[seq_idx] - ) - } - - add_new_sequences <- function(locus_path, sequences) { - locus_file <- file(locus_path, open = "a+") - for (i in seq_along(sequences$idx)) { - writeLines(c("", paste0(">", sequences$idx[i]), sequences$seq[i]), locus_file) - } - close(locus_file) - } - - # Compute clusters to use in visNetwork - compute_clusters <- function(nodes, edges, threshold) { - groups <- rep(0, length(nodes$id)) - - edges_table <- data.frame( - from = edges$from, - to = edges$to, - weight = edges$weight - ) - - count <- 0 - while (any(groups == 0)) { - group_na <- groups == 0 - labels <- nodes$id[group_na] - - cluster <- nodes$id[group_na][1] # Initialize with 1 label - while (!is_empty(labels)) { - sub_tb <- edges_table[(edges_table$from %in% cluster | edges_table$to %in% cluster) & edges_table$weight <= threshold,] - - if (nrow(sub_tb) == 0 | length(unique(c(sub_tb$from, sub_tb$to))) == length(cluster)) { - count <- count + 1 - groups[nodes$id %in% cluster] <- paste("Group", count) - break - } else { - cluster <- unique(c(sub_tb$from, sub_tb$to)) - } - } - } - groups - } - - # Check gene screening status - check_status <- function(isolate) { - iso_name <- gsub(".zip", "", basename(isolate)) - if(file.exists(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "Isolates", iso_name, "status.txt"))) { - if(str_detect(readLines(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "Isolates", iso_name, "status.txt"))[1], - "successfully")) { - return("success") - } else { - return("fail") - } - } else {return("unfinished")} - } - - # Reset gene screening status - remove.screening.status <- function(isolate) { - if(file.exists(file.path(DB$database, - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "Isolates", - isolate, - "status.txt"))) { - file.remove( - file.path(DB$database, - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "Isolates", - isolate, - "status.txt") - ) - } - } - - # Truncate hashes - truncHash <- function(hash) { - if(! { - paste0(str_sub(hash, 1, 4), "...", str_sub(hash, nchar(hash) - 3, nchar(hash))) - } else {NA} - } - - # Function to check for duplicate isolate IDs for multi typing start - dupl_mult_id <- reactive({ - req(Typing$multi_sel_table) - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - selection <- Typing$multi_sel_table[which(unlist(Typing$multi_sel_table$Files) %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"])),] - selection$Files - } else {""} - }) - - # Function to check single typing log file - check_new_entry <- reactive({ - - invalidateLater(5000, session) - - if(!is.null(DB$database)) { - if(file_exists(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds"))) { - - Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme),"Typing.rds")) - - if(is.null(DB$data)) { - if(nrow(Database[["Typing"]]) >= 1) { - TRUE - } else {FALSE} - } else { - if(nrow(DB$data) < nrow(Database[["Typing"]])) { - TRUE - } else { - FALSE - } - } - } else {FALSE} - } - }) - - # Render Entry Table Highlights - - diff_allele <- reactive({ - if (!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(input$compare_select) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { - var_alleles(select(DB$data, input$compare_select)) + (13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) - } - }) - - err_thresh <- reactive({ - if (!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$number_loci)) { - which(as.numeric(DB$data[["Errors"]]) >= (DB$number_loci * 0.05)) - } - }) - - err_thresh_na <- reactive({ - if (!is.null(DB$na_table) & !is.null(DB$number_loci)) { - which(as.numeric(DB$na_table[["Errors"]]) >= (DB$number_loci * 0.05)) - } - }) - - true_rows <- reactive({ - if (!is.null(DB$data)) { - which(DB$data$Include == TRUE) - } - }) - - duplicated_names <- reactive({ - if (!is.null(DB$meta)) { - which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`) | duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`, fromLast = TRUE)) - } - }) - - duplicated_ids <- reactive({ - if (!is.null(DB$meta)) { - which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`) | duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`, fromLast = TRUE)) - } - }) - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Startup ---- - shinyjs::addClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-collapse") - shinyjs::removeClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-toggle") - - output$messageMenu <- renderText({ - HTML(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z")) - }) - - # Initiate logging - if(!dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/logs"))) { - dir_create(paste0(getwd(), "/logs")) - } - - logfile <- file.path(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/phylotrace.log")) - - log <- log_open(logfile, logdir = FALSE) - - log_print("Session started") - - # Clear screening file - if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/output_file.tsv"))) { - file.remove(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/output_file.tsv")) - } - - if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/error.txt"))) { - file.remove(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/error.txt")) - } - - # Declare reactive variables - Startup <- reactiveValues(sidebar = TRUE, - header = TRUE) # reactive variables related to startup process - - DB <- reactiveValues(data = NULL, - block_db = FALSE, - load_selected = TRUE, - no_na_switch = FALSE, - first_look = FALSE) # reactive variables related to local database - - Typing <- reactiveValues(table = data.frame(), - single_path = data.frame(), - progress = 0, - progress_format_start = 0, - progress_format_end = 0, - result_list = NULL, - status = "") # reactive variables related to typing process - - Screening <- reactiveValues(status = "idle", - picker_status = TRUE, - first_result = NULL) # reactive variables related to gene screening - - Vis <- reactiveValues(cluster = NULL, - metadata = list(), - custom_label_nj = data.frame(), - nj_label_pos_y = list(), - nj_label_pos_x = list(), - nj_label_size = list(), - custom_label_upgma = data.frame(), - upgma_label_pos_y = list(), - upgma_label_pos_x = list(), - upgma_label_size = list()) # reactive variables related to visualization - - Report <- reactiveValues() # reactive variables related to report functions - - Scheme <- reactiveValues() # reactive variables related to scheme functions - - # Load last used database if possible - if(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds") %in% dir_ls(paste0(getwd(), "/execute"))) { - DB$last_db <- TRUE - } - - # Locate local Database - observe({ - shinyDirChoose(input, - "db_location", - roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), - defaultRoot = "Home", - session = session) - - if(!is.null(DB$select_new)) { - if(DB$select_new == FALSE) { - if(DB$block_db == FALSE) { - DB$database <- as.character( - parseDirPath( - roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), - input$db_location - ) - ) - - DB$exist <- (length(dir_ls(DB$database)) == 0) # Logical any local database present - - DB$available <- gsub("_", " ", basename(dir_ls(DB$database))) # List of local schemes available - } - - } else if (DB$select_new == TRUE) { - DB$database <- paste0(DB$new_database, "/Database") - - } - } else { - if(!is.null(DB$last_db) & file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds"))) { - - DB$database <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds")) - - if(dir_exists(DB$database)) { - DB$exist <- (length(dir_ls(DB$database)) == 0) # Logical any local database present - - DB$available <- gsub("_", " ", basename(dir_ls(DB$database))) # List of local schemes available - } - } - } - }) - - ### Set up typing environment ---- - - # Null typing progress trackers - writeLines("0", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) - writeLines("0\n", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt")) - - if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { - unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) - } - - # Reset typing feedback values - Typing$pending <- FALSE - Typing$multi_started <- FALSE - Typing$multi_help <- FALSE - saveRDS(list(), paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) - Typing$last_success <- "0" # Null last multi typing success name - Typing$last_failure <- "0" # Null last multi typing failure name - - ### Landing page UI ---- - observe({ - if (Startup$sidebar == FALSE) { - shinyjs::removeClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-collapse") - shinyjs::addClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-toggle") - } - }) - - output$start_message <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - div( - class = "image", - imageOutput("imageOutput") - ), - br(), br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 16px;', 'Proceed by loading a compatible local database or create a new one.') - ) - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "right", - shinyDirButton( - "db_location", - "Browse", - icon = icon("folder-open"), - title = "Locate the database folder", - buttonType = "default", - root = path_home() - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - shinyDirButton( - "create_new_db", - "Create New", - icon = icon("plus"), - title = "Choose location for new PhyloTrace database", - buttonType = "default", - root = path_home() - ) - ) - ), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("load_db"), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # User selection new db or load db - observeEvent(input$create_new_db, { - log_print("Input create_new_db") - DB$select_new <- TRUE - }) - - observeEvent(input$db_location, { - log_print("Input db_location") - DB$select_new <- FALSE - }) - - # Load db & scheme selection UI - output$load_db <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$select_new)) { - if(length(DB$new_database) > 0 & DB$select_new) { - column( - width = 12, - p( - tags$span( - style='color: white; font-size: 15px;', - HTML( - paste( - 'New database will be created in', - DB$new_database - ) - ) - ) - ), - br(), - actionButton( - "load", - "Create", - class = "load-start" - ) - ) - } else if(length(DB$available) > 0 & !(DB$select_new)) { - if(any(!(gsub(" ", "_", DB$available) %in% schemes))) { - column( - width = 12, - p( - tags$span( - style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', - HTML( - paste('Selected:', DB$database) - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("scheme_db"), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: #E18B00; font-size: 13px; font-style: italic;', - 'Warning: Folder contains invalid elements.') - ) - ) - ), - br(), - actionButton( - "load", - "Load", - class = "load-start" - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 12, - p( - tags$span( - style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', - HTML( - paste('Selected:', DB$database) - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("scheme_db"), - br(), br(), - actionButton( - "load", - "Load", - class = "load-start" - ) - ) - } - } - } else if((!is.null(DB$last_db)) & (!is.null(DB$available))) { - if (DB$last_db == TRUE & (length(DB$available) > 0)) { - if(any(!(gsub(" ", "_", DB$available) %in% schemes))) { - column( - width = 12, - p( - tags$span( - style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', - HTML( - paste('Last used:', DB$database) - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("scheme_db"), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: #E18B00; font-size: 13px; font-style: italic;', - 'Warning: Folder contains invalid elements.') - ) - ) - ), - br(), - actionButton( - "load", - "Load", - class = "load-start" - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 12, - p( - tags$span( - style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', - HTML( - paste('Last used:', DB$database) - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("scheme_db"), - br(), br(), - actionButton( - "load", - "Load", - class = "load-start" - ) - ) - } - } else if (DB$last_db == TRUE & (length(DB$available) == 0)) { - column( - width = 12, - p( - tags$span( - style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', - HTML( - paste('Last used:', DB$database) - ) - ) - ), - br(), - actionButton( - "load", - "Load", - class = "load-start" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$imageOutput <- renderImage({ - # Path to your PNG image with a transparent background - image_path <- paste0(getwd(), "/www/PhyloTrace.png") - - # Use HTML to display the image with the tag - list(src = image_path, - height = 180) - }, deleteFile = FALSE) - - ### Load app event ---- - - observeEvent(input$load, { - - # Reset reactive screening variables - output$screening_start <- NULL - output$screening_result_sel <- NULL - output$screening_result <- NULL - output$screening_fail <- NULL - Screening$status_df <- NULL - Screening$choices <- NULL - Screening$picker_status <- TRUE - Screening$status <- "idle" - Screening$first_result <- NULL - if(!is.null(input$screening_select)) { - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - updatePickerInput(session, "screening_select", selected = character(0)) - } - } - - log_print("Input load") - - # set typing start control variable - Typing$reload <- TRUE - - # reset typing status on start( - if(Typing$status == "Finalized") {Typing$status <- "Inactive"} - if(!is.null(Typing$single_path)) {Typing$single_path <- data.frame()} - - #### Render status bar ---- - observe({ - req(DB$scheme) - - if(is.null(input$scheme_position)) { - output$loaded_scheme <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Selected scheme:   ", - DB$scheme, - "")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - }) - } - - if(!is.null(input$scheme_position)) { - output$loaded_scheme <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Selected scheme:   ", - DB$scheme, - "")), - style = "color:white;"), - div( - class = "reload-bttn", - style = paste0("margin-left:", 30 + input$scheme_position, "px; position: relative; top: -24px;"), - actionButton( - "reload_db", - label = "", - icon = icon("rotate") - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - } - }) - - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$database)){ - if(nchar(DB$database) > 60) { - database <- paste0(substring(DB$database, first = 1, last = 60), "...") - } else { - database <- DB$database - } - output$databasetext <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Database:   ", - database, - "")), - style = "color:white;") - ), - if(nchar(database) > 60) {bsTooltip("databasetext", - HTML(DB$database), - placement = "bottom", - trigger = "hover")} - ) - }) - } - }) - - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$database)) { - if(Typing$status == "Finalized"){ - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    typing finalized")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - } else if(Typing$status == "Attaching"){ - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    evaluating typing results")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - } else if(Typing$status == "Processing") { - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    pending typing")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "started") { - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    pending gene screening")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "finished") { - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    gene screening finalized")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - } else { - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    ready")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - # Null single typing status - if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { - Typing$progress <- 0 - - Typing$progress_format <- 900000 - - output$single_typing_progress <- NULL - - output$typing_fin <- NULL - - output$single_typing_results <- NULL - - output$typing_formatting <- NULL - - Typing$single_path <- data.frame() - - # reset results file - if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { - unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) - # Resetting single typing progress logfile bar - con <- file(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), open = "w") - - cat("0\n", file = con) - - close(con) - } - } - - shinyjs::runjs( - 'if(document.querySelector("#loaded_scheme > div > li > span") !== null) { - // Select the span element - let spanElement = document.querySelector("#loaded_scheme > div > li > span"); - - // Get the bounding rectangle of the span element - let rect = spanElement.getBoundingClientRect(); - - // Extract the width - let width = rect.width; - - Shiny.setInputValue("scheme_position", width); - }' - ) - - # Load app elements based on database availability and missing value presence - if(!is.null(DB$select_new)) { - if(DB$select_new & (paste0(DB$new_database, "/Database") %in% dir_ls(DB$new_database))) { - - log_print("Directory already contains a database") - - show_toast( - title = "Directory already contains a database", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - DB$load_selected <- FALSE - - } else if(DB$select_new | (DB$select_new == FALSE & is.null(input$scheme_db))) { - - log_print(paste0("New database created in ", DB$new_database)) - - DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE - DB$data <- NULL - DB$meta_gs <- NULL - DB$meta <- NULL - DB$meta_true <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile_true <- NULL - - # null Distance matrix, entry table and plots - output$db_distancematrix <- NULL - output$db_entries_table <- NULL - output$tree_mst <- NULL - output$tree_nj <- NULL - output$tree_upgma <- NULL - - # null report values - Report$report_list_mst <- list() - Report$report_list_nj <- list() - Report$report_list_upgma <- list() - - # null plots - Vis$nj <- NULL - Vis$upgma <- NULL - Vis$ggraph_1 <- NULL - - removeModal() - - #### Render Menu Items ---- - - Startup$sidebar <- FALSE - Startup$header <- FALSE - - output$menu_sep2 <- renderUI(hr()) - - # Hide start message - output$start_message <- NULL - - DB$load_selected <- FALSE - - # Declare database path - DB$database <- file.path(DB$new_database, "Database") - - # Set database availability screening variables to present database - DB$block_db <- TRUE - DB$select_new <- FALSE - - # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab and no Missing values tab - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group"), - selected = TRUE - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - - # Dont render these elements - output$db_no_entries <- NULL - output$distancematrix_no_entries <- NULL - output$db_entries <- NULL - output$edit_index <- NULL - output$edit_scheme_d <- NULL - output$edit_entries <- NULL - output$compare_select <- NULL - output$delete_select <- NULL - output$del_bttn <- NULL - output$compare_allele_box <- NULL - output$download_entries <- NULL - output$missing_values <- NULL - output$delete_box <- NULL - output$missing_values_sidebar <- NULL - output$distmatrix_sidebar <- NULL - output$download_scheme_info <- NULL - output$download_loci <- NULL - output$entry_table_controls <- NULL - output$multi_stop <- NULL - output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL - output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL - output$pending_typing <- NULL - output$multi_typing_results <- NULL - output$single_typing_progress <- NULL - output$metadata_single_box <- NULL - output$start_typing_ui <- NULL - - } - } else { - log_print(paste0("Loading existing ", input$scheme_db, " database from ", DB$database)) - } - - if(DB$load_selected == TRUE) { - - if(gsub(" ", "_", input$scheme_db) %in% schemes) { #Check if selected scheme valid - - # Save database path for next start - saveRDS(DB$database, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds")) - - DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE - DB$data <- NULL - DB$meta_gs <- NULL - DB$meta <- NULL - DB$meta_true <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile_true <- NULL - DB$scheme <- input$scheme_db - - # null Distance matrix, entry table and plots - output$db_distancematrix <- NULL - output$db_entries_table <- NULL - output$tree_mst <- NULL - output$tree_nj <- NULL - output$tree_upgma <- NULL - - # null typing initiation UI - output$multi_stop <- NULL - output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL - output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL - output$pending_typing <- NULL - output$multi_typing_results <- NULL - output$single_typing_progress <- NULL - output$metadata_single_box <- NULL - output$start_typing_ui <- NULL - - # null report values - Report$report_list_mst <- list() - Report$report_list_nj <- list() - Report$report_list_upgma <- list() - - # null plots - Vis$nj <- NULL - Vis$upgma <- NULL - Vis$ggraph_1 <- NULL - - removeModal() - - #### Render Menu Items ---- - - Startup$sidebar <- FALSE - Startup$header <- FALSE - - output$menu_sep2 <- renderUI(hr()) - - # Hide start message - output$start_message <- NULL - - if(any(grepl(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), dir_ls(DB$database)))) { - - if(!any(grepl("alleles", dir_ls(paste0( - DB$database, "/", - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)))))) { - - log_print("Missing loci files") - - # Show message that loci files are missing - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0("Whoops! No loci files are present in the local ", - DB$scheme, - " folder. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), - title = "Local Database Error", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Okay") - ) - ) - ) - - # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Missing Values", - tabName = "db_missing_values", - icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group"), - selected = TRUE - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - } else if (!any(grepl("scheme_info.html", dir_ls(paste0( - DB$database, "/", - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)))))) { - - output$download_scheme_info <- NULL - - log_print("Scheme info file missing") - - # Show message that scheme info is missing - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0("Whoops! Scheme info of the local ", - DB$scheme, - " database is missing. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), - title = "Local Database Error", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Okay") - ) - ) - ) - - # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Missing Values", - tabName = "db_missing_values", - icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group"), - selected = TRUE - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - - } else if (!any(grepl("targets.csv", dir_ls(paste0( - DB$database, "/", - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)))))) { - - # Dont render target download button - output$download_loci <- NULL - - log_print("Missing loci info (targets.csv)") - - # Show message that scheme info is missing - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0("Whoops! Loci info of the local ", - DB$scheme, - " database is missing. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), - title = "Local Database Error", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Okay") - ) - ) - ) - - # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Missing Values", - tabName = "db_missing_values", - icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group"), - selected = TRUE - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - - } else { - # Produce Scheme Info Table - schemeinfo <- - read_html(paste0( - DB$database, "/", - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "/scheme_info.html" - )) %>% - html_table(header = FALSE) %>% - = FALSE) - names(schemeinfo) <- NULL - DB$schemeinfo <- schemeinfo - number_loci <- as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]) - DB$number_loci <- as.numeric(gsub(",", "", number_loci)) - - # Produce Loci Info table - DB$loci_info <- read.csv( - file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "targets.csv"), - header = TRUE, - sep = "\t", - row.names = NULL, - colClasses = c( - "NULL", - "character", - "character", - "integer", - "integer", - "character", - "integer", - "NULL" - ) - ) - - # Check if number of loci/fastq-files of alleles is coherent with number of targets in scheme - if(DB$number_loci > length(dir_ls(paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles")))) { - - log_print(paste0("Loci files are missing in the local ", DB$scheme, " folder")) - - # Show message that loci files are missing - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0("Whoops! Some loci files are missing in the local ", - DB$scheme, - " folder. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), - title = "Local Database Error", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Okay") - ) - ) - ) - - # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Missing Values", - tabName = "db_missing_values", - icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group"), - selected = TRUE - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - - } else { - ###### Alle checks bestanden -> Laden der DTB - # If typed entries present - if (any(grepl("Typing.rds", dir_ls(paste0( - DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) - ))))) { - - # Load database from files - Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "Typing.rds")) - - DB$data <- Database[["Typing"]] - - if(!is.null(DB$data)){ - if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { - cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) - DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) - } else { - DB$cust_var <- data.frame() - } - } - - DB$change <- FALSE - DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) - DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) - DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - - # Null pipe - con <- file(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), open = "w") - - cat("0\n", file = con) - - # Close the file connection - close(con) - - # Reset other reactive typing variables - Typing$progress_format_end <- 0 - Typing$progress_format_start <- 0 - Typing$pending_format <- 0 - Typing$entry_added <- 0 - Typing$progress <- 0 - Typing$progress_format <- 900000 - output$single_typing_progress <- NULL - output$typing_fin <- NULL - output$single_typing_results <- NULL - output$typing_formatting <- NULL - Typing$single_path <- data.frame() - - # Null multi typing feedback variable - Typing$reset <- TRUE - - # Check need for new missing vlaue display - if(DB$first_look == TRUE) { - if(sum(apply(DB$data, 1, anyNA)) >= 1) { - DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE - } else { - DB$no_na_switch <- FALSE - } - } - - DB$first_look <- TRUE - - output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyFilesButton( - "genome_file", - "Browse" , - icon = icon("file"), - title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", - multiple = FALSE, - buttonType = "default", - class = NULL, - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("genome_path"), - br() - ) - ) - ) - }) - - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyDirButton( - "genome_file_multi", - "Browse", - icon = icon("folder-open"), - title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", - buttonType = "default", - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_info"), - br() - ) - ), - uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") - ) - ) - ) - }) - - if(!anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { - - # no NA's -> dont render missing values sidebar elements - output$missing_values_sidebar <- NULL - - # Render menu if no NA's present - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - } else { - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries", - selected = TRUE - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Missing Values", - tabName = "db_missing_values", - icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - } - - # Render custom variable display - output$show_cust_var <- renderTable( - width = "100%", - { - if((!is.null(DB$cust_var)) & (!is.null(input$cust_var_select))) { - if(nrow(DB$cust_var) > 5) { - low <- -4 - high <- 0 - for (i in 1:input$cust_var_select) { - low <- low + 5 - if((nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5) != 0) { - if(i == ceiling(nrow(DB$cust_var) / 5 )) { - high <- high + nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5 - } else { - high <- high + 5 - } - } else { - high <- high + 5 - } - } - DB$cust_var[low:high,] - } else { - DB$cust_var - } - } else if (!is.null(DB$cust_var)) { - DB$cust_var - } - }) - - # render visualization sidebar elements - observe({ - Vis$tree_algo <- input$tree_algo - }) - - output$visualization_sidebar <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - column( - width = 12, - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - prettyRadioButtons( - "tree_algo", - choices = c("Minimum-Spanning", "Neighbour-Joining", "UPGMA"), - label = "", - selected = if(!is.null(Vis$tree_algo)){Vis$tree_algo} else {"Minimum-Spanning"} - ), - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - tags$div( - id = "button-wrapper", - actionButton( - "create_tree", - h5("Create Tree", style = "position: relative; left: 15px; color: white; font-size: 15px;"), - width = "100%" - ), - tags$img( - src = "phylo.png", - alt = "icon", - class = "icon" - ) - ) - ) - ), - br(), - hr(), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='Minimum-Spanning'", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - br(), - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 16px; margin-left: 15px', "Sizing") - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - radioGroupButtons( - "mst_ratio", - "", - choiceNames = c("16:10", "16:9", "4:3"), - choiceValues = c((16/10), (16/9), (4/3)), - width = "100%" - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "mst_scale", - "", - min = 500, - max = 1200, - step = 5, - value = 800, - width = "95%", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ), - br(), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_plot_format=='jpeg'", - actionBttn( - "save_plot_jpeg", - style = "simple", - label = "Save Plot", - size = "sm", - icon = NULL, - color = "primary" - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_plot_format=='png'", - actionBttn( - "save_plot_png", - style = "simple", - label = "Save Plot", - size = "sm", - icon = NULL, - color = "primary" - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_plot_format=='bmp'", - actionBttn( - "save_plot_bmp", - style = "simple", - label = "Save Plot", - size = "sm", - icon = NULL, - color = "primary" - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_plot_format=='html'", - downloadBttn( - "save_plot_html", - style = "simple", - label = "Save Plot", - size = "sm", - icon = NULL, - color = "primary" - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 7, - div( - style = "max-width: 150px", - class = "format", - selectInput( - inputId = "mst_plot_format", - label = "", - choices = c("html", "jpeg", "png", "bmp") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='Neighbour-Joining'", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - downloadBttn( - "download_nj", - style = "simple", - label = "Save Plot", - size = "sm", - icon = NULL, - color = "primary" - ) - ), - column( - width = 7, - div( - style = "max-width: 150px", - class = "format", - selectInput( - inputId = "filetype_nj", - label = "", - choices = c("png", "jpeg", "bmp", "svg") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='UPGMA'", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - downloadBttn( - "download_upgma", - style = "simple", - label = "Save Plot", - size = "sm", - icon = NULL, - color = "primary" - ) - ), - column( - width = 7, - div( - style = "max-width: 150px", - class = "format", - selectInput( - inputId = "filetype_upgma", - label = "", - choices = c("png", "jpeg", "bmp", "svg") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - br(), - actionButton( - "create_rep", - "Print Report" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Render entry table sidebar elements - output$entrytable_sidebar <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - if(nrow(DB$data) > 40) { - div( - class = "mat-switch-db-tab", - materialSwitch( - "table_height", - h5(p("Show Full Table"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - } - ) - ), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Custom Variables') - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - textInput( - "new_var_name", - label = "", - placeholder = "New Variable" - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - actionButton( - "add_new_variable", - "", - icon = icon("plus") - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "textinput_var", - selectInput( - "del_which_var", - "", - DB$cust_var$Variable - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "left", - actionButton( - "delete_new_variable", - "", - icon = icon("minus") - ) - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 4, - uiOutput("cust_var_info") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - tableOutput("show_cust_var") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(4), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("cust_var_select") - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Render missing values sidebar elements - output$missing_values_sidebar <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - br(), - materialSwitch( - "miss_val_height", - h5(p("Show Full Table"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - br() - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -23px; right: -15px', - 'Download CSV') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - downloadBttn( - "download_na_matrix", - style = "simple", - label = "", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download") - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Render scheme info download button - output$download_loci <- renderUI({ - column( - 12, - downloadBttn( - "download_loci_info", - style = "simple", - label = "", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download"), - color = "primary" - ), - bsTooltip("download_loci_info_bttn", HTML("Save loci information
(without sequence)"), placement = "top", trigger = "hover") - ) - }) - - # Render scheme info download button - output$download_scheme_info <- renderUI({ - downloadBttn( - "download_schemeinfo", - style = "simple", - label = "", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download"), - color = "primary" - ) - }) - - # Render distance matrix sidebar - output$distmatrix_sidebar <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - selectInput( - "distmatrix_label", - label = "", - choices = c("Index", "Assembly Name", "Assembly ID"), - selected = c("Assembly Name"), - width = "100%" - ), - br() - ) - ), - div( - class = "mat-switch-dmatrix", - materialSwitch( - "distmatrix_true", - h5(p("Only Included Entries"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - div( - class = "mat-switch-dmatrix", - materialSwitch( - "distmatrix_triangle", - h5(p("Show Upper Triangle"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - div( - class = "mat-switch-dmatrix-last", - materialSwitch( - "distmatrix_diag", - h5(p("Show Diagonal"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: 37px; right: -15px', - 'Download CSV') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - downloadBttn( - "download_distmatrix", - style = "simple", - label = "", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download") - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Render select input to choose displayed loci - output$compare_select <- renderUI({ - - if(nrow(DB$data) == 1) { - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px;', "Type at least two assemblies to compare") - ) - ) - } else { - if(!is.null(input$compare_difference)) { - if (input$compare_difference == FALSE) { - pickerInput( - inputId = "compare_select", - label = "", - width = "85%", - choices = names(DB$allelic_profile), - selected = names(DB$allelic_profile)[1:20], - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - } else { - pickerInput( - inputId = "compare_select", - label = "", - width = "85%", - choices = names(DB$allelic_profile), - selected = names(DB$allelic_profile)[var_alleles(DB$allelic_profile)], - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - } - } - } - }) - - #### Render Entry Data Table ---- - output$db_entries_table <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - if(between(nrow(DB$data), 1, 30)) { - rHandsontableOutput("db_entries") - } else { - addSpinner( - rHandsontableOutput("db_entries"), - spin = "dots", - color = "#ffffff" - ) - } - } - }) - - if (!is.null(DB$data)) { - - observe({ - - if (!is.null(DB$data)) { - if (nrow(DB$data) == 1) { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - rowHeaders = NULL, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } else if (between(nrow(DB$data), 2, 40)) { - if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - - entry_data <- DB$data %>% - select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% - add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) - - rhandsontable( - entry_data, - col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, - dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - rowHeaders = NULL, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE, - contextMenu = FALSE - ) %>% - hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter", - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter", - strict = TRUE, - allowInvalid = FALSE, - copyable = TRUE) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - - } - }") %>% - hot_col(diff_allele(), - renderer = " - function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; - hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; - } - - if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { - = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; - } - }" - ) %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } else { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), - rowHeaders = NULL, - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - dup_names_high = duplicated_names()- 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - - } - }") %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } - } else { - if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - - entry_data <- DB$data %>% - select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% - add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) - - rhandsontable( - entry_data, - col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, - rowHeaders = NULL, - height = table_height(), - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), - readOnly = TRUE, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter", - allowInvalid = FALSE, - copyable = TRUE) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(diff_allele(), - renderer = " - function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; - hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; - } - - if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { - = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; - } - }") - }) - } - } else { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), - rowHeaders = NULL, - height = table_height(), - dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } - } - } - - # Dynamic save button when rhandsontable changes or new entries - output$edit_entry_table <- renderUI({ - if(check_new_entry() & DB$check_new_entries) { - Typing$reload <- FALSE - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', - 'New entries - reload database') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - actionButton( - "load", - "", - icon = icon("rotate"), - class = "pulsating-button" - ) - ) - ) - } else if(Typing$status == "Attaching") { - fluidRow( - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', 'No database changes possible - pending entry addition') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 1, - HTML(paste('')) - ) - ) - } else if((DB$change == TRUE) | !identical(get.entry.table.meta(), select(DB$meta, -13))) { - - if(!is.null(input$db_entries)) { - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 16px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', 'Confirm changes') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - actionButton( - "edit_button", - "", - icon = icon("bookmark"), - class = "pulsating-button" - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - actionButton( - "undo_changes", - "Undo", - icon = icon("repeat") - ) - ) - ) - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - }) - - # Hide no entry message - output$db_no_entries <- NULL - output$distancematrix_no_entries <- NULL - - } else { - - # If database loading not successful dont show entry table - output$db_entries_table <- NULL - output$entry_table_controls <- NULL - } - - # Render Entry table controls - output$entry_table_controls <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - actionButton( - "sel_all_entries", - "Select All", - icon = icon("check") - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - actionButton( - "desel_all_entries", - "Deselect All", - icon = icon("xmark") - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - uiOutput("edit_entry_table") - ) - ) - }) - - #### Render Distance Matrix ---- - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - - if(any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) | any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))) { - output$db_distancematrix <- NULL - - if( (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) > 0) & (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)) == 0) ) { - duplicated_txt <- paste0( - paste( - paste0("Name # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)), " - "), - DB$meta$`Assembly Name`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`))] - ), - "
" - ) - } else if ( (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)) > 0) & (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) == 0) ){ - duplicated_txt <- paste0( - paste( - paste0("ID # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)), " - "), - DB$meta$`Assembly ID`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))] - ), - "
" - ) - } else { - duplicated_txt <- c( - paste0( - paste( - paste0("Name # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)), " - "), - DB$meta$`Assembly Name`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`))] - ), - "
" - ), - paste0( - paste( - paste0("ID # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)), " - "), - DB$meta$`Assembly ID`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))] - ), - "
" - ) - ) - } - - output$distancematrix_duplicated <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 12, - tags$span(style = "font-size: 15; color: white", - "Change duplicated entry names to display distance matrix."), - br(), br(), br(), - actionButton("change_entries", "Go to Entry Table", class = "btn btn-default"), - br(), br(), br(), - tags$span( - style = "font-size: 15; color: white", - HTML( - append( - "Duplicated:", - append( - "
", - duplicated_txt - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else { - output$distancematrix_duplicated <- NULL - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$allelic_profile) & !is.null(DB$allelic_profile_true) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$distmatrix_label) & !is.null(input$distmatrix_diag) & !is.null(input$distmatrix_triangle)) { - output$db_distancematrix <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable(hamming_df(), - digits = 1, - readOnly = TRUE, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE, - height = distancematrix_height(), rowHeaders = NULL) %>% - hot_heatmap(renderer = paste0(" - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - heatmapScale = chroma.scale(['#17F556', '#ED6D47']); - - if (instance.heatmap[col]) { - mn = ", DB$matrix_min, "; - mx = ", DB$matrix_max, "; - - pt = (parseInt(value, 10) - mn) / (mx - mn); - - = heatmapScale(pt).hex(); - } - }")) %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_col(1:(dim(DB$ham_matrix)[1]+1), - halign = "htCenter", - valign = "htMiddle") %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = " - function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - = '#F0F0F0' - }" - ) - }) - } - } - - # Render Distance Matrix UI - - output$distmatrix_show <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - if(nrow(DB$data) > 1) { - column( - width = 10, - uiOutput("distancematrix_duplicated"), - div( - class = "distmatrix", - rHandsontableOutput("db_distancematrix") - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px;', "Type at least two assemblies to display a distance matrix.") - ) - ) - ), - br(), - br() - ) - } - } - }) - - } - }) - - - # Render delete entry box UI - output$delete_box <- renderUI({ - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "100%", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - h3(p("Delete Entries"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 2, - offset = 1, - align = "right", - br(), - h5("Index", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;") - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - uiOutput("delete_select") - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "center", - br(), - uiOutput("del_bttn") - ) - ), - br() - ) - }) - - # Render loci comparison box UI - output$compare_allele_box <- renderUI({ - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "100%", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - h3(p("Compare Loci"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), - uiOutput("compare_select"), - br(), - column(2), - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - uiOutput("compare_difference_box") - ) - ), - br() - ) - }) - - # Render entry table download box UI - output$download_entries <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "100%", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - h3(p("Download Table"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column(2), - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - br(), - div( - class = "mat-switch-db", - materialSwitch( - "download_table_include", - h5(p("Only Included Entries"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - div( - class = "mat-switch-db", - materialSwitch( - "download_table_loci", - h5(p("Include Displayed Loci"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - br(), - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - downloadBttn( - "download_entry_table", - style = "simple", - label = "", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download"), - color = "primary" - ) - ) - ), - br() - ) - ), - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 2, - div( - class = "rectangle-blue" - ), - div( - class = "rectangle-orange" - ), - div( - class = "rectangle-red" - ), - div( - class = "rectangle-green" - ) - ), - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -12px", " = included for analyses") - ) - ) - ), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -13px", " = duplicated name/ID") - ) - ) - ), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -14px", " = ≥ 5% of loci missing") - ) - ) - ), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -15px", " = locus contains multiple variants") - ) - ) - ), - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Render entry deletion select input - output$delete_select <- renderUI({ - pickerInput("select_delete", - label = "", - choices = DB$data[, "Index"], - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE) - }) - - # Render delete entry button - output$del_bttn <- renderUI({ - actionBttn( - "del_button", - label = "", - color = "danger", - size = "sm", - style = "material-circle", - icon = icon("xmark") - ) - }) - - #### Missing Values UI ---- - - # Missing values calculations and table - observe({ - - if (!is.null(DB$allelic_profile)) { - NA_table <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) != 0] - - NA_table <- NA_table[rowSums( != 0,] - - NA_table[] <- "NA" - - NA_table <- NA_table %>% - cbind("Assembly Name" = DB$meta[rownames(NA_table),]$`Assembly Name`) %>% - cbind("Errors" = DB$meta[rownames(NA_table),]$Errors) %>% - relocate("Assembly Name", "Errors") - - DB$na_table <- NA_table - - if(!is.null(input$miss_val_height)) { - if(nrow(DB$na_table) < 31) { - output$table_missing_values <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - DB$na_table, - readOnly = TRUE, - rowHeaders = NULL, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE, - error_highlight = err_thresh_na() - 1 - ) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1:ncol(DB$na_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(2, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3:ncol(DB$na_table), renderer = htmlwidgets::JS( - "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - if (value.length > 8) { - value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); - } - td.innerHTML = value; - = 'center'; - return td; - }" - )) - }) - } else { - output$table_missing_values <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - DB$na_table, - readOnly = TRUE, - rowHeaders = NULL, - height = miss.val.height(), - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1 - ) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1:ncol(DB$na_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(2, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3:ncol(DB$na_table), renderer = htmlwidgets::JS( - "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - if (value.length > 8) { - value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); - } - td.innerHTML = value; - = 'center'; - return td; - }" - )) - }) - } - } - } - - }) - - # Render missing value informatiojn box UI - output$missing_values <- renderUI({ - div( - class = "miss_val_box", - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "100%", - fluidRow( - div( - class = "white", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - br(), - HTML( - paste0("There are ", - strong(as.character(sum($data)))), - " unsuccessful allele allocations (NA). ", - strong(sum(sapply(DB$allelic_profile, anyNA))), - " out of ", - strong(ncol(DB$allelic_profile)), - " total loci in this scheme contain NA's (", - strong(round((sum(sapply(DB$allelic_profile, anyNA)) / ncol(DB$allelic_profile) * 100), 1)), - " %). ", - "Decide how these missing values should be treated:") - - ), - br() - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - br(), - prettyRadioButtons( - "na_handling", - "", - choiceNames = c("Ignore missing values for pairwise comparison", - "Omit loci with missing values for all assemblies", - "Treat missing values as allele variant"), - choiceValues = c("ignore_na", "omit", "category"), - shape = "curve", - selected = c("ignore_na") - ), - br() - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - - } else { - #if no typed assemblies present - - # null underlying database - - DB$data <- NULL - DB$meta <- NULL - DB$meta_gs <- NULL - DB$meta_true <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile_true <- NULL - - # Render menu without missing values tab - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - selected = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - - observe({ - if(is.null(DB$data)) { - if(check_new_entry()) { - output$db_no_entries <- renderUI( - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', 'New entries - reload database') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - actionButton( - "load", - "", - icon = icon("rotate"), - class = "pulsating-button" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - output$db_no_entries <- renderUI( - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - "", - "No Entries for this scheme available.\n", - "Type a genome in the section Allelic Typing and add the result to the local database.", - sep = '
' - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$distancematrix_no_entries <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - HTML(paste( - "", - "No Entries for this scheme available.", - "Type a genome in the section Allelic Typing and add the result to the local database.", - sep = '
' - )) - ) - ) - ) - - output$db_entries <- NULL - output$edit_index <- NULL - output$edit_scheme_d <- NULL - output$edit_entries <- NULL - output$compare_select <- NULL - output$delete_select <- NULL - output$del_bttn <- NULL - output$compare_allele_box <- NULL - output$download_entries <- NULL - output$missing_values <- NULL - output$delete_box <- NULL - output$entry_table_controls <- NULL - output$multi_stop <- NULL - output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL - output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL - output$pending_typing <- NULL - output$multi_typing_results <- NULL - output$single_typing_progress <- NULL - output$metadata_single_box <- NULL - output$start_typing_ui <- NULL - - output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyFilesButton( - "genome_file", - "Browse" , - icon = icon("file"), - title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", - multiple = FALSE, - buttonType = "default", - class = NULL, - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("genome_path"), - br() - ) - ) - ) - }) - - output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyFilesButton( - "genome_file", - "Browse" , - icon = icon("file"), - title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", - multiple = FALSE, - buttonType = "default", - class = NULL, - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("genome_path"), - br() - ) - ) - ) - }) - - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyDirButton( - "genome_file_multi", - "Browse", - icon = icon("folder-open"), - title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", - buttonType = "default", - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_info"), - br() - ) - ), - uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") - ) - ) - ) - }) - } - } - } - } - } else { - - log_print("Invalid scheme folder") - show_toast( - title = "Invalid scheme folder", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 4000 - ) - } - } - - }) - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Database ---- - - ### Conditional UI Elements rendering ---- - - # Contro custom variables table - output$cust_var_select <- renderUI({ - if(nrow(DB$cust_var) > 5) { - selectInput( - "cust_var_select", - "", - choices = 1:ceiling(nrow(DB$cust_var) / 5 ) - ) - } - }) - - output$cust_var_info <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(DB$cust_var)) & (!is.null(input$cust_var_select))) { - if(nrow(DB$cust_var) > 5) { - low <- -4 - high <- 0 - for (i in 1:input$cust_var_select) { - low <- low + 5 - if((nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5) != 0) { - if(i == ceiling(nrow(DB$cust_var) / 5 )) { - high <- high + nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5 - } else { - high <- high + 5 - } - } else { - high <- high + 5 - } - } - h5(paste0("Showing ", low, " to ", high," of ", nrow(DB$cust_var), " variables"), style = "color: white; font-size: 10px;") - } - } - }) - - # Message on Database tabs if no scheme available yet - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$exist)) { - if(DB$exist){ - - # Message for tab Browse Entries - output$no_scheme_entries <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', - 'No scheme available.') - ) - ) - ), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', - 'Download a scheme first and type assemblies in the section Allelic Typing.') - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Message for Tab Scheme Info - output$no_scheme_info <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', - 'No scheme available.') - ) - ) - ), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', - 'Download a scheme first and type assemblies in the section Allelic Typing.') - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Message for Tab Distance Matrix - output$no_scheme_distancematrix <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', - 'No scheme available.') - ) - ) - ), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', - 'Download a scheme first and type assemblies in the section Allelic Typing.') - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - - } else { - output$no_scheme_entries <- NULL - output$no_scheme_info <- NULL - output$no_scheme_distancematrix <- NULL - } - } - - }) - - observe({ - # Conditional Missing Values Tab - if(!is.null(DB$allelic_profile)) { - if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { - if(DB$no_na_switch == FALSE) { - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Missing Values", - tabName = "db_missing_values", - selected = TRUE, - icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - } - - } else { - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - } - } - - }) - - observe({ - - if (!is.null(DB$available)) { - output$scheme_db <- renderUI({ - if (length(DB$available) > 5) { - selectInput( - "scheme_db", - label = "", - choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {DB$available}, - selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {DB$scheme} else {DB$available[1]}} - ) - } else { - prettyRadioButtons( - "scheme_db", - label = "", - choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {DB$available}, - selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {DB$scheme} else {DB$available[1]}} - ) - } - }) - - if (!is.null(DB$schemeinfo)) { - - output$scheme_info <- renderTable({ - DB$schemeinfo - }) - - output$scheme_header <- renderUI(h3(p("cgMLST Scheme"), style = "color:white")) - - } else { - - output$scheme_info <- NULL - output$scheme_header <- NULL - - } - - if (!is.null(DB$loci_info)) { - loci_info <- DB$loci_info - names(loci_info)[6] <- "Allele Count" - - output$db_loci <- renderDataTable( - loci_info, - selection = "single", - options = list(pageLength = 10, - columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, - targets = "_all")), - initComplete = DT::JS( - "function(settings, json) {", - "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - ), - drawCallback = DT::JS( - "function(settings) {", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - )) - ) - - output$loci_header <- renderUI(h3(p("Loci"), style = "color:white")) - - } else { - output$db_loci <- NULL - output$loci_header <- NULL - } - } - }) - - # If only one entry available disable varying loci checkbox - - output$compare_difference_box <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - if(nrow(DB$data) > 1) { - div( - class = "mat-switch-db", - materialSwitch( - "compare_difference", - h5(p("Only Varying Loci"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - ### Database Events ---- - - # Invalid entries table input - observe({ - req(DB$data, input$db_entries) - if (isTRUE(input$invalid_date)) { - show_toast( - title = "Invalid date", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - DB$inhibit_change <- TRUE - } else if (isTRUE(input$empty_name)) { - show_toast( - title = "Empty name", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - DB$inhibit_change <- TRUE - } else if (isTRUE(input$empty_id)) { - show_toast( - title = "Empty ID", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - DB$inhibit_change <- TRUE - } else { - DB$inhibit_change <- FALSE - } - }) - - # Change scheme - observeEvent(input$reload_db, { - log_print("Input reload_db") - - if(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), 1)!= "0") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Multi Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Single Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "started") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Screening", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - showModal( - modalDialog( - selectInput( - "scheme_db", - label = "", - choices = DB$available, - selected = DB$scheme), - title = "Select a local database to load.", - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("load", "Load", class = "btn btn-default") - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Create new database - observe({ - shinyDirChoose(input, - "create_new_db", - roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), - defaultRoot = "Home", - session = session) - - if(!is.null(input$create_new_db)) { - DB$new_database <- as.character( - parseDirPath( - roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), - input$create_new_db - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Undo db changes - observeEvent(input$undo_changes, { - log_print("Input undo_changes") - - DB$inhibit_change <- FALSE - - Data <- readRDS(paste0( - DB$database, "/", - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "/Typing.rds" - )) - - DB$data <- Data[["Typing"]] - - if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { - cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) - DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) - } else { - DB$cust_var <- data.frame() - } - - DB$change <- FALSE - DB$count <- 0 - DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE - DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) - DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) - DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$deleted_entries <- character(0) - - observe({ - if (!is.null(DB$data)) { - if (nrow(DB$data) == 1) { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - rowHeaders = NULL, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } else if (between(nrow(DB$data), 1, 40)) { - if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - - entry_data <- DB$data %>% - select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% - add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) - - rhandsontable( - entry_data, - col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, - dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - rowHeaders = NULL, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE, - contextMenu = FALSE - ) %>% - hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter", - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter", - strict = TRUE, - allowInvalid = FALSE, - copyable = TRUE) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - - } - }") %>% - hot_col(diff_allele(), - renderer = " - function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; - hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; - } - - if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { - = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; - } - }" - ) %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } else { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), - rowHeaders = NULL, - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - dup_names_high = duplicated_names()- 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - - } - }") %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } - } else { - if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - - entry_data <- DB$data %>% - select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% - add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) - - rhandsontable( - entry_data, - col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, - rowHeaders = NULL, - height = table_height(), - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), - readOnly = TRUE, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter", - allowInvalid = FALSE, - copyable = TRUE) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(diff_allele(), - renderer = " - function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; - hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; - } - - if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { - = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; - } - }") - }) - } - } else { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), - rowHeaders = NULL, - height = table_height(), - dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } - } - } - }) - }) - - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)){ - if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { - cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) - DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) - - } else { - DB$cust_var <- data.frame() - } - } - }) - - DB$count <- 0 - - observeEvent(input$add_new_variable, { - log_print("Input add_new_variable") - - if(nchar(input$new_var_name) > 12) { - log_print("Add variable; max. 10 character") - show_toast( - title = "Max. 10 characters", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - if (input$new_var_name == "") { - log_print("Add variable; min. 1 character") - show_toast( - title = "Min. 1 character", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - if(trimws(input$new_var_name) %in% names(DB$meta)) { - log_print("Add variable; name already existing") - show_toast( - title = "Variable name already existing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - showModal( - modalDialog( - selectInput( - "new_var_type", - label = "", - choices = c("Categorical (character)", - "Continous (numeric)")), - title = paste0("Select Data Type"), - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("conf_new_var", "Confirm", class = "btn btn-default") - ) - ) - ) - } - } - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$conf_new_var, { - log_print("Input conf_new_var") - - # User feedback variables - removeModal() - DB$count <- DB$count + 1 - DB$change <- TRUE - - # Format variable name - name <- trimws(input$new_var_name) - - if(input$new_var_type == "Categorical (character)") { - DB$data <- DB$data %>% - mutate("{name}" := character(nrow(DB$data)), .after = 13) - - DB$cust_var <- rbind(DB$cust_var, data.frame(Variable = name, Type = "categ")) - } else { - DB$data <- DB$data %>% - mutate("{name}" := numeric(nrow(DB$data)), .after = 13) - - DB$cust_var <- rbind(DB$cust_var, data.frame(Variable = name, Type = "cont")) - } - - DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) - DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) - DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - - log_print(paste0("New custom variable added: ", input$new_var_name)) - - show_toast( - title = paste0("Variable ", trimws(input$new_var_name), " added"), - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - - }) - - observeEvent(input$delete_new_variable, { - log_print("Input delete_new_variable") - - if (input$del_which_var == "") { - log_print("Delete custom variables; no custom variable") - show_toast( - title = "No custom variables", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0( - "Confirmation will lead to irreversible deletion of the custom ", - input$del_which_var, - " variable. Continue?" - ), - title = "Delete custom variables", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("conf_var_del", "Delete", class = "btn btn-danger") - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$conf_var_del, { - log_print("Input conf_var_del") - - DB$change <- TRUE - - removeModal() - - if(DB$count >= 1) { - DB$count <- DB$count - 1 - } - - show_toast( - title = paste0("Variable ", input$del_which_var, " removed"), - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - - log_print(paste0("Variable ", input$del_which_var, " removed")) - - DB$cust_var <- DB$cust_var[-which(DB$cust_var$Variable == input$del_which_var),] - DB$data <- select(DB$data, -(input$del_which_var)) - DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) - DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) - DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - }) - - # Select all button - - observeEvent(input$sel_all_entries, { - log_print("Input sel_all_entries") - - DB$data$Include <- TRUE - }) - - observeEvent(input$desel_all_entries, { - log_print("Input desel_all_entries") - - DB$data$Include <- FALSE - }) - - # Switch to entry table - - observeEvent(input$change_entries, { - log_print("Input change_entries") - - removeModal() - updateTabItems(session, "tabs", selected = "db_browse_entries") - }) - - #### Save Missing Value as CSV ---- - - output$download_na_matrix <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save missing values table ", paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Missing_Values.csv"))) - paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Missing_Values.csv") - }, - content = function(file) { - download_matrix <- hot_to_r(input$table_missing_values) - write.csv(download_matrix, file, sep = ",", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) - } - ) - - #### Save scheme info table as CSV ---- - - output$download_schemeinfo <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save scheme info table ", paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_scheme.csv"))) - - paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_scheme.csv") - }, - content = function(file) { - pub_index <- which(DB$schemeinfo[,1] == "Publications") - write.table( - DB$schemeinfo[1:(pub_index-1),], - file, - sep = ";", - row.names = FALSE, - quote = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - #### Save Loci info table as CSV ---- - - output$download_loci_info <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save loci info table ", paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Loci.csv"))) - - paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Loci.csv") - }, - content = function(file) { - write.table( - DB$loci_info, - file, - sep = ";", - row.names = FALSE, - quote = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - #### Save entry table as CSV ---- - - output$download_entry_table <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save entry table ", paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Entries.csv"))) - - paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Entries.csv") - }, - content = function(file) { - download_matrix <- hot_to_r(input$db_entries) - - if (input$download_table_include == TRUE) { - download_matrix <- download_matrix[which(download_matrix$Include == TRUE),] - } - - if (input$download_table_loci == FALSE) { - download_matrix <- select(download_matrix, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - } - - write.csv(download_matrix, file, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) - } - ) - - # Save Edits Button - - observeEvent(input$edit_button, { - if(nrow(hot_to_r(input$db_entries)) > nrow(DB$data)) { - show_toast( - title = "Invalid rows entered. Saving not possible.", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - if(!isTRUE(DB$inhibit_change)) { - log_print("Input edit_button") - - showModal( - modalDialog( - if(length(DB$deleted_entries > 0)) { - paste0( - "Overwriting previous metadata of local ", - DB$scheme, - " database. Deleted entries will be irreversibly removed. Continue?" - ) - } else { - paste0( - "Overwriting previous metadata of local ", - DB$scheme, - " database. Continue?" - ) - }, - title = "Save Database", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("conf_db_save", "Save", class = "btn btn-default") - ) - ) - ) - } else { - log_print("Input edit_button, invalid values.") - show_toast( - title = "Invalid values entered. Saving not possible.", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$Cancel, { - log_print("Input Cancel") - removeModal() - }) - - observeEvent(input$conf_db_save, { - log_print("Input conf_db_save") - - # Remove isolate assembly file if present - if(!is.null(DB$remove_iso)) { - if(length(DB$remove_iso) > 0) { - lapply(DB$remove_iso, unlink, recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE, expand = TRUE) - } - } - DB$remove_iso <- NULL - - Data <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme),"Typing.rds")) - - if ((ncol(Data[["Typing"]]) - 13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { - cust_vars_pre <- select(Data[["Typing"]], - 14:(ncol(Data[["Typing"]]) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) - cust_vars_pre <- names(cust_vars_pre) - } else { - cust_vars_pre <- character() - } - - Data[["Typing"]] <- select(Data[["Typing"]], -(1:(13 + length(cust_vars_pre)))) - - meta_hot <- hot_to_r(input$db_entries) - - if(length(DB$deleted_entries > 0)) { - - meta_hot <- mutate(meta_hot, Index = as.character(1:nrow(DB$data))) - - Data[["Typing"]] <- mutate(Data[["Typing"]][-as.numeric(DB$deleted_entries), ], - meta_hot, .before = 1) - rownames(Data[["Typing"]]) <- Data[["Typing"]]$Index - } else { - Data[["Typing"]] <- mutate(Data[["Typing"]], meta_hot, .before = 1) - } - - # Ensure correct logical data type - Data[["Typing"]][["Include"]] <- as.logical(Data[["Typing"]][["Include"]]) - saveRDS(Data, file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) - - # Load database from files - Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) - - DB$data <- Database[["Typing"]] - - if(!is.null(DB$data)){ - if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { - cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) - DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) - } else { - DB$cust_var <- data.frame() - } - } - - DB$change <- FALSE - DB$count <- 0 - DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE - DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) - DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) - DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$deleted_entries <- character(0) - - removeModal() - - show_toast( - title = "Database successfully saved", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 4000 - ) - }) - - observeEvent(input$del_button, { - log_print("Input del_button") - - if (length(input$select_delete) < 1) { - log_print("Delete entries; no entry selected") - show_toast( - title = "No entry selected", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 4000 - ) - } else if((readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") | - (tail(readLogFile(), 1) != "0")) { - log_print("Delete entries; pending typing") - - show_toast( - title = "Pending Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 4000 - ) - } else { - if( (length(input$select_delete) - nrow(DB$data) ) == 0) { - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0("Deleting will lead to removal of all entries and assemblies from local ", DB$scheme, " database. The data can not be recovered afterwards. Continue?"), - easyClose = TRUE, - title = "Deleting Entries", - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("conf_delete_all", "Delete", class = "btn btn-danger") - ) - ) - ) - } else { - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0( - "Confirmation will lead to irreversible removal of selected entries and the respectively saved assembly. Continue?" - ), - title = "Deleting Entries", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton( - "conf_delete", - "Delete", - class = "btn btn-danger") - ) - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$conf_delete_all, { - log_print("Input conf_delete_all") - - # remove file with typing data - file.remove(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) - unlink(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates"), recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE, expand =TRUE) - - showModal( - modalDialog( - selectInput( - "scheme_db", - label = "", - choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {DB$available}, - selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {DB$scheme} else {DB$available[1]}}), - title = "All entries have been removed. Select a local database to load.", - footer = tagList( - actionButton("load", "Load", class = "btn btn-default") - ) - ) - ) - - }) - - DB$deleted_entries <- character(0) - - observeEvent(input$conf_delete, { - - log_print("Input conf_delete") - - # Get isolates selected for deletion - DB$deleted_entries <- append(DB$deleted_entries, DB$data$Index[as.numeric(input$select_delete)]) - - # Set reactive status variables - DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE - DB$change <- TRUE - DB$check_new_entries <- FALSE - - # Set isolate directory deletion variables - isopath <- dir_ls(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates")) - DB$remove_iso <- isopath[which(basename(isopath) == DB$data$`Assembly ID`[as.numeric(input$select_delete)])] - - # Reload updated database reactive variables - DB$data <- DB$data[!(DB$data$Index %in% as.numeric(input$select_delete)),] - DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) - DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) - DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - - # User feedback - removeModal() - - if(length(input$select_delete) > 1) { - show_toast( - title = "Entries deleted", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 4000 - ) - } else { - show_toast( - title = "Entry deleted", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 4000 - ) - } - }) - - - ### Distance Matrix ---- - - hamming_df <- reactive({ - if(input$distmatrix_true == TRUE) { - if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { - if(input$na_handling == "omit") { - allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] - - allelic_profile_noNA_true <- allelic_profile_noNA[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA_true, hamming.dist) - - } else if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na"){ - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distIgnore) - - } else { - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distCategory) - - } - } else { - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.dist) - } - } else { - if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { - if(input$na_handling == "omit") { - allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA, hamming.dist) - } else if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na"){ - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile, hamming.distIgnore) - } else { - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile, hamming.distCategory) - } - } else { - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile, hamming.dist) - } - } - - # Extreme values for distance matrix heatmap display - DB$matrix_min <- min(hamming_mat, na.rm = TRUE) - DB$matrix_max <- max(hamming_mat, na.rm = TRUE) - - if(input$distmatrix_triangle == FALSE) { - hamming_mat[upper.tri(hamming_mat, diag = !input$distmatrix_diag)] <- NA - } - - # Row- and colnames change - if(input$distmatrix_true == TRUE) { - rownames(hamming_mat) <- unlist(DB$data[input$distmatrix_label][which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),]) - } else { - rownames(hamming_mat) <- unlist(DB$data[input$distmatrix_label]) - } - colnames(hamming_mat) <- rownames(hamming_mat) - - mode(hamming_mat) <- "integer" - - DB$ham_matrix <- hamming_mat %>% - %>% - mutate(Index = colnames(hamming_mat)) %>% - relocate(Index) - DB$distancematrix_nrow <- nrow(DB$ham_matrix) - - DB$ham_matrix - }) - - output$download_distmatrix <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Distance_Matrix.csv") - }, - content = function(file) { - download_matrix <- hot_to_r(input$db_distancematrix) - download_matrix[] <- "" - write.csv(download_matrix, file, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) - } - ) - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Locus sequences ---- - - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$database) & !is.null(DB$scheme)) { - DB$loci <- list.files( - path = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles"), - pattern = "\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", - full.names = TRUE - ) - } - }) - - output$loci_sequences <- renderUI({ - req(input$db_loci_rows_selected, DB$database, DB$scheme, input$seq_sel) - - DB$loci <- list.files( - path = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles"), - pattern = "\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", - full.names = TRUE - ) - - fasta <- format_fasta(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) - - seq <- fasta[[which(fasta == paste0(">", gsub("Allele ", "", sub(" -.*", "", input$seq_sel)))) + 1]] - - DB$seq <- seq - - column( - width = 12, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; position: relative; top: -15px; left: -50px', - sub(" -.*", "", input$seq_sel)) - ) - ), - tags$pre(HTML(color_sequence(seq)), class = "sequence") - ) - }) - - output$sequence_selector <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$db_loci_rows_selected)) { - - req(input$db_loci_rows_selected, DB$database, DB$scheme) - - DB$loci <- list.files( - path = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles"), - pattern = "\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", - full.names = TRUE - ) - - fasta <- format_fasta(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) - - seq_names <- c() - for (i in seq_along(fasta)) { - if (startsWith(fasta[[i]], ">")) { - name <- sub(">", "", fasta[[i]]) - seq_names <- c(seq_names, name) - } - } - - var_count <- table(DB$allelic_profile[gsub(".fasta", "", (basename(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected])))]) - - vec <- prop.table(var_count) - - perc <- sapply(unname(vec), scales::percent, accuracy = 0.1) - - names(perc) <- names(vec) - - choices <- seq_names - - present <- which(choices %in% names(vec)) - absent <- which(!(choices %in% names(vec))) - - choices[present] <- paste0("Allele ", choices[present], " - ", unname(var_count), " times in DB (", unname(perc), ")") - - choices[absent] <- paste0("Allele ", choices[absent], " - not present") - - choices <- c(choices[present], choices[absent]) - - names(choices) <- sapply(choices, function(x) { - x <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]] - x[2] <- paste0(substr(x[2], 1, 4), "...", substr(x[2], nchar(x[2])-3, nchar(x[2]))) - paste(x, collapse = " ") - }) - - column( - width = 3, - selectInput( - "seq_sel", - h5("Select Variant", style = "color:white;"), - choices = choices, - width = "80%" - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - actionButton("copy_seq", "Copy Sequence", - icon = icon("copy")), - bsTooltip("copy_seq", "Copy the variant sequence
to clipboard", placement = "top", trigger = "hover") - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - downloadBttn( - "get_locus", - style = "simple", - label = "Save .fasta", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download") - ), - bsTooltip("get_locus_bttn", "Save locus file with all variants", placement = "top", trigger = "hover") - ) - ), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$copy_seq, { - if(!is.null(DB$seq)) { - session$sendCustomMessage("txt", DB$seq) - } - show_toast( - title = "Copied sequence", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - }) - - output$get_locus <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - fname <- basename(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) - log_print(paste0("Get locus fasta ", fname)) - fname - }, - content = function(file) { - cont <- readLines(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) - writeLines(cont, file) - } - ) - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Download cgMLST ---- - - observe({ - if (input$select_cgmlst == "Acinetobacter baumanii") { - species <- "Abaumannii1907" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- Scheme$folder_name <- "Acinetobacter_baumanii" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Bacillus anthracis") { - species <- "Banthracis1917" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Bacillus_anthracis" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Bordetella pertussis") { - species <- "Bpertussis1917" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Bordetella_pertussis" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Brucella melitensis") { - species <- "Bmelitensis1912" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Brucella_melitensis" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Brucella spp.") { - species <- "Brucella1914" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Brucella_spp" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Burkholderia mallei (FLI)") { - species <- "Bmallei_fli1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Burkholderia_mallei_FLI" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Burkholderia mallei (RKI)") { - species <- "Bmallei_rki1909" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Burkholderia_mallei_RKI" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Burkholderia pseudomallei") { - species <- "Bpseudomallei1906" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Burkholderia_pseudomallei" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Campylobacter jejuni/coli") { - species <- "Cjejuni1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Campylobacter_jejuni_coli" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Clostridioides difficile") { - species <- "Cdifficile1905" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Clostridioides_difficile" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Clostridium perfringens") { - species <- "Cperfringens1907" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Clostridium_perfringens" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Corynebacterium diphtheriae") { - species <- "Cdiphtheriae1907" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Corynebacterium_diphtheriae" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Cronobacter sakazakii/malonaticus") { - species <- "Csakazakii1910" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Cronobacter_sakazakii_malonaticus" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Enterococcus faecalis") { - species <- "Efaecalis1912" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Enterococcus_faecalis" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Enterococcus faecium") { - species <- "Efaecium1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Enterococcus_faecium" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Escherichia coli") { - species <- "Ecoli1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Escherichia_coli" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Francisella tularensis") { - species <- "Ftularensis1913" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Francisella_tularensis" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Klebsiella oxytoca sensu lato") { - species <- "Koxytoca717" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Klebsiella_oxytoca_sensu_lato" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Klebsiella pneumoniae sensu lato") { - species <- "Kpneumoniae1909" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Klebsiella_pneumoniae_sensu_lato" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Legionella pneumophila") { - species <- "Lpneumophila1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Legionella_pneumophila" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Listeria monocytogenes") { - species <- "Lmonocytogenes1910" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Listeria_monocytogenes" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex") { - species <- "Mtuberculosis1909" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Mycobacterium_tuberculosis_complex" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Mycobacteroides abscessus") { - species <- "Mabscessus1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Mycobacteroides_abscessus" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Mycoplasma gallisepticum") { - species <- "Mgallisepticum1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Mycoplasma_gallisepticum" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Paenibacillus larvae") { - species <- "Plarvae1902" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Paenibacillus_larvae" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Pseudomonas aeruginosa") { - species <- "Paeruginosa1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Pseudomonas_aeruginosa" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Salmonella enterica") { - species <- "Senterica1913" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Salmonella_enterica" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Serratia marcescens") { - species <- "Smarcescens1912" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Serratia_marcescens" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Staphylococcus aureus") { - species <- "Saureus1908" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Staphylococcus_aureus" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Staphylococcus capitis") { - species <- "Scapitis1905" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Staphylococcus_capitis" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Streptococcus pyogenes") { - species <- "Spyogenes1904" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Streptococcus_pyogenes" - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$download_cgMLST, { - log_print(paste0("Started download of scheme for ", Scheme$folder_name)) - - shinyjs::hide("download_cgMLST") - shinyjs::show("loading") - - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    Downloading scheme...")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - - show_toast( - title = "Download started", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 5000 - ) - - if(length(DB$available) == 0) { - saveRDS(DB$new_database, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/new_db.rds")) - dir.create(file.path(readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/new_db.rds")), "Database"), recursive = TRUE) - } - - DB$load_selected <- TRUE - - # Check if .downloaded_schemes folder exists and if not create it - if (!dir.exists(file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes"))) { - dir.create(file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes"), recursive = TRUE) - } - - # Check if remains of old temporary folder exists and remove them - if (dir.exists(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp")))) { - unlink(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp")), recursive = TRUE) - } - - # Download Loci Fasta Files - options(timeout = 600) - - tryCatch({ - download.file(Scheme$link_cgmlst, - file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes", paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".zip"))) - "Download successful!" - }, error = function(e) { - paste("Error: ", e$message) - }) - - # Unzip the scheme in temporary folder - unzip( - zipfile = file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes", paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".zip")), - exdir = file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp") - ) - ) - - log_print("Hashing downloaded database") - # Hash temporary folder - hash_database(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"))) - - # Get list from local database - local_db_filelist <- list.files(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"))) - if (!is_empty(local_db_filelist)) { - # Get list from temporary database - tmp_db_filelist <- list.files(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"))) - - # Find the difference (extra files in local database) - local_db_extra <- setdiff(local_db_filelist, tmp_db_filelist) - - # Copy extra files to temporary folder - file.copy(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), local_db_extra), - file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"))) - - # Check differences in file pairs - local_db_hashes <- tools::md5sum(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), - local_db_filelist)) - tmp_db_hashes <- tools::md5sum(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"), - local_db_filelist)) - - diff_files <- local_db_hashes %in% tmp_db_hashes - diff_loci <- names(local_db_hashes)[diff_files == FALSE] - diff_loci <- sapply(strsplit(diff_loci, "/"), function(x) x[length(x)]) - - # Check locus hashes - for (locus in diff_loci) { - local_db_hashes <- get_locus_hashes(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), - locus)) - tmp_db_hashes <- get_locus_hashes(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"), - locus)) - diff_hashes <- setdiff(local_db_hashes, tmp_db_hashes) - - sequences <- extract_seq(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), - locus), diff_hashes) - if (!is_empty(sequences$idx) && !is_empty(sequences$seq) && - length(sequences$idx) == length(sequences$seq)) { - add_new_sequences(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"), - locus), sequences) - } - } - } - - unlink(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles")), recursive = TRUE) - - file.rename(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp")), - file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"))) - - # Download Scheme Info - download( - Scheme$link_scheme, - dest = file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, "scheme_info.html"), - mode = "wb" - ) - - # Download Loci Info - download( - Scheme$link_targets, - dest = file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, "targets.csv"), - mode = "wb" - ) - - # Send downloaded scheme to database browser overview - DB$available <- gsub("_", " ", basename(dir_ls(DB$database))) - - Scheme$target_table <- read.csv( - file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, "targets.csv"), - header = TRUE, - sep = "\t", - row.names = NULL, - colClasses = c( - "NULL", - "character", - "character", - "integer", - "integer", - "character", - "integer", - "NULL" - ) - ) - - DB$exist <- length(dir_ls(DB$database)) == 0 - - shinyjs::show("download_cgMLST") - shinyjs::hide("loading") - - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    ready")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - - show_toast( - title = "Download successful", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 5000 - ) - - log_print("Download successful") - - showModal( - modalDialog( - selectInput( - "scheme_db", - label = "", - choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {DB$available}, - selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {input$select_cgmlst} else {DB$available[1]}}), - title = "Select a local database to load.", - footer = tagList( - actionButton("load", "Load", class = "btn btn-default") - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Download Target Info (CSV Table) - observe({ - input$download_cgMLST - - scheme_overview <- read_html(Scheme$link_scheme) %>% - html_table(header = FALSE) %>% - = FALSE) - - last_scheme_change <- strptime(scheme_overview$X2[scheme_overview$X1 == "Last Change"], - format = "%B %d, %Y, %H:%M %p") - names(scheme_overview) <- NULL - - last_file_change <- format( -$database, - ".downloaded_schemes", - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".zip")))$mtime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %p") - - output$cgmlst_scheme <- renderTable({scheme_overview}) - output$scheme_update_info <- renderText({ - req(last_file_change) - if (last_file_change < last_scheme_change) { - "(Newer scheme available \u274c)" - } else { - "(Scheme is up-to-date \u2705)" - } - }) - }) - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Visualization ---- - - # Render placeholder image - - output$placeholder <- renderImage({ - # Path to your PNG image with a transparent background - image_path <- paste0(getwd(), "/www/PhyloTrace.png") - - # Use HTML to display the image with the tag - list(src = image_path, - height = 180) - }, deleteFile = FALSE) - - # Render tree plot fields - - output$nj_field <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ) - - output$mst_field <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ) - - output$upgma_field <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ) - - ### Render Visualization Controls ---- - - #### NJ and UPGMA controls ---- - - # Control enable/disable of variable mapping inputs - observe({ - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_color_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_mapping_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiplab_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_mapping_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_color_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_mapping_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiplab_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_mapping_show)) - - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tipcolor_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tippoint_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tipcolor_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tippoint_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show)) - - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tipshape_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tipshape_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show)) - - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_1)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_2", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_2", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_2)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_3", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_3", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_3)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_4", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_4", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_4)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_5", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_5", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_5)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_1", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_1", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_1)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_2", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_2", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_2)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_3", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_3", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_3)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_4", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_4", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_4)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_5", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_5", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_5)) - - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_heatmap_sel", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_heatmap_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_heatmap_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_heatmap_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_heatmap_sel", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_heatmap_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_heatmap_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_heatmap_show)) - }) - - # Size scaling NJ - observe({ - req(input$nj_ratio) - if(input$nj_ratio == "1.6") { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_scale", - step = 5, value = 800, min = 500, max = 1200) - } else if(input$nj_ratio == "1.77777777777778") { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_scale", - step = 9, value = 801, min = 504, max = 1197) - } else if(input$nj_ratio == "1.33333333333333"){ - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_scale", - step = 3, value = 801, min = 501, max = 1200) - } - }) - - # Size scaling UPGMA - observe({ - req(input$upgma_ratio) - if(input$upgma_ratio == "1.6") { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_scale", - step = 5, value = 800, min = 500, max = 1200) - } else if(input$upgma_ratio == "1.77777777777778") { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_scale", - step = 9, value = 801, min = 504, max = 1197) - } else if(input$upgma_ratio == "1.33333333333333"){ - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_scale", - step = 3, value = 801, min = 501, max = 1200) - } - }) - - # Size scaling MST - observe({ - req(input$mst_ratio) - if(input$mst_ratio == "1.6") { - updateSliderInput(session, "mst_scale", - step = 5, value = 800, min = 500, max = 1200) - } else if(input$mst_ratio == "1.77777777777778") { - updateSliderInput(session, "mst_scale", - step = 9, value = 801, min = 504, max = 1197) - } else if(input$mst_ratio == "1.33333333333333"){ - updateSliderInput(session, "mst_scale", - step = 3, value = 801, min = 501, max = 1200) - } - }) - - # Custom Labels - - # Add custom label - observeEvent(input$nj_add_new_label, { - - if(nchar(input$nj_new_label_name) > 0) { - if(!(input$nj_new_label_name %in% Vis$custom_label_nj)) { - Vis$custom_label_nj <- rbind(Vis$custom_label_nj, input$nj_new_label_name) - if(!(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) == 1)) { - updateSelectInput(session, "nj_custom_label_sel", selected = input$nj_new_label_name) - } - } else { - show_toast( - title = "Label already exists", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - } else { - show_toast( - title = "Min. 1 character", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_add_new_label, { - - if(nchar(input$upgma_new_label_name) > 0) { - if(!(input$upgma_new_label_name %in% Vis$custom_label_upgma)) { - Vis$custom_label_upgma <- rbind(Vis$custom_label_upgma, input$upgma_new_label_name) - if(!(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) == 1)) { - updateSelectInput(session, "upgma_custom_label_sel", selected = input$upgma_new_label_name) - } - } else { - show_toast( - title = "Label already exists", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - } else { - show_toast( - title = "Min. 1 character", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - }) - - # Delete custom label - observeEvent(input$nj_del_label, { - - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 1) { - Vis$custom_label_nj <- Vis$custom_label_nj[-which(Vis$custom_label_nj[,1] == input$nj_custom_label_sel), , drop = FALSE] - } else if (nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) == 1) { - Vis$nj_label_pos_x <- list() - Vis$nj_label_pos_y <- list() - Vis$nj_label_size <- list() - Vis$custom_label_nj <- data.frame() - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_del_label, { - - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 1) { - Vis$custom_label_upgma <- Vis$custom_label_upgma[-which(Vis$custom_label_upgma[,1] == input$upgma_custom_label_sel), , drop = FALSE] - } else if (nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) == 1) { - Vis$upgma_label_pos_x <- list() - Vis$upgma_label_pos_y <- list() - Vis$upgma_label_size <- list() - Vis$custom_label_upgma <- data.frame() - } - }) - - # Select custom labels - output$nj_custom_label_select <- renderUI({ - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { - selectInput( - "nj_custom_label_sel", - "", - choices = Vis$custom_label_nj[,1] - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_custom_label_select <- renderUI({ - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { - selectInput( - "upgma_custom_label_sel", - "", - choices = Vis$custom_label_upgma[,1] - ) - } - }) - - # Select custom labels - output$nj_cust_label_save <- renderUI({ - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { - actionButton( - "nj_cust_label_save", - "Apply" - ) - } else { - column( - width = 12, - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - h5("test", style = "color: transparent; margin-bottom: 3px") - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_cust_label_save <- renderUI({ - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { - actionButton( - "upgma_cust_label_save", - "Apply" - ) - } else { - column( - width = 12, - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - h5("test", style = "color: transparent; margin-bottom: 3px") - ) - } - }) - - # Custom Label Size - output$nj_custom_labelsize <- renderUI({ - if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_size[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]])) { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_size"), - label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, - value = Vis$nj_label_size[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]], - width = "150px") - } else { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_size"), - label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, value = 5, - width = "150px") - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_custom_labelsize <- renderUI({ - if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_size[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]])) { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_size"), - label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, - value = Vis$upgma_label_size[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]], - width = "150px") - } else { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_size"), - label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, value = 5, - width = "150px") - } - } - }) - - # Render slider input based on selected label - output$nj_sliderInput_y <- renderUI({ - if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]])) { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_y"), - label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, - value = Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]], - width = "150px") - } else { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_y"), - label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = sum(DB$data$Include), step = 1, ticks = F, - value = sum(DB$data$Include) / 2, - width = "150px") - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_sliderInput_y <- renderUI({ - if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]])) { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_y"), - label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, - value = Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]], - width = "150px") - } else { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_y"), - label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = sum(DB$data$Include), step = 1, ticks = F, - value = sum(DB$data$Include) / 2, - width = "150px") - } - } - }) - - output$nj_sliderInput_x <- renderUI({ - if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]])) { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_x"), - label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, - value = Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]], - width = "150px") - } else { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_x"), - label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = round(Vis$nj_max_x, 0), step = 1, ticks = F, - value = round(Vis$nj_max_x / 2, 0), - width = "150px") - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_sliderInput_x <- renderUI({ - if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]])) { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_x"), - label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, - value = Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]], - width = "150px") - } else { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_x"), - label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = round(Vis$upgma_max_x, 0), step = 1, ticks = F, - value = round(Vis$upgma_max_x / 2, 0), - width = "150px") - } - } - }) - - # Apply custom label changes - observeEvent(input$nj_cust_label_save, { - - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_y) & - !is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_x) & - !is.null(Vis$nj_label_size) & - !is.null(input$nj_custom_label_sel)) { - Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_y")]] - Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_x")]] - Vis$nj_label_size[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_size")]] - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_cust_label_save, { - - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_y) & - !is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_x) & - !is.null(Vis$upgma_label_size) & - !is.null(input$upgma_custom_label_sel)) { - Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_y")]] - Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_x")]] - Vis$upgma_label_size[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_size")]] - } - }) - - # Show delete custom label button if custam label added - output$nj_del_label <- renderUI({ - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { - actionButton( - "nj_del_label", - "", - icon = icon("minus") - ) - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$upgma_del_label <- renderUI({ - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { - actionButton( - "upgma_del_label", - "", - icon = icon("minus") - ) - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Mapping value number information - output$nj_tiplab_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_color_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))) { - if(input$nj_tiplab_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_color_mapping_div_mid", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$upgma_tiplab_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_color_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))) { - if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_color_mapping_div_mid", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$nj_tipcolor_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))) { - if(input$nj_tippoint_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))) { - if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$nj_tipshape_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tipshape_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipshape_mapping]))) { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Mapping continous variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipshape_mapping]))) > 6) { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Mapping > 6 variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipshape_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$upgma_tipshape_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipshape_mapping]))) { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Mapping continous variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipshape_mapping]))) > 6) { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Mapping > 6 variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipshape_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$nj_fruit_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(input$nj_tile_num == 1) { - if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 2) { - if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_2) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 3) { - if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_3) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 4) { - if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_4) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 5) { - if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_5) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(input$upgma_tile_num == 1) { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 2) { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 3) { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 4) { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 5) { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - output$nj_heatmap_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_select) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if (any(sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & - any(!sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Heatmap with categorical and continous values not possible", - style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - if(any(sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { - if(input$nj_heatmap_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_heatmap_div_mid", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Categorical values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$upgma_heatmap_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_select) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if (any(sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & - any(!sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Heatmap with categorical and continous values not possible", - style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - if(any(sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { - if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_heatmap_div_mid", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Categorical values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Tiles offset - output$nj_fruit_offset_circ <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.1 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.05 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.05, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_2", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_2", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_3", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_3", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_4", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_4", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_5", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_5", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - # For Layout change update tiles offset position - observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { - - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } else { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } - - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ", min = min, step = step, max = max) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_2", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_3", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_4", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_5", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { - - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } else { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } - - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ", min = min, step = step, max = max) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - }) - - # Heatmap width - output$nj_heatmap_width <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_select)) { - length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 3 - } - } - - sliderInput( - "nj_heatmap_width", - label = "", - min = 0.05, - max = 1.5, - value = width, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_heatmap_width", - label = "", - min = 0.05, - max = 1.5, - value = 0.1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_heatmap_width <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_select)) { - length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 3 - } - } - - sliderInput( - "upgma_heatmap_width", - label = "", - min = 0.05, - max = 1.5, - value = width, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_heatmap_width", - label = "", - min = 0.05, - max = 1.5, - value = 0.1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - # Update value if new variables added - observeEvent(input$nj_heatmap_select, { - - length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 3 - } - } - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_heatmap_width", value = width) - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_heatmap_select, { - - length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 3 - } - } - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_heatmap_width", value = width) - }) - - # Update value if layout changed - observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { - length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 3 - } - } - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_heatmap_width", value = width) - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { - length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 3 - } - } - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_heatmap_width", value = width) - }) - - # Heatmap column titles position - observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { - if(!(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular")) { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_colnames_y", value = -1) - } else { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_colnames_y", value = 0) - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { - if(!(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular")) { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_colnames_y", value = -1) - } else { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_colnames_y", value = 0) - } - }) - - output$nj_colnames_y <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { - if(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular") { - min <- 0 - val <- 0 - } else { - val <- -1 - if((sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1) > -2) { - min <- -2 - } else { - min <- round(sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1, 0) - } - } - sliderInput( - "nj_colnames_y", - label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = min, - max = sum(DB$data$Include), - value = val, - step = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_colnames_y", - label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -10, - max = 10, - value = 0, - step = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_colnames_y <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular") { - min <- 0 - val <- 0 - } else { - val <- -1 - if((sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1) > -2) { - min <- -2 - } else { - min <- round(sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1, 0) - } - } - sliderInput( - "upgma_colnames_y", - label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = min, - max = sum(DB$data$Include), - value = val, - step = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_colnames_y", - label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -10, - max = 10, - value = 0, - step = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - # Heatmap column titles angle - output$nj_colnames_angle <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - angle <- 90 - } else {angle <- -90} - sliderInput( - "nj_colnames_angle", - label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -90, - max = 90, - value = angle, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_colnames_angle", - label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -90, - max = 90, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_colnames_angle <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - angle <- 90 - } else {angle <- -90} - sliderInput( - "upgma_colnames_angle", - label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -90, - max = 90, - value = angle, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_colnames_angle", - label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -90, - max = 90, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - # Change heatmap column titles angle and label align when switching layout - observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward"){ - angle <- 90 - val <- TRUE - } else { - angle <- -90 - val <- FALSE - } - updateSwitchInput(session, "nj_align", value = val) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_colnames_angle", value = angle) - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward"){ - angle <- 90 - val <- TRUE - } else { - angle <- -90 - val <- FALSE - } - updateSwitchInput(session, "upgma_align", value = val) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_colnames_angle", value = angle) - }) - - # Tile number selector update each other - observeEvent(input$nj_tile_num, { - updateSelectInput(session, "nj_tile_number", selected = input$nj_tile_num) - }) - - observeEvent(input$nj_tile_number, { - updateSelectInput(session, "nj_tile_num", selected = input$nj_tile_number) - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_tile_num, { - updateSelectInput(session, "upgma_tile_number", selected = input$upgma_tile_num) - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_tile_number, { - updateSelectInput(session, "upgma_tile_num", selected = input$upgma_tile_number) - }) - - # Clade coloring - output$nj_clade_scale <- renderUI({ - if(length(input$nj_parentnode) <= 1) { - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Color", style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_clade_scale", - selected = "#D0F221", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start", - width = "100%" - ) - ) - ) - } else { - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Scale", style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - div( - class = "sel-clade-scale", - selectInput( - "nj_clade_scale", - 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"RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_heatmap_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_heatmap_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Paired" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_heatmap_scale <- renderUI({ - 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"YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$nj_tiles_scale_2 <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_2", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_2", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_2", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_tiles_scale_2 <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_2", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_2", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_2", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$nj_tiles_scale_3 <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_3", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_3", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_3", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_tiles_scale_3 <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_3", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_3", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_3", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$nj_tiles_scale_4 <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_4", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled(selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_4", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - )) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_4", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_tiles_scale_4 <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_4", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_4", - 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"Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_5", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_5", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_tiles_scale_5 <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_5", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_5", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_5", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - # Tip Labels Variable Color Scale - output$nj_tiplab_scale <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiplab_scale", - "", - selectize = FALSE, - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiplab_scale", - "", - selectize = FALSE, - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiplab_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_tiplab_scale <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiplab_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiplab_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - 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) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tippoint_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tippoint_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Set2" - ) - ) - } - } - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tippoint_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Set2" - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_tippoint_scale <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tippoint_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ), - selected = c("Viridis" = "viridis") - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tippoint_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tippoint_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Set2" - ) - ) - } - } - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tippoint_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Set2" - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Clade Highlights - output$nj_parentnode <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_parentnodes)) { - pickerInput( - "nj_parentnode", - label = "", - choices = sort(unique(as.numeric(Vis$nj_parentnodes))), - multiple = TRUE, - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - width = "99%" - ) - } else { - pickerInput( - "nj_parentnode", - label = "", - choices = c(), - multiple = TRUE, - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - width = "99%" - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_parentnode <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_parentnodes)) { - pickerInput( - "upgma_parentnode", - label = "", - choices = sort(unique(as.numeric(Vis$upgma_parentnodes))), - multiple = TRUE, - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - width = "99%" - ) - } else { - pickerInput( - "upgma_parentnode", - label = "", - choices = c(), - multiple = TRUE, - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - width = "99%" - ) - } - }) - - # Branch label size - output$nj_branch_size <- renderUI( - numericInput( - "nj_branch_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 2, - max = 10, - step = 0.5, - value = Vis$branch_size_nj, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - - output$upgma_branch_size <- renderUI( - numericInput( - "upgma_branch_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 2, - max = 10, - step = 0.5, - value = Vis$branch_size_upgma, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - - # Tippanel size - output$nj_tiplab_padding <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$tiplab_padding_nj)) { - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_padding", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.05, - max = 1, - value = Vis$tiplab_padding_nj, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_padding", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.05, - max = 1, - value = 0.2, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - output$upgma_tiplab_padding <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma)) { - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_padding", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.05, - max = 1, - value = Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_padding", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.05, - max = 1, - value = 0.2, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - # Nodepoint size - output$nj_nodepoint_size <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$nodepointsize_nj)) { - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_nodepoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - value = Vis$nodepointsize_nj, - step = 0.5, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_nodepoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - value = 2.5, - step = 0.5, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - output$upgma_nodepoint_size <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$nodepointsize_upgma)) { - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_nodepoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - value = Vis$nodepointsize_upgma, - step = 0.5, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_nodepoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - value = 2.5, - step = 0.5, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - # Tippoint size - output$nj_tippoint_size <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$tippointsize_nj)) { - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tippoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - step = 0.5, - value = Vis$tippointsize_nj, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tippoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - step = 0.5, - value = 4, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - output$upgma_tippoint_size <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$tippointsize_upgma)) { - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tippoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - step = 0.5, - value = Vis$tippointsize_upgma, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tippoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - step = 0.5, - value = 4, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - # Tiplabel size - output$nj_tiplab_size <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$labelsize_nj)) { - numericInput( - "nj_tiplab_size", - label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - step = 0.5, - value = Vis$labelsize_nj, - width = "80px" - ) - } else { - numericInput( - "nj_tiplab_size", - label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - step = 0.5, - value = 4, - width = "80px" - ) - } - ) - - output$upgma_tiplab_size <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$labelsize_upgma)) { - numericInput( - "upgma_tiplab_size", - label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - step = 0.5, - value = Vis$labelsize_upgma, - width = "80px" - ) - } else { - numericInput( - "upgma_tiplab_size", - label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - step = 0.5, - value = 4, - width = "80px" - ) - } - ) - - # Rootedge length - output$nj_rootedge_length <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.02, 0) < 1) { - min <- 1 - } else { - min <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.02, 0) - } - max <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.2, 0) - sliderInput( - "nj_rootedge_length", - label = h5("Rootedge Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = min, - max = max, - value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.05, 0), - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_rootedge_length", - label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_rootedge_length <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.02, 0) < 1) { - min <- 1 - } else { - min <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.02, 0) - } - max <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.2, 0) - sliderInput( - "upgma_rootedge_length", - label = h5("Rootedge Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = min, - max = max, - value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.05, 0), - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_rootedge_length", - label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - # Treescale - output$nj_treescale_width <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - numericInput( - "nj_treescale_width", - label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0), - min = 1, - max = round(floor(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - } else { - numericInput( - "nj_treescale_width", - label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 2, - min = 1, - max = 10, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_treescale_width <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - numericInput( - "upgma_treescale_width", - label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0), - min = 1, - max = round(floor(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - } else { - numericInput( - "upgma_treescale_width", - label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 2, - min = 1, - max = 10, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_treescale_x <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { - if(ceiling(Vis$nj_min_x) < 1) { - floor <- 1 - } else { - floor <- ceiling(Vis$nj_min_x) - } - sliderInput( - "nj_treescale_x", - label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = floor, - max = round(floor(Vis$nj_max_x)), - value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.2, 0), - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_treescale_x", - label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_treescale_x <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { - if(ceiling(Vis$upgma_min_x) < 1) { - floor <- 1 - } else { - floor <- ceiling(Vis$upgma_min_x) - } - sliderInput( - "upgma_treescale_x", - label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = floor, - max = round(floor(Vis$upgma_max_x)), - value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.2, 0), - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_treescale_x", - label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_treescale_y <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { - sliderInput( - "nj_treescale_y", - label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = sum(DB$data$Include), - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_treescale_y", - label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = 10, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_treescale_y <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { - sliderInput( - "upgma_treescale_y", - label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = sum(DB$data$Include), - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_treescale_y", - label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = 10, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - ### Heatmap - # Heatmap picker - output$nj_heatmap_sel <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - meta <- select(Vis$meta_nj, -c(taxa, Index, `Assembly ID`, `Assembly Name`, - Scheme, `Typing Date`, Successes, Errors)) - - # Identify numeric columns - numeric_columns <- sapply(meta, is.numeric) - - numeric_column_names <- names(meta[numeric_columns]) - - non_numeric_column_names <- names(meta)[!numeric_columns] - - choices <- list() - - # Add Continuous list only if there are numeric columns - if (length(numeric_column_names) > 0) { - choices$Continuous <- as.list(setNames(numeric_column_names, numeric_column_names)) - } - - # Add Diverging list - choices$Categorical <- as.list(setNames(non_numeric_column_names, non_numeric_column_names)) - - div( - class = "heatmap-picker", - shinyjs::disabled( - pickerInput( - inputId = "nj_heatmap_select", - label = "", - width = "100%", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else {choices}, - options = list( - `dropdown-align-center` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - } else { - div( - class = "heatmap-picker", - shinyjs::disabled( - pickerInput( - inputId = "nj_heatmap_select", - label = "", - width = "100%", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_heatmap_sel <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - meta <- select(Vis$meta_upgma, -c(taxa, Index, `Assembly ID`, `Assembly Name`, - Scheme, `Typing Date`, Successes, Errors)) - - # Identify numeric columns - numeric_columns <- sapply(meta, is.numeric) - - numeric_column_names <- names(meta[numeric_columns]) - - non_numeric_column_names <- names(meta)[!numeric_columns] - - choices <- list() - - # Add Continuous list only if there are numeric columns - if (length(numeric_column_names) > 0) { - choices$Continuous <- as.list(setNames(numeric_column_names, numeric_column_names)) - } - - # Add Diverging list - choices$Categorical <- as.list(setNames(non_numeric_column_names, non_numeric_column_names)) - - div( - class = "heatmap-picker", - shinyjs::disabled( - pickerInput( - inputId = "upgma_heatmap_select", - label = "", - width = "100%", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else {choices}, - options = list( - `dropdown-align-center` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - } else { - div( - class = "heatmap-picker", - shinyjs::disabled( - pickerInput( - inputId = "upgma_heatmap_select", - label = "", - width = "100%", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Heatmap offset - output$nj_heatmap_offset <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - sliderInput( - "nj_heatmap_offset", - label = "", - min = 0, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x)*1.5, 0), - step = 1, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_heatmap_offset", - label = "", - min = 0, - max = 10, - step = 1, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_heatmap_offset <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - sliderInput( - "upgma_heatmap_offset", - label = "", - min = 0, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x)*1.5, 0), - step = 1, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_heatmap_offset", - label = "", - min = 0, - max = 10, - step = 1, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - ### Tiling - # Geom Fruit select Variable - output$nj_fruit_variable <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_variable2 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_2", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_2", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_variable3 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_3", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_3", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_variable4 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_4", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_4", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_variable5 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_5", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_5", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_variable <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_variable2 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_2", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_2", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_variable3 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled(selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_3", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - )) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_3", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_variable4 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_4", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_4", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_variable5 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_5", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_5", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Geom Fruit Width - output$nj_fruit_width <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_width2 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_2", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_2", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_2", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_width3 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_width4 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_width5 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_width <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_width2 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_2", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_2", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_2", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_width3 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_width4 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_width5 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - # For Layout change update tiles - observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { - if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } - - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_2", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", value = width) - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { - if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } - - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_2", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", value = width) - } - }) - - # Tip color mapping - output$nj_tipcolor_mapping <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tipcolor_mapping", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(City = "City"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tipcolor_mapping", - "", - choices = c( - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c(City = "City") - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_tipcolor_mapping <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tipcolor_mapping", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(City = "City"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tipcolor_mapping", - "", - choices = c( - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c(City = "City") - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Tip shape Mapping - output$nj_tipshape_mapping <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tipshape_mapping", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tipshape_mapping", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_tipshape_mapping <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tipshape_mapping", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tipshape_mapping", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Branch label - output$nj_branch_label <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - selectInput( - "nj_branch_label", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - } else { - selectInput( - "nj_branch_label", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_branch_label <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - selectInput( - "upgma_branch_label", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - } else { - selectInput( - "upgma_branch_label", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - } - }) - - # Color mapping - output$nj_color_mapping <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_color_mapping", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(Country = "Country"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_color_mapping", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c(Country = "Country"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_color_mapping <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_color_mapping", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(Country = "Country"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_color_mapping", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c(Country = "Country"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Tip labels - output$nj_tiplab <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - selectInput( - "nj_tiplab", - label = "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - Index = "Index", - `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(Index = "Index", `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), - width = "100%" - ) - } else { - selectInput( - "nj_tiplab", - label = "", - choices = c( - Index = "Index", - `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), - width = "100%" - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_tiplab <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - selectInput( - "upgma_tiplab", - label = "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - Index = "Index", - `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(Index = "Index", `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), - width = "100%" - ) - } else { - selectInput( - "upgma_tiplab", - label = "", - choices = c( - Index = "Index", - `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), - width = "100%" - ) - } - }) - - #### MST controls ---- - - # Clustering UI - output$mst_cluster <- renderUI({ - req(DB$schemeinfo) - numericInput( - inputId = "mst_cluster_threshold", - label = NULL, - value = as.numeric(DB$schemeinfo[7, 2]), - min = 1, - max = 99 - ) - }) - - # MST color mapping - output$mst_color_mapping <- renderUI({ - if(input$mst_color_var == FALSE) { - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - div( - class = "node_color", - colorPickr( - inputId = "mst_color_node", - width = "100%", - selected = "#B2FACA", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_node_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - width = 5, - numericInput( - "node_opacity", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 1, - step = 0.1, - min = 0, - max = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - fluidRow( - column( - width = 9, - div( - class = "mst_col_sel", - selectInput( - "mst_col_var", - label = "", - choices = if(any(DB$cust_var[DB$cust_var$Variable[which(DB$cust_var$Variable %in% c("Isolation Date", names(DB$meta)[-c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12)]))],]$Type != "categ")) { - selection <- c("Isolation Date", names(DB$meta)[-c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12)]) - cust_vars <- DB$cust_var$Variable[which(DB$cust_var$Variable %in% selection)] - selection[-which(selection == cust_vars[DB$cust_var[cust_vars,]$Type != "categ"])] - } else {c("Isolation Date", names(DB$meta)[-c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12)])}, - width = "100%" - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_col_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - width = 5, - selectInput( - "mst_col_scale", - label = h5("Color Scale", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - choices = c("Viridis", "Rainbow"), - width = "150px" - ), - br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$mst_color_var, { - - if(input$mst_color_var == TRUE) { - updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_shape", choices = c("Pie Nodes" = "custom")) - updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_label", choices = c("Assembly Name")) - } else { - updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_shape", - choices = list(`Label inside` = c("Circle" = "circle", "Box" = "box", "Text" = "text"), - `Label outside` = c("Diamond" = "diamond", "Hexagon" = "hexagon","Dot" = "dot", "Square" = "square")), - selected = c("Dot" = "dot")) - updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_label", - choices = names(DB$meta)[c(1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9)], - selected = "Assembly Name") - } - }) - - # MST node labels - output$mst_node_label <- renderUI({ - selectInput( - "mst_node_label", - label = "", - choices = names(DB$meta)[c(1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9)], - selected = "Assembly Name", - width = "100%" - ) - }) - - ### Plot Reactives ---- - - #### MST ---- - - mst_tree <- reactive({ - data <- toVisNetworkData(Vis$ggraph_1) - data$nodes <- mutate(data$nodes, - label = label_mst(), - value = mst_node_scaling(), - opacity = node_opacity()) - - ctxRendererJS <- htmlwidgets::JS("({ctx, id, x, y, state: { selected, hover }, style, font, label, metadata}) => { - var pieData = JSON.parse(metadata); - var radius = style.size; - var centerX = x; - var centerY = y; - var total = pieData.reduce((sum, slice) => sum + slice.value, 0) - var startAngle = 0; - - const drawNode = () => { - // Set shadow properties - if (style.shadow) { - var shadowSize = style.shadowSize; - ctx.shadowColor = style.shadowColor; - ctx.shadowBlur = style.shadowSize; - ctx.shadowOffsetX = style.shadowX; - ctx.shadowOffsetY = style.shadowY; - - ctx.beginPath(); - ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); - ctx.fill(); - - ctx.shadowColor = 'transparent'; - ctx.shadowBlur = 0; - ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0; - ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0; - } - - pieData.forEach(slice => { - var sliceAngle = 2 * Math.PI * (slice.value / total); - ctx.beginPath(); - ctx.moveTo(centerX, centerY); - ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, startAngle, startAngle + sliceAngle); - ctx.closePath(); - ctx.fillStyle = slice.color; - ctx.fill(); - if (pieData.length > 1) { - ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; - ctx.lineWidth = 1; - ctx.stroke(); - } - startAngle += sliceAngle; - }); - - // Draw a border - ctx.beginPath(); - ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); - ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; - ctx.lineWidth = 1; - ctx.stroke(); - }; - drawLabel = () => { - //Draw the label - var lines = label.split(`\n`); - var lineHeight = font.size; - ctx.font = `${font.size}px ${font.face}`; - ctx.fillStyle = font.color; - ctx.textAlign = 'center'; - ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; - lines.forEach((line, index) => { - ctx.fillText(line, centerX, - centerY + radius + (index + 1) * lineHeight); - }) - } - - return { - drawNode, - drawExternalLabel: drawLabel, - nodeDimensions: { width: 2 * radius, height: 2 * radius }, - }; - }") - - Vis$var_cols <- NULL - - # Generate pie charts as nodes - if(input$mst_color_var == TRUE & (!is.null(input$mst_col_var))) { - - group <- character(nrow(data$nodes)) - for (i in 1:length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]))) { - group[i] <- unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])[i] - } - - data$nodes <- cbind(data$nodes, data.frame(metadata = character(nrow(data$nodes)))) - - if(length(which(data$nodes$group == "")) != 0) { - data$nodes$group[which(data$nodes$group == "")] <- data$nodes$group[1] - } - - if(is.null(input$mst_col_scale)) { - Vis$var_cols <- data.frame(value = unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]), - color = viridis(length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])))) - } else if (input$mst_col_scale == "Rainbow") { - Vis$var_cols <- data.frame(value = unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]), - color = rainbow(length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])))) - } else if (input$mst_col_scale == "Viridis") { - Vis$var_cols <- data.frame(value = unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]), - color = viridis(length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])))) - } - - for(i in 1:nrow(data$nodes)) { - - iso_subset <- strsplit(data$nodes$label[i], split = "\n")[[1]] - variable <- Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]] - values <- variable[which(Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name` %in% iso_subset)] - - for(j in 1:length(unique(values))) { - - share <- sum(unique(values)[j] == values) / length(values) * 100 - color <- Vis$var_cols$color[Vis$var_cols$value == unique(values)[j]] - - if(j == 1) { - pie_vec <- paste0('{"value":', share,',"color":"', color,'"}') - } else { - pie_vec <- paste0(pie_vec, ',{"value":', share,',"color":"', color,'"}') - } - } - - data$nodes$metadata[i] <- paste0('[', pie_vec, ']') - } - } - - data$edges <- mutate(data$edges, - length = if(input$mst_scale_edges == FALSE) { - input$mst_edge_length - } else { - data$edges$weight * input$mst_edge_length_scale - }, - label = as.character(data$edges$weight), - opacity = input$mst_edge_opacity) - - if (input$mst_show_clusters) { - data$nodes$group <- compute_clusters(data$nodes, data$edges, input$mst_cluster_threshold) - } - - visNetwork_graph <- visNetwork(data$nodes, data$edges, - main = mst_title(), - background = mst_background_color(), - submain = mst_subtitle()) %>% - visNodes(size = mst_node_size(), - shape = input$mst_node_shape, - shadow = input$mst_shadow, - color = mst_color_node(), - ctxRenderer = ctxRendererJS, - scaling = list(min = mst_node_size_min(), - max = mst_node_size_max()), - font = list(color = node_font_color(), - size = input$node_label_fontsize)) %>% - visEdges(color = mst_color_edge(), - font = list(color = mst_edge_font_color(), - size = mst_edge_font_size(), - strokeWidth = 4)) %>% - visOptions(collapse = TRUE) %>% - visInteraction(hover = TRUE) %>% - visLayout(randomSeed = 1) %>% - visLegend(useGroups = FALSE, - zoom = TRUE, - width = legend_width(), - position = input$mst_legend_ori, - ncol = legend_col(), - addNodes = mst_legend()) - - if (input$mst_show_clusters) { - if (input$mst_cluster_col_scale == "Viridis") { - color_palette <- viridis(length(unique(data$nodes$group))) - } else { - color_palette <- rainbow(length(unique(data$nodes$group))) - } - - for (i in 1:length(unique(data$nodes$group))) { - visNetwork_graph <- visNetwork_graph %>% - visGroups(groupname = unique(data$nodes$group)[i], color = color_palette[i]) - } - } - visNetwork_graph - }) - - # MST legend - legend_col <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(Vis$var_cols)) { - if(nrow(Vis$var_cols) > 10) { - 3 - } else if(nrow(Vis$var_cols) > 5) { - 2 - } else { - 1 - } - } else {1} - }) - - mst_legend <- reactive({ - if(is.null(Vis$var_cols)) { - NULL - } else { - legend <- Vis$var_cols - names(legend)[1] <- "label" - mutate(legend, shape = "dot", - font.color = input$mst_legend_color, - size = input$mst_symbol_size, - font.size = input$mst_font_size) - } - }) - - # Set MST legend width - legend_width <- reactive({ - 0.2 - }) - - # Set MST node shape - mst_node_shape <- reactive({ - if(input$mst_node_shape == "Pie Nodes"){ - "dot" - } else if(input$mst_node_shape %in% c("circle", "database", "box", "text")) { - shinyjs::disable('scale_nodes') - updateCheckboxInput(session, "scale_nodes", value = FALSE) - shinyjs::disable('mst_node_size') - shinyjs::disable('mst_node_scale') - input$mst_node_shape - } else { - shinyjs::enable('scale_nodes') - shinyjs::enable('mst_node_size') - shinyjs::enable('mst_node_scale') - input$mst_node_shape - } - }) - - # Set MST label - label_mst <- reactive({ - Vis$unique_meta[, colnames(Vis$unique_meta) %in% input$mst_node_label] - }) - - # Set node color - mst_color_node <- reactive({ - input$mst_color_node - }) - - # Node Label Color - node_font_color <- reactive({ - input$node_font_color - }) - - - # Node Size Scaling - mst_node_scaling <- reactive({ - if(input$scale_nodes == TRUE){ - Vis$unique_meta$size - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Node Size Min/May - mst_node_size_min <- reactive({ - input$mst_node_scale[1] - }) - - mst_node_size_max <- reactive({ - input$mst_node_scale[2] - }) - - # Node Size - mst_node_size <- reactive({ - input$mst_node_size - }) - - # Node Alpha/Opacity - node_opacity <- reactive({ - input$node_opacity - }) - - # Set Title - mst_title <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$mst_title)) { - if(nchar(input$mst_title) < 1) { - list(text = "title", - style = paste0( - "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", - "text-align:center;", - "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_title_size), "px", - "; color: ", as.character(mst_background_color())) - ) - } else { - list(text = input$mst_title, - style = paste0( - "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", - "text-align:center;", - "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_title_size), "px", - "; color: ", as.character(input$mst_title_color)) - ) - } - } else { - list(text = "title", - style = paste0( - "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", - "text-align:center;", - "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_title_size), "px", - "; color: ", as.character(mst_background_color())) - ) - } - }) - - # Set Subtitle - mst_subtitle <- reactive({ - list(text = input$mst_subtitle, - style = paste0( - "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", - "text-align:center;", - "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_subtitle_size), "px", - "; color: ", as.character(input$mst_subtitle_color)) - ) - }) - - # Background color - - mst_background_color <- reactive({ - if(input$mst_background_transparent == TRUE) { - 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' - } else{ - input$mst_background_color - } - }) - - # Edge font color - mst_edge_font_color <- reactive({ - input$mst_edge_font_color - }) - - # Edge color - mst_color_edge <- reactive({ - input$mst_color_edge - }) - - # Edge font size - mst_edge_font_size <- reactive({ - input$mst_edge_font_size - }) - - #### NJ ---- - - nj_tree <- reactive({ - - # Convert negative edges - Vis$nj[["edge.length"]] <- abs(Vis$nj[["edge.length"]]) - - if(input$nj_nodelabel_show == TRUE) { - ggtree(Vis$nj, alpha = 0.2, layout = layout_nj()) + - geom_nodelab(aes(label = node), color = "#29303A", size = nj_tiplab_size() + 1, hjust = 0.7) + - nj_limit() + - nj_inward() - } else { - tree <- - ggtree(Vis$nj, - color = input$nj_color, - layout = layout_nj(), - ladderize = input$nj_ladder) %<+% Vis$meta_nj + - nj_clades() + - nj_tiplab() + - nj_tiplab_scale() + - new_scale_color() + - nj_limit() + - nj_inward() + - nj_label_branch() + - nj_treescale() + - nj_nodepoint() + - nj_tippoint() + - nj_tippoint_scale() + - new_scale_color() + - nj_clip_label() + - nj_rootedge() + - ggtitle(label = input$nj_title, - subtitle = input$nj_subtitle) + - theme_tree(bgcolor = input$nj_bg) + - theme(plot.title = element_text(colour = input$nj_title_color, - size = input$nj_title_size), - plot.subtitle = element_text(colour = input$nj_title_color, - size = input$nj_subtitle_size), - legend.background = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg), - legend.direction = input$nj_legend_orientation, - legend.title = element_text(color = input$nj_color, - size = input$nj_legend_size*1.2), - legend.title.align = 0.5, - legend.position = nj_legend_pos(), - legend.text = element_text(color = input$nj_color, - size = input$nj_legend_size), - legend.key = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg), - = unit(1.5, "cm"), - legend.key.size = unit(0.05*input$nj_legend_size, 'cm'), - plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg, color = input$nj_bg)) + - new_scale_fill() + - nj_fruit() + - nj_gradient() + - new_scale_fill() + - nj_fruit2() + - nj_gradient2() + - new_scale_fill() + - nj_fruit3() + - nj_gradient3() + - new_scale_fill() + - nj_fruit4() + - nj_gradient4() + - new_scale_fill() + - nj_fruit5() + - nj_gradient5() + - new_scale_fill() - - # Add custom labels - if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { - - for(i in Vis$custom_label_nj[,1]) { - - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[i]])) { - x_pos <- Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[i]] - } else { - x_pos <- round(Vis$nj_max_x / 2, 0) - } - - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[i]])) { - y_pos <- Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[i]] - } else { - y_pos <- sum(DB$data$Include) / 2 - } - - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_size[[i]])) { - size <- Vis$nj_label_size[[i]] - } else { - size <- 5 - } - - tree <- tree + annotate("text", - x = x_pos, - y = y_pos, - label = i, - size = size) - } - } - - # Add heatmap - if(input$nj_heatmap_show == TRUE & length(input$nj_heatmap_select) > 0) { - if (!(any(sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & - any(!sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric)))) { - tree <- gheatmap.mod(tree, - data = select(Vis$meta_nj, input$nj_heatmap_select), - offset = nj_heatmap_offset(), - width = nj_heatmap_width(), - legend_title = input$nj_heatmap_title, - colnames_angle = -nj_colnames_angle(), - colnames_offset_y = nj_colnames_y(), - colnames_color = input$nj_color) + - nj_heatmap_scale() - } - } - - # Sizing control - Vis$nj_plot <- ggplotify::as.ggplot(tree, - scale = input$nj_zoom, - hjust = input$nj_h, - vjust = input$nj_v) - - Vis$nj_true <- TRUE - - # Correct background color if zoomed out - cowplot::ggdraw(Vis$nj_plot) + - theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg, color = input$nj_bg)) - } - }) - - # Heatmap width - nj_heatmap_width <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_width)) { - input$nj_heatmap_width - } else { - length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - 3 - } - } - } - }) - - # Heatmap column titles position - nj_colnames_y <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_colnames_y)) { - input$nj_colnames_y - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular") { - 0 - } else {-1} - } - }) - - # Heatmap column titles angle - nj_colnames_angle <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_colnames_angle)) { - input$nj_colnames_angle - } else { - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular") { - 90 - } else {-90} - } else {-90} - } - }) - - # Heatmap scale - nj_heatmap_scale <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_scale) & !is.null(input$nj_heatmap_div_mid)) { - if(input$nj_heatmap_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_heatmap_div_mid == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_div_mid == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_heatmap_scale)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_heatmap_scale)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_heatmap_scale)[3], - midpoint = midpoint, - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else { - if(input$nj_heatmap_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } - } else { - if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_heatmap_scale, - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } - } - } - }) - - # Tippoint Scale - nj_tippoint_scale <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tippoint_scale) & !is.null(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid)) { - if(input$nj_tippoint_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tippoint_scale)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tippoint_scale)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tippoint_scale)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$nj_tippoint_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_color_brewer(palette = input$nj_tippoint_scale) - } - } - } - }) - - # Tiplab Scale - nj_tiplab_scale <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_scale) & !is.null(input$nj_color_mapping_div_mid)) { - if(input$nj_tiplab_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_color_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_color_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiplab_scale)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiplab_scale)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiplab_scale)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$nj_tiplab_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_color_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiplab_scale) - } - } - } - }) - - # Clade Highlight - nj_clades <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_parentnode)) { - if(!length(input$nj_parentnode) == 0) { - if(length(input$nj_parentnode) == 1) { - fill <- input$nj_clade_scale - } else if (length(input$nj_parentnode) == 2) { - if(startsWith(input$nj_clade_scale, "#")) { - fill <- brewer.pal(3, "Set1")[1:2] - } else { - fill <- brewer.pal(3, input$nj_clade_scale)[1:2] - } - } else { - fill <- brewer.pal(length(input$nj_parentnode), input$nj_clade_scale) - } - geom_hilight(node = as.numeric(input$nj_parentnode), - fill = fill, - type = input$nj_clade_type, - to.bottom = TRUE - ) - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # Legend Position - nj_legend_pos <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_legend_x) & !is.null(input$nj_legend_y)) { - c(input$nj_legend_x, input$nj_legend_y) - } else { - c(0.1, 1) - } - }) - - # Heatmap offset - nj_heatmap_offset <- reactive({ - if(is.null(input$nj_heatmap_offset)) { - 0 - } else {input$nj_heatmap_offset} - }) - - # Tiles fill color gradient - nj_gradient <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_1) & - !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_1) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1)) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_1)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_1)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_1)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_1) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - nj_gradient2 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_2) & - !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_2) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_2) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2)) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_2)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_2)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_2)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_2) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - nj_gradient3 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_3) & - !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_3) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient3(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_3)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_3)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_3)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_3) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - nj_gradient4 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_4) & - !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_4) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_4) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4)) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient4(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_4)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_4)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_4)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_4) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - nj_gradient5 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_5) & - !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_5) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_5) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5)) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient5(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_5)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_5)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_5)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_5) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # No label clip off for linear NJ tree - nj_clip_label <- reactive({ - if(!(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward")) { - coord_cartesian(clip = "off") - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Geom Fruit - nj_fruit <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), - offset = 0, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), - offset = 0, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # Geom Fruit - nj_fruit2 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_2)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_2))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_2, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_2 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_2, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_2 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - nj_fruit3 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_3)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_3))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_3, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_3 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_3, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_3 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - nj_fruit4 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_4)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_4))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_4, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_4 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_4, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_4 - ) - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - } - }) - - nj_fruit5 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_5)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_5))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_5, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_5 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_5, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_5 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # Xlim - nj_limit <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_layout == "circular") { - xlim(input$nj_xlim, NA) - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Treescale - nj_treescale <- reactive({ - if(!input$nj_layout == "circular") { - if(input$nj_treescale_show == TRUE) { - geom_treescale(x = nj_treescale_x(), - y = nj_treescale_y(), - width = nj_treescale_width(), - color = input$nj_color, - fontsize = 4) - } else {NULL} - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Treescale Y Position - nj_treescale_y <- reactive({ - if(is.null(input$nj_treescale_y)) { - 0 - } else {input$nj_treescale_y} - }) - - # Treescale X Position - nj_treescale_x <- reactive({ - if(is.null(input$nj_treescale_x)) { - round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.2, 0) - } else {input$nj_treescale_x} - }) - - # Treescale width - nj_treescale_width <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_treescale_width)) { - input$nj_treescale_width - } else { - round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) - } - }) - - # Label branches - nj_label_branch <- reactive({ - if(!input$nj_layout == "circular" | !input$nj_layout == "inward") { - if(input$nj_show_branch_label == TRUE) { - geom_label( - aes( - x=!!sym("branch"), - label= !!sym(input$nj_branch_label)), - fill = input$nj_branch_label_color, - size = nj_branch_size(), - label.r = unit(input$nj_branch_labelradius, "lines"), - nudge_x = input$nj_branch_x, - nudge_y = input$nj_branch_y, - fontface = input$nj_branchlab_fontface, - alpha = input$nj_branchlab_alpha - ) - } else {NULL} - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Branch label size - nj_branch_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_branch_size)) { - input$nj_branch_size - } else { - Vis$branch_size_nj - } - }) - - # Rootedge - nj_rootedge <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_rootedge_show == TRUE) { - if(is.null(input$nj_rootedge_length)) { - geom_rootedge(rootedge = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.05, 0), - linetype = input$nj_rootedge_line) - } else { - geom_rootedge(rootedge = input$nj_rootedge_length, - linetype = input$nj_rootedge_line) - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Tippoints - nj_tippoint <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_tippoint_show == TRUE | input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE | input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == FALSE) { - geom_tippoint( - aes(color = !!sym(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping)), - alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, - shape = input$nj_tippoint_shape, - size = nj_tippoint_size() - ) - } else if (input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == FALSE & input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tippoint( - aes(shape = !!sym(input$nj_tipshape_mapping)), - alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, - color = input$nj_tippoint_color, - size = nj_tippoint_size() - ) - } else if (input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tippoint( - aes(shape = !!sym(input$nj_tipshape_mapping), - color = !!sym(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping)), - alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, - size = nj_tippoint_size() - ) - } else { - geom_tippoint( - alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, - colour = input$nj_tippoint_color, - fill = input$nj_tippoint_color, - shape = input$nj_tippoint_shape, - size = nj_tippoint_size() - ) - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Nodepoints - nj_nodepoint <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_nodepoint_show == TRUE) { - geom_nodepoint( - alpha = input$nj_nodepoint_alpha, - color = input$nj_nodepoint_color, - shape = input$nj_nodepoint_shape, - size = nj_nodepoint_size() - ) - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Nodepoint size - nj_nodepoint_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_nodepoint_size)) { - input$nj_nodepoint_size - } else { - Vis$nodepointsize_nj - } - }) - - # NJ circular or not - nj_tiplab <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_tiplab_show == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular") { - if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = "text", - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position), - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - color = input$nj_tiplab_color, - geom = "text", - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position), - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } else if (input$nj_layout == "inward") { - if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = "text", - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position_inw), - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - color = input$nj_tiplab_color, - geom = "text", - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position_inw), - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } else { - if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_geom == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = nj_geom(), - angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap, - label.padding = unit(nj_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), - label.r = unit(input$nj_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), - fill = input$nj_tiplab_fill - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = nj_geom(), - angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } else { - if(input$nj_geom == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = nj_geom(), - color = input$nj_tiplab_color, - angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap, - label.padding = unit(nj_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), - label.r = unit(input$nj_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), - fill = input$nj_tiplab_fill - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = nj_geom(), - color = input$nj_tiplab_color, - angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Tip panel size - nj_tiplab_padding <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_padding)) { - input$nj_tiplab_padding - } else { - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj - } - }) - - # Tiplab size - nj_tiplab_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_size)) { - input$nj_tiplab_size - } else { - Vis$labelsize_nj - } - }) - - # Tippoint size - nj_tippoint_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tippoint_size)) { - input$nj_tippoint_size - } else { - Vis$tippointsize_nj - } - }) - - # Show Label Panels? - nj_geom <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_geom == TRUE) { - "label" - } else {"text"} - }) - - # NJ Tiplab color - nj_mapping_tiplab <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab)) { - aes(label = !!sym(input$nj_tiplab), - color = !!sym(input$nj_color_mapping)) - } else { - aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name"), - color = !!sym(input$nj_color_mapping)) - } - } else { - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab)) { - aes(label = !!sym(input$nj_tiplab)) - } else { - aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name")) - } - } - }) - - # NJ Tree Layout - layout_nj <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_layout == "inward") { - "circular" - } else {input$nj_layout} - }) - - # NJ inward circular - nj_inward <- reactive({ - if (input$nj_layout == "inward") { - layout_inward_circular(xlim = input$nj_inward_xlim) - } else { - NULL - } - }) - - #### UPGMA ---- - - upgma_tree <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_nodelabel_show == TRUE) { - ggtree(Vis$upgma, alpha = 0.2, layout = layout_upgma()) + - geom_nodelab(aes(label = node), color = "#29303A", size = upgma_tiplab_size() + 1, hjust = 0.7) + - upgma_limit() + - upgma_inward() - } else { - tree <- - ggtree(Vis$upgma, - color = input$upgma_color, - layout = layout_upgma(), - ladderize = input$upgma_ladder) %<+% Vis$meta_upgma + - upgma_tiplab() + - upgma_tiplab_scale() + - new_scale_color() + - upgma_limit() + - upgma_inward() + - upgma_label_branch() + - upgma_treescale() + - upgma_nodepoint() + - upgma_tippoint() + - upgma_tippoint_scale() + - new_scale_color() + - upgma_clip_label() + - upgma_rootedge() + - upgma_clades() + - ggtitle(label = input$upgma_title, - subtitle = input$upgma_subtitle) + - theme_tree(bgcolor = input$upgma_bg) + - theme(plot.title = element_text(colour = input$upgma_title_color, - size = input$upgma_title_size), - plot.subtitle = element_text(colour = input$upgma_title_color, - size = input$upgma_subtitle_size), - legend.background = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg), - legend.direction = input$upgma_legend_orientation, - legend.title = element_text(color = input$upgma_color, - size = input$upgma_legend_size*1.2), - legend.title.align = 0.5, - legend.position = upgma_legend_pos(), - legend.text = element_text(color = input$upgma_color, - size = input$upgma_legend_size), - legend.key = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg), - = unit(1.5, "cm"), - legend.key.size = unit(0.05*input$upgma_legend_size, 'cm'), - plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg, color = input$upgma_bg)) + - new_scale_fill() + - upgma_fruit() + - upgma_gradient() + - new_scale_fill() + - upgma_fruit2() + - upgma_gradient2() + - new_scale_fill() + - upgma_fruit3() + - upgma_gradient3() + - new_scale_fill() + - upgma_fruit4() + - upgma_gradient4() + - new_scale_fill() + - upgma_fruit5() + - upgma_gradient5() + - new_scale_fill() - - # Add custom labels - if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { - - for(i in Vis$custom_label_upgma[,1]) { - - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[i]])) { - x_pos <- Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[i]] - } else { - x_pos <- round(Vis$upgma_max_x / 2, 0) - } - - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[i]])) { - y_pos <- Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[i]] - } else { - y_pos <- sum(DB$data$Include) / 2 - } - - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_size[[i]])) { - size <- Vis$upgma_label_size[[i]] - } else { - size <- 5 - } - - tree <- tree + annotate("text", - x = x_pos, - y = y_pos, - label = i, - size = size) - } - } - - # Add heatmap - if(input$upgma_heatmap_show == TRUE & length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) > 0) { - if (!(any(sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & - any(!sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric)))) { - tree <- gheatmap.mod(tree, - data = select(Vis$meta_upgma, input$upgma_heatmap_select), - offset = upgma_heatmap_offset(), - width = upgma_heatmap_width(), - legend_title = input$upgma_heatmap_title, - colnames_angle = -upgma_colnames_angle(), - colnames_offset_y = upgma_colnames_y(), - colnames_color = input$upgma_color) + - upgma_heatmap_scale() - } - } - - # Sizing control - Vis$upgma_plot <- ggplotify::as.ggplot(tree, - scale = input$upgma_zoom, - hjust = input$upgma_h, - vjust = input$upgma_v) - - # Correct background color if zoomed out - cowplot::ggdraw(Vis$upgma_plot) + - theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg, color = input$upgma_bg)) - } - }) - - # Heatmap width - upgma_heatmap_width <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_width)) { - input$upgma_heatmap_width - } else { - length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - 3 - } - } - } - }) - - # Heatmap column titles position - upgma_colnames_y <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_colnames_y)) { - input$upgma_colnames_y - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular") { - 0 - } else {-1} - } - }) - - # Heatmap column titles angle - upgma_colnames_angle <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_colnames_angle)) { - input$upgma_colnames_angle - } else { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular") { - 90 - } else {-90} - } else {-90} - } - }) - - # Heatmap scale - upgma_heatmap_scale <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_scale) & !is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_div_mid)) { - if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_heatmap_div_mid == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_div_mid == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_heatmap_scale)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_heatmap_scale)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_heatmap_scale)[3], - midpoint = midpoint, - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else { - if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_heatmap_scale, - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } - } - } - }) - - # Tippoint Scale - upgma_tippoint_scale <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tippoint_scale) & !is.null(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid)) { - if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tippoint_scale)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tippoint_scale)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tippoint_scale)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_color_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tippoint_scale) - } - } - } - }) - - # Tiplab Scale - upgma_tiplab_scale <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_scale) & !is.null(input$upgma_color_mapping_div_mid)) { - if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_color_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_color_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiplab_scale)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiplab_scale)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiplab_scale)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_color_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiplab_scale) - } - } - } - }) - - # Clade Highlight - upgma_clades <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_parentnode)) { - if(!length(input$upgma_parentnode) == 0) { - if(length(input$upgma_parentnode) == 1) { - fill <- input$upgma_clade_scale - } else if (length(input$upgma_parentnode) == 2) { - if(startsWith(input$upgma_clade_scale, "#")) { - fill <- brewer.pal(3, "Set1")[1:2] - } else { - fill <- brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_clade_scale)[1:2] - } - } else { - fill <- brewer.pal(length(input$upgma_parentnode), input$upgma_clade_scale) - } - geom_hilight(node = as.numeric(input$upgma_parentnode), - fill = fill, - type = input$upgma_clade_type, - to.bottom = TRUE) - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # Legend Position - upgma_legend_pos <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_legend_x) & !is.null(input$upgma_legend_y)) { - c(input$upgma_legend_x, input$upgma_legend_y) - } else { - c(0.1, 1) - } - }) - - # Heatmap offset - upgma_heatmap_offset <- reactive({ - if(is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_offset)) { - 0 - } else {input$upgma_heatmap_offset} - }) - - # Tiles fill color gradient - upgma_gradient <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_1) & - !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1)) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_1)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_1)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_1)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_1) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - upgma_gradient2 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_2) & - !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2)) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_2)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_2)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_2)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_2) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - upgma_gradient3 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_3) & - !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3)) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient3(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_3)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_3)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_3)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_3) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - upgma_gradient4 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_4) & - !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4)) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient4(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_4)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_4)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_4)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_4) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - upgma_gradient5 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_5) & - !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5)) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient5(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_5)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_5)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_5)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_5) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # No label clip off for linear upgma tree - upgma_clip_label <- reactive({ - if(!(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward")) { - coord_cartesian(clip = "off") - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Geom Fruit - upgma_fruit <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_1)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), - offset = 0, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), - offset = 0, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # Geom Fruit - upgma_fruit2 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_2)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_2)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_2))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_2, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_2 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_2, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_2 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - upgma_fruit3 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_3)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_3)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_3))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_3, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_3 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_3, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_3 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - upgma_fruit4 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_4)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_4)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_4))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_4, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_4 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_4, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_4 - ) - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - } - }) - - upgma_fruit5 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_5)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_5)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_5))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_5, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_5 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_5, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_5 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # Xlim - upgma_limit <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular") { - xlim(input$upgma_xlim, NA) - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Treescale - upgma_treescale <- reactive({ - if(!input$upgma_layout == "circular") { - if(input$upgma_treescale_show == TRUE) { - geom_treescale(x = upgma_treescale_x(), - y = upgma_treescale_y(), - width = upgma_treescale_width(), - color = input$upgma_color, - fontsize = 4) - } else {NULL} - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Treescale Y Position - upgma_treescale_y <- reactive({ - if(is.null(input$upgma_treescale_y)) { - 0 - } else {input$upgma_treescale_y} - }) - - # Treescale X Position - upgma_treescale_x <- reactive({ - if(is.null(input$upgma_treescale_x)) { - round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.2, 0) - } else {input$upgma_treescale_x} - }) - - # Treescale width - upgma_treescale_width <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_treescale_width)) { - input$upgma_treescale_width - } else { - round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) - } - }) - - # Label branches - upgma_label_branch <- reactive({ - if(!input$upgma_layout == "circular" | !input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - if(input$upgma_show_branch_label == TRUE) { - geom_label( - aes( - x=!!sym("branch"), - label= !!sym(input$upgma_branch_label)), - fill = input$upgma_branch_label_color, - size = upgma_branch_size(), - label.r = unit(input$upgma_branch_labelradius, "lines"), - nudge_x = input$upgma_branch_x, - nudge_y = input$upgma_branch_y, - fontface = input$upgma_branchlab_fontface, - alpha = input$upgma_branchlab_alpha - ) - } else {NULL} - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Branch label size - upgma_branch_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_branch_size)) { - input$upgma_branch_size - } else { - Vis$branch_size_upgma - } - }) - - # Rootedge - upgma_rootedge <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_rootedge_show == TRUE) { - if(is.null(input$upgma_rootedge_length)) { - geom_rootedge(rootedge = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.05, 0), - linetype = input$upgma_rootedge_line) - } else { - geom_rootedge(rootedge = input$upgma_rootedge_length, - linetype = input$upgma_rootedge_line) - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Tippoints - upgma_tippoint <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_tippoint_show == TRUE | input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE | input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == FALSE) { - geom_tippoint( - aes(color = !!sym(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping)), - alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, - shape = input$upgma_tippoint_shape, - size = upgma_tippoint_size() - ) - } else if (input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == FALSE & input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tippoint( - aes(shape = !!sym(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping)), - alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, - color = input$upgma_tippoint_color, - size = upgma_tippoint_size() - ) - } else if (input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tippoint( - aes(shape = !!sym(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping), - color = !!sym(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping)), - alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, - size = upgma_tippoint_size() - ) - } else { - geom_tippoint( - alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, - colour = input$upgma_tippoint_color, - fill = input$upgma_tippoint_color, - shape = input$upgma_tippoint_shape, - size = upgma_tippoint_size() - ) - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Nodepoints - upgma_nodepoint <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_nodepoint_show == TRUE) { - geom_nodepoint( - alpha = input$upgma_nodepoint_alpha, - color = input$upgma_nodepoint_color, - shape = input$upgma_nodepoint_shape, - size = upgma_nodepoint_size() - ) - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Nodepoint size - upgma_nodepoint_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_nodepoint_size)) { - input$upgma_nodepoint_size - } else { - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma - } - }) - - # upgma circular or not - upgma_tiplab <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_tiplab_show == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular") { - if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = "text", - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position), - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, - geom = "text", - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position), - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } else if (input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = "text", - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position_inw), - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, - geom = "text", - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position_inw), - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_geom == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = upgma_geom(), - angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap, - label.padding = unit(upgma_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), - label.r = unit(input$upgma_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), - fill = input$upgma_tiplab_fill - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = upgma_geom(), - angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_geom == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = upgma_geom(), - color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, - angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap, - label.padding = unit(upgma_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), - label.r = unit(input$upgma_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), - fill = input$upgma_tiplab_fill - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = upgma_geom(), - color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, - angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Tip panel size - upgma_tiplab_padding <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_padding)) { - input$upgma_tiplab_padding - } else { - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma - } - }) - - # Tiplab size - upgma_tiplab_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_size)) { - input$upgma_tiplab_size - } else { - Vis$labelsize_upgma - } - }) - - # Tippoint size - upgma_tippoint_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tippoint_size)) { - input$upgma_tippoint_size - } else { - Vis$tippointsize_upgma - } - }) - - # Show Label Panels? - upgma_geom <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_geom == TRUE) { - "label" - } else {"text"} - }) - - # upgma Tiplab color - upgma_mapping_tiplab <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab)) { - aes(label = !!sym(input$upgma_tiplab), - color = !!sym(input$upgma_color_mapping)) - } else { - aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name"), - color = !!sym(input$upgma_color_mapping)) - } - } else { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab)) { - aes(label = !!sym(input$upgma_tiplab)) - } else { - aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name")) - } - } - }) - - # upgma Tree Layout - layout_upgma <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - "circular" - } else {input$upgma_layout} - }) - - # upgma inward circular - upgma_inward <- reactive({ - if (input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - layout_inward_circular(xlim = input$upgma_inward_xlim) - } else { - NULL - } - }) - - ### Save MST Plot ---- - output$save_plot_html <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save MST;", paste0("MST_", Sys.Date(), ".html"))) - paste0("MST_", Sys.Date(), ".html") - }, - content = function(file) { - mst_tree() %>% visSave(file = file, background = mst_background_color()) - } - ) - - ### Save NJ Plot ---- - - # Define download handler to save the plot - - output$download_nj <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save NJ;", paste0("NJ_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_nj))) - paste0("NJ_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_nj) - }, - content = function(file) { - if (input$filetype_nj == "png") { - png(file, width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale)) - print(nj_tree()) - - } else if (input$filetype_nj == "jpeg") { - jpeg(file, width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale), quality = 100) - print(nj_tree()) - - } else if (input$filetype_nj == "svg") { - plot <- print(nj_tree()) - ggsave(file=file, plot=plot, device = svg(width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio))/96, - height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale)/96)) - } else if (input$filetype_nj == "bmp") { - bmp(file, width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale)) - print(nj_tree()) - - } - } - ) - - ### Save UPGMA Plot ---- - - # Define download handler to save the plot - - output$download_upgma <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save UPGMA;", paste0("UPGMA_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_upgma))) - paste0("UPGMA_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_upgma) - }, - content = function(file) { - if (input$filetype_upgma == "png") { - png(file, width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale)) - print(upgma_tree()) - - } else if (input$filetype_upgma == "jpeg") { - jpeg(file, width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale), quality = 100) - print(upgma_tree()) - - } else if (input$filetype_upgma == "svg") { - plot <- print(upgma_tree()) - ggsave(file=file, plot=plot, device = svg(width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio))/96, - height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale)/96)) - } else if (input$filetype_upgma == "bmp") { - bmp(file, width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale)) - print(upgma_tree()) - - } - } - ) - - ### Reactive Events ---- - - # MST cluster reset button - observeEvent(input$mst_cluster_reset, { - if(!is.null(DB$schemeinfo)) - updateNumericInput(session, "mst_cluster_threshold", value = as.numeric(DB$schemeinfo[7, 2])) - }) - - # Shut off "Align Labels" control for UPGMA trees - shinyjs::disable('upgma_align') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiplab_linesize') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiplab_linetype') - - # Conditional disabling of control elemenmts - observe({ - - # Tiles for inward layout - if(input$nj_layout == "inward") { - shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show') - shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_2') - shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_3') - shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_4') - shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_5') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_2') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_3') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_4') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_5') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_2') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_3') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_4') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_5') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_2') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_3') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_4') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_5') - } else { - shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show') - shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_2') - shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_3') - shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_4') - shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_5') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_2') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_3') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_4') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_5') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_2') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_3') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_4') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_5') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_2') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_3') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_4') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_5') - } - - if(input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_2') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_3') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_4') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_5') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_2') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_3') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_4') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_5') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_2') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_3') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_4') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_5') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_2') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_3') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_4') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_5') - } else { - shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_2') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_3') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_4') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_5') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_2') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_3') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_4') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_5') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_2') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_3') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_4') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_5') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_2') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_3') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_4') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_5') - } - - # Shut off branch labels for NJ and UPGMA plots for circular layout - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - shinyjs::disable('nj_show_branch_label') - } else { - shinyjs::enable('nj_show_branch_label') - } - - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - shinyjs::disable('upgma_show_branch_label') - } else { - shinyjs::enable('upgma_show_branch_label') - } - }) - - #### Generate Plot ---- - - hamming_nj <- reactive({ - if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { - if(input$na_handling == "omit") { - allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] - - allelic_profile_noNA_true <- allelic_profile_noNA[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - - compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA_true, hamming.dist) - - } else if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na"){ - compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distIgnore) - - } else { - compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distCategory) - } - - } else {compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.dist)} - }) - - hamming_mst <- reactive({ - if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { - if(input$na_handling == "omit") { - allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] - - allelic_profile_noNA_true <- allelic_profile_noNA[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - - dist <- compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA_true, hamming.dist) - - } else if (input$na_handling == "ignore_na") { - dist <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distIgnore) - } else { - dist <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distCategory) - } - } else { - dist <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.dist) - } - - # Find indices of pairs with a distance of 0 - zero_distance_pairs <- == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)) - - zero_distance_pairs <- zero_distance_pairs[zero_distance_pairs$row != zero_distance_pairs$col, ] - - if(nrow(zero_distance_pairs) > 0) { - - # Sort each row so that x <= y - df_sorted <- t(apply(zero_distance_pairs, 1, function(row) sort(row))) - - # Remove duplicate rows - df_unique <- - - colnames(df_unique) <- c("col", "row") - - # get metadata in df - vector_col <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$col) { - vector_col[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name`[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - vector_row <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$row) { - vector_row[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name`[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - col_id <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$col) { - col_id[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly ID`[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - row_id <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$row) { - row_id[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly ID`[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - col_index <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$col) { - col_index[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Index[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - row_index <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$row) { - row_index[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Index[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - col_date <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$col) { - col_date[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Isolation Date`[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - row_date <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$row) { - row_date[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Isolation Date`[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - col_host <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$col) { - col_host[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Host[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - row_host <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$row) { - row_host[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Host[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - col_country <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$col) { - col_country[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Country[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - row_country <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$row) { - row_country[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Country[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - col_city <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$col) { - col_city[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$City[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - row_city <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$row) { - row_city[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$City[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - df_unique <- cbind(df_unique, col_name = vector_col, row_name = vector_row, - col_index = col_index, row_index = row_index, col_id = col_id, - row_id = row_id, col_date = col_date, row_date = row_date, - col_host = col_host, row_host = row_host, col_country = col_country, - row_country = row_country, col_city = col_city, row_city = row_city) - - # Add groups - grouped_df <- df_unique %>% - group_by(col) %>% - mutate(group_id = cur_group_id()) - - # Merge groups - name <- character(0) - index <- character(0) - id <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in grouped_df$group_id) { - name[count] <- paste(unique(append(grouped_df$col_name[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)], - grouped_df$row_name[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)])), - collapse = "\n") - - id[count] <- paste(unique(append(grouped_df$col_id[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)], - grouped_df$row_id[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)])), - collapse = "\n") - - index[count] <- paste(unique(append(grouped_df$col_index[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)], - grouped_df$row_index[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)])), - collapse = "\n") - - count <- count + 1 - } - - merged_names <- cbind(grouped_df, "Index" = index, "Assembly Name" = name, "Assembly ID" = id) - - # remove duplicate groups - - final <- merged_names[!duplicated(merged_names$group_id), ] - - final_cleaned <- final[!(final$col_name %in% final$row_name),] - - final_cleaned <- select(final_cleaned, 3, 17:20) - - # adapt metadata - Date_merged <- character(0) - for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { - Date <- character(0) - for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { - Date <- append(Date, Vis$meta_mst$`Isolation Date`[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) - } - Date_merged <- append(Date_merged, paste(Date, collapse = "\n")) - } - - Host_merged <- character(0) - for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { - Host <- character(0) - for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { - Host <- append(Host, Vis$meta_mst$Host[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) - } - Host_merged <- append(Host_merged, paste(Host, collapse = "\n")) - } - - Country_merged <- character(0) - for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { - Country <- character(0) - for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { - Country <- append(Country, Vis$meta_mst$Country[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) - } - Country_merged <- append(Country_merged, paste(Country, collapse = "\n")) - } - - City_merged <- character(0) - for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { - City <- character(0) - for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { - City <- append(City, Vis$meta_mst$City[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) - } - City_merged <- append(City_merged, paste(City, collapse = "\n")) - } - - final_meta <- cbind(final_cleaned, "Isolation Date" = Date_merged, - "Host" = Host_merged, "Country" = Country_merged, "City" = City_merged) - - - # Merging with original data frame / allelic profile - - allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile_true - meta_true <- Vis$meta_mst - - rownames(allelic_profile_true) <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name` - rownames(meta_true) <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name` - - omit <- unique(append(df_unique$col_name, df_unique$row_name)) %in% final_cleaned$col_name - - omit_id <- unique(append(df_unique$col_name, df_unique$row_name))[!omit] - - remove <- !(rownames(allelic_profile_true) %in% omit_id) - - allelic_profile_clean <- allelic_profile_true[remove, ] - - meta_clean <- meta_true[remove, ] - - # substitute meta assembly names with group names - - count <- 1 - for(i in which(rownames(meta_clean) %in% final_meta$col_name)) { - meta_clean$Index[i] <- final_meta$Index[count] - meta_clean$`Assembly Name`[i] <- final_meta$`Assembly Name`[count] - meta_clean$`Assembly ID`[i] <- final_meta$`Assembly ID`[count] - meta_clean$`Isolation Date`[i] <- final_meta$`Isolation Date`[count] - meta_clean$Host[i] <- final_meta$Host[count] - meta_clean$Country[i] <- final_meta$Country[count] - meta_clean$City[i] <- final_meta$City[count] - count <- count + 1 - } - - # Metadata completion - # get group size - - size_vector <- numeric(0) - for(i in 1:nrow(meta_clean)) { - if (str_count(meta_clean$`Assembly Name`[i], "\n") == 0) { - size_vector[i] <- 1 - } else { - size_vector[i] <- str_count(meta_clean$`Assembly Name`[i], "\n") +1 - } - } - - meta_clean <- mutate(meta_clean, size = size_vector) - - # get font size dependent on group size - - font_size <- numeric(nrow(meta_clean)) - - for (i in 1:length(font_size)) { - if(meta_clean$size[i] < 3) { - font_size[i] <- 12 - } else { - font_size[i] <- 11 - } - } - - # get v-align dependent on group size - valign <- numeric(nrow(meta_clean)) - - for (i in 1:length(valign)) { - if(meta_clean$size[i] == 1) { - valign[i] <- -30 - } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 2) { - valign[i] <- -38 - } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 3) { - valign[i] <- -46 - } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 4) { - valign[i] <- -54 - } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 5) { - valign[i] <- -62 - } else if(meta_clean$size[i] > 5) { - valign[i] <- -70 - } - } - - Vis$unique_meta <- meta_clean %>% - cbind(font_size = font_size, valign = valign) - - # final dist calculation - - if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)){ - if(input$na_handling == "omit") { - allelic_profile_clean_noNA_names <- allelic_profile_clean[, colSums( == 0] - compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean_noNA_names, hamming.dist) - } else if (input$na_handling == "ignore_na") { - compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean, hamming.distIgnore) - } else { - compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean, hamming.distCategory) - } - } else {compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean, hamming.dist)} - - - } else { - font_size <- rep(12, nrow(Vis$meta_mst)) - valign <- rep(-30, nrow(Vis$meta_mst)) - size <- rep(1, nrow(Vis$meta_mst)) - Vis$unique_meta <- Vis$meta_mst %>% - cbind(size , font_size, valign) - - dist - } - - }) - - observeEvent(input$create_tree, { - log_print("Input create_tree") - - if(is.null(DB$data)) { - log_print("Missing data") - - show_toast( - title = "Missing data", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if(nrow(DB$allelic_profile_true) < 3) { - log_print("Min. of 3 entries required for visualization") - - show_toast( - title = "Min. of 3 entries required for visualization", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - - if(any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) | any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))) { - log_print("Duplicated assemblies") - - dup_name <- which(duplicated(DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`)) - dup_id <- which(duplicated(DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`)) - - showModal( - modalDialog( - if((length(dup_name) + length(dup_id)) == 1) { - if(length(dup_name) == 1) { - HTML(paste0("Entry #", dup_name, - " contains a duplicated assembly name:", "

", - DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`[dup_name])) - } else { - HTML(paste0("Entry #", dup_id, - " contains a duplicated assembly ID:", "

", - DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`[dup_id])) - } - } else { - if(length(dup_name) == 0) { - HTML(c("Entries contain duplicated IDs

", - paste0(unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`[dup_id]), "
"))) - } else if(length(dup_id) == 0) { - HTML(c("Entries contain duplicated names

", - paste0(unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`[dup_name]), "
"))) - } else { - HTML(c("Entries contain duplicated names and IDs

", - paste0("Name: ", unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`[dup_name]), "
"), - paste0("ID: ", unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`[dup_id]), "
"))) - } - }, - title = "Duplicate entries", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("change_entries", "Go to Entry Table", class = "btn btn-default") - ) - ) - ) - } else { - - set.seed(1) - - if (input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { - - log_print("Rendering NJ tree") - - output$nj_field <- renderUI({ - addSpinner( - plotOutput("tree_nj", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$nj_scale), "px")), - spin = "dots", - color = "#ffffff" - ) - }) - - Vis$meta_nj <- select(DB$meta_true, -2) - - if(length(unique(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_nj)))) < length(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_nj)))) { - show_toast( - title = "Conflicting Custom Variable Names", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - - # Create phylogenetic tree data - Vis$nj <- ape::nj(hamming_nj()) - - # Create phylogenetic tree meta data - Vis$meta_nj <- mutate(Vis$meta_nj, taxa = Index) %>% - relocate(taxa) - - # Get number of included entries calculate start values for tree - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 5.5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 5.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.25 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.2 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4.5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.15 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3.5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2.5 - } else { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 1.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.05 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2 - } - } else { - if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.25 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4.5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.2 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.15 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3.5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2.5 - } else { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 2.5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 2.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 1.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.05 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2 - } - } - } else { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.2 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3.5 - } - - Vis$nj_tree <- ggtree(Vis$nj) - - # Get upper and lower end of x range - Vis$nj_max_x <- max(Vis$nj_tree$data$x) - Vis$nj_min_x <- min(Vis$nj_tree$data$x) - - # Get parent node numbers - Vis$nj_parentnodes <- Vis$nj_tree$data$parent - - # Update visualization control inputs - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_size)) { - updateNumericInput(session, "nj_tiplab_size", value = Vis$labelsize_nj) - } - if(!is.null(input$nj_tippoint_size)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_tippoint_size", value = Vis$tippointsize_nj) - } - if(!is.null(input$nj_nodepoint_size)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_nodepoint_size", value = Vis$nodepointsize_nj) - } - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_padding)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_tiplab_padding", value = Vis$tiplab_padding_nj) - } - if(!is.null(input$nj_branch_size)) { - updateNumericInput(session, "nj_branch_size", value = Vis$branch_size_nj) - } - if(!is.null(input$nj_treescale_width)) { - updateNumericInput(session, "nj_treescale_width", value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0)) - } - if(!is.null(input$nj_rootedge_length)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_rootedge_length", value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.05, 0)) - } - - output$tree_nj <- renderPlot({ - nj_tree() - }) - - Vis$nj_true <- TRUE - } - } else if (input$tree_algo == "UPGMA") { - - log_print("Rendering UPGMA tree") - - output$upgma_field <- renderUI({ - addSpinner( - plotOutput("tree_upgma", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$upgma_scale), "px")), - spin = "dots", - color = "#ffffff" - ) - }) - - Vis$meta_upgma <- select(DB$meta_true, -2) - - if(length(unique(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_upgma)))) < length(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_upgma)))) { - show_toast( - title = "Conflicting Custom Variable Names", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - - # Create phylogenetic tree data - Vis$upgma <- phangorn::upgma(hamming_nj()) - - # Create phylogenetic tree meta data - Vis$meta_upgma <- mutate(Vis$meta_upgma, taxa = Index) %>% - relocate(taxa) - - # Get number of included entries calculate start values for tree - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 5.5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 5.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.25 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.2 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4.5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.15 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3.5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2.5 - } else { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 1.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.05 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2 - } - } else { - if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.25 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4.5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.2 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.15 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3.5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2.5 - } else { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 2.5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 2.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 1.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.05 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2 - } - } - } else { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.2 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3.5 - } - - Vis$upgma_tree <- ggtree(Vis$upgma) - - # Get upper and lower end of x range - Vis$upgma_max_x <- max(Vis$upgma_tree$data$x) - Vis$upgma_min_x <- min(Vis$upgma_tree$data$x) - - # Get parent node numbers - Vis$upgma_parentnodes <- Vis$upgma_tree$data$parent - - # Update visualization control inputs - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_size)) { - updateNumericInput(session, "upgma_tiplab_size", value = Vis$labelsize_upgma) - } - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tippoint_size)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_tippoint_size", value = Vis$tippointsize_upgma) - } - if(!is.null(input$upgma_nodepoint_size)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_nodepoint_size", value = Vis$nodepointsize_upgma) - } - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_padding)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_tiplab_padding", value = Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma) - } - if(!is.null(input$upgma_branch_size)) { - updateNumericInput(session, "upgma_branch_size", value = Vis$branch_size_upgma) - } - if(!is.null(input$upgma_treescale_width)) { - updateNumericInput(session, "upgma_treescale_width", value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0)) - } - if(!is.null(input$upgma_rootedge_length)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_rootedge_length", value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.05, 0)) - } - - output$tree_upgma <- renderPlot({ - upgma_tree() - }) - - Vis$upgma_true <- TRUE - } - } else { - - log_print("Rendering MST graph") - - output$mst_field <- renderUI({ - if(input$mst_background_transparent == TRUE) { - visNetworkOutput("tree_mst", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$mst_scale) * as.numeric(input$mst_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$mst_scale), "px")) - } else { - addSpinner( - visNetworkOutput("tree_mst", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$mst_scale) * as.numeric(input$mst_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$mst_scale), "px")), - spin = "dots", - color = "#ffffff" - ) - } - }) - - if(nrow(DB$meta_true) > 100) { - - log_print("Over 100 isolates in MST graph") - - show_toast( - title = "Computation might take a while", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 10000 - ) - } - - meta_mst <- DB$meta_true - Vis$meta_mst <- meta_mst - - # prepare igraph object - Vis$ggraph_1 <- hamming_mst() |> - as.matrix() |> - graph.adjacency(weighted = TRUE) |> - igraph::mst() - - output$tree_mst <- renderVisNetwork({ - mst_tree() - }) - - Vis$mst_true <- TRUE - } - } - } - }) - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Report ---- - - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - if(!is.null(input$tree_algo)) { - if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { - shinyjs::disable("rep_plot_report") - updateCheckboxInput(session, "rep_plot_report", value = FALSE) - } else { - shinyjs::enable("rep_plot_report") - } - } - } - }) - - ### Report creation UI ---- - - observeEvent(input$create_rep, { - - if((input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning" & isTRUE(Vis$mst_true)) | - (input$tree_algo == "UPGMA" & isTRUE(Vis$upgma_true)) | - (input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining" & isTRUE(Vis$nj_true))) { - # Get currently selected missing value handling option - if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na") { - na_handling <- "Ignore missing values for pairwise comparison" - } else if(input$na_handling == "omit") { - na_handling <- "Omit loci with missing values for all assemblies" - } else if(input$na_handling == "category") { - na_handling <- "Treat missing values as allele variant" - } - - extra_var <- character() - if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { - shinyjs::runjs("mstReport();") - if(isTRUE(input$mst_color_var)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$mst_col_var) - } - } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { - if(isTRUE(input$nj_mapping_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_color_mapping) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_tipcolor_mapping) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_tipshape_mapping) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_2) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_3) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_4) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_5) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_heatmap_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_heatmap_select) - } - } else if(input$tree_algo == "UPGMA") { - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_mapping_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_color_mapping) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tipcolor_mapping_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_tipcolor_mapping) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tipshape_mapping_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_tipshape_mapping) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_1)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_2)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_2) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_3)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_3) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_4)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_4) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_5)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_5) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_heatmap_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_heatmap_select) - } - } - - showModal( - modalDialog( - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color:black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'General') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - checkboxInput( - "rep_general", - label = "", - value = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - checkboxInput( - "rep_date_general", - label = h5("Date", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 7, - dateInput( - "mst_date_general_select", - "", - max = Sys.Date() - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - checkboxInput( - "rep_operator_general", - label = h5("Operator", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 8, - textInput( - "mst_operator_general_select", - "" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - checkboxInput( - "rep_institute_general", - label = h5("Institute", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 8, - textInput( - "mst_institute_general_select", - "" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - checkboxInput( - "rep_comm_general", - label = h5("Comment", style = "color:black;") - ) - ), - column( - width = 8, - textAreaInput( - inputId = "mst_comm_general_select", - label = "", - width = "100%", - height = "60px", - cols = NULL, - rows = NULL, - placeholder = NULL, - resize = "vertical" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'Isolate Table') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - checkboxInput( - "rep_entrytable", - label = "", - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'Include Plot') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 1, - align = "left", - checkboxInput( - "rep_plot_report", - label = "", - value = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - div( - class = "rep_tab_sel", - pickerInput("select_rep_tab", - label = "", - choices = names(DB$meta)[-2], - selected = c("Assembly Name", "Scheme", "Isolation Date", - "Host", "Country", "City", extra_var), - options = list( - size = 10, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE) - ) - ) - ), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'Analysis Parameter') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - checkboxInput( - "rep_analysis", - label = "", - value = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - checkboxInput( - "rep_cgmlst_analysis", - label = h5("Scheme", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 8, - align = "right", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', DB$scheme) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - checkboxInput( - "rep_tree_analysis", - label = h5("Tree", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 8, - align = "right", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', input$tree_algo) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column(2), - column( - width = 4, - checkboxInput( - "rep_distance", - label = h5("Distance", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', 'Hamming') - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(2), - column( - width = 4, - checkboxInput( - "rep_version", - label = h5("Version", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color:black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', phylotraceVersion) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - checkboxInput( - "rep_missval", - label = h5("NA handling", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "right", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic; right: 35px;', na_handling) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - title = "cgMLST Report Generation", - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - downloadBttn( - "download_report", - style = "simple", - label = "Save", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download") - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - show_toast( - title = "No tree created", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - }) - - observe({ - if(!is.null(input$rep_general)) { - if(isFALSE(input$rep_general)) { - shinyjs::disable('rep_date_general') - shinyjs::disable('rep_operator_general') - shinyjs::disable('rep_institute_general') - shinyjs::disable('rep_comm_general') - shinyjs::disable('mst_date_general_select') - shinyjs::disable('mst_operator_general_select') - shinyjs::disable('mst_institute_general_select') - shinyjs::disable('mst_comm_general_select') - } else { - shinyjs::enable('rep_date_general') - shinyjs::enable('rep_operator_general') - shinyjs::enable('rep_institute_general') - shinyjs::enable('rep_comm_general') - shinyjs::enable('mst_date_general_select') - shinyjs::enable('mst_operator_general_select') - shinyjs::enable('mst_institute_general_select') - shinyjs::enable('mst_comm_general_select') - } - } - - if(!is.null(input$rep_analysis)) { - if(isFALSE(input$rep_analysis)) { - shinyjs::disable('rep_cgmlst_analysis') - shinyjs::disable('rep_tree_analysis') - shinyjs::disable('rep_distance') - shinyjs::disable('rep_missval') - shinyjs::disable('rep_version') - } else { - shinyjs::enable('rep_cgmlst_analysis') - shinyjs::enable('rep_tree_analysis') - shinyjs::enable('rep_distance') - shinyjs::enable('rep_missval') - shinyjs::enable('rep_version') - } - } - - if(length(input$select_rep_tab) > 0) { - updateCheckboxInput(session, "rep_entrytable", value = TRUE) - } else { - updateCheckboxInput(session, "rep_entrytable", value = FALSE) - } - }) - - ### Save Report ---- - - #### Get Report elements ---- - - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)){ - if(!is.null(input$tree_algo)) { - req(c(input$rep_entrytable, input$rep_general, - input$rep_date_general, input$rep_operator_general, - input$rep_institute_general, input$rep_comm_general, - input$rep_analysis, input$rep_cgmlst_analysis, - input$rep_tree_analysis, input$rep_distance, - input$rep_missval, input$rep_version, - input$rep_plot_report, input$select_rep_tab)) - Report$report_df <- data.frame(Element = c("entry_table", "general_show", - "general_date", "operator", - "institute", "comment", - "analysis_show", "scheme", - "tree", "distance", "na_handling", "version", - "plot"), - Include = c(input$rep_entrytable, input$rep_general, - input$rep_date_general, input$rep_operator_general, - input$rep_institute_general, input$rep_comm_general, - input$rep_analysis, input$rep_cgmlst_analysis, - input$rep_tree_analysis, input$rep_distance, - input$rep_missval, input$rep_version, - input$rep_plot_report)) - } - } - }) - - #### Get Report values ---- - - observeEvent(input$create_tree, { - if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { - Report$report_list_mst <- list(entry_table = DB$meta_true, - scheme = DB$schemeinfo, - tree = input$tree_algo, - na_handling = if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile_true)){input$na_handling} else {NULL}, - distance = "Hamming Distances", - version = c(phylotraceVersion, "2.5.1"), - plot = "MST") - } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { - Report$report_list_nj <- list(entry_table = DB$meta_true, - scheme = DB$schemeinfo, - tree = input$tree_algo, - na_handling = input$na_handling, - distance = "Hamming Distances", - version = c(phylotraceVersion, "2.5.1"), - plot = "NJ") - } else { - Report$report_list_upgma <- list(entry_table = DB$meta_true, - scheme = DB$schemeinfo, - tree = input$tree_algo, - na_handling = input$na_handling, - distance = "Hamming Distances", - version = c(phylotraceVersion, "2.5.1"), - plot = "UPGMA") - } - }) - - # Save plot for Report - <- reactive({ - if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { - jpeg(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/NJ.jpeg"), width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale), quality = 100) - print(nj_tree()) - - } else if(input$tree_algo == "UPGMA") { - jpeg(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/UPGMA.jpeg"), width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale), quality = 100) - print(upgma_tree()) - - } else if (input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { - shinyjs::runjs("mstReport();") - decoded_data <- base64enc::base64decode(input$canvas_data) - writeBin(decoded_data, paste0(getwd(), "/Report/MST.jpg")) - } - }) - - #### Event Save Report ---- - output$download_report <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { - paste0("MST_Report_", Sys.Date(), ".html") - } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { - paste0("NJ_Report_", Sys.Date(), ".html") - } else {paste0("UPGMA_Report_", Sys.Date(), ".html")} - }, - content = function(file) { - if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { - - - report <- c(Report$report_list_mst, - "general_date" = as.character(input$mst_date_general_select), - "operator" = input$mst_operator_general_select, - "institute" = input$mst_institute_general_select, - "comment" = input$mst_comm_general_select, - "report_df" = Report$report_df) - - report[["table_columns"]] <- input$select_rep_tab - - # Save data to an RDS file if any elements were selected - if (!is.null(report)) { - - log_print("Creating MST report") - - saveRDS(report, file = paste0(getwd(), "/Report/selected_elements.rds")) - - rmarkdown::render(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.Rmd")) - - file.copy(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.html"), file) - } else { - log_print("Creating MST report failed (report is null)") - } - } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { - - report <- c(Report$report_list_nj, - "general_date" = as.character(input$mst_date_general_select), - "operator" = input$mst_operator_general_select, - "institute" = input$mst_institute_general_select, - "comment" = input$mst_comm_general_select, - "report_df" = Report$report_df) - - report[["table_columns"]] <- input$select_rep_tab - - # Save data to an RDS file if any elements were selected - if (!is.null(report)) { - log_print("Creating NJ report") - - saveRDS(report, file = paste0(getwd(), "/Report/selected_elements.rds")) - - rmarkdown::render(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.Rmd")) - - file.copy(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.html"), file) - } else { - log_print("Creating NJ report failed (report is null)") - } - - } else { - - report <- c(Report$report_list_upgma, - "general_date" = as.character(input$mst_date_general_select), - "operator" = input$mst_operator_general_select, - "institute" = input$mst_institute_general_select, - "comment" = input$mst_comm_general_select, - "report_df" = Report$report_df) - - report[["table_columns"]] <- input$select_rep_tab - - # Save data to an RDS file if any elements were selected - if (!is.null(report)) { - log_print("Creating UPGMA report") - - saveRDS(report, file = paste0(getwd(), "/Report/selected_elements.rds")) - - rmarkdown::render(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.Rmd")) - - file.copy(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.html"), file) - } else { - log_print("Creating UPGMA report failed (report is null)") - } - - } - removeModal() - } - ) - - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Gene Screening ---- - - ### Render UI Elements ---- - - # Rendering results table - output$gs_results_table <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data) - if(!is.null(Screening$selected_isolate)) { - if(length(Screening$selected_isolate) > 0) { - fluidRow( - div(class = "loci_table", - DT::dataTableOutput("gs_profile_table")), - br(), - HTML( - paste0("", - 'RSL = Reference Sequence Length  |  ', - '%CRS = % Coverage of Reference Sequence  |  ', - '%IRS = % Identity to Reference Sequence  |  ', - 'ACS = Accession of Closest Sequence  |  ', - 'NCS = Name of Closest Sequence') - - ) - ) - } else { - fluidRow( - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste0("", - 'Select entry from the table to display resistance profile') - - ) - ) - ) - } - } else { - fluidRow( - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste0("", - 'Select entry from the table to display resistance profile') - - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Gene screening download button - output$gs_download <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data) - if(!is.null(Screening$selected_isolate)) { - if(length(Screening$selected_isolate) > 0) { - fluidRow( - downloadBttn( - "download_resistance_profile", - style = "simple", - label = "Profile Table", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download"), - color = "primary" - ), - bsTooltip("download_resistance_profile_bttn", - HTML(paste0("Save resistance profile table for
", - Screening$selected_isolate)), - placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover") - ) - } else {NULL} - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Conditionally render table selectiom interface - output$gs_table_selection <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data, input$gs_view) - if(input$gs_view == "Table") { - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 10, - div(class = "loci_table", - dataTableOutput("gs_isolate_table")) - ) - ) - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Resistance profile table output display - output$gs_profile_display <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data) - if(!is.null(DB$meta_gs) & !is.null(input$gs_view)) { - if(input$gs_view == "Table") { - column( - width = 10, - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - p( - HTML( - paste0("", - "Gene Screening Results
", - "", - "Comprising genes for resistance, virulence, stress, etc.") - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - uiOutput("gs_download") - ) - ), - br(), - uiOutput("gs_results_table") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 10, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - p( - HTML( - paste0("", - "Gene Screening Results
", - "", - "Comprising genes for resistance, virulence, stress, etc.") - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - div( - class = "gs-picker", - pickerInput( - "gs_profile_select", - "", - choices = list( - Screened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")] - }, - Unscreened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")] - }, - `No Assembly File` = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "NA") == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")] - } - ), - choicesOpt = list( - disabled = c( - rep(FALSE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")])), - rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")])), - rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")])) - ) - ), - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - uiOutput("gs_download") - ) - ), - br(), - uiOutput("gs_results_table") - ) - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Screening sidebar - output$screening_sidebar <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data) - if(!is.null(DB$meta_gs)) { - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Toggle View') - ) - ) - ), - radioGroupButtons( - inputId = "gs_view", - choices = c("Picker", "Table"), - selected = "Picker", - checkIcon = list( - yes = icon("square-check"), - no = icon("square") - ) - ), - br() - ) - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Resistance profile table - observe({ - req(DB$meta_gs, Screening$selected_isolate, DB$database, DB$scheme, DB$data) - - if(length(Screening$selected_isolate) > 0 & any(Screening$selected_isolate %in% DB$data$`Assembly ID`)) { - iso_select <- Screening$selected_isolate - iso_path <- file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates", - iso_select, "resProfile.tsv") - - res_profile <- read.delim(iso_path) - - colnames(res_profile) <- c( - "Protein Identifier", "Contig ID", "Start", "Stop", "Strand", "Gene Symbol", - "Sequence Name", "Scope", "Element Type", "Element Subtype", "Class", - "Subclass", "Method", "Target Length", "RSL", "%CRS", "%IRS", - "Alignment Length", "ACS", "Name of Closest Sequence", "HMM ID", "HMM Description") - - Screening$res_profile <- res_profile %>% - relocate(c("Gene Symbol", "Sequence Name", "Element Subtype", "Class", - "Subclass", "Scope", "Contig ID", "Target Length", "Alignment Length", - "Start", "Stop", "Strand")) - - # Generate gene profile table - output$gs_profile_table <- DT::renderDataTable( - Screening$res_profile, - selection = "single", - rownames= FALSE, - options = list(pageLength = 10, scrollX = TRUE, - autoWidth = TRUE, - columnDefs = list(list(width = '400px', targets = c("Sequence Name", - "Name of Closest Sequence"))), - columnDefs = list(list(width = 'auto', targets = "_all")), - columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, - targets = "_all")), - initComplete = DT::JS( - "function(settings, json) {", - "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", - # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - ), - drawCallback = DT::JS( - "function(settings) {", - # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - )) - ) - } else { - output$gs_profile_table <- NULL - } - }) - - #Resistance profile selection table - observe({ - req(DB$meta, DB$data) - output$gs_isolate_table <- renderDataTable( - select(DB$meta_gs[which(DB$meta_gs$Screened == "Yes"), ], -c(3, 4, 10, 11, 12)), - selection = "single", - rownames= FALSE, - options = list(pageLength = 10, - columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, - targets = "_all")), - initComplete = DT::JS( - "function(settings, json) {", - "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - ), - drawCallback = DT::JS( - "function(settings) {", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - )) - ) - }) - - observe({ - req(input$screening_res_sel, DB$database, DB$scheme, DB$data) - if(!is.null(Screening$status_df) & - !is.null(input$screening_res_sel) & - !is.null(Screening$status_df$status) & - !is.null(Screening$status_df$isolate)) { - if(length(input$screening_res_sel) > 0) { - if(any(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)) { - if(Screening$status_df$status[which(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)] == "success") { - results <- read.delim(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates", - input$screening_res_sel, "resProfile.tsv")) - - output$screening_table <- renderDataTable( - select(results, c(6, 7, 8, 9, 11)), - selection = "single", - options = list(pageLength = 10, - columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, - targets = "_all")), - initComplete = DT::JS( - "function(settings, json) {", - "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - ), - drawCallback = DT::JS( - "function(settings) {", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - ))) - } else {output$screening_table <- NULL} - } - } else { - output$screening_table <- NULL - } - } else { - output$screening_table <- NULL - } - - }) - - # Availablity feedback - output$gene_screening_info <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data) - if(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) %in% amrfinder_species) { - p( - HTML( - paste( - '', - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", - paste(DB$scheme, "available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - p( - HTML( - paste( - '', - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", - paste(DB$scheme, " not available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$gene_resistance_info <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data) - if(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) %in% amrfinder_species) { - p( - HTML( - paste( - '', - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", - paste(DB$scheme, "available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - p( - HTML( - paste( - '', - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", - paste(DB$scheme, " not available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Screening Interface - - output$screening_interface <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data) - if(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) %in% amrfinder_species) { - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Select Isolates for Screening') - ) - ) - ), - if(Screening$picker_status) { - div( - class = "screening_div", - pickerInput( - "screening_select", - "", - choices = list( - Unscreened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")] - }, - Screened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")] - }, - `No Assembly File` = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "NA") == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")] - } - ), - choicesOpt = list( - disabled = c( - rep(FALSE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")])), - rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")])), - rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")])) - ) - ), - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - ) - } else { - div( - class = "screening_div", - pickerInput( - "screening_select", - "", - choices = Screening$picker_choices, - selected = Screening$picker_selected, - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - ) - }, - br(), br(), - uiOutput("genome_path_gs") - ), - column( - width = 3, - uiOutput("screening_start") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - uiOutput("screening_result_sel") - ), - column(1) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 10, - br(), br(), - uiOutput("screening_result"), - br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - ### Screening Events ---- - - observe({ - req(DB$data, input$gs_view) - if(input$gs_view == "Table") { - meta_gs <- DB$meta_gs[which(DB$meta_gs$Screened == "Yes"), ] - Screening$selected_isolate <- meta_gs$`Assembly ID`[input$gs_isolate_table_rows_selected] - } else if(input$gs_view == "Picker") { - Screening$selected_isolate <- input$gs_profile_select - } - }) - - output$download_resistance_profile <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save resistance profile table ", Screening$selected_isolate, "_Profile.csv")) - - paste0(format(Sys.Date()), "_", Screening$selected_isolate, "_Profile.csv") - }, - content = function(file) { - write.table( - Screening$res_profile, - file, - sep = ";", - row.names = FALSE, - quote = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - # Reset screening - observeEvent(input$screening_reset_bttn, { - log_print("Reset gene screening") - - # reset status file - sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, remove.screening.status) - - # set feedback variables - Screening$status <- "idle" - Screening$status_df <- NULL - Screening$choices <- NULL - Screening$picker_status <- TRUE - Screening$first_result <- NULL - - # change reactive UI - output$screening_table <- NULL - output$screening_result <- NULL - output$screening_fail <- NULL - - updatePickerInput(session, "screening_select", selected = character(0)) - - # disable isolate picker - shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').prop('disabled', false);") - shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').selectpicker('refresh');") - }) - - # Cancel screening - observeEvent(input$screening_cancel, { - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0( - "Gene screening is still pending. Stopping this process will cancel the screening." - ), - title = "Reset Multi Typing", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("conf_screening_cancel", "Stop", class = "btn btn-danger") - ) - ) - ) - }) - - observeEvent(input$conf_screening_cancel, { - log_print("Cancelled gene screening") - removeModal() - - show_toast( - title = "Gene Screening Terminated", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - - # terminate screening - system(paste("kill $(pgrep -f 'execute/')"), wait = FALSE) - system(paste("killall -TERM tblastn"), wait = FALSE) - - # reset status file - sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, remove.screening.status) - - # set feedback variables - Screening$status <- "idle" - Screening$status_df <- NULL - Screening$choices <- NULL - Screening$picker_status <- TRUE - Screening$first_result <- NULL - - # change reactive UI - output$screening_table <- NULL - output$screening_result <- NULL - - updatePickerInput(session, "screening_select", selected = character(0)) - - # disable isolate picker - shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').prop('disabled', false);") - shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').selectpicker('refresh');") - }) - - # Get selected assembly - observe({ - req(DB$data, Screening$status) - if (length(input$screening_select) < 1) { - output$genome_path_gs <- renderUI(HTML( - paste("", length(input$screening_select), " isolate(s) queried for screening") - )) - - output$screening_start <- NULL - - } else if (length(input$screening_select) > 0) { - - output$screening_start <- renderUI({ - - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - br(), br(), - if(length(input$screening_select) < 1) { - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - p( - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Select Isolate(s) for Screening"))) - ) - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "finished") { - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - p( - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Reset to Perform Screening Again"))) - ), - actionButton( - "screening_reset_bttn", - "Reset", - icon = icon("arrows-rotate") - ), - if(!is.null(Screening$status_df)) { - p( - HTML(paste("", - sum(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished"), "/", - nrow(Screening$status_df), " Isolate(s) screened")) - ) - } - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "idle") { - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - p( - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Screening Ready"))) - ), - actionButton( - inputId = "screening_start_button", - label = "Start", - icon = icon("circle-play") - ) - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "started") { - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - p( - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Running Screening ..."))) - ), - fluidRow( - column(3), - column( - width = 3, - actionButton( - inputId = "screening_cancel", - label = "Terminate", - icon = icon("ban") - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - HTML(paste('')) - ) - ), - if(!is.null(Screening$status_df)) { - p( - HTML(paste("", - sum(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished"), "/", - nrow(Screening$status_df), " isolate(s) screened")) - ) - } - ) - } - ) - ) - }) - } else {NULL} - }) - - #### Running Screening ---- - - observeEvent(input$screening_start_button, { - - if(tail(readLogFile(), 1) != "0") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Multi Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Single Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - - log_print("Started gene screening") - - Screening$status <- "started" - Screening$picker_choices <- list( - Unscreened = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "No") == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")] - }, - Screened = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "Yes") == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")] - }, - `No Assembly File` = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "NA") == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")] - } - ) - Screening$picker_selected <- input$screening_select - Screening$picker_status <- FALSE - - show_toast( - title = "Gene screening started", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - - Screening$meta_df <- data.frame(wd = getwd(), - selected = paste( - file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "Isolates", input$screening_select, - paste0(input$screening_select, ".zip")), - collapse = " "), - species = gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)) - - Screening$status_df <- data.frame(isolate = basename(gsub(".zip", "", str_split_1(Screening$meta_df$selected, " "))), - status = "unfinished") - - # Reset screening status - sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, remove.screening.status) - - saveRDS(Screening$meta_df, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening_meta.rds")) - - # Disable pickerInput - shinyjs::delay(200, shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').prop('disabled', true);")) - shinyjs::delay(200, shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').selectpicker('refresh');")) - - # System execution - system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), wait = FALSE) - } - }) - - observe({ - req(DB$data, Screening$status, input$screening_res_sel, Screening$status_df) - if(!is.null(Screening$status_df) & - !is.null(Screening$status_df$status) & - !is.null(Screening$status_df$isolate) & - !is.null(input$screening_res_sel)) { - if(Screening$status != "idle" & length(input$screening_res_sel) > 0) { - if(any(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)) { - if(Screening$status_df$status[which(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)] == "success") { - output$screening_result <- renderUI( - column( - width = 12, - hr(), br(), - dataTableOutput("screening_table") - ) - ) - } else { - output$screening_result <- renderUI( - column( - width = 12, - hr(), br(), - verbatimTextOutput("screening_fail") - ) - ) - } - } - } else { - output$screening_result <- NULL - } - } else { - output$screening_result <- NULL - } - }) - - observe({ - req(DB$data, Screening$status, input$screening_res_sel) - if(!is.null(Screening$status_df) & - !is.null(Screening$status_df$status) & - !is.null(Screening$status_df$isolate) & - !is.null(input$screening_res_sel)) { - if(Screening$status != "idle" & length(input$screening_res_sel) > 0) { - if(any(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)) { - if(Screening$status_df$status[which(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)] == "fail") { - output$screening_fail <- renderPrint({ - cat(paste(readLines(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "Isolates", input$screening_res_sel, "status.txt")),"\n")) - }) - } - } - } else { - output$screening_fail <- NULL - } - } else { - output$screening_fail <- NULL - } - }) - - observe({ - req(DB$data) - if(!is.null(Screening$status)) { - if(Screening$status != "idle") { - - # start status screening for user feedback - check_screening() - - if(isTRUE(Screening$first_result)) { - output$screening_result_sel <- renderUI( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - selectInput( - "screening_res_sel", - label = h5("Select Result", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 28px; margin-top: -10px;"), - choices = "" - ), - if(!is.null(Screening$status_df)) { - p(HTML(paste("", - if(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "success") == 1) { - "1 success   /  " - } else { - paste0(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "success"), " successes   /  ") - }, - if(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "fail") == 1) { - "1 failure" - } else { - paste0(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "fail"), " failures") - }))) - } - ) - ) - - Screening$first_result <- FALSE - } - } else if(Screening$status == "idle") { - output$screening_result_sel <- NULL - } - } - }) - - check_screening <- reactive({ - invalidateLater(500, session) - - req(Screening$status_df) - - if(Screening$status == "started") { - - Screening$status_df$status <- sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, check_status) - - if(any("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) & - !identical(Screening$choices, Screening$status_df$isolate[which(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished")])) { - - status_df <- Screening$status_df[which(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished"),] - - Screening$choices <- Screening$status_df$isolate[which(Screening$status_df$status == "success" | - Screening$status_df$status == "fail")] - - if(sum(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished") > 0) { - if(is.null(Screening$first_result)) { - Screening$first_result <- TRUE - } - } - - if(tail(status_df$status, 1) == "success") { - - # Changing "Screened" metadata variable in database - Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) - - Database[["Typing"]]$Screened[which(Database[["Typing"]]["Assembly ID"] == tail(Screening$choices, 1))] <- "Yes" - - saveRDS(Database, file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) - - DB$data$Screened[which(DB$data["Assembly ID"] == tail(Screening$choices, 1))] <- "Yes" - - DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) - DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - - show_toast( - title = paste("Successful screening of", tail(Screening$choices, 1)), - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000) - - updateSelectInput(session = session, - inputId = "screening_res_sel", - choices = Screening$choices, - selected = tail(Screening$choices, 1)) - - } else if(tail(status_df$status, 1) == "fail") { - - show_toast( - title = paste("Failed screening of", tail(status_df$isolate, 1)), - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000) - - updateSelectInput(session = session, - inputId = "screening_res_sel", - choices = Screening$choices, - selected = tail(Screening$choices, 1)) - } - - if(sum("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) == length(Screening$status_df$status)) { - Screening$status <- "finished" - } - } else { - if(sum("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) == length(Screening$status_df$status)) { - Screening$status <- "finished" - } - } - - if(sum("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) == length(Screening$status_df$status)) { - Screening$status <- "finished" - } - } - }) - - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Typing ---- - - # Render Single/Multi Switch - - readLogFile <- reactive({ - invalidateLater(5000, session) - readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) - }) - - # Render sidebar dependent on data presence - # No sidebar - output$typing_sidebar <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$exist)) { - if(DB$exist) { - NULL - } else { - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Typing Mode') - ) - ) - ), - radioGroupButtons( - inputId = "typing_mode", - choices = c("Single", "Multi"), - selected = "Single", - checkIcon = list( - yes = icon("square-check"), - no = icon("square") - ) - ), - br() - ) - } - } - - }) - - # No db typing message - output$typing_no_db <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$exist)) { - if(DB$exist) { - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - br(), - br(), - br(), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste0( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 50px', 'To initiate allelic typing, a cgMLST scheme must be downloaded first.' - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else {NULL} - } else {NULL} - }) - - ### Single Typing ---- - - #### Render UI Elements ---- - - # Render single typing naming issues - output$single_select_issues <- renderUI({ - req(input$assembly_id) - - if(nchar(trimws(input$assembly_id)) < 1) { - ass_id <- as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name))) - } else { - ass_id <- trimws(input$assembly_id) - } - - if(ass_id %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"])) { - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Assembly ID already present in database."))) - } else if (ass_id == "") { - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Empty Assembly ID."))) - } else if (grepl("[()/\\:*?\"<>|]", ass_id)) { - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Invalid Assembly ID. Avoid special characters."))) - } else if(grepl(" ", ass_id)) { - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Invalid Assembly ID. Avoid empty spaces."))) - } else {HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Assembly ID compatible with local database.")))} - }) - - # Render Typing Results if finished - observe({ - if(Typing$progress_format_end == 999999) { - if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt"))) { - if(str_detect(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1), "Successful")) { - output$typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ - Typing$typing_result_table <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_df.rds")) - Typing$typing_result_table <- mutate_all(Typing$typing_result_table, as.character) - if(nrow(Typing$typing_result_table) > 0) { - if(nrow(Typing$typing_result_table) > 15) { - rhandsontable(Typing$typing_result_table, rowHeaders = NULL, - stretchH = "all", height = 500, readOnly = TRUE, - contextMenu = FALSE) %>% - hot_cols(columnSorting = TRUE) %>% - hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% - hot_col(1:ncol(Typing$typing_result_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", - cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% - hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( - "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - if (value.length > 8) { - value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); - } - td.innerHTML = value; - = 'center'; - return td; - }" - )) - } else { - rhandsontable(Typing$typing_result_table, rowHeaders = NULL, - stretchH = "all", readOnly = TRUE, - contextMenu = FALSE,) %>% - hot_cols(columnSorting = TRUE) %>% - hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% - hot_col(1:ncol(Typing$typing_result_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", - cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% - hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( - "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - if (value.length > 8) { - value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); - } - td.innerHTML = value; - = 'center'; - return td; - }" - )) - } - } - }) - - output$single_typing_results <- renderUI({ - result_table <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_df.rds")) - number_events <- nrow(result_table) - - n_new <- length(grep("New Variant", result_table$Event)) - - n_missing <- number_events - n_new - - # Show results table only if successful typing - if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt"))) { - if(str_detect(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1), "Successful")) { - if(number_events > 0) { - column( - width = 12, - HTML(paste("", - length(Typing$scheme_loci_f) - number_events, - "loci were assigned a variant from local scheme.")), - br(), - HTML(paste("", - n_missing, - if(n_missing == 1) " locus not assigned (NA)." else " loci not assigned (NA).")), - br(), - HTML(paste("", - n_new, - if(n_new == 1) " locus with new variant." else " loci with new variants.")), - br(), br(), - rHandsontableOutput("typing_result_table") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 12, - HTML(paste("", - length(Typing$scheme_loci_f), - "successfully assigned from local scheme.")) - ) - } - } - } - }) - - } else { - - output$single_typing_results <- NULL - - } - } else { - output$single_typing_results <- NULL - } - } - - }) - - # Render Initiate Typing UI - output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File (FASTA)') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyFilesButton( - "genome_file", - "Browse" , - icon = icon("file"), - title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", - multiple = FALSE, - buttonType = "default", - class = NULL, - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("genome_path"), - br() - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Render Declare Metadata UI - - observe({ - if (nrow(Typing$single_path) < 1) { - output$genome_path <- renderUI(HTML( - paste("", "No file selected.") - )) - - # dont show subsequent metadata declaration and typing start UI - output$metadata_single_box <- NULL - output$start_typing_ui <- NULL - - } else if (nrow(Typing$single_path) > 0) { - - if (str_detect(str_sub(Typing$single_path$name, start = -6), ".fasta") | - str_detect(str_sub(Typing$single_path$name, start = -6), ".fna") | - str_detect(str_sub(Typing$single_path$name, start = -6), ".fa")) { - - # Render selected assembly path - output$genome_path <- renderUI({ - HTML( - paste( - "", - as.character(Typing$single_path$name) - ) - ) - }) - - # Render metadata declaration box - output$metadata_single_box <- renderUI({ - - # Render placeholder - updateTextInput(session, "assembly_id", value = as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name)))) - updateTextInput(session, "assembly_name", value = as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name)))) - - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - h3(p("Declare Metadata"), style = "color:white; margin-left:-40px"), - br(), br(), - div( - class = "multi_meta_box", - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "90%", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Assembly ID", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - textInput("assembly_id", - value = "", - label = "", - width = "80%") - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - uiOutput("single_select_issues") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Assembly Name", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - textInput("assembly_name", - label = "", - width = "80%") - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Isolation Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - dateInput("append_isodate", - label = "", - width = "80%", - max = Sys.Date()) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Host", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - textInput("append_host", - label = "", - width = "80%") - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Country", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table_country", - pickerInput( - "append_country", - label = "", - choices = list("Common" = sel_countries, - "All Countries" = country_names), - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - width = "90%" - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("City", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - textInput( - "append_city", - label = "", - width = "80%" - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Typing Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - h5(paste0(" ", Sys.Date()), style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - actionButton( - inputId = "conf_meta_single", - label = "Confirm" - ), - br() - ) - ), - br() - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else { - show_toast( - title = "Wrong file type (only fasta/fna/fa)", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - } - }) - - # Get genome datapath - - observe({ - # Get selected Genome in Single Mode - shinyFileChoose(input, - "genome_file", - roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), - defaultRoot = "Home", - session = session, - filetypes = c('', 'fasta', 'fna', 'fa')) - Typing$single_path <- parseFilePaths(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$genome_file) - - }) - - #### Run blat ---- - - observeEvent(input$typing_start, { - - log_print("Input typing_start") - - if(tail(readLogFile(), 1) != "0") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Multi Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if (Screening$status == "started") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Gene Screening", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - if(sum(apply(DB$data, 1, anyNA)) >= 1) { - DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE - } else { - DB$no_na_switch <- FALSE - } - } - - # Activate entry detection - DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE - - Typing$single_end <- FALSE - - Typing$progress_format_start <- 0 - Typing$progress_format_end <- 0 - - # Remove Initiate Typing UI - output$initiate_typing_ui <- NULL - output$metadata_single_box <- NULL - output$start_typing_ui <- NULL - - # status feedback - Typing$status <- "Processing" - - # Locate folder containing cgMLST scheme - search_string <- paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles") - - scheme_folders <- dir_ls(paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme))) - - if (any(grepl(search_string, scheme_folders))) { - - # reset results file - if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { - unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) - } - - # blat initiate index - scheme_select <- as.character(scheme_folders[which(grepl(search_string, scheme_folders))]) - - show_toast( - title = "Typing Initiated", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - - log_print("Initiated single typing") - - ### Run blat Typing - - single_typing_df <- data.frame( - db_path = DB$database, - wd = getwd(), - save = input$save_assembly_st, - scheme = paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)), - genome = Typing$single_path$datapath, - alleles = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", search_string) - ) - - saveRDS(single_typing_df, "execute/single_typing_df.rds") - - # Execute single typing script - system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), - wait = FALSE) - - scheme_loci <- list.files(path = scheme_select, full.names = TRUE) - - # Filter the files that have FASTA extensions - Typing$scheme_loci_f <- - scheme_loci[grep("\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", scheme_loci, = TRUE)] - - output$single_typing_progress <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - br(), br(), - column(width = 1), - column( - width = 3, - h3(p("Pending Single Typing ..."), style = "color:white") - ), - br(), br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column(width = 1), - column( - width = 4, - br(), br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - uiOutput("reset_single_typing"), - HTML( - paste( - "", - as.character(Typing$single_path$name) - ) - ), - br(), br(), - progressBar( - "progress_bar", - value = 0, - display_pct = TRUE, - title = "" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - uiOutput("typing_formatting"), - uiOutput("typing_fin") - ) - ) - ), - column(1), - column( - width = 5, - br(), br(), br(), - uiOutput("single_typing_results") - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else { - log_print("Folder containing cgMLST alleles not in working directory") - - show_alert( - title = "Error", - text = paste0( - "Folder containing cgMLST alleles not in working directory.", - "\n", - "Download cgMLST Scheme for selected Organism first." - ), - type = "error" - ) - } - } - }) - - # Function to update Progress Bar - update <- reactive({ - invalidateLater(3000, session) - - # write progress in process tracker - cat( - c(length(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))), - readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[-1]), - file = paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), - sep = "\n" - ) - - progress <- readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt")) - - # if typing with blat is finished -> "attaching" phase started - if(![1])) { - if(![2])) { - if(progress[2] == "888888") { - Typing$progress_format_start <- progress[2] - Typing$pending_format <- progress[2] - Typing$status <- "Attaching" - } - } - # "attaching" phase completed - if(![3])) { - if(progress[3] == "999999") { - Typing$progress_format_end <- progress[3] - Typing$entry_added <- progress[3] - Typing$status <- "Finalized" - } - } - Typing$progress <- as.numeric(progress[1]) - floor((Typing$progress / length(Typing$scheme_loci_f)) * 100) - } else { - floor((Typing$progress / length(Typing$scheme_loci_f)) * 100) - } - }) - - # Observe Typing Progress - observe({ - - if(readLogFile()[1] == "0") { - # Update Progress Bar - updateProgressBar( - session = session, - id = "progress_bar", - value = update(), - total = 100, - title = paste0(as.character(Typing$progress), "/", length(Typing$scheme_loci_f), " loci screened") - ) - } - - if (Typing$progress_format_start == 888888) { - output$typing_formatting <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - HTML(paste("", "Transforming data ...")) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - HTML(paste('')) - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else { - output$typing_formatting <- NULL - } - - # Render when finalized - if (Typing$progress_format_end == 999999) { - - output$typing_formatting <- NULL - - output$typing_fin <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt"))) { - if(str_detect(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1), "Successful")) { - req(Typing$scheme_loci_f, Typing$typing_result_table) - if(sum(Typing$typing_result_table$Event != "New Variant") > (0.5 * length(Typing$scheme_loci_f))){ - HTML( - paste("", - sub(".*Successful", "Finished", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1)), - paste("", "Warning: Isolate contains large number of failed allele assignments."), - paste("", "Reset to start another typing process."), - sep = '
\n')) - } else { - HTML(paste("", - sub(".*Successful", "Successful", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1)), - "Reset to start another typing process.", sep = '
')) - } - } else { - HTML(paste("", - sub(".*typing", "Typing", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1)), - "Reset to start another typing process.", sep = '
')) - } - }, - br(), br(), - actionButton( - "reset_single_typing", - "Reset", - icon = icon("arrows-rotate") - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else { - output$typing_fin <- NULL - output$single_typing_results <- NULL - } - - }) - - #### Declare Metadata ---- - - observeEvent(input$conf_meta_single, { - - if(nchar(trimws(input$assembly_id)) < 1) { - ass_id <- as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name))) - } else { - ass_id <- trimws(input$assembly_id) - } - - if(nchar(trimws(input$assembly_name)) < 1) { - ass_name <- as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name))) - } else { - ass_name <- trimws(input$assembly_name) - } - - if(ass_id %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"])) { - show_toast( - title = "Assembly ID already present", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if (isFALSE(Typing$reload)) { - show_toast( - title = "Reload Database first", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if (ass_id == "") { - show_toast( - title = "Empty Assembly ID", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if (grepl("[()/\\:*?\"<>|]", ass_id)) { - show_toast( - title = "Invalid Assembly ID. No special characters allowed: ()/\\:*?\"<>|", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if(grepl(" ", ass_id)) { - show_toast( - title = "Empty spaces in Assembly ID not allowed", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "started") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Single Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - - log_print("Single typing metadata confirmed") - - meta_info <- data.frame(assembly_id = ass_id, - assembly_name = ass_name, - cgmlst_typing = DB$scheme, - append_isodate = input$append_isodate, - append_host = trimws(input$append_host), - append_country = trimws(input$append_country), - append_city = trimws(input$append_city), - append_analysisdate = Sys.Date(), - db_directory = getwd()) - - saveRDS(meta_info, paste0( - getwd(), - "/execute/meta_info_single.rds" - )) - - show_toast( - title = "Metadata declared", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - - # Render Start Typing UI - output$start_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - div( - class = "multi_start_col", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Start Typing"), style = "color:white"), - br(), - br(), - HTML( - paste( - "", - "Typing by ", - DB$scheme, - " scheme." - ) - ), - br(), br(), br(), br(), - div( - class = "save-assembly", - materialSwitch( - "save_assembly_st", - h5(p("Save Assemblies in Local Database"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -3px; right: -20px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE) - ), - HTML( - paste( - "", - "Isolates with unsaved assembly files can NOT be applied to screening for resistance genes." - ) - ), - br(), br(), br(), br(), - actionButton( - inputId = "typing_start", - label = "Start", - icon = icon("circle-play") - ) - ) - ) - }) - } - }) - - #### Events Single Typing ---- - - observeEvent(input$reset_single_typing, { - log_print("Reset single typing") - - Typing$status <- "Inactive" - - Typing$progress <- 0 - - Typing$progress_format <- 900000 - - output$single_typing_progress <- NULL - - output$typing_fin <- NULL - - output$single_typing_results <- NULL - - output$typing_formatting <- NULL - - Typing$single_path <- data.frame() - - # reset results file - if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { - unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) - # Resetting single typing progress logfile bar - con <- file(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), open = "w") - - cat("0\n", file = con) - - close(con) - } - - output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File (FASTA)') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyFilesButton( - "genome_file", - "Browse" , - icon = icon("file"), - title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", - multiple = FALSE, - buttonType = "default", - class = NULL, - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("genome_path"), - br() - ) - ) - ) - }) - }) - - # Notification for finalized Single typing - Typing$single_end <- TRUE - Typing$progress_format_end <- 0 - - observe({ - if(Typing$single_end == FALSE) { - if (Typing$progress_format_end == 999999) { - show_toast( - title = "Single Typing finalized", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 8000 - ) - Typing$single_end <- TRUE - } - } - }) - - ### Multi Typing ---- - - #### Render Multi Typing UI Elements ---- - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyDirButton( - "genome_file_multi", - "Browse", - icon = icon("folder-open"), - title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", - buttonType = "default", - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_info"), - br() - ) - ), - uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Render selection info - output$multi_select_info <- renderUI({ - - if(!is.null(Typing$multi_path)) { - if(length(Typing$multi_path) < 1) { - HTML(paste("", - "No files selected.")) - } else { - HTML(paste("", - sum(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Include == TRUE), - " files selected.")) - } - } - }) - - # Render multi selection table issues - output$multi_select_issues <- renderUI({ - req(Typing$multi_sel_table, input$multi_select_table) - if(any(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files %in% dupl_mult_id()) & - any(duplicated(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files))){ - HTML( - paste( - paste("", - "Some name(s) are already present in local database.
"), - paste("", - "Duplicated name(s).
") - ) - ) - } else if (any(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files %in% dupl_mult_id()) & - !any(duplicated(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files))) { - HTML( - paste("", - "Some name(s) are already present in local database.
") - ) - } else if (!any(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files %in% dupl_mult_id()) & - any(duplicated(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files))) { - HTML( - paste("", - "Duplicated name(s).
") - ) - } - }) - - output$multi_select_issue_info <- renderUI({ - req(Typing$multi_sel_table, input$multi_select_table) - - multi_select_table <- hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table) - - if(any(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] %in% dupl_mult_id()) | - any(duplicated(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)])) | - any(grepl(" ", multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { - - if(any(grepl(" ", multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { - - if(any(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] %in% dupl_mult_id()) | - any(duplicated(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { - HTML(paste( - paste( - '', - paste("", - " Rename highlighted isolates or deselect them.
")), - paste( - '', - paste("", - " Filename(s) contain(s) empty spaces.")) - )) - } else { - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - " Filename(s) contain(s) empty spaces."))) - } - } else { - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - " Rename highlighted isolates or deselect them."))) - } - } else { - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - " Files ready for allelic typing."))) - } - }) - - # Render Metadata Select Box after Folder selection - observe({ - if(!is.null(Typing$multi_sel_table)) { - if (nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table) > 0) { - - output$multi_select_tab_ctrls <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 2, - align = "left", - actionButton( - "sel_all_mt", - "All", - icon = icon("check") - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "left", - actionButton( - "desel_all_mt", - "None", - icon = icon("xmark") - ) - ), - column(2), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_issues") - ) - ) - ) - - output$metadata_multi_box <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Declare Metadata"), style = "color:white;margin-left:-40px"), - br(), br(), - div( - class = "multi_meta_box", - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "90%", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Assembly ID", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - h5("Assembly filename", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Assembly Name", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - h5("Assembly filename", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Isolation Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - dateInput("append_isodate_multi", - label = "", - width = "80%", - max = Sys.Date()) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Host", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - textInput("append_host_multi", - label = "", - width = "80%") - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Country", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table_country", - pickerInput( - "append_country_multi", - label = "", - choices = list("Common" = sel_countries, - "All Countries" = country_names), - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - width = "90%" - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("City", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - textInput("append_city_multi", - label = "", - width = "80%") - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Typing Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - h5(paste0(" ", Sys.Date()), style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - actionButton( - inputId = "conf_meta_multi", - label = "Confirm" - ), - br(), br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_issue_info") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else { - output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL - } - } - }) - - # Check if ongoing Multi Typing - Render accordingly - observe({ - # Get selected Genome in Multi Mode - shinyDirChoose(input, - "genome_file_multi", - roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), - defaultRoot = "Home", - session = session, - filetypes = c('', 'fasta', 'fna', 'fa')) - - Typing$multi_path <- parseDirPath(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$genome_file_multi) - - files_selected <- list.files(as.character(Typing$multi_path)) - Typing$files_filtered <- files_selected[which(!endsWith(files_selected, ".gz") & - grepl("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", files_selected))] - - Typing$multi_sel_table <- data.frame( - Include = rep(TRUE, length(Typing$files_filtered)), - Files = gsub(".fasta|.fna|.fa|.fasta.gz|.fna.gz|.fa.gz", "", - Typing$files_filtered), - Type = sub(".*(\\.fasta|\\.fasta\\.gz|\\.fna|\\.fna\\.gz|\\.fa|\\.fa\\.gz)$", - "\\1", Typing$files_filtered, perl = F)) - - if(nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table) > 0) { - output$multi_select_tab_ctrls <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 2, - align = "left", - actionButton( - "sel_all_mt", - "All", - icon = icon("check") - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "left", - actionButton( - "desel_all_mt", - "None", - icon = icon("xmark") - ) - ), - column(2), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_issues") - ) - ) - ) - } else { - output$multi_select_tab_ctrls <- NULL - } - - if(between(nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table), 1, 15)) { - output$multi_select_table <- renderRHandsontable({ - rht <- rhandsontable(Typing$multi_sel_table, rowHeaders = NULL, - stretchH = "all", contextMenu = FALSE - ) %>% - hot_cols(columnSorting = FALSE) %>% - hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% - hot_col(2, readOnly = FALSE, - valign = "htBottom") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(1, - halign = "htCenter", - valign = "htTop", - colWidths = 60) - - htmlwidgets::onRender(rht, sprintf( - "function(el, x) { - var hot =; - - var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed - var duplicates = {}; - - var highlightInvalidAndDuplicates = function(invalidValues) { - - var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed - var duplicates = {}; - - // Find all duplicate values - for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { - var value = columnData[i]; - if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { - if (duplicates[value]) { - duplicates[value].push(i); - } else { - duplicates[value] = [i]; - } - } - } - - // Reset all cell backgrounds in the column - for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { - var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed - if (cell) { - = 'white'; - } - } - - // Highlight duplicates and invalid values - for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { - var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed - var value = columnData[i]; - if (cell) { - if (invalidValues.includes(value)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)'; // Highlight color for invalid values - } else if (duplicates[value] && duplicates[value].length > 1) { - = '#FF7334'; // Highlight color for duplicates - } - } - } - }; - - var changefn = function(changes, source) { - if (source === 'edit' || source === 'undo' || source === 'autofill' || source === 'paste') { - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); - } - }; - - hot.addHook('afterChange', changefn); - hot.addHook('afterLoadData', function() { - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); - }); - hot.addHook('afterRender', function() { - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); - }); - - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); // Initial highlight on load - - Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('setColumnValue', function(message) { - var colData = hot.getDataAtCol(0); - for (var i = 0; i < colData.length; i++) { - hot.setDataAtCell(i, 0, message.value); - } - hot.render(); // Re-render the table - }); - }", - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()))) - }) - - } else if(nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table) > 15) { - output$multi_select_table <- renderRHandsontable({ - rht <- rhandsontable(Typing$multi_sel_table, rowHeaders = NULL, - stretchH = "all", height = 500, - contextMenu = FALSE - ) %>% - hot_cols(columnSorting = FALSE) %>% - hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% - hot_col(2, - readOnly = FALSE, - valign = "htBottom") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(1, - halign = "htCenter", - valign = "htTop", - colWidths = 60) - - htmlwidgets::onRender(rht, sprintf( - "function(el, x) { - var hot =; - - var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed - var duplicates = {}; - - var highlightInvalidAndDuplicates = function(invalidValues) { - - var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed - var duplicates = {}; - - // Find all duplicate values - for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { - var value = columnData[i]; - if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { - if (duplicates[value]) { - duplicates[value].push(i); - } else { - duplicates[value] = [i]; - } - } - } - - // Reset all cell backgrounds in the column - for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { - var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed - if (cell) { - = 'white'; - } - } - - // Highlight duplicates and invalid values - for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { - var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed - var value = columnData[i]; - if (cell) { - if (invalidValues.includes(value)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)'; // Highlight color for invalid values - } else if (duplicates[value] && duplicates[value].length > 1) { - = '#FF7334'; // Highlight color for duplicates - } - } - } - }; - - var changefn = function(changes, source) { - if (source === 'edit' || source === 'undo' || source === 'autofill' || source === 'paste') { - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); - } - }; - - hot.addHook('afterChange', changefn); - hot.addHook('afterLoadData', function() { - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); - }); - hot.addHook('afterRender', function() { - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); - }); - - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); // Initial highlight on load - - Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('setColumnValue', function(message) { - var colData = hot.getDataAtCol(0); - for (var i = 0; i < colData.length; i++) { - hot.setDataAtCell(i, 0, message.value); - } - hot.render(); // Re-render the table - }); - }", - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()))) - - }) - - } else { - output$multi_select_table <- NULL - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$conf_meta_multi, { - - multi_select_table <- hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)[hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Include == TRUE,] - - if(any(unlist(gsub(".fasta|.fna|.fa|.fasta.gz|.fna.gz|.fa.gz", "", multi_select_table$Files)) %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"]))) { - show_toast( - title = "Assembly ID(s) already present", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if (any(duplicated(multi_select_table$Files))) { - show_toast( - title = "Duplicated filename(s)", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if (any(multi_select_table$Files == "")) { - show_toast( - title = "Empty filename(s)", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if (any(grepl("[()/\\:*?\"<>|]", multi_select_table$Files))) { - show_toast( - title = "Invalid filename(s). No special characters allowed: ()/\\:*?\"<>|", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if (!any(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)) { - show_toast( - title = "No files selected", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if(any(grepl(" ", multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { - show_toast( - title = "Empty spaces in filename(s) not allowed", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if (isFALSE(Typing$reload)) { - show_toast( - title = "Reload Database first", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "started") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Single Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - - log_print("Multi typing metadata confirmed") - - meta_info <- data.frame(cgmlst_typing = DB$scheme, - append_isodate = trimws(input$append_isodate_multi), - append_host = trimws(input$append_host_multi), - append_country = trimws(input$append_country_multi), - append_city = trimws(input$append_city_multi), - append_analysisdate = Sys.Date(), - db_directory = getwd()) - - saveRDS(meta_info, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/meta_info.rds")) - - show_toast( - title = "Metadata declared", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - - output$start_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - div( - class = "multi_start_col", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Start Typing"), style = "color:white"), - br(), - br(), - HTML( - paste( - "", - "Typing by ", - DB$scheme, - " scheme." - ) - ), - br(), br(), br(), br(), - div( - class = "save-assembly", - materialSwitch( - "save_assembly_mt", - h5(p("Save Assemblies in Local Database"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -3px; right: -20px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE) - ), - HTML( - paste( - "", - "Isolates with unsaved assembly files can NOT be applied to screening for resistance genes." - ) - ), - br(), br(), br(), br(), - actionButton( - "start_typ_multi", - "Start", - icon = icon("circle-play") - ) - ) - ) - }) - } - }) - - #### Events Multi Typing ---- - - observeEvent(input$sel_all_mt, { - session$sendCustomMessage(type = "setColumnValue", message = list(value = TRUE)) - }) - - observeEvent(input$desel_all_mt, { - session$sendCustomMessage(type = "setColumnValue", message = list(value = FALSE)) - }) - - # Print Log - output$print_log <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save multi typing log ", paste("Multi_Typing_", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep = ""))) - paste("Multi_Typing_", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep = "") - }, - content = function(file) { - writeLines(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), file) - } - ) - - # Reset Multi Typing - observeEvent(input$reset_multi, { - if(!grepl("Multi Typing", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/script_log.txt")), n = 1))) { - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0( - "A Multi Typing process is still pending. Stopping this process will cancel the processing." - ), - title = "Reset Multi Typing", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("conf_multi_kill", "Stop", class = "btn btn-danger") - ) - ) - ) - } else { - - log_print("Reset multi typing") - - # Reset multi typing result list - saveRDS(list(), paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) - multi_help <- FALSE - Typing$result_list <- NULL - - # Null logfile - writeLines("0", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) - - # Reset User Feedback variable - Typing$pending_format <- 0 - Typing$multi_started <- FALSE - - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyDirButton( - "genome_file_multi", - "Browse", - icon = icon("folder-open"), - title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", - buttonType = "default", - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_info"), - br() - ) - ), - uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") - ) - ) - ) - }) - - output$pending_typing <- NULL - output$multi_typing_results <- NULL - } - }) - - # Confirm Reset after - observeEvent(input$conf_multi_kill, { - removeModal() - - log_print("Kill multi typing") - - # Kill multi typing and reset logfile - system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), - wait = TRUE) - - show_toast( - title = "Execution cancelled", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - - # Kill multi typing and reset logfile - writeLines("0", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) - - #Reset multi typing result list - saveRDS(list(), paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) - multi_help <- FALSE - Typing$result_list <- NULL - - # Reset User Feedback variable - Typing$pending_format <- 0 - output$pending_typing <- NULL - output$multi_typing_results <- NULL - Typing$failures <- 0 - Typing$successes <- 0 - Typing$multi_started <- FALSE - - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyDirButton( - "genome_file_multi", - "Browse", - icon = icon("folder-open"), - title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", - buttonType = "default", - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_info"), - br() - ) - ), - uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") - ) - ) - ) - }) - - }) - - observeEvent(input$start_typ_multi, { - log_print("Initiate multi typing") - - if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Single Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if (Screening$status == "started") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Gene Screening", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - removeModal() - - show_toast( - title = "Multi Typing started", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 10000 - ) - - Typing$new_table <- NULL - - # Remove Allelic Typing Controls - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- NULL - output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL - output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL - - # Activate entry detection - DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE - - # Initiate Feedback variables - Typing$multi_started <- TRUE - Typing$pending <- TRUE - Typing$failures <- 0 - Typing$successes <- 0 - - # get selected file table - multi_select_table <- hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table) - - filenames <- paste(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)], collapse = " ") - - files <- Typing$multi_sel_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] - type <- Typing$multi_sel_table$Type[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] - genome_names <- paste(paste0(gsub(" ", "~", files), type), collapse = " ") - - # Start Multi Typing Script - multi_typing_df <- data.frame( - db_path = DB$database, - wd = getwd(), - save = input$save_assembly_mt, - scheme = paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)), - genome_folder = as.character(parseDirPath(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$genome_file_multi)), - filenames = paste0(filenames, collapse= " "), - genome_names = genome_names, - alleles = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles") - ) - - saveRDS(multi_typing_df, "execute/multi_typing_df.rds") - - # Execute multi blat script - system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), wait = FALSE) - } - }) - - - #### User Feedback ---- - - observe({ - if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt"))) { - if(Typing$multi_started == TRUE) { - check_multi_status() - } else { - Typing$status <- "Inactive" - } - } - }) - - check_multi_status <- reactive({ - - invalidateLater(3000, session) - - log <- readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) - - # Determine if Single or Multi Typing - if(str_detect(log[1], "Multi")) { - Typing$pending_mode <- "Multi" - } else { - Typing$pending_mode <- "Single" - } - - # Check typing status - if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "Attaching")) { - Typing$status <- "Attaching" - } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "Successful")) { - Typing$multi_help <- TRUE - Typing$status <- "Successful" - show_toast( - title = paste0("Successful", sub(".*Successful", "", tail(log, 1))), - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 8000 - ) - } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "failed")) { - Typing$status <- "Failed" - show_toast( - title = sub(".* - ", "", tail(log, 1)), - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 8000 - ) - } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "Processing")) { - Typing$status <- "Processing" - - if(any(str_detect(tail(log, 2), "Successful"))) { - - if(!identical(Typing$last_success, tail(log, 2)[1])) { - Typing$multi_help <- TRUE - show_toast( - title = paste0("Successful", sub(".*Successful", "", tail(log, 2)[1])), - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 8000 - ) - - Typing$last_success <- tail(log, 2)[1] - } - } else if(any(str_detect(tail(log, 2), "failed"))) { - - if(!identical(Typing$last_failure, tail(log, 2)[1])) { - - show_toast( - title = sub(".* - ", "", tail(log, 2)[1]), - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 8000 - ) - - Typing$last_failure <- tail(log, 2)[1] - } - } - } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "finalized")) { - Typing$multi_help <- TRUE - Typing$status <- "Finalized" - - if(Typing$pending == TRUE) { - show_toast( - title = "Typing finalized", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 8000 - ) - - Typing$pending <- FALSE - } - } - }) - - ##### Render Multi Typing UI Feedback ---- - - observe({ - if(!is.null(input$multi_results_picker)) { - Typing$multi_table_length <- nrow(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]]) - } else { - Typing$multi_table_length <- NULL - } - }) - - observe({ - if(!is.null(Typing$result_list)) { - if(length(Typing$result_list) > 0) { - if(is.null(Typing$multi_table_length)) { - output$multi_typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]], - rowHeaders = NULL, stretchH = "all", - readOnly = TRUE, contextMenu = FALSE) %>% - hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% - hot_col(1:3, valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", - cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% - hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( - "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - if (value.length > 8) { - value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); - } - td.innerHTML = value; - = 'center'; - return td; - }" - )) - }) - - } else { - if(Typing$multi_table_length > 15) { - output$multi_typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]], rowHeaders = NULL, - stretchH = "all", height = 500, - readOnly = TRUE, contextMenu = FALSE) %>% - hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% - hot_col(1:3, valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", - cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% - hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( - "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - if (value.length > 8) { - value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); - } - td.innerHTML = value; - = 'center'; - return td; - }" - )) - }) - } else { - output$multi_typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]], rowHeaders = NULL, - stretchH = "all", readOnly = TRUE, - contextMenu = FALSE) %>% - hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% - hot_col(1:3, valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", - cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% - hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( - "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - if (value.length > 8) { - value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); - } - td.innerHTML = value; - = 'center'; - return td; - }" - )) - }) - } - } - } else { - output$multi_typing_result_table <- NULL - } - } else { - output$multi_typing_result_table <- NULL - } - }) - - observe({ - if(!is.null(Typing$multi_result_status)) { - if(Typing$multi_result_status == "start" | Typing$multi_result_status == "finalized"){ - - if(Typing$multi_help == TRUE) { - Typing$result_list <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) - Typing$multi_help <- FALSE - } - } - } - }) - - - observe({ - #Render multi typing result feedback table - - if(!is.null(Typing$result_list)) { - if(length(Typing$result_list) > 0) { - output$multi_typing_results <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 9, - br(), br(), - br(), br(), - br(), - div( - class = "mult_res_sel", - selectInput( - "multi_results_picker", - label = h5("Select Typing Results", style = "color:white"), - choices = names(Typing$result_list), - selected = names(Typing$result_list)[length(names(Typing$result_list))], - ) - ), - br(), br() - ) - ), - rHandsontableOutput("multi_typing_result_table") - ) - }) - } - } - }) - - observe({ - - # Render log content - output$logText <- renderPrint({ - cat(rev(paste0(tail(readLogFile(), 50), "\n"))) - }) - - output$logTextFull <- renderPrint({ - cat(rev(paste0(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "\n"))) - }) - - # Render Pending UI - if(!grepl("Multi Typing", tail(readLogFile(), n = 1)) & grepl("Start Multi Typing", head(readLogFile(), n = 1))) { - - Typing$multi_result_status <- "start" - - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- NULL - - output$pending_typing <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - fluidRow( - br(), br(), - column(width = 2), - column( - width = 4, - h3(p("Pending Typing ..."), style = "color:white"), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - HTML(paste('')) - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - actionButton( - "reset_multi", - "Terminate", - icon = icon("ban") - ) - ) - ), - ) - ), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column(width = 2), - column( - width = 10, - verbatimTextOutput("logText") - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else if(grepl("Multi Typing finalized", tail(readLogFile(), n = 1))) { - - Typing$multi_result_status <- "finalized" - - Typing$last_scheme <- NULL - - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- NULL - - output$pending_typing <- renderUI({ - - fluidRow( - fluidRow( - br(), br(), - column(width = 2), - column( - width = 4, - h3(p("Pending Multi Typing ..."), style = "color:white"), - br(), br(), - HTML(paste("", - paste("Typing of", sum(str_detect(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "Processing")), "assemblies finalized."), - paste(sum(str_detect(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "Successful")), "successes."), - paste(sum(str_detect(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "failed")), "failures."), - "Reset to start another typing process.", - sep = '
')), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - actionButton( - "reset_multi", - "Reset", - icon = icon("arrows-rotate") - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - downloadButton( - "print_log", - "Logfile", - icon = icon("floppy-disk") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column(width = 2), - column( - width = 10, - verbatimTextOutput("logTextFull"), - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else if (!grepl("Start Multi Typing", head(readLogFile(), n = 1))){ - output$pending_typing <- NULL - Typing$multi_result_status <- "idle" - } - }) - - observe({ - # Get selected Genome in Multi Mode - shinyDirChoose(input, - "hash_dir", - roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), - defaultRoot = "Home", - session = session, - filetypes = c('', 'fasta', 'fna', 'fa')) - }) - - observeEvent(input$hash_start, { - dir_path <- parseDirPath(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$hash_dir) - if (!is_empty(list.files(dir_path)) && all(endsWith(list.files(dir_path), ".fasta"))) { - log_print("Hashing directory using utilities") - shinyjs::hide("hash_start") - shinyjs::show("hash_loading") - show_toast( - title = "Hashing started!", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - hash_database(dir_path) - shinyjs::hide("hash_loading") - shinyjs::show("hash_start") - show_toast( - title = "Hashing completed!", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - show_toast( - title = "Incorrect folder selected!", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - }) - -} # end server - -# _______________________ #### - -# Shiny ---- - -shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) +######## PhyloTrace ######### + +# _______________________ #### +# CRAN Packages +library(shiny) +library(R.utils) +library(igraph) +library(shinyWidgets) +library(shinydashboard) +library(dashboardthemes) +library(ggplot2) +library(ggnewscale) +library(ggplotify) +library(ape) +library(tidyverse) +library(rlang) +library(tidytree) +library(shinyFiles) +library(dplyr) +library(downloader) +library(rvest) +library(rmarkdown) +library(knitr) +library(kableExtra) +library(fs) +library(data.table) +library(zoo) +library(ggnetwork) +library(rhandsontable) +library(visNetwork) +library(proxy) +library(phangorn) +library(cowplot) +library(viridis) +library(RColorBrewer) +library(bslib) +library(bsicons) +library(DT) +library(shinyBS) +library(openssl) +library(logr) +# Bioconductor Packages +library(treeio) +library(ggtree) +library(ggtreeExtra) + +source(paste0(getwd(), "/www/resources.R")) + +options(ignore.negative.edge=TRUE) + +# User Interface ---- + +ui <- dashboardPage( + + title = "PhyloTrace 1.5.0", + + # Title + dashboardHeader( + + title = span( + div( + class = "img_logo", + img( + src = "PhyloTrace.jpg", width = 190 + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("loaded_scheme"), + uiOutput("databasetext"), + uiOutput("statustext"), + tags$li(class = "dropdown", + tags$span(id = "currentTime", style = "color:white; font-weight:bold;")), + disable = FALSE + ), + + ## Sidebar ---- + dashboardSidebar( + tags$head(includeCSS("www/head.css")), + tags$style(includeCSS("www/body.css")), + tags$style(HTML( + "@keyframes pulsate { + 0% { transform: scale(1); } + 50% { transform: scale(1.1); } + 100% { transform: scale(1); } + } + .pulsating-button { + animation: pulsate 1s ease infinite; + } + .pulsating-button:hover { + animation: none; + }")), + br(), br(), + sidebarMenu( + id = "tabs", + sidebarMenuOutput("menu"), + uiOutput("menu_sep2"), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tabs==='db_browse_entries'", + uiOutput("entrytable_sidebar") + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tabs==='db_distmatrix'", + uiOutput("distmatrix_sidebar") + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tabs==='db_missing_values'", + uiOutput("missing_values_sidebar") + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tabs==='typing'", + uiOutput("typing_sidebar") + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tabs==='visualization'", + uiOutput("visualization_sidebar") + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tabs==='gs_profile'", + uiOutput("screening_sidebar") + ) + ) + ), + + dashboardBody( + tags$head(tags$link(rel = "shortcut icon", href = "favicon.ico")), + shinyjs::useShinyjs(), + + shinyDashboardThemeDIY( + ### general + appFontFamily = "Liberation Sans", + appFontColor = "#000000", + primaryFontColor = "#ffffff", + infoFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", + successFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", + warningFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", + dangerFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", + bodyBackColor = cssGradientThreeColors( + direction = "down", + colorStart = "#282f38", + colorMiddle = "#384454", + colorEnd = "#495d78", + colorStartPos = 0, + colorMiddlePos = 50, + colorEndPos = 100 + ), + + ### header + logoBackColor = "#282f38", + headerButtonBackColor = "#282f38", + headerButtonIconColor = "#18ece1", + headerButtonBackColorHover = "#282f38", + headerButtonIconColorHover = "#ffffff", + headerBackColor = "#282f38", + headerBoxShadowColor = "#aaaaaa", + headerBoxShadowSize = "0px 0px 0px", + + ### sidebar + sidebarBackColor = cssGradientThreeColors( + direction = "down", + colorStart = "#282f38", + colorMiddle = "#384454", + colorEnd = "#495d78", + colorStartPos = 0, + colorMiddlePos = 50, + colorEndPos = 100), + + sidebarPadding = 0, + sidebarMenuBackColor = "transparent", + sidebarMenuPadding = 0, + sidebarMenuBorderRadius = 0, + sidebarShadowRadius = "5px 5px 5px", + sidebarShadowColor = "#282f38", + sidebarUserTextColor = "#ffffff", + sidebarSearchBackColor = "rgb(55,72,80)", + sidebarSearchIconColor = "rgb(153,153,153)", + sidebarSearchBorderColor = "rgb(55,72,80)", + sidebarTabTextColor = "rgb(255,255,255)", + sidebarTabTextSize = 15, + sidebarTabBorderStyle = "none none solid none", + sidebarTabBorderColor = "rgb(35,106,135)", + sidebarTabBorderWidth = 0, + sidebarTabBackColorSelected = cssGradientThreeColors( + direction = "right", + colorStart = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", + colorMiddle = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", + colorEnd = "rgba(0,255,213,1)", + colorStartPos = 0, + colorMiddlePos = 30, + colorEndPos = 100 + ), + sidebarTabTextColorSelected = "rgb(0,0,0)", + sidebarTabRadiusSelected = "0px 0px 0px 0px", + sidebarTabBackColorHover = cssGradientThreeColors( + direction = "right", + colorStart = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", + colorMiddle = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", + colorEnd = "rgba(0,255,213,1)", + colorStartPos = 0, + colorMiddlePos = 30, + colorEndPos = 100 + ), + sidebarTabTextColorHover = "rgb(50,50,50)", + sidebarTabBorderStyleHover = "none none solid none", + sidebarTabBorderColorHover = "rgb(75,126,151)", + sidebarTabBorderWidthHover = 0, + sidebarTabRadiusHover = "0px 0px 0px 0px", + + ### boxes + boxBackColor = "#ffffff", + boxBorderRadius = 7, + boxShadowSize = "0px 0px 0px", + boxShadowColor = "#ffffff", + boxTitleSize = 20, + boxDefaultColor = "#00a65a", + boxPrimaryColor = "#ffffff", + boxInfoColor = "#00a65a", + boxSuccessColor = "#00a65a", + boxWarningColor = "#ffffff", + boxDangerColor = "#ffffff", + tabBoxTabColor = "#ffffff", + tabBoxTabTextSize = 14, + tabBoxTabTextColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", + tabBoxTabTextColorSelected = "rgb(0,0,0)", + tabBoxBackColor = "#ffffff", + tabBoxHighlightColor = "#ffffff", + tabBoxBorderRadius = 5, + + ### inputs + buttonBackColor = "#282F38", + buttonTextColor = "#ffffff", + buttonBorderColor = "#282F38", + buttonBorderRadius = 5, + buttonBackColorHover = cssGradientThreeColors( + direction = "right", + colorStart = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", + colorMiddle = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", + colorEnd = "rgba(0,255,213,1)", + colorStartPos = 0, + colorMiddlePos = 30, + colorEndPos = 100 + ), + buttonTextColorHover = "#000000", + buttonBorderColorHover = "transparent", + textboxBackColor = "#ffffff", + textboxBorderColor = "#ffffff", + textboxBorderRadius = 5, + textboxBackColorSelect = "#ffffff", + textboxBorderColorSelect = "#000000", + + ### tables + tableBackColor = "rgb(255,255,255)", + tableBorderColor = "rgb(240,240,240)", + tableBorderTopSize = 1, + tableBorderRowSize = 1 + ), + + uiOutput("start_message"), + + tabItems( + + ## Tab Database ---- + + ### Tab Browse Entries ---- + + tabItem( + tabName = "db_browse_entries", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Browse Local Database"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), br(), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("no_scheme_entries"), + uiOutput("db_no_entries"), + uiOutput("entry_table_controls"), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 8, + uiOutput("db_entries_table") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + uiOutput("delete_box"), + uiOutput("compare_allele_box"), + uiOutput("download_entries"), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ), + br() + ), + + ### Tab Scheme Info ---- + + tabItem( + tabName = "db_schemeinfo", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Scheme Info"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), br(), br(), br(), + uiOutput("no_scheme_info"), + fluidRow( + column(2), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + align = "right", + uiOutput("scheme_header") + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "left", + uiOutput("download_scheme_info") + ) + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("scheme_info") + ) + ) + ), + + ### Tab Loci Info ---- + + tabItem( + tabName = "db_loci_info", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Loci Info"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), br(), br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 10, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "right", + uiOutput("loci_header") + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "left", + uiOutput("download_loci") + ) + ), + br(), + div(class = "loci_table", + dataTableOutput("db_loci")) + ) + ), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + uiOutput("sequence_selector"), + column(1), + column( + width = 7, + br(), + uiOutput("loci_sequences") + ) + ) + ), + + ### Tab Distance Matrix ---- + + tabItem( + tabName = "db_distmatrix", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Distance Matrix"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), br(), br(), br(), + uiOutput("no_scheme_distancematrix"), + uiOutput("distancematrix_no_entries"), + fluidRow( + column(1), + uiOutput("distmatrix_show") + ), + br(), br() + ), + + ### Tab Missing Values ---- + + tabItem( + tabName = "db_missing_values", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Missing Values"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), br(), br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + uiOutput("missing_values"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 2, + div( + class = "rectangle-red-space" + ) + ), + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 75px; position: relative; bottom: -12px", " = ≥ 5% of loci missing") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 8, + rHandsontableOutput("table_missing_values") + ) + ) + ), + + ## Tab Manage Schemes ---- + + tabItem( + tabName = "init", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Select cgMLST Scheme"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 3, + br(), + br(), + br(), + pickerInput( + inputId = "select_cgmlst", + label = NULL, + choices = list( + "Acinetobacter baumanii", + "Bacillus anthracis", + "Bordetella pertussis", + "Brucella melitensis", + "Brucella spp.", + "Burkholderia mallei (FLI)", + "Burkholderia mallei (RKI)", + "Burkholderia pseudomallei", + "Campylobacter jejuni/coli", + "Clostridioides difficile", + "Clostridium perfringens", + "Corynebacterium diphtheriae", + "Cronobacter sakazakii/malonaticus", + "Enterococcus faecalis", + "Enterococcus faecium", + "Escherichia coli", + "Francisella tularensis", + "Klebsiella oxytoca sensu lato", + "Klebsiella pneumoniae sensu lato", + "Legionella pneumophila", + "Listeria monocytogenes", + "Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex", + "Mycobacteroides abscessus", + "Mycoplasma gallisepticum", + "Paenibacillus larvae", + "Pseudomonas aeruginosa", + "Salmonella enterica", + "Serratia marcescens", + "Staphylococcus aureus", + "Staphylococcus capitis", + "Streptococcus pyogenes" + ), + width = "300px", + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = FALSE + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + br(), + br(), + br(), + h5(textOutput("scheme_update_info"), style = "color: white") + ), + column( + width = 2, + br(), + br(), + br(), + actionButton( + "download_cgMLST", + label = "Download", + icon = icon("download") + ), + shinyjs::hidden( + div(id = "loading", + HTML('')) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + br(), + addSpinner( + tableOutput("cgmlst_scheme"), + spin = "dots", + color = "#ffffff" + ) + ) + ) + ), + + + + ## Tab Allelic Typing ---------------------------------------------- + + + tabItem( + tabName = "typing", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Generate Allelic Profile"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), + uiOutput("typing_no_db"), + conditionalPanel( + "input.typing_mode == 'Single'", + fluidRow( + uiOutput("initiate_typing_ui"), + uiOutput("single_typing_progress"), + column(1), + uiOutput("metadata_single_box"), + column(1), + uiOutput("start_typing_ui") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.typing_mode == 'Multi'", + fluidRow( + uiOutput("initiate_multi_typing_ui"), + uiOutput("multi_stop"), + column(1), + uiOutput("metadata_multi_box"), + column(1), + uiOutput("start_multi_typing_ui") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + uiOutput("pending_typing") + ), + column( + width = 6, + uiOutput("multi_typing_results") + ) + ) + ) + ), + + + ## Tab Visualization ------------------------------------------------------- + + + tabItem( + tabName = "visualization", + fluidRow( + tags$script(src = "javascript_functions.js"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='Minimum-Spanning'", + uiOutput("mst_field") + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='Neighbour-Joining'", + uiOutput("nj_field") + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='UPGMA'", + uiOutput("upgma_field") + ) + ) + ), + br(), + hr(), + + ### Control panels MST ---- + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='Minimum-Spanning'", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "100%", + height = "500px", + h3(p("Layout"), style = "color:white; position:relative; right:-15px"), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Title"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + textInput( + "mst_title", + label = "", + width = "100%", + placeholder = "Plot Title" + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "mst_title_color", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start", + width = "100%" + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_title_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + numericInput( + "mst_title_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 40, + min = 15, + max = 40, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Subtitle"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + textInput( + "mst_subtitle", + label = "", + width = "100%", + placeholder = "Plot Subtitle" + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "mst_subtitle_color", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start", + width = "100%" + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_subtitle_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + numericInput( + "mst_subtitle_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 20, + min = 15, + max = 40, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Legend"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "mst_legend_color", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start", + width = "100%" + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_legend_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 11, + sliderInput( + "mst_font_size", + label = h5("Font Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 18, + min = 15, + max = 30, + step = 1, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "180px" + ) + ), + column(1) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 11, + sliderInput( + "mst_symbol_size", + label = h5("Key Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 20, + min = 10, + max = 30, + step = 1, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "180px" + ) + ), + column(1) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + selectInput( + "mst_legend_ori", + label = "", + width = "100%", + choices = c("Left" = "left", "Right" = "right") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Background"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", + materialSwitch( + "mst_background_transparent", + h5(p("Transparent"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "mst_background_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#ffffff", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "100%", + height = "500px", + h3(p("Nodes"), style = "color:white; position:relative; right:-15px"), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Label"), style = "color:white;") + ), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + div( + class = "label_sel", + uiOutput("mst_node_label") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "node_font_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_label_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + numericInput( + "node_label_fontsize", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 14, + min = 8, + max = 30, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", + materialSwitch( + "mst_color_var", + h5(p("Add Variable"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + bslib::tooltip( + bsicons::bs_icon("info-circle", title = "Only categorical variables can \nbe mapped to the node color", color = "white", + height = "12px", width = "12px", position = "relative", top = "27px", right = "56px"), + "Text shown in the tooltip.", + show = FALSE, + id = "mst_node_col_info" + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("mst_color_mapping") + ) + ) + ), br() + ) + ), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Size"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", + materialSwitch( + "scale_nodes", + h5(p("Scale by Duplicates"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + conditionalPanel( + "input.scale_nodes==true", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Range') + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.scale_nodes==false", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Size') + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 9, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.scale_nodes==true", + div( + class = "mst_scale_slider", + sliderInput( + "mst_node_scale", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 80, + value = c(20, 40), + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.scale_nodes==false", + div( + class = "mst_scale_slider", + sliderInput( + inputId = "mst_node_size", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 100, + value = 30, + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + br() + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Other Elements"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", + materialSwitch( + "mst_shadow", + h5(p("Show Shadow"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Shape') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 9, + align = "center", + div( + class = "mst_shape_sel", + selectInput( + "mst_node_shape", + "", + choices = list(`Label inside` = c("Circle" = "circle", "Box" = "box", "Text" = "text"), + `Label outside` = c("Diamond" = "diamond", "Hexagon" = "hexagon","Dot" = "dot", "Square" = "square")), + selected = c("Dot" = "dot"), + width = "85%" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "100%", + height = "500px", + h3(p("Edges"), style = "color:white; position:relative; right:-15px"), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Label"), style = "color:white;") + ), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + div( + class = "label_sel", + selectInput( + "mst_edge_label", + label = "", + choices = c( + `Allelic Distance` = "weight", + Index = "index", + `Assembly ID` = "assembly_id", + `Assembly Name` = "assembly_name", + `Isolation Date` = "isolation_date", + Host = "host", + Country = "country", + City = "city" + ), + selected = c(`Allelic Distance` = "weight"), + width = "100%" + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "mst_edge_font_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_edgelabel_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + width = 5, + numericInput( + "mst_edge_font_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 18, + step = 1, + min = 8, + max = 30, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + ) + ), + br() + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + div( + class = "node_color", + colorPickr( + inputId = "mst_color_edge", + width = "100%", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_edgecolor_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + width = 5, + sliderInput( + "mst_edge_opacity", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 0.7, + step = 0.1, + min = 0, + max = 1, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "150px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + hr(style = "margin-top: 3px !important"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Length multiplier"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-bottom: -5px") + ) + ), + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + br(), + div( + class = "switch-mst-edges", + materialSwitch( + "mst_scale_edges", + h5(p("Scale Allelic Distance"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_scale_edges==true", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Multiplier') + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_scale_edges==false", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Length') + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 9, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_scale_edges==true", + div( + class = "slider_edge", + sliderInput( + inputId = "mst_edge_length_scale", + label = NULL, + min = 1, + max = 40, + value = 15, + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_scale_edges==false", + div( + class = "slider_edge", + sliderTextInput( + inputId = "mst_edge_length", + label = NULL, + choices = append(seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), 2:100), + selected = 35, + hide_min_max = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + h4(p("Clustering"), style = "color:white; text-align: left; position: relative; right: -15px") + ), + column( + width = 2, + bslib::tooltip( + bsicons::bs_icon("info-circle", + title = "Cluster threshold according to species-specific\nComplex Type Distance (", + color = "white", height = "14px", width = "14px", + position = "relative", top = "9px", right = "28px"), + "Text shown in the tooltip.", + show = FALSE, + id = "mst_cluster_info" + ) + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 9, + div( + class = "mst-cluster-switch", + materialSwitch( + "mst_show_clusters", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_cluster_col_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + width = 5, + selectInput( + "mst_cluster_col_scale", + label = h5("Color Scale", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + choices = c("Viridis", "Rainbow"), + width = "150px" + ), + selectInput( + "mst_cluster_type", + label = h5("Cluster Type", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + choices = c("Type 1", "Type 2"), + width = "150px" + ) + ) + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; text-align: left; font-size: 14px; margin-left: 15px', 'Threshold') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + uiOutput("mst_cluster") + ), + column( + width = 4, + actionButton( + "mst_cluster_reset", + label = "", + icon = icon("rotate") + ), + bsTooltip("mst_cluster_reset", + HTML("Reset to default Complex Type Distance"), + placement = "top", trigger = "hover") + ) + ) + ), + br(), + ) + ), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ) + ), + + ### Control Panels NJ ---- + + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='Neighbour-Joining'", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 1, + radioGroupButtons( + inputId = "nj_controls", + label = "", + choices = c("Layout", "Label", "Elements", "Variables"), + direction = "vertical" + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_controls=='Layout'", + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Theme"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + selectInput( + inputId = "nj_layout", + label = "", + choices = list( + Linear = list( + "Rectangular" = "rectangular", + "Roundrect" = "roundrect", + "Slanted" = "slanted", + "Ellipse" = "ellipse" + ), + Circular = list("Circular" = "circular", + "Inward" = "inward") + ), + selected = "rectangular", + width = "90%" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-layout", + materialSwitch( + "nj_rootedge_show", + h5(p("Rootedge"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_rootedge_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_rootedge_length"), + br(), + selectInput( + "nj_rootedge_line", + label = h5("Rootedge Line", style = "color:white"), + choices = c(Solid = "solid", Dashed = "dashed", Dotted = "dotted"), + selected = c(Dotted = "solid"), + width = "100px" + ), + br(), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_layout=='circular'", + sliderInput( + "nj_xlim", + label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), + min = -50, + max = 0, + value = -10, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_layout=='inward'", + sliderInput( + "nj_inward_xlim", + label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), + min = 30, + max = 120, + value = 50, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "150px", + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-re", + materialSwitch( + "nj_ladder", + h5(p("Ladderize"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Lines/Text"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_color", + width = "90%", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Background"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 7px; margin-bottom: 38px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_bg", + width = "90%", + selected = "#ffffff", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + br() + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Title"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + textInput( + "nj_title", + label = "", + width = "100%", + placeholder = "Plot Title" + ), + textInput( + "nj_subtitle", + label = "", + width = "100%", + placeholder = "Plot Subtitle" + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_title_color", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start", + width = "100%" + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_title_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + numericInput( + "nj_title_size", + label = h5("Title Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 30, + min = 15, + max = 40, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ), + br(), + numericInput( + "nj_subtitle_size", + label = h5("Subtitle Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 20, + min = 15, + max = 40, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + br() + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Sizing"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Ratio", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px;") + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + div( + class = "ratio-sel", + selectInput( + "nj_ratio", + "", + choices = c("16:10" = (16/10), "16:9" = (16/9), "4:3" = (4/3)) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_size_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + sliderInput( + "nj_v", + label = h5("Vertical Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -0.5, + max = 0.5, + step = 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "nj_h", + label = h5("Horizontal Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -0.5, + max = 0.5, + step = 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Size", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 9, + sliderInput( + "nj_scale", + "", + min = 500, + max = 1200, + value = 800, + step = 5, + width = "95%", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Zoom", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 9, + div( + class = "zoom-slider", + sliderInput( + "nj_zoom", + label = NULL, + min = 0.5, + max = 1.5, + step = 0.05, + value = 0.95, + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Tree Scale"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-layout", + materialSwitch( + "nj_treescale_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + br() + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_treescale_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_treescale_width"), + br(), + uiOutput("nj_treescale_x"), + br(), + uiOutput("nj_treescale_y") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Legend"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: -2px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + prettyRadioButtons( + "nj_legend_orientation", + "", + choices = c(Horizontal = "horizontal", + Vertical = "vertical"), + selected = c(Vertical = "vertical"), + inline = FALSE + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_legend_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + numericInput( + "nj_legend_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 10, + min = 5, + max = 25, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "nj_legend_x", + label = h5("Horizontal Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 0.9, + min = -0.9, + max = 1.9, + step = 0.2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "nj_legend_y", + label = h5("Vertical Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 0.2, + min = -1.5, + max = 1.5, + step = 0.1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_controls=='Label'", + column( + width = 4, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "280px", + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Tips"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-lab", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tiplab_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_tiplab") + ), + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-align", + materialSwitch( + "nj_align", + h5(p("Align"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 1, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_labeltext_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "nj_tiplab_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + conditionalPanel( + "!(input.nj_layout=='inward'|input.nj_layout=='circular')", + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_nudge_x", + label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + step = 0.05, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_layout=='circular'", + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_position", + label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + step = 0.05, + value = -0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_layout=='inward'", + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_position_inw", + label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + step = 0.05, + value = 1.1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_angle", + label = h5("Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -90, + max = 90, + value = 0, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "150px", + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_tiplab_size"), + br(), + selectInput( + "nj_tiplab_fontface", + label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 16px"), + width = "250px", + choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px") + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + br(), + div( + class = "mat-switch-geom", + materialSwitch( + "nj_geom", + h5(p("Panels"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_fill", + width = "100%", + selected = "#84D9A0", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_labelformat_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_tiplab_padding"), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_labelradius", + label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = 0.5, + value = 0.2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "280px", + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Branches"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-lab", + materialSwitch( + "nj_show_branch_label", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_branch_label") + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_branch_label_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "nj_branchlab_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 0.65, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_branch_x", + label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + value = 0, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_branch_y", + label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + value = 0, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_branch_size"), + selectInput( + "nj_branchlab_fontface", + label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + width = "250px", + choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "nj_branch_labelradius", + label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = 0.5, + value = 0.5, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-bottom: 109px") + ), + column( + width = 5, + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_branch_label_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#FFB7B7", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "280px", + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Custom Labels"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + textInput( + "nj_new_label_name", + "", + placeholder = "New Label" + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + actionButton( + "nj_add_new_label", + "", + icon = icon("plus") + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_custom_label_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_custom_labelsize"), + br(), + uiOutput("nj_sliderInput_y"), + br(), + uiOutput("nj_sliderInput_x") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + uiOutput("nj_custom_label_select") + ), + column( + width = 4, + uiOutput("nj_del_label"), + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_cust_label_save") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_controls=='Elements'", + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Tip Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tippoint_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_tippoint_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "nj_tippoint_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 0.5, + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + uiOutput("nj_tippoint_size") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_tippoint_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#3A4657", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tipshape_mapping_show==false", + selectInput( + "nj_tippoint_shape", + "", + width = "100%", + choices = c( + Circle = "circle", + Square = "square", + Diamond = "diamond", + Triangle = "triangle", + Cross = "cross", + Asterisk = "asterisk" + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tipshape_mapping_show==true", + h5(p("Variable assigned"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; font-style: italic") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Node Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch", + materialSwitch( + "nj_nodepoint_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_nodepoint_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "nj_nodepoint_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 1, + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + uiOutput("nj_nodepoint_size") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_nodepoint_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#3A4657", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + selectInput( + "nj_nodepoint_shape", + "", + choices = c( + Circle = "circle", + Square = "square", + Diamond = "diamond", + Triangle = "triangle", + Cross = "cross", + Asterisk = "asterisk" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + h4(p("Tiles"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + div( + class = "sel-tile-number", + selectInput( + "nj_tile_number", + "", + choices = 1:5, + width = "70px" + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_tile_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 1", + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 2", + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_alpha_2", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 3", + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_alpha_3", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 4", + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_alpha_4", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 5", + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_alpha_5", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 1", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_width"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 68px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 2", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_width2"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_2"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 3", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_width3"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_3"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 4", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_width4"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_4"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 5", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_width5"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_5"), + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + h4(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Title", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px;") + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + textInput( + "nj_heatmap_title", + label = "", + value = "Heatmap", + placeholder = "Heatmap" + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_heatmap_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_colnames_angle"), + br(), + uiOutput("nj_colnames_y") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color: white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 40px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + uiOutput("nj_heatmap_width") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 36px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + uiOutput("nj_heatmap_offset") + ) + ), + br(), br() + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Clade Highlight"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + div( + class = "mat-switch", + materialSwitch( + "nj_nodelabel_show", + h5(p("Toggle Node View"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5(p("Nodes"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 20px") + ), + column( + width = 9, + uiOutput("nj_parentnode") + ) + ), + uiOutput("nj_clade_scale"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Form"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + div( + class = "sel-clade", + selectInput( + "nj_clade_type", + "", + choices = c("Rect" = "rect", + "Round" = "roundrect"), + selected = c("Round" = "roundrect") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_controls=='Variables'", + column( + width = 7, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h4(p("Element"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h4(p("Variable"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-right: 30px;") + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + h4(p("Color Scale"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_mapping_show", + h5(p("Tip Label Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_color_mapping") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_tiplab_scale") + ), + uiOutput("nj_tiplab_mapping_info"), + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tipcolor_mapping_show", + h5(p("Tip Point Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_tipcolor_mapping") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_tippoint_scale") + ), + uiOutput("nj_tipcolor_mapping_info") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tipshape_mapping_show", + h5(p("Tip Point Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_tipshape_mapping") + ), + column( + width = 3, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; font-style: italic; position: relative; bottom: -16px; right: -40px;', 'No scale for shapes') + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("nj_tipshape_mapping_info") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 1", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tiles_show_1", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px; margin-right: 10px"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 2", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tiles_show_2", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 3", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tiles_show_3", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 4", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tiles_show_4", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 5", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tiles_show_5", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + div( + class = "tile-sel", + selectInput( + "nj_tile_num", + "", + choices = 1:5, + width = "50px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 1", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 2", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable2") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 3", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable3") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 4", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable4") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 5", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable5") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 1", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_1") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 2", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_2") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 3", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_3") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 4", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_4") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 5", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_5") + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("nj_fruit_mapping_info") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_heatmap_show", + h5(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_heatmap_sel") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_heatmap_scale") + ) + ), + uiOutput("nj_heatmap_mapping_info") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ), + + ### Control Panels UPGMA ---- + + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='UPGMA'", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 1, + radioGroupButtons( + inputId = "upgma_controls", + label = "", + choices = c("Layout", "Label", "Elements", "Variables"), + direction = "vertical" + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_controls=='Layout'", + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Theme"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + selectInput( + inputId = "upgma_layout", + label = "", + choices = list( + Linear = list( + "Rectangular" = "rectangular", + "Roundrect" = "roundrect", + "Slanted" = "slanted", + "Ellipse" = "ellipse" + ), + Circular = list("Circular" = "circular", + "Inward" = "inward") + ), + selected = "rectangular", + width = "90%" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-layout", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_rootedge_show", + h5(p("Rootedge"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_rootedge_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_rootedge_length"), + br(), + selectInput( + "upgma_rootedge_line", + label = h5("Rootedge Line", style = "color:white"), + choices = c(Solid = "solid", Dashed = "dashed", Dotted = "dotted"), + selected = c(Dotted = "solid"), + width = "100px" + ), + br(), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_layout=='circular'", + sliderInput( + "upgma_xlim", + label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), + min = -50, + max = 0, + value = -10, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_layout=='inward'", + sliderInput( + "upgma_inward_xlim", + label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), + min = 30, + max = 120, + value = 50, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "150px", + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-re", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_ladder", + h5(p("Ladderize"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Lines/Text"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_color", + width = "90%", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Background"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 7px; margin-bottom: 38px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_bg", + width = "90%", + selected = "#ffffff", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Title"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + textInput( + "upgma_title", + label = "", + width = "100%", + placeholder = "Plot Title" + ), + textInput( + "upgma_subtitle", + label = "", + width = "100%", + placeholder = "Plot Subtitle" + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_title_color", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start", + width = "100%" + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_title_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + numericInput( + "upgma_title_size", + label = h5("Title Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 30, + min = 15, + max = 40, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ), + br(), + numericInput( + "upgma_subtitle_size", + label = h5("Subtitle Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 20, + min = 15, + max = 40, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Sizing"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Ratio", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px;") + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + div( + class = "ratio-sel", + selectInput( + "upgma_ratio", + "", + choices = c("16:10" = (16/10), "16:9" = (16/9), "4:3" = (4/3)) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_size_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + sliderInput( + "upgma_v", + label = "Vertical Position", + min = -0.5, + max = 0.5, + step = 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "upgma_h", + label = "Horizontal Position", + min = -0.5, + max = 0.5, + step = 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Size", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 9, + sliderInput( + "upgma_scale", + "", + min = 500, + max = 1200, + value = 800, + step = 5, + width = "95%", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Zoom", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 9, + div( + class = "zoom-slider", + sliderInput( + "upgma_zoom", + label = NULL, + min = 0.5, + max = 1.5, + step = 0.05, + value = 0.95, + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Tree Scale"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-layout", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_treescale_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + br() + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_treescale_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_treescale_width"), + br(), + uiOutput("upgma_treescale_x"), + br(), + uiOutput("upgma_treescale_y") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Legend"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: -2px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + prettyRadioButtons( + "upgma_legend_orientation", + "", + choices = c(Horizontal = "horizontal", + Vertical = "vertical"), + selected = c(Vertical = "vertical"), + inline = FALSE + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_legend_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + numericInput( + "upgma_legend_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 10, + min = 5, + max = 25, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "upgma_legend_x", + label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 0.9, + min = -0.9, + max = 1.9, + step = 0.2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "upgma_legend_y", + label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 0.2, + min = -1.5, + max = 1.5, + step = 0.1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_controls=='Label'", + column( + width = 4, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "280px", + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Tips"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-lab", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tiplab_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_tiplab") + ), + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-align", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_align", + h5(p("Align"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 1, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_labeltext_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "upgma_tiplab_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + conditionalPanel( + "!(input.upgma_layout=='inward'|input.upgma_layout=='circular')", + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_nudge_x", + label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + step = 0.05, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_layout=='circular'", + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_position", + label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + step = 0.05, + value = -0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_layout=='inward'", + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_position_inw", + label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + step = 0.05, + value = 1.1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_angle", + label = h5("Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -90, + max = 90, + value = 0, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "150px", + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_size"), + br(), + selectInput( + "upgma_tiplab_fontface", + label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 16px"), + width = "250px", + choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px") + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + br(), + div( + class = "mat-switch-geom", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_geom", + h5(p("Panels"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_fill", + width = "100%", + selected = "#84D9A0", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_labelformat_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_padding"), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_labelradius", + label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = 0.5, + value = 0.2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "280px", + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Branches"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-lab", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_show_branch_label", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_branch_label") + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_branch_label_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "upgma_branchlab_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 0.65, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_branch_x", + label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + value = 0, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_branch_y", + label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + value = 0, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_branch_size"), + selectInput( + "upgma_branchlab_fontface", + label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + width = "250px", + choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "upgma_branch_labelradius", + label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = 0.5, + value = 0.5, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-bottom: 109px") + ), + column( + width = 5, + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_branch_label_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#FFB7B7", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ), + br(), br() + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "280px", + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Custom Labels"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + textInput( + "upgma_new_label_name", + "", + placeholder = "New Label" + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + actionButton( + "upgma_add_new_label", + "", + icon = icon("plus") + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_custom_label_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_custom_labelsize"), + br(), + uiOutput("upgma_sliderInput_y"), + br(), + uiOutput("upgma_sliderInput_x") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + uiOutput("upgma_custom_label_select") + ), + column( + width = 4, + uiOutput("upgma_del_label"), + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_cust_label_save") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_controls=='Elements'", + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Tip Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tippoint_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_tippoint_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "upgma_tippoint_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 0.5, + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + uiOutput("upgma_tippoint_size") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_tippoint_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#3A4657", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tipshape_mapping_show==false", + selectInput( + "upgma_tippoint_shape", + "", + width = "100%", + choices = c( + Circle = "circle", + Square = "square", + Diamond = "diamond", + Triangle = "triangle", + Cross = "cross", + Asterisk = "asterisk" + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tipshape_mapping_show==true", + h5(p("Variable assigned"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; font-style: italic") + ), + br() + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Node Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_nodepoint_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_nodepoint_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "upgma_nodepoint_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 1, + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + uiOutput("upgma_nodepoint_size") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_nodepoint_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#3A4657", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + selectInput( + "upgma_nodepoint_shape", + "", + choices = c( + Circle = "circle", + Square = "square", + Diamond = "diamond", + Triangle = "triangle", + Cross = "cross", + Asterisk = "asterisk" + ) + ), + br() + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + h4(p("Tiles"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + div( + class = "sel-tile-number", + selectInput( + "upgma_tile_number", + "", + choices = 1:5, + width = "70px" + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_tile_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_alpha_2", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_alpha_3", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_alpha_4", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_alpha_5", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 68px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width2"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width3"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width4"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width5"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5"), + br() + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + h4(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Title", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px;") + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + textInput( + "upgma_heatmap_title", + label = "", + value = "Heatmap", + placeholder = "Heatmap" + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_heatmap_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_colnames_angle"), + br(), + uiOutput("upgma_colnames_y") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color: white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 40px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_width") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 36px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_offset") + ) + ), + br(), br() + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Clade Highlight"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + div( + class = "mat-switch", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_nodelabel_show", + h5(p("Toggle Node View"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5(p("Nodes"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 20px") + ), + column( + width = 9, + uiOutput("upgma_parentnode") + ) + ), + uiOutput("upgma_clade_scale"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Form"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + div( + class = "sel-clade", + selectInput( + "upgma_clade_type", + "", + choices = c("Rect" = "rect", + "Round" = "roundrect"), + selected = c("Round" = "roundrect") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_controls=='Variables'", + column( + width = 7, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h4(p("Element"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h4(p("Variable"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-right: 30px;") + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + h4(p("Color Scale"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_mapping_show", + h5(p("Tip Label Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_color_mapping") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_scale") + ), + uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_mapping_info"), + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show", + h5(p("Tip Point Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_tipcolor_mapping") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_tippoint_scale") + ), + uiOutput("upgma_tipcolor_mapping_info") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tipshape_mapping_show", + h5(p("Tip Point Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_tipshape_mapping") + ), + column( + width = 3, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; font-style: italic; position: relative; bottom: -16px; right: -40px;', 'No scale for shapes') + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("upgma_tipshape_mapping_info") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tiles_show_1", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px; margin-right: 10px"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tiles_show_2", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tiles_show_3", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tiles_show_4", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tiles_show_5", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + div( + class = "tile-sel", + selectInput( + "upgma_tile_num", + "", + choices = 1:5, + width = "50px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable2") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable3") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable4") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable5") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_1") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_2") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_3") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_4") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_5") + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_mapping_info") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_heatmap_show", + h5(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_sel") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_scale") + ) + ), + uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_mapping_info") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ), + + ## Tab Utilities ------------------------------------------------------- + + tabItem( + tabName = "utilities", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Utilities"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + br(), + hr(), + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + shinyDirButton( + "hash_dir", + "Choose folder with .fasta files", + title = "Locate folder with loci", + buttonType = "default", + style = "border-color: white; margin: 10px; min-width: 200px; text-align: center" + ), + actionButton("hash_start", "Start Hashing", icon = icon("circle-play")), + shinyjs::hidden( + div(id = "hash_loading", + HTML('')) + ) + ) + # br(), + # actionButton( + # "backup_database", + # "Create backup", + # style = "border-color: white; margin: 10px; min-width: 200px; text-align: left" + # ), + # br(), + # actionButton( + # "import_db_backup", + # "Restore backup", + # style = "border-color: white; margin: 10px; min-width: 200px; text-align: left" + # ) + ), + + + ## Tab Screening ------------------------------------------------------- + + tabItem( + tabName = "gs_screening", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Screening"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: -20px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + uiOutput("gene_screening_info") + ) + ), + br(), + hr(), + fluidRow( + uiOutput("screening_interface") + ) + ), + + ## Tab Resistance Profile ------------------------------------------------------- + + tabItem( + tabName = "gs_profile", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Browse Entries"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: -20px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + uiOutput("gene_resistance_info") + ) + ), + br(), + hr(), + br(), br(), + uiOutput("gs_table_selection"), + fluidRow( + column(1), + uiOutput("gs_profile_display") + ) + ) + ) # End tabItems + ) # End dashboardPage +) # end UI + +# _______________________ #### + +# Server ---- + +server <- function(input, output, session) { + + phylotraceVersion <- paste("1.5.0") + + #TODO Enable this, or leave disabled + # Kill server on session end + session$onSessionEnded( function() { + stopApp() + }) + + # Disable various user inputs (visualization control) + shinyjs::disable('mst_edge_label') + + ## Functions ---- + + # Function to read and format FASTA sequences + format_fasta <- function(filepath) { + fasta <- readLines(filepath) + formatted_fasta <- list() + current_sequence <- "" + + for (line in fasta) { + if (startsWith(line, ">")) { + if (current_sequence != "") { + formatted_fasta <- append(formatted_fasta, list(current_sequence)) + current_sequence <- "" + } + formatted_fasta <- append(formatted_fasta, list(line)) + } else { + current_sequence <- paste0(current_sequence, line) + } + } + if (current_sequence != "") { + formatted_fasta <- append(formatted_fasta, list(current_sequence)) + } + + formatted_fasta + } + + # Function to color-code the bases in a sequence + color_sequence <- function(sequence) { + sequence <- gsub("A", "A", sequence) + sequence <- gsub("T", "T", sequence) + sequence <- gsub("G", "G", sequence) + sequence <- gsub("C", "C", sequence) + sequence + } + + # Function to log messages to logfile + log_message <- function(log_file, message, append = TRUE) { + cat(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "-", message, "\n", file = log_file, append = append) + } + + # Modified gheatmap function + gheatmap.mod <- function(p, data, offset=0, width=1, low="green", high="red", color="white", + colnames=TRUE, colnames_position="bottom", colnames_angle=0, colnames_level=NULL, + colnames_offset_x = 0, colnames_offset_y = 0, font.size=4, family="", hjust=0.5, legend_title = "value", + colnames_color = "black") { + + colnames_position %<>% match.arg(c("bottom", "top")) + variable <- value <- lab <- y <- NULL + + ## if (is.null(width)) { + ## width <- (p$data$x %>% range %>% diff)/30 + ## } + + ## convert width to width of each cell + width <- width * (p$data$x %>% range(na.rm=TRUE) %>% diff) / ncol(data) + + isTip <- x <- y <- variable <- value <- from <- to <- NULL + + ## handle the display of heatmap on collapsed nodes + ## + ## extract data on leaves (& on collapsed internal nodes) + ## (the latter is extracted only when the input data has data on collapsed + ## internal nodes) + df <- p$data + nodeCo <- intersect(df %>% filter( %>% + select(.data$parent, .data$node) %>% unlist(), + df %>% filter(! %>% + select(.data$parent, .data$node) %>% unlist()) + labCo <- df %>% filter(.data$node %in% nodeCo) %>% + select(.data$label) %>% unlist() + selCo <- intersect(labCo, rownames(data)) + isSel <- df$label %in% selCo + + df <- df[df$isTip | isSel, ] + start <- max(df$x, na.rm=TRUE) + offset + + dd <- + ## dd$lab <- rownames(dd) + i <- order(df$y) + + ## handle collapsed tree + ## + i <- i[!$y[i])] + + lab <- df$label[i] + ## dd <- dd[lab, , drop=FALSE] + ## + dd <- dd[match(lab, rownames(dd)), , drop = FALSE] + + + dd$y <- sort(df$y) + dd$lab <- lab + ## dd <- melt(dd, id=c("lab", "y")) + dd <- gather(dd, variable, value, -c(lab, y)) + + i <- which(dd$value == "") + if (length(i) > 0) { + dd$value[i] <- NA + } + if (is.null(colnames_level)) { + dd$variable <- factor(dd$variable, levels=colnames(data)) + } else { + dd$variable <- factor(dd$variable, levels=colnames_level) + } + V2 <- start + as.numeric(dd$variable) * width + mapping <- data.frame(from=dd$variable, to=V2) + mapping <- unique(mapping) + + dd$x <- V2 + dd$width <- width + dd[[".panel"]] <- factor("Tree") + if (is.null(color)) { + p2 <- p + geom_tile(data=dd, aes(x, y, fill=value), width=width, inherit.aes=FALSE) + } else { + p2 <- p + geom_tile(data=dd, aes(x, y, fill=value), width=width, color=color, inherit.aes=FALSE) + } + if (is(dd$value,"numeric")) { + p2 <- p2 + scale_fill_gradient(low=low, high=high, na.value=NA, name = legend_title) # "white") + } else { + p2 <- p2 + scale_fill_discrete(na.value=NA, name = legend_title) #"white") + } + + if (colnames) { + if (colnames_position == "bottom") { + y <- 0 + } else { + y <- max(p$data$y) + 1 + } + mapping$y <- y + mapping[[".panel"]] <- factor("Tree") + p2 <- p2 + geom_text(data=mapping, aes(x=to, y = y, label=from), color = colnames_color, size=font.size, family=family, inherit.aes = FALSE, + angle=colnames_angle, nudge_x=colnames_offset_x, nudge_y = colnames_offset_y, hjust=hjust) + } + + p2 <- p2 + theme(legend.position="right") + ## p2 <- p2 + guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(colour = NULL))) + + if (!colnames) { + ## + p2 <- p2 + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) + } + + attr(p2, "mapping") <- mapping + return(p2) + } + + # Get rhandsontable + get.entry.table.meta <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(hot_to_r(input$db_entries))){ + table <- hot_to_r(input$db_entries) + select(select(table, -13), 1:(12 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + } + }) + + # Function to find columns with varying values + var_alleles <- function(dataframe) { + + varying_columns <- c() + + for (col in 1:ncol(dataframe)) { + unique_values <- unique(dataframe[, col]) + + if (length(unique_values) > 1) { + varying_columns <- c(varying_columns, col) + } + } + + return(varying_columns) + } + + # Functions to compute hamming distances dependent on missing value handling + hamming.dist <- function(x, y) { + sum(x != y) + } + + hamming.distIgnore <- function(x, y) { + sum( (x != y) & ! & ! ) + } + + hamming.distCategory <- function(x, y) { + sum((x != y | xor(, & !( & + } + + compute.distMatrix <- function(profile, hamming.method) { + mat <- as.matrix(profile) + n <- nrow(mat) + dist_mat <- matrix(0, n, n) + for (i in 1:(n-1)) { + for (j in (i+1):n) { + dist_mat[i, j] <- hamming.method(x = mat[i, ], y = mat[j, ]) + dist_mat[j, i] <- dist_mat[i, j] + } + } + return(dist_mat) + } + + # Function to determine entry table height + table_height <- reactive({ + if (input$table_height == TRUE) { + NULL + } else {900} + }) + + # Function to determine distance matrix height + distancematrix_height <- reactive({ + if(DB$distancematrix_nrow > 33) { + 800 + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Function to missing value table height + miss.val.height <- reactive({ + if(input$miss_val_height == TRUE) { + NULL + } else {800} + }) + + #Function to check custom variable classes + column_classes <- function(df) { + sapply(df, function(x) { + if (class(x) == "numeric") { + return("cont") + } else if (class(x) == "character") { + return("categ") + } else { + return(class(x)) + } + }) + } + + # Function to hash database + hash_database <- function(folder) { + loci_files <- list.files(folder) + loci_names <- sapply(strsplit(loci_files, "[.]"), function(x) x[1]) + loci_paths <- file.path(folder, loci_files) + + hashes <- sapply(loci_paths, hash_locus) + names(hashes) <- loci_names + hashes + } + + # Function to hash a locus + hash_locus <- function(locus_path) { + locus_file <- readLines(locus_path) + seq_list <- locus_file[seq(2, length(locus_file), 3)] + seq_hash <- sha256(seq_list) + seq_idx <- paste0(">", seq_hash) + + locus_file[seq(1, length(locus_file), 3)] <- seq_idx + writeLines(locus_file, locus_path) + + seq_hash + } + + # Get locus hashes + get_locus_hashes <- function(locus_path) { + locus_file <- readLines(locus_path) + hash_list <- locus_file[seq(1, length(locus_file), 3)] + hash_list <- sapply(strsplit(hash_list, "[>]"), function(x) x[2]) + } + + extract_seq <- function(locus_path, hashes) { + locus_file <- readLines(locus_path) + hash_list <- sapply(strsplit(locus_file[seq(1, length(locus_file), 3)], "[>]"), function(x) x[2]) + seq_list <- locus_file[seq(2, length(locus_file), 3)] + seq_idx <- hash_list %in% hashes + + list( + idx = hash_list[seq_idx], + seq = seq_list[seq_idx] + ) + } + + add_new_sequences <- function(locus_path, sequences) { + locus_file <- file(locus_path, open = "a+") + for (i in seq_along(sequences$idx)) { + writeLines(c("", paste0(">", sequences$idx[i]), sequences$seq[i]), locus_file) + } + close(locus_file) + } + + # Compute clusters to use in visNetwork + compute_clusters <- function(nodes, edges, threshold) { + groups <- rep(0, length(nodes$id)) + edges_groups <- rep(0, length(edges$from)) + + edges_table <- data.frame( + from = edges$from, + to = edges$to, + weight = edges$weight + ) + + count <- 0 + while (any(groups == 0)) { + group_na <- groups == 0 + labels <- nodes$id[group_na] + + cluster <- nodes$id[group_na][1] # Initialize with 1 label + while (!is_empty(labels)) { + sub_tb <- edges_table[(edges_table$from %in% cluster | edges_table$to %in% cluster) & edges_table$weight <= threshold,] + + if (nrow(sub_tb) == 0 | length(unique(c(sub_tb$from, sub_tb$to))) == length(cluster)) { + count <- count + 1 + groups[nodes$id %in% cluster] <- paste("Group", count) + edges_groups[edges$from %in% cluster & edges$to %in% cluster] <- paste("Group", count) + break + } else { + cluster <- unique(c(sub_tb$from, sub_tb$to)) + } + } + } + list(groups = groups, + edges = edges_groups) + } + + # Check gene screening status + check_status <- function(isolate) { + iso_name <- gsub(".zip", "", basename(isolate)) + if(file.exists(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "Isolates", iso_name, "status.txt"))) { + if(str_detect(readLines(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "Isolates", iso_name, "status.txt"))[1], + "successfully")) { + return("success") + } else { + return("fail") + } + } else {return("unfinished")} + } + + # Reset gene screening status + remove.screening.status <- function(isolate) { + if(file.exists(file.path(DB$database, + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "Isolates", + isolate, + "status.txt"))) { + file.remove( + file.path(DB$database, + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "Isolates", + isolate, + "status.txt") + ) + } + } + + # Truncate hashes + truncHash <- function(hash) { + if(! { + paste0(str_sub(hash, 1, 4), "...", str_sub(hash, nchar(hash) - 3, nchar(hash))) + } else {NA} + } + + # Function to check for duplicate isolate IDs for multi typing start + dupl_mult_id <- reactive({ + req(Typing$multi_sel_table) + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + selection <- Typing$multi_sel_table[which(unlist(Typing$multi_sel_table$Files) %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"])),] + selection$Files + } else {""} + }) + + # Function to check single typing log file + check_new_entry <- reactive({ + + invalidateLater(5000, session) + + if(!is.null(DB$database)) { + if(file_exists(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds"))) { + + Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme),"Typing.rds")) + + if(is.null(DB$data)) { + if(nrow(Database[["Typing"]]) >= 1) { + TRUE + } else {FALSE} + } else { + if(nrow(DB$data) < nrow(Database[["Typing"]])) { + TRUE + } else { + FALSE + } + } + } else {FALSE} + } + }) + + # Render Entry Table Highlights + + diff_allele <- reactive({ + if (!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(input$compare_select) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { + var_alleles(select(DB$data, input$compare_select)) + (13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + } + }) + + err_thresh <- reactive({ + if (!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$number_loci)) { + which(as.numeric(DB$data[["Errors"]]) >= (DB$number_loci * 0.05)) + } + }) + + err_thresh_na <- reactive({ + if (!is.null(DB$na_table) & !is.null(DB$number_loci)) { + which(as.numeric(DB$na_table[["Errors"]]) >= (DB$number_loci * 0.05)) + } + }) + + true_rows <- reactive({ + if (!is.null(DB$data)) { + which(DB$data$Include == TRUE) + } + }) + + duplicated_names <- reactive({ + if (!is.null(DB$meta)) { + which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`) | duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`, fromLast = TRUE)) + } + }) + + duplicated_ids <- reactive({ + if (!is.null(DB$meta)) { + which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`) | duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`, fromLast = TRUE)) + } + }) + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Startup ---- + shinyjs::addClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-collapse") + shinyjs::removeClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-toggle") + + output$messageMenu <- renderText({ + HTML(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z")) + }) + + # Initiate logging + if(!dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/logs"))) { + dir_create(paste0(getwd(), "/logs")) + } + + logfile <- file.path(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/phylotrace.log")) + + log <- log_open(logfile, logdir = FALSE) + + log_print("Session started") + + # Clear screening file + if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/output_file.tsv"))) { + file.remove(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/output_file.tsv")) + } + + if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/error.txt"))) { + file.remove(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/error.txt")) + } + + # Declare reactive variables + Startup <- reactiveValues(sidebar = TRUE, + header = TRUE) # reactive variables related to startup process + + DB <- reactiveValues(data = NULL, + block_db = FALSE, + load_selected = TRUE, + no_na_switch = FALSE, + first_look = FALSE) # reactive variables related to local database + + Typing <- reactiveValues(table = data.frame(), + single_path = data.frame(), + progress = 0, + progress_format_start = 0, + progress_format_end = 0, + result_list = NULL, + status = "") # reactive variables related to typing process + + Screening <- reactiveValues(status = "idle", + picker_status = TRUE, + first_result = NULL) # reactive variables related to gene screening + + Vis <- reactiveValues(cluster = NULL, + metadata = list(), + custom_label_nj = data.frame(), + nj_label_pos_y = list(), + nj_label_pos_x = list(), + nj_label_size = list(), + custom_label_upgma = data.frame(), + upgma_label_pos_y = list(), + upgma_label_pos_x = list(), + upgma_label_size = list()) # reactive variables related to visualization + + Report <- reactiveValues() # reactive variables related to report functions + + Scheme <- reactiveValues() # reactive variables related to scheme functions + + # Load last used database if possible + if(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds") %in% dir_ls(paste0(getwd(), "/execute"))) { + DB$last_db <- TRUE + } + + # Locate local Database + observe({ + shinyDirChoose(input, + "db_location", + roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), + defaultRoot = "Home", + session = session) + + if(!is.null(DB$select_new)) { + if(DB$select_new == FALSE) { + if(DB$block_db == FALSE) { + DB$database <- as.character( + parseDirPath( + roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), + input$db_location + ) + ) + + DB$exist <- (length(dir_ls(DB$database)) == 0) # Logical any local database present + + DB$available <- gsub("_", " ", basename(dir_ls(DB$database))) # List of local schemes available + } + + } else if (DB$select_new == TRUE) { + DB$database <- paste0(DB$new_database, "/Database") + + } + } else { + if(!is.null(DB$last_db) & file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds"))) { + + DB$database <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds")) + + if(dir_exists(DB$database)) { + DB$exist <- (length(dir_ls(DB$database)) == 0) # Logical any local database present + + DB$available <- gsub("_", " ", basename(dir_ls(DB$database))) # List of local schemes available + } + } + } + }) + + ### Set up typing environment ---- + + # Null typing progress trackers + writeLines("0", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) + writeLines("0\n", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt")) + + if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { + unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) + } + + # Reset typing feedback values + Typing$pending <- FALSE + Typing$multi_started <- FALSE + Typing$multi_help <- FALSE + saveRDS(list(), paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) + Typing$last_success <- "0" # Null last multi typing success name + Typing$last_failure <- "0" # Null last multi typing failure name + + ### Landing page UI ---- + observe({ + if (Startup$sidebar == FALSE) { + shinyjs::removeClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-collapse") + shinyjs::addClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-toggle") + } + }) + + output$start_message <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + div( + class = "image", + imageOutput("imageOutput") + ), + br(), br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 16px;', 'Proceed by loading a compatible local database or create a new one.') + ) + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "right", + shinyDirButton( + "db_location", + "Browse", + icon = icon("folder-open"), + title = "Locate the database folder", + buttonType = "default", + root = path_home() + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + shinyDirButton( + "create_new_db", + "Create New", + icon = icon("plus"), + title = "Choose location for new PhyloTrace database", + buttonType = "default", + root = path_home() + ) + ) + ), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("load_db"), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # User selection new db or load db + observeEvent(input$create_new_db, { + log_print("Input create_new_db") + DB$select_new <- TRUE + }) + + observeEvent(input$db_location, { + log_print("Input db_location") + DB$select_new <- FALSE + }) + + # Load db & scheme selection UI + output$load_db <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$select_new)) { + if(length(DB$new_database) > 0 & DB$select_new) { + column( + width = 12, + p( + tags$span( + style='color: white; font-size: 15px;', + HTML( + paste( + 'New database will be created in', + DB$new_database + ) + ) + ) + ), + br(), + actionButton( + "load", + "Create", + class = "load-start" + ) + ) + } else if(length(DB$available) > 0 & !(DB$select_new)) { + if(any(!(gsub(" ", "_", DB$available) %in% schemes))) { + column( + width = 12, + p( + tags$span( + style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', + HTML( + paste('Selected:', DB$database) + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("scheme_db"), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: #E18B00; font-size: 13px; font-style: italic;', + 'Warning: Folder contains invalid elements.') + ) + ) + ), + br(), + actionButton( + "load", + "Load", + class = "load-start" + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 12, + p( + tags$span( + style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', + HTML( + paste('Selected:', DB$database) + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("scheme_db"), + br(), br(), + actionButton( + "load", + "Load", + class = "load-start" + ) + ) + } + } + } else if((!is.null(DB$last_db)) & (!is.null(DB$available))) { + if (DB$last_db == TRUE & (length(DB$available) > 0)) { + if(any(!(gsub(" ", "_", DB$available) %in% schemes))) { + column( + width = 12, + p( + tags$span( + style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', + HTML( + paste('Last used:', DB$database) + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("scheme_db"), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: #E18B00; font-size: 13px; font-style: italic;', + 'Warning: Folder contains invalid elements.') + ) + ) + ), + br(), + actionButton( + "load", + "Load", + class = "load-start" + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 12, + p( + tags$span( + style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', + HTML( + paste('Last used:', DB$database) + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("scheme_db"), + br(), br(), + actionButton( + "load", + "Load", + class = "load-start" + ) + ) + } + } else if (DB$last_db == TRUE & (length(DB$available) == 0)) { + column( + width = 12, + p( + tags$span( + style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', + HTML( + paste('Last used:', DB$database) + ) + ) + ), + br(), + actionButton( + "load", + "Load", + class = "load-start" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$imageOutput <- renderImage({ + # Path to your PNG image with a transparent background + image_path <- paste0(getwd(), "/www/PhyloTrace.png") + + # Use HTML to display the image with the tag + list(src = image_path, + height = 180) + }, deleteFile = FALSE) + + ### Load app event ---- + + observeEvent(input$load, { + + # Reset reactive screening variables + output$screening_start <- NULL + output$screening_result_sel <- NULL + output$screening_result <- NULL + output$screening_fail <- NULL + Screening$status_df <- NULL + Screening$choices <- NULL + Screening$picker_status <- TRUE + Screening$status <- "idle" + Screening$first_result <- NULL + if(!is.null(input$screening_select)) { + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + updatePickerInput(session, "screening_select", selected = character(0)) + } + } + + log_print("Input load") + + # set typing start control variable + Typing$reload <- TRUE + + # reset typing status on start( + if(Typing$status == "Finalized") {Typing$status <- "Inactive"} + if(!is.null(Typing$single_path)) {Typing$single_path <- data.frame()} + + #### Render status bar ---- + observe({ + req(DB$scheme) + + if(is.null(input$scheme_position)) { + output$loaded_scheme <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Selected scheme:   ", + DB$scheme, + "")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + }) + } + + if(!is.null(input$scheme_position)) { + output$loaded_scheme <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Selected scheme:   ", + DB$scheme, + "")), + style = "color:white;"), + div( + class = "reload-bttn", + style = paste0("margin-left:", 30 + input$scheme_position, "px; position: relative; top: -24px;"), + actionButton( + "reload_db", + label = "", + icon = icon("rotate") + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + } + }) + + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$database)){ + if(nchar(DB$database) > 60) { + database <- paste0(substring(DB$database, first = 1, last = 60), "...") + } else { + database <- DB$database + } + output$databasetext <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Database:   ", + database, + "")), + style = "color:white;") + ), + if(nchar(database) > 60) {bsTooltip("databasetext", + HTML(DB$database), + placement = "bottom", + trigger = "hover")} + ) + }) + } + }) + + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$database)) { + if(Typing$status == "Finalized"){ + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    typing finalized")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + } else if(Typing$status == "Attaching"){ + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    evaluating typing results")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + } else if(Typing$status == "Processing") { + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    pending typing")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "started") { + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    pending gene screening")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "finished") { + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    gene screening finalized")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + } else { + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    ready")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + # Null single typing status + if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { + Typing$progress <- 0 + + Typing$progress_format <- 900000 + + output$single_typing_progress <- NULL + + output$typing_fin <- NULL + + output$single_typing_results <- NULL + + output$typing_formatting <- NULL + + Typing$single_path <- data.frame() + + # reset results file + if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { + unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) + # Resetting single typing progress logfile bar + con <- file(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), open = "w") + + cat("0\n", file = con) + + close(con) + } + } + + shinyjs::runjs( + 'if(document.querySelector("#loaded_scheme > div > li > span") !== null) { + // Select the span element + let spanElement = document.querySelector("#loaded_scheme > div > li > span"); + + // Get the bounding rectangle of the span element + let rect = spanElement.getBoundingClientRect(); + + // Extract the width + let width = rect.width; + + Shiny.setInputValue("scheme_position", width); + }' + ) + + # Load app elements based on database availability and missing value presence + if(!is.null(DB$select_new)) { + if(DB$select_new & (paste0(DB$new_database, "/Database") %in% dir_ls(DB$new_database))) { + + log_print("Directory already contains a database") + + show_toast( + title = "Directory already contains a database", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + DB$load_selected <- FALSE + + } else if(DB$select_new | (DB$select_new == FALSE & is.null(input$scheme_db))) { + + log_print(paste0("New database created in ", DB$new_database)) + + DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE + DB$data <- NULL + DB$meta_gs <- NULL + DB$meta <- NULL + DB$meta_true <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile_true <- NULL + + # null Distance matrix, entry table and plots + output$db_distancematrix <- NULL + output$db_entries_table <- NULL + output$tree_mst <- NULL + output$tree_nj <- NULL + output$tree_upgma <- NULL + + # null report values + Report$report_list_mst <- list() + Report$report_list_nj <- list() + Report$report_list_upgma <- list() + + # null plots + Vis$nj <- NULL + Vis$upgma <- NULL + Vis$ggraph_1 <- NULL + + removeModal() + + #### Render Menu Items ---- + + Startup$sidebar <- FALSE + Startup$header <- FALSE + + output$menu_sep2 <- renderUI(hr()) + + # Hide start message + output$start_message <- NULL + + DB$load_selected <- FALSE + + # Declare database path + DB$database <- file.path(DB$new_database, "Database") + + # Set database availability screening variables to present database + DB$block_db <- TRUE + DB$select_new <- FALSE + + # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab and no Missing values tab + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group"), + selected = TRUE + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + + # Dont render these elements + output$db_no_entries <- NULL + output$distancematrix_no_entries <- NULL + output$db_entries <- NULL + output$edit_index <- NULL + output$edit_scheme_d <- NULL + output$edit_entries <- NULL + output$compare_select <- NULL + output$delete_select <- NULL + output$del_bttn <- NULL + output$compare_allele_box <- NULL + output$download_entries <- NULL + output$missing_values <- NULL + output$delete_box <- NULL + output$missing_values_sidebar <- NULL + output$distmatrix_sidebar <- NULL + output$download_scheme_info <- NULL + output$download_loci <- NULL + output$entry_table_controls <- NULL + output$multi_stop <- NULL + output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL + output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL + output$pending_typing <- NULL + output$multi_typing_results <- NULL + output$single_typing_progress <- NULL + output$metadata_single_box <- NULL + output$start_typing_ui <- NULL + + } + } else { + log_print(paste0("Loading existing ", input$scheme_db, " database from ", DB$database)) + } + + if(DB$load_selected == TRUE) { + + if(gsub(" ", "_", input$scheme_db) %in% schemes) { #Check if selected scheme valid + + # Save database path for next start + saveRDS(DB$database, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds")) + + DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE + DB$data <- NULL + DB$meta_gs <- NULL + DB$meta <- NULL + DB$meta_true <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile_true <- NULL + DB$scheme <- input$scheme_db + + # null Distance matrix, entry table and plots + output$db_distancematrix <- NULL + output$db_entries_table <- NULL + output$tree_mst <- NULL + output$tree_nj <- NULL + output$tree_upgma <- NULL + + # null typing initiation UI + output$multi_stop <- NULL + output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL + output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL + output$pending_typing <- NULL + output$multi_typing_results <- NULL + output$single_typing_progress <- NULL + output$metadata_single_box <- NULL + output$start_typing_ui <- NULL + + # null report values + Report$report_list_mst <- list() + Report$report_list_nj <- list() + Report$report_list_upgma <- list() + + # null plots + Vis$nj <- NULL + Vis$upgma <- NULL + Vis$ggraph_1 <- NULL + + removeModal() + + #### Render Menu Items ---- + + Startup$sidebar <- FALSE + Startup$header <- FALSE + + output$menu_sep2 <- renderUI(hr()) + + # Hide start message + output$start_message <- NULL + + if(any(grepl(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), dir_ls(DB$database)))) { + + if(!any(grepl("alleles", dir_ls(paste0( + DB$database, "/", + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)))))) { + + log_print("Missing loci files") + + # Show message that loci files are missing + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0("Whoops! No loci files are present in the local ", + DB$scheme, + " folder. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), + title = "Local Database Error", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Okay") + ) + ) + ) + + # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Missing Values", + tabName = "db_missing_values", + icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group"), + selected = TRUE + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + } else if (!any(grepl("scheme_info.html", dir_ls(paste0( + DB$database, "/", + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)))))) { + + output$download_scheme_info <- NULL + + log_print("Scheme info file missing") + + # Show message that scheme info is missing + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0("Whoops! Scheme info of the local ", + DB$scheme, + " database is missing. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), + title = "Local Database Error", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Okay") + ) + ) + ) + + # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Missing Values", + tabName = "db_missing_values", + icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group"), + selected = TRUE + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + + } else if (!any(grepl("targets.csv", dir_ls(paste0( + DB$database, "/", + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)))))) { + + # Dont render target download button + output$download_loci <- NULL + + log_print("Missing loci info (targets.csv)") + + # Show message that scheme info is missing + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0("Whoops! Loci info of the local ", + DB$scheme, + " database is missing. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), + title = "Local Database Error", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Okay") + ) + ) + ) + + # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Missing Values", + tabName = "db_missing_values", + icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group"), + selected = TRUE + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + + } else { + # Produce Scheme Info Table + schemeinfo <- + read_html(paste0( + DB$database, "/", + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "/scheme_info.html" + )) %>% + html_table(header = FALSE) %>% + = FALSE) + names(schemeinfo) <- NULL + DB$schemeinfo <- schemeinfo + number_loci <- as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]) + DB$number_loci <- as.numeric(gsub(",", "", number_loci)) + + # Produce Loci Info table + DB$loci_info <- read.csv( + file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "targets.csv"), + header = TRUE, + sep = "\t", + row.names = NULL, + colClasses = c( + "NULL", + "character", + "character", + "integer", + "integer", + "character", + "integer", + "NULL" + ) + ) + + # Check if number of loci/fastq-files of alleles is coherent with number of targets in scheme + if(DB$number_loci > length(dir_ls(paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles")))) { + + log_print(paste0("Loci files are missing in the local ", DB$scheme, " folder")) + + # Show message that loci files are missing + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0("Whoops! Some loci files are missing in the local ", + DB$scheme, + " folder. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), + title = "Local Database Error", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Okay") + ) + ) + ) + + # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Missing Values", + tabName = "db_missing_values", + icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group"), + selected = TRUE + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + + } else { + ###### Alle checks bestanden -> Laden der DTB + # If typed entries present + if (any(grepl("Typing.rds", dir_ls(paste0( + DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) + ))))) { + + # Load database from files + Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "Typing.rds")) + + DB$data <- Database[["Typing"]] + + if(!is.null(DB$data)){ + if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { + cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) + DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) + } else { + DB$cust_var <- data.frame() + } + } + + DB$change <- FALSE + DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) + DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) + DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + + # Null pipe + con <- file(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), open = "w") + + cat("0\n", file = con) + + # Close the file connection + close(con) + + # Reset other reactive typing variables + Typing$progress_format_end <- 0 + Typing$progress_format_start <- 0 + Typing$pending_format <- 0 + Typing$entry_added <- 0 + Typing$progress <- 0 + Typing$progress_format <- 900000 + output$single_typing_progress <- NULL + output$typing_fin <- NULL + output$single_typing_results <- NULL + output$typing_formatting <- NULL + Typing$single_path <- data.frame() + + # Null multi typing feedback variable + Typing$reset <- TRUE + + # Check need for new missing vlaue display + if(DB$first_look == TRUE) { + if(sum(apply(DB$data, 1, anyNA)) >= 1) { + DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE + } else { + DB$no_na_switch <- FALSE + } + } + + DB$first_look <- TRUE + + output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyFilesButton( + "genome_file", + "Browse" , + icon = icon("file"), + title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", + multiple = FALSE, + buttonType = "default", + class = NULL, + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("genome_path"), + br() + ) + ) + ) + }) + + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyDirButton( + "genome_file_multi", + "Browse", + icon = icon("folder-open"), + title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", + buttonType = "default", + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_info"), + br() + ) + ), + uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") + ) + ) + ) + }) + + if(!anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { + + # no NA's -> dont render missing values sidebar elements + output$missing_values_sidebar <- NULL + + # Render menu if no NA's present + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + } else { + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries", + selected = TRUE + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Missing Values", + tabName = "db_missing_values", + icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + } + + # Render custom variable display + output$show_cust_var <- renderTable( + width = "100%", + { + if((!is.null(DB$cust_var)) & (!is.null(input$cust_var_select))) { + if(nrow(DB$cust_var) > 5) { + low <- -4 + high <- 0 + for (i in 1:input$cust_var_select) { + low <- low + 5 + if((nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5) != 0) { + if(i == ceiling(nrow(DB$cust_var) / 5 )) { + high <- high + nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5 + } else { + high <- high + 5 + } + } else { + high <- high + 5 + } + } + DB$cust_var[low:high,] + } else { + DB$cust_var + } + } else if (!is.null(DB$cust_var)) { + DB$cust_var + } + }) + + # render visualization sidebar elements + observe({ + Vis$tree_algo <- input$tree_algo + }) + + output$visualization_sidebar <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + column( + width = 12, + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + prettyRadioButtons( + "tree_algo", + choices = c("Minimum-Spanning", "Neighbour-Joining", "UPGMA"), + label = "", + selected = if(!is.null(Vis$tree_algo)){Vis$tree_algo} else {"Minimum-Spanning"} + ), + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + tags$div( + id = "button-wrapper", + actionButton( + "create_tree", + h5("Create Tree", style = "position: relative; left: 15px; color: white; font-size: 15px;"), + width = "100%" + ), + tags$img( + src = "phylo.png", + alt = "icon", + class = "icon" + ) + ) + ) + ), + br(), + hr(), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='Minimum-Spanning'", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + br(), + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 16px; margin-left: 15px', "Sizing") + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + radioGroupButtons( + "mst_ratio", + "", + choiceNames = c("16:10", "16:9", "4:3"), + choiceValues = c((16/10), (16/9), (4/3)), + width = "100%" + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "mst_scale", + "", + min = 500, + max = 1200, + step = 5, + value = 800, + width = "95%", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ), + br(), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_plot_format=='jpeg'", + actionBttn( + "save_plot_jpeg", + style = "simple", + label = "Save Plot", + size = "sm", + icon = NULL, + color = "primary" + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_plot_format=='png'", + actionBttn( + "save_plot_png", + style = "simple", + label = "Save Plot", + size = "sm", + icon = NULL, + color = "primary" + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_plot_format=='bmp'", + actionBttn( + "save_plot_bmp", + style = "simple", + label = "Save Plot", + size = "sm", + icon = NULL, + color = "primary" + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_plot_format=='html'", + downloadBttn( + "save_plot_html", + style = "simple", + label = "Save Plot", + size = "sm", + icon = NULL, + color = "primary" + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 7, + div( + style = "max-width: 150px", + class = "format", + selectInput( + inputId = "mst_plot_format", + label = "", + choices = c("html", "jpeg", "png", "bmp") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='Neighbour-Joining'", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + downloadBttn( + "download_nj", + style = "simple", + label = "Save Plot", + size = "sm", + icon = NULL, + color = "primary" + ) + ), + column( + width = 7, + div( + style = "max-width: 150px", + class = "format", + selectInput( + inputId = "filetype_nj", + label = "", + choices = c("png", "jpeg", "bmp", "svg") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='UPGMA'", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + downloadBttn( + "download_upgma", + style = "simple", + label = "Save Plot", + size = "sm", + icon = NULL, + color = "primary" + ) + ), + column( + width = 7, + div( + style = "max-width: 150px", + class = "format", + selectInput( + inputId = "filetype_upgma", + label = "", + choices = c("png", "jpeg", "bmp", "svg") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + br(), + actionButton( + "create_rep", + "Print Report" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Render entry table sidebar elements + output$entrytable_sidebar <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + if(nrow(DB$data) > 40) { + div( + class = "mat-switch-db-tab", + materialSwitch( + "table_height", + h5(p("Show Full Table"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + } + ) + ), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Custom Variables') + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + textInput( + "new_var_name", + label = "", + placeholder = "New Variable" + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + actionButton( + "add_new_variable", + "", + icon = icon("plus") + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "textinput_var", + selectInput( + "del_which_var", + "", + DB$cust_var$Variable + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "left", + actionButton( + "delete_new_variable", + "", + icon = icon("minus") + ) + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 4, + uiOutput("cust_var_info") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + tableOutput("show_cust_var") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(4), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("cust_var_select") + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Render missing values sidebar elements + output$missing_values_sidebar <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + br(), + materialSwitch( + "miss_val_height", + h5(p("Show Full Table"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + br() + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -23px; right: -15px', + 'Download CSV') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + downloadBttn( + "download_na_matrix", + style = "simple", + label = "", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download") + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Render scheme info download button + output$download_loci <- renderUI({ + column( + 12, + downloadBttn( + "download_loci_info", + style = "simple", + label = "", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download"), + color = "primary" + ), + bsTooltip("download_loci_info_bttn", HTML("Save loci information
(without sequence)"), placement = "top", trigger = "hover") + ) + }) + + # Render scheme info download button + output$download_scheme_info <- renderUI({ + downloadBttn( + "download_schemeinfo", + style = "simple", + label = "", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download"), + color = "primary" + ) + }) + + # Render distance matrix sidebar + output$distmatrix_sidebar <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + selectInput( + "distmatrix_label", + label = "", + choices = c("Index", "Assembly Name", "Assembly ID"), + selected = c("Assembly Name"), + width = "100%" + ), + br() + ) + ), + div( + class = "mat-switch-dmatrix", + materialSwitch( + "distmatrix_true", + h5(p("Only Included Entries"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + div( + class = "mat-switch-dmatrix", + materialSwitch( + "distmatrix_triangle", + h5(p("Show Upper Triangle"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + div( + class = "mat-switch-dmatrix-last", + materialSwitch( + "distmatrix_diag", + h5(p("Show Diagonal"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: 37px; right: -15px', + 'Download CSV') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + downloadBttn( + "download_distmatrix", + style = "simple", + label = "", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download") + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Render select input to choose displayed loci + output$compare_select <- renderUI({ + + if(nrow(DB$data) == 1) { + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px;', "Type at least two assemblies to compare") + ) + ) + } else { + if(!is.null(input$compare_difference)) { + if (input$compare_difference == FALSE) { + pickerInput( + inputId = "compare_select", + label = "", + width = "85%", + choices = names(DB$allelic_profile), + selected = names(DB$allelic_profile)[1:20], + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + } else { + pickerInput( + inputId = "compare_select", + label = "", + width = "85%", + choices = names(DB$allelic_profile), + selected = names(DB$allelic_profile)[var_alleles(DB$allelic_profile)], + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + } + } + } + }) + + #### Render Entry Data Table ---- + output$db_entries_table <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + if(between(nrow(DB$data), 1, 30)) { + rHandsontableOutput("db_entries") + } else { + addSpinner( + rHandsontableOutput("db_entries"), + spin = "dots", + color = "#ffffff" + ) + } + } + }) + + if (!is.null(DB$data)) { + + observe({ + + if (!is.null(DB$data)) { + if (nrow(DB$data) == 1) { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + rowHeaders = NULL, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } else if (between(nrow(DB$data), 2, 40)) { + if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + + entry_data <- DB$data %>% + select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% + add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) + + rhandsontable( + entry_data, + col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, + dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + rowHeaders = NULL, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE, + contextMenu = FALSE + ) %>% + hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter", + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter", + strict = TRUE, + allowInvalid = FALSE, + copyable = TRUE) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + + } + }") %>% + hot_col(diff_allele(), + renderer = " + function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; + hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; + } + + if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { + = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; + } + }" + ) %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } else { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), + rowHeaders = NULL, + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + dup_names_high = duplicated_names()- 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + + } + }") %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } + } else { + if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + + entry_data <- DB$data %>% + select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% + add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) + + rhandsontable( + entry_data, + col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, + rowHeaders = NULL, + height = table_height(), + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), + readOnly = TRUE, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter", + allowInvalid = FALSE, + copyable = TRUE) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(diff_allele(), + renderer = " + function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; + hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; + } + + if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { + = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; + } + }") + }) + } + } else { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), + rowHeaders = NULL, + height = table_height(), + dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } + } + } + + # Dynamic save button when rhandsontable changes or new entries + output$edit_entry_table <- renderUI({ + if(check_new_entry() & DB$check_new_entries) { + Typing$reload <- FALSE + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', + 'New entries - reload database') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + actionButton( + "load", + "", + icon = icon("rotate"), + class = "pulsating-button" + ) + ) + ) + } else if(Typing$status == "Attaching") { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', 'No database changes possible - pending entry addition') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 1, + HTML(paste('')) + ) + ) + } else if((DB$change == TRUE) | !identical(get.entry.table.meta(), select(DB$meta, -13))) { + + if(!is.null(input$db_entries)) { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 16px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', 'Confirm changes') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + actionButton( + "edit_button", + "", + icon = icon("bookmark"), + class = "pulsating-button" + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + actionButton( + "undo_changes", + "Undo", + icon = icon("repeat") + ) + ) + ) + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + }) + + # Hide no entry message + output$db_no_entries <- NULL + output$distancematrix_no_entries <- NULL + + } else { + + # If database loading not successful dont show entry table + output$db_entries_table <- NULL + output$entry_table_controls <- NULL + } + + # Render Entry table controls + output$entry_table_controls <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + actionButton( + "sel_all_entries", + "Select All", + icon = icon("check") + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + actionButton( + "desel_all_entries", + "Deselect All", + icon = icon("xmark") + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + uiOutput("edit_entry_table") + ) + ) + }) + + #### Render Distance Matrix ---- + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + + if(any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) | any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))) { + output$db_distancematrix <- NULL + + if( (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) > 0) & (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)) == 0) ) { + duplicated_txt <- paste0( + paste( + paste0("Name # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)), " - "), + DB$meta$`Assembly Name`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`))] + ), + "
" + ) + } else if ( (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)) > 0) & (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) == 0) ){ + duplicated_txt <- paste0( + paste( + paste0("ID # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)), " - "), + DB$meta$`Assembly ID`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))] + ), + "
" + ) + } else { + duplicated_txt <- c( + paste0( + paste( + paste0("Name # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)), " - "), + DB$meta$`Assembly Name`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`))] + ), + "
" + ), + paste0( + paste( + paste0("ID # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)), " - "), + DB$meta$`Assembly ID`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))] + ), + "
" + ) + ) + } + + output$distancematrix_duplicated <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 12, + tags$span(style = "font-size: 15; color: white", + "Change duplicated entry names to display distance matrix."), + br(), br(), br(), + actionButton("change_entries", "Go to Entry Table", class = "btn btn-default"), + br(), br(), br(), + tags$span( + style = "font-size: 15; color: white", + HTML( + append( + "Duplicated:", + append( + "
", + duplicated_txt + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else { + output$distancematrix_duplicated <- NULL + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$allelic_profile) & !is.null(DB$allelic_profile_true) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$distmatrix_label) & !is.null(input$distmatrix_diag) & !is.null(input$distmatrix_triangle)) { + output$db_distancematrix <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable(hamming_df(), + digits = 1, + readOnly = TRUE, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE, + height = distancematrix_height(), rowHeaders = NULL) %>% + hot_heatmap(renderer = paste0(" + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + heatmapScale = chroma.scale(['#17F556', '#ED6D47']); + + if (instance.heatmap[col]) { + mn = ", DB$matrix_min, "; + mx = ", DB$matrix_max, "; + + pt = (parseInt(value, 10) - mn) / (mx - mn); + + = heatmapScale(pt).hex(); + } + }")) %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_col(1:(dim(DB$ham_matrix)[1]+1), + halign = "htCenter", + valign = "htMiddle") %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = " + function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + = '#F0F0F0' + }" + ) + }) + } + } + + # Render Distance Matrix UI + + output$distmatrix_show <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + if(nrow(DB$data) > 1) { + column( + width = 10, + uiOutput("distancematrix_duplicated"), + div( + class = "distmatrix", + rHandsontableOutput("db_distancematrix") + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px;', "Type at least two assemblies to display a distance matrix.") + ) + ) + ), + br(), + br() + ) + } + } + }) + + } + }) + + + # Render delete entry box UI + output$delete_box <- renderUI({ + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "100%", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + h3(p("Delete Entries"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 2, + offset = 1, + align = "right", + br(), + h5("Index", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;") + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + uiOutput("delete_select") + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "center", + br(), + uiOutput("del_bttn") + ) + ), + br() + ) + }) + + # Render loci comparison box UI + output$compare_allele_box <- renderUI({ + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "100%", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + h3(p("Compare Loci"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), + uiOutput("compare_select"), + br(), + column(2), + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + uiOutput("compare_difference_box") + ) + ), + br() + ) + }) + + # Render entry table download box UI + output$download_entries <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "100%", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + h3(p("Download Table"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column(2), + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + br(), + div( + class = "mat-switch-db", + materialSwitch( + "download_table_include", + h5(p("Only Included Entries"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + div( + class = "mat-switch-db", + materialSwitch( + "download_table_loci", + h5(p("Include Displayed Loci"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + br(), + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + downloadBttn( + "download_entry_table", + style = "simple", + label = "", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download"), + color = "primary" + ) + ) + ), + br() + ) + ), + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 2, + div( + class = "rectangle-blue" + ), + div( + class = "rectangle-orange" + ), + div( + class = "rectangle-red" + ), + div( + class = "rectangle-green" + ) + ), + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -12px", " = included for analyses") + ) + ) + ), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -13px", " = duplicated name/ID") + ) + ) + ), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -14px", " = ≥ 5% of loci missing") + ) + ) + ), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -15px", " = locus contains multiple variants") + ) + ) + ), + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Render entry deletion select input + output$delete_select <- renderUI({ + pickerInput("select_delete", + label = "", + choices = DB$data[, "Index"], + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE) + }) + + # Render delete entry button + output$del_bttn <- renderUI({ + actionBttn( + "del_button", + label = "", + color = "danger", + size = "sm", + style = "material-circle", + icon = icon("xmark") + ) + }) + + #### Missing Values UI ---- + + # Missing values calculations and table + observe({ + + if (!is.null(DB$allelic_profile)) { + NA_table <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) != 0] + + NA_table <- NA_table[rowSums( != 0,] + + NA_table[] <- "NA" + + NA_table <- NA_table %>% + cbind("Assembly Name" = DB$meta[rownames(NA_table),]$`Assembly Name`) %>% + cbind("Errors" = DB$meta[rownames(NA_table),]$Errors) %>% + relocate("Assembly Name", "Errors") + + DB$na_table <- NA_table + + if(!is.null(input$miss_val_height)) { + if(nrow(DB$na_table) < 31) { + output$table_missing_values <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + DB$na_table, + readOnly = TRUE, + rowHeaders = NULL, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE, + error_highlight = err_thresh_na() - 1 + ) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1:ncol(DB$na_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(2, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3:ncol(DB$na_table), renderer = htmlwidgets::JS( + "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + if (value.length > 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); + } + td.innerHTML = value; + = 'center'; + return td; + }" + )) + }) + } else { + output$table_missing_values <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + DB$na_table, + readOnly = TRUE, + rowHeaders = NULL, + height = miss.val.height(), + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1 + ) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1:ncol(DB$na_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(2, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3:ncol(DB$na_table), renderer = htmlwidgets::JS( + "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + if (value.length > 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); + } + td.innerHTML = value; + = 'center'; + return td; + }" + )) + }) + } + } + } + + }) + + # Render missing value informatiojn box UI + output$missing_values <- renderUI({ + div( + class = "miss_val_box", + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "100%", + fluidRow( + div( + class = "white", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + br(), + HTML( + paste0("There are ", + strong(as.character(sum($data)))), + " unsuccessful allele allocations (NA). ", + strong(sum(sapply(DB$allelic_profile, anyNA))), + " out of ", + strong(ncol(DB$allelic_profile)), + " total loci in this scheme contain NA's (", + strong(round((sum(sapply(DB$allelic_profile, anyNA)) / ncol(DB$allelic_profile) * 100), 1)), + " %). ", + "Decide how these missing values should be treated:") + + ), + br() + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + br(), + prettyRadioButtons( + "na_handling", + "", + choiceNames = c("Ignore missing values for pairwise comparison", + "Omit loci with missing values for all assemblies", + "Treat missing values as allele variant"), + choiceValues = c("ignore_na", "omit", "category"), + shape = "curve", + selected = c("ignore_na") + ), + br() + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + + } else { + #if no typed assemblies present + + # null underlying database + + DB$data <- NULL + DB$meta <- NULL + DB$meta_gs <- NULL + DB$meta_true <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile_true <- NULL + + # Render menu without missing values tab + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + selected = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + + observe({ + if(is.null(DB$data)) { + if(check_new_entry()) { + output$db_no_entries <- renderUI( + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', 'New entries - reload database') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + actionButton( + "load", + "", + icon = icon("rotate"), + class = "pulsating-button" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + output$db_no_entries <- renderUI( + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + "", + "No Entries for this scheme available.\n", + "Type a genome in the section Allelic Typing and add the result to the local database.", + sep = '
' + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$distancematrix_no_entries <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + HTML(paste( + "", + "No Entries for this scheme available.", + "Type a genome in the section Allelic Typing and add the result to the local database.", + sep = '
' + )) + ) + ) + ) + + output$db_entries <- NULL + output$edit_index <- NULL + output$edit_scheme_d <- NULL + output$edit_entries <- NULL + output$compare_select <- NULL + output$delete_select <- NULL + output$del_bttn <- NULL + output$compare_allele_box <- NULL + output$download_entries <- NULL + output$missing_values <- NULL + output$delete_box <- NULL + output$entry_table_controls <- NULL + output$multi_stop <- NULL + output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL + output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL + output$pending_typing <- NULL + output$multi_typing_results <- NULL + output$single_typing_progress <- NULL + output$metadata_single_box <- NULL + output$start_typing_ui <- NULL + + output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyFilesButton( + "genome_file", + "Browse" , + icon = icon("file"), + title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", + multiple = FALSE, + buttonType = "default", + class = NULL, + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("genome_path"), + br() + ) + ) + ) + }) + + output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyFilesButton( + "genome_file", + "Browse" , + icon = icon("file"), + title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", + multiple = FALSE, + buttonType = "default", + class = NULL, + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("genome_path"), + br() + ) + ) + ) + }) + + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyDirButton( + "genome_file_multi", + "Browse", + icon = icon("folder-open"), + title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", + buttonType = "default", + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_info"), + br() + ) + ), + uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") + ) + ) + ) + }) + } + } + } + } + } else { + + log_print("Invalid scheme folder") + show_toast( + title = "Invalid scheme folder", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 4000 + ) + } + } + + }) + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Database ---- + + ### Conditional UI Elements rendering ---- + + # Contro custom variables table + output$cust_var_select <- renderUI({ + if(nrow(DB$cust_var) > 5) { + selectInput( + "cust_var_select", + "", + choices = 1:ceiling(nrow(DB$cust_var) / 5 ) + ) + } + }) + + output$cust_var_info <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(DB$cust_var)) & (!is.null(input$cust_var_select))) { + if(nrow(DB$cust_var) > 5) { + low <- -4 + high <- 0 + for (i in 1:input$cust_var_select) { + low <- low + 5 + if((nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5) != 0) { + if(i == ceiling(nrow(DB$cust_var) / 5 )) { + high <- high + nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5 + } else { + high <- high + 5 + } + } else { + high <- high + 5 + } + } + h5(paste0("Showing ", low, " to ", high," of ", nrow(DB$cust_var), " variables"), style = "color: white; font-size: 10px;") + } + } + }) + + # Message on Database tabs if no scheme available yet + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$exist)) { + if(DB$exist){ + + # Message for tab Browse Entries + output$no_scheme_entries <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', + 'No scheme available.') + ) + ) + ), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', + 'Download a scheme first and type assemblies in the section Allelic Typing.') + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Message for Tab Scheme Info + output$no_scheme_info <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', + 'No scheme available.') + ) + ) + ), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', + 'Download a scheme first and type assemblies in the section Allelic Typing.') + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Message for Tab Distance Matrix + output$no_scheme_distancematrix <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', + 'No scheme available.') + ) + ) + ), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', + 'Download a scheme first and type assemblies in the section Allelic Typing.') + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + + } else { + output$no_scheme_entries <- NULL + output$no_scheme_info <- NULL + output$no_scheme_distancematrix <- NULL + } + } + + }) + + observe({ + # Conditional Missing Values Tab + if(!is.null(DB$allelic_profile)) { + if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { + if(DB$no_na_switch == FALSE) { + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Missing Values", + tabName = "db_missing_values", + selected = TRUE, + icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + } + + } else { + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + } + } + + }) + + observe({ + + if (!is.null(DB$available)) { + output$scheme_db <- renderUI({ + if (length(DB$available) > 5) { + selectInput( + "scheme_db", + label = "", + choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {DB$available}, + selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {DB$scheme} else {DB$available[1]}} + ) + } else { + prettyRadioButtons( + "scheme_db", + label = "", + choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {DB$available}, + selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {DB$scheme} else {DB$available[1]}} + ) + } + }) + + if (!is.null(DB$schemeinfo)) { + + output$scheme_info <- renderTable({ + DB$schemeinfo + }) + + output$scheme_header <- renderUI(h3(p("cgMLST Scheme"), style = "color:white")) + + } else { + + output$scheme_info <- NULL + output$scheme_header <- NULL + + } + + if (!is.null(DB$loci_info)) { + loci_info <- DB$loci_info + names(loci_info)[6] <- "Allele Count" + + output$db_loci <- renderDataTable( + loci_info, + selection = "single", + options = list(pageLength = 10, + columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, + targets = "_all")), + initComplete = DT::JS( + "function(settings, json) {", + "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + ), + drawCallback = DT::JS( + "function(settings) {", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + )) + ) + + output$loci_header <- renderUI(h3(p("Loci"), style = "color:white")) + + } else { + output$db_loci <- NULL + output$loci_header <- NULL + } + } + }) + + # If only one entry available disable varying loci checkbox + + output$compare_difference_box <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + if(nrow(DB$data) > 1) { + div( + class = "mat-switch-db", + materialSwitch( + "compare_difference", + h5(p("Only Varying Loci"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + ### Database Events ---- + + # Invalid entries table input + observe({ + req(DB$data, input$db_entries) + if (isTRUE(input$invalid_date)) { + show_toast( + title = "Invalid date", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + DB$inhibit_change <- TRUE + } else if (isTRUE(input$empty_name)) { + show_toast( + title = "Empty name", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + DB$inhibit_change <- TRUE + } else if (isTRUE(input$empty_id)) { + show_toast( + title = "Empty ID", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + DB$inhibit_change <- TRUE + } else { + DB$inhibit_change <- FALSE + } + }) + + # Change scheme + observeEvent(input$reload_db, { + log_print("Input reload_db") + + if(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), 1)!= "0") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Multi Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Single Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "started") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Screening", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + showModal( + modalDialog( + selectInput( + "scheme_db", + label = "", + choices = DB$available, + selected = DB$scheme), + title = "Select a local database to load.", + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("load", "Load", class = "btn btn-default") + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Create new database + observe({ + shinyDirChoose(input, + "create_new_db", + roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), + defaultRoot = "Home", + session = session) + + if(!is.null(input$create_new_db)) { + DB$new_database <- as.character( + parseDirPath( + roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), + input$create_new_db + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Undo db changes + observeEvent(input$undo_changes, { + log_print("Input undo_changes") + + DB$inhibit_change <- FALSE + + Data <- readRDS(paste0( + DB$database, "/", + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "/Typing.rds" + )) + + DB$data <- Data[["Typing"]] + + if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { + cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) + DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) + } else { + DB$cust_var <- data.frame() + } + + DB$change <- FALSE + DB$count <- 0 + DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE + DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) + DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) + DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$deleted_entries <- character(0) + + observe({ + if (!is.null(DB$data)) { + if (nrow(DB$data) == 1) { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + rowHeaders = NULL, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } else if (between(nrow(DB$data), 1, 40)) { + if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + + entry_data <- DB$data %>% + select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% + add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) + + rhandsontable( + entry_data, + col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, + dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + rowHeaders = NULL, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE, + contextMenu = FALSE + ) %>% + hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter", + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter", + strict = TRUE, + allowInvalid = FALSE, + copyable = TRUE) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + + } + }") %>% + hot_col(diff_allele(), + renderer = " + function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; + hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; + } + + if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { + = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; + } + }" + ) %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } else { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), + rowHeaders = NULL, + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + dup_names_high = duplicated_names()- 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + + } + }") %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } + } else { + if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + + entry_data <- DB$data %>% + select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% + add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) + + rhandsontable( + entry_data, + col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, + rowHeaders = NULL, + height = table_height(), + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), + readOnly = TRUE, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter", + allowInvalid = FALSE, + copyable = TRUE) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(diff_allele(), + renderer = " + function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; + hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; + } + + if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { + = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; + } + }") + }) + } + } else { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), + rowHeaders = NULL, + height = table_height(), + dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } + } + } + }) + }) + + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)){ + if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { + cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) + DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) + + } else { + DB$cust_var <- data.frame() + } + } + }) + + DB$count <- 0 + + observeEvent(input$add_new_variable, { + log_print("Input add_new_variable") + + if(nchar(input$new_var_name) > 12) { + log_print("Add variable; max. 10 character") + show_toast( + title = "Max. 10 characters", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + if (input$new_var_name == "") { + log_print("Add variable; min. 1 character") + show_toast( + title = "Min. 1 character", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + if(trimws(input$new_var_name) %in% names(DB$meta)) { + log_print("Add variable; name already existing") + show_toast( + title = "Variable name already existing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + showModal( + modalDialog( + selectInput( + "new_var_type", + label = "", + choices = c("Categorical (character)", + "Continous (numeric)")), + title = paste0("Select Data Type"), + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("conf_new_var", "Confirm", class = "btn btn-default") + ) + ) + ) + } + } + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$conf_new_var, { + log_print("Input conf_new_var") + + # User feedback variables + removeModal() + DB$count <- DB$count + 1 + DB$change <- TRUE + + # Format variable name + name <- trimws(input$new_var_name) + + if(input$new_var_type == "Categorical (character)") { + DB$data <- DB$data %>% + mutate("{name}" := character(nrow(DB$data)), .after = 13) + + DB$cust_var <- rbind(DB$cust_var, data.frame(Variable = name, Type = "categ")) + } else { + DB$data <- DB$data %>% + mutate("{name}" := numeric(nrow(DB$data)), .after = 13) + + DB$cust_var <- rbind(DB$cust_var, data.frame(Variable = name, Type = "cont")) + } + + DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) + DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) + DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + + log_print(paste0("New custom variable added: ", input$new_var_name)) + + show_toast( + title = paste0("Variable ", trimws(input$new_var_name), " added"), + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + + }) + + observeEvent(input$delete_new_variable, { + log_print("Input delete_new_variable") + + if (input$del_which_var == "") { + log_print("Delete custom variables; no custom variable") + show_toast( + title = "No custom variables", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0( + "Confirmation will lead to irreversible deletion of the custom ", + input$del_which_var, + " variable. Continue?" + ), + title = "Delete custom variables", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("conf_var_del", "Delete", class = "btn btn-danger") + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$conf_var_del, { + log_print("Input conf_var_del") + + DB$change <- TRUE + + removeModal() + + if(DB$count >= 1) { + DB$count <- DB$count - 1 + } + + show_toast( + title = paste0("Variable ", input$del_which_var, " removed"), + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + + log_print(paste0("Variable ", input$del_which_var, " removed")) + + DB$cust_var <- DB$cust_var[-which(DB$cust_var$Variable == input$del_which_var),] + DB$data <- select(DB$data, -(input$del_which_var)) + DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) + DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) + DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + }) + + # Select all button + + observeEvent(input$sel_all_entries, { + log_print("Input sel_all_entries") + + DB$data$Include <- TRUE + }) + + observeEvent(input$desel_all_entries, { + log_print("Input desel_all_entries") + + DB$data$Include <- FALSE + }) + + # Switch to entry table + + observeEvent(input$change_entries, { + log_print("Input change_entries") + + removeModal() + updateTabItems(session, "tabs", selected = "db_browse_entries") + }) + + #### Save Missing Value as CSV ---- + + output$download_na_matrix <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save missing values table ", paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Missing_Values.csv"))) + paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Missing_Values.csv") + }, + content = function(file) { + download_matrix <- hot_to_r(input$table_missing_values) + write.csv(download_matrix, file, sep = ",", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) + } + ) + + #### Save scheme info table as CSV ---- + + output$download_schemeinfo <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save scheme info table ", paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_scheme.csv"))) + + paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_scheme.csv") + }, + content = function(file) { + pub_index <- which(DB$schemeinfo[,1] == "Publications") + write.table( + DB$schemeinfo[1:(pub_index-1),], + file, + sep = ";", + row.names = FALSE, + quote = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + #### Save Loci info table as CSV ---- + + output$download_loci_info <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save loci info table ", paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Loci.csv"))) + + paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Loci.csv") + }, + content = function(file) { + write.table( + DB$loci_info, + file, + sep = ";", + row.names = FALSE, + quote = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + #### Save entry table as CSV ---- + + output$download_entry_table <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save entry table ", paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Entries.csv"))) + + paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Entries.csv") + }, + content = function(file) { + download_matrix <- hot_to_r(input$db_entries) + + if (input$download_table_include == TRUE) { + download_matrix <- download_matrix[which(download_matrix$Include == TRUE),] + } + + if (input$download_table_loci == FALSE) { + download_matrix <- select(download_matrix, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + } + + write.csv(download_matrix, file, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) + } + ) + + # Save Edits Button + + observeEvent(input$edit_button, { + if(nrow(hot_to_r(input$db_entries)) > nrow(DB$data)) { + show_toast( + title = "Invalid rows entered. Saving not possible.", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + if(!isTRUE(DB$inhibit_change)) { + log_print("Input edit_button") + + showModal( + modalDialog( + if(length(DB$deleted_entries > 0)) { + paste0( + "Overwriting previous metadata of local ", + DB$scheme, + " database. Deleted entries will be irreversibly removed. Continue?" + ) + } else { + paste0( + "Overwriting previous metadata of local ", + DB$scheme, + " database. Continue?" + ) + }, + title = "Save Database", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("conf_db_save", "Save", class = "btn btn-default") + ) + ) + ) + } else { + log_print("Input edit_button, invalid values.") + show_toast( + title = "Invalid values entered. Saving not possible.", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$Cancel, { + log_print("Input Cancel") + removeModal() + }) + + observeEvent(input$conf_db_save, { + log_print("Input conf_db_save") + + # Remove isolate assembly file if present + if(!is.null(DB$remove_iso)) { + if(length(DB$remove_iso) > 0) { + lapply(DB$remove_iso, unlink, recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE, expand = TRUE) + } + } + DB$remove_iso <- NULL + + Data <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme),"Typing.rds")) + + if ((ncol(Data[["Typing"]]) - 13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { + cust_vars_pre <- select(Data[["Typing"]], + 14:(ncol(Data[["Typing"]]) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) + cust_vars_pre <- names(cust_vars_pre) + } else { + cust_vars_pre <- character() + } + + Data[["Typing"]] <- select(Data[["Typing"]], -(1:(13 + length(cust_vars_pre)))) + + meta_hot <- hot_to_r(input$db_entries) + + if(length(DB$deleted_entries > 0)) { + + meta_hot <- mutate(meta_hot, Index = as.character(1:nrow(DB$data))) + + Data[["Typing"]] <- mutate(Data[["Typing"]][-as.numeric(DB$deleted_entries), ], + meta_hot, .before = 1) + rownames(Data[["Typing"]]) <- Data[["Typing"]]$Index + } else { + Data[["Typing"]] <- mutate(Data[["Typing"]], meta_hot, .before = 1) + } + + # Ensure correct logical data type + Data[["Typing"]][["Include"]] <- as.logical(Data[["Typing"]][["Include"]]) + saveRDS(Data, file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) + + # Load database from files + Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) + + DB$data <- Database[["Typing"]] + + if(!is.null(DB$data)){ + if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { + cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) + DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) + } else { + DB$cust_var <- data.frame() + } + } + + DB$change <- FALSE + DB$count <- 0 + DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE + DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) + DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) + DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$deleted_entries <- character(0) + + removeModal() + + show_toast( + title = "Database successfully saved", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 4000 + ) + }) + + observeEvent(input$del_button, { + log_print("Input del_button") + + if (length(input$select_delete) < 1) { + log_print("Delete entries; no entry selected") + show_toast( + title = "No entry selected", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 4000 + ) + } else if((readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") | + (tail(readLogFile(), 1) != "0")) { + log_print("Delete entries; pending typing") + + show_toast( + title = "Pending Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 4000 + ) + } else { + if( (length(input$select_delete) - nrow(DB$data) ) == 0) { + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0("Deleting will lead to removal of all entries and assemblies from local ", DB$scheme, " database. The data can not be recovered afterwards. Continue?"), + easyClose = TRUE, + title = "Deleting Entries", + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("conf_delete_all", "Delete", class = "btn btn-danger") + ) + ) + ) + } else { + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0( + "Confirmation will lead to irreversible removal of selected entries and the respectively saved assembly. Continue?" + ), + title = "Deleting Entries", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton( + "conf_delete", + "Delete", + class = "btn btn-danger") + ) + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$conf_delete_all, { + log_print("Input conf_delete_all") + + # remove file with typing data + file.remove(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) + unlink(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates"), recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE, expand =TRUE) + + showModal( + modalDialog( + selectInput( + "scheme_db", + label = "", + choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {DB$available}, + selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {DB$scheme} else {DB$available[1]}}), + title = "All entries have been removed. Select a local database to load.", + footer = tagList( + actionButton("load", "Load", class = "btn btn-default") + ) + ) + ) + + }) + + DB$deleted_entries <- character(0) + + observeEvent(input$conf_delete, { + + log_print("Input conf_delete") + + # Get isolates selected for deletion + DB$deleted_entries <- append(DB$deleted_entries, DB$data$Index[as.numeric(input$select_delete)]) + + # Set reactive status variables + DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE + DB$change <- TRUE + DB$check_new_entries <- FALSE + + # Set isolate directory deletion variables + isopath <- dir_ls(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates")) + DB$remove_iso <- isopath[which(basename(isopath) == DB$data$`Assembly ID`[as.numeric(input$select_delete)])] + + # Reload updated database reactive variables + DB$data <- DB$data[!(DB$data$Index %in% as.numeric(input$select_delete)),] + DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) + DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) + DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + + # User feedback + removeModal() + + if(length(input$select_delete) > 1) { + show_toast( + title = "Entries deleted", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 4000 + ) + } else { + show_toast( + title = "Entry deleted", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 4000 + ) + } + }) + + + ### Distance Matrix ---- + + hamming_df <- reactive({ + if(input$distmatrix_true == TRUE) { + if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { + if(input$na_handling == "omit") { + allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] + + allelic_profile_noNA_true <- allelic_profile_noNA[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA_true, hamming.dist) + + } else if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na"){ + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distIgnore) + + } else { + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distCategory) + + } + } else { + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.dist) + } + } else { + if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { + if(input$na_handling == "omit") { + allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA, hamming.dist) + } else if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na"){ + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile, hamming.distIgnore) + } else { + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile, hamming.distCategory) + } + } else { + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile, hamming.dist) + } + } + + # Extreme values for distance matrix heatmap display + DB$matrix_min <- min(hamming_mat, na.rm = TRUE) + DB$matrix_max <- max(hamming_mat, na.rm = TRUE) + + if(input$distmatrix_triangle == FALSE) { + hamming_mat[upper.tri(hamming_mat, diag = !input$distmatrix_diag)] <- NA + } + + # Row- and colnames change + if(input$distmatrix_true == TRUE) { + rownames(hamming_mat) <- unlist(DB$data[input$distmatrix_label][which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),]) + } else { + rownames(hamming_mat) <- unlist(DB$data[input$distmatrix_label]) + } + colnames(hamming_mat) <- rownames(hamming_mat) + + mode(hamming_mat) <- "integer" + + DB$ham_matrix <- hamming_mat %>% + %>% + mutate(Index = colnames(hamming_mat)) %>% + relocate(Index) + DB$distancematrix_nrow <- nrow(DB$ham_matrix) + + DB$ham_matrix + }) + + output$download_distmatrix <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Distance_Matrix.csv") + }, + content = function(file) { + download_matrix <- hot_to_r(input$db_distancematrix) + download_matrix[] <- "" + write.csv(download_matrix, file, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) + } + ) + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Locus sequences ---- + + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$database) & !is.null(DB$scheme)) { + DB$loci <- list.files( + path = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles"), + pattern = "\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", + full.names = TRUE + ) + } + }) + + output$loci_sequences <- renderUI({ + req(input$db_loci_rows_selected, DB$database, DB$scheme, input$seq_sel) + + DB$loci <- list.files( + path = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles"), + pattern = "\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", + full.names = TRUE + ) + + fasta <- format_fasta(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) + + seq <- fasta[[which(fasta == paste0(">", gsub("Allele ", "", sub(" -.*", "", input$seq_sel)))) + 1]] + + DB$seq <- seq + + column( + width = 12, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; position: relative; top: -15px; left: -50px', + sub(" -.*", "", input$seq_sel)) + ) + ), + tags$pre(HTML(color_sequence(seq)), class = "sequence") + ) + }) + + output$sequence_selector <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$db_loci_rows_selected)) { + + req(input$db_loci_rows_selected, DB$database, DB$scheme) + + DB$loci <- list.files( + path = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles"), + pattern = "\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", + full.names = TRUE + ) + + fasta <- format_fasta(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) + + seq_names <- c() + for (i in seq_along(fasta)) { + if (startsWith(fasta[[i]], ">")) { + name <- sub(">", "", fasta[[i]]) + seq_names <- c(seq_names, name) + } + } + + var_count <- table(DB$allelic_profile[gsub(".fasta", "", (basename(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected])))]) + + vec <- prop.table(var_count) + + perc <- sapply(unname(vec), scales::percent, accuracy = 0.1) + + names(perc) <- names(vec) + + choices <- seq_names + + present <- which(choices %in% names(vec)) + absent <- which(!(choices %in% names(vec))) + + choices[present] <- paste0("Allele ", choices[present], " - ", unname(var_count), " times in DB (", unname(perc), ")") + + choices[absent] <- paste0("Allele ", choices[absent], " - not present") + + choices <- c(choices[present], choices[absent]) + + names(choices) <- sapply(choices, function(x) { + x <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]] + x[2] <- paste0(substr(x[2], 1, 4), "...", substr(x[2], nchar(x[2])-3, nchar(x[2]))) + paste(x, collapse = " ") + }) + + column( + width = 3, + selectInput( + "seq_sel", + h5("Select Variant", style = "color:white;"), + choices = choices, + width = "80%" + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + actionButton("copy_seq", "Copy Sequence", + icon = icon("copy")), + bsTooltip("copy_seq", "Copy the variant sequence
to clipboard", placement = "top", trigger = "hover") + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + downloadBttn( + "get_locus", + style = "simple", + label = "Save .fasta", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download") + ), + bsTooltip("get_locus_bttn", "Save locus file with all variants", placement = "top", trigger = "hover") + ) + ), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$copy_seq, { + if(!is.null(DB$seq)) { + session$sendCustomMessage("txt", DB$seq) + } + show_toast( + title = "Copied sequence", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + }) + + output$get_locus <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + fname <- basename(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) + log_print(paste0("Get locus fasta ", fname)) + fname + }, + content = function(file) { + cont <- readLines(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) + writeLines(cont, file) + } + ) + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Download cgMLST ---- + + observe({ + if (input$select_cgmlst == "Acinetobacter baumanii") { + species <- "Abaumannii1907" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- Scheme$folder_name <- "Acinetobacter_baumanii" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Bacillus anthracis") { + species <- "Banthracis1917" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Bacillus_anthracis" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Bordetella pertussis") { + species <- "Bpertussis1917" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Bordetella_pertussis" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Brucella melitensis") { + species <- "Bmelitensis1912" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Brucella_melitensis" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Brucella spp.") { + species <- "Brucella1914" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Brucella_spp" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Burkholderia mallei (FLI)") { + species <- "Bmallei_fli1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Burkholderia_mallei_FLI" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Burkholderia mallei (RKI)") { + species <- "Bmallei_rki1909" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Burkholderia_mallei_RKI" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Burkholderia pseudomallei") { + species <- "Bpseudomallei1906" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Burkholderia_pseudomallei" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Campylobacter jejuni/coli") { + species <- "Cjejuni1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Campylobacter_jejuni_coli" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Clostridioides difficile") { + species <- "Cdifficile1905" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Clostridioides_difficile" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Clostridium perfringens") { + species <- "Cperfringens1907" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Clostridium_perfringens" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Corynebacterium diphtheriae") { + species <- "Cdiphtheriae1907" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Corynebacterium_diphtheriae" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Cronobacter sakazakii/malonaticus") { + species <- "Csakazakii1910" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Cronobacter_sakazakii_malonaticus" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Enterococcus faecalis") { + species <- "Efaecalis1912" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Enterococcus_faecalis" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Enterococcus faecium") { + species <- "Efaecium1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Enterococcus_faecium" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Escherichia coli") { + species <- "Ecoli1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Escherichia_coli" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Francisella tularensis") { + species <- "Ftularensis1913" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Francisella_tularensis" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Klebsiella oxytoca sensu lato") { + species <- "Koxytoca717" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Klebsiella_oxytoca_sensu_lato" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Klebsiella pneumoniae sensu lato") { + species <- "Kpneumoniae1909" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Klebsiella_pneumoniae_sensu_lato" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Legionella pneumophila") { + species <- "Lpneumophila1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Legionella_pneumophila" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Listeria monocytogenes") { + species <- "Lmonocytogenes1910" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Listeria_monocytogenes" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex") { + species <- "Mtuberculosis1909" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Mycobacterium_tuberculosis_complex" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Mycobacteroides abscessus") { + species <- "Mabscessus1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Mycobacteroides_abscessus" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Mycoplasma gallisepticum") { + species <- "Mgallisepticum1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Mycoplasma_gallisepticum" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Paenibacillus larvae") { + species <- "Plarvae1902" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Paenibacillus_larvae" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Pseudomonas aeruginosa") { + species <- "Paeruginosa1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Pseudomonas_aeruginosa" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Salmonella enterica") { + species <- "Senterica1913" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Salmonella_enterica" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Serratia marcescens") { + species <- "Smarcescens1912" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Serratia_marcescens" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Staphylococcus aureus") { + species <- "Saureus1908" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Staphylococcus_aureus" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Staphylococcus capitis") { + species <- "Scapitis1905" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Staphylococcus_capitis" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Streptococcus pyogenes") { + species <- "Spyogenes1904" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Streptococcus_pyogenes" + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$download_cgMLST, { + log_print(paste0("Started download of scheme for ", Scheme$folder_name)) + + shinyjs::hide("download_cgMLST") + shinyjs::show("loading") + + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    Downloading scheme...")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + + show_toast( + title = "Download started", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 5000 + ) + + if(length(DB$available) == 0) { + saveRDS(DB$new_database, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/new_db.rds")) + dir.create(file.path(readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/new_db.rds")), "Database"), recursive = TRUE) + } + + DB$load_selected <- TRUE + + # Check if .downloaded_schemes folder exists and if not create it + if (!dir.exists(file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes"))) { + dir.create(file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes"), recursive = TRUE) + } + + # Check if remains of old temporary folder exists and remove them + if (dir.exists(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp")))) { + unlink(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp")), recursive = TRUE) + } + + # Download Loci Fasta Files + options(timeout = 600) + + tryCatch({ + download.file(Scheme$link_cgmlst, + file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes", paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".zip"))) + "Download successful!" + }, error = function(e) { + paste("Error: ", e$message) + }) + + # Unzip the scheme in temporary folder + unzip( + zipfile = file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes", paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".zip")), + exdir = file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp") + ) + ) + + log_print("Hashing downloaded database") + # Hash temporary folder + hash_database(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"))) + + # Get list from local database + local_db_filelist <- list.files(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"))) + if (!is_empty(local_db_filelist)) { + # Get list from temporary database + tmp_db_filelist <- list.files(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"))) + + # Find the difference (extra files in local database) + local_db_extra <- setdiff(local_db_filelist, tmp_db_filelist) + + # Copy extra files to temporary folder + file.copy(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), local_db_extra), + file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"))) + + # Check differences in file pairs + local_db_hashes <- tools::md5sum(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), + local_db_filelist)) + tmp_db_hashes <- tools::md5sum(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"), + local_db_filelist)) + + diff_files <- local_db_hashes %in% tmp_db_hashes + diff_loci <- names(local_db_hashes)[diff_files == FALSE] + diff_loci <- sapply(strsplit(diff_loci, "/"), function(x) x[length(x)]) + + # Check locus hashes + for (locus in diff_loci) { + local_db_hashes <- get_locus_hashes(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), + locus)) + tmp_db_hashes <- get_locus_hashes(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"), + locus)) + diff_hashes <- setdiff(local_db_hashes, tmp_db_hashes) + + sequences <- extract_seq(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), + locus), diff_hashes) + if (!is_empty(sequences$idx) && !is_empty(sequences$seq) && + length(sequences$idx) == length(sequences$seq)) { + add_new_sequences(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"), + locus), sequences) + } + } + } + + unlink(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles")), recursive = TRUE) + + file.rename(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp")), + file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"))) + + # Download Scheme Info + download( + Scheme$link_scheme, + dest = file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, "scheme_info.html"), + mode = "wb" + ) + + # Download Loci Info + download( + Scheme$link_targets, + dest = file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, "targets.csv"), + mode = "wb" + ) + + # Send downloaded scheme to database browser overview + DB$available <- gsub("_", " ", basename(dir_ls(DB$database))) + + Scheme$target_table <- read.csv( + file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, "targets.csv"), + header = TRUE, + sep = "\t", + row.names = NULL, + colClasses = c( + "NULL", + "character", + "character", + "integer", + "integer", + "character", + "integer", + "NULL" + ) + ) + + DB$exist <- length(dir_ls(DB$database)) == 0 + + shinyjs::show("download_cgMLST") + shinyjs::hide("loading") + + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    ready")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + + show_toast( + title = "Download successful", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 5000 + ) + + log_print("Download successful") + + showModal( + modalDialog( + selectInput( + "scheme_db", + label = "", + choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {DB$available}, + selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {input$select_cgmlst} else {DB$available[1]}}), + title = "Select a local database to load.", + footer = tagList( + actionButton("load", "Load", class = "btn btn-default") + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Download Target Info (CSV Table) + observe({ + input$download_cgMLST + + scheme_overview <- read_html(Scheme$link_scheme) %>% + html_table(header = FALSE) %>% + = FALSE) + + last_scheme_change <- strptime(scheme_overview$X2[scheme_overview$X1 == "Last Change"], + format = "%B %d, %Y, %H:%M %p") + names(scheme_overview) <- NULL + + last_file_change <- format( +$database, + ".downloaded_schemes", + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".zip")))$mtime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %p") + + output$cgmlst_scheme <- renderTable({scheme_overview}) + output$scheme_update_info <- renderText({ + req(last_file_change) + if (last_file_change < last_scheme_change) { + "(Newer scheme available \u274c)" + } else { + "(Scheme is up-to-date \u2705)" + } + }) + }) + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Visualization ---- + + # Render placeholder image + + output$placeholder <- renderImage({ + # Path to your PNG image with a transparent background + image_path <- paste0(getwd(), "/www/PhyloTrace.png") + + # Use HTML to display the image with the tag + list(src = image_path, + height = 180) + }, deleteFile = FALSE) + + # Render tree plot fields + + output$nj_field <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ) + + output$mst_field <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ) + + output$upgma_field <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ) + + ### Render Visualization Controls ---- + + #### NJ and UPGMA controls ---- + + # Control enable/disable of variable mapping inputs + observe({ + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_color_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_mapping_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiplab_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_mapping_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_color_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_mapping_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiplab_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_mapping_show)) + + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tipcolor_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tippoint_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tipcolor_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tippoint_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show)) + + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tipshape_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tipshape_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show)) + + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_1)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_2", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_2", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_2)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_3", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_3", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_3)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_4", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_4", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_4)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_5", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_5", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_5)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_1", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_1", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_1)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_2", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_2", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_2)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_3", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_3", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_3)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_4", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_4", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_4)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_5", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_5", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_5)) + + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_heatmap_sel", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_heatmap_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_heatmap_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_heatmap_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_heatmap_sel", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_heatmap_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_heatmap_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_heatmap_show)) + }) + + # Size scaling NJ + observe({ + req(input$nj_ratio) + if(input$nj_ratio == "1.6") { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_scale", + step = 5, value = 800, min = 500, max = 1200) + } else if(input$nj_ratio == "1.77777777777778") { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_scale", + step = 9, value = 801, min = 504, max = 1197) + } else if(input$nj_ratio == "1.33333333333333"){ + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_scale", + step = 3, value = 801, min = 501, max = 1200) + } + }) + + # Size scaling UPGMA + observe({ + req(input$upgma_ratio) + if(input$upgma_ratio == "1.6") { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_scale", + step = 5, value = 800, min = 500, max = 1200) + } else if(input$upgma_ratio == "1.77777777777778") { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_scale", + step = 9, value = 801, min = 504, max = 1197) + } else if(input$upgma_ratio == "1.33333333333333"){ + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_scale", + step = 3, value = 801, min = 501, max = 1200) + } + }) + + # Size scaling MST + observe({ + req(input$mst_ratio) + if(input$mst_ratio == "1.6") { + updateSliderInput(session, "mst_scale", + step = 5, value = 800, min = 500, max = 1200) + } else if(input$mst_ratio == "1.77777777777778") { + updateSliderInput(session, "mst_scale", + step = 9, value = 801, min = 504, max = 1197) + } else if(input$mst_ratio == "1.33333333333333"){ + updateSliderInput(session, "mst_scale", + step = 3, value = 801, min = 501, max = 1200) + } + }) + + # Custom Labels + + # Add custom label + observeEvent(input$nj_add_new_label, { + + if(nchar(input$nj_new_label_name) > 0) { + if(!(input$nj_new_label_name %in% Vis$custom_label_nj)) { + Vis$custom_label_nj <- rbind(Vis$custom_label_nj, input$nj_new_label_name) + if(!(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) == 1)) { + updateSelectInput(session, "nj_custom_label_sel", selected = input$nj_new_label_name) + } + } else { + show_toast( + title = "Label already exists", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + } else { + show_toast( + title = "Min. 1 character", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_add_new_label, { + + if(nchar(input$upgma_new_label_name) > 0) { + if(!(input$upgma_new_label_name %in% Vis$custom_label_upgma)) { + Vis$custom_label_upgma <- rbind(Vis$custom_label_upgma, input$upgma_new_label_name) + if(!(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) == 1)) { + updateSelectInput(session, "upgma_custom_label_sel", selected = input$upgma_new_label_name) + } + } else { + show_toast( + title = "Label already exists", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + } else { + show_toast( + title = "Min. 1 character", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + }) + + # Delete custom label + observeEvent(input$nj_del_label, { + + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 1) { + Vis$custom_label_nj <- Vis$custom_label_nj[-which(Vis$custom_label_nj[,1] == input$nj_custom_label_sel), , drop = FALSE] + } else if (nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) == 1) { + Vis$nj_label_pos_x <- list() + Vis$nj_label_pos_y <- list() + Vis$nj_label_size <- list() + Vis$custom_label_nj <- data.frame() + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_del_label, { + + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 1) { + Vis$custom_label_upgma <- Vis$custom_label_upgma[-which(Vis$custom_label_upgma[,1] == input$upgma_custom_label_sel), , drop = FALSE] + } else if (nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) == 1) { + Vis$upgma_label_pos_x <- list() + Vis$upgma_label_pos_y <- list() + Vis$upgma_label_size <- list() + Vis$custom_label_upgma <- data.frame() + } + }) + + # Select custom labels + output$nj_custom_label_select <- renderUI({ + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { + selectInput( + "nj_custom_label_sel", + "", + choices = Vis$custom_label_nj[,1] + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_custom_label_select <- renderUI({ + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { + selectInput( + "upgma_custom_label_sel", + "", + choices = Vis$custom_label_upgma[,1] + ) + } + }) + + # Select custom labels + output$nj_cust_label_save <- renderUI({ + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { + actionButton( + "nj_cust_label_save", + "Apply" + ) + } else { + column( + width = 12, + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + h5("test", style = "color: transparent; margin-bottom: 3px") + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_cust_label_save <- renderUI({ + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { + actionButton( + "upgma_cust_label_save", + "Apply" + ) + } else { + column( + width = 12, + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + h5("test", style = "color: transparent; margin-bottom: 3px") + ) + } + }) + + # Custom Label Size + output$nj_custom_labelsize <- renderUI({ + if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_size[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]])) { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_size"), + label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, + value = Vis$nj_label_size[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]], + width = "150px") + } else { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_size"), + label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, value = 5, + width = "150px") + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_custom_labelsize <- renderUI({ + if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_size[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]])) { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_size"), + label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, + value = Vis$upgma_label_size[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]], + width = "150px") + } else { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_size"), + label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, value = 5, + width = "150px") + } + } + }) + + # Render slider input based on selected label + output$nj_sliderInput_y <- renderUI({ + if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]])) { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_y"), + label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, + value = Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]], + width = "150px") + } else { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_y"), + label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = sum(DB$data$Include), step = 1, ticks = F, + value = sum(DB$data$Include) / 2, + width = "150px") + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_sliderInput_y <- renderUI({ + if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]])) { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_y"), + label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, + value = Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]], + width = "150px") + } else { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_y"), + label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = sum(DB$data$Include), step = 1, ticks = F, + value = sum(DB$data$Include) / 2, + width = "150px") + } + } + }) + + output$nj_sliderInput_x <- renderUI({ + if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]])) { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_x"), + label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, + value = Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]], + width = "150px") + } else { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_x"), + label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = round(Vis$nj_max_x, 0), step = 1, ticks = F, + value = round(Vis$nj_max_x / 2, 0), + width = "150px") + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_sliderInput_x <- renderUI({ + if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]])) { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_x"), + label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, + value = Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]], + width = "150px") + } else { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_x"), + label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = round(Vis$upgma_max_x, 0), step = 1, ticks = F, + value = round(Vis$upgma_max_x / 2, 0), + width = "150px") + } + } + }) + + # Apply custom label changes + observeEvent(input$nj_cust_label_save, { + + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_y) & + !is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_x) & + !is.null(Vis$nj_label_size) & + !is.null(input$nj_custom_label_sel)) { + Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_y")]] + Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_x")]] + Vis$nj_label_size[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_size")]] + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_cust_label_save, { + + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_y) & + !is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_x) & + !is.null(Vis$upgma_label_size) & + !is.null(input$upgma_custom_label_sel)) { + Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_y")]] + Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_x")]] + Vis$upgma_label_size[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_size")]] + } + }) + + # Show delete custom label button if custam label added + output$nj_del_label <- renderUI({ + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { + actionButton( + "nj_del_label", + "", + icon = icon("minus") + ) + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$upgma_del_label <- renderUI({ + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { + actionButton( + "upgma_del_label", + "", + icon = icon("minus") + ) + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Mapping value number information + output$nj_tiplab_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_color_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))) { + if(input$nj_tiplab_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_color_mapping_div_mid", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$upgma_tiplab_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_color_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))) { + if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_color_mapping_div_mid", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$nj_tipcolor_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))) { + if(input$nj_tippoint_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))) { + if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$nj_tipshape_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tipshape_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipshape_mapping]))) { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Mapping continous variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipshape_mapping]))) > 6) { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Mapping > 6 variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipshape_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$upgma_tipshape_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipshape_mapping]))) { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Mapping continous variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipshape_mapping]))) > 6) { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Mapping > 6 variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipshape_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$nj_fruit_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(input$nj_tile_num == 1) { + if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 2) { + if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_2) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 3) { + if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_3) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 4) { + if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_4) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 5) { + if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_5) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(input$upgma_tile_num == 1) { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 2) { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 3) { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 4) { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 5) { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + output$nj_heatmap_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_select) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if (any(sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & + any(!sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Heatmap with categorical and continous values not possible", + style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + if(any(sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { + if(input$nj_heatmap_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_heatmap_div_mid", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Categorical values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$upgma_heatmap_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_select) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if (any(sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & + any(!sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Heatmap with categorical and continous values not possible", + style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + if(any(sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { + if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_heatmap_div_mid", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Categorical values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Tiles offset + output$nj_fruit_offset_circ <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.1 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.05 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.05, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_2", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_2", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_3", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_3", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_4", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_4", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_5", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_5", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + # For Layout change update tiles offset position + observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { + + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } else { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } + + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ", min = min, step = step, max = max) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_2", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_3", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_4", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_5", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { + + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } else { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } + + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ", min = min, step = step, max = max) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + }) + + # Heatmap width + output$nj_heatmap_width <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_select)) { + length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 3 + } + } + + sliderInput( + "nj_heatmap_width", + label = "", + min = 0.05, + max = 1.5, + value = width, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_heatmap_width", + label = "", + min = 0.05, + max = 1.5, + value = 0.1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_heatmap_width <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_select)) { + length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 3 + } + } + + sliderInput( + "upgma_heatmap_width", + label = "", + min = 0.05, + max = 1.5, + value = width, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_heatmap_width", + label = "", + min = 0.05, + max = 1.5, + value = 0.1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + # Update value if new variables added + observeEvent(input$nj_heatmap_select, { + + length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 3 + } + } + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_heatmap_width", value = width) + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_heatmap_select, { + + length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 3 + } + } + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_heatmap_width", value = width) + }) + + # Update value if layout changed + observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { + length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 3 + } + } + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_heatmap_width", value = width) + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { + length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 3 + } + } + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_heatmap_width", value = width) + }) + + # Heatmap column titles position + observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { + if(!(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular")) { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_colnames_y", value = -1) + } else { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_colnames_y", value = 0) + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { + if(!(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular")) { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_colnames_y", value = -1) + } else { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_colnames_y", value = 0) + } + }) + + output$nj_colnames_y <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { + if(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular") { + min <- 0 + val <- 0 + } else { + val <- -1 + if((sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1) > -2) { + min <- -2 + } else { + min <- round(sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1, 0) + } + } + sliderInput( + "nj_colnames_y", + label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = min, + max = sum(DB$data$Include), + value = val, + step = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_colnames_y", + label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -10, + max = 10, + value = 0, + step = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_colnames_y <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular") { + min <- 0 + val <- 0 + } else { + val <- -1 + if((sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1) > -2) { + min <- -2 + } else { + min <- round(sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1, 0) + } + } + sliderInput( + "upgma_colnames_y", + label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = min, + max = sum(DB$data$Include), + value = val, + step = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_colnames_y", + label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -10, + max = 10, + value = 0, + step = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + # Heatmap column titles angle + output$nj_colnames_angle <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + angle <- 90 + } else {angle <- -90} + sliderInput( + "nj_colnames_angle", + label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -90, + max = 90, + value = angle, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_colnames_angle", + label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -90, + max = 90, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_colnames_angle <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + angle <- 90 + } else {angle <- -90} + sliderInput( + "upgma_colnames_angle", + label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -90, + max = 90, + value = angle, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_colnames_angle", + label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -90, + max = 90, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + # Change heatmap column titles angle and label align when switching layout + observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward"){ + angle <- 90 + val <- TRUE + } else { + angle <- -90 + val <- FALSE + } + updateSwitchInput(session, "nj_align", value = val) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_colnames_angle", value = angle) + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward"){ + angle <- 90 + val <- TRUE + } else { + angle <- -90 + val <- FALSE + } + updateSwitchInput(session, "upgma_align", value = val) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_colnames_angle", value = angle) + }) + + # Tile number selector update each other + observeEvent(input$nj_tile_num, { + updateSelectInput(session, "nj_tile_number", selected = input$nj_tile_num) + }) + + observeEvent(input$nj_tile_number, { + updateSelectInput(session, "nj_tile_num", selected = input$nj_tile_number) + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_tile_num, { + updateSelectInput(session, "upgma_tile_number", selected = input$upgma_tile_num) + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_tile_number, { + updateSelectInput(session, "upgma_tile_num", selected = input$upgma_tile_number) + }) + + # Clade coloring + output$nj_clade_scale <- renderUI({ + if(length(input$nj_parentnode) <= 1) { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Color", style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_clade_scale", + selected = "#D0F221", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start", + width = "100%" + ) + ) + ) + } else { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Scale", style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + div( + class = "sel-clade-scale", + selectInput( + "nj_clade_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_clade_scale <- renderUI({ + if(length(input$upgma_parentnode) <= 1) { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Color", style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_clade_scale", + selected = "#D0F221", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start", + width = "100%" + ) + ) + ) + } else { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Scale", style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + div( + class = "sel-clade-scale", + selectInput( + "upgma_clade_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Heatmap variable color scale + output$nj_heatmap_scale <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_heatmap_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_heatmap_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_heatmap_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Paired" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_heatmap_scale <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_heatmap_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_heatmap_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_heatmap_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Paired" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + # Tiles variable color scale + output$nj_tiles_scale_1 <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_1", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_1", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_1", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Accent" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_tiles_scale_1 <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_1", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_1", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_1", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Accent" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$nj_tiles_scale_2 <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_2", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_2", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_2", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Accent" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_tiles_scale_2 <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_2", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + 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"magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_3", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_3", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", 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"plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_3", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Accent" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$nj_tiles_scale_4 <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_4", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = 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"BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Accent" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_tiles_scale_4 <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_4", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_4", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_4", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Accent" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$nj_tiles_scale_5 <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_5", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_5", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_5", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Accent" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_tiles_scale_5 <- renderUI({ + 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list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Set2" + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_tippoint_scale <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tippoint_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ), + selected = c("Viridis" = "viridis") + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tippoint_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tippoint_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Set2" + ) + ) + } + } + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tippoint_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Set2" + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Clade Highlights + output$nj_parentnode <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_parentnodes)) { + pickerInput( + "nj_parentnode", + label = "", + choices = sort(unique(as.numeric(Vis$nj_parentnodes))), + multiple = TRUE, + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + width = "99%" + ) + } else { + pickerInput( + "nj_parentnode", + label = "", + choices = c(), + multiple = TRUE, + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + width = "99%" + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_parentnode <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_parentnodes)) { + pickerInput( + "upgma_parentnode", + label = "", + choices = sort(unique(as.numeric(Vis$upgma_parentnodes))), + multiple = TRUE, + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + width = "99%" + ) + } else { + pickerInput( + "upgma_parentnode", + label = "", + choices = c(), + multiple = TRUE, + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + width = "99%" + ) + } + }) + + # Branch label size + output$nj_branch_size <- renderUI( + numericInput( + "nj_branch_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 2, + max = 10, + step = 0.5, + value = Vis$branch_size_nj, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + + output$upgma_branch_size <- renderUI( + numericInput( + "upgma_branch_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 2, + max = 10, + step = 0.5, + value = Vis$branch_size_upgma, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + + # Tippanel size + output$nj_tiplab_padding <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$tiplab_padding_nj)) { + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_padding", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.05, + max = 1, + value = Vis$tiplab_padding_nj, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_padding", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.05, + max = 1, + value = 0.2, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + output$upgma_tiplab_padding <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma)) { + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_padding", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.05, + max = 1, + value = Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_padding", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.05, + max = 1, + value = 0.2, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + # Nodepoint size + output$nj_nodepoint_size <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$nodepointsize_nj)) { + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_nodepoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + value = Vis$nodepointsize_nj, + step = 0.5, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_nodepoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + value = 2.5, + step = 0.5, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + output$upgma_nodepoint_size <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$nodepointsize_upgma)) { + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_nodepoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + value = Vis$nodepointsize_upgma, + step = 0.5, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_nodepoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + value = 2.5, + step = 0.5, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + # Tippoint size + output$nj_tippoint_size <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$tippointsize_nj)) { + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tippoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + step = 0.5, + value = Vis$tippointsize_nj, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tippoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + step = 0.5, + value = 4, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + output$upgma_tippoint_size <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$tippointsize_upgma)) { + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tippoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + step = 0.5, + value = Vis$tippointsize_upgma, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tippoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + step = 0.5, + value = 4, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + # Tiplabel size + output$nj_tiplab_size <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$labelsize_nj)) { + numericInput( + "nj_tiplab_size", + label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + step = 0.5, + value = Vis$labelsize_nj, + width = "80px" + ) + } else { + numericInput( + "nj_tiplab_size", + label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + step = 0.5, + value = 4, + width = "80px" + ) + } + ) + + output$upgma_tiplab_size <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$labelsize_upgma)) { + numericInput( + "upgma_tiplab_size", + label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + step = 0.5, + value = Vis$labelsize_upgma, + width = "80px" + ) + } else { + numericInput( + "upgma_tiplab_size", + label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + step = 0.5, + value = 4, + width = "80px" + ) + } + ) + + # Rootedge length + output$nj_rootedge_length <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.02, 0) < 1) { + min <- 1 + } else { + min <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.02, 0) + } + max <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.2, 0) + sliderInput( + "nj_rootedge_length", + label = h5("Rootedge Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = min, + max = max, + value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.05, 0), + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_rootedge_length", + label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_rootedge_length <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.02, 0) < 1) { + min <- 1 + } else { + min <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.02, 0) + } + max <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.2, 0) + sliderInput( + "upgma_rootedge_length", + label = h5("Rootedge Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = min, + max = max, + value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.05, 0), + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_rootedge_length", + label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + # Treescale + output$nj_treescale_width <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + numericInput( + "nj_treescale_width", + label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0), + min = 1, + max = round(floor(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + } else { + numericInput( + "nj_treescale_width", + label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 2, + min = 1, + max = 10, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_treescale_width <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + numericInput( + "upgma_treescale_width", + label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0), + min = 1, + max = round(floor(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + } else { + numericInput( + "upgma_treescale_width", + label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 2, + min = 1, + max = 10, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_treescale_x <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { + if(ceiling(Vis$nj_min_x) < 1) { + floor <- 1 + } else { + floor <- ceiling(Vis$nj_min_x) + } + sliderInput( + "nj_treescale_x", + label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = floor, + max = round(floor(Vis$nj_max_x)), + value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.2, 0), + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_treescale_x", + label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_treescale_x <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { + if(ceiling(Vis$upgma_min_x) < 1) { + floor <- 1 + } else { + floor <- ceiling(Vis$upgma_min_x) + } + sliderInput( + "upgma_treescale_x", + label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = floor, + max = round(floor(Vis$upgma_max_x)), + value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.2, 0), + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_treescale_x", + label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_treescale_y <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { + sliderInput( + "nj_treescale_y", + label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = sum(DB$data$Include), + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_treescale_y", + label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = 10, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_treescale_y <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { + sliderInput( + "upgma_treescale_y", + label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = sum(DB$data$Include), + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_treescale_y", + label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = 10, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + ### Heatmap + # Heatmap picker + output$nj_heatmap_sel <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + meta <- select(Vis$meta_nj, -c(taxa, Index, `Assembly ID`, `Assembly Name`, + Scheme, `Typing Date`, Successes, Errors)) + + # Identify numeric columns + numeric_columns <- sapply(meta, is.numeric) + + numeric_column_names <- names(meta[numeric_columns]) + + non_numeric_column_names <- names(meta)[!numeric_columns] + + choices <- list() + + # Add Continuous list only if there are numeric columns + if (length(numeric_column_names) > 0) { + choices$Continuous <- as.list(setNames(numeric_column_names, numeric_column_names)) + } + + # Add Diverging list + choices$Categorical <- as.list(setNames(non_numeric_column_names, non_numeric_column_names)) + + div( + class = "heatmap-picker", + shinyjs::disabled( + pickerInput( + inputId = "nj_heatmap_select", + label = "", + width = "100%", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else {choices}, + options = list( + `dropdown-align-center` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + } else { + div( + class = "heatmap-picker", + shinyjs::disabled( + pickerInput( + inputId = "nj_heatmap_select", + label = "", + width = "100%", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_heatmap_sel <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + meta <- select(Vis$meta_upgma, -c(taxa, Index, `Assembly ID`, `Assembly Name`, + Scheme, `Typing Date`, Successes, Errors)) + + # Identify numeric columns + numeric_columns <- sapply(meta, is.numeric) + + numeric_column_names <- names(meta[numeric_columns]) + + non_numeric_column_names <- names(meta)[!numeric_columns] + + choices <- list() + + # Add Continuous list only if there are numeric columns + if (length(numeric_column_names) > 0) { + choices$Continuous <- as.list(setNames(numeric_column_names, numeric_column_names)) + } + + # Add Diverging list + choices$Categorical <- as.list(setNames(non_numeric_column_names, non_numeric_column_names)) + + div( + class = "heatmap-picker", + shinyjs::disabled( + pickerInput( + inputId = "upgma_heatmap_select", + label = "", + width = "100%", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else {choices}, + options = list( + `dropdown-align-center` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + } else { + div( + class = "heatmap-picker", + shinyjs::disabled( + pickerInput( + inputId = "upgma_heatmap_select", + label = "", + width = "100%", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Heatmap offset + output$nj_heatmap_offset <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + sliderInput( + "nj_heatmap_offset", + label = "", + min = 0, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x)*1.5, 0), + step = 1, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_heatmap_offset", + label = "", + min = 0, + max = 10, + step = 1, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_heatmap_offset <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + sliderInput( + "upgma_heatmap_offset", + label = "", + min = 0, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x)*1.5, 0), + step = 1, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_heatmap_offset", + label = "", + min = 0, + max = 10, + step = 1, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + ### Tiling + # Geom Fruit select Variable + output$nj_fruit_variable <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_variable2 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_2", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_2", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_variable3 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_3", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_3", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_variable4 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_4", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_4", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_variable5 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_5", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_5", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_variable <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_variable2 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_2", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_2", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_variable3 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled(selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_3", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + )) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_3", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_variable4 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_4", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_4", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_variable5 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_5", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_5", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Geom Fruit Width + output$nj_fruit_width <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_width2 <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + 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round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_width4 <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_width5 <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_width <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_width2 <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & 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width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_width3 <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_width4 <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_width5 <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + # For Layout change update tiles + observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { + if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } + + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_2", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", value = width) + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { + if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } + + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_2", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", value = width) + } + }) + + # Tip color mapping + output$nj_tipcolor_mapping <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tipcolor_mapping", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(City = "City"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tipcolor_mapping", + "", + choices = c( + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c(City = "City") + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_tipcolor_mapping <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tipcolor_mapping", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(City = "City"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tipcolor_mapping", + "", + choices = c( + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c(City = "City") + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Tip shape Mapping + output$nj_tipshape_mapping <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tipshape_mapping", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tipshape_mapping", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_tipshape_mapping <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tipshape_mapping", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tipshape_mapping", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Branch label + output$nj_branch_label <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + selectInput( + "nj_branch_label", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + } else { + selectInput( + "nj_branch_label", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_branch_label <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + selectInput( + "upgma_branch_label", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + } else { + selectInput( + "upgma_branch_label", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + } + }) + + # Color mapping + output$nj_color_mapping <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_color_mapping", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(Country = "Country"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_color_mapping", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c(Country = "Country"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_color_mapping <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_color_mapping", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(Country = "Country"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_color_mapping", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c(Country = "Country"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Tip labels + output$nj_tiplab <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + selectInput( + "nj_tiplab", + label = "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + Index = "Index", + `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(Index = "Index", `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), + width = "100%" + ) + } else { + selectInput( + "nj_tiplab", + label = "", + choices = c( + Index = "Index", + `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), + width = "100%" + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_tiplab <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + selectInput( + "upgma_tiplab", + label = "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + Index = "Index", + `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(Index = "Index", `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), + width = "100%" + ) + } else { + selectInput( + "upgma_tiplab", + label = "", + choices = c( + Index = "Index", + `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), + width = "100%" + ) + } + }) + + #### MST controls ---- + + # Clustering UI + output$mst_cluster <- renderUI({ + req(DB$schemeinfo) + numericInput( + inputId = "mst_cluster_threshold", + label = NULL, + value = as.numeric(DB$schemeinfo[7, 2]), + min = 1, + max = 99 + ) + }) + + # MST color mapping + output$mst_color_mapping <- renderUI({ + if(input$mst_color_var == FALSE) { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + div( + class = "node_color", + colorPickr( + inputId = "mst_color_node", + width = "100%", + selected = "#B2FACA", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_node_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + width = 5, + numericInput( + "node_opacity", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 1, + step = 0.1, + min = 0, + max = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 9, + div( + class = "mst_col_sel", + selectInput( + "mst_col_var", + label = "", + choices = if(any(DB$cust_var[DB$cust_var$Variable[which(DB$cust_var$Variable %in% c("Isolation Date", names(DB$meta)[-c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12)]))],]$Type != "categ")) { + selection <- c("Isolation Date", names(DB$meta)[-c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12)]) + cust_vars <- DB$cust_var$Variable[which(DB$cust_var$Variable %in% selection)] + selection[-which(selection == cust_vars[DB$cust_var[cust_vars,]$Type != "categ"])] + } else {c("Isolation Date", names(DB$meta)[-c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12)])}, + width = "100%" + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_col_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + width = 5, + selectInput( + "mst_col_scale", + label = h5("Color Scale", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + choices = c("Viridis", "Rainbow"), + width = "150px" + ), + br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$mst_color_var, { + + if(input$mst_color_var == TRUE) { + updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_shape", choices = c("Pie Nodes" = "custom")) + updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_label", choices = c("Assembly Name")) + } else { + updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_shape", + choices = list(`Label inside` = c("Circle" = "circle", "Box" = "box", "Text" = "text"), + `Label outside` = c("Diamond" = "diamond", "Hexagon" = "hexagon","Dot" = "dot", "Square" = "square")), + selected = c("Dot" = "dot")) + updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_label", + choices = names(DB$meta)[c(1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9)], + selected = "Assembly Name") + } + }) + + # MST node labels + output$mst_node_label <- renderUI({ + selectInput( + "mst_node_label", + label = "", + choices = names(DB$meta)[c(1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9)], + selected = "Assembly Name", + width = "100%" + ) + }) + + ### Plot Reactives ---- + + #### MST ---- + + mst_tree <- reactive({ + data <- toVisNetworkData(Vis$ggraph_1) + data$nodes <- mutate(data$nodes, + label = label_mst(), + value = mst_node_scaling(), + opacity = node_opacity()) + + ctxRendererJS <- htmlwidgets::JS("({ctx, id, x, y, state: { selected, hover }, style, font, label, metadata}) => { + var pieData = JSON.parse(metadata); + var radius = style.size; + var centerX = x; + var centerY = y; + var total = pieData.reduce((sum, slice) => sum + slice.value, 0) + var startAngle = 0; + + const drawNode = () => { + // Set shadow properties + if (style.shadow) { + var shadowSize = style.shadowSize; + ctx.shadowColor = style.shadowColor; + ctx.shadowBlur = style.shadowSize; + ctx.shadowOffsetX = style.shadowX; + ctx.shadowOffsetY = style.shadowY; + + ctx.beginPath(); + ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); + ctx.fill(); + + ctx.shadowColor = 'transparent'; + ctx.shadowBlur = 0; + ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0; + ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0; + } + + pieData.forEach(slice => { + var sliceAngle = 2 * Math.PI * (slice.value / total); + ctx.beginPath(); + ctx.moveTo(centerX, centerY); + ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, startAngle, startAngle + sliceAngle); + ctx.closePath(); + ctx.fillStyle = slice.color; + ctx.fill(); + if (pieData.length > 1) { + ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; + ctx.lineWidth = 1; + ctx.stroke(); + } + startAngle += sliceAngle; + }); + + // Draw a border + ctx.beginPath(); + ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); + ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; + ctx.lineWidth = 1; + ctx.stroke(); + }; + drawLabel = () => { + //Draw the label + var lines = label.split(`\n`); + var lineHeight = font.size; + ctx.font = `${font.size}px ${font.face}`; + ctx.fillStyle = font.color; + ctx.textAlign = 'center'; + ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; + lines.forEach((line, index) => { + ctx.fillText(line, centerX, + centerY + radius + (index + 1) * lineHeight); + }) + } + + return { + drawNode, + drawExternalLabel: drawLabel, + nodeDimensions: { width: 2 * radius, height: 2 * radius }, + }; + }") + + Vis$var_cols <- NULL + + # Generate pie charts as nodes + if(input$mst_color_var == TRUE & (!is.null(input$mst_col_var))) { + + group <- character(nrow(data$nodes)) + for (i in 1:length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]))) { + group[i] <- unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])[i] + } + + data$nodes <- cbind(data$nodes, data.frame(metadata = character(nrow(data$nodes)))) + + if(length(which(data$nodes$group == "")) != 0) { + data$nodes$group[which(data$nodes$group == "")] <- data$nodes$group[1] + } + + if(is.null(input$mst_col_scale)) { + Vis$var_cols <- data.frame(value = unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]), + color = viridis(length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])))) + } else if (input$mst_col_scale == "Rainbow") { + Vis$var_cols <- data.frame(value = unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]), + color = rainbow(length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])))) + } else if (input$mst_col_scale == "Viridis") { + Vis$var_cols <- data.frame(value = unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]), + color = viridis(length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])))) + } + + for(i in 1:nrow(data$nodes)) { + + iso_subset <- strsplit(data$nodes$label[i], split = "\n")[[1]] + variable <- Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]] + values <- variable[which(Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name` %in% iso_subset)] + + for(j in 1:length(unique(values))) { + + share <- sum(unique(values)[j] == values) / length(values) * 100 + color <- Vis$var_cols$color[Vis$var_cols$value == unique(values)[j]] + + if(j == 1) { + pie_vec <- paste0('{"value":', share,',"color":"', color,'"}') + } else { + pie_vec <- paste0(pie_vec, ',{"value":', share,',"color":"', color,'"}') + } + } + + data$nodes$metadata[i] <- paste0('[', pie_vec, ']') + } + } + + data$edges <- mutate(data$edges, + length = if(input$mst_scale_edges == FALSE) { + input$mst_edge_length + } else { + data$edges$weight * input$mst_edge_length_scale + }, + label = as.character(data$edges$weight), + opacity = input$mst_edge_opacity) + + if (input$mst_show_clusters) { + clusters <- compute_clusters(data$nodes, data$edges, input$mst_cluster_threshold) + if (input$mst_cluster_type == "Type 1") { + data$nodes$group <- clusters$group + } + } + + visNetwork_graph <- visNetwork(data$nodes, data$edges, + main = mst_title(), + background = mst_background_color(), + submain = mst_subtitle()) %>% + visNodes(size = mst_node_size(), + shape = input$mst_node_shape, + shadow = input$mst_shadow, + color = mst_color_node(), + ctxRenderer = ctxRendererJS, + scaling = list(min = mst_node_size_min(), + max = mst_node_size_max()), + font = list(color = node_font_color(), + size = input$node_label_fontsize)) %>% + visEdges(color = mst_color_edge(), + font = list(color = mst_edge_font_color(), + size = mst_edge_font_size(), + strokeWidth = 4)) %>% + visOptions(collapse = TRUE) %>% + visInteraction(hover = TRUE) %>% + visLayout(randomSeed = 1) %>% + visLegend(useGroups = FALSE, + zoom = TRUE, + width = legend_width(), + position = input$mst_legend_ori, + ncol = legend_col(), + addNodes = mst_legend()) + + if (input$mst_show_clusters) { + if (input$mst_cluster_col_scale == "Viridis") { + color_palette <- viridis(length(unique(data$nodes$group))) + } else { + color_palette <- rainbow(length(unique(data$nodes$group))) + } + + if (input$mst_cluster_type == "Type 1") { + for (i in 1:length(unique(data$nodes$group))) { + visNetwork_graph <- visNetwork_graph %>% + visGroups(groupname = unique(data$nodes$group)[i], color = color_palette[i]) + } + } else { + thin_edges <- data$edges + thin_edges$width <- 1 + thin_edges$color <- "black" + + thick_edges <- data$edges + thick_edges$width <- 24 + + thick_edges$color <- rep("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", length(data$edges$from)) + color_palette <- rainbow(length(unique(clusters$edges))) + for (i in 1:length(unique(clusters$edges))) { + print(clusters$edges) + if (unique(clusters$edges)[i] != "0") { + edge_color <- paste(col2rgb(color_palette[i]), collapse=", ") + thick_edges$color[clusters$edges == unique(clusters$edges)[i]] <- paste0("rgba(", edge_color, ", 0.5)") + } + } + merged_edges <- rbind(thick_edges, thin_edges) + data$edges <- merged_edges + visNetwork_graph <- visNetwork(data$nodes, data$edges, + main = mst_title(), + background = mst_background_color(), + submain = mst_subtitle()) %>% + visNodes(size = mst_node_size(), + shape = input$mst_node_shape, + shadow = input$mst_shadow, + color = mst_color_node(), + ctxRenderer = ctxRendererJS, + scaling = list(min = mst_node_size_min(), + max = mst_node_size_max()), + font = list(color = node_font_color(), + size = input$node_label_fontsize)) %>% + visEdges(color = mst_color_edge(), + font = list(color = mst_edge_font_color(), + size = mst_edge_font_size(), + strokeWidth = 4), + smooth = FALSE, + physics = FALSE) %>% + visOptions(collapse = TRUE) %>% + visInteraction(hover = TRUE) %>% + visLayout(randomSeed = 1) %>% + visLegend(useGroups = FALSE, + zoom = TRUE, + width = legend_width(), + position = input$mst_legend_ori, + ncol = legend_col(), + addNodes = mst_legend()) + } + } + visNetwork_graph + }) + + # MST legend + legend_col <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(Vis$var_cols)) { + if(nrow(Vis$var_cols) > 10) { + 3 + } else if(nrow(Vis$var_cols) > 5) { + 2 + } else { + 1 + } + } else {1} + }) + + mst_legend <- reactive({ + if(is.null(Vis$var_cols)) { + NULL + } else { + legend <- Vis$var_cols + names(legend)[1] <- "label" + mutate(legend, shape = "dot", + font.color = input$mst_legend_color, + size = input$mst_symbol_size, + font.size = input$mst_font_size) + } + }) + + # Set MST legend width + legend_width <- reactive({ + 0.2 + }) + + # Set MST node shape + mst_node_shape <- reactive({ + if(input$mst_node_shape == "Pie Nodes"){ + "dot" + } else if(input$mst_node_shape %in% c("circle", "database", "box", "text")) { + shinyjs::disable('scale_nodes') + updateCheckboxInput(session, "scale_nodes", value = FALSE) + shinyjs::disable('mst_node_size') + shinyjs::disable('mst_node_scale') + input$mst_node_shape + } else { + shinyjs::enable('scale_nodes') + shinyjs::enable('mst_node_size') + shinyjs::enable('mst_node_scale') + input$mst_node_shape + } + }) + + # Set MST label + label_mst <- reactive({ + Vis$unique_meta[, colnames(Vis$unique_meta) %in% input$mst_node_label] + }) + + # Set node color + mst_color_node <- reactive({ + input$mst_color_node + }) + + # Node Label Color + node_font_color <- reactive({ + input$node_font_color + }) + + + # Node Size Scaling + mst_node_scaling <- reactive({ + if(input$scale_nodes == TRUE){ + Vis$unique_meta$size + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Node Size Min/May + mst_node_size_min <- reactive({ + input$mst_node_scale[1] + }) + + mst_node_size_max <- reactive({ + input$mst_node_scale[2] + }) + + # Node Size + mst_node_size <- reactive({ + input$mst_node_size + }) + + # Node Alpha/Opacity + node_opacity <- reactive({ + input$node_opacity + }) + + # Set Title + mst_title <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$mst_title)) { + if(nchar(input$mst_title) < 1) { + list(text = "title", + style = paste0( + "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", + "text-align:center;", + "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_title_size), "px", + "; color: ", as.character(mst_background_color())) + ) + } else { + list(text = input$mst_title, + style = paste0( + "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", + "text-align:center;", + "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_title_size), "px", + "; color: ", as.character(input$mst_title_color)) + ) + } + } else { + list(text = "title", + style = paste0( + "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", + "text-align:center;", + "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_title_size), "px", + "; color: ", as.character(mst_background_color())) + ) + } + }) + + # Set Subtitle + mst_subtitle <- reactive({ + list(text = input$mst_subtitle, + style = paste0( + "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", + "text-align:center;", + "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_subtitle_size), "px", + "; color: ", as.character(input$mst_subtitle_color)) + ) + }) + + # Background color + + mst_background_color <- reactive({ + if(input$mst_background_transparent == TRUE) { + 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' + } else{ + input$mst_background_color + } + }) + + # Edge font color + mst_edge_font_color <- reactive({ + input$mst_edge_font_color + }) + + # Edge color + mst_color_edge <- reactive({ + input$mst_color_edge + }) + + # Edge font size + mst_edge_font_size <- reactive({ + input$mst_edge_font_size + }) + + #### NJ ---- + + nj_tree <- reactive({ + + # Convert negative edges + Vis$nj[["edge.length"]] <- abs(Vis$nj[["edge.length"]]) + + if(input$nj_nodelabel_show == TRUE) { + ggtree(Vis$nj, alpha = 0.2, layout = layout_nj()) + + geom_nodelab(aes(label = node), color = "#29303A", size = nj_tiplab_size() + 1, hjust = 0.7) + + nj_limit() + + nj_inward() + } else { + tree <- + ggtree(Vis$nj, + color = input$nj_color, + layout = layout_nj(), + ladderize = input$nj_ladder) %<+% Vis$meta_nj + + nj_clades() + + nj_tiplab() + + nj_tiplab_scale() + + new_scale_color() + + nj_limit() + + nj_inward() + + nj_label_branch() + + nj_treescale() + + nj_nodepoint() + + nj_tippoint() + + nj_tippoint_scale() + + new_scale_color() + + nj_clip_label() + + nj_rootedge() + + ggtitle(label = input$nj_title, + subtitle = input$nj_subtitle) + + theme_tree(bgcolor = input$nj_bg) + + theme(plot.title = element_text(colour = input$nj_title_color, + size = input$nj_title_size), + plot.subtitle = element_text(colour = input$nj_title_color, + size = input$nj_subtitle_size), + legend.background = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg), + legend.direction = input$nj_legend_orientation, + legend.title = element_text(color = input$nj_color, + size = input$nj_legend_size*1.2), + legend.title.align = 0.5, + legend.position = nj_legend_pos(), + legend.text = element_text(color = input$nj_color, + size = input$nj_legend_size), + legend.key = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg), + = unit(1.5, "cm"), + legend.key.size = unit(0.05*input$nj_legend_size, 'cm'), + plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg, color = input$nj_bg)) + + new_scale_fill() + + nj_fruit() + + nj_gradient() + + new_scale_fill() + + nj_fruit2() + + nj_gradient2() + + new_scale_fill() + + nj_fruit3() + + nj_gradient3() + + new_scale_fill() + + nj_fruit4() + + nj_gradient4() + + new_scale_fill() + + nj_fruit5() + + nj_gradient5() + + new_scale_fill() + + # Add custom labels + if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { + + for(i in Vis$custom_label_nj[,1]) { + + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[i]])) { + x_pos <- Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[i]] + } else { + x_pos <- round(Vis$nj_max_x / 2, 0) + } + + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[i]])) { + y_pos <- Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[i]] + } else { + y_pos <- sum(DB$data$Include) / 2 + } + + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_size[[i]])) { + size <- Vis$nj_label_size[[i]] + } else { + size <- 5 + } + + tree <- tree + annotate("text", + x = x_pos, + y = y_pos, + label = i, + size = size) + } + } + + # Add heatmap + if(input$nj_heatmap_show == TRUE & length(input$nj_heatmap_select) > 0) { + if (!(any(sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & + any(!sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric)))) { + tree <- gheatmap.mod(tree, + data = select(Vis$meta_nj, input$nj_heatmap_select), + offset = nj_heatmap_offset(), + width = nj_heatmap_width(), + legend_title = input$nj_heatmap_title, + colnames_angle = -nj_colnames_angle(), + colnames_offset_y = nj_colnames_y(), + colnames_color = input$nj_color) + + nj_heatmap_scale() + } + } + + # Sizing control + Vis$nj_plot <- ggplotify::as.ggplot(tree, + scale = input$nj_zoom, + hjust = input$nj_h, + vjust = input$nj_v) + + Vis$nj_true <- TRUE + + # Correct background color if zoomed out + cowplot::ggdraw(Vis$nj_plot) + + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg, color = input$nj_bg)) + } + }) + + # Heatmap width + nj_heatmap_width <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_width)) { + input$nj_heatmap_width + } else { + length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + 3 + } + } + } + }) + + # Heatmap column titles position + nj_colnames_y <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_colnames_y)) { + input$nj_colnames_y + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular") { + 0 + } else {-1} + } + }) + + # Heatmap column titles angle + nj_colnames_angle <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_colnames_angle)) { + input$nj_colnames_angle + } else { + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular") { + 90 + } else {-90} + } else {-90} + } + }) + + # Heatmap scale + nj_heatmap_scale <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_scale) & !is.null(input$nj_heatmap_div_mid)) { + if(input$nj_heatmap_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_heatmap_div_mid == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_div_mid == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_heatmap_scale)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_heatmap_scale)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_heatmap_scale)[3], + midpoint = midpoint, + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else { + if(input$nj_heatmap_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } + } else { + if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_heatmap_scale, + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } + } + } + }) + + # Tippoint Scale + nj_tippoint_scale <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tippoint_scale) & !is.null(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid)) { + if(input$nj_tippoint_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tippoint_scale)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tippoint_scale)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tippoint_scale)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$nj_tippoint_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_color_brewer(palette = input$nj_tippoint_scale) + } + } + } + }) + + # Tiplab Scale + nj_tiplab_scale <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_scale) & !is.null(input$nj_color_mapping_div_mid)) { + if(input$nj_tiplab_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_color_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_color_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiplab_scale)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiplab_scale)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiplab_scale)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$nj_tiplab_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_color_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiplab_scale) + } + } + } + }) + + # Clade Highlight + nj_clades <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_parentnode)) { + if(!length(input$nj_parentnode) == 0) { + if(length(input$nj_parentnode) == 1) { + fill <- input$nj_clade_scale + } else if (length(input$nj_parentnode) == 2) { + if(startsWith(input$nj_clade_scale, "#")) { + fill <- brewer.pal(3, "Set1")[1:2] + } else { + fill <- brewer.pal(3, input$nj_clade_scale)[1:2] + } + } else { + fill <- brewer.pal(length(input$nj_parentnode), input$nj_clade_scale) + } + geom_hilight(node = as.numeric(input$nj_parentnode), + fill = fill, + type = input$nj_clade_type, + to.bottom = TRUE + ) + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # Legend Position + nj_legend_pos <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_legend_x) & !is.null(input$nj_legend_y)) { + c(input$nj_legend_x, input$nj_legend_y) + } else { + c(0.1, 1) + } + }) + + # Heatmap offset + nj_heatmap_offset <- reactive({ + if(is.null(input$nj_heatmap_offset)) { + 0 + } else {input$nj_heatmap_offset} + }) + + # Tiles fill color gradient + nj_gradient <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_1) & + !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_1) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1)) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_1)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_1)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_1)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_1) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + nj_gradient2 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_2) & + !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_2) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_2) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2)) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_2)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_2)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_2)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_2) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + nj_gradient3 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_3) & + !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_3) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient3(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_3)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_3)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_3)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_3) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + nj_gradient4 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_4) & + !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_4) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_4) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4)) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient4(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_4)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_4)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_4)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_4) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + nj_gradient5 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_5) & + !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_5) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_5) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5)) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient5(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_5)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_5)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_5)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_5) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # No label clip off for linear NJ tree + nj_clip_label <- reactive({ + if(!(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward")) { + coord_cartesian(clip = "off") + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Geom Fruit + nj_fruit <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), + offset = 0, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), + offset = 0, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # Geom Fruit + nj_fruit2 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_2)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_2))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_2, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_2 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_2, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_2 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + nj_fruit3 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_3)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_3))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_3, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_3 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_3, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_3 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + nj_fruit4 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_4)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_4))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_4, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_4 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_4, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_4 + ) + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + } + }) + + nj_fruit5 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_5)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_5))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_5, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_5 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_5, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_5 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # Xlim + nj_limit <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_layout == "circular") { + xlim(input$nj_xlim, NA) + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Treescale + nj_treescale <- reactive({ + if(!input$nj_layout == "circular") { + if(input$nj_treescale_show == TRUE) { + geom_treescale(x = nj_treescale_x(), + y = nj_treescale_y(), + width = nj_treescale_width(), + color = input$nj_color, + fontsize = 4) + } else {NULL} + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Treescale Y Position + nj_treescale_y <- reactive({ + if(is.null(input$nj_treescale_y)) { + 0 + } else {input$nj_treescale_y} + }) + + # Treescale X Position + nj_treescale_x <- reactive({ + if(is.null(input$nj_treescale_x)) { + round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.2, 0) + } else {input$nj_treescale_x} + }) + + # Treescale width + nj_treescale_width <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_treescale_width)) { + input$nj_treescale_width + } else { + round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) + } + }) + + # Label branches + nj_label_branch <- reactive({ + if(!input$nj_layout == "circular" | !input$nj_layout == "inward") { + if(input$nj_show_branch_label == TRUE) { + geom_label( + aes( + x=!!sym("branch"), + label= !!sym(input$nj_branch_label)), + fill = input$nj_branch_label_color, + size = nj_branch_size(), + label.r = unit(input$nj_branch_labelradius, "lines"), + nudge_x = input$nj_branch_x, + nudge_y = input$nj_branch_y, + fontface = input$nj_branchlab_fontface, + alpha = input$nj_branchlab_alpha + ) + } else {NULL} + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Branch label size + nj_branch_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_branch_size)) { + input$nj_branch_size + } else { + Vis$branch_size_nj + } + }) + + # Rootedge + nj_rootedge <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_rootedge_show == TRUE) { + if(is.null(input$nj_rootedge_length)) { + geom_rootedge(rootedge = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.05, 0), + linetype = input$nj_rootedge_line) + } else { + geom_rootedge(rootedge = input$nj_rootedge_length, + linetype = input$nj_rootedge_line) + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Tippoints + nj_tippoint <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_tippoint_show == TRUE | input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE | input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == FALSE) { + geom_tippoint( + aes(color = !!sym(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping)), + alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, + shape = input$nj_tippoint_shape, + size = nj_tippoint_size() + ) + } else if (input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == FALSE & input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tippoint( + aes(shape = !!sym(input$nj_tipshape_mapping)), + alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, + color = input$nj_tippoint_color, + size = nj_tippoint_size() + ) + } else if (input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tippoint( + aes(shape = !!sym(input$nj_tipshape_mapping), + color = !!sym(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping)), + alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, + size = nj_tippoint_size() + ) + } else { + geom_tippoint( + alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, + colour = input$nj_tippoint_color, + fill = input$nj_tippoint_color, + shape = input$nj_tippoint_shape, + size = nj_tippoint_size() + ) + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Nodepoints + nj_nodepoint <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_nodepoint_show == TRUE) { + geom_nodepoint( + alpha = input$nj_nodepoint_alpha, + color = input$nj_nodepoint_color, + shape = input$nj_nodepoint_shape, + size = nj_nodepoint_size() + ) + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Nodepoint size + nj_nodepoint_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_nodepoint_size)) { + input$nj_nodepoint_size + } else { + Vis$nodepointsize_nj + } + }) + + # NJ circular or not + nj_tiplab <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_tiplab_show == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular") { + if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = "text", + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position), + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + color = input$nj_tiplab_color, + geom = "text", + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position), + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } else if (input$nj_layout == "inward") { + if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = "text", + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position_inw), + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + color = input$nj_tiplab_color, + geom = "text", + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position_inw), + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } else { + if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_geom == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = nj_geom(), + angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap, + label.padding = unit(nj_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), + label.r = unit(input$nj_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), + fill = input$nj_tiplab_fill + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = nj_geom(), + angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } else { + if(input$nj_geom == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = nj_geom(), + color = input$nj_tiplab_color, + angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap, + label.padding = unit(nj_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), + label.r = unit(input$nj_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), + fill = input$nj_tiplab_fill + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = nj_geom(), + color = input$nj_tiplab_color, + angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Tip panel size + nj_tiplab_padding <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_padding)) { + input$nj_tiplab_padding + } else { + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj + } + }) + + # Tiplab size + nj_tiplab_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_size)) { + input$nj_tiplab_size + } else { + Vis$labelsize_nj + } + }) + + # Tippoint size + nj_tippoint_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tippoint_size)) { + input$nj_tippoint_size + } else { + Vis$tippointsize_nj + } + }) + + # Show Label Panels? + nj_geom <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_geom == TRUE) { + "label" + } else {"text"} + }) + + # NJ Tiplab color + nj_mapping_tiplab <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab)) { + aes(label = !!sym(input$nj_tiplab), + color = !!sym(input$nj_color_mapping)) + } else { + aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name"), + color = !!sym(input$nj_color_mapping)) + } + } else { + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab)) { + aes(label = !!sym(input$nj_tiplab)) + } else { + aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name")) + } + } + }) + + # NJ Tree Layout + layout_nj <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_layout == "inward") { + "circular" + } else {input$nj_layout} + }) + + # NJ inward circular + nj_inward <- reactive({ + if (input$nj_layout == "inward") { + layout_inward_circular(xlim = input$nj_inward_xlim) + } else { + NULL + } + }) + + #### UPGMA ---- + + upgma_tree <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_nodelabel_show == TRUE) { + ggtree(Vis$upgma, alpha = 0.2, layout = layout_upgma()) + + geom_nodelab(aes(label = node), color = "#29303A", size = upgma_tiplab_size() + 1, hjust = 0.7) + + upgma_limit() + + upgma_inward() + } else { + tree <- + ggtree(Vis$upgma, + color = input$upgma_color, + layout = layout_upgma(), + ladderize = input$upgma_ladder) %<+% Vis$meta_upgma + + upgma_tiplab() + + upgma_tiplab_scale() + + new_scale_color() + + upgma_limit() + + upgma_inward() + + upgma_label_branch() + + upgma_treescale() + + upgma_nodepoint() + + upgma_tippoint() + + upgma_tippoint_scale() + + new_scale_color() + + upgma_clip_label() + + upgma_rootedge() + + upgma_clades() + + ggtitle(label = input$upgma_title, + subtitle = input$upgma_subtitle) + + theme_tree(bgcolor = input$upgma_bg) + + theme(plot.title = element_text(colour = input$upgma_title_color, + size = input$upgma_title_size), + plot.subtitle = element_text(colour = input$upgma_title_color, + size = input$upgma_subtitle_size), + legend.background = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg), + legend.direction = input$upgma_legend_orientation, + legend.title = element_text(color = input$upgma_color, + size = input$upgma_legend_size*1.2), + legend.title.align = 0.5, + legend.position = upgma_legend_pos(), + legend.text = element_text(color = input$upgma_color, + size = input$upgma_legend_size), + legend.key = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg), + = unit(1.5, "cm"), + legend.key.size = unit(0.05*input$upgma_legend_size, 'cm'), + plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg, color = input$upgma_bg)) + + new_scale_fill() + + upgma_fruit() + + upgma_gradient() + + new_scale_fill() + + upgma_fruit2() + + upgma_gradient2() + + new_scale_fill() + + upgma_fruit3() + + upgma_gradient3() + + new_scale_fill() + + upgma_fruit4() + + upgma_gradient4() + + new_scale_fill() + + upgma_fruit5() + + upgma_gradient5() + + new_scale_fill() + + # Add custom labels + if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { + + for(i in Vis$custom_label_upgma[,1]) { + + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[i]])) { + x_pos <- Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[i]] + } else { + x_pos <- round(Vis$upgma_max_x / 2, 0) + } + + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[i]])) { + y_pos <- Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[i]] + } else { + y_pos <- sum(DB$data$Include) / 2 + } + + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_size[[i]])) { + size <- Vis$upgma_label_size[[i]] + } else { + size <- 5 + } + + tree <- tree + annotate("text", + x = x_pos, + y = y_pos, + label = i, + size = size) + } + } + + # Add heatmap + if(input$upgma_heatmap_show == TRUE & length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) > 0) { + if (!(any(sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & + any(!sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric)))) { + tree <- gheatmap.mod(tree, + data = select(Vis$meta_upgma, input$upgma_heatmap_select), + offset = upgma_heatmap_offset(), + width = upgma_heatmap_width(), + legend_title = input$upgma_heatmap_title, + colnames_angle = -upgma_colnames_angle(), + colnames_offset_y = upgma_colnames_y(), + colnames_color = input$upgma_color) + + upgma_heatmap_scale() + } + } + + # Sizing control + Vis$upgma_plot <- ggplotify::as.ggplot(tree, + scale = input$upgma_zoom, + hjust = input$upgma_h, + vjust = input$upgma_v) + + # Correct background color if zoomed out + cowplot::ggdraw(Vis$upgma_plot) + + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg, color = input$upgma_bg)) + } + }) + + # Heatmap width + upgma_heatmap_width <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_width)) { + input$upgma_heatmap_width + } else { + length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + 3 + } + } + } + }) + + # Heatmap column titles position + upgma_colnames_y <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_colnames_y)) { + input$upgma_colnames_y + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular") { + 0 + } else {-1} + } + }) + + # Heatmap column titles angle + upgma_colnames_angle <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_colnames_angle)) { + input$upgma_colnames_angle + } else { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular") { + 90 + } else {-90} + } else {-90} + } + }) + + # Heatmap scale + upgma_heatmap_scale <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_scale) & !is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_div_mid)) { + if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_heatmap_div_mid == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_div_mid == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_heatmap_scale)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_heatmap_scale)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_heatmap_scale)[3], + midpoint = midpoint, + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else { + if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_heatmap_scale, + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } + } + } + }) + + # Tippoint Scale + upgma_tippoint_scale <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tippoint_scale) & !is.null(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid)) { + if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tippoint_scale)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tippoint_scale)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tippoint_scale)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_color_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tippoint_scale) + } + } + } + }) + + # Tiplab Scale + upgma_tiplab_scale <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_scale) & !is.null(input$upgma_color_mapping_div_mid)) { + if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_color_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_color_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiplab_scale)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiplab_scale)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiplab_scale)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_color_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiplab_scale) + } + } + } + }) + + # Clade Highlight + upgma_clades <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_parentnode)) { + if(!length(input$upgma_parentnode) == 0) { + if(length(input$upgma_parentnode) == 1) { + fill <- input$upgma_clade_scale + } else if (length(input$upgma_parentnode) == 2) { + if(startsWith(input$upgma_clade_scale, "#")) { + fill <- brewer.pal(3, "Set1")[1:2] + } else { + fill <- brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_clade_scale)[1:2] + } + } else { + fill <- brewer.pal(length(input$upgma_parentnode), input$upgma_clade_scale) + } + geom_hilight(node = as.numeric(input$upgma_parentnode), + fill = fill, + type = input$upgma_clade_type, + to.bottom = TRUE) + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # Legend Position + upgma_legend_pos <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_legend_x) & !is.null(input$upgma_legend_y)) { + c(input$upgma_legend_x, input$upgma_legend_y) + } else { + c(0.1, 1) + } + }) + + # Heatmap offset + upgma_heatmap_offset <- reactive({ + if(is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_offset)) { + 0 + } else {input$upgma_heatmap_offset} + }) + + # Tiles fill color gradient + upgma_gradient <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_1) & + !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1)) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_1)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_1)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_1)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_1) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + upgma_gradient2 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_2) & + !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2)) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_2)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_2)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_2)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_2) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + upgma_gradient3 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_3) & + !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3)) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient3(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_3)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_3)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_3)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_3) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + upgma_gradient4 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_4) & + !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4)) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient4(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_4)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_4)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_4)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_4) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + upgma_gradient5 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_5) & + !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5)) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient5(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_5)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_5)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_5)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_5) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # No label clip off for linear upgma tree + upgma_clip_label <- reactive({ + if(!(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward")) { + coord_cartesian(clip = "off") + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Geom Fruit + upgma_fruit <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_1)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), + offset = 0, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), + offset = 0, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # Geom Fruit + upgma_fruit2 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_2)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_2)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_2))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_2, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_2 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_2, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_2 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + upgma_fruit3 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_3)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_3)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_3))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_3, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_3 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_3, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_3 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + upgma_fruit4 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_4)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_4)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_4))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_4, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_4 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_4, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_4 + ) + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + } + }) + + upgma_fruit5 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_5)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_5)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_5))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_5, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_5 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_5, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_5 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # Xlim + upgma_limit <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular") { + xlim(input$upgma_xlim, NA) + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Treescale + upgma_treescale <- reactive({ + if(!input$upgma_layout == "circular") { + if(input$upgma_treescale_show == TRUE) { + geom_treescale(x = upgma_treescale_x(), + y = upgma_treescale_y(), + width = upgma_treescale_width(), + color = input$upgma_color, + fontsize = 4) + } else {NULL} + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Treescale Y Position + upgma_treescale_y <- reactive({ + if(is.null(input$upgma_treescale_y)) { + 0 + } else {input$upgma_treescale_y} + }) + + # Treescale X Position + upgma_treescale_x <- reactive({ + if(is.null(input$upgma_treescale_x)) { + round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.2, 0) + } else {input$upgma_treescale_x} + }) + + # Treescale width + upgma_treescale_width <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_treescale_width)) { + input$upgma_treescale_width + } else { + round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) + } + }) + + # Label branches + upgma_label_branch <- reactive({ + if(!input$upgma_layout == "circular" | !input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + if(input$upgma_show_branch_label == TRUE) { + geom_label( + aes( + x=!!sym("branch"), + label= !!sym(input$upgma_branch_label)), + fill = input$upgma_branch_label_color, + size = upgma_branch_size(), + label.r = unit(input$upgma_branch_labelradius, "lines"), + nudge_x = input$upgma_branch_x, + nudge_y = input$upgma_branch_y, + fontface = input$upgma_branchlab_fontface, + alpha = input$upgma_branchlab_alpha + ) + } else {NULL} + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Branch label size + upgma_branch_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_branch_size)) { + input$upgma_branch_size + } else { + Vis$branch_size_upgma + } + }) + + # Rootedge + upgma_rootedge <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_rootedge_show == TRUE) { + if(is.null(input$upgma_rootedge_length)) { + geom_rootedge(rootedge = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.05, 0), + linetype = input$upgma_rootedge_line) + } else { + geom_rootedge(rootedge = input$upgma_rootedge_length, + linetype = input$upgma_rootedge_line) + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Tippoints + upgma_tippoint <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_tippoint_show == TRUE | input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE | input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == FALSE) { + geom_tippoint( + aes(color = !!sym(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping)), + alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, + shape = input$upgma_tippoint_shape, + size = upgma_tippoint_size() + ) + } else if (input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == FALSE & input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tippoint( + aes(shape = !!sym(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping)), + alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, + color = input$upgma_tippoint_color, + size = upgma_tippoint_size() + ) + } else if (input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tippoint( + aes(shape = !!sym(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping), + color = !!sym(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping)), + alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, + size = upgma_tippoint_size() + ) + } else { + geom_tippoint( + alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, + colour = input$upgma_tippoint_color, + fill = input$upgma_tippoint_color, + shape = input$upgma_tippoint_shape, + size = upgma_tippoint_size() + ) + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Nodepoints + upgma_nodepoint <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_nodepoint_show == TRUE) { + geom_nodepoint( + alpha = input$upgma_nodepoint_alpha, + color = input$upgma_nodepoint_color, + shape = input$upgma_nodepoint_shape, + size = upgma_nodepoint_size() + ) + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Nodepoint size + upgma_nodepoint_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_nodepoint_size)) { + input$upgma_nodepoint_size + } else { + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma + } + }) + + # upgma circular or not + upgma_tiplab <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_tiplab_show == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular") { + if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = "text", + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position), + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, + geom = "text", + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position), + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } else if (input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = "text", + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position_inw), + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, + geom = "text", + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position_inw), + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_geom == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = upgma_geom(), + angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap, + label.padding = unit(upgma_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), + label.r = unit(input$upgma_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), + fill = input$upgma_tiplab_fill + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = upgma_geom(), + angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_geom == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = upgma_geom(), + color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, + angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap, + label.padding = unit(upgma_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), + label.r = unit(input$upgma_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), + fill = input$upgma_tiplab_fill + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = upgma_geom(), + color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, + angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Tip panel size + upgma_tiplab_padding <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_padding)) { + input$upgma_tiplab_padding + } else { + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma + } + }) + + # Tiplab size + upgma_tiplab_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_size)) { + input$upgma_tiplab_size + } else { + Vis$labelsize_upgma + } + }) + + # Tippoint size + upgma_tippoint_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tippoint_size)) { + input$upgma_tippoint_size + } else { + Vis$tippointsize_upgma + } + }) + + # Show Label Panels? + upgma_geom <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_geom == TRUE) { + "label" + } else {"text"} + }) + + # upgma Tiplab color + upgma_mapping_tiplab <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab)) { + aes(label = !!sym(input$upgma_tiplab), + color = !!sym(input$upgma_color_mapping)) + } else { + aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name"), + color = !!sym(input$upgma_color_mapping)) + } + } else { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab)) { + aes(label = !!sym(input$upgma_tiplab)) + } else { + aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name")) + } + } + }) + + # upgma Tree Layout + layout_upgma <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + "circular" + } else {input$upgma_layout} + }) + + # upgma inward circular + upgma_inward <- reactive({ + if (input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + layout_inward_circular(xlim = input$upgma_inward_xlim) + } else { + NULL + } + }) + + ### Save MST Plot ---- + output$save_plot_html <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save MST;", paste0("MST_", Sys.Date(), ".html"))) + paste0("MST_", Sys.Date(), ".html") + }, + content = function(file) { + mst_tree() %>% visSave(file = file, background = mst_background_color()) + } + ) + + ### Save NJ Plot ---- + + # Define download handler to save the plot + + output$download_nj <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save NJ;", paste0("NJ_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_nj))) + paste0("NJ_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_nj) + }, + content = function(file) { + if (input$filetype_nj == "png") { + png(file, width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale)) + print(nj_tree()) + + } else if (input$filetype_nj == "jpeg") { + jpeg(file, width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale), quality = 100) + print(nj_tree()) + + } else if (input$filetype_nj == "svg") { + plot <- print(nj_tree()) + ggsave(file=file, plot=plot, device = svg(width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio))/96, + height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale)/96)) + } else if (input$filetype_nj == "bmp") { + bmp(file, width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale)) + print(nj_tree()) + + } + } + ) + + ### Save UPGMA Plot ---- + + # Define download handler to save the plot + + output$download_upgma <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save UPGMA;", paste0("UPGMA_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_upgma))) + paste0("UPGMA_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_upgma) + }, + content = function(file) { + if (input$filetype_upgma == "png") { + png(file, width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale)) + print(upgma_tree()) + + } else if (input$filetype_upgma == "jpeg") { + jpeg(file, width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale), quality = 100) + print(upgma_tree()) + + } else if (input$filetype_upgma == "svg") { + plot <- print(upgma_tree()) + ggsave(file=file, plot=plot, device = svg(width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio))/96, + height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale)/96)) + } else if (input$filetype_upgma == "bmp") { + bmp(file, width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale)) + print(upgma_tree()) + + } + } + ) + + ### Reactive Events ---- + + # MST cluster reset button + observeEvent(input$mst_cluster_reset, { + if(!is.null(DB$schemeinfo)) + updateNumericInput(session, "mst_cluster_threshold", value = as.numeric(DB$schemeinfo[7, 2])) + }) + + # Shut off "Align Labels" control for UPGMA trees + shinyjs::disable('upgma_align') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiplab_linesize') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiplab_linetype') + + # Conditional disabling of control elemenmts + observe({ + + # Tiles for inward layout + if(input$nj_layout == "inward") { + shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show') + shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_2') + shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_3') + shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_4') + shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_5') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_2') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_3') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_4') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_5') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_2') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_3') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_4') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_5') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_2') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_3') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_4') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_5') + } else { + shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show') + shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_2') + shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_3') + shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_4') + shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_5') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_2') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_3') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_4') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_5') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_2') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_3') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_4') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_5') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_2') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_3') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_4') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_5') + } + + if(input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_2') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_3') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_4') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_5') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_2') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_3') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_4') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_5') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_2') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_3') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_4') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_5') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_2') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_3') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_4') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_5') + } else { + shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_2') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_3') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_4') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_5') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_2') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_3') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_4') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_5') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_2') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_3') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_4') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_5') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_2') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_3') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_4') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_5') + } + + # Shut off branch labels for NJ and UPGMA plots for circular layout + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + shinyjs::disable('nj_show_branch_label') + } else { + shinyjs::enable('nj_show_branch_label') + } + + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + shinyjs::disable('upgma_show_branch_label') + } else { + shinyjs::enable('upgma_show_branch_label') + } + }) + + #### Generate Plot ---- + + hamming_nj <- reactive({ + if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { + if(input$na_handling == "omit") { + allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] + + allelic_profile_noNA_true <- allelic_profile_noNA[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + + compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA_true, hamming.dist) + + } else if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na"){ + compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distIgnore) + + } else { + compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distCategory) + } + + } else {compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.dist)} + }) + + hamming_mst <- reactive({ + if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { + if(input$na_handling == "omit") { + allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] + + allelic_profile_noNA_true <- allelic_profile_noNA[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + + dist <- compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA_true, hamming.dist) + + } else if (input$na_handling == "ignore_na") { + dist <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distIgnore) + } else { + dist <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distCategory) + } + } else { + dist <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.dist) + } + + # Find indices of pairs with a distance of 0 + zero_distance_pairs <- == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)) + + zero_distance_pairs <- zero_distance_pairs[zero_distance_pairs$row != zero_distance_pairs$col, ] + + if(nrow(zero_distance_pairs) > 0) { + + # Sort each row so that x <= y + df_sorted <- t(apply(zero_distance_pairs, 1, function(row) sort(row))) + + # Remove duplicate rows + df_unique <- + + colnames(df_unique) <- c("col", "row") + + # get metadata in df + vector_col <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$col) { + vector_col[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name`[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + vector_row <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$row) { + vector_row[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name`[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + col_id <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$col) { + col_id[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly ID`[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + row_id <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$row) { + row_id[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly ID`[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + col_index <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$col) { + col_index[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Index[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + row_index <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$row) { + row_index[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Index[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + col_date <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$col) { + col_date[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Isolation Date`[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + row_date <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$row) { + row_date[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Isolation Date`[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + col_host <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$col) { + col_host[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Host[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + row_host <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$row) { + row_host[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Host[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + col_country <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$col) { + col_country[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Country[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + row_country <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$row) { + row_country[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Country[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + col_city <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$col) { + col_city[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$City[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + row_city <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$row) { + row_city[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$City[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + df_unique <- cbind(df_unique, col_name = vector_col, row_name = vector_row, + col_index = col_index, row_index = row_index, col_id = col_id, + row_id = row_id, col_date = col_date, row_date = row_date, + col_host = col_host, row_host = row_host, col_country = col_country, + row_country = row_country, col_city = col_city, row_city = row_city) + + # Add groups + grouped_df <- df_unique %>% + group_by(col) %>% + mutate(group_id = cur_group_id()) + + # Merge groups + name <- character(0) + index <- character(0) + id <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in grouped_df$group_id) { + name[count] <- paste(unique(append(grouped_df$col_name[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)], + grouped_df$row_name[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)])), + collapse = "\n") + + id[count] <- paste(unique(append(grouped_df$col_id[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)], + grouped_df$row_id[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)])), + collapse = "\n") + + index[count] <- paste(unique(append(grouped_df$col_index[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)], + grouped_df$row_index[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)])), + collapse = "\n") + + count <- count + 1 + } + + merged_names <- cbind(grouped_df, "Index" = index, "Assembly Name" = name, "Assembly ID" = id) + + # remove duplicate groups + + final <- merged_names[!duplicated(merged_names$group_id), ] + + final_cleaned <- final[!(final$col_name %in% final$row_name),] + + final_cleaned <- select(final_cleaned, 3, 17:20) + + # adapt metadata + Date_merged <- character(0) + for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { + Date <- character(0) + for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { + Date <- append(Date, Vis$meta_mst$`Isolation Date`[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) + } + Date_merged <- append(Date_merged, paste(Date, collapse = "\n")) + } + + Host_merged <- character(0) + for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { + Host <- character(0) + for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { + Host <- append(Host, Vis$meta_mst$Host[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) + } + Host_merged <- append(Host_merged, paste(Host, collapse = "\n")) + } + + Country_merged <- character(0) + for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { + Country <- character(0) + for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { + Country <- append(Country, Vis$meta_mst$Country[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) + } + Country_merged <- append(Country_merged, paste(Country, collapse = "\n")) + } + + City_merged <- character(0) + for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { + City <- character(0) + for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { + City <- append(City, Vis$meta_mst$City[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) + } + City_merged <- append(City_merged, paste(City, collapse = "\n")) + } + + final_meta <- cbind(final_cleaned, "Isolation Date" = Date_merged, + "Host" = Host_merged, "Country" = Country_merged, "City" = City_merged) + + + # Merging with original data frame / allelic profile + + allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile_true + meta_true <- Vis$meta_mst + + rownames(allelic_profile_true) <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name` + rownames(meta_true) <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name` + + omit <- unique(append(df_unique$col_name, df_unique$row_name)) %in% final_cleaned$col_name + + omit_id <- unique(append(df_unique$col_name, df_unique$row_name))[!omit] + + remove <- !(rownames(allelic_profile_true) %in% omit_id) + + allelic_profile_clean <- allelic_profile_true[remove, ] + + meta_clean <- meta_true[remove, ] + + # substitute meta assembly names with group names + + count <- 1 + for(i in which(rownames(meta_clean) %in% final_meta$col_name)) { + meta_clean$Index[i] <- final_meta$Index[count] + meta_clean$`Assembly Name`[i] <- final_meta$`Assembly Name`[count] + meta_clean$`Assembly ID`[i] <- final_meta$`Assembly ID`[count] + meta_clean$`Isolation Date`[i] <- final_meta$`Isolation Date`[count] + meta_clean$Host[i] <- final_meta$Host[count] + meta_clean$Country[i] <- final_meta$Country[count] + meta_clean$City[i] <- final_meta$City[count] + count <- count + 1 + } + + # Metadata completion + # get group size + + size_vector <- numeric(0) + for(i in 1:nrow(meta_clean)) { + if (str_count(meta_clean$`Assembly Name`[i], "\n") == 0) { + size_vector[i] <- 1 + } else { + size_vector[i] <- str_count(meta_clean$`Assembly Name`[i], "\n") +1 + } + } + + meta_clean <- mutate(meta_clean, size = size_vector) + + # get font size dependent on group size + + font_size <- numeric(nrow(meta_clean)) + + for (i in 1:length(font_size)) { + if(meta_clean$size[i] < 3) { + font_size[i] <- 12 + } else { + font_size[i] <- 11 + } + } + + # get v-align dependent on group size + valign <- numeric(nrow(meta_clean)) + + for (i in 1:length(valign)) { + if(meta_clean$size[i] == 1) { + valign[i] <- -30 + } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 2) { + valign[i] <- -38 + } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 3) { + valign[i] <- -46 + } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 4) { + valign[i] <- -54 + } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 5) { + valign[i] <- -62 + } else if(meta_clean$size[i] > 5) { + valign[i] <- -70 + } + } + + Vis$unique_meta <- meta_clean %>% + cbind(font_size = font_size, valign = valign) + + # final dist calculation + + if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)){ + if(input$na_handling == "omit") { + allelic_profile_clean_noNA_names <- allelic_profile_clean[, colSums( == 0] + compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean_noNA_names, hamming.dist) + } else if (input$na_handling == "ignore_na") { + compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean, hamming.distIgnore) + } else { + compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean, hamming.distCategory) + } + } else {compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean, hamming.dist)} + + + } else { + font_size <- rep(12, nrow(Vis$meta_mst)) + valign <- rep(-30, nrow(Vis$meta_mst)) + size <- rep(1, nrow(Vis$meta_mst)) + Vis$unique_meta <- Vis$meta_mst %>% + cbind(size , font_size, valign) + + dist + } + + }) + + observeEvent(input$create_tree, { + log_print("Input create_tree") + + if(is.null(DB$data)) { + log_print("Missing data") + + show_toast( + title = "Missing data", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if(nrow(DB$allelic_profile_true) < 3) { + log_print("Min. of 3 entries required for visualization") + + show_toast( + title = "Min. of 3 entries required for visualization", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + + if(any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) | any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))) { + log_print("Duplicated assemblies") + + dup_name <- which(duplicated(DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`)) + dup_id <- which(duplicated(DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`)) + + showModal( + modalDialog( + if((length(dup_name) + length(dup_id)) == 1) { + if(length(dup_name) == 1) { + HTML(paste0("Entry #", dup_name, + " contains a duplicated assembly name:", "

", + DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`[dup_name])) + } else { + HTML(paste0("Entry #", dup_id, + " contains a duplicated assembly ID:", "

", + DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`[dup_id])) + } + } else { + if(length(dup_name) == 0) { + HTML(c("Entries contain duplicated IDs

", + paste0(unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`[dup_id]), "
"))) + } else if(length(dup_id) == 0) { + HTML(c("Entries contain duplicated names

", + paste0(unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`[dup_name]), "
"))) + } else { + HTML(c("Entries contain duplicated names and IDs

", + paste0("Name: ", unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`[dup_name]), "
"), + paste0("ID: ", unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`[dup_id]), "
"))) + } + }, + title = "Duplicate entries", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("change_entries", "Go to Entry Table", class = "btn btn-default") + ) + ) + ) + } else { + + set.seed(1) + + if (input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { + + log_print("Rendering NJ tree") + + output$nj_field <- renderUI({ + addSpinner( + plotOutput("tree_nj", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$nj_scale), "px")), + spin = "dots", + color = "#ffffff" + ) + }) + + Vis$meta_nj <- select(DB$meta_true, -2) + + if(length(unique(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_nj)))) < length(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_nj)))) { + show_toast( + title = "Conflicting Custom Variable Names", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + + # Create phylogenetic tree data + Vis$nj <- ape::nj(hamming_nj()) + + # Create phylogenetic tree meta data + Vis$meta_nj <- mutate(Vis$meta_nj, taxa = Index) %>% + relocate(taxa) + + # Get number of included entries calculate start values for tree + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 5.5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 5.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.25 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.2 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4.5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.15 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3.5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2.5 + } else { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 1.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.05 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2 + } + } else { + if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.25 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4.5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.2 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.15 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3.5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2.5 + } else { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 2.5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 2.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 1.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.05 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2 + } + } + } else { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.2 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3.5 + } + + Vis$nj_tree <- ggtree(Vis$nj) + + # Get upper and lower end of x range + Vis$nj_max_x <- max(Vis$nj_tree$data$x) + Vis$nj_min_x <- min(Vis$nj_tree$data$x) + + # Get parent node numbers + Vis$nj_parentnodes <- Vis$nj_tree$data$parent + + # Update visualization control inputs + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_size)) { + updateNumericInput(session, "nj_tiplab_size", value = Vis$labelsize_nj) + } + if(!is.null(input$nj_tippoint_size)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_tippoint_size", value = Vis$tippointsize_nj) + } + if(!is.null(input$nj_nodepoint_size)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_nodepoint_size", value = Vis$nodepointsize_nj) + } + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_padding)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_tiplab_padding", value = Vis$tiplab_padding_nj) + } + if(!is.null(input$nj_branch_size)) { + updateNumericInput(session, "nj_branch_size", value = Vis$branch_size_nj) + } + if(!is.null(input$nj_treescale_width)) { + updateNumericInput(session, "nj_treescale_width", value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0)) + } + if(!is.null(input$nj_rootedge_length)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_rootedge_length", value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.05, 0)) + } + + output$tree_nj <- renderPlot({ + nj_tree() + }) + + Vis$nj_true <- TRUE + } + } else if (input$tree_algo == "UPGMA") { + + log_print("Rendering UPGMA tree") + + output$upgma_field <- renderUI({ + addSpinner( + plotOutput("tree_upgma", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$upgma_scale), "px")), + spin = "dots", + color = "#ffffff" + ) + }) + + Vis$meta_upgma <- select(DB$meta_true, -2) + + if(length(unique(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_upgma)))) < length(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_upgma)))) { + show_toast( + title = "Conflicting Custom Variable Names", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + + # Create phylogenetic tree data + Vis$upgma <- phangorn::upgma(hamming_nj()) + + # Create phylogenetic tree meta data + Vis$meta_upgma <- mutate(Vis$meta_upgma, taxa = Index) %>% + relocate(taxa) + + # Get number of included entries calculate start values for tree + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 5.5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 5.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.25 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.2 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4.5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.15 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3.5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2.5 + } else { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 1.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.05 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2 + } + } else { + if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.25 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4.5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.2 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.15 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3.5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2.5 + } else { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 2.5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 2.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 1.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.05 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2 + } + } + } else { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.2 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3.5 + } + + Vis$upgma_tree <- ggtree(Vis$upgma) + + # Get upper and lower end of x range + Vis$upgma_max_x <- max(Vis$upgma_tree$data$x) + Vis$upgma_min_x <- min(Vis$upgma_tree$data$x) + + # Get parent node numbers + Vis$upgma_parentnodes <- Vis$upgma_tree$data$parent + + # Update visualization control inputs + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_size)) { + updateNumericInput(session, "upgma_tiplab_size", value = Vis$labelsize_upgma) + } + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tippoint_size)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_tippoint_size", value = Vis$tippointsize_upgma) + } + if(!is.null(input$upgma_nodepoint_size)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_nodepoint_size", value = Vis$nodepointsize_upgma) + } + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_padding)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_tiplab_padding", value = Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma) + } + if(!is.null(input$upgma_branch_size)) { + updateNumericInput(session, "upgma_branch_size", value = Vis$branch_size_upgma) + } + if(!is.null(input$upgma_treescale_width)) { + updateNumericInput(session, "upgma_treescale_width", value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0)) + } + if(!is.null(input$upgma_rootedge_length)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_rootedge_length", value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.05, 0)) + } + + output$tree_upgma <- renderPlot({ + upgma_tree() + }) + + Vis$upgma_true <- TRUE + } + } else { + + log_print("Rendering MST graph") + + output$mst_field <- renderUI({ + if(input$mst_background_transparent == TRUE) { + visNetworkOutput("tree_mst", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$mst_scale) * as.numeric(input$mst_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$mst_scale), "px")) + } else { + addSpinner( + visNetworkOutput("tree_mst", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$mst_scale) * as.numeric(input$mst_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$mst_scale), "px")), + spin = "dots", + color = "#ffffff" + ) + } + }) + + if(nrow(DB$meta_true) > 100) { + + log_print("Over 100 isolates in MST graph") + + show_toast( + title = "Computation might take a while", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 10000 + ) + } + + meta_mst <- DB$meta_true + Vis$meta_mst <- meta_mst + + # prepare igraph object + Vis$ggraph_1 <- hamming_mst() |> + as.matrix() |> + graph.adjacency(weighted = TRUE) |> + igraph::mst() + + output$tree_mst <- renderVisNetwork({ + mst_tree() + }) + + Vis$mst_true <- TRUE + } + } + } + }) + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Report ---- + + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + if(!is.null(input$tree_algo)) { + if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { + shinyjs::disable("rep_plot_report") + updateCheckboxInput(session, "rep_plot_report", value = FALSE) + } else { + shinyjs::enable("rep_plot_report") + } + } + } + }) + + ### Report creation UI ---- + + observeEvent(input$create_rep, { + + if((input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning" & isTRUE(Vis$mst_true)) | + (input$tree_algo == "UPGMA" & isTRUE(Vis$upgma_true)) | + (input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining" & isTRUE(Vis$nj_true))) { + # Get currently selected missing value handling option + if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na") { + na_handling <- "Ignore missing values for pairwise comparison" + } else if(input$na_handling == "omit") { + na_handling <- "Omit loci with missing values for all assemblies" + } else if(input$na_handling == "category") { + na_handling <- "Treat missing values as allele variant" + } + + extra_var <- character() + if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { + shinyjs::runjs("mstReport();") + if(isTRUE(input$mst_color_var)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$mst_col_var) + } + } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { + if(isTRUE(input$nj_mapping_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_color_mapping) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_tipcolor_mapping) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_tipshape_mapping) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_2) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_3) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_4) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_5) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_heatmap_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_heatmap_select) + } + } else if(input$tree_algo == "UPGMA") { + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_mapping_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_color_mapping) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tipcolor_mapping_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_tipcolor_mapping) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tipshape_mapping_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_tipshape_mapping) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_1)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_2)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_2) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_3)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_3) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_4)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_4) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_5)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_5) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_heatmap_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_heatmap_select) + } + } + + showModal( + modalDialog( + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color:black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'General') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + checkboxInput( + "rep_general", + label = "", + value = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + checkboxInput( + "rep_date_general", + label = h5("Date", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 7, + dateInput( + "mst_date_general_select", + "", + max = Sys.Date() + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + checkboxInput( + "rep_operator_general", + label = h5("Operator", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 8, + textInput( + "mst_operator_general_select", + "" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + checkboxInput( + "rep_institute_general", + label = h5("Institute", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 8, + textInput( + "mst_institute_general_select", + "" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + checkboxInput( + "rep_comm_general", + label = h5("Comment", style = "color:black;") + ) + ), + column( + width = 8, + textAreaInput( + inputId = "mst_comm_general_select", + label = "", + width = "100%", + height = "60px", + cols = NULL, + rows = NULL, + placeholder = NULL, + resize = "vertical" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'Isolate Table') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + checkboxInput( + "rep_entrytable", + label = "", + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'Include Plot') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 1, + align = "left", + checkboxInput( + "rep_plot_report", + label = "", + value = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + div( + class = "rep_tab_sel", + pickerInput("select_rep_tab", + label = "", + choices = names(DB$meta)[-2], + selected = c("Assembly Name", "Scheme", "Isolation Date", + "Host", "Country", "City", extra_var), + options = list( + size = 10, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE) + ) + ) + ), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'Analysis Parameter') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + checkboxInput( + "rep_analysis", + label = "", + value = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + checkboxInput( + "rep_cgmlst_analysis", + label = h5("Scheme", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 8, + align = "right", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', DB$scheme) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + checkboxInput( + "rep_tree_analysis", + label = h5("Tree", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 8, + align = "right", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', input$tree_algo) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column(2), + column( + width = 4, + checkboxInput( + "rep_distance", + label = h5("Distance", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', 'Hamming') + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(2), + column( + width = 4, + checkboxInput( + "rep_version", + label = h5("Version", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color:black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', phylotraceVersion) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + checkboxInput( + "rep_missval", + label = h5("NA handling", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "right", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic; right: 35px;', na_handling) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + title = "cgMLST Report Generation", + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + downloadBttn( + "download_report", + style = "simple", + label = "Save", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download") + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + show_toast( + title = "No tree created", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + }) + + observe({ + if(!is.null(input$rep_general)) { + if(isFALSE(input$rep_general)) { + shinyjs::disable('rep_date_general') + shinyjs::disable('rep_operator_general') + shinyjs::disable('rep_institute_general') + shinyjs::disable('rep_comm_general') + shinyjs::disable('mst_date_general_select') + shinyjs::disable('mst_operator_general_select') + shinyjs::disable('mst_institute_general_select') + shinyjs::disable('mst_comm_general_select') + } else { + shinyjs::enable('rep_date_general') + shinyjs::enable('rep_operator_general') + shinyjs::enable('rep_institute_general') + shinyjs::enable('rep_comm_general') + shinyjs::enable('mst_date_general_select') + shinyjs::enable('mst_operator_general_select') + shinyjs::enable('mst_institute_general_select') + shinyjs::enable('mst_comm_general_select') + } + } + + if(!is.null(input$rep_analysis)) { + if(isFALSE(input$rep_analysis)) { + shinyjs::disable('rep_cgmlst_analysis') + shinyjs::disable('rep_tree_analysis') + shinyjs::disable('rep_distance') + shinyjs::disable('rep_missval') + shinyjs::disable('rep_version') + } else { + shinyjs::enable('rep_cgmlst_analysis') + shinyjs::enable('rep_tree_analysis') + shinyjs::enable('rep_distance') + shinyjs::enable('rep_missval') + shinyjs::enable('rep_version') + } + } + + if(length(input$select_rep_tab) > 0) { + updateCheckboxInput(session, "rep_entrytable", value = TRUE) + } else { + updateCheckboxInput(session, "rep_entrytable", value = FALSE) + } + }) + + ### Save Report ---- + + #### Get Report elements ---- + + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)){ + if(!is.null(input$tree_algo)) { + req(c(input$rep_entrytable, input$rep_general, + input$rep_date_general, input$rep_operator_general, + input$rep_institute_general, input$rep_comm_general, + input$rep_analysis, input$rep_cgmlst_analysis, + input$rep_tree_analysis, input$rep_distance, + input$rep_missval, input$rep_version, + input$rep_plot_report, input$select_rep_tab)) + Report$report_df <- data.frame(Element = c("entry_table", "general_show", + "general_date", "operator", + "institute", "comment", + "analysis_show", "scheme", + "tree", "distance", "na_handling", "version", + "plot"), + Include = c(input$rep_entrytable, input$rep_general, + input$rep_date_general, input$rep_operator_general, + input$rep_institute_general, input$rep_comm_general, + input$rep_analysis, input$rep_cgmlst_analysis, + input$rep_tree_analysis, input$rep_distance, + input$rep_missval, input$rep_version, + input$rep_plot_report)) + } + } + }) + + #### Get Report values ---- + + observeEvent(input$create_tree, { + if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { + Report$report_list_mst <- list(entry_table = DB$meta_true, + scheme = DB$schemeinfo, + tree = input$tree_algo, + na_handling = if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile_true)){input$na_handling} else {NULL}, + distance = "Hamming Distances", + version = c(phylotraceVersion, "2.5.1"), + plot = "MST") + } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { + Report$report_list_nj <- list(entry_table = DB$meta_true, + scheme = DB$schemeinfo, + tree = input$tree_algo, + na_handling = input$na_handling, + distance = "Hamming Distances", + version = c(phylotraceVersion, "2.5.1"), + plot = "NJ") + } else { + Report$report_list_upgma <- list(entry_table = DB$meta_true, + scheme = DB$schemeinfo, + tree = input$tree_algo, + na_handling = input$na_handling, + distance = "Hamming Distances", + version = c(phylotraceVersion, "2.5.1"), + plot = "UPGMA") + } + }) + + # Save plot for Report + <- reactive({ + if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { + jpeg(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/NJ.jpeg"), width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale), quality = 100) + print(nj_tree()) + + } else if(input$tree_algo == "UPGMA") { + jpeg(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/UPGMA.jpeg"), width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale), quality = 100) + print(upgma_tree()) + + } else if (input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { + shinyjs::runjs("mstReport();") + decoded_data <- base64enc::base64decode(input$canvas_data) + writeBin(decoded_data, paste0(getwd(), "/Report/MST.jpg")) + } + }) + + #### Event Save Report ---- + output$download_report <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { + paste0("MST_Report_", Sys.Date(), ".html") + } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { + paste0("NJ_Report_", Sys.Date(), ".html") + } else {paste0("UPGMA_Report_", Sys.Date(), ".html")} + }, + content = function(file) { + if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { + + + report <- c(Report$report_list_mst, + "general_date" = as.character(input$mst_date_general_select), + "operator" = input$mst_operator_general_select, + "institute" = input$mst_institute_general_select, + "comment" = input$mst_comm_general_select, + "report_df" = Report$report_df) + + report[["table_columns"]] <- input$select_rep_tab + + # Save data to an RDS file if any elements were selected + if (!is.null(report)) { + + log_print("Creating MST report") + + saveRDS(report, file = paste0(getwd(), "/Report/selected_elements.rds")) + + rmarkdown::render(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.Rmd")) + + file.copy(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.html"), file) + } else { + log_print("Creating MST report failed (report is null)") + } + } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { + + report <- c(Report$report_list_nj, + "general_date" = as.character(input$mst_date_general_select), + "operator" = input$mst_operator_general_select, + "institute" = input$mst_institute_general_select, + "comment" = input$mst_comm_general_select, + "report_df" = Report$report_df) + + report[["table_columns"]] <- input$select_rep_tab + + # Save data to an RDS file if any elements were selected + if (!is.null(report)) { + log_print("Creating NJ report") + + saveRDS(report, file = paste0(getwd(), "/Report/selected_elements.rds")) + + rmarkdown::render(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.Rmd")) + + file.copy(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.html"), file) + } else { + log_print("Creating NJ report failed (report is null)") + } + + } else { + + report <- c(Report$report_list_upgma, + "general_date" = as.character(input$mst_date_general_select), + "operator" = input$mst_operator_general_select, + "institute" = input$mst_institute_general_select, + "comment" = input$mst_comm_general_select, + "report_df" = Report$report_df) + + report[["table_columns"]] <- input$select_rep_tab + + # Save data to an RDS file if any elements were selected + if (!is.null(report)) { + log_print("Creating UPGMA report") + + saveRDS(report, file = paste0(getwd(), "/Report/selected_elements.rds")) + + rmarkdown::render(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.Rmd")) + + file.copy(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.html"), file) + } else { + log_print("Creating UPGMA report failed (report is null)") + } + + } + removeModal() + } + ) + + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Gene Screening ---- + + ### Render UI Elements ---- + + # Rendering results table + output$gs_results_table <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data) + if(!is.null(Screening$selected_isolate)) { + if(length(Screening$selected_isolate) > 0) { + fluidRow( + div(class = "loci_table", + DT::dataTableOutput("gs_profile_table")), + br(), + HTML( + paste0("", + 'RSL = Reference Sequence Length  |  ', + '%CRS = % Coverage of Reference Sequence  |  ', + '%IRS = % Identity to Reference Sequence  |  ', + 'ACS = Accession of Closest Sequence  |  ', + 'NCS = Name of Closest Sequence') + + ) + ) + } else { + fluidRow( + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste0("", + 'Select entry from the table to display resistance profile') + + ) + ) + ) + } + } else { + fluidRow( + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste0("", + 'Select entry from the table to display resistance profile') + + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Gene screening download button + output$gs_download <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data) + if(!is.null(Screening$selected_isolate)) { + if(length(Screening$selected_isolate) > 0) { + fluidRow( + downloadBttn( + "download_resistance_profile", + style = "simple", + label = "Profile Table", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download"), + color = "primary" + ), + bsTooltip("download_resistance_profile_bttn", + HTML(paste0("Save resistance profile table for
", + Screening$selected_isolate)), + placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover") + ) + } else {NULL} + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Conditionally render table selectiom interface + output$gs_table_selection <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data, input$gs_view) + if(input$gs_view == "Table") { + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 10, + div(class = "loci_table", + dataTableOutput("gs_isolate_table")) + ) + ) + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Resistance profile table output display + output$gs_profile_display <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data) + if(!is.null(DB$meta_gs) & !is.null(input$gs_view)) { + if(input$gs_view == "Table") { + column( + width = 10, + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + p( + HTML( + paste0("", + "Gene Screening Results
", + "", + "Comprising genes for resistance, virulence, stress, etc.") + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + uiOutput("gs_download") + ) + ), + br(), + uiOutput("gs_results_table") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 10, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + p( + HTML( + paste0("", + "Gene Screening Results
", + "", + "Comprising genes for resistance, virulence, stress, etc.") + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + div( + class = "gs-picker", + pickerInput( + "gs_profile_select", + "", + choices = list( + Screened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")] + }, + Unscreened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")] + }, + `No Assembly File` = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "NA") == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")] + } + ), + choicesOpt = list( + disabled = c( + rep(FALSE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")])), + rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")])), + rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")])) + ) + ), + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + uiOutput("gs_download") + ) + ), + br(), + uiOutput("gs_results_table") + ) + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Screening sidebar + output$screening_sidebar <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data) + if(!is.null(DB$meta_gs)) { + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Toggle View') + ) + ) + ), + radioGroupButtons( + inputId = "gs_view", + choices = c("Picker", "Table"), + selected = "Picker", + checkIcon = list( + yes = icon("square-check"), + no = icon("square") + ) + ), + br() + ) + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Resistance profile table + observe({ + req(DB$meta_gs, Screening$selected_isolate, DB$database, DB$scheme, DB$data) + + if(length(Screening$selected_isolate) > 0 & any(Screening$selected_isolate %in% DB$data$`Assembly ID`)) { + iso_select <- Screening$selected_isolate + iso_path <- file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates", + iso_select, "resProfile.tsv") + + res_profile <- read.delim(iso_path) + + colnames(res_profile) <- c( + "Protein Identifier", "Contig ID", "Start", "Stop", "Strand", "Gene Symbol", + "Sequence Name", "Scope", "Element Type", "Element Subtype", "Class", + "Subclass", "Method", "Target Length", "RSL", "%CRS", "%IRS", + "Alignment Length", "ACS", "Name of Closest Sequence", "HMM ID", "HMM Description") + + Screening$res_profile <- res_profile %>% + relocate(c("Gene Symbol", "Sequence Name", "Element Subtype", "Class", + "Subclass", "Scope", "Contig ID", "Target Length", "Alignment Length", + "Start", "Stop", "Strand")) + + # Generate gene profile table + output$gs_profile_table <- DT::renderDataTable( + Screening$res_profile, + selection = "single", + rownames= FALSE, + options = list(pageLength = 10, scrollX = TRUE, + autoWidth = TRUE, + columnDefs = list(list(width = '400px', targets = c("Sequence Name", + "Name of Closest Sequence"))), + columnDefs = list(list(width = 'auto', targets = "_all")), + columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, + targets = "_all")), + initComplete = DT::JS( + "function(settings, json) {", + "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", + # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + ), + drawCallback = DT::JS( + "function(settings) {", + # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + )) + ) + } else { + output$gs_profile_table <- NULL + } + }) + + #Resistance profile selection table + observe({ + req(DB$meta, DB$data) + output$gs_isolate_table <- renderDataTable( + select(DB$meta_gs[which(DB$meta_gs$Screened == "Yes"), ], -c(3, 4, 10, 11, 12)), + selection = "single", + rownames= FALSE, + options = list(pageLength = 10, + columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, + targets = "_all")), + initComplete = DT::JS( + "function(settings, json) {", + "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + ), + drawCallback = DT::JS( + "function(settings) {", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + )) + ) + }) + + observe({ + req(input$screening_res_sel, DB$database, DB$scheme, DB$data) + if(!is.null(Screening$status_df) & + !is.null(input$screening_res_sel) & + !is.null(Screening$status_df$status) & + !is.null(Screening$status_df$isolate)) { + if(length(input$screening_res_sel) > 0) { + if(any(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)) { + if(Screening$status_df$status[which(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)] == "success") { + results <- read.delim(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates", + input$screening_res_sel, "resProfile.tsv")) + + output$screening_table <- renderDataTable( + select(results, c(6, 7, 8, 9, 11)), + selection = "single", + options = list(pageLength = 10, + columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, + targets = "_all")), + initComplete = DT::JS( + "function(settings, json) {", + "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + ), + drawCallback = DT::JS( + "function(settings) {", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + ))) + } else {output$screening_table <- NULL} + } + } else { + output$screening_table <- NULL + } + } else { + output$screening_table <- NULL + } + + }) + + # Availablity feedback + output$gene_screening_info <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data) + if(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) %in% amrfinder_species) { + p( + HTML( + paste( + '', + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", + paste(DB$scheme, "available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + p( + HTML( + paste( + '', + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", + paste(DB$scheme, " not available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$gene_resistance_info <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data) + if(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) %in% amrfinder_species) { + p( + HTML( + paste( + '', + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", + paste(DB$scheme, "available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + p( + HTML( + paste( + '', + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", + paste(DB$scheme, " not available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Screening Interface + + output$screening_interface <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data) + if(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) %in% amrfinder_species) { + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Select Isolates for Screening') + ) + ) + ), + if(Screening$picker_status) { + div( + class = "screening_div", + pickerInput( + "screening_select", + "", + choices = list( + Unscreened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")] + }, + Screened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")] + }, + `No Assembly File` = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "NA") == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")] + } + ), + choicesOpt = list( + disabled = c( + rep(FALSE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")])), + rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")])), + rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")])) + ) + ), + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + ) + } else { + div( + class = "screening_div", + pickerInput( + "screening_select", + "", + choices = Screening$picker_choices, + selected = Screening$picker_selected, + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + ) + }, + br(), br(), + uiOutput("genome_path_gs") + ), + column( + width = 3, + uiOutput("screening_start") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + uiOutput("screening_result_sel") + ), + column(1) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 10, + br(), br(), + uiOutput("screening_result"), + br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + ### Screening Events ---- + + observe({ + req(DB$data, input$gs_view) + if(input$gs_view == "Table") { + meta_gs <- DB$meta_gs[which(DB$meta_gs$Screened == "Yes"), ] + Screening$selected_isolate <- meta_gs$`Assembly ID`[input$gs_isolate_table_rows_selected] + } else if(input$gs_view == "Picker") { + Screening$selected_isolate <- input$gs_profile_select + } + }) + + output$download_resistance_profile <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save resistance profile table ", Screening$selected_isolate, "_Profile.csv")) + + paste0(format(Sys.Date()), "_", Screening$selected_isolate, "_Profile.csv") + }, + content = function(file) { + write.table( + Screening$res_profile, + file, + sep = ";", + row.names = FALSE, + quote = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + # Reset screening + observeEvent(input$screening_reset_bttn, { + log_print("Reset gene screening") + + # reset status file + sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, remove.screening.status) + + # set feedback variables + Screening$status <- "idle" + Screening$status_df <- NULL + Screening$choices <- NULL + Screening$picker_status <- TRUE + Screening$first_result <- NULL + + # change reactive UI + output$screening_table <- NULL + output$screening_result <- NULL + output$screening_fail <- NULL + + updatePickerInput(session, "screening_select", selected = character(0)) + + # disable isolate picker + shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').prop('disabled', false);") + shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').selectpicker('refresh');") + }) + + # Cancel screening + observeEvent(input$screening_cancel, { + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0( + "Gene screening is still pending. Stopping this process will cancel the screening." + ), + title = "Reset Multi Typing", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("conf_screening_cancel", "Stop", class = "btn btn-danger") + ) + ) + ) + }) + + observeEvent(input$conf_screening_cancel, { + log_print("Cancelled gene screening") + removeModal() + + show_toast( + title = "Gene Screening Terminated", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + + # terminate screening + system(paste("kill $(pgrep -f 'execute/')"), wait = FALSE) + system(paste("killall -TERM tblastn"), wait = FALSE) + + # reset status file + sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, remove.screening.status) + + # set feedback variables + Screening$status <- "idle" + Screening$status_df <- NULL + Screening$choices <- NULL + Screening$picker_status <- TRUE + Screening$first_result <- NULL + + # change reactive UI + output$screening_table <- NULL + output$screening_result <- NULL + + updatePickerInput(session, "screening_select", selected = character(0)) + + # disable isolate picker + shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').prop('disabled', false);") + shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').selectpicker('refresh');") + }) + + # Get selected assembly + observe({ + req(DB$data, Screening$status) + if (length(input$screening_select) < 1) { + output$genome_path_gs <- renderUI(HTML( + paste("", length(input$screening_select), " isolate(s) queried for screening") + )) + + output$screening_start <- NULL + + } else if (length(input$screening_select) > 0) { + + output$screening_start <- renderUI({ + + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + br(), br(), + if(length(input$screening_select) < 1) { + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + p( + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Select Isolate(s) for Screening"))) + ) + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "finished") { + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + p( + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Reset to Perform Screening Again"))) + ), + actionButton( + "screening_reset_bttn", + "Reset", + icon = icon("arrows-rotate") + ), + if(!is.null(Screening$status_df)) { + p( + HTML(paste("", + sum(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished"), "/", + nrow(Screening$status_df), " Isolate(s) screened")) + ) + } + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "idle") { + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + p( + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Screening Ready"))) + ), + actionButton( + inputId = "screening_start_button", + label = "Start", + icon = icon("circle-play") + ) + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "started") { + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + p( + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Running Screening ..."))) + ), + fluidRow( + column(3), + column( + width = 3, + actionButton( + inputId = "screening_cancel", + label = "Terminate", + icon = icon("ban") + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + HTML(paste('')) + ) + ), + if(!is.null(Screening$status_df)) { + p( + HTML(paste("", + sum(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished"), "/", + nrow(Screening$status_df), " isolate(s) screened")) + ) + } + ) + } + ) + ) + }) + } else {NULL} + }) + + #### Running Screening ---- + + observeEvent(input$screening_start_button, { + + if(tail(readLogFile(), 1) != "0") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Multi Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Single Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + + log_print("Started gene screening") + + Screening$status <- "started" + Screening$picker_choices <- list( + Unscreened = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "No") == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")] + }, + Screened = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "Yes") == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")] + }, + `No Assembly File` = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "NA") == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")] + } + ) + Screening$picker_selected <- input$screening_select + Screening$picker_status <- FALSE + + show_toast( + title = "Gene screening started", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + + Screening$meta_df <- data.frame(wd = getwd(), + selected = paste( + file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "Isolates", input$screening_select, + paste0(input$screening_select, ".zip")), + collapse = " "), + species = gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)) + + Screening$status_df <- data.frame(isolate = basename(gsub(".zip", "", str_split_1(Screening$meta_df$selected, " "))), + status = "unfinished") + + # Reset screening status + sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, remove.screening.status) + + saveRDS(Screening$meta_df, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening_meta.rds")) + + # Disable pickerInput + shinyjs::delay(200, shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').prop('disabled', true);")) + shinyjs::delay(200, shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').selectpicker('refresh');")) + + # System execution + system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), wait = FALSE) + } + }) + + observe({ + req(DB$data, Screening$status, input$screening_res_sel, Screening$status_df) + if(!is.null(Screening$status_df) & + !is.null(Screening$status_df$status) & + !is.null(Screening$status_df$isolate) & + !is.null(input$screening_res_sel)) { + if(Screening$status != "idle" & length(input$screening_res_sel) > 0) { + if(any(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)) { + if(Screening$status_df$status[which(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)] == "success") { + output$screening_result <- renderUI( + column( + width = 12, + hr(), br(), + dataTableOutput("screening_table") + ) + ) + } else { + output$screening_result <- renderUI( + column( + width = 12, + hr(), br(), + verbatimTextOutput("screening_fail") + ) + ) + } + } + } else { + output$screening_result <- NULL + } + } else { + output$screening_result <- NULL + } + }) + + observe({ + req(DB$data, Screening$status, input$screening_res_sel) + if(!is.null(Screening$status_df) & + !is.null(Screening$status_df$status) & + !is.null(Screening$status_df$isolate) & + !is.null(input$screening_res_sel)) { + if(Screening$status != "idle" & length(input$screening_res_sel) > 0) { + if(any(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)) { + if(Screening$status_df$status[which(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)] == "fail") { + output$screening_fail <- renderPrint({ + cat(paste(readLines(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "Isolates", input$screening_res_sel, "status.txt")),"\n")) + }) + } + } + } else { + output$screening_fail <- NULL + } + } else { + output$screening_fail <- NULL + } + }) + + observe({ + req(DB$data) + if(!is.null(Screening$status)) { + if(Screening$status != "idle") { + + # start status screening for user feedback + check_screening() + + if(isTRUE(Screening$first_result)) { + output$screening_result_sel <- renderUI( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + selectInput( + "screening_res_sel", + label = h5("Select Result", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 28px; margin-top: -10px;"), + choices = "" + ), + if(!is.null(Screening$status_df)) { + p(HTML(paste("", + if(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "success") == 1) { + "1 success   /  " + } else { + paste0(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "success"), " successes   /  ") + }, + if(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "fail") == 1) { + "1 failure" + } else { + paste0(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "fail"), " failures") + }))) + } + ) + ) + + Screening$first_result <- FALSE + } + } else if(Screening$status == "idle") { + output$screening_result_sel <- NULL + } + } + }) + + check_screening <- reactive({ + invalidateLater(500, session) + + req(Screening$status_df) + + if(Screening$status == "started") { + + Screening$status_df$status <- sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, check_status) + + if(any("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) & + !identical(Screening$choices, Screening$status_df$isolate[which(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished")])) { + + status_df <- Screening$status_df[which(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished"),] + + Screening$choices <- Screening$status_df$isolate[which(Screening$status_df$status == "success" | + Screening$status_df$status == "fail")] + + if(sum(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished") > 0) { + if(is.null(Screening$first_result)) { + Screening$first_result <- TRUE + } + } + + if(tail(status_df$status, 1) == "success") { + + # Changing "Screened" metadata variable in database + Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) + + Database[["Typing"]]$Screened[which(Database[["Typing"]]["Assembly ID"] == tail(Screening$choices, 1))] <- "Yes" + + saveRDS(Database, file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) + + DB$data$Screened[which(DB$data["Assembly ID"] == tail(Screening$choices, 1))] <- "Yes" + + DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) + DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + + show_toast( + title = paste("Successful screening of", tail(Screening$choices, 1)), + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000) + + updateSelectInput(session = session, + inputId = "screening_res_sel", + choices = Screening$choices, + selected = tail(Screening$choices, 1)) + + } else if(tail(status_df$status, 1) == "fail") { + + show_toast( + title = paste("Failed screening of", tail(status_df$isolate, 1)), + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000) + + updateSelectInput(session = session, + inputId = "screening_res_sel", + choices = Screening$choices, + selected = tail(Screening$choices, 1)) + } + + if(sum("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) == length(Screening$status_df$status)) { + Screening$status <- "finished" + } + } else { + if(sum("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) == length(Screening$status_df$status)) { + Screening$status <- "finished" + } + } + + if(sum("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) == length(Screening$status_df$status)) { + Screening$status <- "finished" + } + } + }) + + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Typing ---- + + # Render Single/Multi Switch + + readLogFile <- reactive({ + invalidateLater(5000, session) + readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) + }) + + # Render sidebar dependent on data presence + # No sidebar + output$typing_sidebar <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$exist)) { + if(DB$exist) { + NULL + } else { + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Typing Mode') + ) + ) + ), + radioGroupButtons( + inputId = "typing_mode", + choices = c("Single", "Multi"), + selected = "Single", + checkIcon = list( + yes = icon("square-check"), + no = icon("square") + ) + ), + br() + ) + } + } + + }) + + # No db typing message + output$typing_no_db <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$exist)) { + if(DB$exist) { + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + br(), + br(), + br(), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste0( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 50px', 'To initiate allelic typing, a cgMLST scheme must be downloaded first.' + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else {NULL} + } else {NULL} + }) + + ### Single Typing ---- + + #### Render UI Elements ---- + + # Render single typing naming issues + output$single_select_issues <- renderUI({ + req(input$assembly_id) + + if(nchar(trimws(input$assembly_id)) < 1) { + ass_id <- as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name))) + } else { + ass_id <- trimws(input$assembly_id) + } + + if(ass_id %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"])) { + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Assembly ID already present in database."))) + } else if (ass_id == "") { + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Empty Assembly ID."))) + } else if (grepl("[()/\\:*?\"<>|]", ass_id)) { + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Invalid Assembly ID. Avoid special characters."))) + } else if(grepl(" ", ass_id)) { + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Invalid Assembly ID. Avoid empty spaces."))) + } else {HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Assembly ID compatible with local database.")))} + }) + + # Render Typing Results if finished + observe({ + if(Typing$progress_format_end == 999999) { + if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt"))) { + if(str_detect(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1), "Successful")) { + output$typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ + Typing$typing_result_table <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_df.rds")) + Typing$typing_result_table <- mutate_all(Typing$typing_result_table, as.character) + if(nrow(Typing$typing_result_table) > 0) { + if(nrow(Typing$typing_result_table) > 15) { + rhandsontable(Typing$typing_result_table, rowHeaders = NULL, + stretchH = "all", height = 500, readOnly = TRUE, + contextMenu = FALSE) %>% + hot_cols(columnSorting = TRUE) %>% + hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% + hot_col(1:ncol(Typing$typing_result_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", + cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% + hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( + "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + if (value.length > 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); + } + td.innerHTML = value; + = 'center'; + return td; + }" + )) + } else { + rhandsontable(Typing$typing_result_table, rowHeaders = NULL, + stretchH = "all", readOnly = TRUE, + contextMenu = FALSE,) %>% + hot_cols(columnSorting = TRUE) %>% + hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% + hot_col(1:ncol(Typing$typing_result_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", + cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% + hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( + "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + if (value.length > 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); + } + td.innerHTML = value; + = 'center'; + return td; + }" + )) + } + } + }) + + output$single_typing_results <- renderUI({ + result_table <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_df.rds")) + number_events <- nrow(result_table) + + n_new <- length(grep("New Variant", result_table$Event)) + + n_missing <- number_events - n_new + + # Show results table only if successful typing + if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt"))) { + if(str_detect(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1), "Successful")) { + if(number_events > 0) { + column( + width = 12, + HTML(paste("", + length(Typing$scheme_loci_f) - number_events, + "loci were assigned a variant from local scheme.")), + br(), + HTML(paste("", + n_missing, + if(n_missing == 1) " locus not assigned (NA)." else " loci not assigned (NA).")), + br(), + HTML(paste("", + n_new, + if(n_new == 1) " locus with new variant." else " loci with new variants.")), + br(), br(), + rHandsontableOutput("typing_result_table") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 12, + HTML(paste("", + length(Typing$scheme_loci_f), + "successfully assigned from local scheme.")) + ) + } + } + } + }) + + } else { + + output$single_typing_results <- NULL + + } + } else { + output$single_typing_results <- NULL + } + } + + }) + + # Render Initiate Typing UI + output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File (FASTA)') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyFilesButton( + "genome_file", + "Browse" , + icon = icon("file"), + title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", + multiple = FALSE, + buttonType = "default", + class = NULL, + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("genome_path"), + br() + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Render Declare Metadata UI + + observe({ + if (nrow(Typing$single_path) < 1) { + output$genome_path <- renderUI(HTML( + paste("", "No file selected.") + )) + + # dont show subsequent metadata declaration and typing start UI + output$metadata_single_box <- NULL + output$start_typing_ui <- NULL + + } else if (nrow(Typing$single_path) > 0) { + + if (str_detect(str_sub(Typing$single_path$name, start = -6), ".fasta") | + str_detect(str_sub(Typing$single_path$name, start = -6), ".fna") | + str_detect(str_sub(Typing$single_path$name, start = -6), ".fa")) { + + # Render selected assembly path + output$genome_path <- renderUI({ + HTML( + paste( + "", + as.character(Typing$single_path$name) + ) + ) + }) + + # Render metadata declaration box + output$metadata_single_box <- renderUI({ + + # Render placeholder + updateTextInput(session, "assembly_id", value = as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name)))) + updateTextInput(session, "assembly_name", value = as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name)))) + + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + h3(p("Declare Metadata"), style = "color:white; margin-left:-40px"), + br(), br(), + div( + class = "multi_meta_box", + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "90%", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Assembly ID", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + textInput("assembly_id", + value = "", + label = "", + width = "80%") + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + uiOutput("single_select_issues") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Assembly Name", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + textInput("assembly_name", + label = "", + width = "80%") + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Isolation Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + dateInput("append_isodate", + label = "", + width = "80%", + max = Sys.Date()) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Host", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + textInput("append_host", + label = "", + width = "80%") + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Country", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table_country", + pickerInput( + "append_country", + label = "", + choices = list("Common" = sel_countries, + "All Countries" = country_names), + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + width = "90%" + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("City", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + textInput( + "append_city", + label = "", + width = "80%" + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Typing Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + h5(paste0(" ", Sys.Date()), style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + actionButton( + inputId = "conf_meta_single", + label = "Confirm" + ), + br() + ) + ), + br() + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else { + show_toast( + title = "Wrong file type (only fasta/fna/fa)", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + } + }) + + # Get genome datapath + + observe({ + # Get selected Genome in Single Mode + shinyFileChoose(input, + "genome_file", + roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), + defaultRoot = "Home", + session = session, + filetypes = c('', 'fasta', 'fna', 'fa')) + Typing$single_path <- parseFilePaths(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$genome_file) + + }) + + #### Run blat ---- + + observeEvent(input$typing_start, { + + log_print("Input typing_start") + + if(tail(readLogFile(), 1) != "0") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Multi Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if (Screening$status == "started") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Gene Screening", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + if(sum(apply(DB$data, 1, anyNA)) >= 1) { + DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE + } else { + DB$no_na_switch <- FALSE + } + } + + # Activate entry detection + DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE + + Typing$single_end <- FALSE + + Typing$progress_format_start <- 0 + Typing$progress_format_end <- 0 + + # Remove Initiate Typing UI + output$initiate_typing_ui <- NULL + output$metadata_single_box <- NULL + output$start_typing_ui <- NULL + + # status feedback + Typing$status <- "Processing" + + # Locate folder containing cgMLST scheme + search_string <- paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles") + + scheme_folders <- dir_ls(paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme))) + + if (any(grepl(search_string, scheme_folders))) { + + # reset results file + if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { + unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) + } + + # blat initiate index + scheme_select <- as.character(scheme_folders[which(grepl(search_string, scheme_folders))]) + + show_toast( + title = "Typing Initiated", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + + log_print("Initiated single typing") + + ### Run blat Typing + + single_typing_df <- data.frame( + db_path = DB$database, + wd = getwd(), + save = input$save_assembly_st, + scheme = paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)), + genome = Typing$single_path$datapath, + alleles = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", search_string) + ) + + saveRDS(single_typing_df, "execute/single_typing_df.rds") + + # Execute single typing script + system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), + wait = FALSE) + + scheme_loci <- list.files(path = scheme_select, full.names = TRUE) + + # Filter the files that have FASTA extensions + Typing$scheme_loci_f <- + scheme_loci[grep("\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", scheme_loci, = TRUE)] + + output$single_typing_progress <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + br(), br(), + column(width = 1), + column( + width = 3, + h3(p("Pending Single Typing ..."), style = "color:white") + ), + br(), br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column(width = 1), + column( + width = 4, + br(), br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + uiOutput("reset_single_typing"), + HTML( + paste( + "", + as.character(Typing$single_path$name) + ) + ), + br(), br(), + progressBar( + "progress_bar", + value = 0, + display_pct = TRUE, + title = "" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + uiOutput("typing_formatting"), + uiOutput("typing_fin") + ) + ) + ), + column(1), + column( + width = 5, + br(), br(), br(), + uiOutput("single_typing_results") + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else { + log_print("Folder containing cgMLST alleles not in working directory") + + show_alert( + title = "Error", + text = paste0( + "Folder containing cgMLST alleles not in working directory.", + "\n", + "Download cgMLST Scheme for selected Organism first." + ), + type = "error" + ) + } + } + }) + + # Function to update Progress Bar + update <- reactive({ + invalidateLater(3000, session) + + # write progress in process tracker + cat( + c(length(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))), + readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[-1]), + file = paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), + sep = "\n" + ) + + progress <- readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt")) + + # if typing with blat is finished -> "attaching" phase started + if(![1])) { + if(![2])) { + if(progress[2] == "888888") { + Typing$progress_format_start <- progress[2] + Typing$pending_format <- progress[2] + Typing$status <- "Attaching" + } + } + # "attaching" phase completed + if(![3])) { + if(progress[3] == "999999") { + Typing$progress_format_end <- progress[3] + Typing$entry_added <- progress[3] + Typing$status <- "Finalized" + } + } + Typing$progress <- as.numeric(progress[1]) + floor((Typing$progress / length(Typing$scheme_loci_f)) * 100) + } else { + floor((Typing$progress / length(Typing$scheme_loci_f)) * 100) + } + }) + + # Observe Typing Progress + observe({ + + if(readLogFile()[1] == "0") { + # Update Progress Bar + updateProgressBar( + session = session, + id = "progress_bar", + value = update(), + total = 100, + title = paste0(as.character(Typing$progress), "/", length(Typing$scheme_loci_f), " loci screened") + ) + } + + if (Typing$progress_format_start == 888888) { + output$typing_formatting <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + HTML(paste("", "Transforming data ...")) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + HTML(paste('')) + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else { + output$typing_formatting <- NULL + } + + # Render when finalized + if (Typing$progress_format_end == 999999) { + + output$typing_formatting <- NULL + + output$typing_fin <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt"))) { + if(str_detect(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1), "Successful")) { + req(Typing$scheme_loci_f, Typing$typing_result_table) + if(sum(Typing$typing_result_table$Event != "New Variant") > (0.5 * length(Typing$scheme_loci_f))){ + HTML( + paste("", + sub(".*Successful", "Finished", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1)), + paste("", "Warning: Isolate contains large number of failed allele assignments."), + paste("", "Reset to start another typing process."), + sep = '
\n')) + } else { + HTML(paste("", + sub(".*Successful", "Successful", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1)), + "Reset to start another typing process.", sep = '
')) + } + } else { + HTML(paste("", + sub(".*typing", "Typing", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1)), + "Reset to start another typing process.", sep = '
')) + } + }, + br(), br(), + actionButton( + "reset_single_typing", + "Reset", + icon = icon("arrows-rotate") + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else { + output$typing_fin <- NULL + output$single_typing_results <- NULL + } + + }) + + #### Declare Metadata ---- + + observeEvent(input$conf_meta_single, { + + if(nchar(trimws(input$assembly_id)) < 1) { + ass_id <- as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name))) + } else { + ass_id <- trimws(input$assembly_id) + } + + if(nchar(trimws(input$assembly_name)) < 1) { + ass_name <- as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name))) + } else { + ass_name <- trimws(input$assembly_name) + } + + if(ass_id %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"])) { + show_toast( + title = "Assembly ID already present", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if (isFALSE(Typing$reload)) { + show_toast( + title = "Reload Database first", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if (ass_id == "") { + show_toast( + title = "Empty Assembly ID", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if (grepl("[()/\\:*?\"<>|]", ass_id)) { + show_toast( + title = "Invalid Assembly ID. No special characters allowed: ()/\\:*?\"<>|", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if(grepl(" ", ass_id)) { + show_toast( + title = "Empty spaces in Assembly ID not allowed", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "started") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Single Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + + log_print("Single typing metadata confirmed") + + meta_info <- data.frame(assembly_id = ass_id, + assembly_name = ass_name, + cgmlst_typing = DB$scheme, + append_isodate = input$append_isodate, + append_host = trimws(input$append_host), + append_country = trimws(input$append_country), + append_city = trimws(input$append_city), + append_analysisdate = Sys.Date(), + db_directory = getwd()) + + saveRDS(meta_info, paste0( + getwd(), + "/execute/meta_info_single.rds" + )) + + show_toast( + title = "Metadata declared", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + + # Render Start Typing UI + output$start_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + div( + class = "multi_start_col", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Start Typing"), style = "color:white"), + br(), + br(), + HTML( + paste( + "", + "Typing by ", + DB$scheme, + " scheme." + ) + ), + br(), br(), br(), br(), + div( + class = "save-assembly", + materialSwitch( + "save_assembly_st", + h5(p("Save Assemblies in Local Database"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -3px; right: -20px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE) + ), + HTML( + paste( + "", + "Isolates with unsaved assembly files can NOT be applied to screening for resistance genes." + ) + ), + br(), br(), br(), br(), + actionButton( + inputId = "typing_start", + label = "Start", + icon = icon("circle-play") + ) + ) + ) + }) + } + }) + + #### Events Single Typing ---- + + observeEvent(input$reset_single_typing, { + log_print("Reset single typing") + + Typing$status <- "Inactive" + + Typing$progress <- 0 + + Typing$progress_format <- 900000 + + output$single_typing_progress <- NULL + + output$typing_fin <- NULL + + output$single_typing_results <- NULL + + output$typing_formatting <- NULL + + Typing$single_path <- data.frame() + + # reset results file + if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { + unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) + # Resetting single typing progress logfile bar + con <- file(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), open = "w") + + cat("0\n", file = con) + + close(con) + } + + output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File (FASTA)') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyFilesButton( + "genome_file", + "Browse" , + icon = icon("file"), + title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", + multiple = FALSE, + buttonType = "default", + class = NULL, + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("genome_path"), + br() + ) + ) + ) + }) + }) + + # Notification for finalized Single typing + Typing$single_end <- TRUE + Typing$progress_format_end <- 0 + + observe({ + if(Typing$single_end == FALSE) { + if (Typing$progress_format_end == 999999) { + show_toast( + title = "Single Typing finalized", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 8000 + ) + Typing$single_end <- TRUE + } + } + }) + + ### Multi Typing ---- + + #### Render Multi Typing UI Elements ---- + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyDirButton( + "genome_file_multi", + "Browse", + icon = icon("folder-open"), + title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", + buttonType = "default", + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_info"), + br() + ) + ), + uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Render selection info + output$multi_select_info <- renderUI({ + + if(!is.null(Typing$multi_path)) { + if(length(Typing$multi_path) < 1) { + HTML(paste("", + "No files selected.")) + } else { + HTML(paste("", + sum(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Include == TRUE), + " files selected.")) + } + } + }) + + # Render multi selection table issues + output$multi_select_issues <- renderUI({ + req(Typing$multi_sel_table, input$multi_select_table) + if(any(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files %in% dupl_mult_id()) & + any(duplicated(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files))){ + HTML( + paste( + paste("", + "Some name(s) are already present in local database.
"), + paste("", + "Duplicated name(s).
") + ) + ) + } else if (any(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files %in% dupl_mult_id()) & + !any(duplicated(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files))) { + HTML( + paste("", + "Some name(s) are already present in local database.
") + ) + } else if (!any(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files %in% dupl_mult_id()) & + any(duplicated(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files))) { + HTML( + paste("", + "Duplicated name(s).
") + ) + } + }) + + output$multi_select_issue_info <- renderUI({ + req(Typing$multi_sel_table, input$multi_select_table) + + multi_select_table <- hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table) + + if(any(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] %in% dupl_mult_id()) | + any(duplicated(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)])) | + any(grepl(" ", multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { + + if(any(grepl(" ", multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { + + if(any(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] %in% dupl_mult_id()) | + any(duplicated(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { + HTML(paste( + paste( + '', + paste("", + " Rename highlighted isolates or deselect them.
")), + paste( + '', + paste("", + " Filename(s) contain(s) empty spaces.")) + )) + } else { + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + " Filename(s) contain(s) empty spaces."))) + } + } else { + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + " Rename highlighted isolates or deselect them."))) + } + } else { + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + " Files ready for allelic typing."))) + } + }) + + # Render Metadata Select Box after Folder selection + observe({ + if(!is.null(Typing$multi_sel_table)) { + if (nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table) > 0) { + + output$multi_select_tab_ctrls <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 2, + align = "left", + actionButton( + "sel_all_mt", + "All", + icon = icon("check") + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "left", + actionButton( + "desel_all_mt", + "None", + icon = icon("xmark") + ) + ), + column(2), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_issues") + ) + ) + ) + + output$metadata_multi_box <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Declare Metadata"), style = "color:white;margin-left:-40px"), + br(), br(), + div( + class = "multi_meta_box", + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "90%", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Assembly ID", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + h5("Assembly filename", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Assembly Name", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + h5("Assembly filename", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Isolation Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + dateInput("append_isodate_multi", + label = "", + width = "80%", + max = Sys.Date()) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Host", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + textInput("append_host_multi", + label = "", + width = "80%") + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Country", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table_country", + pickerInput( + "append_country_multi", + label = "", + choices = list("Common" = sel_countries, + "All Countries" = country_names), + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + width = "90%" + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("City", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + textInput("append_city_multi", + label = "", + width = "80%") + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Typing Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + h5(paste0(" ", Sys.Date()), style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + actionButton( + inputId = "conf_meta_multi", + label = "Confirm" + ), + br(), br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_issue_info") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else { + output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL + } + } + }) + + # Check if ongoing Multi Typing - Render accordingly + observe({ + # Get selected Genome in Multi Mode + shinyDirChoose(input, + "genome_file_multi", + roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), + defaultRoot = "Home", + session = session, + filetypes = c('', 'fasta', 'fna', 'fa')) + + Typing$multi_path <- parseDirPath(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$genome_file_multi) + + files_selected <- list.files(as.character(Typing$multi_path)) + Typing$files_filtered <- files_selected[which(!endsWith(files_selected, ".gz") & + grepl("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", files_selected))] + + Typing$multi_sel_table <- data.frame( + Include = rep(TRUE, length(Typing$files_filtered)), + Files = gsub(".fasta|.fna|.fa|.fasta.gz|.fna.gz|.fa.gz", "", + Typing$files_filtered), + Type = sub(".*(\\.fasta|\\.fasta\\.gz|\\.fna|\\.fna\\.gz|\\.fa|\\.fa\\.gz)$", + "\\1", Typing$files_filtered, perl = F)) + + if(nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table) > 0) { + output$multi_select_tab_ctrls <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 2, + align = "left", + actionButton( + "sel_all_mt", + "All", + icon = icon("check") + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "left", + actionButton( + "desel_all_mt", + "None", + icon = icon("xmark") + ) + ), + column(2), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_issues") + ) + ) + ) + } else { + output$multi_select_tab_ctrls <- NULL + } + + if(between(nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table), 1, 15)) { + output$multi_select_table <- renderRHandsontable({ + rht <- rhandsontable(Typing$multi_sel_table, rowHeaders = NULL, + stretchH = "all", contextMenu = FALSE + ) %>% + hot_cols(columnSorting = FALSE) %>% + hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% + hot_col(2, readOnly = FALSE, + valign = "htBottom") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(1, + halign = "htCenter", + valign = "htTop", + colWidths = 60) + + htmlwidgets::onRender(rht, sprintf( + "function(el, x) { + var hot =; + + var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed + var duplicates = {}; + + var highlightInvalidAndDuplicates = function(invalidValues) { + + var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed + var duplicates = {}; + + // Find all duplicate values + for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { + var value = columnData[i]; + if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { + if (duplicates[value]) { + duplicates[value].push(i); + } else { + duplicates[value] = [i]; + } + } + } + + // Reset all cell backgrounds in the column + for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { + var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed + if (cell) { + = 'white'; + } + } + + // Highlight duplicates and invalid values + for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { + var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed + var value = columnData[i]; + if (cell) { + if (invalidValues.includes(value)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)'; // Highlight color for invalid values + } else if (duplicates[value] && duplicates[value].length > 1) { + = '#FF7334'; // Highlight color for duplicates + } + } + } + }; + + var changefn = function(changes, source) { + if (source === 'edit' || source === 'undo' || source === 'autofill' || source === 'paste') { + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); + } + }; + + hot.addHook('afterChange', changefn); + hot.addHook('afterLoadData', function() { + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); + }); + hot.addHook('afterRender', function() { + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); + }); + + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); // Initial highlight on load + + Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('setColumnValue', function(message) { + var colData = hot.getDataAtCol(0); + for (var i = 0; i < colData.length; i++) { + hot.setDataAtCell(i, 0, message.value); + } + hot.render(); // Re-render the table + }); + }", + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()))) + }) + + } else if(nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table) > 15) { + output$multi_select_table <- renderRHandsontable({ + rht <- rhandsontable(Typing$multi_sel_table, rowHeaders = NULL, + stretchH = "all", height = 500, + contextMenu = FALSE + ) %>% + hot_cols(columnSorting = FALSE) %>% + hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% + hot_col(2, + readOnly = FALSE, + valign = "htBottom") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(1, + halign = "htCenter", + valign = "htTop", + colWidths = 60) + + htmlwidgets::onRender(rht, sprintf( + "function(el, x) { + var hot =; + + var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed + var duplicates = {}; + + var highlightInvalidAndDuplicates = function(invalidValues) { + + var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed + var duplicates = {}; + + // Find all duplicate values + for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { + var value = columnData[i]; + if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { + if (duplicates[value]) { + duplicates[value].push(i); + } else { + duplicates[value] = [i]; + } + } + } + + // Reset all cell backgrounds in the column + for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { + var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed + if (cell) { + = 'white'; + } + } + + // Highlight duplicates and invalid values + for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { + var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed + var value = columnData[i]; + if (cell) { + if (invalidValues.includes(value)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)'; // Highlight color for invalid values + } else if (duplicates[value] && duplicates[value].length > 1) { + = '#FF7334'; // Highlight color for duplicates + } + } + } + }; + + var changefn = function(changes, source) { + if (source === 'edit' || source === 'undo' || source === 'autofill' || source === 'paste') { + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); + } + }; + + hot.addHook('afterChange', changefn); + hot.addHook('afterLoadData', function() { + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); + }); + hot.addHook('afterRender', function() { + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); + }); + + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); // Initial highlight on load + + Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('setColumnValue', function(message) { + var colData = hot.getDataAtCol(0); + for (var i = 0; i < colData.length; i++) { + hot.setDataAtCell(i, 0, message.value); + } + hot.render(); // Re-render the table + }); + }", + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()))) + + }) + + } else { + output$multi_select_table <- NULL + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$conf_meta_multi, { + + multi_select_table <- hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)[hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Include == TRUE,] + + if(any(unlist(gsub(".fasta|.fna|.fa|.fasta.gz|.fna.gz|.fa.gz", "", multi_select_table$Files)) %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"]))) { + show_toast( + title = "Assembly ID(s) already present", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if (any(duplicated(multi_select_table$Files))) { + show_toast( + title = "Duplicated filename(s)", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if (any(multi_select_table$Files == "")) { + show_toast( + title = "Empty filename(s)", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if (any(grepl("[()/\\:*?\"<>|]", multi_select_table$Files))) { + show_toast( + title = "Invalid filename(s). No special characters allowed: ()/\\:*?\"<>|", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if (!any(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)) { + show_toast( + title = "No files selected", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if(any(grepl(" ", multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { + show_toast( + title = "Empty spaces in filename(s) not allowed", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if (isFALSE(Typing$reload)) { + show_toast( + title = "Reload Database first", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "started") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Single Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + + log_print("Multi typing metadata confirmed") + + meta_info <- data.frame(cgmlst_typing = DB$scheme, + append_isodate = trimws(input$append_isodate_multi), + append_host = trimws(input$append_host_multi), + append_country = trimws(input$append_country_multi), + append_city = trimws(input$append_city_multi), + append_analysisdate = Sys.Date(), + db_directory = getwd()) + + saveRDS(meta_info, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/meta_info.rds")) + + show_toast( + title = "Metadata declared", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + + output$start_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + div( + class = "multi_start_col", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Start Typing"), style = "color:white"), + br(), + br(), + HTML( + paste( + "", + "Typing by ", + DB$scheme, + " scheme." + ) + ), + br(), br(), br(), br(), + div( + class = "save-assembly", + materialSwitch( + "save_assembly_mt", + h5(p("Save Assemblies in Local Database"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -3px; right: -20px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE) + ), + HTML( + paste( + "", + "Isolates with unsaved assembly files can NOT be applied to screening for resistance genes." + ) + ), + br(), br(), br(), br(), + actionButton( + "start_typ_multi", + "Start", + icon = icon("circle-play") + ) + ) + ) + }) + } + }) + + #### Events Multi Typing ---- + + observeEvent(input$sel_all_mt, { + session$sendCustomMessage(type = "setColumnValue", message = list(value = TRUE)) + }) + + observeEvent(input$desel_all_mt, { + session$sendCustomMessage(type = "setColumnValue", message = list(value = FALSE)) + }) + + # Print Log + output$print_log <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save multi typing log ", paste("Multi_Typing_", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep = ""))) + paste("Multi_Typing_", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep = "") + }, + content = function(file) { + writeLines(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), file) + } + ) + + # Reset Multi Typing + observeEvent(input$reset_multi, { + if(!grepl("Multi Typing", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/script_log.txt")), n = 1))) { + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0( + "A Multi Typing process is still pending. Stopping this process will cancel the processing." + ), + title = "Reset Multi Typing", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("conf_multi_kill", "Stop", class = "btn btn-danger") + ) + ) + ) + } else { + + log_print("Reset multi typing") + + # Reset multi typing result list + saveRDS(list(), paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) + multi_help <- FALSE + Typing$result_list <- NULL + + # Null logfile + writeLines("0", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) + + # Reset User Feedback variable + Typing$pending_format <- 0 + Typing$multi_started <- FALSE + + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyDirButton( + "genome_file_multi", + "Browse", + icon = icon("folder-open"), + title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", + buttonType = "default", + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_info"), + br() + ) + ), + uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") + ) + ) + ) + }) + + output$pending_typing <- NULL + output$multi_typing_results <- NULL + } + }) + + # Confirm Reset after + observeEvent(input$conf_multi_kill, { + removeModal() + + log_print("Kill multi typing") + + # Kill multi typing and reset logfile + system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), + wait = TRUE) + + show_toast( + title = "Execution cancelled", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + + # Kill multi typing and reset logfile + writeLines("0", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) + + #Reset multi typing result list + saveRDS(list(), paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) + multi_help <- FALSE + Typing$result_list <- NULL + + # Reset User Feedback variable + Typing$pending_format <- 0 + output$pending_typing <- NULL + output$multi_typing_results <- NULL + Typing$failures <- 0 + Typing$successes <- 0 + Typing$multi_started <- FALSE + + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyDirButton( + "genome_file_multi", + "Browse", + icon = icon("folder-open"), + title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", + buttonType = "default", + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_info"), + br() + ) + ), + uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") + ) + ) + ) + }) + + }) + + observeEvent(input$start_typ_multi, { + log_print("Initiate multi typing") + + if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Single Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if (Screening$status == "started") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Gene Screening", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + removeModal() + + show_toast( + title = "Multi Typing started", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 10000 + ) + + Typing$new_table <- NULL + + # Remove Allelic Typing Controls + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- NULL + output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL + output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL + + # Activate entry detection + DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE + + # Initiate Feedback variables + Typing$multi_started <- TRUE + Typing$pending <- TRUE + Typing$failures <- 0 + Typing$successes <- 0 + + # get selected file table + multi_select_table <- hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table) + + filenames <- paste(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)], collapse = " ") + + files <- Typing$multi_sel_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] + type <- Typing$multi_sel_table$Type[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] + genome_names <- paste(paste0(gsub(" ", "~", files), type), collapse = " ") + + # Start Multi Typing Script + multi_typing_df <- data.frame( + db_path = DB$database, + wd = getwd(), + save = input$save_assembly_mt, + scheme = paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)), + genome_folder = as.character(parseDirPath(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$genome_file_multi)), + filenames = paste0(filenames, collapse= " "), + genome_names = genome_names, + alleles = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles") + ) + + saveRDS(multi_typing_df, "execute/multi_typing_df.rds") + + # Execute multi blat script + system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), wait = FALSE) + } + }) + + + #### User Feedback ---- + + observe({ + if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt"))) { + if(Typing$multi_started == TRUE) { + check_multi_status() + } else { + Typing$status <- "Inactive" + } + } + }) + + check_multi_status <- reactive({ + + invalidateLater(3000, session) + + log <- readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) + + # Determine if Single or Multi Typing + if(str_detect(log[1], "Multi")) { + Typing$pending_mode <- "Multi" + } else { + Typing$pending_mode <- "Single" + } + + # Check typing status + if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "Attaching")) { + Typing$status <- "Attaching" + } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "Successful")) { + Typing$multi_help <- TRUE + Typing$status <- "Successful" + show_toast( + title = paste0("Successful", sub(".*Successful", "", tail(log, 1))), + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 8000 + ) + } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "failed")) { + Typing$status <- "Failed" + show_toast( + title = sub(".* - ", "", tail(log, 1)), + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 8000 + ) + } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "Processing")) { + Typing$status <- "Processing" + + if(any(str_detect(tail(log, 2), "Successful"))) { + + if(!identical(Typing$last_success, tail(log, 2)[1])) { + Typing$multi_help <- TRUE + show_toast( + title = paste0("Successful", sub(".*Successful", "", tail(log, 2)[1])), + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 8000 + ) + + Typing$last_success <- tail(log, 2)[1] + } + } else if(any(str_detect(tail(log, 2), "failed"))) { + + if(!identical(Typing$last_failure, tail(log, 2)[1])) { + + show_toast( + title = sub(".* - ", "", tail(log, 2)[1]), + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 8000 + ) + + Typing$last_failure <- tail(log, 2)[1] + } + } + } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "finalized")) { + Typing$multi_help <- TRUE + Typing$status <- "Finalized" + + if(Typing$pending == TRUE) { + show_toast( + title = "Typing finalized", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 8000 + ) + + Typing$pending <- FALSE + } + } + }) + + ##### Render Multi Typing UI Feedback ---- + + observe({ + if(!is.null(input$multi_results_picker)) { + Typing$multi_table_length <- nrow(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]]) + } else { + Typing$multi_table_length <- NULL + } + }) + + observe({ + if(!is.null(Typing$result_list)) { + if(length(Typing$result_list) > 0) { + if(is.null(Typing$multi_table_length)) { + output$multi_typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]], + rowHeaders = NULL, stretchH = "all", + readOnly = TRUE, contextMenu = FALSE) %>% + hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% + hot_col(1:3, valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", + cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% + hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( + "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + if (value.length > 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); + } + td.innerHTML = value; + = 'center'; + return td; + }" + )) + }) + + } else { + if(Typing$multi_table_length > 15) { + output$multi_typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]], rowHeaders = NULL, + stretchH = "all", height = 500, + readOnly = TRUE, contextMenu = FALSE) %>% + hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% + hot_col(1:3, valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", + cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% + hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( + "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + if (value.length > 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); + } + td.innerHTML = value; + = 'center'; + return td; + }" + )) + }) + } else { + output$multi_typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]], rowHeaders = NULL, + stretchH = "all", readOnly = TRUE, + contextMenu = FALSE) %>% + hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% + hot_col(1:3, valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", + cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% + hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( + "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + if (value.length > 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); + } + td.innerHTML = value; + = 'center'; + return td; + }" + )) + }) + } + } + } else { + output$multi_typing_result_table <- NULL + } + } else { + output$multi_typing_result_table <- NULL + } + }) + + observe({ + if(!is.null(Typing$multi_result_status)) { + if(Typing$multi_result_status == "start" | Typing$multi_result_status == "finalized"){ + + if(Typing$multi_help == TRUE) { + Typing$result_list <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) + Typing$multi_help <- FALSE + } + } + } + }) + + + observe({ + #Render multi typing result feedback table + + if(!is.null(Typing$result_list)) { + if(length(Typing$result_list) > 0) { + output$multi_typing_results <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 9, + br(), br(), + br(), br(), + br(), + div( + class = "mult_res_sel", + selectInput( + "multi_results_picker", + label = h5("Select Typing Results", style = "color:white"), + choices = names(Typing$result_list), + selected = names(Typing$result_list)[length(names(Typing$result_list))], + ) + ), + br(), br() + ) + ), + rHandsontableOutput("multi_typing_result_table") + ) + }) + } + } + }) + + observe({ + + # Render log content + output$logText <- renderPrint({ + cat(rev(paste0(tail(readLogFile(), 50), "\n"))) + }) + + output$logTextFull <- renderPrint({ + cat(rev(paste0(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "\n"))) + }) + + # Render Pending UI + if(!grepl("Multi Typing", tail(readLogFile(), n = 1)) & grepl("Start Multi Typing", head(readLogFile(), n = 1))) { + + Typing$multi_result_status <- "start" + + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- NULL + + output$pending_typing <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + fluidRow( + br(), br(), + column(width = 2), + column( + width = 4, + h3(p("Pending Typing ..."), style = "color:white"), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + HTML(paste('')) + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + actionButton( + "reset_multi", + "Terminate", + icon = icon("ban") + ) + ) + ), + ) + ), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column(width = 2), + column( + width = 10, + verbatimTextOutput("logText") + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else if(grepl("Multi Typing finalized", tail(readLogFile(), n = 1))) { + + Typing$multi_result_status <- "finalized" + + Typing$last_scheme <- NULL + + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- NULL + + output$pending_typing <- renderUI({ + + fluidRow( + fluidRow( + br(), br(), + column(width = 2), + column( + width = 4, + h3(p("Pending Multi Typing ..."), style = "color:white"), + br(), br(), + HTML(paste("", + paste("Typing of", sum(str_detect(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "Processing")), "assemblies finalized."), + paste(sum(str_detect(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "Successful")), "successes."), + paste(sum(str_detect(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "failed")), "failures."), + "Reset to start another typing process.", + sep = '
')), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + actionButton( + "reset_multi", + "Reset", + icon = icon("arrows-rotate") + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + downloadButton( + "print_log", + "Logfile", + icon = icon("floppy-disk") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column(width = 2), + column( + width = 10, + verbatimTextOutput("logTextFull"), + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else if (!grepl("Start Multi Typing", head(readLogFile(), n = 1))){ + output$pending_typing <- NULL + Typing$multi_result_status <- "idle" + } + }) + + observe({ + # Get selected Genome in Multi Mode + shinyDirChoose(input, + "hash_dir", + roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), + defaultRoot = "Home", + session = session, + filetypes = c('', 'fasta', 'fna', 'fa')) + }) + + observeEvent(input$hash_start, { + dir_path <- parseDirPath(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$hash_dir) + if (!is_empty(list.files(dir_path)) && all(endsWith(list.files(dir_path), ".fasta"))) { + log_print("Hashing directory using utilities") + shinyjs::hide("hash_start") + shinyjs::show("hash_loading") + show_toast( + title = "Hashing started!", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + hash_database(dir_path) + shinyjs::hide("hash_loading") + shinyjs::show("hash_start") + show_toast( + title = "Hashing completed!", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + show_toast( + title = "Incorrect folder selected!", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + }) + +} # end server + +# _______________________ #### + +# Shiny ---- + +shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) From 71ebf59aa4acd804c05545ed277f016ba2b49276 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marian Freisleben Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 18:16:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Added skeleton cluster width UI --- App.R | 51813 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- 1 file changed, 25917 insertions(+), 25896 deletions(-) diff --git a/App.R b/App.R index 0cd1d6b..5a25259 100644 --- a/App.R +++ b/App.R @@ -1,25896 +1,25917 @@ -######## PhyloTrace ######### - -# _______________________ #### -# CRAN Packages -library(shiny) -library(R.utils) -library(igraph) -library(shinyWidgets) -library(shinydashboard) -library(dashboardthemes) -library(ggplot2) -library(ggnewscale) -library(ggplotify) -library(ape) -library(tidyverse) -library(rlang) -library(tidytree) -library(shinyFiles) -library(dplyr) -library(downloader) -library(rvest) -library(rmarkdown) -library(knitr) -library(kableExtra) -library(fs) -library(data.table) -library(zoo) -library(ggnetwork) -library(rhandsontable) -library(visNetwork) -library(proxy) -library(phangorn) -library(cowplot) -library(viridis) -library(RColorBrewer) -library(bslib) -library(bsicons) -library(DT) -library(shinyBS) -library(openssl) -library(logr) -# Bioconductor Packages -library(treeio) -library(ggtree) -library(ggtreeExtra) - -source(paste0(getwd(), "/www/resources.R")) - -options(ignore.negative.edge=TRUE) - -# User Interface ---- - -ui <- dashboardPage( - - title = "PhyloTrace 1.5.0", - - # Title - dashboardHeader( - - title = span( - div( - class = "img_logo", - img( - src = "PhyloTrace.jpg", width = 190 - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("loaded_scheme"), - uiOutput("databasetext"), - uiOutput("statustext"), - tags$li(class = "dropdown", - tags$span(id = "currentTime", style = "color:white; font-weight:bold;")), - disable = FALSE - ), - - ## Sidebar ---- - dashboardSidebar( - tags$head(includeCSS("www/head.css")), - tags$style(includeCSS("www/body.css")), - tags$style(HTML( - "@keyframes pulsate { - 0% { transform: scale(1); } - 50% { transform: scale(1.1); } - 100% { transform: scale(1); } - } - .pulsating-button { - animation: pulsate 1s ease infinite; - } - .pulsating-button:hover { - animation: none; - }")), - br(), br(), - sidebarMenu( - id = "tabs", - sidebarMenuOutput("menu"), - uiOutput("menu_sep2"), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tabs==='db_browse_entries'", - uiOutput("entrytable_sidebar") - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tabs==='db_distmatrix'", - uiOutput("distmatrix_sidebar") - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tabs==='db_missing_values'", - uiOutput("missing_values_sidebar") - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tabs==='typing'", - uiOutput("typing_sidebar") - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tabs==='visualization'", - uiOutput("visualization_sidebar") - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tabs==='gs_profile'", - uiOutput("screening_sidebar") - ) - ) - ), - - dashboardBody( - tags$head(tags$link(rel = "shortcut icon", href = "favicon.ico")), - shinyjs::useShinyjs(), - - shinyDashboardThemeDIY( - ### general - appFontFamily = "Liberation Sans", - appFontColor = "#000000", - primaryFontColor = "#ffffff", - infoFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", - successFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", - warningFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", - dangerFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", - bodyBackColor = cssGradientThreeColors( - direction = "down", - colorStart = "#282f38", - colorMiddle = "#384454", - colorEnd = "#495d78", - colorStartPos = 0, - colorMiddlePos = 50, - colorEndPos = 100 - ), - - ### header - logoBackColor = "#282f38", - headerButtonBackColor = "#282f38", - headerButtonIconColor = "#18ece1", - headerButtonBackColorHover = "#282f38", - headerButtonIconColorHover = "#ffffff", - headerBackColor = "#282f38", - headerBoxShadowColor = "#aaaaaa", - headerBoxShadowSize = "0px 0px 0px", - - ### sidebar - sidebarBackColor = cssGradientThreeColors( - direction = "down", - colorStart = "#282f38", - colorMiddle = "#384454", - colorEnd = "#495d78", - colorStartPos = 0, - colorMiddlePos = 50, - colorEndPos = 100), - - sidebarPadding = 0, - sidebarMenuBackColor = "transparent", - sidebarMenuPadding = 0, - sidebarMenuBorderRadius = 0, - sidebarShadowRadius = "5px 5px 5px", - sidebarShadowColor = "#282f38", - sidebarUserTextColor = "#ffffff", - sidebarSearchBackColor = "rgb(55,72,80)", - sidebarSearchIconColor = "rgb(153,153,153)", - sidebarSearchBorderColor = "rgb(55,72,80)", - sidebarTabTextColor = "rgb(255,255,255)", - sidebarTabTextSize = 15, - sidebarTabBorderStyle = "none none solid none", - sidebarTabBorderColor = "rgb(35,106,135)", - sidebarTabBorderWidth = 0, - sidebarTabBackColorSelected = cssGradientThreeColors( - direction = "right", - colorStart = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", - colorMiddle = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", - colorEnd = "rgba(0,255,213,1)", - colorStartPos = 0, - colorMiddlePos = 30, - colorEndPos = 100 - ), - sidebarTabTextColorSelected = "rgb(0,0,0)", - sidebarTabRadiusSelected = "0px 0px 0px 0px", - sidebarTabBackColorHover = cssGradientThreeColors( - direction = "right", - colorStart = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", - colorMiddle = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", - colorEnd = "rgba(0,255,213,1)", - colorStartPos = 0, - colorMiddlePos = 30, - colorEndPos = 100 - ), - sidebarTabTextColorHover = "rgb(50,50,50)", - sidebarTabBorderStyleHover = "none none solid none", - sidebarTabBorderColorHover = "rgb(75,126,151)", - sidebarTabBorderWidthHover = 0, - sidebarTabRadiusHover = "0px 0px 0px 0px", - - ### boxes - boxBackColor = "#ffffff", - boxBorderRadius = 7, - boxShadowSize = "0px 0px 0px", - boxShadowColor = "#ffffff", - boxTitleSize = 20, - boxDefaultColor = "#00a65a", - boxPrimaryColor = "#ffffff", - boxInfoColor = "#00a65a", - boxSuccessColor = "#00a65a", - boxWarningColor = "#ffffff", - boxDangerColor = "#ffffff", - tabBoxTabColor = "#ffffff", - tabBoxTabTextSize = 14, - tabBoxTabTextColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", - tabBoxTabTextColorSelected = "rgb(0,0,0)", - tabBoxBackColor = "#ffffff", - tabBoxHighlightColor = "#ffffff", - tabBoxBorderRadius = 5, - - ### inputs - buttonBackColor = "#282F38", - buttonTextColor = "#ffffff", - buttonBorderColor = "#282F38", - buttonBorderRadius = 5, - buttonBackColorHover = cssGradientThreeColors( - direction = "right", - colorStart = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", - colorMiddle = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", - colorEnd = "rgba(0,255,213,1)", - colorStartPos = 0, - colorMiddlePos = 30, - colorEndPos = 100 - ), - buttonTextColorHover = "#000000", - buttonBorderColorHover = "transparent", - textboxBackColor = "#ffffff", - textboxBorderColor = "#ffffff", - textboxBorderRadius = 5, - textboxBackColorSelect = "#ffffff", - textboxBorderColorSelect = "#000000", - - ### tables - tableBackColor = "rgb(255,255,255)", - tableBorderColor = "rgb(240,240,240)", - tableBorderTopSize = 1, - tableBorderRowSize = 1 - ), - - uiOutput("start_message"), - - tabItems( - - ## Tab Database ---- - - ### Tab Browse Entries ---- - - tabItem( - tabName = "db_browse_entries", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Browse Local Database"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), br(), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("no_scheme_entries"), - uiOutput("db_no_entries"), - uiOutput("entry_table_controls"), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 8, - uiOutput("db_entries_table") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - uiOutput("delete_box"), - uiOutput("compare_allele_box"), - uiOutput("download_entries"), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ), - br() - ), - - ### Tab Scheme Info ---- - - tabItem( - tabName = "db_schemeinfo", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Scheme Info"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), br(), br(), br(), - uiOutput("no_scheme_info"), - fluidRow( - column(2), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - align = "right", - uiOutput("scheme_header") - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "left", - uiOutput("download_scheme_info") - ) - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("scheme_info") - ) - ) - ), - - ### Tab Loci Info ---- - - tabItem( - tabName = "db_loci_info", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Loci Info"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), br(), br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 10, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "right", - uiOutput("loci_header") - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "left", - uiOutput("download_loci") - ) - ), - br(), - div(class = "loci_table", - dataTableOutput("db_loci")) - ) - ), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - uiOutput("sequence_selector"), - column(1), - column( - width = 7, - br(), - uiOutput("loci_sequences") - ) - ) - ), - - ### Tab Distance Matrix ---- - - tabItem( - tabName = "db_distmatrix", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Distance Matrix"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), br(), br(), br(), - uiOutput("no_scheme_distancematrix"), - uiOutput("distancematrix_no_entries"), - fluidRow( - column(1), - uiOutput("distmatrix_show") - ), - br(), br() - ), - - ### Tab Missing Values ---- - - tabItem( - tabName = "db_missing_values", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Missing Values"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), br(), br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - uiOutput("missing_values"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 2, - div( - class = "rectangle-red-space" - ) - ), - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 75px; position: relative; bottom: -12px", " = ≥ 5% of loci missing") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 8, - rHandsontableOutput("table_missing_values") - ) - ) - ), - - ## Tab Manage Schemes ---- - - tabItem( - tabName = "init", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Select cgMLST Scheme"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 3, - br(), - br(), - br(), - pickerInput( - inputId = "select_cgmlst", - label = NULL, - choices = list( - "Acinetobacter baumanii", - "Bacillus anthracis", - "Bordetella pertussis", - "Brucella melitensis", - "Brucella spp.", - "Burkholderia mallei (FLI)", - "Burkholderia mallei (RKI)", - "Burkholderia pseudomallei", - "Campylobacter jejuni/coli", - "Clostridioides difficile", - "Clostridium perfringens", - "Corynebacterium diphtheriae", - "Cronobacter sakazakii/malonaticus", - "Enterococcus faecalis", - "Enterococcus faecium", - "Escherichia coli", - "Francisella tularensis", - "Klebsiella oxytoca sensu lato", - "Klebsiella pneumoniae sensu lato", - "Legionella pneumophila", - "Listeria monocytogenes", - "Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex", - "Mycobacteroides abscessus", - "Mycoplasma gallisepticum", - "Paenibacillus larvae", - "Pseudomonas aeruginosa", - "Salmonella enterica", - "Serratia marcescens", - "Staphylococcus aureus", - "Staphylococcus capitis", - "Streptococcus pyogenes" - ), - width = "300px", - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = FALSE - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - br(), - br(), - br(), - h5(textOutput("scheme_update_info"), style = "color: white") - ), - column( - width = 2, - br(), - br(), - br(), - actionButton( - "download_cgMLST", - label = "Download", - icon = icon("download") - ), - shinyjs::hidden( - div(id = "loading", - HTML('')) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - br(), - addSpinner( - tableOutput("cgmlst_scheme"), - spin = "dots", - color = "#ffffff" - ) - ) - ) - ), - - - - ## Tab Allelic Typing ---------------------------------------------- - - - tabItem( - tabName = "typing", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Generate Allelic Profile"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), - uiOutput("typing_no_db"), - conditionalPanel( - "input.typing_mode == 'Single'", - fluidRow( - uiOutput("initiate_typing_ui"), - uiOutput("single_typing_progress"), - column(1), - uiOutput("metadata_single_box"), - column(1), - uiOutput("start_typing_ui") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.typing_mode == 'Multi'", - fluidRow( - uiOutput("initiate_multi_typing_ui"), - uiOutput("multi_stop"), - column(1), - uiOutput("metadata_multi_box"), - column(1), - uiOutput("start_multi_typing_ui") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - uiOutput("pending_typing") - ), - column( - width = 6, - uiOutput("multi_typing_results") - ) - ) - ) - ), - - - ## Tab Visualization ------------------------------------------------------- - - - tabItem( - tabName = "visualization", - fluidRow( - tags$script(src = "javascript_functions.js"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='Minimum-Spanning'", - uiOutput("mst_field") - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='Neighbour-Joining'", - uiOutput("nj_field") - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='UPGMA'", - uiOutput("upgma_field") - ) - ) - ), - br(), - hr(), - - ### Control panels MST ---- - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='Minimum-Spanning'", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "100%", - height = "500px", - h3(p("Layout"), style = "color:white; position:relative; right:-15px"), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Title"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - textInput( - "mst_title", - label = "", - width = "100%", - placeholder = "Plot Title" - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "mst_title_color", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start", - width = "100%" - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_title_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - numericInput( - "mst_title_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 40, - min = 15, - max = 40, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Subtitle"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - textInput( - "mst_subtitle", - label = "", - width = "100%", - placeholder = "Plot Subtitle" - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "mst_subtitle_color", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start", - width = "100%" - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_subtitle_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - numericInput( - "mst_subtitle_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 20, - min = 15, - max = 40, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Legend"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "mst_legend_color", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start", - width = "100%" - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_legend_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 11, - sliderInput( - "mst_font_size", - label = h5("Font Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 18, - min = 15, - max = 30, - step = 1, - ticks = FALSE, - width = "180px" - ) - ), - column(1) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 11, - sliderInput( - "mst_symbol_size", - label = h5("Key Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 20, - min = 10, - max = 30, - step = 1, - ticks = FALSE, - width = "180px" - ) - ), - column(1) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - selectInput( - "mst_legend_ori", - label = "", - width = "100%", - choices = c("Left" = "left", "Right" = "right") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Background"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", - materialSwitch( - "mst_background_transparent", - h5(p("Transparent"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "mst_background_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#ffffff", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "100%", - height = "500px", - h3(p("Nodes"), style = "color:white; position:relative; right:-15px"), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Label"), style = "color:white;") - ), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - div( - class = "label_sel", - uiOutput("mst_node_label") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "node_font_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_label_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - numericInput( - "node_label_fontsize", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 14, - min = 8, - max = 30, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", - materialSwitch( - "mst_color_var", - h5(p("Add Variable"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - bslib::tooltip( - bsicons::bs_icon("info-circle", title = "Only categorical variables can \nbe mapped to the node color", color = "white", - height = "12px", width = "12px", position = "relative", top = "27px", right = "56px"), - "Text shown in the tooltip.", - show = FALSE, - id = "mst_node_col_info" - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("mst_color_mapping") - ) - ) - ), br() - ) - ), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Size"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", - materialSwitch( - "scale_nodes", - h5(p("Scale by Duplicates"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - conditionalPanel( - "input.scale_nodes==true", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Range') - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.scale_nodes==false", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Size') - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 9, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.scale_nodes==true", - div( - class = "mst_scale_slider", - sliderInput( - "mst_node_scale", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 80, - value = c(20, 40), - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.scale_nodes==false", - div( - class = "mst_scale_slider", - sliderInput( - inputId = "mst_node_size", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 100, - value = 30, - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - br() - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Other Elements"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", - materialSwitch( - "mst_shadow", - h5(p("Show Shadow"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Shape') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 9, - align = "center", - div( - class = "mst_shape_sel", - selectInput( - "mst_node_shape", - "", - choices = list(`Label inside` = c("Circle" = "circle", "Box" = "box", "Text" = "text"), - `Label outside` = c("Diamond" = "diamond", "Hexagon" = "hexagon","Dot" = "dot", "Square" = "square")), - selected = c("Dot" = "dot"), - width = "85%" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "100%", - height = "500px", - h3(p("Edges"), style = "color:white; position:relative; right:-15px"), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Label"), style = "color:white;") - ), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - div( - class = "label_sel", - selectInput( - "mst_edge_label", - label = "", - choices = c( - `Allelic Distance` = "weight", - Index = "index", - `Assembly ID` = "assembly_id", - `Assembly Name` = "assembly_name", - `Isolation Date` = "isolation_date", - Host = "host", - Country = "country", - City = "city" - ), - selected = c(`Allelic Distance` = "weight"), - width = "100%" - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "mst_edge_font_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_edgelabel_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - width = 5, - numericInput( - "mst_edge_font_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 18, - step = 1, - min = 8, - max = 30, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - ) - ), - br() - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - div( - class = "node_color", - colorPickr( - inputId = "mst_color_edge", - width = "100%", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_edgecolor_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - width = 5, - sliderInput( - "mst_edge_opacity", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 0.7, - step = 0.1, - min = 0, - max = 1, - ticks = FALSE, - width = "150px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - hr(style = "margin-top: 3px !important"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Length multiplier"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-bottom: -5px") - ) - ), - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - br(), - div( - class = "switch-mst-edges", - materialSwitch( - "mst_scale_edges", - h5(p("Scale Allelic Distance"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_scale_edges==true", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Multiplier') - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_scale_edges==false", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Length') - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 9, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_scale_edges==true", - div( - class = "slider_edge", - sliderInput( - inputId = "mst_edge_length_scale", - label = NULL, - min = 1, - max = 40, - value = 15, - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_scale_edges==false", - div( - class = "slider_edge", - sliderTextInput( - inputId = "mst_edge_length", - label = NULL, - choices = append(seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), 2:100), - selected = 35, - hide_min_max = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - h4(p("Clustering"), style = "color:white; text-align: left; position: relative; right: -15px") - ), - column( - width = 2, - bslib::tooltip( - bsicons::bs_icon("info-circle", - title = "Cluster threshold according to species-specific\nComplex Type Distance (", - color = "white", height = "14px", width = "14px", - position = "relative", top = "9px", right = "28px"), - "Text shown in the tooltip.", - show = FALSE, - id = "mst_cluster_info" - ) - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 9, - div( - class = "mst-cluster-switch", - materialSwitch( - "mst_show_clusters", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_cluster_col_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - width = 5, - selectInput( - "mst_cluster_col_scale", - label = h5("Color Scale", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - choices = c("Viridis", "Rainbow"), - width = "150px" - ), - selectInput( - "mst_cluster_type", - label = h5("Cluster Type", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - choices = c("Type 1", "Type 2"), - width = "150px" - ) - ) - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; text-align: left; font-size: 14px; margin-left: 15px', 'Threshold') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - uiOutput("mst_cluster") - ), - column( - width = 4, - actionButton( - "mst_cluster_reset", - label = "", - icon = icon("rotate") - ), - bsTooltip("mst_cluster_reset", - HTML("Reset to default Complex Type Distance"), - placement = "top", trigger = "hover") - ) - ) - ), - br(), - ) - ), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ) - ), - - ### Control Panels NJ ---- - - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='Neighbour-Joining'", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 1, - radioGroupButtons( - inputId = "nj_controls", - label = "", - choices = c("Layout", "Label", "Elements", "Variables"), - direction = "vertical" - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_controls=='Layout'", - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Theme"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - selectInput( - inputId = "nj_layout", - label = "", - choices = list( - Linear = list( - "Rectangular" = "rectangular", - "Roundrect" = "roundrect", - "Slanted" = "slanted", - "Ellipse" = "ellipse" - ), - Circular = list("Circular" = "circular", - "Inward" = "inward") - ), - selected = "rectangular", - width = "90%" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-layout", - materialSwitch( - "nj_rootedge_show", - h5(p("Rootedge"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_rootedge_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_rootedge_length"), - br(), - selectInput( - "nj_rootedge_line", - label = h5("Rootedge Line", style = "color:white"), - choices = c(Solid = "solid", Dashed = "dashed", Dotted = "dotted"), - selected = c(Dotted = "solid"), - width = "100px" - ), - br(), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_layout=='circular'", - sliderInput( - "nj_xlim", - label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), - min = -50, - max = 0, - value = -10, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_layout=='inward'", - sliderInput( - "nj_inward_xlim", - label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), - min = 30, - max = 120, - value = 50, - ticks = FALSE, - width = "150px", - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-re", - materialSwitch( - "nj_ladder", - h5(p("Ladderize"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Lines/Text"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_color", - width = "90%", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Background"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 7px; margin-bottom: 38px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_bg", - width = "90%", - selected = "#ffffff", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - br() - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Title"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - textInput( - "nj_title", - label = "", - width = "100%", - placeholder = "Plot Title" - ), - textInput( - "nj_subtitle", - label = "", - width = "100%", - placeholder = "Plot Subtitle" - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_title_color", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start", - width = "100%" - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_title_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - numericInput( - "nj_title_size", - label = h5("Title Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 30, - min = 15, - max = 40, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ), - br(), - numericInput( - "nj_subtitle_size", - label = h5("Subtitle Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 20, - min = 15, - max = 40, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - br() - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Sizing"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Ratio", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px;") - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - div( - class = "ratio-sel", - selectInput( - "nj_ratio", - "", - choices = c("16:10" = (16/10), "16:9" = (16/9), "4:3" = (4/3)) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_size_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - sliderInput( - "nj_v", - label = h5("Vertical Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -0.5, - max = 0.5, - step = 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "nj_h", - label = h5("Horizontal Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -0.5, - max = 0.5, - step = 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Size", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 9, - sliderInput( - "nj_scale", - "", - min = 500, - max = 1200, - value = 800, - step = 5, - width = "95%", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Zoom", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 9, - div( - class = "zoom-slider", - sliderInput( - "nj_zoom", - label = NULL, - min = 0.5, - max = 1.5, - step = 0.05, - value = 0.95, - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Tree Scale"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-layout", - materialSwitch( - "nj_treescale_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - br() - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_treescale_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_treescale_width"), - br(), - uiOutput("nj_treescale_x"), - br(), - uiOutput("nj_treescale_y") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Legend"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: -2px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - prettyRadioButtons( - "nj_legend_orientation", - "", - choices = c(Horizontal = "horizontal", - Vertical = "vertical"), - selected = c(Vertical = "vertical"), - inline = FALSE - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_legend_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - numericInput( - "nj_legend_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 10, - min = 5, - max = 25, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "nj_legend_x", - label = h5("Horizontal Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 0.9, - min = -0.9, - max = 1.9, - step = 0.2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "nj_legend_y", - label = h5("Vertical Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 0.2, - min = -1.5, - max = 1.5, - step = 0.1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_controls=='Label'", - column( - width = 4, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "280px", - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Tips"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-lab", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tiplab_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_tiplab") - ), - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-align", - materialSwitch( - "nj_align", - h5(p("Align"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 1, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_labeltext_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "nj_tiplab_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - conditionalPanel( - "!(input.nj_layout=='inward'|input.nj_layout=='circular')", - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_nudge_x", - label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - step = 0.05, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_layout=='circular'", - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_position", - label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - step = 0.05, - value = -0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_layout=='inward'", - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_position_inw", - label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - step = 0.05, - value = 1.1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_angle", - label = h5("Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -90, - max = 90, - value = 0, - ticks = FALSE, - width = "150px", - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_tiplab_size"), - br(), - selectInput( - "nj_tiplab_fontface", - label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 16px"), - width = "250px", - choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px") - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - br(), - div( - class = "mat-switch-geom", - materialSwitch( - "nj_geom", - h5(p("Panels"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_fill", - width = "100%", - selected = "#84D9A0", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_labelformat_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_tiplab_padding"), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_labelradius", - label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = 0.5, - value = 0.2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "280px", - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Branches"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-lab", - materialSwitch( - "nj_show_branch_label", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_branch_label") - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_branch_label_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "nj_branchlab_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 0.65, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_branch_x", - label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - value = 0, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_branch_y", - label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - value = 0, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_branch_size"), - selectInput( - "nj_branchlab_fontface", - label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - width = "250px", - choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "nj_branch_labelradius", - label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = 0.5, - value = 0.5, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-bottom: 109px") - ), - column( - width = 5, - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_branch_label_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#FFB7B7", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "280px", - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Custom Labels"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - textInput( - "nj_new_label_name", - "", - placeholder = "New Label" - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - actionButton( - "nj_add_new_label", - "", - icon = icon("plus") - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_custom_label_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_custom_labelsize"), - br(), - uiOutput("nj_sliderInput_y"), - br(), - uiOutput("nj_sliderInput_x") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - uiOutput("nj_custom_label_select") - ), - column( - width = 4, - uiOutput("nj_del_label"), - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_cust_label_save") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_controls=='Elements'", - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Tip Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tippoint_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_tippoint_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "nj_tippoint_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 0.5, - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - uiOutput("nj_tippoint_size") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_tippoint_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#3A4657", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tipshape_mapping_show==false", - selectInput( - "nj_tippoint_shape", - "", - width = "100%", - choices = c( - Circle = "circle", - Square = "square", - Diamond = "diamond", - Triangle = "triangle", - Cross = "cross", - Asterisk = "asterisk" - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tipshape_mapping_show==true", - h5(p("Variable assigned"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; font-style: italic") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Node Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch", - materialSwitch( - "nj_nodepoint_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_nodepoint_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "nj_nodepoint_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 1, - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - uiOutput("nj_nodepoint_size") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_nodepoint_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#3A4657", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - selectInput( - "nj_nodepoint_shape", - "", - choices = c( - Circle = "circle", - Square = "square", - Diamond = "diamond", - Triangle = "triangle", - Cross = "cross", - Asterisk = "asterisk" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - h4(p("Tiles"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - div( - class = "sel-tile-number", - selectInput( - "nj_tile_number", - "", - choices = 1:5, - width = "70px" - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_tile_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 1", - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 2", - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_alpha_2", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 3", - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_alpha_3", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 4", - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_alpha_4", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 5", - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_alpha_5", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 1", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_width"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 68px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 2", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_width2"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_2"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 3", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_width3"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_3"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 4", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_width4"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_4"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 5", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_width5"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_5"), - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - h4(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Title", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px;") - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - textInput( - "nj_heatmap_title", - label = "", - value = "Heatmap", - placeholder = "Heatmap" - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "nj_heatmap_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_colnames_angle"), - br(), - uiOutput("nj_colnames_y") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color: white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 40px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - uiOutput("nj_heatmap_width") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 36px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - uiOutput("nj_heatmap_offset") - ) - ), - br(), br() - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Clade Highlight"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - div( - class = "mat-switch", - materialSwitch( - "nj_nodelabel_show", - h5(p("Toggle Node View"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5(p("Nodes"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 20px") - ), - column( - width = 9, - uiOutput("nj_parentnode") - ) - ), - uiOutput("nj_clade_scale"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Form"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - div( - class = "sel-clade", - selectInput( - "nj_clade_type", - "", - choices = c("Rect" = "rect", - "Round" = "roundrect"), - selected = c("Round" = "roundrect") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_controls=='Variables'", - column( - width = 7, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h4(p("Element"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h4(p("Variable"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-right: 30px;") - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - h4(p("Color Scale"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_mapping_show", - h5(p("Tip Label Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_color_mapping") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_tiplab_scale") - ), - uiOutput("nj_tiplab_mapping_info"), - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tipcolor_mapping_show", - h5(p("Tip Point Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_tipcolor_mapping") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_tippoint_scale") - ), - uiOutput("nj_tipcolor_mapping_info") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tipshape_mapping_show", - h5(p("Tip Point Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_tipshape_mapping") - ), - column( - width = 3, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; font-style: italic; position: relative; bottom: -16px; right: -40px;', 'No scale for shapes') - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("nj_tipshape_mapping_info") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 1", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tiles_show_1", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px; margin-right: 10px"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 2", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tiles_show_2", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 3", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tiles_show_3", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 4", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tiles_show_4", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 5", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_tiles_show_5", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - div( - class = "tile-sel", - selectInput( - "nj_tile_num", - "", - choices = 1:5, - width = "50px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 1", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 2", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable2") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 3", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable3") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 4", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable4") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 5", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable5") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 1", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_1") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 2", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_2") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 3", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_3") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 4", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_4") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.nj_tile_num == 5", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_5") - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("nj_fruit_mapping_info") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "nj_heatmap_show", - h5(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("nj_heatmap_sel") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("nj_heatmap_scale") - ) - ), - uiOutput("nj_heatmap_mapping_info") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ), - - ### Control Panels UPGMA ---- - - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='UPGMA'", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 1, - radioGroupButtons( - inputId = "upgma_controls", - label = "", - choices = c("Layout", "Label", "Elements", "Variables"), - direction = "vertical" - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_controls=='Layout'", - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Theme"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - selectInput( - inputId = "upgma_layout", - label = "", - choices = list( - Linear = list( - "Rectangular" = "rectangular", - "Roundrect" = "roundrect", - "Slanted" = "slanted", - "Ellipse" = "ellipse" - ), - Circular = list("Circular" = "circular", - "Inward" = "inward") - ), - selected = "rectangular", - width = "90%" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-layout", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_rootedge_show", - h5(p("Rootedge"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_rootedge_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_rootedge_length"), - br(), - selectInput( - "upgma_rootedge_line", - label = h5("Rootedge Line", style = "color:white"), - choices = c(Solid = "solid", Dashed = "dashed", Dotted = "dotted"), - selected = c(Dotted = "solid"), - width = "100px" - ), - br(), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_layout=='circular'", - sliderInput( - "upgma_xlim", - label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), - min = -50, - max = 0, - value = -10, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_layout=='inward'", - sliderInput( - "upgma_inward_xlim", - label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), - min = 30, - max = 120, - value = 50, - ticks = FALSE, - width = "150px", - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-re", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_ladder", - h5(p("Ladderize"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Lines/Text"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_color", - width = "90%", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Background"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 7px; margin-bottom: 38px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_bg", - width = "90%", - selected = "#ffffff", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Title"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - textInput( - "upgma_title", - label = "", - width = "100%", - placeholder = "Plot Title" - ), - textInput( - "upgma_subtitle", - label = "", - width = "100%", - placeholder = "Plot Subtitle" - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_title_color", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start", - width = "100%" - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_title_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - numericInput( - "upgma_title_size", - label = h5("Title Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 30, - min = 15, - max = 40, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ), - br(), - numericInput( - "upgma_subtitle_size", - label = h5("Subtitle Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 20, - min = 15, - max = 40, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Sizing"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Ratio", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px;") - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - div( - class = "ratio-sel", - selectInput( - "upgma_ratio", - "", - choices = c("16:10" = (16/10), "16:9" = (16/9), "4:3" = (4/3)) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_size_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - sliderInput( - "upgma_v", - label = "Vertical Position", - min = -0.5, - max = 0.5, - step = 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "upgma_h", - label = "Horizontal Position", - min = -0.5, - max = 0.5, - step = 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Size", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 9, - sliderInput( - "upgma_scale", - "", - min = 500, - max = 1200, - value = 800, - step = 5, - width = "95%", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Zoom", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 9, - div( - class = "zoom-slider", - sliderInput( - "upgma_zoom", - label = NULL, - min = 0.5, - max = 1.5, - step = 0.05, - value = 0.95, - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "250px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Tree Scale"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-layout", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_treescale_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - br() - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_treescale_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_treescale_width"), - br(), - uiOutput("upgma_treescale_x"), - br(), - uiOutput("upgma_treescale_y") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Legend"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: -2px"), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - prettyRadioButtons( - "upgma_legend_orientation", - "", - choices = c(Horizontal = "horizontal", - Vertical = "vertical"), - selected = c(Vertical = "vertical"), - inline = FALSE - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_legend_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - numericInput( - "upgma_legend_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 10, - min = 5, - max = 25, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "upgma_legend_x", - label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 0.9, - min = -0.9, - max = 1.9, - step = 0.2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "upgma_legend_y", - label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 0.2, - min = -1.5, - max = 1.5, - step = 0.1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_controls=='Label'", - column( - width = 4, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "280px", - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Tips"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-lab", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tiplab_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_tiplab") - ), - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-align", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_align", - h5(p("Align"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 1, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_labeltext_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "upgma_tiplab_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - conditionalPanel( - "!(input.upgma_layout=='inward'|input.upgma_layout=='circular')", - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_nudge_x", - label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - step = 0.05, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_layout=='circular'", - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_position", - label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - step = 0.05, - value = -0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_layout=='inward'", - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_position_inw", - label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - step = 0.05, - value = 1.1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_angle", - label = h5("Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -90, - max = 90, - value = 0, - ticks = FALSE, - width = "150px", - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_size"), - br(), - selectInput( - "upgma_tiplab_fontface", - label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 16px"), - width = "250px", - choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px") - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#000000", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - br(), - div( - class = "mat-switch-geom", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_geom", - h5(p("Panels"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_fill", - width = "100%", - selected = "#84D9A0", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_labelformat_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_padding"), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_labelradius", - label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = 0.5, - value = 0.2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "280px", - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Branches"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch-lab", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_show_branch_label", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_branch_label") - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_branch_label_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "upgma_branchlab_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 0.65, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_branch_x", - label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - value = 0, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_branch_y", - label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -3, - max = 3, - value = 0, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_branch_size"), - selectInput( - "upgma_branchlab_fontface", - label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - width = "250px", - choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "upgma_branch_labelradius", - label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = 0.5, - value = 0.5, - width = "250px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-bottom: 109px") - ), - column( - width = 5, - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_branch_label_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#FFB7B7", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ), - br(), br() - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "280px", - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Custom Labels"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - textInput( - "upgma_new_label_name", - "", - placeholder = "New Label" - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - actionButton( - "upgma_add_new_label", - "", - icon = icon("plus") - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_custom_label_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_custom_labelsize"), - br(), - uiOutput("upgma_sliderInput_y"), - br(), - uiOutput("upgma_sliderInput_x") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - uiOutput("upgma_custom_label_select") - ), - column( - width = 4, - uiOutput("upgma_del_label"), - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_cust_label_save") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_controls=='Elements'", - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Tip Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tippoint_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_tippoint_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "upgma_tippoint_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 0.5, - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - uiOutput("upgma_tippoint_size") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_tippoint_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#3A4657", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tipshape_mapping_show==false", - selectInput( - "upgma_tippoint_shape", - "", - width = "100%", - choices = c( - Circle = "circle", - Square = "square", - Diamond = "diamond", - Triangle = "triangle", - Cross = "cross", - Asterisk = "asterisk" - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tipshape_mapping_show==true", - h5(p("Variable assigned"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; font-style: italic") - ), - br() - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Node Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "mat-switch", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_nodepoint_show", - h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_nodepoint_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - sliderInput( - "upgma_nodepoint_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 1, - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ), - br(), - uiOutput("upgma_nodepoint_size") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - colorPickr( - inputId = "upgma_nodepoint_color", - width = "100%", - selected = "#3A4657", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - selectInput( - "upgma_nodepoint_shape", - "", - choices = c( - Circle = "circle", - Square = "square", - Diamond = "diamond", - Triangle = "triangle", - Cross = "cross", - Asterisk = "asterisk" - ) - ), - br() - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - h4(p("Tiles"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - div( - class = "sel-tile-number", - selectInput( - "upgma_tile_number", - "", - choices = 1:5, - width = "70px" - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_tile_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_alpha", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_alpha_2", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_alpha_3", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_alpha_4", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_alpha_5", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.1, - max = 1, - value = 1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 68px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width2"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width3"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width4"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4"), - br() - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width5"), - br() - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5"), - br() - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - h4(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5("Title", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px;") - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - textInput( - "upgma_heatmap_title", - label = "", - value = "Heatmap", - placeholder = "Heatmap" - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "right", - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "upgma_heatmap_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-end", - theme = "translucent", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_colnames_angle"), - br(), - uiOutput("upgma_colnames_y") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Width", style = "color: white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 40px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_width") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 36px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_offset") - ) - ), - br(), br() - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - height = "295px", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - h4(p("Clade Highlight"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - div( - class = "mat-switch", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_nodelabel_show", - h5(p("Toggle Node View"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - h5(p("Nodes"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 20px") - ), - column( - width = 9, - uiOutput("upgma_parentnode") - ) - ), - uiOutput("upgma_clade_scale"), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5(p("Form"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - div( - class = "sel-clade", - selectInput( - "upgma_clade_type", - "", - choices = c("Rect" = "rect", - "Round" = "roundrect"), - selected = c("Round" = "roundrect") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_controls=='Variables'", - column( - width = 7, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "info", - width = "100%", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h4(p("Element"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h4(p("Variable"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-right: 30px;") - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - h4(p("Color Scale"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_mapping_show", - h5(p("Tip Label Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_color_mapping") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_scale") - ), - uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_mapping_info"), - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show", - h5(p("Tip Point Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_tipcolor_mapping") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_tippoint_scale") - ), - uiOutput("upgma_tipcolor_mapping_info") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tipshape_mapping_show", - h5(p("Tip Point Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_tipshape_mapping") - ), - column( - width = 3, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; font-style: italic; position: relative; bottom: -16px; right: -40px;', 'No scale for shapes') - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("upgma_tipshape_mapping_info") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tiles_show_1", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px; margin-right: 10px"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tiles_show_2", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tiles_show_3", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tiles_show_4", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_tiles_show_5", - h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - div( - class = "tile-sel", - selectInput( - "upgma_tile_num", - "", - choices = 1:5, - width = "50px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable2") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable3") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable4") - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable5") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_1") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_2") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_3") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_4") - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_5") - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("upgma_fruit_mapping_info") - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - div( - class = "mat-switch-v", - materialSwitch( - "upgma_heatmap_show", - h5(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_sel") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - div( - class = "heatmap-scale", - uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_scale") - ) - ), - uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_mapping_info") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ), - - ## Tab Utilities ------------------------------------------------------- - - tabItem( - tabName = "utilities", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Utilities"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - br(), - hr(), - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - shinyDirButton( - "hash_dir", - "Choose folder with .fasta files", - title = "Locate folder with loci", - buttonType = "default", - style = "border-color: white; margin: 10px; min-width: 200px; text-align: center" - ), - actionButton("hash_start", "Start Hashing", icon = icon("circle-play")), - shinyjs::hidden( - div(id = "hash_loading", - HTML('')) - ) - ) - # br(), - # actionButton( - # "backup_database", - # "Create backup", - # style = "border-color: white; margin: 10px; min-width: 200px; text-align: left" - # ), - # br(), - # actionButton( - # "import_db_backup", - # "Restore backup", - # style = "border-color: white; margin: 10px; min-width: 200px; text-align: left" - # ) - ), - - - ## Tab Screening ------------------------------------------------------- - - tabItem( - tabName = "gs_screening", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Screening"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: -20px;") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - uiOutput("gene_screening_info") - ) - ), - br(), - hr(), - fluidRow( - uiOutput("screening_interface") - ) - ), - - ## Tab Resistance Profile ------------------------------------------------------- - - tabItem( - tabName = "gs_profile", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - h2(p("Browse Entries"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: -20px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - uiOutput("gene_resistance_info") - ) - ), - br(), - hr(), - br(), br(), - uiOutput("gs_table_selection"), - fluidRow( - column(1), - uiOutput("gs_profile_display") - ) - ) - ) # End tabItems - ) # End dashboardPage -) # end UI - -# _______________________ #### - -# Server ---- - -server <- function(input, output, session) { - - phylotraceVersion <- paste("1.5.0") - - #TODO Enable this, or leave disabled - # Kill server on session end - session$onSessionEnded( function() { - stopApp() - }) - - # Disable various user inputs (visualization control) - shinyjs::disable('mst_edge_label') - - ## Functions ---- - - # Function to read and format FASTA sequences - format_fasta <- function(filepath) { - fasta <- readLines(filepath) - formatted_fasta <- list() - current_sequence <- "" - - for (line in fasta) { - if (startsWith(line, ">")) { - if (current_sequence != "") { - formatted_fasta <- append(formatted_fasta, list(current_sequence)) - current_sequence <- "" - } - formatted_fasta <- append(formatted_fasta, list(line)) - } else { - current_sequence <- paste0(current_sequence, line) - } - } - if (current_sequence != "") { - formatted_fasta <- append(formatted_fasta, list(current_sequence)) - } - - formatted_fasta - } - - # Function to color-code the bases in a sequence - color_sequence <- function(sequence) { - sequence <- gsub("A", "A", sequence) - sequence <- gsub("T", "T", sequence) - sequence <- gsub("G", "G", sequence) - sequence <- gsub("C", "C", sequence) - sequence - } - - # Function to log messages to logfile - log_message <- function(log_file, message, append = TRUE) { - cat(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "-", message, "\n", file = log_file, append = append) - } - - # Modified gheatmap function - gheatmap.mod <- function(p, data, offset=0, width=1, low="green", high="red", color="white", - colnames=TRUE, colnames_position="bottom", colnames_angle=0, colnames_level=NULL, - colnames_offset_x = 0, colnames_offset_y = 0, font.size=4, family="", hjust=0.5, legend_title = "value", - colnames_color = "black") { - - colnames_position %<>% match.arg(c("bottom", "top")) - variable <- value <- lab <- y <- NULL - - ## if (is.null(width)) { - ## width <- (p$data$x %>% range %>% diff)/30 - ## } - - ## convert width to width of each cell - width <- width * (p$data$x %>% range(na.rm=TRUE) %>% diff) / ncol(data) - - isTip <- x <- y <- variable <- value <- from <- to <- NULL - - ## handle the display of heatmap on collapsed nodes - ## - ## extract data on leaves (& on collapsed internal nodes) - ## (the latter is extracted only when the input data has data on collapsed - ## internal nodes) - df <- p$data - nodeCo <- intersect(df %>% filter( %>% - select(.data$parent, .data$node) %>% unlist(), - df %>% filter(! %>% - select(.data$parent, .data$node) %>% unlist()) - labCo <- df %>% filter(.data$node %in% nodeCo) %>% - select(.data$label) %>% unlist() - selCo <- intersect(labCo, rownames(data)) - isSel <- df$label %in% selCo - - df <- df[df$isTip | isSel, ] - start <- max(df$x, na.rm=TRUE) + offset - - dd <- - ## dd$lab <- rownames(dd) - i <- order(df$y) - - ## handle collapsed tree - ## - i <- i[!$y[i])] - - lab <- df$label[i] - ## dd <- dd[lab, , drop=FALSE] - ## - dd <- dd[match(lab, rownames(dd)), , drop = FALSE] - - - dd$y <- sort(df$y) - dd$lab <- lab - ## dd <- melt(dd, id=c("lab", "y")) - dd <- gather(dd, variable, value, -c(lab, y)) - - i <- which(dd$value == "") - if (length(i) > 0) { - dd$value[i] <- NA - } - if (is.null(colnames_level)) { - dd$variable <- factor(dd$variable, levels=colnames(data)) - } else { - dd$variable <- factor(dd$variable, levels=colnames_level) - } - V2 <- start + as.numeric(dd$variable) * width - mapping <- data.frame(from=dd$variable, to=V2) - mapping <- unique(mapping) - - dd$x <- V2 - dd$width <- width - dd[[".panel"]] <- factor("Tree") - if (is.null(color)) { - p2 <- p + geom_tile(data=dd, aes(x, y, fill=value), width=width, inherit.aes=FALSE) - } else { - p2 <- p + geom_tile(data=dd, aes(x, y, fill=value), width=width, color=color, inherit.aes=FALSE) - } - if (is(dd$value,"numeric")) { - p2 <- p2 + scale_fill_gradient(low=low, high=high, na.value=NA, name = legend_title) # "white") - } else { - p2 <- p2 + scale_fill_discrete(na.value=NA, name = legend_title) #"white") - } - - if (colnames) { - if (colnames_position == "bottom") { - y <- 0 - } else { - y <- max(p$data$y) + 1 - } - mapping$y <- y - mapping[[".panel"]] <- factor("Tree") - p2 <- p2 + geom_text(data=mapping, aes(x=to, y = y, label=from), color = colnames_color, size=font.size, family=family, inherit.aes = FALSE, - angle=colnames_angle, nudge_x=colnames_offset_x, nudge_y = colnames_offset_y, hjust=hjust) - } - - p2 <- p2 + theme(legend.position="right") - ## p2 <- p2 + guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(colour = NULL))) - - if (!colnames) { - ## - p2 <- p2 + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) - } - - attr(p2, "mapping") <- mapping - return(p2) - } - - # Get rhandsontable - get.entry.table.meta <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(hot_to_r(input$db_entries))){ - table <- hot_to_r(input$db_entries) - select(select(table, -13), 1:(12 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - } - }) - - # Function to find columns with varying values - var_alleles <- function(dataframe) { - - varying_columns <- c() - - for (col in 1:ncol(dataframe)) { - unique_values <- unique(dataframe[, col]) - - if (length(unique_values) > 1) { - varying_columns <- c(varying_columns, col) - } - } - - return(varying_columns) - } - - # Functions to compute hamming distances dependent on missing value handling - hamming.dist <- function(x, y) { - sum(x != y) - } - - hamming.distIgnore <- function(x, y) { - sum( (x != y) & ! & ! ) - } - - hamming.distCategory <- function(x, y) { - sum((x != y | xor(, & !( & - } - - compute.distMatrix <- function(profile, hamming.method) { - mat <- as.matrix(profile) - n <- nrow(mat) - dist_mat <- matrix(0, n, n) - for (i in 1:(n-1)) { - for (j in (i+1):n) { - dist_mat[i, j] <- hamming.method(x = mat[i, ], y = mat[j, ]) - dist_mat[j, i] <- dist_mat[i, j] - } - } - return(dist_mat) - } - - # Function to determine entry table height - table_height <- reactive({ - if (input$table_height == TRUE) { - NULL - } else {900} - }) - - # Function to determine distance matrix height - distancematrix_height <- reactive({ - if(DB$distancematrix_nrow > 33) { - 800 - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Function to missing value table height - miss.val.height <- reactive({ - if(input$miss_val_height == TRUE) { - NULL - } else {800} - }) - - #Function to check custom variable classes - column_classes <- function(df) { - sapply(df, function(x) { - if (class(x) == "numeric") { - return("cont") - } else if (class(x) == "character") { - return("categ") - } else { - return(class(x)) - } - }) - } - - # Function to hash database - hash_database <- function(folder) { - loci_files <- list.files(folder) - loci_names <- sapply(strsplit(loci_files, "[.]"), function(x) x[1]) - loci_paths <- file.path(folder, loci_files) - - hashes <- sapply(loci_paths, hash_locus) - names(hashes) <- loci_names - hashes - } - - # Function to hash a locus - hash_locus <- function(locus_path) { - locus_file <- readLines(locus_path) - seq_list <- locus_file[seq(2, length(locus_file), 3)] - seq_hash <- sha256(seq_list) - seq_idx <- paste0(">", seq_hash) - - locus_file[seq(1, length(locus_file), 3)] <- seq_idx - writeLines(locus_file, locus_path) - - seq_hash - } - - # Get locus hashes - get_locus_hashes <- function(locus_path) { - locus_file <- readLines(locus_path) - hash_list <- locus_file[seq(1, length(locus_file), 3)] - hash_list <- sapply(strsplit(hash_list, "[>]"), function(x) x[2]) - } - - extract_seq <- function(locus_path, hashes) { - locus_file <- readLines(locus_path) - hash_list <- sapply(strsplit(locus_file[seq(1, length(locus_file), 3)], "[>]"), function(x) x[2]) - seq_list <- locus_file[seq(2, length(locus_file), 3)] - seq_idx <- hash_list %in% hashes - - list( - idx = hash_list[seq_idx], - seq = seq_list[seq_idx] - ) - } - - add_new_sequences <- function(locus_path, sequences) { - locus_file <- file(locus_path, open = "a+") - for (i in seq_along(sequences$idx)) { - writeLines(c("", paste0(">", sequences$idx[i]), sequences$seq[i]), locus_file) - } - close(locus_file) - } - - # Compute clusters to use in visNetwork - compute_clusters <- function(nodes, edges, threshold) { - groups <- rep(0, length(nodes$id)) - edges_groups <- rep(0, length(edges$from)) - - edges_table <- data.frame( - from = edges$from, - to = edges$to, - weight = edges$weight - ) - - count <- 0 - while (any(groups == 0)) { - group_na <- groups == 0 - labels <- nodes$id[group_na] - - cluster <- nodes$id[group_na][1] # Initialize with 1 label - while (!is_empty(labels)) { - sub_tb <- edges_table[(edges_table$from %in% cluster | edges_table$to %in% cluster) & edges_table$weight <= threshold,] - - if (nrow(sub_tb) == 0 | length(unique(c(sub_tb$from, sub_tb$to))) == length(cluster)) { - count <- count + 1 - groups[nodes$id %in% cluster] <- paste("Group", count) - edges_groups[edges$from %in% cluster & edges$to %in% cluster] <- paste("Group", count) - break - } else { - cluster <- unique(c(sub_tb$from, sub_tb$to)) - } - } - } - list(groups = groups, - edges = edges_groups) - } - - # Check gene screening status - check_status <- function(isolate) { - iso_name <- gsub(".zip", "", basename(isolate)) - if(file.exists(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "Isolates", iso_name, "status.txt"))) { - if(str_detect(readLines(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "Isolates", iso_name, "status.txt"))[1], - "successfully")) { - return("success") - } else { - return("fail") - } - } else {return("unfinished")} - } - - # Reset gene screening status - remove.screening.status <- function(isolate) { - if(file.exists(file.path(DB$database, - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "Isolates", - isolate, - "status.txt"))) { - file.remove( - file.path(DB$database, - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "Isolates", - isolate, - "status.txt") - ) - } - } - - # Truncate hashes - truncHash <- function(hash) { - if(! { - paste0(str_sub(hash, 1, 4), "...", str_sub(hash, nchar(hash) - 3, nchar(hash))) - } else {NA} - } - - # Function to check for duplicate isolate IDs for multi typing start - dupl_mult_id <- reactive({ - req(Typing$multi_sel_table) - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - selection <- Typing$multi_sel_table[which(unlist(Typing$multi_sel_table$Files) %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"])),] - selection$Files - } else {""} - }) - - # Function to check single typing log file - check_new_entry <- reactive({ - - invalidateLater(5000, session) - - if(!is.null(DB$database)) { - if(file_exists(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds"))) { - - Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme),"Typing.rds")) - - if(is.null(DB$data)) { - if(nrow(Database[["Typing"]]) >= 1) { - TRUE - } else {FALSE} - } else { - if(nrow(DB$data) < nrow(Database[["Typing"]])) { - TRUE - } else { - FALSE - } - } - } else {FALSE} - } - }) - - # Render Entry Table Highlights - - diff_allele <- reactive({ - if (!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(input$compare_select) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { - var_alleles(select(DB$data, input$compare_select)) + (13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) - } - }) - - err_thresh <- reactive({ - if (!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$number_loci)) { - which(as.numeric(DB$data[["Errors"]]) >= (DB$number_loci * 0.05)) - } - }) - - err_thresh_na <- reactive({ - if (!is.null(DB$na_table) & !is.null(DB$number_loci)) { - which(as.numeric(DB$na_table[["Errors"]]) >= (DB$number_loci * 0.05)) - } - }) - - true_rows <- reactive({ - if (!is.null(DB$data)) { - which(DB$data$Include == TRUE) - } - }) - - duplicated_names <- reactive({ - if (!is.null(DB$meta)) { - which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`) | duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`, fromLast = TRUE)) - } - }) - - duplicated_ids <- reactive({ - if (!is.null(DB$meta)) { - which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`) | duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`, fromLast = TRUE)) - } - }) - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Startup ---- - shinyjs::addClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-collapse") - shinyjs::removeClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-toggle") - - output$messageMenu <- renderText({ - HTML(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z")) - }) - - # Initiate logging - if(!dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/logs"))) { - dir_create(paste0(getwd(), "/logs")) - } - - logfile <- file.path(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/phylotrace.log")) - - log <- log_open(logfile, logdir = FALSE) - - log_print("Session started") - - # Clear screening file - if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/output_file.tsv"))) { - file.remove(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/output_file.tsv")) - } - - if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/error.txt"))) { - file.remove(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/error.txt")) - } - - # Declare reactive variables - Startup <- reactiveValues(sidebar = TRUE, - header = TRUE) # reactive variables related to startup process - - DB <- reactiveValues(data = NULL, - block_db = FALSE, - load_selected = TRUE, - no_na_switch = FALSE, - first_look = FALSE) # reactive variables related to local database - - Typing <- reactiveValues(table = data.frame(), - single_path = data.frame(), - progress = 0, - progress_format_start = 0, - progress_format_end = 0, - result_list = NULL, - status = "") # reactive variables related to typing process - - Screening <- reactiveValues(status = "idle", - picker_status = TRUE, - first_result = NULL) # reactive variables related to gene screening - - Vis <- reactiveValues(cluster = NULL, - metadata = list(), - custom_label_nj = data.frame(), - nj_label_pos_y = list(), - nj_label_pos_x = list(), - nj_label_size = list(), - custom_label_upgma = data.frame(), - upgma_label_pos_y = list(), - upgma_label_pos_x = list(), - upgma_label_size = list()) # reactive variables related to visualization - - Report <- reactiveValues() # reactive variables related to report functions - - Scheme <- reactiveValues() # reactive variables related to scheme functions - - # Load last used database if possible - if(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds") %in% dir_ls(paste0(getwd(), "/execute"))) { - DB$last_db <- TRUE - } - - # Locate local Database - observe({ - shinyDirChoose(input, - "db_location", - roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), - defaultRoot = "Home", - session = session) - - if(!is.null(DB$select_new)) { - if(DB$select_new == FALSE) { - if(DB$block_db == FALSE) { - DB$database <- as.character( - parseDirPath( - roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), - input$db_location - ) - ) - - DB$exist <- (length(dir_ls(DB$database)) == 0) # Logical any local database present - - DB$available <- gsub("_", " ", basename(dir_ls(DB$database))) # List of local schemes available - } - - } else if (DB$select_new == TRUE) { - DB$database <- paste0(DB$new_database, "/Database") - - } - } else { - if(!is.null(DB$last_db) & file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds"))) { - - DB$database <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds")) - - if(dir_exists(DB$database)) { - DB$exist <- (length(dir_ls(DB$database)) == 0) # Logical any local database present - - DB$available <- gsub("_", " ", basename(dir_ls(DB$database))) # List of local schemes available - } - } - } - }) - - ### Set up typing environment ---- - - # Null typing progress trackers - writeLines("0", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) - writeLines("0\n", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt")) - - if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { - unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) - } - - # Reset typing feedback values - Typing$pending <- FALSE - Typing$multi_started <- FALSE - Typing$multi_help <- FALSE - saveRDS(list(), paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) - Typing$last_success <- "0" # Null last multi typing success name - Typing$last_failure <- "0" # Null last multi typing failure name - - ### Landing page UI ---- - observe({ - if (Startup$sidebar == FALSE) { - shinyjs::removeClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-collapse") - shinyjs::addClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-toggle") - } - }) - - output$start_message <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - div( - class = "image", - imageOutput("imageOutput") - ), - br(), br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 16px;', 'Proceed by loading a compatible local database or create a new one.') - ) - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "right", - shinyDirButton( - "db_location", - "Browse", - icon = icon("folder-open"), - title = "Locate the database folder", - buttonType = "default", - root = path_home() - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - shinyDirButton( - "create_new_db", - "Create New", - icon = icon("plus"), - title = "Choose location for new PhyloTrace database", - buttonType = "default", - root = path_home() - ) - ) - ), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - uiOutput("load_db"), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # User selection new db or load db - observeEvent(input$create_new_db, { - log_print("Input create_new_db") - DB$select_new <- TRUE - }) - - observeEvent(input$db_location, { - log_print("Input db_location") - DB$select_new <- FALSE - }) - - # Load db & scheme selection UI - output$load_db <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$select_new)) { - if(length(DB$new_database) > 0 & DB$select_new) { - column( - width = 12, - p( - tags$span( - style='color: white; font-size: 15px;', - HTML( - paste( - 'New database will be created in', - DB$new_database - ) - ) - ) - ), - br(), - actionButton( - "load", - "Create", - class = "load-start" - ) - ) - } else if(length(DB$available) > 0 & !(DB$select_new)) { - if(any(!(gsub(" ", "_", DB$available) %in% schemes))) { - column( - width = 12, - p( - tags$span( - style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', - HTML( - paste('Selected:', DB$database) - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("scheme_db"), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: #E18B00; font-size: 13px; font-style: italic;', - 'Warning: Folder contains invalid elements.') - ) - ) - ), - br(), - actionButton( - "load", - "Load", - class = "load-start" - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 12, - p( - tags$span( - style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', - HTML( - paste('Selected:', DB$database) - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("scheme_db"), - br(), br(), - actionButton( - "load", - "Load", - class = "load-start" - ) - ) - } - } - } else if((!is.null(DB$last_db)) & (!is.null(DB$available))) { - if (DB$last_db == TRUE & (length(DB$available) > 0)) { - if(any(!(gsub(" ", "_", DB$available) %in% schemes))) { - column( - width = 12, - p( - tags$span( - style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', - HTML( - paste('Last used:', DB$database) - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("scheme_db"), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: #E18B00; font-size: 13px; font-style: italic;', - 'Warning: Folder contains invalid elements.') - ) - ) - ), - br(), - actionButton( - "load", - "Load", - class = "load-start" - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 12, - p( - tags$span( - style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', - HTML( - paste('Last used:', DB$database) - ) - ) - ), - uiOutput("scheme_db"), - br(), br(), - actionButton( - "load", - "Load", - class = "load-start" - ) - ) - } - } else if (DB$last_db == TRUE & (length(DB$available) == 0)) { - column( - width = 12, - p( - tags$span( - style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', - HTML( - paste('Last used:', DB$database) - ) - ) - ), - br(), - actionButton( - "load", - "Load", - class = "load-start" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$imageOutput <- renderImage({ - # Path to your PNG image with a transparent background - image_path <- paste0(getwd(), "/www/PhyloTrace.png") - - # Use HTML to display the image with the tag - list(src = image_path, - height = 180) - }, deleteFile = FALSE) - - ### Load app event ---- - - observeEvent(input$load, { - - # Reset reactive screening variables - output$screening_start <- NULL - output$screening_result_sel <- NULL - output$screening_result <- NULL - output$screening_fail <- NULL - Screening$status_df <- NULL - Screening$choices <- NULL - Screening$picker_status <- TRUE - Screening$status <- "idle" - Screening$first_result <- NULL - if(!is.null(input$screening_select)) { - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - updatePickerInput(session, "screening_select", selected = character(0)) - } - } - - log_print("Input load") - - # set typing start control variable - Typing$reload <- TRUE - - # reset typing status on start( - if(Typing$status == "Finalized") {Typing$status <- "Inactive"} - if(!is.null(Typing$single_path)) {Typing$single_path <- data.frame()} - - #### Render status bar ---- - observe({ - req(DB$scheme) - - if(is.null(input$scheme_position)) { - output$loaded_scheme <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Selected scheme:   ", - DB$scheme, - "")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - }) - } - - if(!is.null(input$scheme_position)) { - output$loaded_scheme <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Selected scheme:   ", - DB$scheme, - "")), - style = "color:white;"), - div( - class = "reload-bttn", - style = paste0("margin-left:", 30 + input$scheme_position, "px; position: relative; top: -24px;"), - actionButton( - "reload_db", - label = "", - icon = icon("rotate") - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - } - }) - - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$database)){ - if(nchar(DB$database) > 60) { - database <- paste0(substring(DB$database, first = 1, last = 60), "...") - } else { - database <- DB$database - } - output$databasetext <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Database:   ", - database, - "")), - style = "color:white;") - ), - if(nchar(database) > 60) {bsTooltip("databasetext", - HTML(DB$database), - placement = "bottom", - trigger = "hover")} - ) - }) - } - }) - - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$database)) { - if(Typing$status == "Finalized"){ - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    typing finalized")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - } else if(Typing$status == "Attaching"){ - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    evaluating typing results")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - } else if(Typing$status == "Processing") { - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    pending typing")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "started") { - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    pending gene screening")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "finished") { - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    gene screening finalized")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - } else { - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    ready")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - # Null single typing status - if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { - Typing$progress <- 0 - - Typing$progress_format <- 900000 - - output$single_typing_progress <- NULL - - output$typing_fin <- NULL - - output$single_typing_results <- NULL - - output$typing_formatting <- NULL - - Typing$single_path <- data.frame() - - # reset results file - if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { - unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) - # Resetting single typing progress logfile bar - con <- file(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), open = "w") - - cat("0\n", file = con) - - close(con) - } - } - - shinyjs::runjs( - 'if(document.querySelector("#loaded_scheme > div > li > span") !== null) { - // Select the span element - let spanElement = document.querySelector("#loaded_scheme > div > li > span"); - - // Get the bounding rectangle of the span element - let rect = spanElement.getBoundingClientRect(); - - // Extract the width - let width = rect.width; - - Shiny.setInputValue("scheme_position", width); - }' - ) - - # Load app elements based on database availability and missing value presence - if(!is.null(DB$select_new)) { - if(DB$select_new & (paste0(DB$new_database, "/Database") %in% dir_ls(DB$new_database))) { - - log_print("Directory already contains a database") - - show_toast( - title = "Directory already contains a database", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - DB$load_selected <- FALSE - - } else if(DB$select_new | (DB$select_new == FALSE & is.null(input$scheme_db))) { - - log_print(paste0("New database created in ", DB$new_database)) - - DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE - DB$data <- NULL - DB$meta_gs <- NULL - DB$meta <- NULL - DB$meta_true <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile_true <- NULL - - # null Distance matrix, entry table and plots - output$db_distancematrix <- NULL - output$db_entries_table <- NULL - output$tree_mst <- NULL - output$tree_nj <- NULL - output$tree_upgma <- NULL - - # null report values - Report$report_list_mst <- list() - Report$report_list_nj <- list() - Report$report_list_upgma <- list() - - # null plots - Vis$nj <- NULL - Vis$upgma <- NULL - Vis$ggraph_1 <- NULL - - removeModal() - - #### Render Menu Items ---- - - Startup$sidebar <- FALSE - Startup$header <- FALSE - - output$menu_sep2 <- renderUI(hr()) - - # Hide start message - output$start_message <- NULL - - DB$load_selected <- FALSE - - # Declare database path - DB$database <- file.path(DB$new_database, "Database") - - # Set database availability screening variables to present database - DB$block_db <- TRUE - DB$select_new <- FALSE - - # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab and no Missing values tab - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group"), - selected = TRUE - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - - # Dont render these elements - output$db_no_entries <- NULL - output$distancematrix_no_entries <- NULL - output$db_entries <- NULL - output$edit_index <- NULL - output$edit_scheme_d <- NULL - output$edit_entries <- NULL - output$compare_select <- NULL - output$delete_select <- NULL - output$del_bttn <- NULL - output$compare_allele_box <- NULL - output$download_entries <- NULL - output$missing_values <- NULL - output$delete_box <- NULL - output$missing_values_sidebar <- NULL - output$distmatrix_sidebar <- NULL - output$download_scheme_info <- NULL - output$download_loci <- NULL - output$entry_table_controls <- NULL - output$multi_stop <- NULL - output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL - output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL - output$pending_typing <- NULL - output$multi_typing_results <- NULL - output$single_typing_progress <- NULL - output$metadata_single_box <- NULL - output$start_typing_ui <- NULL - - } - } else { - log_print(paste0("Loading existing ", input$scheme_db, " database from ", DB$database)) - } - - if(DB$load_selected == TRUE) { - - if(gsub(" ", "_", input$scheme_db) %in% schemes) { #Check if selected scheme valid - - # Save database path for next start - saveRDS(DB$database, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds")) - - DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE - DB$data <- NULL - DB$meta_gs <- NULL - DB$meta <- NULL - DB$meta_true <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile_true <- NULL - DB$scheme <- input$scheme_db - - # null Distance matrix, entry table and plots - output$db_distancematrix <- NULL - output$db_entries_table <- NULL - output$tree_mst <- NULL - output$tree_nj <- NULL - output$tree_upgma <- NULL - - # null typing initiation UI - output$multi_stop <- NULL - output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL - output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL - output$pending_typing <- NULL - output$multi_typing_results <- NULL - output$single_typing_progress <- NULL - output$metadata_single_box <- NULL - output$start_typing_ui <- NULL - - # null report values - Report$report_list_mst <- list() - Report$report_list_nj <- list() - Report$report_list_upgma <- list() - - # null plots - Vis$nj <- NULL - Vis$upgma <- NULL - Vis$ggraph_1 <- NULL - - removeModal() - - #### Render Menu Items ---- - - Startup$sidebar <- FALSE - Startup$header <- FALSE - - output$menu_sep2 <- renderUI(hr()) - - # Hide start message - output$start_message <- NULL - - if(any(grepl(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), dir_ls(DB$database)))) { - - if(!any(grepl("alleles", dir_ls(paste0( - DB$database, "/", - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)))))) { - - log_print("Missing loci files") - - # Show message that loci files are missing - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0("Whoops! No loci files are present in the local ", - DB$scheme, - " folder. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), - title = "Local Database Error", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Okay") - ) - ) - ) - - # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Missing Values", - tabName = "db_missing_values", - icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group"), - selected = TRUE - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - } else if (!any(grepl("scheme_info.html", dir_ls(paste0( - DB$database, "/", - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)))))) { - - output$download_scheme_info <- NULL - - log_print("Scheme info file missing") - - # Show message that scheme info is missing - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0("Whoops! Scheme info of the local ", - DB$scheme, - " database is missing. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), - title = "Local Database Error", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Okay") - ) - ) - ) - - # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Missing Values", - tabName = "db_missing_values", - icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group"), - selected = TRUE - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - - } else if (!any(grepl("targets.csv", dir_ls(paste0( - DB$database, "/", - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)))))) { - - # Dont render target download button - output$download_loci <- NULL - - log_print("Missing loci info (targets.csv)") - - # Show message that scheme info is missing - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0("Whoops! Loci info of the local ", - DB$scheme, - " database is missing. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), - title = "Local Database Error", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Okay") - ) - ) - ) - - # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Missing Values", - tabName = "db_missing_values", - icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group"), - selected = TRUE - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - - } else { - # Produce Scheme Info Table - schemeinfo <- - read_html(paste0( - DB$database, "/", - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "/scheme_info.html" - )) %>% - html_table(header = FALSE) %>% - = FALSE) - names(schemeinfo) <- NULL - DB$schemeinfo <- schemeinfo - number_loci <- as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]) - DB$number_loci <- as.numeric(gsub(",", "", number_loci)) - - # Produce Loci Info table - DB$loci_info <- read.csv( - file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "targets.csv"), - header = TRUE, - sep = "\t", - row.names = NULL, - colClasses = c( - "NULL", - "character", - "character", - "integer", - "integer", - "character", - "integer", - "NULL" - ) - ) - - # Check if number of loci/fastq-files of alleles is coherent with number of targets in scheme - if(DB$number_loci > length(dir_ls(paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles")))) { - - log_print(paste0("Loci files are missing in the local ", DB$scheme, " folder")) - - # Show message that loci files are missing - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0("Whoops! Some loci files are missing in the local ", - DB$scheme, - " folder. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), - title = "Local Database Error", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Okay") - ) - ) - ) - - # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Missing Values", - tabName = "db_missing_values", - icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group"), - selected = TRUE - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - - } else { - ###### Alle checks bestanden -> Laden der DTB - # If typed entries present - if (any(grepl("Typing.rds", dir_ls(paste0( - DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) - ))))) { - - # Load database from files - Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "Typing.rds")) - - DB$data <- Database[["Typing"]] - - if(!is.null(DB$data)){ - if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { - cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) - DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) - } else { - DB$cust_var <- data.frame() - } - } - - DB$change <- FALSE - DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) - DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) - DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - - # Null pipe - con <- file(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), open = "w") - - cat("0\n", file = con) - - # Close the file connection - close(con) - - # Reset other reactive typing variables - Typing$progress_format_end <- 0 - Typing$progress_format_start <- 0 - Typing$pending_format <- 0 - Typing$entry_added <- 0 - Typing$progress <- 0 - Typing$progress_format <- 900000 - output$single_typing_progress <- NULL - output$typing_fin <- NULL - output$single_typing_results <- NULL - output$typing_formatting <- NULL - Typing$single_path <- data.frame() - - # Null multi typing feedback variable - Typing$reset <- TRUE - - # Check need for new missing vlaue display - if(DB$first_look == TRUE) { - if(sum(apply(DB$data, 1, anyNA)) >= 1) { - DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE - } else { - DB$no_na_switch <- FALSE - } - } - - DB$first_look <- TRUE - - output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyFilesButton( - "genome_file", - "Browse" , - icon = icon("file"), - title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", - multiple = FALSE, - buttonType = "default", - class = NULL, - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("genome_path"), - br() - ) - ) - ) - }) - - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyDirButton( - "genome_file_multi", - "Browse", - icon = icon("folder-open"), - title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", - buttonType = "default", - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_info"), - br() - ) - ), - uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") - ) - ) - ) - }) - - if(!anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { - - # no NA's -> dont render missing values sidebar elements - output$missing_values_sidebar <- NULL - - # Render menu if no NA's present - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - } else { - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries", - selected = TRUE - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Missing Values", - tabName = "db_missing_values", - icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - } - - # Render custom variable display - output$show_cust_var <- renderTable( - width = "100%", - { - if((!is.null(DB$cust_var)) & (!is.null(input$cust_var_select))) { - if(nrow(DB$cust_var) > 5) { - low <- -4 - high <- 0 - for (i in 1:input$cust_var_select) { - low <- low + 5 - if((nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5) != 0) { - if(i == ceiling(nrow(DB$cust_var) / 5 )) { - high <- high + nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5 - } else { - high <- high + 5 - } - } else { - high <- high + 5 - } - } - DB$cust_var[low:high,] - } else { - DB$cust_var - } - } else if (!is.null(DB$cust_var)) { - DB$cust_var - } - }) - - # render visualization sidebar elements - observe({ - Vis$tree_algo <- input$tree_algo - }) - - output$visualization_sidebar <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - column( - width = 12, - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - prettyRadioButtons( - "tree_algo", - choices = c("Minimum-Spanning", "Neighbour-Joining", "UPGMA"), - label = "", - selected = if(!is.null(Vis$tree_algo)){Vis$tree_algo} else {"Minimum-Spanning"} - ), - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - tags$div( - id = "button-wrapper", - actionButton( - "create_tree", - h5("Create Tree", style = "position: relative; left: 15px; color: white; font-size: 15px;"), - width = "100%" - ), - tags$img( - src = "phylo.png", - alt = "icon", - class = "icon" - ) - ) - ) - ), - br(), - hr(), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='Minimum-Spanning'", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - br(), - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 16px; margin-left: 15px', "Sizing") - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - radioGroupButtons( - "mst_ratio", - "", - choiceNames = c("16:10", "16:9", "4:3"), - choiceValues = c((16/10), (16/9), (4/3)), - width = "100%" - ), - br(), - sliderInput( - "mst_scale", - "", - min = 500, - max = 1200, - step = 5, - value = 800, - width = "95%", - ticks = FALSE - ) - ) - ), - br(), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_plot_format=='jpeg'", - actionBttn( - "save_plot_jpeg", - style = "simple", - label = "Save Plot", - size = "sm", - icon = NULL, - color = "primary" - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_plot_format=='png'", - actionBttn( - "save_plot_png", - style = "simple", - label = "Save Plot", - size = "sm", - icon = NULL, - color = "primary" - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_plot_format=='bmp'", - actionBttn( - "save_plot_bmp", - style = "simple", - label = "Save Plot", - size = "sm", - icon = NULL, - color = "primary" - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.mst_plot_format=='html'", - downloadBttn( - "save_plot_html", - style = "simple", - label = "Save Plot", - size = "sm", - icon = NULL, - color = "primary" - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 7, - div( - style = "max-width: 150px", - class = "format", - selectInput( - inputId = "mst_plot_format", - label = "", - choices = c("html", "jpeg", "png", "bmp") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='Neighbour-Joining'", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - downloadBttn( - "download_nj", - style = "simple", - label = "Save Plot", - size = "sm", - icon = NULL, - color = "primary" - ) - ), - column( - width = 7, - div( - style = "max-width: 150px", - class = "format", - selectInput( - inputId = "filetype_nj", - label = "", - choices = c("png", "jpeg", "bmp", "svg") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - conditionalPanel( - "input.tree_algo=='UPGMA'", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - downloadBttn( - "download_upgma", - style = "simple", - label = "Save Plot", - size = "sm", - icon = NULL, - color = "primary" - ) - ), - column( - width = 7, - div( - style = "max-width: 150px", - class = "format", - selectInput( - inputId = "filetype_upgma", - label = "", - choices = c("png", "jpeg", "bmp", "svg") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - br(), - actionButton( - "create_rep", - "Print Report" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Render entry table sidebar elements - output$entrytable_sidebar <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - if(nrow(DB$data) > 40) { - div( - class = "mat-switch-db-tab", - materialSwitch( - "table_height", - h5(p("Show Full Table"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - } - ) - ), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Custom Variables') - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - textInput( - "new_var_name", - label = "", - placeholder = "New Variable" - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - actionButton( - "add_new_variable", - "", - icon = icon("plus") - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - div( - class = "textinput_var", - selectInput( - "del_which_var", - "", - DB$cust_var$Variable - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "left", - actionButton( - "delete_new_variable", - "", - icon = icon("minus") - ) - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 4, - uiOutput("cust_var_info") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - tableOutput("show_cust_var") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(4), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - uiOutput("cust_var_select") - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Render missing values sidebar elements - output$missing_values_sidebar <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - br(), - materialSwitch( - "miss_val_height", - h5(p("Show Full Table"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - br() - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -23px; right: -15px', - 'Download CSV') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - downloadBttn( - "download_na_matrix", - style = "simple", - label = "", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download") - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Render scheme info download button - output$download_loci <- renderUI({ - column( - 12, - downloadBttn( - "download_loci_info", - style = "simple", - label = "", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download"), - color = "primary" - ), - bsTooltip("download_loci_info_bttn", HTML("Save loci information
(without sequence)"), placement = "top", trigger = "hover") - ) - }) - - # Render scheme info download button - output$download_scheme_info <- renderUI({ - downloadBttn( - "download_schemeinfo", - style = "simple", - label = "", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download"), - color = "primary" - ) - }) - - # Render distance matrix sidebar - output$distmatrix_sidebar <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - selectInput( - "distmatrix_label", - label = "", - choices = c("Index", "Assembly Name", "Assembly ID"), - selected = c("Assembly Name"), - width = "100%" - ), - br() - ) - ), - div( - class = "mat-switch-dmatrix", - materialSwitch( - "distmatrix_true", - h5(p("Only Included Entries"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - div( - class = "mat-switch-dmatrix", - materialSwitch( - "distmatrix_triangle", - h5(p("Show Upper Triangle"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - div( - class = "mat-switch-dmatrix-last", - materialSwitch( - "distmatrix_diag", - h5(p("Show Diagonal"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: 37px; right: -15px', - 'Download CSV') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - downloadBttn( - "download_distmatrix", - style = "simple", - label = "", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download") - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Render select input to choose displayed loci - output$compare_select <- renderUI({ - - if(nrow(DB$data) == 1) { - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px;', "Type at least two assemblies to compare") - ) - ) - } else { - if(!is.null(input$compare_difference)) { - if (input$compare_difference == FALSE) { - pickerInput( - inputId = "compare_select", - label = "", - width = "85%", - choices = names(DB$allelic_profile), - selected = names(DB$allelic_profile)[1:20], - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - } else { - pickerInput( - inputId = "compare_select", - label = "", - width = "85%", - choices = names(DB$allelic_profile), - selected = names(DB$allelic_profile)[var_alleles(DB$allelic_profile)], - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - } - } - } - }) - - #### Render Entry Data Table ---- - output$db_entries_table <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - if(between(nrow(DB$data), 1, 30)) { - rHandsontableOutput("db_entries") - } else { - addSpinner( - rHandsontableOutput("db_entries"), - spin = "dots", - color = "#ffffff" - ) - } - } - }) - - if (!is.null(DB$data)) { - - observe({ - - if (!is.null(DB$data)) { - if (nrow(DB$data) == 1) { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - rowHeaders = NULL, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } else if (between(nrow(DB$data), 2, 40)) { - if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - - entry_data <- DB$data %>% - select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% - add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) - - rhandsontable( - entry_data, - col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, - dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - rowHeaders = NULL, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE, - contextMenu = FALSE - ) %>% - hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter", - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter", - strict = TRUE, - allowInvalid = FALSE, - copyable = TRUE) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - - } - }") %>% - hot_col(diff_allele(), - renderer = " - function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; - hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; - } - - if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { - = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; - } - }" - ) %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } else { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), - rowHeaders = NULL, - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - dup_names_high = duplicated_names()- 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - - } - }") %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } - } else { - if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - - entry_data <- DB$data %>% - select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% - add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) - - rhandsontable( - entry_data, - col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, - rowHeaders = NULL, - height = table_height(), - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), - readOnly = TRUE, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter", - allowInvalid = FALSE, - copyable = TRUE) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(diff_allele(), - renderer = " - function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; - hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; - } - - if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { - = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; - } - }") - }) - } - } else { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), - rowHeaders = NULL, - height = table_height(), - dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } - } - } - - # Dynamic save button when rhandsontable changes or new entries - output$edit_entry_table <- renderUI({ - if(check_new_entry() & DB$check_new_entries) { - Typing$reload <- FALSE - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', - 'New entries - reload database') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - actionButton( - "load", - "", - icon = icon("rotate"), - class = "pulsating-button" - ) - ) - ) - } else if(Typing$status == "Attaching") { - fluidRow( - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', 'No database changes possible - pending entry addition') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 1, - HTML(paste('')) - ) - ) - } else if((DB$change == TRUE) | !identical(get.entry.table.meta(), select(DB$meta, -13))) { - - if(!is.null(input$db_entries)) { - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 16px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', 'Confirm changes') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - actionButton( - "edit_button", - "", - icon = icon("bookmark"), - class = "pulsating-button" - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - actionButton( - "undo_changes", - "Undo", - icon = icon("repeat") - ) - ) - ) - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - }) - - # Hide no entry message - output$db_no_entries <- NULL - output$distancematrix_no_entries <- NULL - - } else { - - # If database loading not successful dont show entry table - output$db_entries_table <- NULL - output$entry_table_controls <- NULL - } - - # Render Entry table controls - output$entry_table_controls <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - actionButton( - "sel_all_entries", - "Select All", - icon = icon("check") - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - actionButton( - "desel_all_entries", - "Deselect All", - icon = icon("xmark") - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - uiOutput("edit_entry_table") - ) - ) - }) - - #### Render Distance Matrix ---- - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - - if(any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) | any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))) { - output$db_distancematrix <- NULL - - if( (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) > 0) & (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)) == 0) ) { - duplicated_txt <- paste0( - paste( - paste0("Name # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)), " - "), - DB$meta$`Assembly Name`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`))] - ), - "
" - ) - } else if ( (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)) > 0) & (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) == 0) ){ - duplicated_txt <- paste0( - paste( - paste0("ID # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)), " - "), - DB$meta$`Assembly ID`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))] - ), - "
" - ) - } else { - duplicated_txt <- c( - paste0( - paste( - paste0("Name # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)), " - "), - DB$meta$`Assembly Name`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`))] - ), - "
" - ), - paste0( - paste( - paste0("ID # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)), " - "), - DB$meta$`Assembly ID`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))] - ), - "
" - ) - ) - } - - output$distancematrix_duplicated <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 12, - tags$span(style = "font-size: 15; color: white", - "Change duplicated entry names to display distance matrix."), - br(), br(), br(), - actionButton("change_entries", "Go to Entry Table", class = "btn btn-default"), - br(), br(), br(), - tags$span( - style = "font-size: 15; color: white", - HTML( - append( - "Duplicated:", - append( - "
", - duplicated_txt - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else { - output$distancematrix_duplicated <- NULL - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$allelic_profile) & !is.null(DB$allelic_profile_true) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$distmatrix_label) & !is.null(input$distmatrix_diag) & !is.null(input$distmatrix_triangle)) { - output$db_distancematrix <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable(hamming_df(), - digits = 1, - readOnly = TRUE, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE, - height = distancematrix_height(), rowHeaders = NULL) %>% - hot_heatmap(renderer = paste0(" - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - heatmapScale = chroma.scale(['#17F556', '#ED6D47']); - - if (instance.heatmap[col]) { - mn = ", DB$matrix_min, "; - mx = ", DB$matrix_max, "; - - pt = (parseInt(value, 10) - mn) / (mx - mn); - - = heatmapScale(pt).hex(); - } - }")) %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_col(1:(dim(DB$ham_matrix)[1]+1), - halign = "htCenter", - valign = "htMiddle") %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = " - function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - = '#F0F0F0' - }" - ) - }) - } - } - - # Render Distance Matrix UI - - output$distmatrix_show <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - if(nrow(DB$data) > 1) { - column( - width = 10, - uiOutput("distancematrix_duplicated"), - div( - class = "distmatrix", - rHandsontableOutput("db_distancematrix") - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px;', "Type at least two assemblies to display a distance matrix.") - ) - ) - ), - br(), - br() - ) - } - } - }) - - } - }) - - - # Render delete entry box UI - output$delete_box <- renderUI({ - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "100%", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - h3(p("Delete Entries"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 2, - offset = 1, - align = "right", - br(), - h5("Index", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;") - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "center", - uiOutput("delete_select") - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "center", - br(), - uiOutput("del_bttn") - ) - ), - br() - ) - }) - - # Render loci comparison box UI - output$compare_allele_box <- renderUI({ - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "100%", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - h3(p("Compare Loci"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), - uiOutput("compare_select"), - br(), - column(2), - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - uiOutput("compare_difference_box") - ) - ), - br() - ) - }) - - # Render entry table download box UI - output$download_entries <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "100%", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - h3(p("Download Table"), style = "color:white") - ) - ), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column(2), - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - br(), - div( - class = "mat-switch-db", - materialSwitch( - "download_table_include", - h5(p("Only Included Entries"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - div( - class = "mat-switch-db", - materialSwitch( - "download_table_loci", - h5(p("Include Displayed Loci"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ), - br(), - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - downloadBttn( - "download_entry_table", - style = "simple", - label = "", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download"), - color = "primary" - ) - ) - ), - br() - ) - ), - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 2, - div( - class = "rectangle-blue" - ), - div( - class = "rectangle-orange" - ), - div( - class = "rectangle-red" - ), - div( - class = "rectangle-green" - ) - ), - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -12px", " = included for analyses") - ) - ) - ), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -13px", " = duplicated name/ID") - ) - ) - ), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -14px", " = ≥ 5% of loci missing") - ) - ) - ), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -15px", " = locus contains multiple variants") - ) - ) - ), - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Render entry deletion select input - output$delete_select <- renderUI({ - pickerInput("select_delete", - label = "", - choices = DB$data[, "Index"], - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE) - }) - - # Render delete entry button - output$del_bttn <- renderUI({ - actionBttn( - "del_button", - label = "", - color = "danger", - size = "sm", - style = "material-circle", - icon = icon("xmark") - ) - }) - - #### Missing Values UI ---- - - # Missing values calculations and table - observe({ - - if (!is.null(DB$allelic_profile)) { - NA_table <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) != 0] - - NA_table <- NA_table[rowSums( != 0,] - - NA_table[] <- "NA" - - NA_table <- NA_table %>% - cbind("Assembly Name" = DB$meta[rownames(NA_table),]$`Assembly Name`) %>% - cbind("Errors" = DB$meta[rownames(NA_table),]$Errors) %>% - relocate("Assembly Name", "Errors") - - DB$na_table <- NA_table - - if(!is.null(input$miss_val_height)) { - if(nrow(DB$na_table) < 31) { - output$table_missing_values <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - DB$na_table, - readOnly = TRUE, - rowHeaders = NULL, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE, - error_highlight = err_thresh_na() - 1 - ) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1:ncol(DB$na_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(2, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3:ncol(DB$na_table), renderer = htmlwidgets::JS( - "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - if (value.length > 8) { - value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); - } - td.innerHTML = value; - = 'center'; - return td; - }" - )) - }) - } else { - output$table_missing_values <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - DB$na_table, - readOnly = TRUE, - rowHeaders = NULL, - height = miss.val.height(), - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1 - ) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1:ncol(DB$na_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(2, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3:ncol(DB$na_table), renderer = htmlwidgets::JS( - "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - if (value.length > 8) { - value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); - } - td.innerHTML = value; - = 'center'; - return td; - }" - )) - }) - } - } - } - - }) - - # Render missing value informatiojn box UI - output$missing_values <- renderUI({ - div( - class = "miss_val_box", - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "100%", - fluidRow( - div( - class = "white", - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - br(), - HTML( - paste0("There are ", - strong(as.character(sum($data)))), - " unsuccessful allele allocations (NA). ", - strong(sum(sapply(DB$allelic_profile, anyNA))), - " out of ", - strong(ncol(DB$allelic_profile)), - " total loci in this scheme contain NA's (", - strong(round((sum(sapply(DB$allelic_profile, anyNA)) / ncol(DB$allelic_profile) * 100), 1)), - " %). ", - "Decide how these missing values should be treated:") - - ), - br() - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - br(), - prettyRadioButtons( - "na_handling", - "", - choiceNames = c("Ignore missing values for pairwise comparison", - "Omit loci with missing values for all assemblies", - "Treat missing values as allele variant"), - choiceValues = c("ignore_na", "omit", "category"), - shape = "curve", - selected = c("ignore_na") - ), - br() - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - - } else { - #if no typed assemblies present - - # null underlying database - - DB$data <- NULL - DB$meta <- NULL - DB$meta_gs <- NULL - DB$meta_true <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <- NULL - DB$allelic_profile_true <- NULL - - # Render menu without missing values tab - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - selected = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - - observe({ - if(is.null(DB$data)) { - if(check_new_entry()) { - output$db_no_entries <- renderUI( - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', 'New entries - reload database') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - actionButton( - "load", - "", - icon = icon("rotate"), - class = "pulsating-button" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - output$db_no_entries <- renderUI( - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - "", - "No Entries for this scheme available.\n", - "Type a genome in the section Allelic Typing and add the result to the local database.", - sep = '
' - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$distancematrix_no_entries <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - HTML(paste( - "", - "No Entries for this scheme available.", - "Type a genome in the section Allelic Typing and add the result to the local database.", - sep = '
' - )) - ) - ) - ) - - output$db_entries <- NULL - output$edit_index <- NULL - output$edit_scheme_d <- NULL - output$edit_entries <- NULL - output$compare_select <- NULL - output$delete_select <- NULL - output$del_bttn <- NULL - output$compare_allele_box <- NULL - output$download_entries <- NULL - output$missing_values <- NULL - output$delete_box <- NULL - output$entry_table_controls <- NULL - output$multi_stop <- NULL - output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL - output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL - output$pending_typing <- NULL - output$multi_typing_results <- NULL - output$single_typing_progress <- NULL - output$metadata_single_box <- NULL - output$start_typing_ui <- NULL - - output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyFilesButton( - "genome_file", - "Browse" , - icon = icon("file"), - title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", - multiple = FALSE, - buttonType = "default", - class = NULL, - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("genome_path"), - br() - ) - ) - ) - }) - - output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyFilesButton( - "genome_file", - "Browse" , - icon = icon("file"), - title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", - multiple = FALSE, - buttonType = "default", - class = NULL, - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("genome_path"), - br() - ) - ) - ) - }) - - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyDirButton( - "genome_file_multi", - "Browse", - icon = icon("folder-open"), - title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", - buttonType = "default", - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_info"), - br() - ) - ), - uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") - ) - ) - ) - }) - } - } - } - } - } else { - - log_print("Invalid scheme folder") - show_toast( - title = "Invalid scheme folder", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 4000 - ) - } - } - - }) - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Database ---- - - ### Conditional UI Elements rendering ---- - - # Contro custom variables table - output$cust_var_select <- renderUI({ - if(nrow(DB$cust_var) > 5) { - selectInput( - "cust_var_select", - "", - choices = 1:ceiling(nrow(DB$cust_var) / 5 ) - ) - } - }) - - output$cust_var_info <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(DB$cust_var)) & (!is.null(input$cust_var_select))) { - if(nrow(DB$cust_var) > 5) { - low <- -4 - high <- 0 - for (i in 1:input$cust_var_select) { - low <- low + 5 - if((nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5) != 0) { - if(i == ceiling(nrow(DB$cust_var) / 5 )) { - high <- high + nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5 - } else { - high <- high + 5 - } - } else { - high <- high + 5 - } - } - h5(paste0("Showing ", low, " to ", high," of ", nrow(DB$cust_var), " variables"), style = "color: white; font-size: 10px;") - } - } - }) - - # Message on Database tabs if no scheme available yet - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$exist)) { - if(DB$exist){ - - # Message for tab Browse Entries - output$no_scheme_entries <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', - 'No scheme available.') - ) - ) - ), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', - 'Download a scheme first and type assemblies in the section Allelic Typing.') - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Message for Tab Scheme Info - output$no_scheme_info <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', - 'No scheme available.') - ) - ) - ), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', - 'Download a scheme first and type assemblies in the section Allelic Typing.') - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Message for Tab Distance Matrix - output$no_scheme_distancematrix <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 10, - align = "left", - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', - 'No scheme available.') - ) - ) - ), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', - 'Download a scheme first and type assemblies in the section Allelic Typing.') - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - - } else { - output$no_scheme_entries <- NULL - output$no_scheme_info <- NULL - output$no_scheme_distancematrix <- NULL - } - } - - }) - - observe({ - # Conditional Missing Values Tab - if(!is.null(DB$allelic_profile)) { - if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { - if(DB$no_na_switch == FALSE) { - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Missing Values", - tabName = "db_missing_values", - selected = TRUE, - icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - } - - } else { - output$menu <- renderMenu( - sidebarMenu( - menuItem( - text = "Database Browser", - tabName = "database", - icon = icon("hard-drive"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "db_browse_entries" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Scheme Info", - tabName = "db_schemeinfo" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Loci Info", - tabName = "db_loci_info" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Distance Matrix", - tabName = "db_distmatrix" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Manage Schemes", - tabName = "init", - icon = icon("layer-group") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Allelic Typing", - tabName = "typing", - icon = icon("gears") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Resistance Profile", - tabName = "gene_screening", - icon = icon("dna"), - startExpanded = TRUE, - menuSubItem( - text = "Browse Entries", - tabName = "gs_profile" - ), - menuSubItem( - text = "Screening", - tabName = "gs_screening" - ) - ), - menuItem( - text = "Visualization", - tabName = "visualization", - icon = icon("circle-nodes") - ), - menuItem( - text = "Utilities", - tabName = "utilities", - icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") - ) - ) - ) - } - } - - }) - - observe({ - - if (!is.null(DB$available)) { - output$scheme_db <- renderUI({ - if (length(DB$available) > 5) { - selectInput( - "scheme_db", - label = "", - choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {DB$available}, - selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {DB$scheme} else {DB$available[1]}} - ) - } else { - prettyRadioButtons( - "scheme_db", - label = "", - choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {DB$available}, - selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {DB$scheme} else {DB$available[1]}} - ) - } - }) - - if (!is.null(DB$schemeinfo)) { - - output$scheme_info <- renderTable({ - DB$schemeinfo - }) - - output$scheme_header <- renderUI(h3(p("cgMLST Scheme"), style = "color:white")) - - } else { - - output$scheme_info <- NULL - output$scheme_header <- NULL - - } - - if (!is.null(DB$loci_info)) { - loci_info <- DB$loci_info - names(loci_info)[6] <- "Allele Count" - - output$db_loci <- renderDataTable( - loci_info, - selection = "single", - options = list(pageLength = 10, - columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, - targets = "_all")), - initComplete = DT::JS( - "function(settings, json) {", - "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - ), - drawCallback = DT::JS( - "function(settings) {", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - )) - ) - - output$loci_header <- renderUI(h3(p("Loci"), style = "color:white")) - - } else { - output$db_loci <- NULL - output$loci_header <- NULL - } - } - }) - - # If only one entry available disable varying loci checkbox - - output$compare_difference_box <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - if(nrow(DB$data) > 1) { - div( - class = "mat-switch-db", - materialSwitch( - "compare_difference", - h5(p("Only Varying Loci"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), - value = FALSE, - right = TRUE - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - ### Database Events ---- - - # Invalid entries table input - observe({ - req(DB$data, input$db_entries) - if (isTRUE(input$invalid_date)) { - show_toast( - title = "Invalid date", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - DB$inhibit_change <- TRUE - } else if (isTRUE(input$empty_name)) { - show_toast( - title = "Empty name", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - DB$inhibit_change <- TRUE - } else if (isTRUE(input$empty_id)) { - show_toast( - title = "Empty ID", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - DB$inhibit_change <- TRUE - } else { - DB$inhibit_change <- FALSE - } - }) - - # Change scheme - observeEvent(input$reload_db, { - log_print("Input reload_db") - - if(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), 1)!= "0") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Multi Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Single Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "started") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Screening", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - showModal( - modalDialog( - selectInput( - "scheme_db", - label = "", - choices = DB$available, - selected = DB$scheme), - title = "Select a local database to load.", - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("load", "Load", class = "btn btn-default") - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Create new database - observe({ - shinyDirChoose(input, - "create_new_db", - roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), - defaultRoot = "Home", - session = session) - - if(!is.null(input$create_new_db)) { - DB$new_database <- as.character( - parseDirPath( - roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), - input$create_new_db - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Undo db changes - observeEvent(input$undo_changes, { - log_print("Input undo_changes") - - DB$inhibit_change <- FALSE - - Data <- readRDS(paste0( - DB$database, "/", - gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "/Typing.rds" - )) - - DB$data <- Data[["Typing"]] - - if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { - cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) - DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) - } else { - DB$cust_var <- data.frame() - } - - DB$change <- FALSE - DB$count <- 0 - DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE - DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) - DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) - DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$deleted_entries <- character(0) - - observe({ - if (!is.null(DB$data)) { - if (nrow(DB$data) == 1) { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - rowHeaders = NULL, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } else if (between(nrow(DB$data), 1, 40)) { - if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - - entry_data <- DB$data %>% - select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% - add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) - - rhandsontable( - entry_data, - col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, - dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - rowHeaders = NULL, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE, - contextMenu = FALSE - ) %>% - hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter", - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter", - strict = TRUE, - allowInvalid = FALSE, - copyable = TRUE) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - - } - }") %>% - hot_col(diff_allele(), - renderer = " - function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; - hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; - } - - if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { - = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; - } - }" - ) %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } else { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), - rowHeaders = NULL, - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - dup_names_high = duplicated_names()- 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - - } - }") %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } - } else { - if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - - entry_data <- DB$data %>% - select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% - add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) - - rhandsontable( - entry_data, - col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, - rowHeaders = NULL, - height = table_height(), - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), - readOnly = TRUE, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", - halign = "htCenter", - allowInvalid = FALSE, - copyable = TRUE) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(diff_allele(), - renderer = " - function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; - hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; - } - - if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { - = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; - } - }") - }) - } - } else { - if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height)) { - output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable( - select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), - rowHeaders = NULL, - height = table_height(), - dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, - dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, - row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, - error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, - contextMenu = FALSE, - highlightCol = TRUE, - highlightRow = TRUE - ) %>% - hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% - hot_col(1, - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), - readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(3, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(4, validator = " - function(value, callback) { - try { - if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { - callback(false); // Cell is empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } else { - callback(true); // Cell is not empty - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid - Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell - } - } - ") %>% - hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% - hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, - validator = " - function (value, callback) { - var today_date = new Date(); - today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - var new_date = new Date(value); - new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); - - try { - if (new_date <= today_date) { - callback(true); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); - } else { - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - } catch (err) { - console.log(err); - callback(false); - Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), - valign = "htMiddle", - halign = "htLeft") %>% - hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% - hot_col(1, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.row_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", - valign = "htTop", halign = "htCenter") %>% - hot_col(4, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(3, renderer = " - function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' - } - } - }") %>% - hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); - if (instance.params) { - hrows = instance.params.error_highlight - hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] - if (hrows.includes(row)) { - = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' - } - } - }") - }) - } - } - } - } - }) - }) - - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)){ - if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { - cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) - DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) - - } else { - DB$cust_var <- data.frame() - } - } - }) - - DB$count <- 0 - - observeEvent(input$add_new_variable, { - log_print("Input add_new_variable") - - if(nchar(input$new_var_name) > 12) { - log_print("Add variable; max. 10 character") - show_toast( - title = "Max. 10 characters", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - if (input$new_var_name == "") { - log_print("Add variable; min. 1 character") - show_toast( - title = "Min. 1 character", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - if(trimws(input$new_var_name) %in% names(DB$meta)) { - log_print("Add variable; name already existing") - show_toast( - title = "Variable name already existing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - showModal( - modalDialog( - selectInput( - "new_var_type", - label = "", - choices = c("Categorical (character)", - "Continous (numeric)")), - title = paste0("Select Data Type"), - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("conf_new_var", "Confirm", class = "btn btn-default") - ) - ) - ) - } - } - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$conf_new_var, { - log_print("Input conf_new_var") - - # User feedback variables - removeModal() - DB$count <- DB$count + 1 - DB$change <- TRUE - - # Format variable name - name <- trimws(input$new_var_name) - - if(input$new_var_type == "Categorical (character)") { - DB$data <- DB$data %>% - mutate("{name}" := character(nrow(DB$data)), .after = 13) - - DB$cust_var <- rbind(DB$cust_var, data.frame(Variable = name, Type = "categ")) - } else { - DB$data <- DB$data %>% - mutate("{name}" := numeric(nrow(DB$data)), .after = 13) - - DB$cust_var <- rbind(DB$cust_var, data.frame(Variable = name, Type = "cont")) - } - - DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) - DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) - DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - - log_print(paste0("New custom variable added: ", input$new_var_name)) - - show_toast( - title = paste0("Variable ", trimws(input$new_var_name), " added"), - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - - }) - - observeEvent(input$delete_new_variable, { - log_print("Input delete_new_variable") - - if (input$del_which_var == "") { - log_print("Delete custom variables; no custom variable") - show_toast( - title = "No custom variables", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0( - "Confirmation will lead to irreversible deletion of the custom ", - input$del_which_var, - " variable. Continue?" - ), - title = "Delete custom variables", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("conf_var_del", "Delete", class = "btn btn-danger") - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$conf_var_del, { - log_print("Input conf_var_del") - - DB$change <- TRUE - - removeModal() - - if(DB$count >= 1) { - DB$count <- DB$count - 1 - } - - show_toast( - title = paste0("Variable ", input$del_which_var, " removed"), - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - - log_print(paste0("Variable ", input$del_which_var, " removed")) - - DB$cust_var <- DB$cust_var[-which(DB$cust_var$Variable == input$del_which_var),] - DB$data <- select(DB$data, -(input$del_which_var)) - DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) - DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) - DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - }) - - # Select all button - - observeEvent(input$sel_all_entries, { - log_print("Input sel_all_entries") - - DB$data$Include <- TRUE - }) - - observeEvent(input$desel_all_entries, { - log_print("Input desel_all_entries") - - DB$data$Include <- FALSE - }) - - # Switch to entry table - - observeEvent(input$change_entries, { - log_print("Input change_entries") - - removeModal() - updateTabItems(session, "tabs", selected = "db_browse_entries") - }) - - #### Save Missing Value as CSV ---- - - output$download_na_matrix <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save missing values table ", paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Missing_Values.csv"))) - paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Missing_Values.csv") - }, - content = function(file) { - download_matrix <- hot_to_r(input$table_missing_values) - write.csv(download_matrix, file, sep = ",", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) - } - ) - - #### Save scheme info table as CSV ---- - - output$download_schemeinfo <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save scheme info table ", paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_scheme.csv"))) - - paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_scheme.csv") - }, - content = function(file) { - pub_index <- which(DB$schemeinfo[,1] == "Publications") - write.table( - DB$schemeinfo[1:(pub_index-1),], - file, - sep = ";", - row.names = FALSE, - quote = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - #### Save Loci info table as CSV ---- - - output$download_loci_info <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save loci info table ", paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Loci.csv"))) - - paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Loci.csv") - }, - content = function(file) { - write.table( - DB$loci_info, - file, - sep = ";", - row.names = FALSE, - quote = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - #### Save entry table as CSV ---- - - output$download_entry_table <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save entry table ", paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Entries.csv"))) - - paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Entries.csv") - }, - content = function(file) { - download_matrix <- hot_to_r(input$db_entries) - - if (input$download_table_include == TRUE) { - download_matrix <- download_matrix[which(download_matrix$Include == TRUE),] - } - - if (input$download_table_loci == FALSE) { - download_matrix <- select(download_matrix, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - } - - write.csv(download_matrix, file, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) - } - ) - - # Save Edits Button - - observeEvent(input$edit_button, { - if(nrow(hot_to_r(input$db_entries)) > nrow(DB$data)) { - show_toast( - title = "Invalid rows entered. Saving not possible.", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - if(!isTRUE(DB$inhibit_change)) { - log_print("Input edit_button") - - showModal( - modalDialog( - if(length(DB$deleted_entries > 0)) { - paste0( - "Overwriting previous metadata of local ", - DB$scheme, - " database. Deleted entries will be irreversibly removed. Continue?" - ) - } else { - paste0( - "Overwriting previous metadata of local ", - DB$scheme, - " database. Continue?" - ) - }, - title = "Save Database", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("conf_db_save", "Save", class = "btn btn-default") - ) - ) - ) - } else { - log_print("Input edit_button, invalid values.") - show_toast( - title = "Invalid values entered. Saving not possible.", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$Cancel, { - log_print("Input Cancel") - removeModal() - }) - - observeEvent(input$conf_db_save, { - log_print("Input conf_db_save") - - # Remove isolate assembly file if present - if(!is.null(DB$remove_iso)) { - if(length(DB$remove_iso) > 0) { - lapply(DB$remove_iso, unlink, recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE, expand = TRUE) - } - } - DB$remove_iso <- NULL - - Data <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme),"Typing.rds")) - - if ((ncol(Data[["Typing"]]) - 13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { - cust_vars_pre <- select(Data[["Typing"]], - 14:(ncol(Data[["Typing"]]) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) - cust_vars_pre <- names(cust_vars_pre) - } else { - cust_vars_pre <- character() - } - - Data[["Typing"]] <- select(Data[["Typing"]], -(1:(13 + length(cust_vars_pre)))) - - meta_hot <- hot_to_r(input$db_entries) - - if(length(DB$deleted_entries > 0)) { - - meta_hot <- mutate(meta_hot, Index = as.character(1:nrow(DB$data))) - - Data[["Typing"]] <- mutate(Data[["Typing"]][-as.numeric(DB$deleted_entries), ], - meta_hot, .before = 1) - rownames(Data[["Typing"]]) <- Data[["Typing"]]$Index - } else { - Data[["Typing"]] <- mutate(Data[["Typing"]], meta_hot, .before = 1) - } - - # Ensure correct logical data type - Data[["Typing"]][["Include"]] <- as.logical(Data[["Typing"]][["Include"]]) - saveRDS(Data, file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) - - # Load database from files - Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) - - DB$data <- Database[["Typing"]] - - if(!is.null(DB$data)){ - if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { - cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) - DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) - } else { - DB$cust_var <- data.frame() - } - } - - DB$change <- FALSE - DB$count <- 0 - DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE - DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) - DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) - DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$deleted_entries <- character(0) - - removeModal() - - show_toast( - title = "Database successfully saved", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 4000 - ) - }) - - observeEvent(input$del_button, { - log_print("Input del_button") - - if (length(input$select_delete) < 1) { - log_print("Delete entries; no entry selected") - show_toast( - title = "No entry selected", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 4000 - ) - } else if((readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") | - (tail(readLogFile(), 1) != "0")) { - log_print("Delete entries; pending typing") - - show_toast( - title = "Pending Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 4000 - ) - } else { - if( (length(input$select_delete) - nrow(DB$data) ) == 0) { - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0("Deleting will lead to removal of all entries and assemblies from local ", DB$scheme, " database. The data can not be recovered afterwards. Continue?"), - easyClose = TRUE, - title = "Deleting Entries", - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("conf_delete_all", "Delete", class = "btn btn-danger") - ) - ) - ) - } else { - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0( - "Confirmation will lead to irreversible removal of selected entries and the respectively saved assembly. Continue?" - ), - title = "Deleting Entries", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton( - "conf_delete", - "Delete", - class = "btn btn-danger") - ) - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$conf_delete_all, { - log_print("Input conf_delete_all") - - # remove file with typing data - file.remove(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) - unlink(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates"), recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE, expand =TRUE) - - showModal( - modalDialog( - selectInput( - "scheme_db", - label = "", - choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {DB$available}, - selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {DB$scheme} else {DB$available[1]}}), - title = "All entries have been removed. Select a local database to load.", - footer = tagList( - actionButton("load", "Load", class = "btn btn-default") - ) - ) - ) - - }) - - DB$deleted_entries <- character(0) - - observeEvent(input$conf_delete, { - - log_print("Input conf_delete") - - # Get isolates selected for deletion - DB$deleted_entries <- append(DB$deleted_entries, DB$data$Index[as.numeric(input$select_delete)]) - - # Set reactive status variables - DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE - DB$change <- TRUE - DB$check_new_entries <- FALSE - - # Set isolate directory deletion variables - isopath <- dir_ls(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates")) - DB$remove_iso <- isopath[which(basename(isopath) == DB$data$`Assembly ID`[as.numeric(input$select_delete)])] - - # Reload updated database reactive variables - DB$data <- DB$data[!(DB$data$Index %in% as.numeric(input$select_delete)),] - DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) - DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) - DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) - DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - - # User feedback - removeModal() - - if(length(input$select_delete) > 1) { - show_toast( - title = "Entries deleted", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 4000 - ) - } else { - show_toast( - title = "Entry deleted", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 4000 - ) - } - }) - - - ### Distance Matrix ---- - - hamming_df <- reactive({ - if(input$distmatrix_true == TRUE) { - if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { - if(input$na_handling == "omit") { - allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] - - allelic_profile_noNA_true <- allelic_profile_noNA[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA_true, hamming.dist) - - } else if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na"){ - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distIgnore) - - } else { - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distCategory) - - } - } else { - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.dist) - } - } else { - if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { - if(input$na_handling == "omit") { - allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA, hamming.dist) - } else if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na"){ - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile, hamming.distIgnore) - } else { - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile, hamming.distCategory) - } - } else { - hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile, hamming.dist) - } - } - - # Extreme values for distance matrix heatmap display - DB$matrix_min <- min(hamming_mat, na.rm = TRUE) - DB$matrix_max <- max(hamming_mat, na.rm = TRUE) - - if(input$distmatrix_triangle == FALSE) { - hamming_mat[upper.tri(hamming_mat, diag = !input$distmatrix_diag)] <- NA - } - - # Row- and colnames change - if(input$distmatrix_true == TRUE) { - rownames(hamming_mat) <- unlist(DB$data[input$distmatrix_label][which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),]) - } else { - rownames(hamming_mat) <- unlist(DB$data[input$distmatrix_label]) - } - colnames(hamming_mat) <- rownames(hamming_mat) - - mode(hamming_mat) <- "integer" - - DB$ham_matrix <- hamming_mat %>% - %>% - mutate(Index = colnames(hamming_mat)) %>% - relocate(Index) - DB$distancematrix_nrow <- nrow(DB$ham_matrix) - - DB$ham_matrix - }) - - output$download_distmatrix <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Distance_Matrix.csv") - }, - content = function(file) { - download_matrix <- hot_to_r(input$db_distancematrix) - download_matrix[] <- "" - write.csv(download_matrix, file, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) - } - ) - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Locus sequences ---- - - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$database) & !is.null(DB$scheme)) { - DB$loci <- list.files( - path = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles"), - pattern = "\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", - full.names = TRUE - ) - } - }) - - output$loci_sequences <- renderUI({ - req(input$db_loci_rows_selected, DB$database, DB$scheme, input$seq_sel) - - DB$loci <- list.files( - path = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles"), - pattern = "\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", - full.names = TRUE - ) - - fasta <- format_fasta(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) - - seq <- fasta[[which(fasta == paste0(">", gsub("Allele ", "", sub(" -.*", "", input$seq_sel)))) + 1]] - - DB$seq <- seq - - column( - width = 12, - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; position: relative; top: -15px; left: -50px', - sub(" -.*", "", input$seq_sel)) - ) - ), - tags$pre(HTML(color_sequence(seq)), class = "sequence") - ) - }) - - output$sequence_selector <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$db_loci_rows_selected)) { - - req(input$db_loci_rows_selected, DB$database, DB$scheme) - - DB$loci <- list.files( - path = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles"), - pattern = "\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", - full.names = TRUE - ) - - fasta <- format_fasta(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) - - seq_names <- c() - for (i in seq_along(fasta)) { - if (startsWith(fasta[[i]], ">")) { - name <- sub(">", "", fasta[[i]]) - seq_names <- c(seq_names, name) - } - } - - var_count <- table(DB$allelic_profile[gsub(".fasta", "", (basename(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected])))]) - - vec <- prop.table(var_count) - - perc <- sapply(unname(vec), scales::percent, accuracy = 0.1) - - names(perc) <- names(vec) - - choices <- seq_names - - present <- which(choices %in% names(vec)) - absent <- which(!(choices %in% names(vec))) - - choices[present] <- paste0("Allele ", choices[present], " - ", unname(var_count), " times in DB (", unname(perc), ")") - - choices[absent] <- paste0("Allele ", choices[absent], " - not present") - - choices <- c(choices[present], choices[absent]) - - names(choices) <- sapply(choices, function(x) { - x <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]] - x[2] <- paste0(substr(x[2], 1, 4), "...", substr(x[2], nchar(x[2])-3, nchar(x[2]))) - paste(x, collapse = " ") - }) - - column( - width = 3, - selectInput( - "seq_sel", - h5("Select Variant", style = "color:white;"), - choices = choices, - width = "80%" - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - actionButton("copy_seq", "Copy Sequence", - icon = icon("copy")), - bsTooltip("copy_seq", "Copy the variant sequence
to clipboard", placement = "top", trigger = "hover") - ) - ), - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 8, - align = "left", - downloadBttn( - "get_locus", - style = "simple", - label = "Save .fasta", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download") - ), - bsTooltip("get_locus_bttn", "Save locus file with all variants", placement = "top", trigger = "hover") - ) - ), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$copy_seq, { - if(!is.null(DB$seq)) { - session$sendCustomMessage("txt", DB$seq) - } - show_toast( - title = "Copied sequence", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - }) - - output$get_locus <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - fname <- basename(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) - log_print(paste0("Get locus fasta ", fname)) - fname - }, - content = function(file) { - cont <- readLines(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) - writeLines(cont, file) - } - ) - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Download cgMLST ---- - - observe({ - if (input$select_cgmlst == "Acinetobacter baumanii") { - species <- "Abaumannii1907" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- Scheme$folder_name <- "Acinetobacter_baumanii" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Bacillus anthracis") { - species <- "Banthracis1917" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Bacillus_anthracis" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Bordetella pertussis") { - species <- "Bpertussis1917" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Bordetella_pertussis" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Brucella melitensis") { - species <- "Bmelitensis1912" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Brucella_melitensis" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Brucella spp.") { - species <- "Brucella1914" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Brucella_spp" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Burkholderia mallei (FLI)") { - species <- "Bmallei_fli1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Burkholderia_mallei_FLI" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Burkholderia mallei (RKI)") { - species <- "Bmallei_rki1909" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Burkholderia_mallei_RKI" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Burkholderia pseudomallei") { - species <- "Bpseudomallei1906" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Burkholderia_pseudomallei" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Campylobacter jejuni/coli") { - species <- "Cjejuni1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Campylobacter_jejuni_coli" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Clostridioides difficile") { - species <- "Cdifficile1905" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Clostridioides_difficile" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Clostridium perfringens") { - species <- "Cperfringens1907" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Clostridium_perfringens" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Corynebacterium diphtheriae") { - species <- "Cdiphtheriae1907" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Corynebacterium_diphtheriae" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Cronobacter sakazakii/malonaticus") { - species <- "Csakazakii1910" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Cronobacter_sakazakii_malonaticus" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Enterococcus faecalis") { - species <- "Efaecalis1912" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Enterococcus_faecalis" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Enterococcus faecium") { - species <- "Efaecium1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Enterococcus_faecium" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Escherichia coli") { - species <- "Ecoli1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Escherichia_coli" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Francisella tularensis") { - species <- "Ftularensis1913" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Francisella_tularensis" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Klebsiella oxytoca sensu lato") { - species <- "Koxytoca717" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Klebsiella_oxytoca_sensu_lato" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Klebsiella pneumoniae sensu lato") { - species <- "Kpneumoniae1909" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Klebsiella_pneumoniae_sensu_lato" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Legionella pneumophila") { - species <- "Lpneumophila1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Legionella_pneumophila" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Listeria monocytogenes") { - species <- "Lmonocytogenes1910" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Listeria_monocytogenes" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex") { - species <- "Mtuberculosis1909" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Mycobacterium_tuberculosis_complex" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Mycobacteroides abscessus") { - species <- "Mabscessus1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Mycobacteroides_abscessus" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Mycoplasma gallisepticum") { - species <- "Mgallisepticum1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Mycoplasma_gallisepticum" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Paenibacillus larvae") { - species <- "Plarvae1902" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Paenibacillus_larvae" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Pseudomonas aeruginosa") { - species <- "Paeruginosa1911" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Pseudomonas_aeruginosa" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Salmonella enterica") { - species <- "Senterica1913" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Salmonella_enterica" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Serratia marcescens") { - species <- "Smarcescens1912" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Serratia_marcescens" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Staphylococcus aureus") { - species <- "Saureus1908" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Staphylococcus_aureus" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Staphylococcus capitis") { - species <- "Scapitis1905" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Staphylococcus_capitis" - } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Streptococcus pyogenes") { - species <- "Spyogenes1904" - Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") - Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") - Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") - Scheme$folder_name <- "Streptococcus_pyogenes" - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$download_cgMLST, { - log_print(paste0("Started download of scheme for ", Scheme$folder_name)) - - shinyjs::hide("download_cgMLST") - shinyjs::show("loading") - - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    Downloading scheme...")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - - show_toast( - title = "Download started", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 5000 - ) - - if(length(DB$available) == 0) { - saveRDS(DB$new_database, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/new_db.rds")) - dir.create(file.path(readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/new_db.rds")), "Database"), recursive = TRUE) - } - - DB$load_selected <- TRUE - - # Check if .downloaded_schemes folder exists and if not create it - if (!dir.exists(file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes"))) { - dir.create(file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes"), recursive = TRUE) - } - - # Check if remains of old temporary folder exists and remove them - if (dir.exists(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp")))) { - unlink(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp")), recursive = TRUE) - } - - # Download Loci Fasta Files - options(timeout = 600) - - tryCatch({ - download.file(Scheme$link_cgmlst, - file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes", paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".zip"))) - "Download successful!" - }, error = function(e) { - paste("Error: ", e$message) - }) - - # Unzip the scheme in temporary folder - unzip( - zipfile = file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes", paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".zip")), - exdir = file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp") - ) - ) - - log_print("Hashing downloaded database") - # Hash temporary folder - hash_database(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"))) - - # Get list from local database - local_db_filelist <- list.files(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"))) - if (!is_empty(local_db_filelist)) { - # Get list from temporary database - tmp_db_filelist <- list.files(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"))) - - # Find the difference (extra files in local database) - local_db_extra <- setdiff(local_db_filelist, tmp_db_filelist) - - # Copy extra files to temporary folder - file.copy(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), local_db_extra), - file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"))) - - # Check differences in file pairs - local_db_hashes <- tools::md5sum(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), - local_db_filelist)) - tmp_db_hashes <- tools::md5sum(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"), - local_db_filelist)) - - diff_files <- local_db_hashes %in% tmp_db_hashes - diff_loci <- names(local_db_hashes)[diff_files == FALSE] - diff_loci <- sapply(strsplit(diff_loci, "/"), function(x) x[length(x)]) - - # Check locus hashes - for (locus in diff_loci) { - local_db_hashes <- get_locus_hashes(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), - locus)) - tmp_db_hashes <- get_locus_hashes(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"), - locus)) - diff_hashes <- setdiff(local_db_hashes, tmp_db_hashes) - - sequences <- extract_seq(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), - locus), diff_hashes) - if (!is_empty(sequences$idx) && !is_empty(sequences$seq) && - length(sequences$idx) == length(sequences$seq)) { - add_new_sequences(file.path(DB$database, - Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"), - locus), sequences) - } - } - } - - unlink(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles")), recursive = TRUE) - - file.rename(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp")), - file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"))) - - # Download Scheme Info - download( - Scheme$link_scheme, - dest = file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, "scheme_info.html"), - mode = "wb" - ) - - # Download Loci Info - download( - Scheme$link_targets, - dest = file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, "targets.csv"), - mode = "wb" - ) - - # Send downloaded scheme to database browser overview - DB$available <- gsub("_", " ", basename(dir_ls(DB$database))) - - Scheme$target_table <- read.csv( - file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, "targets.csv"), - header = TRUE, - sep = "\t", - row.names = NULL, - colClasses = c( - "NULL", - "character", - "character", - "integer", - "integer", - "character", - "integer", - "NULL" - ) - ) - - DB$exist <- length(dir_ls(DB$database)) == 0 - - shinyjs::show("download_cgMLST") - shinyjs::hide("loading") - - output$statustext <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - tags$li( - class = "dropdown", - tags$span(HTML( - paste('', - "Status:    ready")), - style = "color:white;") - ) - ) - ) - - show_toast( - title = "Download successful", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 5000 - ) - - log_print("Download successful") - - showModal( - modalDialog( - selectInput( - "scheme_db", - label = "", - choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {DB$available}, - selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { - Typing$last_scheme - } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {input$select_cgmlst} else {DB$available[1]}}), - title = "Select a local database to load.", - footer = tagList( - actionButton("load", "Load", class = "btn btn-default") - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Download Target Info (CSV Table) - observe({ - input$download_cgMLST - - scheme_overview <- read_html(Scheme$link_scheme) %>% - html_table(header = FALSE) %>% - = FALSE) - - last_scheme_change <- strptime(scheme_overview$X2[scheme_overview$X1 == "Last Change"], - format = "%B %d, %Y, %H:%M %p") - names(scheme_overview) <- NULL - - last_file_change <- format( -$database, - ".downloaded_schemes", - paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".zip")))$mtime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %p") - - output$cgmlst_scheme <- renderTable({scheme_overview}) - output$scheme_update_info <- renderText({ - req(last_file_change) - if (last_file_change < last_scheme_change) { - "(Newer scheme available \u274c)" - } else { - "(Scheme is up-to-date \u2705)" - } - }) - }) - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Visualization ---- - - # Render placeholder image - - output$placeholder <- renderImage({ - # Path to your PNG image with a transparent background - image_path <- paste0(getwd(), "/www/PhyloTrace.png") - - # Use HTML to display the image with the tag - list(src = image_path, - height = 180) - }, deleteFile = FALSE) - - # Render tree plot fields - - output$nj_field <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ) - - output$mst_field <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ) - - output$upgma_field <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ) - - ### Render Visualization Controls ---- - - #### NJ and UPGMA controls ---- - - # Control enable/disable of variable mapping inputs - observe({ - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_color_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_mapping_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiplab_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_mapping_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_color_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_mapping_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiplab_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_mapping_show)) - - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tipcolor_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tippoint_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tipcolor_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tippoint_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show)) - - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tipshape_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tipshape_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show)) - - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_1)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_2", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_2", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_2)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_3", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_3", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_3)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_4", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_4", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_4)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_5", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_5", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_5)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_1", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_1", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_1)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_2", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_2", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_2)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_3", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_3", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_3)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_4", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_4", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_4)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_5", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_5", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_5)) - - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_heatmap_sel", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_heatmap_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_heatmap_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_heatmap_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_heatmap_sel", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_heatmap_show)) - shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_heatmap_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_heatmap_show)) - }) - - # Size scaling NJ - observe({ - req(input$nj_ratio) - if(input$nj_ratio == "1.6") { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_scale", - step = 5, value = 800, min = 500, max = 1200) - } else if(input$nj_ratio == "1.77777777777778") { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_scale", - step = 9, value = 801, min = 504, max = 1197) - } else if(input$nj_ratio == "1.33333333333333"){ - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_scale", - step = 3, value = 801, min = 501, max = 1200) - } - }) - - # Size scaling UPGMA - observe({ - req(input$upgma_ratio) - if(input$upgma_ratio == "1.6") { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_scale", - step = 5, value = 800, min = 500, max = 1200) - } else if(input$upgma_ratio == "1.77777777777778") { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_scale", - step = 9, value = 801, min = 504, max = 1197) - } else if(input$upgma_ratio == "1.33333333333333"){ - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_scale", - step = 3, value = 801, min = 501, max = 1200) - } - }) - - # Size scaling MST - observe({ - req(input$mst_ratio) - if(input$mst_ratio == "1.6") { - updateSliderInput(session, "mst_scale", - step = 5, value = 800, min = 500, max = 1200) - } else if(input$mst_ratio == "1.77777777777778") { - updateSliderInput(session, "mst_scale", - step = 9, value = 801, min = 504, max = 1197) - } else if(input$mst_ratio == "1.33333333333333"){ - updateSliderInput(session, "mst_scale", - step = 3, value = 801, min = 501, max = 1200) - } - }) - - # Custom Labels - - # Add custom label - observeEvent(input$nj_add_new_label, { - - if(nchar(input$nj_new_label_name) > 0) { - if(!(input$nj_new_label_name %in% Vis$custom_label_nj)) { - Vis$custom_label_nj <- rbind(Vis$custom_label_nj, input$nj_new_label_name) - if(!(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) == 1)) { - updateSelectInput(session, "nj_custom_label_sel", selected = input$nj_new_label_name) - } - } else { - show_toast( - title = "Label already exists", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - } else { - show_toast( - title = "Min. 1 character", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_add_new_label, { - - if(nchar(input$upgma_new_label_name) > 0) { - if(!(input$upgma_new_label_name %in% Vis$custom_label_upgma)) { - Vis$custom_label_upgma <- rbind(Vis$custom_label_upgma, input$upgma_new_label_name) - if(!(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) == 1)) { - updateSelectInput(session, "upgma_custom_label_sel", selected = input$upgma_new_label_name) - } - } else { - show_toast( - title = "Label already exists", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - } else { - show_toast( - title = "Min. 1 character", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - }) - - # Delete custom label - observeEvent(input$nj_del_label, { - - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 1) { - Vis$custom_label_nj <- Vis$custom_label_nj[-which(Vis$custom_label_nj[,1] == input$nj_custom_label_sel), , drop = FALSE] - } else if (nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) == 1) { - Vis$nj_label_pos_x <- list() - Vis$nj_label_pos_y <- list() - Vis$nj_label_size <- list() - Vis$custom_label_nj <- data.frame() - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_del_label, { - - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 1) { - Vis$custom_label_upgma <- Vis$custom_label_upgma[-which(Vis$custom_label_upgma[,1] == input$upgma_custom_label_sel), , drop = FALSE] - } else if (nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) == 1) { - Vis$upgma_label_pos_x <- list() - Vis$upgma_label_pos_y <- list() - Vis$upgma_label_size <- list() - Vis$custom_label_upgma <- data.frame() - } - }) - - # Select custom labels - output$nj_custom_label_select <- renderUI({ - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { - selectInput( - "nj_custom_label_sel", - "", - choices = Vis$custom_label_nj[,1] - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_custom_label_select <- renderUI({ - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { - selectInput( - "upgma_custom_label_sel", - "", - choices = Vis$custom_label_upgma[,1] - ) - } - }) - - # Select custom labels - output$nj_cust_label_save <- renderUI({ - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { - actionButton( - "nj_cust_label_save", - "Apply" - ) - } else { - column( - width = 12, - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - h5("test", style = "color: transparent; margin-bottom: 3px") - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_cust_label_save <- renderUI({ - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { - actionButton( - "upgma_cust_label_save", - "Apply" - ) - } else { - column( - width = 12, - br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), - h5("test", style = "color: transparent; margin-bottom: 3px") - ) - } - }) - - # Custom Label Size - output$nj_custom_labelsize <- renderUI({ - if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_size[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]])) { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_size"), - label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, - value = Vis$nj_label_size[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]], - width = "150px") - } else { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_size"), - label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, value = 5, - width = "150px") - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_custom_labelsize <- renderUI({ - if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_size[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]])) { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_size"), - label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, - value = Vis$upgma_label_size[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]], - width = "150px") - } else { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_size"), - label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, value = 5, - width = "150px") - } - } - }) - - # Render slider input based on selected label - output$nj_sliderInput_y <- renderUI({ - if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]])) { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_y"), - label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, - value = Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]], - width = "150px") - } else { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_y"), - label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = sum(DB$data$Include), step = 1, ticks = F, - value = sum(DB$data$Include) / 2, - width = "150px") - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_sliderInput_y <- renderUI({ - if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]])) { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_y"), - label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, - value = Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]], - width = "150px") - } else { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_y"), - label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = sum(DB$data$Include), step = 1, ticks = F, - value = sum(DB$data$Include) / 2, - width = "150px") - } - } - }) - - output$nj_sliderInput_x <- renderUI({ - if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]])) { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_x"), - label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, - value = Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]], - width = "150px") - } else { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_x"), - label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = round(Vis$nj_max_x, 0), step = 1, ticks = F, - value = round(Vis$nj_max_x / 2, 0), - width = "150px") - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_sliderInput_x <- renderUI({ - if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]])) { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_x"), - label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, - value = Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]], - width = "150px") - } else { - sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_x"), - label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), - min = 0, max = round(Vis$upgma_max_x, 0), step = 1, ticks = F, - value = round(Vis$upgma_max_x / 2, 0), - width = "150px") - } - } - }) - - # Apply custom label changes - observeEvent(input$nj_cust_label_save, { - - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_y) & - !is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_x) & - !is.null(Vis$nj_label_size) & - !is.null(input$nj_custom_label_sel)) { - Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_y")]] - Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_x")]] - Vis$nj_label_size[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_size")]] - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_cust_label_save, { - - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_y) & - !is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_x) & - !is.null(Vis$upgma_label_size) & - !is.null(input$upgma_custom_label_sel)) { - Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_y")]] - Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_x")]] - Vis$upgma_label_size[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_size")]] - } - }) - - # Show delete custom label button if custam label added - output$nj_del_label <- renderUI({ - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { - actionButton( - "nj_del_label", - "", - icon = icon("minus") - ) - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$upgma_del_label <- renderUI({ - if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { - actionButton( - "upgma_del_label", - "", - icon = icon("minus") - ) - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Mapping value number information - output$nj_tiplab_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_color_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))) { - if(input$nj_tiplab_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_color_mapping_div_mid", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$upgma_tiplab_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_color_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))) { - if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_color_mapping_div_mid", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$nj_tipcolor_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))) { - if(input$nj_tippoint_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))) { - if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$nj_tipshape_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tipshape_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipshape_mapping]))) { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Mapping continous variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipshape_mapping]))) > 6) { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Mapping > 6 variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipshape_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$upgma_tipshape_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipshape_mapping]))) { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Mapping continous variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipshape_mapping]))) > 6) { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Mapping > 6 variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipshape_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$nj_fruit_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(input$nj_tile_num == 1) { - if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 2) { - if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_2) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 3) { - if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_3) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 4) { - if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_4) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 5) { - if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_5) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(input$upgma_tile_num == 1) { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 2) { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 3) { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 4) { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 5) { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - output$nj_heatmap_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_select) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { - if (any(sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & - any(!sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Heatmap with categorical and continous values not possible", - style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - if(any(sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { - if(input$nj_heatmap_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "nj_heatmap_div_mid", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Categorical values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - output$upgma_heatmap_mapping_info <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_select) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { - if (any(sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & - any(!sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Heatmap with categorical and continous values not possible", - style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - if(any(sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { - if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { - column( - width = 3, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") - ), - column( - width = 8, - div( - class = "divmid-sel1", - selectInput( - "upgma_heatmap_div_mid", - label = "", - choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), - selected = "Mean" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select]))) > 7) { - column( - width = 3, - h5(paste0("> 7 categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 3, - h5("Categorical values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") - ) - } - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Tiles offset - output$nj_fruit_offset_circ <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.1 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.05 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.05, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_2", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_2", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_3", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_3", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_4", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_4", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_5", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_offset_circ_5", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } else { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } - - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5", - label = "", - min = min, - max = max, - step= step, - value = offset, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5", - label = "", - min = -0.2, - max = 0.2, - step= 0.01, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - # For Layout change update tiles offset position - observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { - - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } else { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } - - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ", min = min, step = step, max = max) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_2", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_3", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_4", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_5", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { - - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - offset <- 0.05 - step <- 0.01 - min <- -0.2 - max <- 0.2 - } else { - offset <- 0.15 - step <- 0.03 - min <- -0.6 - max <- 0.6 - } - - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ", min = min, step = step, max = max) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) - }) - - # Heatmap width - output$nj_heatmap_width <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_select)) { - length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 3 - } - } - - sliderInput( - "nj_heatmap_width", - label = "", - min = 0.05, - max = 1.5, - value = width, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_heatmap_width", - label = "", - min = 0.05, - max = 1.5, - value = 0.1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_heatmap_width <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_select)) { - length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 3 - } - } - - sliderInput( - "upgma_heatmap_width", - label = "", - min = 0.05, - max = 1.5, - value = width, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_heatmap_width", - label = "", - min = 0.05, - max = 1.5, - value = 0.1, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - # Update value if new variables added - observeEvent(input$nj_heatmap_select, { - - length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 3 - } - } - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_heatmap_width", value = width) - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_heatmap_select, { - - length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 3 - } - } - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_heatmap_width", value = width) - }) - - # Update value if layout changed - observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { - length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 3 - } - } - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_heatmap_width", value = width) - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { - length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - width <- 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - width <- 3 - } - } - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_heatmap_width", value = width) - }) - - # Heatmap column titles position - observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { - if(!(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular")) { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_colnames_y", value = -1) - } else { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_colnames_y", value = 0) - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { - if(!(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular")) { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_colnames_y", value = -1) - } else { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_colnames_y", value = 0) - } - }) - - output$nj_colnames_y <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { - if(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular") { - min <- 0 - val <- 0 - } else { - val <- -1 - if((sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1) > -2) { - min <- -2 - } else { - min <- round(sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1, 0) - } - } - sliderInput( - "nj_colnames_y", - label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = min, - max = sum(DB$data$Include), - value = val, - step = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_colnames_y", - label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -10, - max = 10, - value = 0, - step = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_colnames_y <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular") { - min <- 0 - val <- 0 - } else { - val <- -1 - if((sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1) > -2) { - min <- -2 - } else { - min <- round(sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1, 0) - } - } - sliderInput( - "upgma_colnames_y", - label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = min, - max = sum(DB$data$Include), - value = val, - step = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_colnames_y", - label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -10, - max = 10, - value = 0, - step = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - # Heatmap column titles angle - output$nj_colnames_angle <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - angle <- 90 - } else {angle <- -90} - sliderInput( - "nj_colnames_angle", - label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -90, - max = 90, - value = angle, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_colnames_angle", - label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -90, - max = 90, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_colnames_angle <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - angle <- 90 - } else {angle <- -90} - sliderInput( - "upgma_colnames_angle", - label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -90, - max = 90, - value = angle, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_colnames_angle", - label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = -90, - max = 90, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - # Change heatmap column titles angle and label align when switching layout - observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward"){ - angle <- 90 - val <- TRUE - } else { - angle <- -90 - val <- FALSE - } - updateSwitchInput(session, "nj_align", value = val) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_colnames_angle", value = angle) - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward"){ - angle <- 90 - val <- TRUE - } else { - angle <- -90 - val <- FALSE - } - updateSwitchInput(session, "upgma_align", value = val) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_colnames_angle", value = angle) - }) - - # Tile number selector update each other - observeEvent(input$nj_tile_num, { - updateSelectInput(session, "nj_tile_number", selected = input$nj_tile_num) - }) - - observeEvent(input$nj_tile_number, { - updateSelectInput(session, "nj_tile_num", selected = input$nj_tile_number) - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_tile_num, { - updateSelectInput(session, "upgma_tile_number", selected = input$upgma_tile_num) - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_tile_number, { - updateSelectInput(session, "upgma_tile_num", selected = input$upgma_tile_number) - }) - - # Clade coloring - output$nj_clade_scale <- renderUI({ - if(length(input$nj_parentnode) <= 1) { - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Color", style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - colorPickr( - inputId = "nj_clade_scale", - selected = "#D0F221", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start", - width = "100%" - ) - ) - ) - } else { - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - h5("Scale", style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "center", - div( - class = "sel-clade-scale", - selectInput( - "nj_clade_scale", - 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"RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_heatmap_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_heatmap_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Paired" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_heatmap_scale <- renderUI({ - 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"YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$nj_tiles_scale_2 <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_2", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_2", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_2", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_tiles_scale_2 <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_2", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_2", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_2", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$nj_tiles_scale_3 <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_3", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_3", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_3", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_tiles_scale_3 <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_3", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_3", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_3", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$nj_tiles_scale_4 <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_4", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled(selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_4", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - )) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_4", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_tiles_scale_4 <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_4", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_4", - 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"Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_5", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiles_scale_5", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_tiles_scale_5 <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_5", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_5", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiles_scale_5", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Accent" - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - # Tip Labels Variable Color Scale - output$nj_tiplab_scale <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiplab_scale", - "", - selectize = FALSE, - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiplab_scale", - "", - selectize = FALSE, - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tiplab_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_tiplab_scale <- renderUI({ - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiplab_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tiplab_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - 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) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tippoint_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tippoint_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Set2" - ) - ) - } - } - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tippoint_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Set2" - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_tippoint_scale <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping])) == "numeric") { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tippoint_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Continous = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ), - Diverging = list( - "Spectral", - "RdYlGn", - "RdYlBu", - "RdGy", - "RdBu", - "PuOr", - "PRGn", - "PiYG", - "BrBG" - ) - ), - selected = c("Viridis" = "viridis") - ) - ) - } else { - if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))) > 7) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tippoint_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Gradient = list( - "Magma" = "magma", - "Inferno" = "inferno", - "Plasma" = "plasma", - "Viridis" = "viridis", - "Cividis" = "cividis", - "Rocket" = "rocket", - "Mako" = "mako", - "Turbo" = "turbo" - ) - ), - selected = "turbo" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tippoint_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Set2" - ) - ) - } - } - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tippoint_scale", - "", - choices = list( - Qualitative = list( - "Set1", - "Set2", - "Set3", - "Pastel1", - "Pastel2", - "Paired", - "Dark2", - "Accent" - ), - Sequential = list( - "YlOrRd", - "YlOrBr", - "YlGnBu", - "YlGn", - "Reds", - "RdPu", - "Purples", - "PuRd", - "PuBuGn", - "PuBu", - "OrRd", - "Oranges", - "Greys", - "Greens", - "GnBu", - "BuPu", - "BuGn", - "Blues" - ) - ), - selected = "Set2" - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Clade Highlights - output$nj_parentnode <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_parentnodes)) { - pickerInput( - "nj_parentnode", - label = "", - choices = sort(unique(as.numeric(Vis$nj_parentnodes))), - multiple = TRUE, - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - width = "99%" - ) - } else { - pickerInput( - "nj_parentnode", - label = "", - choices = c(), - multiple = TRUE, - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - width = "99%" - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_parentnode <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_parentnodes)) { - pickerInput( - "upgma_parentnode", - label = "", - choices = sort(unique(as.numeric(Vis$upgma_parentnodes))), - multiple = TRUE, - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - width = "99%" - ) - } else { - pickerInput( - "upgma_parentnode", - label = "", - choices = c(), - multiple = TRUE, - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - width = "99%" - ) - } - }) - - # Branch label size - output$nj_branch_size <- renderUI( - numericInput( - "nj_branch_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 2, - max = 10, - step = 0.5, - value = Vis$branch_size_nj, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - - output$upgma_branch_size <- renderUI( - numericInput( - "upgma_branch_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 2, - max = 10, - step = 0.5, - value = Vis$branch_size_upgma, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - - # Tippanel size - output$nj_tiplab_padding <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$tiplab_padding_nj)) { - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_padding", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.05, - max = 1, - value = Vis$tiplab_padding_nj, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tiplab_padding", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.05, - max = 1, - value = 0.2, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - output$upgma_tiplab_padding <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma)) { - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_padding", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.05, - max = 1, - value = Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tiplab_padding", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0.05, - max = 1, - value = 0.2, - step = 0.05, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - # Nodepoint size - output$nj_nodepoint_size <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$nodepointsize_nj)) { - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_nodepoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - value = Vis$nodepointsize_nj, - step = 0.5, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_nodepoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - value = 2.5, - step = 0.5, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - output$upgma_nodepoint_size <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$nodepointsize_upgma)) { - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_nodepoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - value = Vis$nodepointsize_upgma, - step = 0.5, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_nodepoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - value = 2.5, - step = 0.5, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - # Tippoint size - output$nj_tippoint_size <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$tippointsize_nj)) { - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tippoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - step = 0.5, - value = Vis$tippointsize_nj, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - inputId = "nj_tippoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - step = 0.5, - value = 4, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - output$upgma_tippoint_size <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$tippointsize_upgma)) { - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tippoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - step = 0.5, - value = Vis$tippointsize_upgma, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - inputId = "upgma_tippoint_size", - label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 20, - step = 0.5, - value = 4, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - # Tiplabel size - output$nj_tiplab_size <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$labelsize_nj)) { - numericInput( - "nj_tiplab_size", - label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - step = 0.5, - value = Vis$labelsize_nj, - width = "80px" - ) - } else { - numericInput( - "nj_tiplab_size", - label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - step = 0.5, - value = 4, - width = "80px" - ) - } - ) - - output$upgma_tiplab_size <- renderUI( - if(!is.null(Vis$labelsize_upgma)) { - numericInput( - "upgma_tiplab_size", - label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - step = 0.5, - value = Vis$labelsize_upgma, - width = "80px" - ) - } else { - numericInput( - "upgma_tiplab_size", - label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - step = 0.5, - value = 4, - width = "80px" - ) - } - ) - - # Rootedge length - output$nj_rootedge_length <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.02, 0) < 1) { - min <- 1 - } else { - min <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.02, 0) - } - max <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.2, 0) - sliderInput( - "nj_rootedge_length", - label = h5("Rootedge Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = min, - max = max, - value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.05, 0), - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_rootedge_length", - label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_rootedge_length <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.02, 0) < 1) { - min <- 1 - } else { - min <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.02, 0) - } - max <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.2, 0) - sliderInput( - "upgma_rootedge_length", - label = h5("Rootedge Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = min, - max = max, - value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.05, 0), - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_rootedge_length", - label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - # Treescale - output$nj_treescale_width <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - numericInput( - "nj_treescale_width", - label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0), - min = 1, - max = round(floor(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - } else { - numericInput( - "nj_treescale_width", - label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 2, - min = 1, - max = 10, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_treescale_width <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - numericInput( - "upgma_treescale_width", - label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0), - min = 1, - max = round(floor(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - } else { - numericInput( - "upgma_treescale_width", - label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - value = 2, - min = 1, - max = 10, - step = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_treescale_x <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { - if(ceiling(Vis$nj_min_x) < 1) { - floor <- 1 - } else { - floor <- ceiling(Vis$nj_min_x) - } - sliderInput( - "nj_treescale_x", - label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = floor, - max = round(floor(Vis$nj_max_x)), - value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.2, 0), - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_treescale_x", - label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_treescale_x <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { - if(ceiling(Vis$upgma_min_x) < 1) { - floor <- 1 - } else { - floor <- ceiling(Vis$upgma_min_x) - } - sliderInput( - "upgma_treescale_x", - label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = floor, - max = round(floor(Vis$upgma_max_x)), - value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.2, 0), - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_treescale_x", - label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 2, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_treescale_y <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { - sliderInput( - "nj_treescale_y", - label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = sum(DB$data$Include), - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_treescale_y", - label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = 10, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_treescale_y <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { - sliderInput( - "upgma_treescale_y", - label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = sum(DB$data$Include), - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_treescale_y", - label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), - min = 0, - max = 10, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - ### Heatmap - # Heatmap picker - output$nj_heatmap_sel <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - meta <- select(Vis$meta_nj, -c(taxa, Index, `Assembly ID`, `Assembly Name`, - Scheme, `Typing Date`, Successes, Errors)) - - # Identify numeric columns - numeric_columns <- sapply(meta, is.numeric) - - numeric_column_names <- names(meta[numeric_columns]) - - non_numeric_column_names <- names(meta)[!numeric_columns] - - choices <- list() - - # Add Continuous list only if there are numeric columns - if (length(numeric_column_names) > 0) { - choices$Continuous <- as.list(setNames(numeric_column_names, numeric_column_names)) - } - - # Add Diverging list - choices$Categorical <- as.list(setNames(non_numeric_column_names, non_numeric_column_names)) - - div( - class = "heatmap-picker", - shinyjs::disabled( - pickerInput( - inputId = "nj_heatmap_select", - label = "", - width = "100%", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else {choices}, - options = list( - `dropdown-align-center` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - } else { - div( - class = "heatmap-picker", - shinyjs::disabled( - pickerInput( - inputId = "nj_heatmap_select", - label = "", - width = "100%", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_heatmap_sel <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - meta <- select(Vis$meta_upgma, -c(taxa, Index, `Assembly ID`, `Assembly Name`, - Scheme, `Typing Date`, Successes, Errors)) - - # Identify numeric columns - numeric_columns <- sapply(meta, is.numeric) - - numeric_column_names <- names(meta[numeric_columns]) - - non_numeric_column_names <- names(meta)[!numeric_columns] - - choices <- list() - - # Add Continuous list only if there are numeric columns - if (length(numeric_column_names) > 0) { - choices$Continuous <- as.list(setNames(numeric_column_names, numeric_column_names)) - } - - # Add Diverging list - choices$Categorical <- as.list(setNames(non_numeric_column_names, non_numeric_column_names)) - - div( - class = "heatmap-picker", - shinyjs::disabled( - pickerInput( - inputId = "upgma_heatmap_select", - label = "", - width = "100%", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else {choices}, - options = list( - `dropdown-align-center` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - } else { - div( - class = "heatmap-picker", - shinyjs::disabled( - pickerInput( - inputId = "upgma_heatmap_select", - label = "", - width = "100%", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Heatmap offset - output$nj_heatmap_offset <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - sliderInput( - "nj_heatmap_offset", - label = "", - min = 0, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x)*1.5, 0), - step = 1, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_heatmap_offset", - label = "", - min = 0, - max = 10, - step = 1, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_heatmap_offset <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - sliderInput( - "upgma_heatmap_offset", - label = "", - min = 0, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x)*1.5, 0), - step = 1, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_heatmap_offset", - label = "", - min = 0, - max = 10, - step = 1, - value = 0, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - }) - - ### Tiling - # Geom Fruit select Variable - output$nj_fruit_variable <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_variable2 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_2", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_2", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_variable3 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_3", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_3", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_variable4 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_4", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_4", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_variable5 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_5", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_fruit_variable_5", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_variable <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_variable2 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_2", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_2", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_variable3 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled(selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_3", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - )) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_3", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_variable4 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_4", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_4", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_variable5 <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_5", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_fruit_variable_5", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Geom Fruit Width - output$nj_fruit_width <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_width2 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_2", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_2", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_2", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_width3 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_width4 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$nj_fruit_width5 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_width <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_width2 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_2", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_2", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_2", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_width3 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_width4 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - output$upgma_fruit_width5 <- renderUI({ - if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } else { - width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} - } - } - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), - value = width, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 3, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } else { - sliderInput( - "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", - label = "", - min = 1, - max = 10, - value = 1, - width = "150px", - ticks = FALSE - ) - } - } - }) - - # For Layout change update tiles - observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { - if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } - - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_2", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", value = width) - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { - if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width <- 3 - } else { - width <- 1 - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } - - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_2", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", value = width) - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", value = width) - } - }) - - # Tip color mapping - output$nj_tipcolor_mapping <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tipcolor_mapping", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(City = "City"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tipcolor_mapping", - "", - choices = c( - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c(City = "City") - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_tipcolor_mapping <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tipcolor_mapping", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(City = "City"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tipcolor_mapping", - "", - choices = c( - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c(City = "City") - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Tip shape Mapping - output$nj_tipshape_mapping <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tipshape_mapping", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_tipshape_mapping", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_tipshape_mapping <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tipshape_mapping", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_tipshape_mapping", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Branch label - output$nj_branch_label <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - selectInput( - "nj_branch_label", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - } else { - selectInput( - "nj_branch_label", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_branch_label <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - selectInput( - "upgma_branch_label", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - } else { - selectInput( - "upgma_branch_label", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c("Host" = "Host"), - width = "100%" - ) - } - }) - - # Color mapping - output$nj_color_mapping <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_color_mapping", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(Country = "Country"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "nj_color_mapping", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c(Country = "Country"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_color_mapping <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_color_mapping", - "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(Country = "Country"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } else { - shinyjs::disabled( - selectInput( - "upgma_color_mapping", - "", - choices = c( - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c(Country = "Country"), - width = "100%" - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Tip labels - output$nj_tiplab <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { - selectInput( - "nj_tiplab", - label = "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { - c( - Index = "Index", - `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(Index = "Index", `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) - }, - selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), - width = "100%" - ) - } else { - selectInput( - "nj_tiplab", - label = "", - choices = c( - Index = "Index", - `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), - width = "100%" - ) - } - }) - - output$upgma_tiplab <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { - selectInput( - "upgma_tiplab", - label = "", - choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { - c( - Index = "Index", - `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ) - } else { - append(c(Index = "Index", `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), - names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) - }, - selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), - width = "100%" - ) - } else { - selectInput( - "upgma_tiplab", - label = "", - choices = c( - Index = "Index", - `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", - `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", - `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", - Host = "Host", - Country = "Country", - City = "City" - ), - selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), - width = "100%" - ) - } - }) - - #### MST controls ---- - - # Clustering UI - output$mst_cluster <- renderUI({ - req(DB$schemeinfo) - numericInput( - inputId = "mst_cluster_threshold", - label = NULL, - value = as.numeric(DB$schemeinfo[7, 2]), - min = 1, - max = 99 - ) - }) - - # MST color mapping - output$mst_color_mapping <- renderUI({ - if(input$mst_color_var == FALSE) { - fluidRow( - column( - width = 7, - div( - class = "node_color", - colorPickr( - inputId = "mst_color_node", - width = "100%", - selected = "#B2FACA", - label = "", - update = "changestop", - interaction = list(clear = FALSE, - save = FALSE), - position = "right-start" - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_node_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - width = 5, - numericInput( - "node_opacity", - label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 1, - step = 0.1, - min = 0, - max = 1, - width = "80px" - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - fluidRow( - column( - width = 9, - div( - class = "mst_col_sel", - selectInput( - "mst_col_var", - label = "", - choices = if(any(DB$cust_var[DB$cust_var$Variable[which(DB$cust_var$Variable %in% c("Isolation Date", names(DB$meta)[-c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12)]))],]$Type != "categ")) { - selection <- c("Isolation Date", names(DB$meta)[-c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12)]) - cust_vars <- DB$cust_var$Variable[which(DB$cust_var$Variable %in% selection)] - selection[-which(selection == cust_vars[DB$cust_var[cust_vars,]$Type != "categ"])] - } else {c("Isolation Date", names(DB$meta)[-c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12)])}, - width = "100%" - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - dropMenu( - actionBttn( - "mst_col_menu", - label = "", - color = "default", - size = "sm", - style = "material-flat", - icon = icon("sliders") - ), - placement = "top-start", - theme = "translucent", - width = 5, - selectInput( - "mst_col_scale", - label = h5("Color Scale", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - choices = c("Viridis", "Rainbow"), - width = "150px" - ), - br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$mst_color_var, { - - if(input$mst_color_var == TRUE) { - updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_shape", choices = c("Pie Nodes" = "custom")) - updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_label", choices = c("Assembly Name")) - } else { - updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_shape", - choices = list(`Label inside` = c("Circle" = "circle", "Box" = "box", "Text" = "text"), - `Label outside` = c("Diamond" = "diamond", "Hexagon" = "hexagon","Dot" = "dot", "Square" = "square")), - selected = c("Dot" = "dot")) - updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_label", - choices = names(DB$meta)[c(1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9)], - selected = "Assembly Name") - } - }) - - # MST node labels - output$mst_node_label <- renderUI({ - selectInput( - "mst_node_label", - label = "", - choices = names(DB$meta)[c(1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9)], - selected = "Assembly Name", - width = "100%" - ) - }) - - ### Plot Reactives ---- - - #### MST ---- - - mst_tree <- reactive({ - data <- toVisNetworkData(Vis$ggraph_1) - data$nodes <- mutate(data$nodes, - label = label_mst(), - value = mst_node_scaling(), - opacity = node_opacity()) - - ctxRendererJS <- htmlwidgets::JS("({ctx, id, x, y, state: { selected, hover }, style, font, label, metadata}) => { - var pieData = JSON.parse(metadata); - var radius = style.size; - var centerX = x; - var centerY = y; - var total = pieData.reduce((sum, slice) => sum + slice.value, 0) - var startAngle = 0; - - const drawNode = () => { - // Set shadow properties - if (style.shadow) { - var shadowSize = style.shadowSize; - ctx.shadowColor = style.shadowColor; - ctx.shadowBlur = style.shadowSize; - ctx.shadowOffsetX = style.shadowX; - ctx.shadowOffsetY = style.shadowY; - - ctx.beginPath(); - ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); - ctx.fill(); - - ctx.shadowColor = 'transparent'; - ctx.shadowBlur = 0; - ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0; - ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0; - } - - pieData.forEach(slice => { - var sliceAngle = 2 * Math.PI * (slice.value / total); - ctx.beginPath(); - ctx.moveTo(centerX, centerY); - ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, startAngle, startAngle + sliceAngle); - ctx.closePath(); - ctx.fillStyle = slice.color; - ctx.fill(); - if (pieData.length > 1) { - ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; - ctx.lineWidth = 1; - ctx.stroke(); - } - startAngle += sliceAngle; - }); - - // Draw a border - ctx.beginPath(); - ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); - ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; - ctx.lineWidth = 1; - ctx.stroke(); - }; - drawLabel = () => { - //Draw the label - var lines = label.split(`\n`); - var lineHeight = font.size; - ctx.font = `${font.size}px ${font.face}`; - ctx.fillStyle = font.color; - ctx.textAlign = 'center'; - ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; - lines.forEach((line, index) => { - ctx.fillText(line, centerX, - centerY + radius + (index + 1) * lineHeight); - }) - } - - return { - drawNode, - drawExternalLabel: drawLabel, - nodeDimensions: { width: 2 * radius, height: 2 * radius }, - }; - }") - - Vis$var_cols <- NULL - - # Generate pie charts as nodes - if(input$mst_color_var == TRUE & (!is.null(input$mst_col_var))) { - - group <- character(nrow(data$nodes)) - for (i in 1:length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]))) { - group[i] <- unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])[i] - } - - data$nodes <- cbind(data$nodes, data.frame(metadata = character(nrow(data$nodes)))) - - if(length(which(data$nodes$group == "")) != 0) { - data$nodes$group[which(data$nodes$group == "")] <- data$nodes$group[1] - } - - if(is.null(input$mst_col_scale)) { - Vis$var_cols <- data.frame(value = unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]), - color = viridis(length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])))) - } else if (input$mst_col_scale == "Rainbow") { - Vis$var_cols <- data.frame(value = unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]), - color = rainbow(length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])))) - } else if (input$mst_col_scale == "Viridis") { - Vis$var_cols <- data.frame(value = unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]), - color = viridis(length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])))) - } - - for(i in 1:nrow(data$nodes)) { - - iso_subset <- strsplit(data$nodes$label[i], split = "\n")[[1]] - variable <- Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]] - values <- variable[which(Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name` %in% iso_subset)] - - for(j in 1:length(unique(values))) { - - share <- sum(unique(values)[j] == values) / length(values) * 100 - color <- Vis$var_cols$color[Vis$var_cols$value == unique(values)[j]] - - if(j == 1) { - pie_vec <- paste0('{"value":', share,',"color":"', color,'"}') - } else { - pie_vec <- paste0(pie_vec, ',{"value":', share,',"color":"', color,'"}') - } - } - - data$nodes$metadata[i] <- paste0('[', pie_vec, ']') - } - } - - data$edges <- mutate(data$edges, - length = if(input$mst_scale_edges == FALSE) { - input$mst_edge_length - } else { - data$edges$weight * input$mst_edge_length_scale - }, - label = as.character(data$edges$weight), - opacity = input$mst_edge_opacity) - - if (input$mst_show_clusters) { - clusters <- compute_clusters(data$nodes, data$edges, input$mst_cluster_threshold) - if (input$mst_cluster_type == "Type 1") { - data$nodes$group <- clusters$group - } - } - - visNetwork_graph <- visNetwork(data$nodes, data$edges, - main = mst_title(), - background = mst_background_color(), - submain = mst_subtitle()) %>% - visNodes(size = mst_node_size(), - shape = input$mst_node_shape, - shadow = input$mst_shadow, - color = mst_color_node(), - ctxRenderer = ctxRendererJS, - scaling = list(min = mst_node_size_min(), - max = mst_node_size_max()), - font = list(color = node_font_color(), - size = input$node_label_fontsize)) %>% - visEdges(color = mst_color_edge(), - font = list(color = mst_edge_font_color(), - size = mst_edge_font_size(), - strokeWidth = 4)) %>% - visOptions(collapse = TRUE) %>% - visInteraction(hover = TRUE) %>% - visLayout(randomSeed = 1) %>% - visLegend(useGroups = FALSE, - zoom = TRUE, - width = legend_width(), - position = input$mst_legend_ori, - ncol = legend_col(), - addNodes = mst_legend()) - - if (input$mst_show_clusters) { - if (input$mst_cluster_col_scale == "Viridis") { - color_palette <- viridis(length(unique(data$nodes$group))) - } else { - color_palette <- rainbow(length(unique(data$nodes$group))) - } - - if (input$mst_cluster_type == "Type 1") { - for (i in 1:length(unique(data$nodes$group))) { - visNetwork_graph <- visNetwork_graph %>% - visGroups(groupname = unique(data$nodes$group)[i], color = color_palette[i]) - } - } else { - thin_edges <- data$edges - thin_edges$width <- 1 - thin_edges$color <- "black" - - thick_edges <- data$edges - thick_edges$width <- 24 - - thick_edges$color <- rep("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", length(data$edges$from)) - color_palette <- rainbow(length(unique(clusters$edges))) - for (i in 1:length(unique(clusters$edges))) { - print(clusters$edges) - if (unique(clusters$edges)[i] != "0") { - edge_color <- paste(col2rgb(color_palette[i]), collapse=", ") - thick_edges$color[clusters$edges == unique(clusters$edges)[i]] <- paste0("rgba(", edge_color, ", 0.5)") - } - } - merged_edges <- rbind(thick_edges, thin_edges) - data$edges <- merged_edges - visNetwork_graph <- visNetwork(data$nodes, data$edges, - main = mst_title(), - background = mst_background_color(), - submain = mst_subtitle()) %>% - visNodes(size = mst_node_size(), - shape = input$mst_node_shape, - shadow = input$mst_shadow, - color = mst_color_node(), - ctxRenderer = ctxRendererJS, - scaling = list(min = mst_node_size_min(), - max = mst_node_size_max()), - font = list(color = node_font_color(), - size = input$node_label_fontsize)) %>% - visEdges(color = mst_color_edge(), - font = list(color = mst_edge_font_color(), - size = mst_edge_font_size(), - strokeWidth = 4), - smooth = FALSE, - physics = FALSE) %>% - visOptions(collapse = TRUE) %>% - visInteraction(hover = TRUE) %>% - visLayout(randomSeed = 1) %>% - visLegend(useGroups = FALSE, - zoom = TRUE, - width = legend_width(), - position = input$mst_legend_ori, - ncol = legend_col(), - addNodes = mst_legend()) - } - } - visNetwork_graph - }) - - # MST legend - legend_col <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(Vis$var_cols)) { - if(nrow(Vis$var_cols) > 10) { - 3 - } else if(nrow(Vis$var_cols) > 5) { - 2 - } else { - 1 - } - } else {1} - }) - - mst_legend <- reactive({ - if(is.null(Vis$var_cols)) { - NULL - } else { - legend <- Vis$var_cols - names(legend)[1] <- "label" - mutate(legend, shape = "dot", - font.color = input$mst_legend_color, - size = input$mst_symbol_size, - font.size = input$mst_font_size) - } - }) - - # Set MST legend width - legend_width <- reactive({ - 0.2 - }) - - # Set MST node shape - mst_node_shape <- reactive({ - if(input$mst_node_shape == "Pie Nodes"){ - "dot" - } else if(input$mst_node_shape %in% c("circle", "database", "box", "text")) { - shinyjs::disable('scale_nodes') - updateCheckboxInput(session, "scale_nodes", value = FALSE) - shinyjs::disable('mst_node_size') - shinyjs::disable('mst_node_scale') - input$mst_node_shape - } else { - shinyjs::enable('scale_nodes') - shinyjs::enable('mst_node_size') - shinyjs::enable('mst_node_scale') - input$mst_node_shape - } - }) - - # Set MST label - label_mst <- reactive({ - Vis$unique_meta[, colnames(Vis$unique_meta) %in% input$mst_node_label] - }) - - # Set node color - mst_color_node <- reactive({ - input$mst_color_node - }) - - # Node Label Color - node_font_color <- reactive({ - input$node_font_color - }) - - - # Node Size Scaling - mst_node_scaling <- reactive({ - if(input$scale_nodes == TRUE){ - Vis$unique_meta$size - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Node Size Min/May - mst_node_size_min <- reactive({ - input$mst_node_scale[1] - }) - - mst_node_size_max <- reactive({ - input$mst_node_scale[2] - }) - - # Node Size - mst_node_size <- reactive({ - input$mst_node_size - }) - - # Node Alpha/Opacity - node_opacity <- reactive({ - input$node_opacity - }) - - # Set Title - mst_title <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$mst_title)) { - if(nchar(input$mst_title) < 1) { - list(text = "title", - style = paste0( - "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", - "text-align:center;", - "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_title_size), "px", - "; color: ", as.character(mst_background_color())) - ) - } else { - list(text = input$mst_title, - style = paste0( - "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", - "text-align:center;", - "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_title_size), "px", - "; color: ", as.character(input$mst_title_color)) - ) - } - } else { - list(text = "title", - style = paste0( - "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", - "text-align:center;", - "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_title_size), "px", - "; color: ", as.character(mst_background_color())) - ) - } - }) - - # Set Subtitle - mst_subtitle <- reactive({ - list(text = input$mst_subtitle, - style = paste0( - "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", - "text-align:center;", - "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_subtitle_size), "px", - "; color: ", as.character(input$mst_subtitle_color)) - ) - }) - - # Background color - - mst_background_color <- reactive({ - if(input$mst_background_transparent == TRUE) { - 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' - } else{ - input$mst_background_color - } - }) - - # Edge font color - mst_edge_font_color <- reactive({ - input$mst_edge_font_color - }) - - # Edge color - mst_color_edge <- reactive({ - input$mst_color_edge - }) - - # Edge font size - mst_edge_font_size <- reactive({ - input$mst_edge_font_size - }) - - #### NJ ---- - - nj_tree <- reactive({ - - # Convert negative edges - Vis$nj[["edge.length"]] <- abs(Vis$nj[["edge.length"]]) - - if(input$nj_nodelabel_show == TRUE) { - ggtree(Vis$nj, alpha = 0.2, layout = layout_nj()) + - geom_nodelab(aes(label = node), color = "#29303A", size = nj_tiplab_size() + 1, hjust = 0.7) + - nj_limit() + - nj_inward() - } else { - tree <- - ggtree(Vis$nj, - color = input$nj_color, - layout = layout_nj(), - ladderize = input$nj_ladder) %<+% Vis$meta_nj + - nj_clades() + - nj_tiplab() + - nj_tiplab_scale() + - new_scale_color() + - nj_limit() + - nj_inward() + - nj_label_branch() + - nj_treescale() + - nj_nodepoint() + - nj_tippoint() + - nj_tippoint_scale() + - new_scale_color() + - nj_clip_label() + - nj_rootedge() + - ggtitle(label = input$nj_title, - subtitle = input$nj_subtitle) + - theme_tree(bgcolor = input$nj_bg) + - theme(plot.title = element_text(colour = input$nj_title_color, - size = input$nj_title_size), - plot.subtitle = element_text(colour = input$nj_title_color, - size = input$nj_subtitle_size), - legend.background = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg), - legend.direction = input$nj_legend_orientation, - legend.title = element_text(color = input$nj_color, - size = input$nj_legend_size*1.2), - legend.title.align = 0.5, - legend.position = nj_legend_pos(), - legend.text = element_text(color = input$nj_color, - size = input$nj_legend_size), - legend.key = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg), - = unit(1.5, "cm"), - legend.key.size = unit(0.05*input$nj_legend_size, 'cm'), - plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg, color = input$nj_bg)) + - new_scale_fill() + - nj_fruit() + - nj_gradient() + - new_scale_fill() + - nj_fruit2() + - nj_gradient2() + - new_scale_fill() + - nj_fruit3() + - nj_gradient3() + - new_scale_fill() + - nj_fruit4() + - nj_gradient4() + - new_scale_fill() + - nj_fruit5() + - nj_gradient5() + - new_scale_fill() - - # Add custom labels - if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { - - for(i in Vis$custom_label_nj[,1]) { - - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[i]])) { - x_pos <- Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[i]] - } else { - x_pos <- round(Vis$nj_max_x / 2, 0) - } - - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[i]])) { - y_pos <- Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[i]] - } else { - y_pos <- sum(DB$data$Include) / 2 - } - - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_size[[i]])) { - size <- Vis$nj_label_size[[i]] - } else { - size <- 5 - } - - tree <- tree + annotate("text", - x = x_pos, - y = y_pos, - label = i, - size = size) - } - } - - # Add heatmap - if(input$nj_heatmap_show == TRUE & length(input$nj_heatmap_select) > 0) { - if (!(any(sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & - any(!sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric)))) { - tree <- gheatmap.mod(tree, - data = select(Vis$meta_nj, input$nj_heatmap_select), - offset = nj_heatmap_offset(), - width = nj_heatmap_width(), - legend_title = input$nj_heatmap_title, - colnames_angle = -nj_colnames_angle(), - colnames_offset_y = nj_colnames_y(), - colnames_color = input$nj_color) + - nj_heatmap_scale() - } - } - - # Sizing control - Vis$nj_plot <- ggplotify::as.ggplot(tree, - scale = input$nj_zoom, - hjust = input$nj_h, - vjust = input$nj_v) - - Vis$nj_true <- TRUE - - # Correct background color if zoomed out - cowplot::ggdraw(Vis$nj_plot) + - theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg, color = input$nj_bg)) - } - }) - - # Heatmap width - nj_heatmap_width <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_width)) { - input$nj_heatmap_width - } else { - length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - 3 - } - } - } - }) - - # Heatmap column titles position - nj_colnames_y <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_colnames_y)) { - input$nj_colnames_y - } else { - if(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular") { - 0 - } else {-1} - } - }) - - # Heatmap column titles angle - nj_colnames_angle <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_colnames_angle)) { - input$nj_colnames_angle - } else { - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular") { - 90 - } else {-90} - } else {-90} - } - }) - - # Heatmap scale - nj_heatmap_scale <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_scale) & !is.null(input$nj_heatmap_div_mid)) { - if(input$nj_heatmap_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_heatmap_div_mid == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_div_mid == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_heatmap_scale)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_heatmap_scale)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_heatmap_scale)[3], - midpoint = midpoint, - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else { - if(input$nj_heatmap_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } - } else { - if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H", - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_heatmap_scale, - name = input$nj_heatmap_title) - } - } - } - }) - - # Tippoint Scale - nj_tippoint_scale <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tippoint_scale) & !is.null(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid)) { - if(input$nj_tippoint_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tippoint_scale)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tippoint_scale)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tippoint_scale)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$nj_tippoint_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_color_brewer(palette = input$nj_tippoint_scale) - } - } - } - }) - - # Tiplab Scale - nj_tiplab_scale <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_scale) & !is.null(input$nj_color_mapping_div_mid)) { - if(input$nj_tiplab_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_color_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_color_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiplab_scale)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiplab_scale)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiplab_scale)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$nj_tiplab_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_color_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiplab_scale) - } - } - } - }) - - # Clade Highlight - nj_clades <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_parentnode)) { - if(!length(input$nj_parentnode) == 0) { - if(length(input$nj_parentnode) == 1) { - fill <- input$nj_clade_scale - } else if (length(input$nj_parentnode) == 2) { - if(startsWith(input$nj_clade_scale, "#")) { - fill <- brewer.pal(3, "Set1")[1:2] - } else { - fill <- brewer.pal(3, input$nj_clade_scale)[1:2] - } - } else { - fill <- brewer.pal(length(input$nj_parentnode), input$nj_clade_scale) - } - geom_hilight(node = as.numeric(input$nj_parentnode), - fill = fill, - type = input$nj_clade_type, - to.bottom = TRUE - ) - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # Legend Position - nj_legend_pos <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_legend_x) & !is.null(input$nj_legend_y)) { - c(input$nj_legend_x, input$nj_legend_y) - } else { - c(0.1, 1) - } - }) - - # Heatmap offset - nj_heatmap_offset <- reactive({ - if(is.null(input$nj_heatmap_offset)) { - 0 - } else {input$nj_heatmap_offset} - }) - - # Tiles fill color gradient - nj_gradient <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_1) & - !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_1) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1)) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_1)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_1)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_1)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_1) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - nj_gradient2 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_2) & - !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_2) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_2) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2)) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_2)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_2)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_2)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_2) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - nj_gradient3 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_3) & - !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_3) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient3(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_3)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_3)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_3)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_3) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - nj_gradient4 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_4) & - !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_4) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_4) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4)) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient4(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_4)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_4)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_4)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_4) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - nj_gradient5 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_5) & - !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_5) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_5) & - !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5)) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient5(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_5)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_5)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_5)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5])) == "numeric") { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_5) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # No label clip off for linear NJ tree - nj_clip_label <- reactive({ - if(!(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward")) { - coord_cartesian(clip = "off") - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Geom Fruit - nj_fruit <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), - offset = 0, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), - offset = 0, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # Geom Fruit - nj_fruit2 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_2)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_2))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_2, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_2 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_2, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_2 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - nj_fruit3 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_3)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_3))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_3, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_3 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_3, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_3 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - nj_fruit4 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_4)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_4))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_4, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_4 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_4, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_4 - ) - } - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - } - }) - - nj_fruit5 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_5)) & - (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_5))) { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_5, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_5 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5, - width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_5, - alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_5 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$nj_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # Xlim - nj_limit <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_layout == "circular") { - xlim(input$nj_xlim, NA) - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Treescale - nj_treescale <- reactive({ - if(!input$nj_layout == "circular") { - if(input$nj_treescale_show == TRUE) { - geom_treescale(x = nj_treescale_x(), - y = nj_treescale_y(), - width = nj_treescale_width(), - color = input$nj_color, - fontsize = 4) - } else {NULL} - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Treescale Y Position - nj_treescale_y <- reactive({ - if(is.null(input$nj_treescale_y)) { - 0 - } else {input$nj_treescale_y} - }) - - # Treescale X Position - nj_treescale_x <- reactive({ - if(is.null(input$nj_treescale_x)) { - round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.2, 0) - } else {input$nj_treescale_x} - }) - - # Treescale width - nj_treescale_width <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_treescale_width)) { - input$nj_treescale_width - } else { - round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) - } - }) - - # Label branches - nj_label_branch <- reactive({ - if(!input$nj_layout == "circular" | !input$nj_layout == "inward") { - if(input$nj_show_branch_label == TRUE) { - geom_label( - aes( - x=!!sym("branch"), - label= !!sym(input$nj_branch_label)), - fill = input$nj_branch_label_color, - size = nj_branch_size(), - label.r = unit(input$nj_branch_labelradius, "lines"), - nudge_x = input$nj_branch_x, - nudge_y = input$nj_branch_y, - fontface = input$nj_branchlab_fontface, - alpha = input$nj_branchlab_alpha - ) - } else {NULL} - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Branch label size - nj_branch_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_branch_size)) { - input$nj_branch_size - } else { - Vis$branch_size_nj - } - }) - - # Rootedge - nj_rootedge <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_rootedge_show == TRUE) { - if(is.null(input$nj_rootedge_length)) { - geom_rootedge(rootedge = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.05, 0), - linetype = input$nj_rootedge_line) - } else { - geom_rootedge(rootedge = input$nj_rootedge_length, - linetype = input$nj_rootedge_line) - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Tippoints - nj_tippoint <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_tippoint_show == TRUE | input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE | input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == FALSE) { - geom_tippoint( - aes(color = !!sym(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping)), - alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, - shape = input$nj_tippoint_shape, - size = nj_tippoint_size() - ) - } else if (input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == FALSE & input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tippoint( - aes(shape = !!sym(input$nj_tipshape_mapping)), - alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, - color = input$nj_tippoint_color, - size = nj_tippoint_size() - ) - } else if (input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tippoint( - aes(shape = !!sym(input$nj_tipshape_mapping), - color = !!sym(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping)), - alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, - size = nj_tippoint_size() - ) - } else { - geom_tippoint( - alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, - colour = input$nj_tippoint_color, - fill = input$nj_tippoint_color, - shape = input$nj_tippoint_shape, - size = nj_tippoint_size() - ) - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Nodepoints - nj_nodepoint <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_nodepoint_show == TRUE) { - geom_nodepoint( - alpha = input$nj_nodepoint_alpha, - color = input$nj_nodepoint_color, - shape = input$nj_nodepoint_shape, - size = nj_nodepoint_size() - ) - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Nodepoint size - nj_nodepoint_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_nodepoint_size)) { - input$nj_nodepoint_size - } else { - Vis$nodepointsize_nj - } - }) - - # NJ circular or not - nj_tiplab <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_tiplab_show == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular") { - if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = "text", - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position), - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - color = input$nj_tiplab_color, - geom = "text", - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position), - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } else if (input$nj_layout == "inward") { - if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = "text", - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position_inw), - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - color = input$nj_tiplab_color, - geom = "text", - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position_inw), - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } else { - if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { - if(input$nj_geom == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = nj_geom(), - angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap, - label.padding = unit(nj_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), - label.r = unit(input$nj_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), - fill = input$nj_tiplab_fill - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = nj_geom(), - angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } else { - if(input$nj_geom == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = nj_geom(), - color = input$nj_tiplab_color, - angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap, - label.padding = unit(nj_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), - label.r = unit(input$nj_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), - fill = input$nj_tiplab_fill - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - nj_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = nj_geom(), - color = input$nj_tiplab_color, - angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, - size = nj_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$nj_align), - nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Tip panel size - nj_tiplab_padding <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_padding)) { - input$nj_tiplab_padding - } else { - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj - } - }) - - # Tiplab size - nj_tiplab_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_size)) { - input$nj_tiplab_size - } else { - Vis$labelsize_nj - } - }) - - # Tippoint size - nj_tippoint_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$nj_tippoint_size)) { - input$nj_tippoint_size - } else { - Vis$tippointsize_nj - } - }) - - # Show Label Panels? - nj_geom <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_geom == TRUE) { - "label" - } else {"text"} - }) - - # NJ Tiplab color - nj_mapping_tiplab <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab)) { - aes(label = !!sym(input$nj_tiplab), - color = !!sym(input$nj_color_mapping)) - } else { - aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name"), - color = !!sym(input$nj_color_mapping)) - } - } else { - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab)) { - aes(label = !!sym(input$nj_tiplab)) - } else { - aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name")) - } - } - }) - - # NJ Tree Layout - layout_nj <- reactive({ - if(input$nj_layout == "inward") { - "circular" - } else {input$nj_layout} - }) - - # NJ inward circular - nj_inward <- reactive({ - if (input$nj_layout == "inward") { - layout_inward_circular(xlim = input$nj_inward_xlim) - } else { - NULL - } - }) - - #### UPGMA ---- - - upgma_tree <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_nodelabel_show == TRUE) { - ggtree(Vis$upgma, alpha = 0.2, layout = layout_upgma()) + - geom_nodelab(aes(label = node), color = "#29303A", size = upgma_tiplab_size() + 1, hjust = 0.7) + - upgma_limit() + - upgma_inward() - } else { - tree <- - ggtree(Vis$upgma, - color = input$upgma_color, - layout = layout_upgma(), - ladderize = input$upgma_ladder) %<+% Vis$meta_upgma + - upgma_tiplab() + - upgma_tiplab_scale() + - new_scale_color() + - upgma_limit() + - upgma_inward() + - upgma_label_branch() + - upgma_treescale() + - upgma_nodepoint() + - upgma_tippoint() + - upgma_tippoint_scale() + - new_scale_color() + - upgma_clip_label() + - upgma_rootedge() + - upgma_clades() + - ggtitle(label = input$upgma_title, - subtitle = input$upgma_subtitle) + - theme_tree(bgcolor = input$upgma_bg) + - theme(plot.title = element_text(colour = input$upgma_title_color, - size = input$upgma_title_size), - plot.subtitle = element_text(colour = input$upgma_title_color, - size = input$upgma_subtitle_size), - legend.background = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg), - legend.direction = input$upgma_legend_orientation, - legend.title = element_text(color = input$upgma_color, - size = input$upgma_legend_size*1.2), - legend.title.align = 0.5, - legend.position = upgma_legend_pos(), - legend.text = element_text(color = input$upgma_color, - size = input$upgma_legend_size), - legend.key = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg), - = unit(1.5, "cm"), - legend.key.size = unit(0.05*input$upgma_legend_size, 'cm'), - plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg, color = input$upgma_bg)) + - new_scale_fill() + - upgma_fruit() + - upgma_gradient() + - new_scale_fill() + - upgma_fruit2() + - upgma_gradient2() + - new_scale_fill() + - upgma_fruit3() + - upgma_gradient3() + - new_scale_fill() + - upgma_fruit4() + - upgma_gradient4() + - new_scale_fill() + - upgma_fruit5() + - upgma_gradient5() + - new_scale_fill() - - # Add custom labels - if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { - - for(i in Vis$custom_label_upgma[,1]) { - - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[i]])) { - x_pos <- Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[i]] - } else { - x_pos <- round(Vis$upgma_max_x / 2, 0) - } - - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[i]])) { - y_pos <- Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[i]] - } else { - y_pos <- sum(DB$data$Include) / 2 - } - - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_size[[i]])) { - size <- Vis$upgma_label_size[[i]] - } else { - size <- 5 - } - - tree <- tree + annotate("text", - x = x_pos, - y = y_pos, - label = i, - size = size) - } - } - - # Add heatmap - if(input$upgma_heatmap_show == TRUE & length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) > 0) { - if (!(any(sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & - any(!sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric)))) { - tree <- gheatmap.mod(tree, - data = select(Vis$meta_upgma, input$upgma_heatmap_select), - offset = upgma_heatmap_offset(), - width = upgma_heatmap_width(), - legend_title = input$upgma_heatmap_title, - colnames_angle = -upgma_colnames_angle(), - colnames_offset_y = upgma_colnames_y(), - colnames_color = input$upgma_color) + - upgma_heatmap_scale() - } - } - - # Sizing control - Vis$upgma_plot <- ggplotify::as.ggplot(tree, - scale = input$upgma_zoom, - hjust = input$upgma_h, - vjust = input$upgma_v) - - # Correct background color if zoomed out - cowplot::ggdraw(Vis$upgma_plot) + - theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg, color = input$upgma_bg)) - } - }) - - # Heatmap width - upgma_heatmap_width <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_width)) { - input$upgma_heatmap_width - } else { - length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) - if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { - if(length_input < 3) { - 0.1 - } else { - if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { - min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - 1.5 - } - } - } else { - if(length_input < 3) { - 0.3 - } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { - min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) - } else { - 3 - } - } - } - }) - - # Heatmap column titles position - upgma_colnames_y <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_colnames_y)) { - input$upgma_colnames_y - } else { - if(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular") { - 0 - } else {-1} - } - }) - - # Heatmap column titles angle - upgma_colnames_angle <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_colnames_angle)) { - input$upgma_colnames_angle - } else { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular") { - 90 - } else {-90} - } else {-90} - } - }) - - # Heatmap scale - upgma_heatmap_scale <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_scale) & !is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_div_mid)) { - if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_heatmap_div_mid == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_div_mid == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_heatmap_scale)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_heatmap_scale)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_heatmap_scale)[3], - midpoint = midpoint, - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else { - if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H", - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_heatmap_scale, - name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) - } - } - } - }) - - # Tippoint Scale - upgma_tippoint_scale <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tippoint_scale) & !is.null(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid)) { - if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tippoint_scale)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tippoint_scale)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tippoint_scale)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_color_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tippoint_scale) - } - } - } - }) - - # Tiplab Scale - upgma_tiplab_scale <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_scale) & !is.null(input$upgma_color_mapping_div_mid)) { - if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_color_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_color_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiplab_scale)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiplab_scale)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiplab_scale)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "magma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "mako") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { - scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_color_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiplab_scale) - } - } - } - }) - - # Clade Highlight - upgma_clades <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_parentnode)) { - if(!length(input$upgma_parentnode) == 0) { - if(length(input$upgma_parentnode) == 1) { - fill <- input$upgma_clade_scale - } else if (length(input$upgma_parentnode) == 2) { - if(startsWith(input$upgma_clade_scale, "#")) { - fill <- brewer.pal(3, "Set1")[1:2] - } else { - fill <- brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_clade_scale)[1:2] - } - } else { - fill <- brewer.pal(length(input$upgma_parentnode), input$upgma_clade_scale) - } - geom_hilight(node = as.numeric(input$upgma_parentnode), - fill = fill, - type = input$upgma_clade_type, - to.bottom = TRUE) - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # Legend Position - upgma_legend_pos <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_legend_x) & !is.null(input$upgma_legend_y)) { - c(input$upgma_legend_x, input$upgma_legend_y) - } else { - c(0.1, 1) - } - }) - - # Heatmap offset - upgma_heatmap_offset <- reactive({ - if(is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_offset)) { - 0 - } else {input$upgma_heatmap_offset} - }) - - # Tiles fill color gradient - upgma_gradient <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_1) & - !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1)) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_1)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_1)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_1)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_1) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - upgma_gradient2 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_2) & - !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2)) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_2)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_2)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_2)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_2) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - upgma_gradient3 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_3) & - !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3)) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient3(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_3)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_3)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_3)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_3) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - upgma_gradient4 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_4) & - !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4)) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient4(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_4)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_4)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_4)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_4) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - upgma_gradient5 <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_5) & - !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5) & - !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5)) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Zero") { - midpoint <- 0 - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Mean") { - midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) - } else { - midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) - } - scale_fill_gradient5(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_5)[1], - mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_5)[2], - high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_5)[3], - midpoint = midpoint) - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { - if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5])) == "numeric") { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") - } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { - scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") - } - } - } else { - scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_5) - } - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # No label clip off for linear upgma tree - upgma_clip_label <- reactive({ - if(!(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward")) { - coord_cartesian(clip = "off") - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Geom Fruit - upgma_fruit <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_1)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), - offset = 0, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), - offset = 0, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # Geom Fruit - upgma_fruit2 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_2)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_2)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_2))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_2, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_2 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_2, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_2 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - upgma_fruit3 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_3)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_3)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_3))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_3, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_3 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_3, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_3 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - upgma_fruit4 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_4)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_4)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_4))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_4, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_4 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_4, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_4 - ) - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - } - }) - - upgma_fruit5 <- reactive({ - if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_5)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_5)) & - (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_5))) { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_5, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_5 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5, - width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_5, - alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_5 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } else { - if(input$upgma_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { - if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { - width <- 1 - } else { - width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) - } - } else { - width <- 2 - } - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = 0.15, - width = width * 3, - alpha = 1 - ) - } else { - geom_fruit( - geom = geom_tile, - mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), - offset = 0.05, - width = width, - alpha = 1 - ) - } - } else {NULL} - } - }) - - # Xlim - upgma_limit <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular") { - xlim(input$upgma_xlim, NA) - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Treescale - upgma_treescale <- reactive({ - if(!input$upgma_layout == "circular") { - if(input$upgma_treescale_show == TRUE) { - geom_treescale(x = upgma_treescale_x(), - y = upgma_treescale_y(), - width = upgma_treescale_width(), - color = input$upgma_color, - fontsize = 4) - } else {NULL} - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Treescale Y Position - upgma_treescale_y <- reactive({ - if(is.null(input$upgma_treescale_y)) { - 0 - } else {input$upgma_treescale_y} - }) - - # Treescale X Position - upgma_treescale_x <- reactive({ - if(is.null(input$upgma_treescale_x)) { - round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.2, 0) - } else {input$upgma_treescale_x} - }) - - # Treescale width - upgma_treescale_width <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_treescale_width)) { - input$upgma_treescale_width - } else { - round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) - } - }) - - # Label branches - upgma_label_branch <- reactive({ - if(!input$upgma_layout == "circular" | !input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - if(input$upgma_show_branch_label == TRUE) { - geom_label( - aes( - x=!!sym("branch"), - label= !!sym(input$upgma_branch_label)), - fill = input$upgma_branch_label_color, - size = upgma_branch_size(), - label.r = unit(input$upgma_branch_labelradius, "lines"), - nudge_x = input$upgma_branch_x, - nudge_y = input$upgma_branch_y, - fontface = input$upgma_branchlab_fontface, - alpha = input$upgma_branchlab_alpha - ) - } else {NULL} - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Branch label size - upgma_branch_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_branch_size)) { - input$upgma_branch_size - } else { - Vis$branch_size_upgma - } - }) - - # Rootedge - upgma_rootedge <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_rootedge_show == TRUE) { - if(is.null(input$upgma_rootedge_length)) { - geom_rootedge(rootedge = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.05, 0), - linetype = input$upgma_rootedge_line) - } else { - geom_rootedge(rootedge = input$upgma_rootedge_length, - linetype = input$upgma_rootedge_line) - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Tippoints - upgma_tippoint <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_tippoint_show == TRUE | input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE | input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == FALSE) { - geom_tippoint( - aes(color = !!sym(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping)), - alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, - shape = input$upgma_tippoint_shape, - size = upgma_tippoint_size() - ) - } else if (input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == FALSE & input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tippoint( - aes(shape = !!sym(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping)), - alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, - color = input$upgma_tippoint_color, - size = upgma_tippoint_size() - ) - } else if (input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tippoint( - aes(shape = !!sym(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping), - color = !!sym(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping)), - alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, - size = upgma_tippoint_size() - ) - } else { - geom_tippoint( - alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, - colour = input$upgma_tippoint_color, - fill = input$upgma_tippoint_color, - shape = input$upgma_tippoint_shape, - size = upgma_tippoint_size() - ) - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Nodepoints - upgma_nodepoint <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_nodepoint_show == TRUE) { - geom_nodepoint( - alpha = input$upgma_nodepoint_alpha, - color = input$upgma_nodepoint_color, - shape = input$upgma_nodepoint_shape, - size = upgma_nodepoint_size() - ) - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Nodepoint size - upgma_nodepoint_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_nodepoint_size)) { - input$upgma_nodepoint_size - } else { - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma - } - }) - - # upgma circular or not - upgma_tiplab <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_tiplab_show == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular") { - if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = "text", - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position), - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, - geom = "text", - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position), - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } else if (input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = "text", - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position_inw), - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, - geom = "text", - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position_inw), - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { - if(input$upgma_geom == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = upgma_geom(), - angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap, - label.padding = unit(upgma_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), - label.r = unit(input$upgma_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), - fill = input$upgma_tiplab_fill - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = upgma_geom(), - angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } else { - if(input$upgma_geom == TRUE) { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = upgma_geom(), - color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, - angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap, - label.padding = unit(upgma_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), - label.r = unit(input$upgma_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), - fill = input$upgma_tiplab_fill - ) - } else { - geom_tiplab( - upgma_mapping_tiplab(), - geom = upgma_geom(), - color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, - angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, - size = upgma_tiplab_size(), - alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, - fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, - align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), - nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, - check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap - ) - } - } - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Tip panel size - upgma_tiplab_padding <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_padding)) { - input$upgma_tiplab_padding - } else { - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma - } - }) - - # Tiplab size - upgma_tiplab_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_size)) { - input$upgma_tiplab_size - } else { - Vis$labelsize_upgma - } - }) - - # Tippoint size - upgma_tippoint_size <- reactive({ - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tippoint_size)) { - input$upgma_tippoint_size - } else { - Vis$tippointsize_upgma - } - }) - - # Show Label Panels? - upgma_geom <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_geom == TRUE) { - "label" - } else {"text"} - }) - - # upgma Tiplab color - upgma_mapping_tiplab <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab)) { - aes(label = !!sym(input$upgma_tiplab), - color = !!sym(input$upgma_color_mapping)) - } else { - aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name"), - color = !!sym(input$upgma_color_mapping)) - } - } else { - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab)) { - aes(label = !!sym(input$upgma_tiplab)) - } else { - aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name")) - } - } - }) - - # upgma Tree Layout - layout_upgma <- reactive({ - if(input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - "circular" - } else {input$upgma_layout} - }) - - # upgma inward circular - upgma_inward <- reactive({ - if (input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - layout_inward_circular(xlim = input$upgma_inward_xlim) - } else { - NULL - } - }) - - ### Save MST Plot ---- - output$save_plot_html <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save MST;", paste0("MST_", Sys.Date(), ".html"))) - paste0("MST_", Sys.Date(), ".html") - }, - content = function(file) { - mst_tree() %>% visSave(file = file, background = mst_background_color()) - } - ) - - ### Save NJ Plot ---- - - # Define download handler to save the plot - - output$download_nj <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save NJ;", paste0("NJ_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_nj))) - paste0("NJ_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_nj) - }, - content = function(file) { - if (input$filetype_nj == "png") { - png(file, width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale)) - print(nj_tree()) - - } else if (input$filetype_nj == "jpeg") { - jpeg(file, width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale), quality = 100) - print(nj_tree()) - - } else if (input$filetype_nj == "svg") { - plot <- print(nj_tree()) - ggsave(file=file, plot=plot, device = svg(width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio))/96, - height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale)/96)) - } else if (input$filetype_nj == "bmp") { - bmp(file, width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale)) - print(nj_tree()) - - } - } - ) - - ### Save UPGMA Plot ---- - - # Define download handler to save the plot - - output$download_upgma <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save UPGMA;", paste0("UPGMA_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_upgma))) - paste0("UPGMA_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_upgma) - }, - content = function(file) { - if (input$filetype_upgma == "png") { - png(file, width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale)) - print(upgma_tree()) - - } else if (input$filetype_upgma == "jpeg") { - jpeg(file, width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale), quality = 100) - print(upgma_tree()) - - } else if (input$filetype_upgma == "svg") { - plot <- print(upgma_tree()) - ggsave(file=file, plot=plot, device = svg(width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio))/96, - height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale)/96)) - } else if (input$filetype_upgma == "bmp") { - bmp(file, width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale)) - print(upgma_tree()) - - } - } - ) - - ### Reactive Events ---- - - # MST cluster reset button - observeEvent(input$mst_cluster_reset, { - if(!is.null(DB$schemeinfo)) - updateNumericInput(session, "mst_cluster_threshold", value = as.numeric(DB$schemeinfo[7, 2])) - }) - - # Shut off "Align Labels" control for UPGMA trees - shinyjs::disable('upgma_align') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiplab_linesize') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiplab_linetype') - - # Conditional disabling of control elemenmts - observe({ - - # Tiles for inward layout - if(input$nj_layout == "inward") { - shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show') - shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_2') - shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_3') - shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_4') - shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_5') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_2') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_3') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_4') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_5') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_2') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_3') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_4') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_5') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_2') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_3') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_4') - shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_5') - } else { - shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show') - shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_2') - shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_3') - shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_4') - shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_5') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_2') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_3') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_4') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_5') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_2') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_3') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_4') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_5') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_2') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_3') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_4') - shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_5') - } - - if(input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_2') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_3') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_4') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_5') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_2') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_3') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_4') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_5') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_2') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_3') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_4') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_5') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_2') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_3') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_4') - shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_5') - } else { - shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_2') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_3') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_4') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_5') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_2') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_3') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_4') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_5') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_2') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_3') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_4') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_5') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_2') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_3') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_4') - shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_5') - } - - # Shut off branch labels for NJ and UPGMA plots for circular layout - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - shinyjs::disable('nj_show_branch_label') - } else { - shinyjs::enable('nj_show_branch_label') - } - - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - shinyjs::disable('upgma_show_branch_label') - } else { - shinyjs::enable('upgma_show_branch_label') - } - }) - - #### Generate Plot ---- - - hamming_nj <- reactive({ - if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { - if(input$na_handling == "omit") { - allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] - - allelic_profile_noNA_true <- allelic_profile_noNA[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - - compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA_true, hamming.dist) - - } else if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na"){ - compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distIgnore) - - } else { - compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distCategory) - } - - } else {compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.dist)} - }) - - hamming_mst <- reactive({ - if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { - if(input$na_handling == "omit") { - allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] - - allelic_profile_noNA_true <- allelic_profile_noNA[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - - dist <- compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA_true, hamming.dist) - - } else if (input$na_handling == "ignore_na") { - dist <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distIgnore) - } else { - dist <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distCategory) - } - } else { - dist <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.dist) - } - - # Find indices of pairs with a distance of 0 - zero_distance_pairs <- == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)) - - zero_distance_pairs <- zero_distance_pairs[zero_distance_pairs$row != zero_distance_pairs$col, ] - - if(nrow(zero_distance_pairs) > 0) { - - # Sort each row so that x <= y - df_sorted <- t(apply(zero_distance_pairs, 1, function(row) sort(row))) - - # Remove duplicate rows - df_unique <- - - colnames(df_unique) <- c("col", "row") - - # get metadata in df - vector_col <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$col) { - vector_col[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name`[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - vector_row <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$row) { - vector_row[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name`[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - col_id <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$col) { - col_id[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly ID`[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - row_id <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$row) { - row_id[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly ID`[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - col_index <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$col) { - col_index[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Index[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - row_index <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$row) { - row_index[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Index[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - col_date <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$col) { - col_date[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Isolation Date`[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - row_date <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$row) { - row_date[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Isolation Date`[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - col_host <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$col) { - col_host[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Host[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - row_host <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$row) { - row_host[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Host[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - col_country <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$col) { - col_country[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Country[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - row_country <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$row) { - row_country[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Country[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - col_city <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$col) { - col_city[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$City[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - row_city <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in df_unique$row) { - row_city[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$City[i] - count <- count + 1 - } - - df_unique <- cbind(df_unique, col_name = vector_col, row_name = vector_row, - col_index = col_index, row_index = row_index, col_id = col_id, - row_id = row_id, col_date = col_date, row_date = row_date, - col_host = col_host, row_host = row_host, col_country = col_country, - row_country = row_country, col_city = col_city, row_city = row_city) - - # Add groups - grouped_df <- df_unique %>% - group_by(col) %>% - mutate(group_id = cur_group_id()) - - # Merge groups - name <- character(0) - index <- character(0) - id <- character(0) - count <- 1 - for (i in grouped_df$group_id) { - name[count] <- paste(unique(append(grouped_df$col_name[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)], - grouped_df$row_name[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)])), - collapse = "\n") - - id[count] <- paste(unique(append(grouped_df$col_id[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)], - grouped_df$row_id[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)])), - collapse = "\n") - - index[count] <- paste(unique(append(grouped_df$col_index[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)], - grouped_df$row_index[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)])), - collapse = "\n") - - count <- count + 1 - } - - merged_names <- cbind(grouped_df, "Index" = index, "Assembly Name" = name, "Assembly ID" = id) - - # remove duplicate groups - - final <- merged_names[!duplicated(merged_names$group_id), ] - - final_cleaned <- final[!(final$col_name %in% final$row_name),] - - final_cleaned <- select(final_cleaned, 3, 17:20) - - # adapt metadata - Date_merged <- character(0) - for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { - Date <- character(0) - for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { - Date <- append(Date, Vis$meta_mst$`Isolation Date`[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) - } - Date_merged <- append(Date_merged, paste(Date, collapse = "\n")) - } - - Host_merged <- character(0) - for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { - Host <- character(0) - for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { - Host <- append(Host, Vis$meta_mst$Host[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) - } - Host_merged <- append(Host_merged, paste(Host, collapse = "\n")) - } - - Country_merged <- character(0) - for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { - Country <- character(0) - for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { - Country <- append(Country, Vis$meta_mst$Country[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) - } - Country_merged <- append(Country_merged, paste(Country, collapse = "\n")) - } - - City_merged <- character(0) - for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { - City <- character(0) - for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { - City <- append(City, Vis$meta_mst$City[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) - } - City_merged <- append(City_merged, paste(City, collapse = "\n")) - } - - final_meta <- cbind(final_cleaned, "Isolation Date" = Date_merged, - "Host" = Host_merged, "Country" = Country_merged, "City" = City_merged) - - - # Merging with original data frame / allelic profile - - allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile_true - meta_true <- Vis$meta_mst - - rownames(allelic_profile_true) <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name` - rownames(meta_true) <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name` - - omit <- unique(append(df_unique$col_name, df_unique$row_name)) %in% final_cleaned$col_name - - omit_id <- unique(append(df_unique$col_name, df_unique$row_name))[!omit] - - remove <- !(rownames(allelic_profile_true) %in% omit_id) - - allelic_profile_clean <- allelic_profile_true[remove, ] - - meta_clean <- meta_true[remove, ] - - # substitute meta assembly names with group names - - count <- 1 - for(i in which(rownames(meta_clean) %in% final_meta$col_name)) { - meta_clean$Index[i] <- final_meta$Index[count] - meta_clean$`Assembly Name`[i] <- final_meta$`Assembly Name`[count] - meta_clean$`Assembly ID`[i] <- final_meta$`Assembly ID`[count] - meta_clean$`Isolation Date`[i] <- final_meta$`Isolation Date`[count] - meta_clean$Host[i] <- final_meta$Host[count] - meta_clean$Country[i] <- final_meta$Country[count] - meta_clean$City[i] <- final_meta$City[count] - count <- count + 1 - } - - # Metadata completion - # get group size - - size_vector <- numeric(0) - for(i in 1:nrow(meta_clean)) { - if (str_count(meta_clean$`Assembly Name`[i], "\n") == 0) { - size_vector[i] <- 1 - } else { - size_vector[i] <- str_count(meta_clean$`Assembly Name`[i], "\n") +1 - } - } - - meta_clean <- mutate(meta_clean, size = size_vector) - - # get font size dependent on group size - - font_size <- numeric(nrow(meta_clean)) - - for (i in 1:length(font_size)) { - if(meta_clean$size[i] < 3) { - font_size[i] <- 12 - } else { - font_size[i] <- 11 - } - } - - # get v-align dependent on group size - valign <- numeric(nrow(meta_clean)) - - for (i in 1:length(valign)) { - if(meta_clean$size[i] == 1) { - valign[i] <- -30 - } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 2) { - valign[i] <- -38 - } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 3) { - valign[i] <- -46 - } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 4) { - valign[i] <- -54 - } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 5) { - valign[i] <- -62 - } else if(meta_clean$size[i] > 5) { - valign[i] <- -70 - } - } - - Vis$unique_meta <- meta_clean %>% - cbind(font_size = font_size, valign = valign) - - # final dist calculation - - if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)){ - if(input$na_handling == "omit") { - allelic_profile_clean_noNA_names <- allelic_profile_clean[, colSums( == 0] - compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean_noNA_names, hamming.dist) - } else if (input$na_handling == "ignore_na") { - compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean, hamming.distIgnore) - } else { - compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean, hamming.distCategory) - } - } else {compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean, hamming.dist)} - - - } else { - font_size <- rep(12, nrow(Vis$meta_mst)) - valign <- rep(-30, nrow(Vis$meta_mst)) - size <- rep(1, nrow(Vis$meta_mst)) - Vis$unique_meta <- Vis$meta_mst %>% - cbind(size , font_size, valign) - - dist - } - - }) - - observeEvent(input$create_tree, { - log_print("Input create_tree") - - if(is.null(DB$data)) { - log_print("Missing data") - - show_toast( - title = "Missing data", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if(nrow(DB$allelic_profile_true) < 3) { - log_print("Min. of 3 entries required for visualization") - - show_toast( - title = "Min. of 3 entries required for visualization", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - - if(any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) | any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))) { - log_print("Duplicated assemblies") - - dup_name <- which(duplicated(DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`)) - dup_id <- which(duplicated(DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`)) - - showModal( - modalDialog( - if((length(dup_name) + length(dup_id)) == 1) { - if(length(dup_name) == 1) { - HTML(paste0("Entry #", dup_name, - " contains a duplicated assembly name:", "

", - DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`[dup_name])) - } else { - HTML(paste0("Entry #", dup_id, - " contains a duplicated assembly ID:", "

", - DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`[dup_id])) - } - } else { - if(length(dup_name) == 0) { - HTML(c("Entries contain duplicated IDs

", - paste0(unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`[dup_id]), "
"))) - } else if(length(dup_id) == 0) { - HTML(c("Entries contain duplicated names

", - paste0(unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`[dup_name]), "
"))) - } else { - HTML(c("Entries contain duplicated names and IDs

", - paste0("Name: ", unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`[dup_name]), "
"), - paste0("ID: ", unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`[dup_id]), "
"))) - } - }, - title = "Duplicate entries", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("change_entries", "Go to Entry Table", class = "btn btn-default") - ) - ) - ) - } else { - - set.seed(1) - - if (input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { - - log_print("Rendering NJ tree") - - output$nj_field <- renderUI({ - addSpinner( - plotOutput("tree_nj", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$nj_scale), "px")), - spin = "dots", - color = "#ffffff" - ) - }) - - Vis$meta_nj <- select(DB$meta_true, -2) - - if(length(unique(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_nj)))) < length(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_nj)))) { - show_toast( - title = "Conflicting Custom Variable Names", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - - # Create phylogenetic tree data - Vis$nj <- ape::nj(hamming_nj()) - - # Create phylogenetic tree meta data - Vis$meta_nj <- mutate(Vis$meta_nj, taxa = Index) %>% - relocate(taxa) - - # Get number of included entries calculate start values for tree - if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { - if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { - if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 5.5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 5.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.25 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.2 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4.5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.15 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3.5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2.5 - } else { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 1.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.05 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2 - } - } else { - if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.25 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4.5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.2 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.15 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3.5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2.5 - } else { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 2.5 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 2.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 1.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.05 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2 - } - } - } else { - Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4 - Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.2 - Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3.5 - } - - Vis$nj_tree <- ggtree(Vis$nj) - - # Get upper and lower end of x range - Vis$nj_max_x <- max(Vis$nj_tree$data$x) - Vis$nj_min_x <- min(Vis$nj_tree$data$x) - - # Get parent node numbers - Vis$nj_parentnodes <- Vis$nj_tree$data$parent - - # Update visualization control inputs - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_size)) { - updateNumericInput(session, "nj_tiplab_size", value = Vis$labelsize_nj) - } - if(!is.null(input$nj_tippoint_size)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_tippoint_size", value = Vis$tippointsize_nj) - } - if(!is.null(input$nj_nodepoint_size)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_nodepoint_size", value = Vis$nodepointsize_nj) - } - if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_padding)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_tiplab_padding", value = Vis$tiplab_padding_nj) - } - if(!is.null(input$nj_branch_size)) { - updateNumericInput(session, "nj_branch_size", value = Vis$branch_size_nj) - } - if(!is.null(input$nj_treescale_width)) { - updateNumericInput(session, "nj_treescale_width", value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0)) - } - if(!is.null(input$nj_rootedge_length)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "nj_rootedge_length", value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.05, 0)) - } - - output$tree_nj <- renderPlot({ - nj_tree() - }) - - Vis$nj_true <- TRUE - } - } else if (input$tree_algo == "UPGMA") { - - log_print("Rendering UPGMA tree") - - output$upgma_field <- renderUI({ - addSpinner( - plotOutput("tree_upgma", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$upgma_scale), "px")), - spin = "dots", - color = "#ffffff" - ) - }) - - Vis$meta_upgma <- select(DB$meta_true, -2) - - if(length(unique(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_upgma)))) < length(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_upgma)))) { - show_toast( - title = "Conflicting Custom Variable Names", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - - # Create phylogenetic tree data - Vis$upgma <- phangorn::upgma(hamming_nj()) - - # Create phylogenetic tree meta data - Vis$meta_upgma <- mutate(Vis$meta_upgma, taxa = Index) %>% - relocate(taxa) - - # Get number of included entries calculate start values for tree - if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { - if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { - if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 5.5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 5.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.25 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.2 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4.5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.15 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3.5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2.5 - } else { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 1.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.05 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2 - } - } else { - if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.25 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4.5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.2 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.15 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3.5 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3.5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3 - } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2.5 - } else { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 2.5 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 2.5 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 1.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.05 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2 - } - } - } else { - Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4 - Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2.5 - Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.2 - Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3.5 - } - - Vis$upgma_tree <- ggtree(Vis$upgma) - - # Get upper and lower end of x range - Vis$upgma_max_x <- max(Vis$upgma_tree$data$x) - Vis$upgma_min_x <- min(Vis$upgma_tree$data$x) - - # Get parent node numbers - Vis$upgma_parentnodes <- Vis$upgma_tree$data$parent - - # Update visualization control inputs - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_size)) { - updateNumericInput(session, "upgma_tiplab_size", value = Vis$labelsize_upgma) - } - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tippoint_size)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_tippoint_size", value = Vis$tippointsize_upgma) - } - if(!is.null(input$upgma_nodepoint_size)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_nodepoint_size", value = Vis$nodepointsize_upgma) - } - if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_padding)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_tiplab_padding", value = Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma) - } - if(!is.null(input$upgma_branch_size)) { - updateNumericInput(session, "upgma_branch_size", value = Vis$branch_size_upgma) - } - if(!is.null(input$upgma_treescale_width)) { - updateNumericInput(session, "upgma_treescale_width", value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0)) - } - if(!is.null(input$upgma_rootedge_length)) { - updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_rootedge_length", value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.05, 0)) - } - - output$tree_upgma <- renderPlot({ - upgma_tree() - }) - - Vis$upgma_true <- TRUE - } - } else { - - log_print("Rendering MST graph") - - output$mst_field <- renderUI({ - if(input$mst_background_transparent == TRUE) { - visNetworkOutput("tree_mst", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$mst_scale) * as.numeric(input$mst_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$mst_scale), "px")) - } else { - addSpinner( - visNetworkOutput("tree_mst", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$mst_scale) * as.numeric(input$mst_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$mst_scale), "px")), - spin = "dots", - color = "#ffffff" - ) - } - }) - - if(nrow(DB$meta_true) > 100) { - - log_print("Over 100 isolates in MST graph") - - show_toast( - title = "Computation might take a while", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 10000 - ) - } - - meta_mst <- DB$meta_true - Vis$meta_mst <- meta_mst - - # prepare igraph object - Vis$ggraph_1 <- hamming_mst() |> - as.matrix() |> - graph.adjacency(weighted = TRUE) |> - igraph::mst() - - output$tree_mst <- renderVisNetwork({ - mst_tree() - }) - - Vis$mst_true <- TRUE - } - } - } - }) - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Report ---- - - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - if(!is.null(input$tree_algo)) { - if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { - shinyjs::disable("rep_plot_report") - updateCheckboxInput(session, "rep_plot_report", value = FALSE) - } else { - shinyjs::enable("rep_plot_report") - } - } - } - }) - - ### Report creation UI ---- - - observeEvent(input$create_rep, { - - if((input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning" & isTRUE(Vis$mst_true)) | - (input$tree_algo == "UPGMA" & isTRUE(Vis$upgma_true)) | - (input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining" & isTRUE(Vis$nj_true))) { - # Get currently selected missing value handling option - if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na") { - na_handling <- "Ignore missing values for pairwise comparison" - } else if(input$na_handling == "omit") { - na_handling <- "Omit loci with missing values for all assemblies" - } else if(input$na_handling == "category") { - na_handling <- "Treat missing values as allele variant" - } - - extra_var <- character() - if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { - shinyjs::runjs("mstReport();") - if(isTRUE(input$mst_color_var)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$mst_col_var) - } - } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { - if(isTRUE(input$nj_mapping_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_color_mapping) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_tipcolor_mapping) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_tipshape_mapping) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_2) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_3) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_4) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_5) - } - if(isTRUE(input$nj_heatmap_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_heatmap_select) - } - } else if(input$tree_algo == "UPGMA") { - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_mapping_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_color_mapping) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tipcolor_mapping_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_tipcolor_mapping) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tipshape_mapping_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_tipshape_mapping) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_1)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_2)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_2) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_3)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_3) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_4)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_4) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_5)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_5) - } - if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_heatmap_show)) { - extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_heatmap_select) - } - } - - showModal( - modalDialog( - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color:black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'General') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - checkboxInput( - "rep_general", - label = "", - value = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - checkboxInput( - "rep_date_general", - label = h5("Date", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 7, - dateInput( - "mst_date_general_select", - "", - max = Sys.Date() - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - checkboxInput( - "rep_operator_general", - label = h5("Operator", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 8, - textInput( - "mst_operator_general_select", - "" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - checkboxInput( - "rep_institute_general", - label = h5("Institute", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 8, - textInput( - "mst_institute_general_select", - "" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - checkboxInput( - "rep_comm_general", - label = h5("Comment", style = "color:black;") - ) - ), - column( - width = 8, - textAreaInput( - inputId = "mst_comm_general_select", - label = "", - width = "100%", - height = "60px", - cols = NULL, - rows = NULL, - placeholder = NULL, - resize = "vertical" - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'Isolate Table') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - checkboxInput( - "rep_entrytable", - label = "", - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'Include Plot') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 1, - align = "left", - checkboxInput( - "rep_plot_report", - label = "", - value = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - div( - class = "rep_tab_sel", - pickerInput("select_rep_tab", - label = "", - choices = names(DB$meta)[-2], - selected = c("Assembly Name", "Scheme", "Isolation Date", - "Host", "Country", "City", extra_var), - options = list( - size = 10, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE) - ) - ) - ), - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'Analysis Parameter') - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - checkboxInput( - "rep_analysis", - label = "", - value = TRUE - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - checkboxInput( - "rep_cgmlst_analysis", - label = h5("Scheme", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 8, - align = "right", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', DB$scheme) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - checkboxInput( - "rep_tree_analysis", - label = h5("Tree", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 8, - align = "right", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', input$tree_algo) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - fluidRow( - column(2), - column( - width = 4, - checkboxInput( - "rep_distance", - label = h5("Distance", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', 'Hamming') - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(2), - column( - width = 4, - checkboxInput( - "rep_version", - label = h5("Version", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color:black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', phylotraceVersion) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - checkboxInput( - "rep_missval", - label = h5("NA handling", style = "color:black;"), - value = TRUE - ) - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "right", - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic; right: 35px;', na_handling) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - title = "cgMLST Report Generation", - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - downloadBttn( - "download_report", - style = "simple", - label = "Save", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download") - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - show_toast( - title = "No tree created", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - }) - - observe({ - if(!is.null(input$rep_general)) { - if(isFALSE(input$rep_general)) { - shinyjs::disable('rep_date_general') - shinyjs::disable('rep_operator_general') - shinyjs::disable('rep_institute_general') - shinyjs::disable('rep_comm_general') - shinyjs::disable('mst_date_general_select') - shinyjs::disable('mst_operator_general_select') - shinyjs::disable('mst_institute_general_select') - shinyjs::disable('mst_comm_general_select') - } else { - shinyjs::enable('rep_date_general') - shinyjs::enable('rep_operator_general') - shinyjs::enable('rep_institute_general') - shinyjs::enable('rep_comm_general') - shinyjs::enable('mst_date_general_select') - shinyjs::enable('mst_operator_general_select') - shinyjs::enable('mst_institute_general_select') - shinyjs::enable('mst_comm_general_select') - } - } - - if(!is.null(input$rep_analysis)) { - if(isFALSE(input$rep_analysis)) { - shinyjs::disable('rep_cgmlst_analysis') - shinyjs::disable('rep_tree_analysis') - shinyjs::disable('rep_distance') - shinyjs::disable('rep_missval') - shinyjs::disable('rep_version') - } else { - shinyjs::enable('rep_cgmlst_analysis') - shinyjs::enable('rep_tree_analysis') - shinyjs::enable('rep_distance') - shinyjs::enable('rep_missval') - shinyjs::enable('rep_version') - } - } - - if(length(input$select_rep_tab) > 0) { - updateCheckboxInput(session, "rep_entrytable", value = TRUE) - } else { - updateCheckboxInput(session, "rep_entrytable", value = FALSE) - } - }) - - ### Save Report ---- - - #### Get Report elements ---- - - observe({ - if(!is.null(DB$data)){ - if(!is.null(input$tree_algo)) { - req(c(input$rep_entrytable, input$rep_general, - input$rep_date_general, input$rep_operator_general, - input$rep_institute_general, input$rep_comm_general, - input$rep_analysis, input$rep_cgmlst_analysis, - input$rep_tree_analysis, input$rep_distance, - input$rep_missval, input$rep_version, - input$rep_plot_report, input$select_rep_tab)) - Report$report_df <- data.frame(Element = c("entry_table", "general_show", - "general_date", "operator", - "institute", "comment", - "analysis_show", "scheme", - "tree", "distance", "na_handling", "version", - "plot"), - Include = c(input$rep_entrytable, input$rep_general, - input$rep_date_general, input$rep_operator_general, - input$rep_institute_general, input$rep_comm_general, - input$rep_analysis, input$rep_cgmlst_analysis, - input$rep_tree_analysis, input$rep_distance, - input$rep_missval, input$rep_version, - input$rep_plot_report)) - } - } - }) - - #### Get Report values ---- - - observeEvent(input$create_tree, { - if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { - Report$report_list_mst <- list(entry_table = DB$meta_true, - scheme = DB$schemeinfo, - tree = input$tree_algo, - na_handling = if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile_true)){input$na_handling} else {NULL}, - distance = "Hamming Distances", - version = c(phylotraceVersion, "2.5.1"), - plot = "MST") - } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { - Report$report_list_nj <- list(entry_table = DB$meta_true, - scheme = DB$schemeinfo, - tree = input$tree_algo, - na_handling = input$na_handling, - distance = "Hamming Distances", - version = c(phylotraceVersion, "2.5.1"), - plot = "NJ") - } else { - Report$report_list_upgma <- list(entry_table = DB$meta_true, - scheme = DB$schemeinfo, - tree = input$tree_algo, - na_handling = input$na_handling, - distance = "Hamming Distances", - version = c(phylotraceVersion, "2.5.1"), - plot = "UPGMA") - } - }) - - # Save plot for Report - <- reactive({ - if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { - jpeg(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/NJ.jpeg"), width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale), quality = 100) - print(nj_tree()) - - } else if(input$tree_algo == "UPGMA") { - jpeg(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/UPGMA.jpeg"), width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale), quality = 100) - print(upgma_tree()) - - } else if (input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { - shinyjs::runjs("mstReport();") - decoded_data <- base64enc::base64decode(input$canvas_data) - writeBin(decoded_data, paste0(getwd(), "/Report/MST.jpg")) - } - }) - - #### Event Save Report ---- - output$download_report <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { - paste0("MST_Report_", Sys.Date(), ".html") - } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { - paste0("NJ_Report_", Sys.Date(), ".html") - } else {paste0("UPGMA_Report_", Sys.Date(), ".html")} - }, - content = function(file) { - if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { - - - report <- c(Report$report_list_mst, - "general_date" = as.character(input$mst_date_general_select), - "operator" = input$mst_operator_general_select, - "institute" = input$mst_institute_general_select, - "comment" = input$mst_comm_general_select, - "report_df" = Report$report_df) - - report[["table_columns"]] <- input$select_rep_tab - - # Save data to an RDS file if any elements were selected - if (!is.null(report)) { - - log_print("Creating MST report") - - saveRDS(report, file = paste0(getwd(), "/Report/selected_elements.rds")) - - rmarkdown::render(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.Rmd")) - - file.copy(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.html"), file) - } else { - log_print("Creating MST report failed (report is null)") - } - } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { - - report <- c(Report$report_list_nj, - "general_date" = as.character(input$mst_date_general_select), - "operator" = input$mst_operator_general_select, - "institute" = input$mst_institute_general_select, - "comment" = input$mst_comm_general_select, - "report_df" = Report$report_df) - - report[["table_columns"]] <- input$select_rep_tab - - # Save data to an RDS file if any elements were selected - if (!is.null(report)) { - log_print("Creating NJ report") - - saveRDS(report, file = paste0(getwd(), "/Report/selected_elements.rds")) - - rmarkdown::render(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.Rmd")) - - file.copy(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.html"), file) - } else { - log_print("Creating NJ report failed (report is null)") - } - - } else { - - report <- c(Report$report_list_upgma, - "general_date" = as.character(input$mst_date_general_select), - "operator" = input$mst_operator_general_select, - "institute" = input$mst_institute_general_select, - "comment" = input$mst_comm_general_select, - "report_df" = Report$report_df) - - report[["table_columns"]] <- input$select_rep_tab - - # Save data to an RDS file if any elements were selected - if (!is.null(report)) { - log_print("Creating UPGMA report") - - saveRDS(report, file = paste0(getwd(), "/Report/selected_elements.rds")) - - rmarkdown::render(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.Rmd")) - - file.copy(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.html"), file) - } else { - log_print("Creating UPGMA report failed (report is null)") - } - - } - removeModal() - } - ) - - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Gene Screening ---- - - ### Render UI Elements ---- - - # Rendering results table - output$gs_results_table <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data) - if(!is.null(Screening$selected_isolate)) { - if(length(Screening$selected_isolate) > 0) { - fluidRow( - div(class = "loci_table", - DT::dataTableOutput("gs_profile_table")), - br(), - HTML( - paste0("", - 'RSL = Reference Sequence Length  |  ', - '%CRS = % Coverage of Reference Sequence  |  ', - '%IRS = % Identity to Reference Sequence  |  ', - 'ACS = Accession of Closest Sequence  |  ', - 'NCS = Name of Closest Sequence') - - ) - ) - } else { - fluidRow( - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste0("", - 'Select entry from the table to display resistance profile') - - ) - ) - ) - } - } else { - fluidRow( - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste0("", - 'Select entry from the table to display resistance profile') - - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Gene screening download button - output$gs_download <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data) - if(!is.null(Screening$selected_isolate)) { - if(length(Screening$selected_isolate) > 0) { - fluidRow( - downloadBttn( - "download_resistance_profile", - style = "simple", - label = "Profile Table", - size = "sm", - icon = icon("download"), - color = "primary" - ), - bsTooltip("download_resistance_profile_bttn", - HTML(paste0("Save resistance profile table for
", - Screening$selected_isolate)), - placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover") - ) - } else {NULL} - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Conditionally render table selectiom interface - output$gs_table_selection <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data, input$gs_view) - if(input$gs_view == "Table") { - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 10, - div(class = "loci_table", - dataTableOutput("gs_isolate_table")) - ) - ) - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Resistance profile table output display - output$gs_profile_display <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data) - if(!is.null(DB$meta_gs) & !is.null(input$gs_view)) { - if(input$gs_view == "Table") { - column( - width = 10, - hr(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - p( - HTML( - paste0("", - "Gene Screening Results
", - "", - "Comprising genes for resistance, virulence, stress, etc.") - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - uiOutput("gs_download") - ) - ), - br(), - uiOutput("gs_results_table") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 10, - fluidRow( - column( - width = 4, - p( - HTML( - paste0("", - "Gene Screening Results
", - "", - "Comprising genes for resistance, virulence, stress, etc.") - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 4, - div( - class = "gs-picker", - pickerInput( - "gs_profile_select", - "", - choices = list( - Screened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")] - }, - Unscreened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")] - }, - `No Assembly File` = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "NA") == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")] - } - ), - choicesOpt = list( - disabled = c( - rep(FALSE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")])), - rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")])), - rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")])) - ) - ), - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ) - ) - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - uiOutput("gs_download") - ) - ), - br(), - uiOutput("gs_results_table") - ) - } - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Screening sidebar - output$screening_sidebar <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data) - if(!is.null(DB$meta_gs)) { - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Toggle View') - ) - ) - ), - radioGroupButtons( - inputId = "gs_view", - choices = c("Picker", "Table"), - selected = "Picker", - checkIcon = list( - yes = icon("square-check"), - no = icon("square") - ) - ), - br() - ) - } else {NULL} - }) - - # Resistance profile table - observe({ - req(DB$meta_gs, Screening$selected_isolate, DB$database, DB$scheme, DB$data) - - if(length(Screening$selected_isolate) > 0 & any(Screening$selected_isolate %in% DB$data$`Assembly ID`)) { - iso_select <- Screening$selected_isolate - iso_path <- file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates", - iso_select, "resProfile.tsv") - - res_profile <- read.delim(iso_path) - - colnames(res_profile) <- c( - "Protein Identifier", "Contig ID", "Start", "Stop", "Strand", "Gene Symbol", - "Sequence Name", "Scope", "Element Type", "Element Subtype", "Class", - "Subclass", "Method", "Target Length", "RSL", "%CRS", "%IRS", - "Alignment Length", "ACS", "Name of Closest Sequence", "HMM ID", "HMM Description") - - Screening$res_profile <- res_profile %>% - relocate(c("Gene Symbol", "Sequence Name", "Element Subtype", "Class", - "Subclass", "Scope", "Contig ID", "Target Length", "Alignment Length", - "Start", "Stop", "Strand")) - - # Generate gene profile table - output$gs_profile_table <- DT::renderDataTable( - Screening$res_profile, - selection = "single", - rownames= FALSE, - options = list(pageLength = 10, scrollX = TRUE, - autoWidth = TRUE, - columnDefs = list(list(width = '400px', targets = c("Sequence Name", - "Name of Closest Sequence"))), - columnDefs = list(list(width = 'auto', targets = "_all")), - columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, - targets = "_all")), - initComplete = DT::JS( - "function(settings, json) {", - "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", - # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - ), - drawCallback = DT::JS( - "function(settings) {", - # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - )) - ) - } else { - output$gs_profile_table <- NULL - } - }) - - #Resistance profile selection table - observe({ - req(DB$meta, DB$data) - output$gs_isolate_table <- renderDataTable( - select(DB$meta_gs[which(DB$meta_gs$Screened == "Yes"), ], -c(3, 4, 10, 11, 12)), - selection = "single", - rownames= FALSE, - options = list(pageLength = 10, - columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, - targets = "_all")), - initComplete = DT::JS( - "function(settings, json) {", - "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - ), - drawCallback = DT::JS( - "function(settings) {", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - )) - ) - }) - - observe({ - req(input$screening_res_sel, DB$database, DB$scheme, DB$data) - if(!is.null(Screening$status_df) & - !is.null(input$screening_res_sel) & - !is.null(Screening$status_df$status) & - !is.null(Screening$status_df$isolate)) { - if(length(input$screening_res_sel) > 0) { - if(any(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)) { - if(Screening$status_df$status[which(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)] == "success") { - results <- read.delim(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates", - input$screening_res_sel, "resProfile.tsv")) - - output$screening_table <- renderDataTable( - select(results, c(6, 7, 8, 9, 11)), - selection = "single", - options = list(pageLength = 10, - columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, - targets = "_all")), - initComplete = DT::JS( - "function(settings, json) {", - "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - ), - drawCallback = DT::JS( - "function(settings) {", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", - "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", - "}" - ))) - } else {output$screening_table <- NULL} - } - } else { - output$screening_table <- NULL - } - } else { - output$screening_table <- NULL - } - - }) - - # Availablity feedback - output$gene_screening_info <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data) - if(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) %in% amrfinder_species) { - p( - HTML( - paste( - '', - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", - paste(DB$scheme, "available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - p( - HTML( - paste( - '', - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", - paste(DB$scheme, " not available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - output$gene_resistance_info <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data) - if(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) %in% amrfinder_species) { - p( - HTML( - paste( - '', - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", - paste(DB$scheme, "available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) - ) - ) - ) - } else { - p( - HTML( - paste( - '', - tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", - paste(DB$scheme, " not available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - # Screening Interface - - output$screening_interface <- renderUI({ - req(DB$data) - if(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) %in% amrfinder_species) { - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Select Isolates for Screening') - ) - ) - ), - if(Screening$picker_status) { - div( - class = "screening_div", - pickerInput( - "screening_select", - "", - choices = list( - Unscreened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")] - }, - Screened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")] - }, - `No Assembly File` = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "NA") == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")] - } - ), - choicesOpt = list( - disabled = c( - rep(FALSE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")])), - rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")])), - rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")])) - ) - ), - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - ) - } else { - div( - class = "screening_div", - pickerInput( - "screening_select", - "", - choices = Screening$picker_choices, - selected = Screening$picker_selected, - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - multiple = TRUE - ) - ) - }, - br(), br(), - uiOutput("genome_path_gs") - ), - column( - width = 3, - uiOutput("screening_start") - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - uiOutput("screening_result_sel") - ), - column(1) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 10, - br(), br(), - uiOutput("screening_result"), - br(), br(), br(), br() - ) - ) - ) - } - }) - - ### Screening Events ---- - - observe({ - req(DB$data, input$gs_view) - if(input$gs_view == "Table") { - meta_gs <- DB$meta_gs[which(DB$meta_gs$Screened == "Yes"), ] - Screening$selected_isolate <- meta_gs$`Assembly ID`[input$gs_isolate_table_rows_selected] - } else if(input$gs_view == "Picker") { - Screening$selected_isolate <- input$gs_profile_select - } - }) - - output$download_resistance_profile <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save resistance profile table ", Screening$selected_isolate, "_Profile.csv")) - - paste0(format(Sys.Date()), "_", Screening$selected_isolate, "_Profile.csv") - }, - content = function(file) { - write.table( - Screening$res_profile, - file, - sep = ";", - row.names = FALSE, - quote = FALSE - ) - } - ) - - # Reset screening - observeEvent(input$screening_reset_bttn, { - log_print("Reset gene screening") - - # reset status file - sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, remove.screening.status) - - # set feedback variables - Screening$status <- "idle" - Screening$status_df <- NULL - Screening$choices <- NULL - Screening$picker_status <- TRUE - Screening$first_result <- NULL - - # change reactive UI - output$screening_table <- NULL - output$screening_result <- NULL - output$screening_fail <- NULL - - updatePickerInput(session, "screening_select", selected = character(0)) - - # disable isolate picker - shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').prop('disabled', false);") - shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').selectpicker('refresh');") - }) - - # Cancel screening - observeEvent(input$screening_cancel, { - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0( - "Gene screening is still pending. Stopping this process will cancel the screening." - ), - title = "Reset Multi Typing", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("conf_screening_cancel", "Stop", class = "btn btn-danger") - ) - ) - ) - }) - - observeEvent(input$conf_screening_cancel, { - log_print("Cancelled gene screening") - removeModal() - - show_toast( - title = "Gene Screening Terminated", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - - # terminate screening - system(paste("kill $(pgrep -f 'execute/')"), wait = FALSE) - system(paste("killall -TERM tblastn"), wait = FALSE) - - # reset status file - sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, remove.screening.status) - - # set feedback variables - Screening$status <- "idle" - Screening$status_df <- NULL - Screening$choices <- NULL - Screening$picker_status <- TRUE - Screening$first_result <- NULL - - # change reactive UI - output$screening_table <- NULL - output$screening_result <- NULL - - updatePickerInput(session, "screening_select", selected = character(0)) - - # disable isolate picker - shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').prop('disabled', false);") - shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').selectpicker('refresh');") - }) - - # Get selected assembly - observe({ - req(DB$data, Screening$status) - if (length(input$screening_select) < 1) { - output$genome_path_gs <- renderUI(HTML( - paste("", length(input$screening_select), " isolate(s) queried for screening") - )) - - output$screening_start <- NULL - - } else if (length(input$screening_select) > 0) { - - output$screening_start <- renderUI({ - - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - br(), br(), - if(length(input$screening_select) < 1) { - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - p( - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Select Isolate(s) for Screening"))) - ) - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "finished") { - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - p( - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Reset to Perform Screening Again"))) - ), - actionButton( - "screening_reset_bttn", - "Reset", - icon = icon("arrows-rotate") - ), - if(!is.null(Screening$status_df)) { - p( - HTML(paste("", - sum(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished"), "/", - nrow(Screening$status_df), " Isolate(s) screened")) - ) - } - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "idle") { - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - p( - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Screening Ready"))) - ), - actionButton( - inputId = "screening_start_button", - label = "Start", - icon = icon("circle-play") - ) - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "started") { - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - p( - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Running Screening ..."))) - ), - fluidRow( - column(3), - column( - width = 3, - actionButton( - inputId = "screening_cancel", - label = "Terminate", - icon = icon("ban") - ) - ), - column( - width = 3, - HTML(paste('')) - ) - ), - if(!is.null(Screening$status_df)) { - p( - HTML(paste("", - sum(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished"), "/", - nrow(Screening$status_df), " isolate(s) screened")) - ) - } - ) - } - ) - ) - }) - } else {NULL} - }) - - #### Running Screening ---- - - observeEvent(input$screening_start_button, { - - if(tail(readLogFile(), 1) != "0") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Multi Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Single Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - - log_print("Started gene screening") - - Screening$status <- "started" - Screening$picker_choices <- list( - Unscreened = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "No") == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")] - }, - Screened = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "Yes") == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")] - }, - `No Assembly File` = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "NA") == 1) { - as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")]) - } else { - DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")] - } - ) - Screening$picker_selected <- input$screening_select - Screening$picker_status <- FALSE - - show_toast( - title = "Gene screening started", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - - Screening$meta_df <- data.frame(wd = getwd(), - selected = paste( - file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "Isolates", input$screening_select, - paste0(input$screening_select, ".zip")), - collapse = " "), - species = gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)) - - Screening$status_df <- data.frame(isolate = basename(gsub(".zip", "", str_split_1(Screening$meta_df$selected, " "))), - status = "unfinished") - - # Reset screening status - sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, remove.screening.status) - - saveRDS(Screening$meta_df, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening_meta.rds")) - - # Disable pickerInput - shinyjs::delay(200, shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').prop('disabled', true);")) - shinyjs::delay(200, shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').selectpicker('refresh');")) - - # System execution - system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), wait = FALSE) - } - }) - - observe({ - req(DB$data, Screening$status, input$screening_res_sel, Screening$status_df) - if(!is.null(Screening$status_df) & - !is.null(Screening$status_df$status) & - !is.null(Screening$status_df$isolate) & - !is.null(input$screening_res_sel)) { - if(Screening$status != "idle" & length(input$screening_res_sel) > 0) { - if(any(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)) { - if(Screening$status_df$status[which(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)] == "success") { - output$screening_result <- renderUI( - column( - width = 12, - hr(), br(), - dataTableOutput("screening_table") - ) - ) - } else { - output$screening_result <- renderUI( - column( - width = 12, - hr(), br(), - verbatimTextOutput("screening_fail") - ) - ) - } - } - } else { - output$screening_result <- NULL - } - } else { - output$screening_result <- NULL - } - }) - - observe({ - req(DB$data, Screening$status, input$screening_res_sel) - if(!is.null(Screening$status_df) & - !is.null(Screening$status_df$status) & - !is.null(Screening$status_df$isolate) & - !is.null(input$screening_res_sel)) { - if(Screening$status != "idle" & length(input$screening_res_sel) > 0) { - if(any(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)) { - if(Screening$status_df$status[which(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)] == "fail") { - output$screening_fail <- renderPrint({ - cat(paste(readLines(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), - "Isolates", input$screening_res_sel, "status.txt")),"\n")) - }) - } - } - } else { - output$screening_fail <- NULL - } - } else { - output$screening_fail <- NULL - } - }) - - observe({ - req(DB$data) - if(!is.null(Screening$status)) { - if(Screening$status != "idle") { - - # start status screening for user feedback - check_screening() - - if(isTRUE(Screening$first_result)) { - output$screening_result_sel <- renderUI( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - selectInput( - "screening_res_sel", - label = h5("Select Result", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 28px; margin-top: -10px;"), - choices = "" - ), - if(!is.null(Screening$status_df)) { - p(HTML(paste("", - if(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "success") == 1) { - "1 success   /  " - } else { - paste0(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "success"), " successes   /  ") - }, - if(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "fail") == 1) { - "1 failure" - } else { - paste0(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "fail"), " failures") - }))) - } - ) - ) - - Screening$first_result <- FALSE - } - } else if(Screening$status == "idle") { - output$screening_result_sel <- NULL - } - } - }) - - check_screening <- reactive({ - invalidateLater(500, session) - - req(Screening$status_df) - - if(Screening$status == "started") { - - Screening$status_df$status <- sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, check_status) - - if(any("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) & - !identical(Screening$choices, Screening$status_df$isolate[which(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished")])) { - - status_df <- Screening$status_df[which(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished"),] - - Screening$choices <- Screening$status_df$isolate[which(Screening$status_df$status == "success" | - Screening$status_df$status == "fail")] - - if(sum(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished") > 0) { - if(is.null(Screening$first_result)) { - Screening$first_result <- TRUE - } - } - - if(tail(status_df$status, 1) == "success") { - - # Changing "Screened" metadata variable in database - Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) - - Database[["Typing"]]$Screened[which(Database[["Typing"]]["Assembly ID"] == tail(Screening$choices, 1))] <- "Yes" - - saveRDS(Database, file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) - - DB$data$Screened[which(DB$data["Assembly ID"] == tail(Screening$choices, 1))] <- "Yes" - - DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) - DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) - DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] - - show_toast( - title = paste("Successful screening of", tail(Screening$choices, 1)), - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000) - - updateSelectInput(session = session, - inputId = "screening_res_sel", - choices = Screening$choices, - selected = tail(Screening$choices, 1)) - - } else if(tail(status_df$status, 1) == "fail") { - - show_toast( - title = paste("Failed screening of", tail(status_df$isolate, 1)), - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000) - - updateSelectInput(session = session, - inputId = "screening_res_sel", - choices = Screening$choices, - selected = tail(Screening$choices, 1)) - } - - if(sum("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) == length(Screening$status_df$status)) { - Screening$status <- "finished" - } - } else { - if(sum("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) == length(Screening$status_df$status)) { - Screening$status <- "finished" - } - } - - if(sum("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) == length(Screening$status_df$status)) { - Screening$status <- "finished" - } - } - }) - - - # _______________________ #### - - ## Typing ---- - - # Render Single/Multi Switch - - readLogFile <- reactive({ - invalidateLater(5000, session) - readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) - }) - - # Render sidebar dependent on data presence - # No sidebar - output$typing_sidebar <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$exist)) { - if(DB$exist) { - NULL - } else { - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Typing Mode') - ) - ) - ), - radioGroupButtons( - inputId = "typing_mode", - choices = c("Single", "Multi"), - selected = "Single", - checkIcon = list( - yes = icon("square-check"), - no = icon("square") - ) - ), - br() - ) - } - } - - }) - - # No db typing message - output$typing_no_db <- renderUI({ - if(!is.null(DB$exist)) { - if(DB$exist) { - column( - width = 4, - align = "left", - br(), - br(), - br(), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste0( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 50px', 'To initiate allelic typing, a cgMLST scheme must be downloaded first.' - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } else {NULL} - } else {NULL} - }) - - ### Single Typing ---- - - #### Render UI Elements ---- - - # Render single typing naming issues - output$single_select_issues <- renderUI({ - req(input$assembly_id) - - if(nchar(trimws(input$assembly_id)) < 1) { - ass_id <- as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name))) - } else { - ass_id <- trimws(input$assembly_id) - } - - if(ass_id %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"])) { - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Assembly ID already present in database."))) - } else if (ass_id == "") { - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Empty Assembly ID."))) - } else if (grepl("[()/\\:*?\"<>|]", ass_id)) { - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Invalid Assembly ID. Avoid special characters."))) - } else if(grepl(" ", ass_id)) { - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Invalid Assembly ID. Avoid empty spaces."))) - } else {HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - "  Assembly ID compatible with local database.")))} - }) - - # Render Typing Results if finished - observe({ - if(Typing$progress_format_end == 999999) { - if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt"))) { - if(str_detect(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1), "Successful")) { - output$typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ - Typing$typing_result_table <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_df.rds")) - Typing$typing_result_table <- mutate_all(Typing$typing_result_table, as.character) - if(nrow(Typing$typing_result_table) > 0) { - if(nrow(Typing$typing_result_table) > 15) { - rhandsontable(Typing$typing_result_table, rowHeaders = NULL, - stretchH = "all", height = 500, readOnly = TRUE, - contextMenu = FALSE) %>% - hot_cols(columnSorting = TRUE) %>% - hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% - hot_col(1:ncol(Typing$typing_result_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", - cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% - hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( - "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - if (value.length > 8) { - value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); - } - td.innerHTML = value; - = 'center'; - return td; - }" - )) - } else { - rhandsontable(Typing$typing_result_table, rowHeaders = NULL, - stretchH = "all", readOnly = TRUE, - contextMenu = FALSE,) %>% - hot_cols(columnSorting = TRUE) %>% - hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% - hot_col(1:ncol(Typing$typing_result_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", - cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% - hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( - "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - if (value.length > 8) { - value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); - } - td.innerHTML = value; - = 'center'; - return td; - }" - )) - } - } - }) - - output$single_typing_results <- renderUI({ - result_table <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_df.rds")) - number_events <- nrow(result_table) - - n_new <- length(grep("New Variant", result_table$Event)) - - n_missing <- number_events - n_new - - # Show results table only if successful typing - if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt"))) { - if(str_detect(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1), "Successful")) { - if(number_events > 0) { - column( - width = 12, - HTML(paste("", - length(Typing$scheme_loci_f) - number_events, - "loci were assigned a variant from local scheme.")), - br(), - HTML(paste("", - n_missing, - if(n_missing == 1) " locus not assigned (NA)." else " loci not assigned (NA).")), - br(), - HTML(paste("", - n_new, - if(n_new == 1) " locus with new variant." else " loci with new variants.")), - br(), br(), - rHandsontableOutput("typing_result_table") - ) - } else { - column( - width = 12, - HTML(paste("", - length(Typing$scheme_loci_f), - "successfully assigned from local scheme.")) - ) - } - } - } - }) - - } else { - - output$single_typing_results <- NULL - - } - } else { - output$single_typing_results <- NULL - } - } - - }) - - # Render Initiate Typing UI - output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File (FASTA)') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyFilesButton( - "genome_file", - "Browse" , - icon = icon("file"), - title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", - multiple = FALSE, - buttonType = "default", - class = NULL, - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("genome_path"), - br() - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Render Declare Metadata UI - - observe({ - if (nrow(Typing$single_path) < 1) { - output$genome_path <- renderUI(HTML( - paste("", "No file selected.") - )) - - # dont show subsequent metadata declaration and typing start UI - output$metadata_single_box <- NULL - output$start_typing_ui <- NULL - - } else if (nrow(Typing$single_path) > 0) { - - if (str_detect(str_sub(Typing$single_path$name, start = -6), ".fasta") | - str_detect(str_sub(Typing$single_path$name, start = -6), ".fna") | - str_detect(str_sub(Typing$single_path$name, start = -6), ".fa")) { - - # Render selected assembly path - output$genome_path <- renderUI({ - HTML( - paste( - "", - as.character(Typing$single_path$name) - ) - ) - }) - - # Render metadata declaration box - output$metadata_single_box <- renderUI({ - - # Render placeholder - updateTextInput(session, "assembly_id", value = as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name)))) - updateTextInput(session, "assembly_name", value = as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name)))) - - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - h3(p("Declare Metadata"), style = "color:white; margin-left:-40px"), - br(), br(), - div( - class = "multi_meta_box", - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "90%", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Assembly ID", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - textInput("assembly_id", - value = "", - label = "", - width = "80%") - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - uiOutput("single_select_issues") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Assembly Name", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - textInput("assembly_name", - label = "", - width = "80%") - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Isolation Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - dateInput("append_isodate", - label = "", - width = "80%", - max = Sys.Date()) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Host", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - textInput("append_host", - label = "", - width = "80%") - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Country", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table_country", - pickerInput( - "append_country", - label = "", - choices = list("Common" = sel_countries, - "All Countries" = country_names), - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - width = "90%" - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("City", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - textInput( - "append_city", - label = "", - width = "80%" - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Typing Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - h5(paste0(" ", Sys.Date()), style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - actionButton( - inputId = "conf_meta_single", - label = "Confirm" - ), - br() - ) - ), - br() - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else { - show_toast( - title = "Wrong file type (only fasta/fna/fa)", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - } - }) - - # Get genome datapath - - observe({ - # Get selected Genome in Single Mode - shinyFileChoose(input, - "genome_file", - roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), - defaultRoot = "Home", - session = session, - filetypes = c('', 'fasta', 'fna', 'fa')) - Typing$single_path <- parseFilePaths(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$genome_file) - - }) - - #### Run blat ---- - - observeEvent(input$typing_start, { - - log_print("Input typing_start") - - if(tail(readLogFile(), 1) != "0") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Multi Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if (Screening$status == "started") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Gene Screening", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - - if(!is.null(DB$data)) { - if(sum(apply(DB$data, 1, anyNA)) >= 1) { - DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE - } else { - DB$no_na_switch <- FALSE - } - } - - # Activate entry detection - DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE - - Typing$single_end <- FALSE - - Typing$progress_format_start <- 0 - Typing$progress_format_end <- 0 - - # Remove Initiate Typing UI - output$initiate_typing_ui <- NULL - output$metadata_single_box <- NULL - output$start_typing_ui <- NULL - - # status feedback - Typing$status <- "Processing" - - # Locate folder containing cgMLST scheme - search_string <- paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles") - - scheme_folders <- dir_ls(paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme))) - - if (any(grepl(search_string, scheme_folders))) { - - # reset results file - if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { - unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) - } - - # blat initiate index - scheme_select <- as.character(scheme_folders[which(grepl(search_string, scheme_folders))]) - - show_toast( - title = "Typing Initiated", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - - log_print("Initiated single typing") - - ### Run blat Typing - - single_typing_df <- data.frame( - db_path = DB$database, - wd = getwd(), - save = input$save_assembly_st, - scheme = paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)), - genome = Typing$single_path$datapath, - alleles = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", search_string) - ) - - saveRDS(single_typing_df, "execute/single_typing_df.rds") - - # Execute single typing script - system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), - wait = FALSE) - - scheme_loci <- list.files(path = scheme_select, full.names = TRUE) - - # Filter the files that have FASTA extensions - Typing$scheme_loci_f <- - scheme_loci[grep("\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", scheme_loci, = TRUE)] - - output$single_typing_progress <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - br(), br(), - column(width = 1), - column( - width = 3, - h3(p("Pending Single Typing ..."), style = "color:white") - ), - br(), br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column(width = 1), - column( - width = 4, - br(), br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - uiOutput("reset_single_typing"), - HTML( - paste( - "", - as.character(Typing$single_path$name) - ) - ), - br(), br(), - progressBar( - "progress_bar", - value = 0, - display_pct = TRUE, - title = "" - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - uiOutput("typing_formatting"), - uiOutput("typing_fin") - ) - ) - ), - column(1), - column( - width = 5, - br(), br(), br(), - uiOutput("single_typing_results") - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else { - log_print("Folder containing cgMLST alleles not in working directory") - - show_alert( - title = "Error", - text = paste0( - "Folder containing cgMLST alleles not in working directory.", - "\n", - "Download cgMLST Scheme for selected Organism first." - ), - type = "error" - ) - } - } - }) - - # Function to update Progress Bar - update <- reactive({ - invalidateLater(3000, session) - - # write progress in process tracker - cat( - c(length(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))), - readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[-1]), - file = paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), - sep = "\n" - ) - - progress <- readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt")) - - # if typing with blat is finished -> "attaching" phase started - if(![1])) { - if(![2])) { - if(progress[2] == "888888") { - Typing$progress_format_start <- progress[2] - Typing$pending_format <- progress[2] - Typing$status <- "Attaching" - } - } - # "attaching" phase completed - if(![3])) { - if(progress[3] == "999999") { - Typing$progress_format_end <- progress[3] - Typing$entry_added <- progress[3] - Typing$status <- "Finalized" - } - } - Typing$progress <- as.numeric(progress[1]) - floor((Typing$progress / length(Typing$scheme_loci_f)) * 100) - } else { - floor((Typing$progress / length(Typing$scheme_loci_f)) * 100) - } - }) - - # Observe Typing Progress - observe({ - - if(readLogFile()[1] == "0") { - # Update Progress Bar - updateProgressBar( - session = session, - id = "progress_bar", - value = update(), - total = 100, - title = paste0(as.character(Typing$progress), "/", length(Typing$scheme_loci_f), " loci screened") - ) - } - - if (Typing$progress_format_start == 888888) { - output$typing_formatting <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 6, - HTML(paste("", "Transforming data ...")) - ), - column( - width = 3, - align = "left", - HTML(paste('')) - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else { - output$typing_formatting <- NULL - } - - # Render when finalized - if (Typing$progress_format_end == 999999) { - - output$typing_formatting <- NULL - - output$typing_fin <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt"))) { - if(str_detect(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1), "Successful")) { - req(Typing$scheme_loci_f, Typing$typing_result_table) - if(sum(Typing$typing_result_table$Event != "New Variant") > (0.5 * length(Typing$scheme_loci_f))){ - HTML( - paste("", - sub(".*Successful", "Finished", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1)), - paste("", "Warning: Isolate contains large number of failed allele assignments."), - paste("", "Reset to start another typing process."), - sep = '
\n')) - } else { - HTML(paste("", - sub(".*Successful", "Successful", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1)), - "Reset to start another typing process.", sep = '
')) - } - } else { - HTML(paste("", - sub(".*typing", "Typing", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1)), - "Reset to start another typing process.", sep = '
')) - } - }, - br(), br(), - actionButton( - "reset_single_typing", - "Reset", - icon = icon("arrows-rotate") - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else { - output$typing_fin <- NULL - output$single_typing_results <- NULL - } - - }) - - #### Declare Metadata ---- - - observeEvent(input$conf_meta_single, { - - if(nchar(trimws(input$assembly_id)) < 1) { - ass_id <- as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name))) - } else { - ass_id <- trimws(input$assembly_id) - } - - if(nchar(trimws(input$assembly_name)) < 1) { - ass_name <- as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name))) - } else { - ass_name <- trimws(input$assembly_name) - } - - if(ass_id %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"])) { - show_toast( - title = "Assembly ID already present", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if (isFALSE(Typing$reload)) { - show_toast( - title = "Reload Database first", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if (ass_id == "") { - show_toast( - title = "Empty Assembly ID", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if (grepl("[()/\\:*?\"<>|]", ass_id)) { - show_toast( - title = "Invalid Assembly ID. No special characters allowed: ()/\\:*?\"<>|", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if(grepl(" ", ass_id)) { - show_toast( - title = "Empty spaces in Assembly ID not allowed", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "started") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Single Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - - log_print("Single typing metadata confirmed") - - meta_info <- data.frame(assembly_id = ass_id, - assembly_name = ass_name, - cgmlst_typing = DB$scheme, - append_isodate = input$append_isodate, - append_host = trimws(input$append_host), - append_country = trimws(input$append_country), - append_city = trimws(input$append_city), - append_analysisdate = Sys.Date(), - db_directory = getwd()) - - saveRDS(meta_info, paste0( - getwd(), - "/execute/meta_info_single.rds" - )) - - show_toast( - title = "Metadata declared", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - - # Render Start Typing UI - output$start_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - div( - class = "multi_start_col", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Start Typing"), style = "color:white"), - br(), - br(), - HTML( - paste( - "", - "Typing by ", - DB$scheme, - " scheme." - ) - ), - br(), br(), br(), br(), - div( - class = "save-assembly", - materialSwitch( - "save_assembly_st", - h5(p("Save Assemblies in Local Database"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -3px; right: -20px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE) - ), - HTML( - paste( - "", - "Isolates with unsaved assembly files can NOT be applied to screening for resistance genes." - ) - ), - br(), br(), br(), br(), - actionButton( - inputId = "typing_start", - label = "Start", - icon = icon("circle-play") - ) - ) - ) - }) - } - }) - - #### Events Single Typing ---- - - observeEvent(input$reset_single_typing, { - log_print("Reset single typing") - - Typing$status <- "Inactive" - - Typing$progress <- 0 - - Typing$progress_format <- 900000 - - output$single_typing_progress <- NULL - - output$typing_fin <- NULL - - output$single_typing_results <- NULL - - output$typing_formatting <- NULL - - Typing$single_path <- data.frame() - - # reset results file - if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { - unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) - # Resetting single typing progress logfile bar - con <- file(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), open = "w") - - cat("0\n", file = con) - - close(con) - } - - output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), - br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File (FASTA)') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyFilesButton( - "genome_file", - "Browse" , - icon = icon("file"), - title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", - multiple = FALSE, - buttonType = "default", - class = NULL, - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("genome_path"), - br() - ) - ) - ) - }) - }) - - # Notification for finalized Single typing - Typing$single_end <- TRUE - Typing$progress_format_end <- 0 - - observe({ - if(Typing$single_end == FALSE) { - if (Typing$progress_format_end == 999999) { - show_toast( - title = "Single Typing finalized", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 8000 - ) - Typing$single_end <- TRUE - } - } - }) - - ### Multi Typing ---- - - #### Render Multi Typing UI Elements ---- - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyDirButton( - "genome_file_multi", - "Browse", - icon = icon("folder-open"), - title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", - buttonType = "default", - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_info"), - br() - ) - ), - uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") - ) - ) - ) - }) - - # Render selection info - output$multi_select_info <- renderUI({ - - if(!is.null(Typing$multi_path)) { - if(length(Typing$multi_path) < 1) { - HTML(paste("", - "No files selected.")) - } else { - HTML(paste("", - sum(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Include == TRUE), - " files selected.")) - } - } - }) - - # Render multi selection table issues - output$multi_select_issues <- renderUI({ - req(Typing$multi_sel_table, input$multi_select_table) - if(any(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files %in% dupl_mult_id()) & - any(duplicated(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files))){ - HTML( - paste( - paste("", - "Some name(s) are already present in local database.
"), - paste("", - "Duplicated name(s).
") - ) - ) - } else if (any(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files %in% dupl_mult_id()) & - !any(duplicated(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files))) { - HTML( - paste("", - "Some name(s) are already present in local database.
") - ) - } else if (!any(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files %in% dupl_mult_id()) & - any(duplicated(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files))) { - HTML( - paste("", - "Duplicated name(s).
") - ) - } - }) - - output$multi_select_issue_info <- renderUI({ - req(Typing$multi_sel_table, input$multi_select_table) - - multi_select_table <- hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table) - - if(any(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] %in% dupl_mult_id()) | - any(duplicated(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)])) | - any(grepl(" ", multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { - - if(any(grepl(" ", multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { - - if(any(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] %in% dupl_mult_id()) | - any(duplicated(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { - HTML(paste( - paste( - '', - paste("", - " Rename highlighted isolates or deselect them.
")), - paste( - '', - paste("", - " Filename(s) contain(s) empty spaces.")) - )) - } else { - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - " Filename(s) contain(s) empty spaces."))) - } - } else { - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - " Rename highlighted isolates or deselect them."))) - } - } else { - HTML(paste( - '', - paste("", - " Files ready for allelic typing."))) - } - }) - - # Render Metadata Select Box after Folder selection - observe({ - if(!is.null(Typing$multi_sel_table)) { - if (nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table) > 0) { - - output$multi_select_tab_ctrls <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 2, - align = "left", - actionButton( - "sel_all_mt", - "All", - icon = icon("check") - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "left", - actionButton( - "desel_all_mt", - "None", - icon = icon("xmark") - ) - ), - column(2), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_issues") - ) - ) - ) - - output$metadata_multi_box <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Declare Metadata"), style = "color:white;margin-left:-40px"), - br(), br(), - div( - class = "multi_meta_box", - box( - solidHeader = TRUE, - status = "primary", - width = "90%", - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Assembly ID", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - h5("Assembly filename", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Assembly Name", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - h5("Assembly filename", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Isolation Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - dateInput("append_isodate_multi", - label = "", - width = "80%", - max = Sys.Date()) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Host", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - textInput("append_host_multi", - label = "", - width = "80%") - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Country", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table_country", - pickerInput( - "append_country_multi", - label = "", - choices = list("Common" = sel_countries, - "All Countries" = country_names), - options = list( - `live-search` = TRUE, - `actions-box` = TRUE, - size = 10, - style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" - ), - width = "90%" - ) - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("City", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - div( - class = "append_table", - textInput("append_city_multi", - label = "", - width = "80%") - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - align = "left", - h5("Typing Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") - ), - column( - width = 7, - align = "left", - h5(paste0(" ", Sys.Date()), style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 12, - align = "center", - br(), br(), - actionButton( - inputId = "conf_meta_multi", - label = "Confirm" - ), - br(), br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_issue_info") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else { - output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL - } - } - }) - - # Check if ongoing Multi Typing - Render accordingly - observe({ - # Get selected Genome in Multi Mode - shinyDirChoose(input, - "genome_file_multi", - roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), - defaultRoot = "Home", - session = session, - filetypes = c('', 'fasta', 'fna', 'fa')) - - Typing$multi_path <- parseDirPath(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$genome_file_multi) - - files_selected <- list.files(as.character(Typing$multi_path)) - Typing$files_filtered <- files_selected[which(!endsWith(files_selected, ".gz") & - grepl("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", files_selected))] - - Typing$multi_sel_table <- data.frame( - Include = rep(TRUE, length(Typing$files_filtered)), - Files = gsub(".fasta|.fna|.fa|.fasta.gz|.fna.gz|.fa.gz", "", - Typing$files_filtered), - Type = sub(".*(\\.fasta|\\.fasta\\.gz|\\.fna|\\.fna\\.gz|\\.fa|\\.fa\\.gz)$", - "\\1", Typing$files_filtered, perl = F)) - - if(nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table) > 0) { - output$multi_select_tab_ctrls <- renderUI( - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 2, - align = "left", - actionButton( - "sel_all_mt", - "All", - icon = icon("check") - ) - ), - column( - width = 2, - align = "left", - actionButton( - "desel_all_mt", - "None", - icon = icon("xmark") - ) - ), - column(2), - column( - width = 5, - align = "right", - br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_issues") - ) - ) - ) - } else { - output$multi_select_tab_ctrls <- NULL - } - - if(between(nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table), 1, 15)) { - output$multi_select_table <- renderRHandsontable({ - rht <- rhandsontable(Typing$multi_sel_table, rowHeaders = NULL, - stretchH = "all", contextMenu = FALSE - ) %>% - hot_cols(columnSorting = FALSE) %>% - hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% - hot_col(2, readOnly = FALSE, - valign = "htBottom") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(1, - halign = "htCenter", - valign = "htTop", - colWidths = 60) - - htmlwidgets::onRender(rht, sprintf( - "function(el, x) { - var hot =; - - var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed - var duplicates = {}; - - var highlightInvalidAndDuplicates = function(invalidValues) { - - var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed - var duplicates = {}; - - // Find all duplicate values - for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { - var value = columnData[i]; - if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { - if (duplicates[value]) { - duplicates[value].push(i); - } else { - duplicates[value] = [i]; - } - } - } - - // Reset all cell backgrounds in the column - for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { - var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed - if (cell) { - = 'white'; - } - } - - // Highlight duplicates and invalid values - for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { - var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed - var value = columnData[i]; - if (cell) { - if (invalidValues.includes(value)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)'; // Highlight color for invalid values - } else if (duplicates[value] && duplicates[value].length > 1) { - = '#FF7334'; // Highlight color for duplicates - } - } - } - }; - - var changefn = function(changes, source) { - if (source === 'edit' || source === 'undo' || source === 'autofill' || source === 'paste') { - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); - } - }; - - hot.addHook('afterChange', changefn); - hot.addHook('afterLoadData', function() { - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); - }); - hot.addHook('afterRender', function() { - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); - }); - - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); // Initial highlight on load - - Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('setColumnValue', function(message) { - var colData = hot.getDataAtCol(0); - for (var i = 0; i < colData.length; i++) { - hot.setDataAtCell(i, 0, message.value); - } - hot.render(); // Re-render the table - }); - }", - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()))) - }) - - } else if(nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table) > 15) { - output$multi_select_table <- renderRHandsontable({ - rht <- rhandsontable(Typing$multi_sel_table, rowHeaders = NULL, - stretchH = "all", height = 500, - contextMenu = FALSE - ) %>% - hot_cols(columnSorting = FALSE) %>% - hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% - hot_col(2, - readOnly = FALSE, - valign = "htBottom") %>% - hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% - hot_col(1, - halign = "htCenter", - valign = "htTop", - colWidths = 60) - - htmlwidgets::onRender(rht, sprintf( - "function(el, x) { - var hot =; - - var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed - var duplicates = {}; - - var highlightInvalidAndDuplicates = function(invalidValues) { - - var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed - var duplicates = {}; - - // Find all duplicate values - for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { - var value = columnData[i]; - if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { - if (duplicates[value]) { - duplicates[value].push(i); - } else { - duplicates[value] = [i]; - } - } - } - - // Reset all cell backgrounds in the column - for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { - var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed - if (cell) { - = 'white'; - } - } - - // Highlight duplicates and invalid values - for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { - var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed - var value = columnData[i]; - if (cell) { - if (invalidValues.includes(value)) { - = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)'; // Highlight color for invalid values - } else if (duplicates[value] && duplicates[value].length > 1) { - = '#FF7334'; // Highlight color for duplicates - } - } - } - }; - - var changefn = function(changes, source) { - if (source === 'edit' || source === 'undo' || source === 'autofill' || source === 'paste') { - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); - } - }; - - hot.addHook('afterChange', changefn); - hot.addHook('afterLoadData', function() { - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); - }); - hot.addHook('afterRender', function() { - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); - }); - - highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); // Initial highlight on load - - Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('setColumnValue', function(message) { - var colData = hot.getDataAtCol(0); - for (var i = 0; i < colData.length; i++) { - hot.setDataAtCell(i, 0, message.value); - } - hot.render(); // Re-render the table - }); - }", - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), - jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()))) - - }) - - } else { - output$multi_select_table <- NULL - } - }) - - observeEvent(input$conf_meta_multi, { - - multi_select_table <- hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)[hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Include == TRUE,] - - if(any(unlist(gsub(".fasta|.fna|.fa|.fasta.gz|.fna.gz|.fa.gz", "", multi_select_table$Files)) %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"]))) { - show_toast( - title = "Assembly ID(s) already present", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if (any(duplicated(multi_select_table$Files))) { - show_toast( - title = "Duplicated filename(s)", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if (any(multi_select_table$Files == "")) { - show_toast( - title = "Empty filename(s)", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if (any(grepl("[()/\\:*?\"<>|]", multi_select_table$Files))) { - show_toast( - title = "Invalid filename(s). No special characters allowed: ()/\\:*?\"<>|", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if (!any(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)) { - show_toast( - title = "No files selected", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if(any(grepl(" ", multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { - show_toast( - title = "Empty spaces in filename(s) not allowed", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - } else if (isFALSE(Typing$reload)) { - show_toast( - title = "Reload Database first", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if(Screening$status == "started") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Single Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - - log_print("Multi typing metadata confirmed") - - meta_info <- data.frame(cgmlst_typing = DB$scheme, - append_isodate = trimws(input$append_isodate_multi), - append_host = trimws(input$append_host_multi), - append_country = trimws(input$append_country_multi), - append_city = trimws(input$append_city_multi), - append_analysisdate = Sys.Date(), - db_directory = getwd()) - - saveRDS(meta_info, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/meta_info.rds")) - - show_toast( - title = "Metadata declared", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 3000 - ) - - output$start_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - div( - class = "multi_start_col", - column( - width = 3, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Start Typing"), style = "color:white"), - br(), - br(), - HTML( - paste( - "", - "Typing by ", - DB$scheme, - " scheme." - ) - ), - br(), br(), br(), br(), - div( - class = "save-assembly", - materialSwitch( - "save_assembly_mt", - h5(p("Save Assemblies in Local Database"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -3px; right: -20px;"), - value = TRUE, - right = TRUE) - ), - HTML( - paste( - "", - "Isolates with unsaved assembly files can NOT be applied to screening for resistance genes." - ) - ), - br(), br(), br(), br(), - actionButton( - "start_typ_multi", - "Start", - icon = icon("circle-play") - ) - ) - ) - }) - } - }) - - #### Events Multi Typing ---- - - observeEvent(input$sel_all_mt, { - session$sendCustomMessage(type = "setColumnValue", message = list(value = TRUE)) - }) - - observeEvent(input$desel_all_mt, { - session$sendCustomMessage(type = "setColumnValue", message = list(value = FALSE)) - }) - - # Print Log - output$print_log <- downloadHandler( - filename = function() { - log_print(paste0("Save multi typing log ", paste("Multi_Typing_", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep = ""))) - paste("Multi_Typing_", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep = "") - }, - content = function(file) { - writeLines(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), file) - } - ) - - # Reset Multi Typing - observeEvent(input$reset_multi, { - if(!grepl("Multi Typing", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/script_log.txt")), n = 1))) { - showModal( - modalDialog( - paste0( - "A Multi Typing process is still pending. Stopping this process will cancel the processing." - ), - title = "Reset Multi Typing", - fade = TRUE, - easyClose = TRUE, - footer = tagList( - modalButton("Cancel"), - actionButton("conf_multi_kill", "Stop", class = "btn btn-danger") - ) - ) - ) - } else { - - log_print("Reset multi typing") - - # Reset multi typing result list - saveRDS(list(), paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) - multi_help <- FALSE - Typing$result_list <- NULL - - # Null logfile - writeLines("0", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) - - # Reset User Feedback variable - Typing$pending_format <- 0 - Typing$multi_started <- FALSE - - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyDirButton( - "genome_file_multi", - "Browse", - icon = icon("folder-open"), - title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", - buttonType = "default", - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_info"), - br() - ) - ), - uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") - ) - ) - ) - }) - - output$pending_typing <- NULL - output$multi_typing_results <- NULL - } - }) - - # Confirm Reset after - observeEvent(input$conf_multi_kill, { - removeModal() - - log_print("Kill multi typing") - - # Kill multi typing and reset logfile - system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), - wait = TRUE) - - show_toast( - title = "Execution cancelled", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - - # Kill multi typing and reset logfile - writeLines("0", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) - - #Reset multi typing result list - saveRDS(list(), paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) - multi_help <- FALSE - Typing$result_list <- NULL - - # Reset User Feedback variable - Typing$pending_format <- 0 - output$pending_typing <- NULL - output$multi_typing_results <- NULL - Typing$failures <- 0 - Typing$successes <- 0 - Typing$multi_started <- FALSE - - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 4, - align = "center", - br(), - br(), - h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), - br(), br(), - p( - HTML( - paste( - tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') - ) - ) - ), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "center", - shinyDirButton( - "genome_file_multi", - "Browse", - icon = icon("folder-open"), - title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", - buttonType = "default", - root = path_home() - ), - br(), - br(), - uiOutput("multi_select_info"), - br() - ) - ), - uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), - br(), - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 11, - align = "left", - rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") - ) - ) - ) - }) - - }) - - observeEvent(input$start_typ_multi, { - log_print("Initiate multi typing") - - if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Single Typing", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else if (Screening$status == "started") { - show_toast( - title = "Pending Gene Screening", - type = "warning", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - removeModal() - - show_toast( - title = "Multi Typing started", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 10000 - ) - - Typing$new_table <- NULL - - # Remove Allelic Typing Controls - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- NULL - output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL - output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL - - # Activate entry detection - DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE - - # Initiate Feedback variables - Typing$multi_started <- TRUE - Typing$pending <- TRUE - Typing$failures <- 0 - Typing$successes <- 0 - - # get selected file table - multi_select_table <- hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table) - - filenames <- paste(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)], collapse = " ") - - files <- Typing$multi_sel_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] - type <- Typing$multi_sel_table$Type[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] - genome_names <- paste(paste0(gsub(" ", "~", files), type), collapse = " ") - - # Start Multi Typing Script - multi_typing_df <- data.frame( - db_path = DB$database, - wd = getwd(), - save = input$save_assembly_mt, - scheme = paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)), - genome_folder = as.character(parseDirPath(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$genome_file_multi)), - filenames = paste0(filenames, collapse= " "), - genome_names = genome_names, - alleles = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles") - ) - - saveRDS(multi_typing_df, "execute/multi_typing_df.rds") - - # Execute multi blat script - system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), wait = FALSE) - } - }) - - - #### User Feedback ---- - - observe({ - if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt"))) { - if(Typing$multi_started == TRUE) { - check_multi_status() - } else { - Typing$status <- "Inactive" - } - } - }) - - check_multi_status <- reactive({ - - invalidateLater(3000, session) - - log <- readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) - - # Determine if Single or Multi Typing - if(str_detect(log[1], "Multi")) { - Typing$pending_mode <- "Multi" - } else { - Typing$pending_mode <- "Single" - } - - # Check typing status - if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "Attaching")) { - Typing$status <- "Attaching" - } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "Successful")) { - Typing$multi_help <- TRUE - Typing$status <- "Successful" - show_toast( - title = paste0("Successful", sub(".*Successful", "", tail(log, 1))), - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 8000 - ) - } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "failed")) { - Typing$status <- "Failed" - show_toast( - title = sub(".* - ", "", tail(log, 1)), - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 8000 - ) - } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "Processing")) { - Typing$status <- "Processing" - - if(any(str_detect(tail(log, 2), "Successful"))) { - - if(!identical(Typing$last_success, tail(log, 2)[1])) { - Typing$multi_help <- TRUE - show_toast( - title = paste0("Successful", sub(".*Successful", "", tail(log, 2)[1])), - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 8000 - ) - - Typing$last_success <- tail(log, 2)[1] - } - } else if(any(str_detect(tail(log, 2), "failed"))) { - - if(!identical(Typing$last_failure, tail(log, 2)[1])) { - - show_toast( - title = sub(".* - ", "", tail(log, 2)[1]), - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 8000 - ) - - Typing$last_failure <- tail(log, 2)[1] - } - } - } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "finalized")) { - Typing$multi_help <- TRUE - Typing$status <- "Finalized" - - if(Typing$pending == TRUE) { - show_toast( - title = "Typing finalized", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 8000 - ) - - Typing$pending <- FALSE - } - } - }) - - ##### Render Multi Typing UI Feedback ---- - - observe({ - if(!is.null(input$multi_results_picker)) { - Typing$multi_table_length <- nrow(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]]) - } else { - Typing$multi_table_length <- NULL - } - }) - - observe({ - if(!is.null(Typing$result_list)) { - if(length(Typing$result_list) > 0) { - if(is.null(Typing$multi_table_length)) { - output$multi_typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]], - rowHeaders = NULL, stretchH = "all", - readOnly = TRUE, contextMenu = FALSE) %>% - hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% - hot_col(1:3, valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", - cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% - hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( - "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - if (value.length > 8) { - value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); - } - td.innerHTML = value; - = 'center'; - return td; - }" - )) - }) - - } else { - if(Typing$multi_table_length > 15) { - output$multi_typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]], rowHeaders = NULL, - stretchH = "all", height = 500, - readOnly = TRUE, contextMenu = FALSE) %>% - hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% - hot_col(1:3, valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", - cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% - hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( - "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - if (value.length > 8) { - value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); - } - td.innerHTML = value; - = 'center'; - return td; - }" - )) - }) - } else { - output$multi_typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ - rhandsontable(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]], rowHeaders = NULL, - stretchH = "all", readOnly = TRUE, - contextMenu = FALSE) %>% - hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% - hot_col(1:3, valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", - cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% - hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( - "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { - if (value.length > 8) { - value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); - } - td.innerHTML = value; - = 'center'; - return td; - }" - )) - }) - } - } - } else { - output$multi_typing_result_table <- NULL - } - } else { - output$multi_typing_result_table <- NULL - } - }) - - observe({ - if(!is.null(Typing$multi_result_status)) { - if(Typing$multi_result_status == "start" | Typing$multi_result_status == "finalized"){ - - if(Typing$multi_help == TRUE) { - Typing$result_list <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) - Typing$multi_help <- FALSE - } - } - } - }) - - - observe({ - #Render multi typing result feedback table - - if(!is.null(Typing$result_list)) { - if(length(Typing$result_list) > 0) { - output$multi_typing_results <- renderUI({ - column( - width = 12, - fluidRow( - column(1), - column( - width = 9, - br(), br(), - br(), br(), - br(), - div( - class = "mult_res_sel", - selectInput( - "multi_results_picker", - label = h5("Select Typing Results", style = "color:white"), - choices = names(Typing$result_list), - selected = names(Typing$result_list)[length(names(Typing$result_list))], - ) - ), - br(), br() - ) - ), - rHandsontableOutput("multi_typing_result_table") - ) - }) - } - } - }) - - observe({ - - # Render log content - output$logText <- renderPrint({ - cat(rev(paste0(tail(readLogFile(), 50), "\n"))) - }) - - output$logTextFull <- renderPrint({ - cat(rev(paste0(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "\n"))) - }) - - # Render Pending UI - if(!grepl("Multi Typing", tail(readLogFile(), n = 1)) & grepl("Start Multi Typing", head(readLogFile(), n = 1))) { - - Typing$multi_result_status <- "start" - - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- NULL - - output$pending_typing <- renderUI({ - fluidRow( - fluidRow( - br(), br(), - column(width = 2), - column( - width = 4, - h3(p("Pending Typing ..."), style = "color:white"), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - HTML(paste('')) - ), - column( - width = 6, - align = "left", - actionButton( - "reset_multi", - "Terminate", - icon = icon("ban") - ) - ) - ), - ) - ), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column(width = 2), - column( - width = 10, - verbatimTextOutput("logText") - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else if(grepl("Multi Typing finalized", tail(readLogFile(), n = 1))) { - - Typing$multi_result_status <- "finalized" - - Typing$last_scheme <- NULL - - output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- NULL - - output$pending_typing <- renderUI({ - - fluidRow( - fluidRow( - br(), br(), - column(width = 2), - column( - width = 4, - h3(p("Pending Multi Typing ..."), style = "color:white"), - br(), br(), - HTML(paste("", - paste("Typing of", sum(str_detect(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "Processing")), "assemblies finalized."), - paste(sum(str_detect(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "Successful")), "successes."), - paste(sum(str_detect(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "failed")), "failures."), - "Reset to start another typing process.", - sep = '
')), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column( - width = 5, - actionButton( - "reset_multi", - "Reset", - icon = icon("arrows-rotate") - ) - ), - column( - width = 5, - downloadButton( - "print_log", - "Logfile", - icon = icon("floppy-disk") - ) - ) - ) - ) - ), - br(), br(), - fluidRow( - column(width = 2), - column( - width = 10, - verbatimTextOutput("logTextFull"), - ) - ) - ) - }) - } else if (!grepl("Start Multi Typing", head(readLogFile(), n = 1))){ - output$pending_typing <- NULL - Typing$multi_result_status <- "idle" - } - }) - - observe({ - # Get selected Genome in Multi Mode - shinyDirChoose(input, - "hash_dir", - roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), - defaultRoot = "Home", - session = session, - filetypes = c('', 'fasta', 'fna', 'fa')) - }) - - observeEvent(input$hash_start, { - dir_path <- parseDirPath(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$hash_dir) - if (!is_empty(list.files(dir_path)) && all(endsWith(list.files(dir_path), ".fasta"))) { - log_print("Hashing directory using utilities") - shinyjs::hide("hash_start") - shinyjs::show("hash_loading") - show_toast( - title = "Hashing started!", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - hash_database(dir_path) - shinyjs::hide("hash_loading") - shinyjs::show("hash_start") - show_toast( - title = "Hashing completed!", - type = "success", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } else { - show_toast( - title = "Incorrect folder selected!", - type = "error", - position = "bottom-end", - timer = 6000 - ) - } - }) - -} # end server - -# _______________________ #### - -# Shiny ---- - -shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) +######## PhyloTrace ######### + +# _______________________ #### +# CRAN Packages +library(shiny) +library(R.utils) +library(igraph) +library(shinyWidgets) +library(shinydashboard) +library(dashboardthemes) +library(ggplot2) +library(ggnewscale) +library(ggplotify) +library(ape) +library(tidyverse) +library(rlang) +library(tidytree) +library(shinyFiles) +library(dplyr) +library(downloader) +library(rvest) +library(rmarkdown) +library(knitr) +library(kableExtra) +library(fs) +library(data.table) +library(zoo) +library(ggnetwork) +library(rhandsontable) +library(visNetwork) +library(proxy) +library(phangorn) +library(cowplot) +library(viridis) +library(RColorBrewer) +library(bslib) +library(bsicons) +library(DT) +library(shinyBS) +library(openssl) +library(logr) +# Bioconductor Packages +library(treeio) +library(ggtree) +library(ggtreeExtra) + +source(paste0(getwd(), "/www/resources.R")) + +options(ignore.negative.edge=TRUE) + +# User Interface ---- + +ui <- dashboardPage( + + title = "PhyloTrace 1.5.0", + + # Title + dashboardHeader( + + title = span( + div( + class = "img_logo", + img( + src = "PhyloTrace.jpg", width = 190 + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("loaded_scheme"), + uiOutput("databasetext"), + uiOutput("statustext"), + tags$li(class = "dropdown", + tags$span(id = "currentTime", style = "color:white; font-weight:bold;")), + disable = FALSE + ), + + ## Sidebar ---- + dashboardSidebar( + tags$head(includeCSS("www/head.css")), + tags$style(includeCSS("www/body.css")), + tags$style(HTML( + "@keyframes pulsate { + 0% { transform: scale(1); } + 50% { transform: scale(1.1); } + 100% { transform: scale(1); } + } + .pulsating-button { + animation: pulsate 1s ease infinite; + } + .pulsating-button:hover { + animation: none; + }")), + br(), br(), + sidebarMenu( + id = "tabs", + sidebarMenuOutput("menu"), + uiOutput("menu_sep2"), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tabs==='db_browse_entries'", + uiOutput("entrytable_sidebar") + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tabs==='db_distmatrix'", + uiOutput("distmatrix_sidebar") + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tabs==='db_missing_values'", + uiOutput("missing_values_sidebar") + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tabs==='typing'", + uiOutput("typing_sidebar") + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tabs==='visualization'", + uiOutput("visualization_sidebar") + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tabs==='gs_profile'", + uiOutput("screening_sidebar") + ) + ) + ), + + dashboardBody( + tags$head(tags$link(rel = "shortcut icon", href = "favicon.ico")), + shinyjs::useShinyjs(), + + shinyDashboardThemeDIY( + ### general + appFontFamily = "Liberation Sans", + appFontColor = "#000000", + primaryFontColor = "#ffffff", + infoFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", + successFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", + warningFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", + dangerFontColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", + bodyBackColor = cssGradientThreeColors( + direction = "down", + colorStart = "#282f38", + colorMiddle = "#384454", + colorEnd = "#495d78", + colorStartPos = 0, + colorMiddlePos = 50, + colorEndPos = 100 + ), + + ### header + logoBackColor = "#282f38", + headerButtonBackColor = "#282f38", + headerButtonIconColor = "#18ece1", + headerButtonBackColorHover = "#282f38", + headerButtonIconColorHover = "#ffffff", + headerBackColor = "#282f38", + headerBoxShadowColor = "#aaaaaa", + headerBoxShadowSize = "0px 0px 0px", + + ### sidebar + sidebarBackColor = cssGradientThreeColors( + direction = "down", + colorStart = "#282f38", + colorMiddle = "#384454", + colorEnd = "#495d78", + colorStartPos = 0, + colorMiddlePos = 50, + colorEndPos = 100), + + sidebarPadding = 0, + sidebarMenuBackColor = "transparent", + sidebarMenuPadding = 0, + sidebarMenuBorderRadius = 0, + sidebarShadowRadius = "5px 5px 5px", + sidebarShadowColor = "#282f38", + sidebarUserTextColor = "#ffffff", + sidebarSearchBackColor = "rgb(55,72,80)", + sidebarSearchIconColor = "rgb(153,153,153)", + sidebarSearchBorderColor = "rgb(55,72,80)", + sidebarTabTextColor = "rgb(255,255,255)", + sidebarTabTextSize = 15, + sidebarTabBorderStyle = "none none solid none", + sidebarTabBorderColor = "rgb(35,106,135)", + sidebarTabBorderWidth = 0, + sidebarTabBackColorSelected = cssGradientThreeColors( + direction = "right", + colorStart = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", + colorMiddle = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", + colorEnd = "rgba(0,255,213,1)", + colorStartPos = 0, + colorMiddlePos = 30, + colorEndPos = 100 + ), + sidebarTabTextColorSelected = "rgb(0,0,0)", + sidebarTabRadiusSelected = "0px 0px 0px 0px", + sidebarTabBackColorHover = cssGradientThreeColors( + direction = "right", + colorStart = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", + colorMiddle = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", + colorEnd = "rgba(0,255,213,1)", + colorStartPos = 0, + colorMiddlePos = 30, + colorEndPos = 100 + ), + sidebarTabTextColorHover = "rgb(50,50,50)", + sidebarTabBorderStyleHover = "none none solid none", + sidebarTabBorderColorHover = "rgb(75,126,151)", + sidebarTabBorderWidthHover = 0, + sidebarTabRadiusHover = "0px 0px 0px 0px", + + ### boxes + boxBackColor = "#ffffff", + boxBorderRadius = 7, + boxShadowSize = "0px 0px 0px", + boxShadowColor = "#ffffff", + boxTitleSize = 20, + boxDefaultColor = "#00a65a", + boxPrimaryColor = "#ffffff", + boxInfoColor = "#00a65a", + boxSuccessColor = "#00a65a", + boxWarningColor = "#ffffff", + boxDangerColor = "#ffffff", + tabBoxTabColor = "#ffffff", + tabBoxTabTextSize = 14, + tabBoxTabTextColor = "rgb(0,0,0)", + tabBoxTabTextColorSelected = "rgb(0,0,0)", + tabBoxBackColor = "#ffffff", + tabBoxHighlightColor = "#ffffff", + tabBoxBorderRadius = 5, + + ### inputs + buttonBackColor = "#282F38", + buttonTextColor = "#ffffff", + buttonBorderColor = "#282F38", + buttonBorderRadius = 5, + buttonBackColorHover = cssGradientThreeColors( + direction = "right", + colorStart = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", + colorMiddle = "rgba(44,222,235,1)", + colorEnd = "rgba(0,255,213,1)", + colorStartPos = 0, + colorMiddlePos = 30, + colorEndPos = 100 + ), + buttonTextColorHover = "#000000", + buttonBorderColorHover = "transparent", + textboxBackColor = "#ffffff", + textboxBorderColor = "#ffffff", + textboxBorderRadius = 5, + textboxBackColorSelect = "#ffffff", + textboxBorderColorSelect = "#000000", + + ### tables + tableBackColor = "rgb(255,255,255)", + tableBorderColor = "rgb(240,240,240)", + tableBorderTopSize = 1, + tableBorderRowSize = 1 + ), + + uiOutput("start_message"), + + tabItems( + + ## Tab Database ---- + + ### Tab Browse Entries ---- + + tabItem( + tabName = "db_browse_entries", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Browse Local Database"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), br(), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("no_scheme_entries"), + uiOutput("db_no_entries"), + uiOutput("entry_table_controls"), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 8, + uiOutput("db_entries_table") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + uiOutput("delete_box"), + uiOutput("compare_allele_box"), + uiOutput("download_entries"), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ), + br() + ), + + ### Tab Scheme Info ---- + + tabItem( + tabName = "db_schemeinfo", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Scheme Info"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), br(), br(), br(), + uiOutput("no_scheme_info"), + fluidRow( + column(2), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + align = "right", + uiOutput("scheme_header") + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "left", + uiOutput("download_scheme_info") + ) + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("scheme_info") + ) + ) + ), + + ### Tab Loci Info ---- + + tabItem( + tabName = "db_loci_info", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Loci Info"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), br(), br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 10, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "right", + uiOutput("loci_header") + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "left", + uiOutput("download_loci") + ) + ), + br(), + div(class = "loci_table", + dataTableOutput("db_loci")) + ) + ), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + uiOutput("sequence_selector"), + column(1), + column( + width = 7, + br(), + uiOutput("loci_sequences") + ) + ) + ), + + ### Tab Distance Matrix ---- + + tabItem( + tabName = "db_distmatrix", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Distance Matrix"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), br(), br(), br(), + uiOutput("no_scheme_distancematrix"), + uiOutput("distancematrix_no_entries"), + fluidRow( + column(1), + uiOutput("distmatrix_show") + ), + br(), br() + ), + + ### Tab Missing Values ---- + + tabItem( + tabName = "db_missing_values", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Missing Values"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), br(), br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + uiOutput("missing_values"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 2, + div( + class = "rectangle-red-space" + ) + ), + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 75px; position: relative; bottom: -12px", " = ≥ 5% of loci missing") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 8, + rHandsontableOutput("table_missing_values") + ) + ) + ), + + ## Tab Manage Schemes ---- + + tabItem( + tabName = "init", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Select cgMLST Scheme"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 3, + br(), + br(), + br(), + pickerInput( + inputId = "select_cgmlst", + label = NULL, + choices = list( + "Acinetobacter baumanii", + "Bacillus anthracis", + "Bordetella pertussis", + "Brucella melitensis", + "Brucella spp.", + "Burkholderia mallei (FLI)", + "Burkholderia mallei (RKI)", + "Burkholderia pseudomallei", + "Campylobacter jejuni/coli", + "Clostridioides difficile", + "Clostridium perfringens", + "Corynebacterium diphtheriae", + "Cronobacter sakazakii/malonaticus", + "Enterococcus faecalis", + "Enterococcus faecium", + "Escherichia coli", + "Francisella tularensis", + "Klebsiella oxytoca sensu lato", + "Klebsiella pneumoniae sensu lato", + "Legionella pneumophila", + "Listeria monocytogenes", + "Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex", + "Mycobacteroides abscessus", + "Mycoplasma gallisepticum", + "Paenibacillus larvae", + "Pseudomonas aeruginosa", + "Salmonella enterica", + "Serratia marcescens", + "Staphylococcus aureus", + "Staphylococcus capitis", + "Streptococcus pyogenes" + ), + width = "300px", + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = FALSE + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + br(), + br(), + br(), + h5(textOutput("scheme_update_info"), style = "color: white") + ), + column( + width = 2, + br(), + br(), + br(), + actionButton( + "download_cgMLST", + label = "Download", + icon = icon("download") + ), + shinyjs::hidden( + div(id = "loading", + HTML('')) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + br(), + addSpinner( + tableOutput("cgmlst_scheme"), + spin = "dots", + color = "#ffffff" + ) + ) + ) + ), + + + + ## Tab Allelic Typing ---------------------------------------------- + + + tabItem( + tabName = "typing", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Generate Allelic Profile"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), + uiOutput("typing_no_db"), + conditionalPanel( + "input.typing_mode == 'Single'", + fluidRow( + uiOutput("initiate_typing_ui"), + uiOutput("single_typing_progress"), + column(1), + uiOutput("metadata_single_box"), + column(1), + uiOutput("start_typing_ui") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.typing_mode == 'Multi'", + fluidRow( + uiOutput("initiate_multi_typing_ui"), + uiOutput("multi_stop"), + column(1), + uiOutput("metadata_multi_box"), + column(1), + uiOutput("start_multi_typing_ui") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + uiOutput("pending_typing") + ), + column( + width = 6, + uiOutput("multi_typing_results") + ) + ) + ) + ), + + + ## Tab Visualization ------------------------------------------------------- + + + tabItem( + tabName = "visualization", + fluidRow( + tags$script(src = "javascript_functions.js"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='Minimum-Spanning'", + uiOutput("mst_field") + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='Neighbour-Joining'", + uiOutput("nj_field") + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='UPGMA'", + uiOutput("upgma_field") + ) + ) + ), + br(), + hr(), + + ### Control panels MST ---- + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='Minimum-Spanning'", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "100%", + height = "500px", + h3(p("Layout"), style = "color:white; position:relative; right:-15px"), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Title"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + textInput( + "mst_title", + label = "", + width = "100%", + placeholder = "Plot Title" + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "mst_title_color", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start", + width = "100%" + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_title_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + numericInput( + "mst_title_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 40, + min = 15, + max = 40, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Subtitle"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + textInput( + "mst_subtitle", + label = "", + width = "100%", + placeholder = "Plot Subtitle" + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "mst_subtitle_color", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start", + width = "100%" + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_subtitle_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + numericInput( + "mst_subtitle_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 20, + min = 15, + max = 40, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Legend"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "mst_legend_color", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start", + width = "100%" + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_legend_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 11, + sliderInput( + "mst_font_size", + label = h5("Font Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 18, + min = 15, + max = 30, + step = 1, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "180px" + ) + ), + column(1) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 11, + sliderInput( + "mst_symbol_size", + label = h5("Key Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 20, + min = 10, + max = 30, + step = 1, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "180px" + ) + ), + column(1) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + selectInput( + "mst_legend_ori", + label = "", + width = "100%", + choices = c("Left" = "left", "Right" = "right") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Background"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", + materialSwitch( + "mst_background_transparent", + h5(p("Transparent"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "mst_background_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#ffffff", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "100%", + height = "500px", + h3(p("Nodes"), style = "color:white; position:relative; right:-15px"), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Label"), style = "color:white;") + ), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + div( + class = "label_sel", + uiOutput("mst_node_label") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "node_font_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_label_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + numericInput( + "node_label_fontsize", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 14, + min = 8, + max = 30, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", + materialSwitch( + "mst_color_var", + h5(p("Add Variable"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + bslib::tooltip( + bsicons::bs_icon("info-circle", title = "Only categorical variables can \nbe mapped to the node color", color = "white", + height = "12px", width = "12px", position = "relative", top = "27px", right = "56px"), + "Text shown in the tooltip.", + show = FALSE, + id = "mst_node_col_info" + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("mst_color_mapping") + ) + ) + ), br() + ) + ), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Size"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", + materialSwitch( + "scale_nodes", + h5(p("Scale by Duplicates"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + conditionalPanel( + "input.scale_nodes==true", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Range') + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.scale_nodes==false", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Size') + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 9, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.scale_nodes==true", + div( + class = "mst_scale_slider", + sliderInput( + "mst_node_scale", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 80, + value = c(20, 40), + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.scale_nodes==false", + div( + class = "mst_scale_slider", + sliderInput( + inputId = "mst_node_size", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 100, + value = 30, + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + br() + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Other Elements"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-mst-nodes", + materialSwitch( + "mst_shadow", + h5(p("Show Shadow"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Shape') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 9, + align = "center", + div( + class = "mst_shape_sel", + selectInput( + "mst_node_shape", + "", + choices = list(`Label inside` = c("Circle" = "circle", "Box" = "box", "Text" = "text"), + `Label outside` = c("Diamond" = "diamond", "Hexagon" = "hexagon","Dot" = "dot", "Square" = "square")), + selected = c("Dot" = "dot"), + width = "85%" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "100%", + height = "500px", + h3(p("Edges"), style = "color:white; position:relative; right:-15px"), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Label"), style = "color:white;") + ), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + div( + class = "label_sel", + selectInput( + "mst_edge_label", + label = "", + choices = c( + `Allelic Distance` = "weight", + Index = "index", + `Assembly ID` = "assembly_id", + `Assembly Name` = "assembly_name", + `Isolation Date` = "isolation_date", + Host = "host", + Country = "country", + City = "city" + ), + selected = c(`Allelic Distance` = "weight"), + width = "100%" + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "mst_edge_font_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_edgelabel_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + width = 5, + numericInput( + "mst_edge_font_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 18, + step = 1, + min = 8, + max = 30, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + ) + ), + br() + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + div( + class = "node_color", + colorPickr( + inputId = "mst_color_edge", + width = "100%", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_edgecolor_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + width = 5, + sliderInput( + "mst_edge_opacity", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 0.7, + step = 0.1, + min = 0, + max = 1, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "150px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + hr(style = "margin-top: 3px !important"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Length multiplier"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-bottom: -5px") + ) + ), + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + br(), + div( + class = "switch-mst-edges", + materialSwitch( + "mst_scale_edges", + h5(p("Scale Allelic Distance"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_scale_edges==true", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Multiplier') + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_scale_edges==false", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -16px; margin-left: 0px ', 'Length') + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 9, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_scale_edges==true", + div( + class = "slider_edge", + sliderInput( + inputId = "mst_edge_length_scale", + label = NULL, + min = 1, + max = 40, + value = 15, + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_scale_edges==false", + div( + class = "slider_edge", + sliderTextInput( + inputId = "mst_edge_length", + label = NULL, + choices = append(seq(0.1, 1, 0.1), 2:100), + selected = 35, + hide_min_max = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + h4(p("Clustering"), style = "color:white; text-align: left; position: relative; right: -15px") + ), + column( + width = 2, + bslib::tooltip( + bsicons::bs_icon("info-circle", + title = "Cluster threshold according to species-specific\nComplex Type Distance (", + color = "white", height = "14px", width = "14px", + position = "relative", top = "9px", right = "28px"), + "Text shown in the tooltip.", + show = FALSE, + id = "mst_cluster_info" + ) + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 9, + div( + class = "mst-cluster-switch", + materialSwitch( + "mst_show_clusters", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_cluster_col_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + width = 5, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + selectInput( + "mst_cluster_col_scale", + label = h5("Color Scale", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + choices = c("Viridis", "Rainbow"), + width = "150px" + ), + br(), + selectInput( + "mst_cluster_type", + label = h5("Cluster Type", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + choices = c("Area", "Skeleton"), + width = "150px" + ), + br(), + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_cluster_type=='Skeleton'", + sliderInput( + "mst_cluster width", + label = h5("Skeleton Width", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 5, + step = 1, + min = 1, + max = 10, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "150px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; text-align: left; font-size: 14px; margin-left: 15px', 'Threshold') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + uiOutput("mst_cluster") + ), + column( + width = 4, + actionButton( + "mst_cluster_reset", + label = "", + icon = icon("rotate") + ), + bsTooltip("mst_cluster_reset", + HTML("Reset to default Complex Type Distance"), + placement = "top", trigger = "hover") + ) + ) + ), + br(), + ) + ), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ) + ), + + ### Control Panels NJ ---- + + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='Neighbour-Joining'", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 1, + radioGroupButtons( + inputId = "nj_controls", + label = "", + choices = c("Layout", "Label", "Elements", "Variables"), + direction = "vertical" + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_controls=='Layout'", + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Theme"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + selectInput( + inputId = "nj_layout", + label = "", + choices = list( + Linear = list( + "Rectangular" = "rectangular", + "Roundrect" = "roundrect", + "Slanted" = "slanted", + "Ellipse" = "ellipse" + ), + Circular = list("Circular" = "circular", + "Inward" = "inward") + ), + selected = "rectangular", + width = "90%" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-layout", + materialSwitch( + "nj_rootedge_show", + h5(p("Rootedge"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_rootedge_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_rootedge_length"), + br(), + selectInput( + "nj_rootedge_line", + label = h5("Rootedge Line", style = "color:white"), + choices = c(Solid = "solid", Dashed = "dashed", Dotted = "dotted"), + selected = c(Dotted = "solid"), + width = "100px" + ), + br(), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_layout=='circular'", + sliderInput( + "nj_xlim", + label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), + min = -50, + max = 0, + value = -10, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_layout=='inward'", + sliderInput( + "nj_inward_xlim", + label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), + min = 30, + max = 120, + value = 50, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "150px", + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-re", + materialSwitch( + "nj_ladder", + h5(p("Ladderize"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Lines/Text"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_color", + width = "90%", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Background"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 7px; margin-bottom: 38px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_bg", + width = "90%", + selected = "#ffffff", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + br() + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Title"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + textInput( + "nj_title", + label = "", + width = "100%", + placeholder = "Plot Title" + ), + textInput( + "nj_subtitle", + label = "", + width = "100%", + placeholder = "Plot Subtitle" + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_title_color", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start", + width = "100%" + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_title_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + numericInput( + "nj_title_size", + label = h5("Title Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 30, + min = 15, + max = 40, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ), + br(), + numericInput( + "nj_subtitle_size", + label = h5("Subtitle Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 20, + min = 15, + max = 40, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + br() + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Sizing"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Ratio", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px;") + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + div( + class = "ratio-sel", + selectInput( + "nj_ratio", + "", + choices = c("16:10" = (16/10), "16:9" = (16/9), "4:3" = (4/3)) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_size_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + sliderInput( + "nj_v", + label = h5("Vertical Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -0.5, + max = 0.5, + step = 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "nj_h", + label = h5("Horizontal Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -0.5, + max = 0.5, + step = 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Size", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 9, + sliderInput( + "nj_scale", + "", + min = 500, + max = 1200, + value = 800, + step = 5, + width = "95%", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Zoom", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 9, + div( + class = "zoom-slider", + sliderInput( + "nj_zoom", + label = NULL, + min = 0.5, + max = 1.5, + step = 0.05, + value = 0.95, + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Tree Scale"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-layout", + materialSwitch( + "nj_treescale_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + br() + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_treescale_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_treescale_width"), + br(), + uiOutput("nj_treescale_x"), + br(), + uiOutput("nj_treescale_y") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Legend"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: -2px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + prettyRadioButtons( + "nj_legend_orientation", + "", + choices = c(Horizontal = "horizontal", + Vertical = "vertical"), + selected = c(Vertical = "vertical"), + inline = FALSE + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_legend_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + numericInput( + "nj_legend_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 10, + min = 5, + max = 25, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "nj_legend_x", + label = h5("Horizontal Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 0.9, + min = -0.9, + max = 1.9, + step = 0.2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "nj_legend_y", + label = h5("Vertical Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 0.2, + min = -1.5, + max = 1.5, + step = 0.1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_controls=='Label'", + column( + width = 4, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "280px", + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Tips"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-lab", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tiplab_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_tiplab") + ), + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-align", + materialSwitch( + "nj_align", + h5(p("Align"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 1, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_labeltext_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "nj_tiplab_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + conditionalPanel( + "!(input.nj_layout=='inward'|input.nj_layout=='circular')", + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_nudge_x", + label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + step = 0.05, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_layout=='circular'", + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_position", + label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + step = 0.05, + value = -0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_layout=='inward'", + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_position_inw", + label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + step = 0.05, + value = 1.1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_angle", + label = h5("Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -90, + max = 90, + value = 0, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "150px", + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_tiplab_size"), + br(), + selectInput( + "nj_tiplab_fontface", + label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 16px"), + width = "250px", + choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px") + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + br(), + div( + class = "mat-switch-geom", + materialSwitch( + "nj_geom", + h5(p("Panels"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_fill", + width = "100%", + selected = "#84D9A0", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_labelformat_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_tiplab_padding"), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_labelradius", + label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = 0.5, + value = 0.2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "280px", + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Branches"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-lab", + materialSwitch( + "nj_show_branch_label", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_branch_label") + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_branch_label_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "nj_branchlab_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 0.65, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_branch_x", + label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + value = 0, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_branch_y", + label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + value = 0, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_branch_size"), + selectInput( + "nj_branchlab_fontface", + label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + width = "250px", + choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "nj_branch_labelradius", + label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = 0.5, + value = 0.5, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-bottom: 109px") + ), + column( + width = 5, + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_branch_label_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#FFB7B7", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "280px", + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Custom Labels"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + textInput( + "nj_new_label_name", + "", + placeholder = "New Label" + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + actionButton( + "nj_add_new_label", + "", + icon = icon("plus") + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_custom_label_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_custom_labelsize"), + br(), + uiOutput("nj_sliderInput_y"), + br(), + uiOutput("nj_sliderInput_x") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + uiOutput("nj_custom_label_select") + ), + column( + width = 4, + uiOutput("nj_del_label"), + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_cust_label_save") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_controls=='Elements'", + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Tip Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tippoint_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_tippoint_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "nj_tippoint_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 0.5, + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + uiOutput("nj_tippoint_size") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_tippoint_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#3A4657", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tipshape_mapping_show==false", + selectInput( + "nj_tippoint_shape", + "", + width = "100%", + choices = c( + Circle = "circle", + Square = "square", + Diamond = "diamond", + Triangle = "triangle", + Cross = "cross", + Asterisk = "asterisk" + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tipshape_mapping_show==true", + h5(p("Variable assigned"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; font-style: italic") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Node Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch", + materialSwitch( + "nj_nodepoint_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_nodepoint_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "nj_nodepoint_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 1, + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + uiOutput("nj_nodepoint_size") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_nodepoint_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#3A4657", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + selectInput( + "nj_nodepoint_shape", + "", + choices = c( + Circle = "circle", + Square = "square", + Diamond = "diamond", + Triangle = "triangle", + Cross = "cross", + Asterisk = "asterisk" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + h4(p("Tiles"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + div( + class = "sel-tile-number", + selectInput( + "nj_tile_number", + "", + choices = 1:5, + width = "70px" + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_tile_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 1", + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 2", + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_alpha_2", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 3", + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_alpha_3", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 4", + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_alpha_4", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 5", + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_alpha_5", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 1", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_width"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 68px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 2", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_width2"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_2"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 3", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_width3"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_3"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 4", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_width4"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_4"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 5", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_width5"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_offset_circ_5"), + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + h4(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Title", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px;") + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + textInput( + "nj_heatmap_title", + label = "", + value = "Heatmap", + placeholder = "Heatmap" + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "nj_heatmap_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_colnames_angle"), + br(), + uiOutput("nj_colnames_y") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color: white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 40px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + uiOutput("nj_heatmap_width") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 36px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + uiOutput("nj_heatmap_offset") + ) + ), + br(), br() + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Clade Highlight"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + div( + class = "mat-switch", + materialSwitch( + "nj_nodelabel_show", + h5(p("Toggle Node View"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5(p("Nodes"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 20px") + ), + column( + width = 9, + uiOutput("nj_parentnode") + ) + ), + uiOutput("nj_clade_scale"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Form"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + div( + class = "sel-clade", + selectInput( + "nj_clade_type", + "", + choices = c("Rect" = "rect", + "Round" = "roundrect"), + selected = c("Round" = "roundrect") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_controls=='Variables'", + column( + width = 7, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h4(p("Element"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h4(p("Variable"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-right: 30px;") + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + h4(p("Color Scale"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_mapping_show", + h5(p("Tip Label Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_color_mapping") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_tiplab_scale") + ), + uiOutput("nj_tiplab_mapping_info"), + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tipcolor_mapping_show", + h5(p("Tip Point Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_tipcolor_mapping") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_tippoint_scale") + ), + uiOutput("nj_tipcolor_mapping_info") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tipshape_mapping_show", + h5(p("Tip Point Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_tipshape_mapping") + ), + column( + width = 3, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; font-style: italic; position: relative; bottom: -16px; right: -40px;', 'No scale for shapes') + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("nj_tipshape_mapping_info") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 1", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tiles_show_1", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px; margin-right: 10px"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 2", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tiles_show_2", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 3", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tiles_show_3", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 4", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tiles_show_4", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 5", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_tiles_show_5", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + div( + class = "tile-sel", + selectInput( + "nj_tile_num", + "", + choices = 1:5, + width = "50px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 1", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 2", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable2") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 3", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable3") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 4", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable4") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 5", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_fruit_variable5") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 1", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_1") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 2", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_2") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 3", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_3") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 4", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_4") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.nj_tile_num == 5", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_tiles_scale_5") + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("nj_fruit_mapping_info") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "nj_heatmap_show", + h5(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("nj_heatmap_sel") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("nj_heatmap_scale") + ) + ), + uiOutput("nj_heatmap_mapping_info") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ), + + ### Control Panels UPGMA ---- + + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='UPGMA'", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 1, + radioGroupButtons( + inputId = "upgma_controls", + label = "", + choices = c("Layout", "Label", "Elements", "Variables"), + direction = "vertical" + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_controls=='Layout'", + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Theme"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + selectInput( + inputId = "upgma_layout", + label = "", + choices = list( + Linear = list( + "Rectangular" = "rectangular", + "Roundrect" = "roundrect", + "Slanted" = "slanted", + "Ellipse" = "ellipse" + ), + Circular = list("Circular" = "circular", + "Inward" = "inward") + ), + selected = "rectangular", + width = "90%" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-layout", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_rootedge_show", + h5(p("Rootedge"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_rootedge_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_rootedge_length"), + br(), + selectInput( + "upgma_rootedge_line", + label = h5("Rootedge Line", style = "color:white"), + choices = c(Solid = "solid", Dashed = "dashed", Dotted = "dotted"), + selected = c(Dotted = "solid"), + width = "100px" + ), + br(), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_layout=='circular'", + sliderInput( + "upgma_xlim", + label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), + min = -50, + max = 0, + value = -10, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_layout=='inward'", + sliderInput( + "upgma_inward_xlim", + label = h5("Adjust Circular", style = "color:white"), + min = 30, + max = 120, + value = 50, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "150px", + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-re", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_ladder", + h5(p("Ladderize"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Lines/Text"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_color", + width = "90%", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Background"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 7px; margin-bottom: 38px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_bg", + width = "90%", + selected = "#ffffff", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Title"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + textInput( + "upgma_title", + label = "", + width = "100%", + placeholder = "Plot Title" + ), + textInput( + "upgma_subtitle", + label = "", + width = "100%", + placeholder = "Plot Subtitle" + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_title_color", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start", + width = "100%" + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_title_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + numericInput( + "upgma_title_size", + label = h5("Title Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 30, + min = 15, + max = 40, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ), + br(), + numericInput( + "upgma_subtitle_size", + label = h5("Subtitle Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 20, + min = 15, + max = 40, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Sizing"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Ratio", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px;") + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + div( + class = "ratio-sel", + selectInput( + "upgma_ratio", + "", + choices = c("16:10" = (16/10), "16:9" = (16/9), "4:3" = (4/3)) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_size_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + sliderInput( + "upgma_v", + label = "Vertical Position", + min = -0.5, + max = 0.5, + step = 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "upgma_h", + label = "Horizontal Position", + min = -0.5, + max = 0.5, + step = 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Size", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 9, + sliderInput( + "upgma_scale", + "", + min = 500, + max = 1200, + value = 800, + step = 5, + width = "95%", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Zoom", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 9, + div( + class = "zoom-slider", + sliderInput( + "upgma_zoom", + label = NULL, + min = 0.5, + max = 1.5, + step = 0.05, + value = 0.95, + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "250px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Tree Scale"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-layout", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_treescale_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + br() + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_treescale_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_treescale_width"), + br(), + uiOutput("upgma_treescale_x"), + br(), + uiOutput("upgma_treescale_y") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Legend"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: -2px"), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + prettyRadioButtons( + "upgma_legend_orientation", + "", + choices = c(Horizontal = "horizontal", + Vertical = "vertical"), + selected = c(Vertical = "vertical"), + inline = FALSE + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_legend_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + numericInput( + "upgma_legend_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 10, + min = 5, + max = 25, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "upgma_legend_x", + label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 0.9, + min = -0.9, + max = 1.9, + step = 0.2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "upgma_legend_y", + label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 0.2, + min = -1.5, + max = 1.5, + step = 0.1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_controls=='Label'", + column( + width = 4, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "280px", + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Tips"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-lab", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tiplab_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_tiplab") + ), + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-align", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_align", + h5(p("Align"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 1, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_labeltext_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "upgma_tiplab_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + conditionalPanel( + "!(input.upgma_layout=='inward'|input.upgma_layout=='circular')", + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_nudge_x", + label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + step = 0.05, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_layout=='circular'", + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_position", + label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + step = 0.05, + value = -0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_layout=='inward'", + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_position_inw", + label = h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + step = 0.05, + value = 1.1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_angle", + label = h5("Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -90, + max = 90, + value = 0, + ticks = FALSE, + width = "150px", + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_size"), + br(), + selectInput( + "upgma_tiplab_fontface", + label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 16px"), + width = "250px", + choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px") + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#000000", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + br(), + div( + class = "mat-switch-geom", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_geom", + h5(p("Panels"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_fill", + width = "100%", + selected = "#84D9A0", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_labelformat_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_padding"), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_labelradius", + label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = 0.5, + value = 0.2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "280px", + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Branches"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch-lab", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_show_branch_label", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_branch_label") + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_branch_label_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "upgma_branchlab_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 0.65, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_branch_x", + label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + value = 0, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_branch_y", + label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -3, + max = 3, + value = 0, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_branch_size"), + selectInput( + "upgma_branchlab_fontface", + label = h5("Fontface", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + width = "250px", + choices = c(Plain = "plain", Bold = "bold", Italic = "italic", `B & I` = "bold.italic") + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "upgma_branch_labelradius", + label = h5("Smooth edge", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = 0.5, + value = 0.5, + width = "250px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-bottom: 109px") + ), + column( + width = 5, + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_branch_label_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#FFB7B7", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ), + br(), br() + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "280px", + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Custom Labels"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + textInput( + "upgma_new_label_name", + "", + placeholder = "New Label" + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + actionButton( + "upgma_add_new_label", + "", + icon = icon("plus") + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_custom_label_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_custom_labelsize"), + br(), + uiOutput("upgma_sliderInput_y"), + br(), + uiOutput("upgma_sliderInput_x") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + uiOutput("upgma_custom_label_select") + ), + column( + width = 4, + uiOutput("upgma_del_label"), + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_cust_label_save") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_controls=='Elements'", + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Tip Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tippoint_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_tippoint_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "upgma_tippoint_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 0.5, + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + uiOutput("upgma_tippoint_size") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_tippoint_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#3A4657", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tipshape_mapping_show==false", + selectInput( + "upgma_tippoint_shape", + "", + width = "100%", + choices = c( + Circle = "circle", + Square = "square", + Diamond = "diamond", + Triangle = "triangle", + Cross = "cross", + Asterisk = "asterisk" + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tipshape_mapping_show==true", + h5(p("Variable assigned"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; font-style: italic") + ), + br() + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Node Points"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "mat-switch", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_nodepoint_show", + h5(p("Show"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_nodepoint_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + sliderInput( + "upgma_nodepoint_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 1, + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ), + br(), + uiOutput("upgma_nodepoint_size") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 36px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_nodepoint_color", + width = "100%", + selected = "#3A4657", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 48px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + selectInput( + "upgma_nodepoint_shape", + "", + choices = c( + Circle = "circle", + Square = "square", + Diamond = "diamond", + Triangle = "triangle", + Cross = "cross", + Asterisk = "asterisk" + ) + ), + br() + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + h4(p("Tiles"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + div( + class = "sel-tile-number", + selectInput( + "upgma_tile_number", + "", + choices = 1:5, + width = "70px" + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_tile_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_alpha", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_alpha_2", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_alpha_3", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_alpha_4", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_alpha_5", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.1, + max = 1, + value = 1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 68px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width2"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width3"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width4"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4"), + br() + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 27px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_width5"), + br() + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px; margin-bottom: 54px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5"), + br() + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + h4(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5("Title", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 32px;") + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + textInput( + "upgma_heatmap_title", + label = "", + value = "Heatmap", + placeholder = "Heatmap" + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "right", + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "upgma_heatmap_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-end", + theme = "translucent", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_colnames_angle"), + br(), + uiOutput("upgma_colnames_y") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Width", style = "color: white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 40px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_width") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Position", style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 36px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_offset") + ) + ), + br(), br() + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + height = "295px", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + h4(p("Clade Highlight"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + div( + class = "mat-switch", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_nodelabel_show", + h5(p("Toggle Node View"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + h5(p("Nodes"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 20px") + ), + column( + width = 9, + uiOutput("upgma_parentnode") + ) + ), + uiOutput("upgma_clade_scale"), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5(p("Form"), style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + div( + class = "sel-clade", + selectInput( + "upgma_clade_type", + "", + choices = c("Rect" = "rect", + "Round" = "roundrect"), + selected = c("Round" = "roundrect") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_controls=='Variables'", + column( + width = 7, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "info", + width = "100%", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h4(p("Element"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h4(p("Variable"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-right: 30px;") + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + h4(p("Color Scale"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 20px") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_mapping_show", + h5(p("Tip Label Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_color_mapping") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_scale") + ), + uiOutput("upgma_tiplab_mapping_info"), + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show", + h5(p("Tip Point Color"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_tipcolor_mapping") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_tippoint_scale") + ), + uiOutput("upgma_tipcolor_mapping_info") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tipshape_mapping_show", + h5(p("Tip Point Shape"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_tipshape_mapping") + ), + column( + width = 3, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; font-style: italic; position: relative; bottom: -16px; right: -40px;', 'No scale for shapes') + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("upgma_tipshape_mapping_info") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tiles_show_1", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px; margin-right: 10px"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tiles_show_2", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tiles_show_3", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tiles_show_4", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_tiles_show_5", + h5(p("Tile"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + div( + class = "tile-sel", + selectInput( + "upgma_tile_num", + "", + choices = 1:5, + width = "50px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable2") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable3") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable4") + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_variable5") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 1", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_1") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 2", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_2") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 3", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_3") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 4", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_4") + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.upgma_tile_num == 5", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_tiles_scale_5") + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("upgma_fruit_mapping_info") + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + div( + class = "mat-switch-v", + materialSwitch( + "upgma_heatmap_show", + h5(p("Heatmap"), style = "color:white; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_sel") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + div( + class = "heatmap-scale", + uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_scale") + ) + ), + uiOutput("upgma_heatmap_mapping_info") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ), + + ## Tab Utilities ------------------------------------------------------- + + tabItem( + tabName = "utilities", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Utilities"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + br(), + hr(), + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + shinyDirButton( + "hash_dir", + "Choose folder with .fasta files", + title = "Locate folder with loci", + buttonType = "default", + style = "border-color: white; margin: 10px; min-width: 200px; text-align: center" + ), + actionButton("hash_start", "Start Hashing", icon = icon("circle-play")), + shinyjs::hidden( + div(id = "hash_loading", + HTML('')) + ) + ) + # br(), + # actionButton( + # "backup_database", + # "Create backup", + # style = "border-color: white; margin: 10px; min-width: 200px; text-align: left" + # ), + # br(), + # actionButton( + # "import_db_backup", + # "Restore backup", + # style = "border-color: white; margin: 10px; min-width: 200px; text-align: left" + # ) + ), + + + ## Tab Screening ------------------------------------------------------- + + tabItem( + tabName = "gs_screening", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Screening"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: -20px;") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + uiOutput("gene_screening_info") + ) + ), + br(), + hr(), + fluidRow( + uiOutput("screening_interface") + ) + ), + + ## Tab Resistance Profile ------------------------------------------------------- + + tabItem( + tabName = "gs_profile", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + h2(p("Browse Entries"), style = "color:white; margin-bottom: -20px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + uiOutput("gene_resistance_info") + ) + ), + br(), + hr(), + br(), br(), + uiOutput("gs_table_selection"), + fluidRow( + column(1), + uiOutput("gs_profile_display") + ) + ) + ) # End tabItems + ) # End dashboardPage +) # end UI + +# _______________________ #### + +# Server ---- + +server <- function(input, output, session) { + + phylotraceVersion <- paste("1.5.0") + + #TODO Enable this, or leave disabled + # Kill server on session end + session$onSessionEnded( function() { + stopApp() + }) + + # Disable various user inputs (visualization control) + shinyjs::disable('mst_edge_label') + + ## Functions ---- + + # Function to read and format FASTA sequences + format_fasta <- function(filepath) { + fasta <- readLines(filepath) + formatted_fasta <- list() + current_sequence <- "" + + for (line in fasta) { + if (startsWith(line, ">")) { + if (current_sequence != "") { + formatted_fasta <- append(formatted_fasta, list(current_sequence)) + current_sequence <- "" + } + formatted_fasta <- append(formatted_fasta, list(line)) + } else { + current_sequence <- paste0(current_sequence, line) + } + } + if (current_sequence != "") { + formatted_fasta <- append(formatted_fasta, list(current_sequence)) + } + + formatted_fasta + } + + # Function to color-code the bases in a sequence + color_sequence <- function(sequence) { + sequence <- gsub("A", "A", sequence) + sequence <- gsub("T", "T", sequence) + sequence <- gsub("G", "G", sequence) + sequence <- gsub("C", "C", sequence) + sequence + } + + # Function to log messages to logfile + log_message <- function(log_file, message, append = TRUE) { + cat(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "-", message, "\n", file = log_file, append = append) + } + + # Modified gheatmap function + gheatmap.mod <- function(p, data, offset=0, width=1, low="green", high="red", color="white", + colnames=TRUE, colnames_position="bottom", colnames_angle=0, colnames_level=NULL, + colnames_offset_x = 0, colnames_offset_y = 0, font.size=4, family="", hjust=0.5, legend_title = "value", + colnames_color = "black") { + + colnames_position %<>% match.arg(c("bottom", "top")) + variable <- value <- lab <- y <- NULL + + ## if (is.null(width)) { + ## width <- (p$data$x %>% range %>% diff)/30 + ## } + + ## convert width to width of each cell + width <- width * (p$data$x %>% range(na.rm=TRUE) %>% diff) / ncol(data) + + isTip <- x <- y <- variable <- value <- from <- to <- NULL + + ## handle the display of heatmap on collapsed nodes + ## + ## extract data on leaves (& on collapsed internal nodes) + ## (the latter is extracted only when the input data has data on collapsed + ## internal nodes) + df <- p$data + nodeCo <- intersect(df %>% filter( %>% + select(.data$parent, .data$node) %>% unlist(), + df %>% filter(! %>% + select(.data$parent, .data$node) %>% unlist()) + labCo <- df %>% filter(.data$node %in% nodeCo) %>% + select(.data$label) %>% unlist() + selCo <- intersect(labCo, rownames(data)) + isSel <- df$label %in% selCo + + df <- df[df$isTip | isSel, ] + start <- max(df$x, na.rm=TRUE) + offset + + dd <- + ## dd$lab <- rownames(dd) + i <- order(df$y) + + ## handle collapsed tree + ## + i <- i[!$y[i])] + + lab <- df$label[i] + ## dd <- dd[lab, , drop=FALSE] + ## + dd <- dd[match(lab, rownames(dd)), , drop = FALSE] + + + dd$y <- sort(df$y) + dd$lab <- lab + ## dd <- melt(dd, id=c("lab", "y")) + dd <- gather(dd, variable, value, -c(lab, y)) + + i <- which(dd$value == "") + if (length(i) > 0) { + dd$value[i] <- NA + } + if (is.null(colnames_level)) { + dd$variable <- factor(dd$variable, levels=colnames(data)) + } else { + dd$variable <- factor(dd$variable, levels=colnames_level) + } + V2 <- start + as.numeric(dd$variable) * width + mapping <- data.frame(from=dd$variable, to=V2) + mapping <- unique(mapping) + + dd$x <- V2 + dd$width <- width + dd[[".panel"]] <- factor("Tree") + if (is.null(color)) { + p2 <- p + geom_tile(data=dd, aes(x, y, fill=value), width=width, inherit.aes=FALSE) + } else { + p2 <- p + geom_tile(data=dd, aes(x, y, fill=value), width=width, color=color, inherit.aes=FALSE) + } + if (is(dd$value,"numeric")) { + p2 <- p2 + scale_fill_gradient(low=low, high=high, na.value=NA, name = legend_title) # "white") + } else { + p2 <- p2 + scale_fill_discrete(na.value=NA, name = legend_title) #"white") + } + + if (colnames) { + if (colnames_position == "bottom") { + y <- 0 + } else { + y <- max(p$data$y) + 1 + } + mapping$y <- y + mapping[[".panel"]] <- factor("Tree") + p2 <- p2 + geom_text(data=mapping, aes(x=to, y = y, label=from), color = colnames_color, size=font.size, family=family, inherit.aes = FALSE, + angle=colnames_angle, nudge_x=colnames_offset_x, nudge_y = colnames_offset_y, hjust=hjust) + } + + p2 <- p2 + theme(legend.position="right") + ## p2 <- p2 + guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(colour = NULL))) + + if (!colnames) { + ## + p2 <- p2 + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) + } + + attr(p2, "mapping") <- mapping + return(p2) + } + + # Get rhandsontable + get.entry.table.meta <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(hot_to_r(input$db_entries))){ + table <- hot_to_r(input$db_entries) + select(select(table, -13), 1:(12 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + } + }) + + # Function to find columns with varying values + var_alleles <- function(dataframe) { + + varying_columns <- c() + + for (col in 1:ncol(dataframe)) { + unique_values <- unique(dataframe[, col]) + + if (length(unique_values) > 1) { + varying_columns <- c(varying_columns, col) + } + } + + return(varying_columns) + } + + # Functions to compute hamming distances dependent on missing value handling + hamming.dist <- function(x, y) { + sum(x != y) + } + + hamming.distIgnore <- function(x, y) { + sum( (x != y) & ! & ! ) + } + + hamming.distCategory <- function(x, y) { + sum((x != y | xor(, & !( & + } + + compute.distMatrix <- function(profile, hamming.method) { + mat <- as.matrix(profile) + n <- nrow(mat) + dist_mat <- matrix(0, n, n) + for (i in 1:(n-1)) { + for (j in (i+1):n) { + dist_mat[i, j] <- hamming.method(x = mat[i, ], y = mat[j, ]) + dist_mat[j, i] <- dist_mat[i, j] + } + } + return(dist_mat) + } + + # Function to determine entry table height + table_height <- reactive({ + if (input$table_height == TRUE) { + NULL + } else {900} + }) + + # Function to determine distance matrix height + distancematrix_height <- reactive({ + if(DB$distancematrix_nrow > 33) { + 800 + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Function to missing value table height + miss.val.height <- reactive({ + if(input$miss_val_height == TRUE) { + NULL + } else {800} + }) + + #Function to check custom variable classes + column_classes <- function(df) { + sapply(df, function(x) { + if (class(x) == "numeric") { + return("cont") + } else if (class(x) == "character") { + return("categ") + } else { + return(class(x)) + } + }) + } + + # Function to hash database + hash_database <- function(folder) { + loci_files <- list.files(folder) + loci_names <- sapply(strsplit(loci_files, "[.]"), function(x) x[1]) + loci_paths <- file.path(folder, loci_files) + + hashes <- sapply(loci_paths, hash_locus) + names(hashes) <- loci_names + hashes + } + + # Function to hash a locus + hash_locus <- function(locus_path) { + locus_file <- readLines(locus_path) + seq_list <- locus_file[seq(2, length(locus_file), 3)] + seq_hash <- sha256(seq_list) + seq_idx <- paste0(">", seq_hash) + + locus_file[seq(1, length(locus_file), 3)] <- seq_idx + writeLines(locus_file, locus_path) + + seq_hash + } + + # Get locus hashes + get_locus_hashes <- function(locus_path) { + locus_file <- readLines(locus_path) + hash_list <- locus_file[seq(1, length(locus_file), 3)] + hash_list <- sapply(strsplit(hash_list, "[>]"), function(x) x[2]) + } + + extract_seq <- function(locus_path, hashes) { + locus_file <- readLines(locus_path) + hash_list <- sapply(strsplit(locus_file[seq(1, length(locus_file), 3)], "[>]"), function(x) x[2]) + seq_list <- locus_file[seq(2, length(locus_file), 3)] + seq_idx <- hash_list %in% hashes + + list( + idx = hash_list[seq_idx], + seq = seq_list[seq_idx] + ) + } + + add_new_sequences <- function(locus_path, sequences) { + locus_file <- file(locus_path, open = "a+") + for (i in seq_along(sequences$idx)) { + writeLines(c("", paste0(">", sequences$idx[i]), sequences$seq[i]), locus_file) + } + close(locus_file) + } + + # Compute clusters to use in visNetwork + compute_clusters <- function(nodes, edges, threshold) { + groups <- rep(0, length(nodes$id)) + edges_groups <- rep(0, length(edges$from)) + + edges_table <- data.frame( + from = edges$from, + to = edges$to, + weight = edges$weight + ) + + count <- 0 + while (any(groups == 0)) { + group_na <- groups == 0 + labels <- nodes$id[group_na] + + cluster <- nodes$id[group_na][1] # Initialize with 1 label + while (!is_empty(labels)) { + sub_tb <- edges_table[(edges_table$from %in% cluster | edges_table$to %in% cluster) & edges_table$weight <= threshold,] + + if (nrow(sub_tb) == 0 | length(unique(c(sub_tb$from, sub_tb$to))) == length(cluster)) { + count <- count + 1 + groups[nodes$id %in% cluster] <- paste("Group", count) + edges_groups[edges$from %in% cluster & edges$to %in% cluster] <- paste("Group", count) + break + } else { + cluster <- unique(c(sub_tb$from, sub_tb$to)) + } + } + } + list(groups = groups, + edges = edges_groups) + } + + # Check gene screening status + check_status <- function(isolate) { + iso_name <- gsub(".zip", "", basename(isolate)) + if(file.exists(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "Isolates", iso_name, "status.txt"))) { + if(str_detect(readLines(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "Isolates", iso_name, "status.txt"))[1], + "successfully")) { + return("success") + } else { + return("fail") + } + } else {return("unfinished")} + } + + # Reset gene screening status + remove.screening.status <- function(isolate) { + if(file.exists(file.path(DB$database, + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "Isolates", + isolate, + "status.txt"))) { + file.remove( + file.path(DB$database, + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "Isolates", + isolate, + "status.txt") + ) + } + } + + # Truncate hashes + truncHash <- function(hash) { + if(! { + paste0(str_sub(hash, 1, 4), "...", str_sub(hash, nchar(hash) - 3, nchar(hash))) + } else {NA} + } + + # Function to check for duplicate isolate IDs for multi typing start + dupl_mult_id <- reactive({ + req(Typing$multi_sel_table) + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + selection <- Typing$multi_sel_table[which(unlist(Typing$multi_sel_table$Files) %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"])),] + selection$Files + } else {""} + }) + + # Function to check single typing log file + check_new_entry <- reactive({ + + invalidateLater(5000, session) + + if(!is.null(DB$database)) { + if(file_exists(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds"))) { + + Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme),"Typing.rds")) + + if(is.null(DB$data)) { + if(nrow(Database[["Typing"]]) >= 1) { + TRUE + } else {FALSE} + } else { + if(nrow(DB$data) < nrow(Database[["Typing"]])) { + TRUE + } else { + FALSE + } + } + } else {FALSE} + } + }) + + # Render Entry Table Highlights + + diff_allele <- reactive({ + if (!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(input$compare_select) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { + var_alleles(select(DB$data, input$compare_select)) + (13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + } + }) + + err_thresh <- reactive({ + if (!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$number_loci)) { + which(as.numeric(DB$data[["Errors"]]) >= (DB$number_loci * 0.05)) + } + }) + + err_thresh_na <- reactive({ + if (!is.null(DB$na_table) & !is.null(DB$number_loci)) { + which(as.numeric(DB$na_table[["Errors"]]) >= (DB$number_loci * 0.05)) + } + }) + + true_rows <- reactive({ + if (!is.null(DB$data)) { + which(DB$data$Include == TRUE) + } + }) + + duplicated_names <- reactive({ + if (!is.null(DB$meta)) { + which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`) | duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`, fromLast = TRUE)) + } + }) + + duplicated_ids <- reactive({ + if (!is.null(DB$meta)) { + which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`) | duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`, fromLast = TRUE)) + } + }) + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Startup ---- + shinyjs::addClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-collapse") + shinyjs::removeClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-toggle") + + output$messageMenu <- renderText({ + HTML(format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z")) + }) + + # Initiate logging + if(!dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/logs"))) { + dir_create(paste0(getwd(), "/logs")) + } + + logfile <- file.path(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/phylotrace.log")) + + log <- log_open(logfile, logdir = FALSE) + + log_print("Session started") + + # Clear screening file + if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/output_file.tsv"))) { + file.remove(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/output_file.tsv")) + } + + if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/error.txt"))) { + file.remove(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening/error.txt")) + } + + # Declare reactive variables + Startup <- reactiveValues(sidebar = TRUE, + header = TRUE) # reactive variables related to startup process + + DB <- reactiveValues(data = NULL, + block_db = FALSE, + load_selected = TRUE, + no_na_switch = FALSE, + first_look = FALSE) # reactive variables related to local database + + Typing <- reactiveValues(table = data.frame(), + single_path = data.frame(), + progress = 0, + progress_format_start = 0, + progress_format_end = 0, + result_list = NULL, + status = "") # reactive variables related to typing process + + Screening <- reactiveValues(status = "idle", + picker_status = TRUE, + first_result = NULL) # reactive variables related to gene screening + + Vis <- reactiveValues(cluster = NULL, + metadata = list(), + custom_label_nj = data.frame(), + nj_label_pos_y = list(), + nj_label_pos_x = list(), + nj_label_size = list(), + custom_label_upgma = data.frame(), + upgma_label_pos_y = list(), + upgma_label_pos_x = list(), + upgma_label_size = list()) # reactive variables related to visualization + + Report <- reactiveValues() # reactive variables related to report functions + + Scheme <- reactiveValues() # reactive variables related to scheme functions + + # Load last used database if possible + if(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds") %in% dir_ls(paste0(getwd(), "/execute"))) { + DB$last_db <- TRUE + } + + # Locate local Database + observe({ + shinyDirChoose(input, + "db_location", + roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), + defaultRoot = "Home", + session = session) + + if(!is.null(DB$select_new)) { + if(DB$select_new == FALSE) { + if(DB$block_db == FALSE) { + DB$database <- as.character( + parseDirPath( + roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), + input$db_location + ) + ) + + DB$exist <- (length(dir_ls(DB$database)) == 0) # Logical any local database present + + DB$available <- gsub("_", " ", basename(dir_ls(DB$database))) # List of local schemes available + } + + } else if (DB$select_new == TRUE) { + DB$database <- paste0(DB$new_database, "/Database") + + } + } else { + if(!is.null(DB$last_db) & file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds"))) { + + DB$database <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds")) + + if(dir_exists(DB$database)) { + DB$exist <- (length(dir_ls(DB$database)) == 0) # Logical any local database present + + DB$available <- gsub("_", " ", basename(dir_ls(DB$database))) # List of local schemes available + } + } + } + }) + + ### Set up typing environment ---- + + # Null typing progress trackers + writeLines("0", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) + writeLines("0\n", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt")) + + if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { + unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) + } + + # Reset typing feedback values + Typing$pending <- FALSE + Typing$multi_started <- FALSE + Typing$multi_help <- FALSE + saveRDS(list(), paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) + Typing$last_success <- "0" # Null last multi typing success name + Typing$last_failure <- "0" # Null last multi typing failure name + + ### Landing page UI ---- + observe({ + if (Startup$sidebar == FALSE) { + shinyjs::removeClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-collapse") + shinyjs::addClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-toggle") + } + }) + + output$start_message <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + div( + class = "image", + imageOutput("imageOutput") + ), + br(), br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 16px;', 'Proceed by loading a compatible local database or create a new one.') + ) + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "right", + shinyDirButton( + "db_location", + "Browse", + icon = icon("folder-open"), + title = "Locate the database folder", + buttonType = "default", + root = path_home() + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + shinyDirButton( + "create_new_db", + "Create New", + icon = icon("plus"), + title = "Choose location for new PhyloTrace database", + buttonType = "default", + root = path_home() + ) + ) + ), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + uiOutput("load_db"), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # User selection new db or load db + observeEvent(input$create_new_db, { + log_print("Input create_new_db") + DB$select_new <- TRUE + }) + + observeEvent(input$db_location, { + log_print("Input db_location") + DB$select_new <- FALSE + }) + + # Load db & scheme selection UI + output$load_db <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$select_new)) { + if(length(DB$new_database) > 0 & DB$select_new) { + column( + width = 12, + p( + tags$span( + style='color: white; font-size: 15px;', + HTML( + paste( + 'New database will be created in', + DB$new_database + ) + ) + ) + ), + br(), + actionButton( + "load", + "Create", + class = "load-start" + ) + ) + } else if(length(DB$available) > 0 & !(DB$select_new)) { + if(any(!(gsub(" ", "_", DB$available) %in% schemes))) { + column( + width = 12, + p( + tags$span( + style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', + HTML( + paste('Selected:', DB$database) + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("scheme_db"), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: #E18B00; font-size: 13px; font-style: italic;', + 'Warning: Folder contains invalid elements.') + ) + ) + ), + br(), + actionButton( + "load", + "Load", + class = "load-start" + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 12, + p( + tags$span( + style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', + HTML( + paste('Selected:', DB$database) + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("scheme_db"), + br(), br(), + actionButton( + "load", + "Load", + class = "load-start" + ) + ) + } + } + } else if((!is.null(DB$last_db)) & (!is.null(DB$available))) { + if (DB$last_db == TRUE & (length(DB$available) > 0)) { + if(any(!(gsub(" ", "_", DB$available) %in% schemes))) { + column( + width = 12, + p( + tags$span( + style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', + HTML( + paste('Last used:', DB$database) + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("scheme_db"), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: #E18B00; font-size: 13px; font-style: italic;', + 'Warning: Folder contains invalid elements.') + ) + ) + ), + br(), + actionButton( + "load", + "Load", + class = "load-start" + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 12, + p( + tags$span( + style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', + HTML( + paste('Last used:', DB$database) + ) + ) + ), + uiOutput("scheme_db"), + br(), br(), + actionButton( + "load", + "Load", + class = "load-start" + ) + ) + } + } else if (DB$last_db == TRUE & (length(DB$available) == 0)) { + column( + width = 12, + p( + tags$span( + style='color: white; font-size: 15px; font-style: italic;', + HTML( + paste('Last used:', DB$database) + ) + ) + ), + br(), + actionButton( + "load", + "Load", + class = "load-start" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$imageOutput <- renderImage({ + # Path to your PNG image with a transparent background + image_path <- paste0(getwd(), "/www/PhyloTrace.png") + + # Use HTML to display the image with the tag + list(src = image_path, + height = 180) + }, deleteFile = FALSE) + + ### Load app event ---- + + observeEvent(input$load, { + + # Reset reactive screening variables + output$screening_start <- NULL + output$screening_result_sel <- NULL + output$screening_result <- NULL + output$screening_fail <- NULL + Screening$status_df <- NULL + Screening$choices <- NULL + Screening$picker_status <- TRUE + Screening$status <- "idle" + Screening$first_result <- NULL + if(!is.null(input$screening_select)) { + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + updatePickerInput(session, "screening_select", selected = character(0)) + } + } + + log_print("Input load") + + # set typing start control variable + Typing$reload <- TRUE + + # reset typing status on start( + if(Typing$status == "Finalized") {Typing$status <- "Inactive"} + if(!is.null(Typing$single_path)) {Typing$single_path <- data.frame()} + + #### Render status bar ---- + observe({ + req(DB$scheme) + + if(is.null(input$scheme_position)) { + output$loaded_scheme <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Selected scheme:   ", + DB$scheme, + "")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + }) + } + + if(!is.null(input$scheme_position)) { + output$loaded_scheme <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Selected scheme:   ", + DB$scheme, + "")), + style = "color:white;"), + div( + class = "reload-bttn", + style = paste0("margin-left:", 30 + input$scheme_position, "px; position: relative; top: -24px;"), + actionButton( + "reload_db", + label = "", + icon = icon("rotate") + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + } + }) + + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$database)){ + if(nchar(DB$database) > 60) { + database <- paste0(substring(DB$database, first = 1, last = 60), "...") + } else { + database <- DB$database + } + output$databasetext <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Database:   ", + database, + "")), + style = "color:white;") + ), + if(nchar(database) > 60) {bsTooltip("databasetext", + HTML(DB$database), + placement = "bottom", + trigger = "hover")} + ) + }) + } + }) + + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$database)) { + if(Typing$status == "Finalized"){ + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    typing finalized")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + } else if(Typing$status == "Attaching"){ + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    evaluating typing results")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + } else if(Typing$status == "Processing") { + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    pending typing")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "started") { + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    pending gene screening")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "finished") { + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    gene screening finalized")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + } else { + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    ready")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + # Null single typing status + if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { + Typing$progress <- 0 + + Typing$progress_format <- 900000 + + output$single_typing_progress <- NULL + + output$typing_fin <- NULL + + output$single_typing_results <- NULL + + output$typing_formatting <- NULL + + Typing$single_path <- data.frame() + + # reset results file + if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { + unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) + # Resetting single typing progress logfile bar + con <- file(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), open = "w") + + cat("0\n", file = con) + + close(con) + } + } + + shinyjs::runjs( + 'if(document.querySelector("#loaded_scheme > div > li > span") !== null) { + // Select the span element + let spanElement = document.querySelector("#loaded_scheme > div > li > span"); + + // Get the bounding rectangle of the span element + let rect = spanElement.getBoundingClientRect(); + + // Extract the width + let width = rect.width; + + Shiny.setInputValue("scheme_position", width); + }' + ) + + # Load app elements based on database availability and missing value presence + if(!is.null(DB$select_new)) { + if(DB$select_new & (paste0(DB$new_database, "/Database") %in% dir_ls(DB$new_database))) { + + log_print("Directory already contains a database") + + show_toast( + title = "Directory already contains a database", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + DB$load_selected <- FALSE + + } else if(DB$select_new | (DB$select_new == FALSE & is.null(input$scheme_db))) { + + log_print(paste0("New database created in ", DB$new_database)) + + DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE + DB$data <- NULL + DB$meta_gs <- NULL + DB$meta <- NULL + DB$meta_true <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile_true <- NULL + + # null Distance matrix, entry table and plots + output$db_distancematrix <- NULL + output$db_entries_table <- NULL + output$tree_mst <- NULL + output$tree_nj <- NULL + output$tree_upgma <- NULL + + # null report values + Report$report_list_mst <- list() + Report$report_list_nj <- list() + Report$report_list_upgma <- list() + + # null plots + Vis$nj <- NULL + Vis$upgma <- NULL + Vis$ggraph_1 <- NULL + + removeModal() + + #### Render Menu Items ---- + + Startup$sidebar <- FALSE + Startup$header <- FALSE + + output$menu_sep2 <- renderUI(hr()) + + # Hide start message + output$start_message <- NULL + + DB$load_selected <- FALSE + + # Declare database path + DB$database <- file.path(DB$new_database, "Database") + + # Set database availability screening variables to present database + DB$block_db <- TRUE + DB$select_new <- FALSE + + # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab and no Missing values tab + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group"), + selected = TRUE + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + + # Dont render these elements + output$db_no_entries <- NULL + output$distancematrix_no_entries <- NULL + output$db_entries <- NULL + output$edit_index <- NULL + output$edit_scheme_d <- NULL + output$edit_entries <- NULL + output$compare_select <- NULL + output$delete_select <- NULL + output$del_bttn <- NULL + output$compare_allele_box <- NULL + output$download_entries <- NULL + output$missing_values <- NULL + output$delete_box <- NULL + output$missing_values_sidebar <- NULL + output$distmatrix_sidebar <- NULL + output$download_scheme_info <- NULL + output$download_loci <- NULL + output$entry_table_controls <- NULL + output$multi_stop <- NULL + output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL + output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL + output$pending_typing <- NULL + output$multi_typing_results <- NULL + output$single_typing_progress <- NULL + output$metadata_single_box <- NULL + output$start_typing_ui <- NULL + + } + } else { + log_print(paste0("Loading existing ", input$scheme_db, " database from ", DB$database)) + } + + if(DB$load_selected == TRUE) { + + if(gsub(" ", "_", input$scheme_db) %in% schemes) { #Check if selected scheme valid + + # Save database path for next start + saveRDS(DB$database, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/last_db.rds")) + + DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE + DB$data <- NULL + DB$meta_gs <- NULL + DB$meta <- NULL + DB$meta_true <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile_true <- NULL + DB$scheme <- input$scheme_db + + # null Distance matrix, entry table and plots + output$db_distancematrix <- NULL + output$db_entries_table <- NULL + output$tree_mst <- NULL + output$tree_nj <- NULL + output$tree_upgma <- NULL + + # null typing initiation UI + output$multi_stop <- NULL + output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL + output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL + output$pending_typing <- NULL + output$multi_typing_results <- NULL + output$single_typing_progress <- NULL + output$metadata_single_box <- NULL + output$start_typing_ui <- NULL + + # null report values + Report$report_list_mst <- list() + Report$report_list_nj <- list() + Report$report_list_upgma <- list() + + # null plots + Vis$nj <- NULL + Vis$upgma <- NULL + Vis$ggraph_1 <- NULL + + removeModal() + + #### Render Menu Items ---- + + Startup$sidebar <- FALSE + Startup$header <- FALSE + + output$menu_sep2 <- renderUI(hr()) + + # Hide start message + output$start_message <- NULL + + if(any(grepl(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), dir_ls(DB$database)))) { + + if(!any(grepl("alleles", dir_ls(paste0( + DB$database, "/", + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)))))) { + + log_print("Missing loci files") + + # Show message that loci files are missing + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0("Whoops! No loci files are present in the local ", + DB$scheme, + " folder. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), + title = "Local Database Error", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Okay") + ) + ) + ) + + # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Missing Values", + tabName = "db_missing_values", + icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group"), + selected = TRUE + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + } else if (!any(grepl("scheme_info.html", dir_ls(paste0( + DB$database, "/", + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)))))) { + + output$download_scheme_info <- NULL + + log_print("Scheme info file missing") + + # Show message that scheme info is missing + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0("Whoops! Scheme info of the local ", + DB$scheme, + " database is missing. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), + title = "Local Database Error", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Okay") + ) + ) + ) + + # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Missing Values", + tabName = "db_missing_values", + icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group"), + selected = TRUE + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + + } else if (!any(grepl("targets.csv", dir_ls(paste0( + DB$database, "/", + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)))))) { + + # Dont render target download button + output$download_loci <- NULL + + log_print("Missing loci info (targets.csv)") + + # Show message that scheme info is missing + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0("Whoops! Loci info of the local ", + DB$scheme, + " database is missing. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), + title = "Local Database Error", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Okay") + ) + ) + ) + + # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Missing Values", + tabName = "db_missing_values", + icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group"), + selected = TRUE + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + + } else { + # Produce Scheme Info Table + schemeinfo <- + read_html(paste0( + DB$database, "/", + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "/scheme_info.html" + )) %>% + html_table(header = FALSE) %>% + = FALSE) + names(schemeinfo) <- NULL + DB$schemeinfo <- schemeinfo + number_loci <- as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]) + DB$number_loci <- as.numeric(gsub(",", "", number_loci)) + + # Produce Loci Info table + DB$loci_info <- read.csv( + file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "targets.csv"), + header = TRUE, + sep = "\t", + row.names = NULL, + colClasses = c( + "NULL", + "character", + "character", + "integer", + "integer", + "character", + "integer", + "NULL" + ) + ) + + # Check if number of loci/fastq-files of alleles is coherent with number of targets in scheme + if(DB$number_loci > length(dir_ls(paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles")))) { + + log_print(paste0("Loci files are missing in the local ", DB$scheme, " folder")) + + # Show message that loci files are missing + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0("Whoops! Some loci files are missing in the local ", + DB$scheme, + " folder. Download the scheme again (no influence on already typed assemblies)."), + title = "Local Database Error", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Okay") + ) + ) + ) + + # Render menu with Manage Schemes as start tab + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Missing Values", + tabName = "db_missing_values", + icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group"), + selected = TRUE + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + + } else { + ###### Alle checks bestanden -> Laden der DTB + # If typed entries present + if (any(grepl("Typing.rds", dir_ls(paste0( + DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) + ))))) { + + # Load database from files + Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "Typing.rds")) + + DB$data <- Database[["Typing"]] + + if(!is.null(DB$data)){ + if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { + cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) + DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) + } else { + DB$cust_var <- data.frame() + } + } + + DB$change <- FALSE + DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) + DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) + DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + + # Null pipe + con <- file(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), open = "w") + + cat("0\n", file = con) + + # Close the file connection + close(con) + + # Reset other reactive typing variables + Typing$progress_format_end <- 0 + Typing$progress_format_start <- 0 + Typing$pending_format <- 0 + Typing$entry_added <- 0 + Typing$progress <- 0 + Typing$progress_format <- 900000 + output$single_typing_progress <- NULL + output$typing_fin <- NULL + output$single_typing_results <- NULL + output$typing_formatting <- NULL + Typing$single_path <- data.frame() + + # Null multi typing feedback variable + Typing$reset <- TRUE + + # Check need for new missing vlaue display + if(DB$first_look == TRUE) { + if(sum(apply(DB$data, 1, anyNA)) >= 1) { + DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE + } else { + DB$no_na_switch <- FALSE + } + } + + DB$first_look <- TRUE + + output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyFilesButton( + "genome_file", + "Browse" , + icon = icon("file"), + title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", + multiple = FALSE, + buttonType = "default", + class = NULL, + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("genome_path"), + br() + ) + ) + ) + }) + + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyDirButton( + "genome_file_multi", + "Browse", + icon = icon("folder-open"), + title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", + buttonType = "default", + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_info"), + br() + ) + ), + uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") + ) + ) + ) + }) + + if(!anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { + + # no NA's -> dont render missing values sidebar elements + output$missing_values_sidebar <- NULL + + # Render menu if no NA's present + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + } else { + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries", + selected = TRUE + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Missing Values", + tabName = "db_missing_values", + icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + } + + # Render custom variable display + output$show_cust_var <- renderTable( + width = "100%", + { + if((!is.null(DB$cust_var)) & (!is.null(input$cust_var_select))) { + if(nrow(DB$cust_var) > 5) { + low <- -4 + high <- 0 + for (i in 1:input$cust_var_select) { + low <- low + 5 + if((nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5) != 0) { + if(i == ceiling(nrow(DB$cust_var) / 5 )) { + high <- high + nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5 + } else { + high <- high + 5 + } + } else { + high <- high + 5 + } + } + DB$cust_var[low:high,] + } else { + DB$cust_var + } + } else if (!is.null(DB$cust_var)) { + DB$cust_var + } + }) + + # render visualization sidebar elements + observe({ + Vis$tree_algo <- input$tree_algo + }) + + output$visualization_sidebar <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + column( + width = 12, + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + prettyRadioButtons( + "tree_algo", + choices = c("Minimum-Spanning", "Neighbour-Joining", "UPGMA"), + label = "", + selected = if(!is.null(Vis$tree_algo)){Vis$tree_algo} else {"Minimum-Spanning"} + ), + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + tags$div( + id = "button-wrapper", + actionButton( + "create_tree", + h5("Create Tree", style = "position: relative; left: 15px; color: white; font-size: 15px;"), + width = "100%" + ), + tags$img( + src = "phylo.png", + alt = "icon", + class = "icon" + ) + ) + ) + ), + br(), + hr(), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='Minimum-Spanning'", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + br(), + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 16px; margin-left: 15px', "Sizing") + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + radioGroupButtons( + "mst_ratio", + "", + choiceNames = c("16:10", "16:9", "4:3"), + choiceValues = c((16/10), (16/9), (4/3)), + width = "100%" + ), + br(), + sliderInput( + "mst_scale", + "", + min = 500, + max = 1200, + step = 5, + value = 800, + width = "95%", + ticks = FALSE + ) + ) + ), + br(), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_plot_format=='jpeg'", + actionBttn( + "save_plot_jpeg", + style = "simple", + label = "Save Plot", + size = "sm", + icon = NULL, + color = "primary" + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_plot_format=='png'", + actionBttn( + "save_plot_png", + style = "simple", + label = "Save Plot", + size = "sm", + icon = NULL, + color = "primary" + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_plot_format=='bmp'", + actionBttn( + "save_plot_bmp", + style = "simple", + label = "Save Plot", + size = "sm", + icon = NULL, + color = "primary" + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.mst_plot_format=='html'", + downloadBttn( + "save_plot_html", + style = "simple", + label = "Save Plot", + size = "sm", + icon = NULL, + color = "primary" + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 7, + div( + style = "max-width: 150px", + class = "format", + selectInput( + inputId = "mst_plot_format", + label = "", + choices = c("html", "jpeg", "png", "bmp") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='Neighbour-Joining'", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + downloadBttn( + "download_nj", + style = "simple", + label = "Save Plot", + size = "sm", + icon = NULL, + color = "primary" + ) + ), + column( + width = 7, + div( + style = "max-width: 150px", + class = "format", + selectInput( + inputId = "filetype_nj", + label = "", + choices = c("png", "jpeg", "bmp", "svg") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + conditionalPanel( + "input.tree_algo=='UPGMA'", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + downloadBttn( + "download_upgma", + style = "simple", + label = "Save Plot", + size = "sm", + icon = NULL, + color = "primary" + ) + ), + column( + width = 7, + div( + style = "max-width: 150px", + class = "format", + selectInput( + inputId = "filetype_upgma", + label = "", + choices = c("png", "jpeg", "bmp", "svg") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + br(), + actionButton( + "create_rep", + "Print Report" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Render entry table sidebar elements + output$entrytable_sidebar <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + if(nrow(DB$data) > 40) { + div( + class = "mat-switch-db-tab", + materialSwitch( + "table_height", + h5(p("Show Full Table"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + } + ) + ), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Custom Variables') + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + textInput( + "new_var_name", + label = "", + placeholder = "New Variable" + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + actionButton( + "add_new_variable", + "", + icon = icon("plus") + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + div( + class = "textinput_var", + selectInput( + "del_which_var", + "", + DB$cust_var$Variable + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "left", + actionButton( + "delete_new_variable", + "", + icon = icon("minus") + ) + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 4, + uiOutput("cust_var_info") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + tableOutput("show_cust_var") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(4), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + uiOutput("cust_var_select") + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Render missing values sidebar elements + output$missing_values_sidebar <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + br(), + materialSwitch( + "miss_val_height", + h5(p("Show Full Table"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + br() + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: -23px; right: -15px', + 'Download CSV') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + downloadBttn( + "download_na_matrix", + style = "simple", + label = "", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download") + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Render scheme info download button + output$download_loci <- renderUI({ + column( + 12, + downloadBttn( + "download_loci_info", + style = "simple", + label = "", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download"), + color = "primary" + ), + bsTooltip("download_loci_info_bttn", HTML("Save loci information
(without sequence)"), placement = "top", trigger = "hover") + ) + }) + + # Render scheme info download button + output$download_scheme_info <- renderUI({ + downloadBttn( + "download_schemeinfo", + style = "simple", + label = "", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download"), + color = "primary" + ) + }) + + # Render distance matrix sidebar + output$distmatrix_sidebar <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + selectInput( + "distmatrix_label", + label = "", + choices = c("Index", "Assembly Name", "Assembly ID"), + selected = c("Assembly Name"), + width = "100%" + ), + br() + ) + ), + div( + class = "mat-switch-dmatrix", + materialSwitch( + "distmatrix_true", + h5(p("Only Included Entries"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + div( + class = "mat-switch-dmatrix", + materialSwitch( + "distmatrix_triangle", + h5(p("Show Upper Triangle"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + div( + class = "mat-switch-dmatrix-last", + materialSwitch( + "distmatrix_diag", + h5(p("Show Diagonal"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: relative; bottom: 37px; right: -15px', + 'Download CSV') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + downloadBttn( + "download_distmatrix", + style = "simple", + label = "", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download") + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Render select input to choose displayed loci + output$compare_select <- renderUI({ + + if(nrow(DB$data) == 1) { + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px;', "Type at least two assemblies to compare") + ) + ) + } else { + if(!is.null(input$compare_difference)) { + if (input$compare_difference == FALSE) { + pickerInput( + inputId = "compare_select", + label = "", + width = "85%", + choices = names(DB$allelic_profile), + selected = names(DB$allelic_profile)[1:20], + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + } else { + pickerInput( + inputId = "compare_select", + label = "", + width = "85%", + choices = names(DB$allelic_profile), + selected = names(DB$allelic_profile)[var_alleles(DB$allelic_profile)], + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + } + } + } + }) + + #### Render Entry Data Table ---- + output$db_entries_table <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + if(between(nrow(DB$data), 1, 30)) { + rHandsontableOutput("db_entries") + } else { + addSpinner( + rHandsontableOutput("db_entries"), + spin = "dots", + color = "#ffffff" + ) + } + } + }) + + if (!is.null(DB$data)) { + + observe({ + + if (!is.null(DB$data)) { + if (nrow(DB$data) == 1) { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + rowHeaders = NULL, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } else if (between(nrow(DB$data), 2, 40)) { + if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + + entry_data <- DB$data %>% + select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% + add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) + + rhandsontable( + entry_data, + col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, + dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + rowHeaders = NULL, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE, + contextMenu = FALSE + ) %>% + hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter", + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter", + strict = TRUE, + allowInvalid = FALSE, + copyable = TRUE) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + + } + }") %>% + hot_col(diff_allele(), + renderer = " + function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; + hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; + } + + if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { + = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; + } + }" + ) %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } else { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), + rowHeaders = NULL, + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + dup_names_high = duplicated_names()- 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + + } + }") %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } + } else { + if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + + entry_data <- DB$data %>% + select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% + add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) + + rhandsontable( + entry_data, + col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, + rowHeaders = NULL, + height = table_height(), + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), + readOnly = TRUE, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter", + allowInvalid = FALSE, + copyable = TRUE) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(diff_allele(), + renderer = " + function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; + hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; + } + + if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { + = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; + } + }") + }) + } + } else { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), + rowHeaders = NULL, + height = table_height(), + dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } + } + } + + # Dynamic save button when rhandsontable changes or new entries + output$edit_entry_table <- renderUI({ + if(check_new_entry() & DB$check_new_entries) { + Typing$reload <- FALSE + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', + 'New entries - reload database') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + actionButton( + "load", + "", + icon = icon("rotate"), + class = "pulsating-button" + ) + ) + ) + } else if(Typing$status == "Attaching") { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 14px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', 'No database changes possible - pending entry addition') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 1, + HTML(paste('')) + ) + ) + } else if((DB$change == TRUE) | !identical(get.entry.table.meta(), select(DB$meta, -13))) { + + if(!is.null(input$db_entries)) { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 16px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', 'Confirm changes') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + actionButton( + "edit_button", + "", + icon = icon("bookmark"), + class = "pulsating-button" + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + actionButton( + "undo_changes", + "Undo", + icon = icon("repeat") + ) + ) + ) + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + }) + + # Hide no entry message + output$db_no_entries <- NULL + output$distancematrix_no_entries <- NULL + + } else { + + # If database loading not successful dont show entry table + output$db_entries_table <- NULL + output$entry_table_controls <- NULL + } + + # Render Entry table controls + output$entry_table_controls <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + actionButton( + "sel_all_entries", + "Select All", + icon = icon("check") + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + actionButton( + "desel_all_entries", + "Deselect All", + icon = icon("xmark") + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + uiOutput("edit_entry_table") + ) + ) + }) + + #### Render Distance Matrix ---- + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + + if(any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) | any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))) { + output$db_distancematrix <- NULL + + if( (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) > 0) & (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)) == 0) ) { + duplicated_txt <- paste0( + paste( + paste0("Name # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)), " - "), + DB$meta$`Assembly Name`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`))] + ), + "
" + ) + } else if ( (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)) > 0) & (sum(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) == 0) ){ + duplicated_txt <- paste0( + paste( + paste0("ID # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)), " - "), + DB$meta$`Assembly ID`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))] + ), + "
" + ) + } else { + duplicated_txt <- c( + paste0( + paste( + paste0("Name # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)), " - "), + DB$meta$`Assembly Name`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`))] + ), + "
" + ), + paste0( + paste( + paste0("ID # ", which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`)), " - "), + DB$meta$`Assembly ID`[which(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))] + ), + "
" + ) + ) + } + + output$distancematrix_duplicated <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 12, + tags$span(style = "font-size: 15; color: white", + "Change duplicated entry names to display distance matrix."), + br(), br(), br(), + actionButton("change_entries", "Go to Entry Table", class = "btn btn-default"), + br(), br(), br(), + tags$span( + style = "font-size: 15; color: white", + HTML( + append( + "Duplicated:", + append( + "
", + duplicated_txt + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else { + output$distancematrix_duplicated <- NULL + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$allelic_profile) & !is.null(DB$allelic_profile_true) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$distmatrix_label) & !is.null(input$distmatrix_diag) & !is.null(input$distmatrix_triangle)) { + output$db_distancematrix <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable(hamming_df(), + digits = 1, + readOnly = TRUE, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE, + height = distancematrix_height(), rowHeaders = NULL) %>% + hot_heatmap(renderer = paste0(" + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + heatmapScale = chroma.scale(['#17F556', '#ED6D47']); + + if (instance.heatmap[col]) { + mn = ", DB$matrix_min, "; + mx = ", DB$matrix_max, "; + + pt = (parseInt(value, 10) - mn) / (mx - mn); + + = heatmapScale(pt).hex(); + } + }")) %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_col(1:(dim(DB$ham_matrix)[1]+1), + halign = "htCenter", + valign = "htMiddle") %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = " + function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + = '#F0F0F0' + }" + ) + }) + } + } + + # Render Distance Matrix UI + + output$distmatrix_show <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + if(nrow(DB$data) > 1) { + column( + width = 10, + uiOutput("distancematrix_duplicated"), + div( + class = "distmatrix", + rHandsontableOutput("db_distancematrix") + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px;', "Type at least two assemblies to display a distance matrix.") + ) + ) + ), + br(), + br() + ) + } + } + }) + + } + }) + + + # Render delete entry box UI + output$delete_box <- renderUI({ + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "100%", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + h3(p("Delete Entries"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 2, + offset = 1, + align = "right", + br(), + h5("Index", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;") + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "center", + uiOutput("delete_select") + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "center", + br(), + uiOutput("del_bttn") + ) + ), + br() + ) + }) + + # Render loci comparison box UI + output$compare_allele_box <- renderUI({ + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "100%", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + h3(p("Compare Loci"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), + uiOutput("compare_select"), + br(), + column(2), + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + uiOutput("compare_difference_box") + ) + ), + br() + ) + }) + + # Render entry table download box UI + output$download_entries <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "100%", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + h3(p("Download Table"), style = "color:white") + ) + ), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column(2), + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + br(), + div( + class = "mat-switch-db", + materialSwitch( + "download_table_include", + h5(p("Only Included Entries"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + div( + class = "mat-switch-db", + materialSwitch( + "download_table_loci", + h5(p("Include Displayed Loci"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ), + br(), + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + downloadBttn( + "download_entry_table", + style = "simple", + label = "", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download"), + color = "primary" + ) + ) + ), + br() + ) + ), + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 2, + div( + class = "rectangle-blue" + ), + div( + class = "rectangle-orange" + ), + div( + class = "rectangle-red" + ), + div( + class = "rectangle-green" + ) + ), + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -12px", " = included for analyses") + ) + ) + ), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -13px", " = duplicated name/ID") + ) + ) + ), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -14px", " = ≥ 5% of loci missing") + ) + ) + ), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-left: 25px; position: relative; bottom: -15px", " = locus contains multiple variants") + ) + ) + ), + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Render entry deletion select input + output$delete_select <- renderUI({ + pickerInput("select_delete", + label = "", + choices = DB$data[, "Index"], + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE) + }) + + # Render delete entry button + output$del_bttn <- renderUI({ + actionBttn( + "del_button", + label = "", + color = "danger", + size = "sm", + style = "material-circle", + icon = icon("xmark") + ) + }) + + #### Missing Values UI ---- + + # Missing values calculations and table + observe({ + + if (!is.null(DB$allelic_profile)) { + NA_table <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) != 0] + + NA_table <- NA_table[rowSums( != 0,] + + NA_table[] <- "NA" + + NA_table <- NA_table %>% + cbind("Assembly Name" = DB$meta[rownames(NA_table),]$`Assembly Name`) %>% + cbind("Errors" = DB$meta[rownames(NA_table),]$Errors) %>% + relocate("Assembly Name", "Errors") + + DB$na_table <- NA_table + + if(!is.null(input$miss_val_height)) { + if(nrow(DB$na_table) < 31) { + output$table_missing_values <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + DB$na_table, + readOnly = TRUE, + rowHeaders = NULL, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE, + error_highlight = err_thresh_na() - 1 + ) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1:ncol(DB$na_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(2, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3:ncol(DB$na_table), renderer = htmlwidgets::JS( + "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + if (value.length > 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); + } + td.innerHTML = value; + = 'center'; + return td; + }" + )) + }) + } else { + output$table_missing_values <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + DB$na_table, + readOnly = TRUE, + rowHeaders = NULL, + height = miss.val.height(), + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1 + ) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1:ncol(DB$na_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(2, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3:ncol(DB$na_table), renderer = htmlwidgets::JS( + "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + if (value.length > 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); + } + td.innerHTML = value; + = 'center'; + return td; + }" + )) + }) + } + } + } + + }) + + # Render missing value informatiojn box UI + output$missing_values <- renderUI({ + div( + class = "miss_val_box", + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "100%", + fluidRow( + div( + class = "white", + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + br(), + HTML( + paste0("There are ", + strong(as.character(sum($data)))), + " unsuccessful allele allocations (NA). ", + strong(sum(sapply(DB$allelic_profile, anyNA))), + " out of ", + strong(ncol(DB$allelic_profile)), + " total loci in this scheme contain NA's (", + strong(round((sum(sapply(DB$allelic_profile, anyNA)) / ncol(DB$allelic_profile) * 100), 1)), + " %). ", + "Decide how these missing values should be treated:") + + ), + br() + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + br(), + prettyRadioButtons( + "na_handling", + "", + choiceNames = c("Ignore missing values for pairwise comparison", + "Omit loci with missing values for all assemblies", + "Treat missing values as allele variant"), + choiceValues = c("ignore_na", "omit", "category"), + shape = "curve", + selected = c("ignore_na") + ), + br() + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + + } else { + #if no typed assemblies present + + # null underlying database + + DB$data <- NULL + DB$meta <- NULL + DB$meta_gs <- NULL + DB$meta_true <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <- NULL + DB$allelic_profile_true <- NULL + + # Render menu without missing values tab + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + selected = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + + observe({ + if(is.null(DB$data)) { + if(check_new_entry()) { + output$db_no_entries <- renderUI( + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; position: absolute; bottom: -30px; right: -5px', 'New entries - reload database') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + actionButton( + "load", + "", + icon = icon("rotate"), + class = "pulsating-button" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + output$db_no_entries <- renderUI( + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + "", + "No Entries for this scheme available.\n", + "Type a genome in the section Allelic Typing and add the result to the local database.", + sep = '
' + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$distancematrix_no_entries <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + HTML(paste( + "", + "No Entries for this scheme available.", + "Type a genome in the section Allelic Typing and add the result to the local database.", + sep = '
' + )) + ) + ) + ) + + output$db_entries <- NULL + output$edit_index <- NULL + output$edit_scheme_d <- NULL + output$edit_entries <- NULL + output$compare_select <- NULL + output$delete_select <- NULL + output$del_bttn <- NULL + output$compare_allele_box <- NULL + output$download_entries <- NULL + output$missing_values <- NULL + output$delete_box <- NULL + output$entry_table_controls <- NULL + output$multi_stop <- NULL + output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL + output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL + output$pending_typing <- NULL + output$multi_typing_results <- NULL + output$single_typing_progress <- NULL + output$metadata_single_box <- NULL + output$start_typing_ui <- NULL + + output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyFilesButton( + "genome_file", + "Browse" , + icon = icon("file"), + title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", + multiple = FALSE, + buttonType = "default", + class = NULL, + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("genome_path"), + br() + ) + ) + ) + }) + + output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyFilesButton( + "genome_file", + "Browse" , + icon = icon("file"), + title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", + multiple = FALSE, + buttonType = "default", + class = NULL, + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("genome_path"), + br() + ) + ) + ) + }) + + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyDirButton( + "genome_file_multi", + "Browse", + icon = icon("folder-open"), + title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", + buttonType = "default", + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_info"), + br() + ) + ), + uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") + ) + ) + ) + }) + } + } + } + } + } else { + + log_print("Invalid scheme folder") + show_toast( + title = "Invalid scheme folder", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 4000 + ) + } + } + + }) + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Database ---- + + ### Conditional UI Elements rendering ---- + + # Contro custom variables table + output$cust_var_select <- renderUI({ + if(nrow(DB$cust_var) > 5) { + selectInput( + "cust_var_select", + "", + choices = 1:ceiling(nrow(DB$cust_var) / 5 ) + ) + } + }) + + output$cust_var_info <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(DB$cust_var)) & (!is.null(input$cust_var_select))) { + if(nrow(DB$cust_var) > 5) { + low <- -4 + high <- 0 + for (i in 1:input$cust_var_select) { + low <- low + 5 + if((nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5) != 0) { + if(i == ceiling(nrow(DB$cust_var) / 5 )) { + high <- high + nrow(DB$cust_var) %% 5 + } else { + high <- high + 5 + } + } else { + high <- high + 5 + } + } + h5(paste0("Showing ", low, " to ", high," of ", nrow(DB$cust_var), " variables"), style = "color: white; font-size: 10px;") + } + } + }) + + # Message on Database tabs if no scheme available yet + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$exist)) { + if(DB$exist){ + + # Message for tab Browse Entries + output$no_scheme_entries <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', + 'No scheme available.') + ) + ) + ), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', + 'Download a scheme first and type assemblies in the section Allelic Typing.') + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Message for Tab Scheme Info + output$no_scheme_info <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', + 'No scheme available.') + ) + ) + ), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', + 'Download a scheme first and type assemblies in the section Allelic Typing.') + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Message for Tab Distance Matrix + output$no_scheme_distancematrix <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 10, + align = "left", + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', + 'No scheme available.') + ) + ) + ), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; ', + 'Download a scheme first and type assemblies in the section Allelic Typing.') + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + + } else { + output$no_scheme_entries <- NULL + output$no_scheme_info <- NULL + output$no_scheme_distancematrix <- NULL + } + } + + }) + + observe({ + # Conditional Missing Values Tab + if(!is.null(DB$allelic_profile)) { + if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { + if(DB$no_na_switch == FALSE) { + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Missing Values", + tabName = "db_missing_values", + selected = TRUE, + icon = icon("triangle-exclamation") + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + } + + } else { + output$menu <- renderMenu( + sidebarMenu( + menuItem( + text = "Database Browser", + tabName = "database", + icon = icon("hard-drive"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "db_browse_entries" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Scheme Info", + tabName = "db_schemeinfo" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Loci Info", + tabName = "db_loci_info" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Distance Matrix", + tabName = "db_distmatrix" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Manage Schemes", + tabName = "init", + icon = icon("layer-group") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Allelic Typing", + tabName = "typing", + icon = icon("gears") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Resistance Profile", + tabName = "gene_screening", + icon = icon("dna"), + startExpanded = TRUE, + menuSubItem( + text = "Browse Entries", + tabName = "gs_profile" + ), + menuSubItem( + text = "Screening", + tabName = "gs_screening" + ) + ), + menuItem( + text = "Visualization", + tabName = "visualization", + icon = icon("circle-nodes") + ), + menuItem( + text = "Utilities", + tabName = "utilities", + icon = icon("screwdriver-wrench") + ) + ) + ) + } + } + + }) + + observe({ + + if (!is.null(DB$available)) { + output$scheme_db <- renderUI({ + if (length(DB$available) > 5) { + selectInput( + "scheme_db", + label = "", + choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {DB$available}, + selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {DB$scheme} else {DB$available[1]}} + ) + } else { + prettyRadioButtons( + "scheme_db", + label = "", + choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {DB$available}, + selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {DB$scheme} else {DB$available[1]}} + ) + } + }) + + if (!is.null(DB$schemeinfo)) { + + output$scheme_info <- renderTable({ + DB$schemeinfo + }) + + output$scheme_header <- renderUI(h3(p("cgMLST Scheme"), style = "color:white")) + + } else { + + output$scheme_info <- NULL + output$scheme_header <- NULL + + } + + if (!is.null(DB$loci_info)) { + loci_info <- DB$loci_info + names(loci_info)[6] <- "Allele Count" + + output$db_loci <- renderDataTable( + loci_info, + selection = "single", + options = list(pageLength = 10, + columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, + targets = "_all")), + initComplete = DT::JS( + "function(settings, json) {", + "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + ), + drawCallback = DT::JS( + "function(settings) {", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + )) + ) + + output$loci_header <- renderUI(h3(p("Loci"), style = "color:white")) + + } else { + output$db_loci <- NULL + output$loci_header <- NULL + } + } + }) + + # If only one entry available disable varying loci checkbox + + output$compare_difference_box <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + if(nrow(DB$data) > 1) { + div( + class = "mat-switch-db", + materialSwitch( + "compare_difference", + h5(p("Only Varying Loci"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -4px; right: -5px;"), + value = FALSE, + right = TRUE + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + ### Database Events ---- + + # Invalid entries table input + observe({ + req(DB$data, input$db_entries) + if (isTRUE(input$invalid_date)) { + show_toast( + title = "Invalid date", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + DB$inhibit_change <- TRUE + } else if (isTRUE(input$empty_name)) { + show_toast( + title = "Empty name", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + DB$inhibit_change <- TRUE + } else if (isTRUE(input$empty_id)) { + show_toast( + title = "Empty ID", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + DB$inhibit_change <- TRUE + } else { + DB$inhibit_change <- FALSE + } + }) + + # Change scheme + observeEvent(input$reload_db, { + log_print("Input reload_db") + + if(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), 1)!= "0") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Multi Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Single Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "started") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Screening", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + showModal( + modalDialog( + selectInput( + "scheme_db", + label = "", + choices = DB$available, + selected = DB$scheme), + title = "Select a local database to load.", + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("load", "Load", class = "btn btn-default") + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Create new database + observe({ + shinyDirChoose(input, + "create_new_db", + roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), + defaultRoot = "Home", + session = session) + + if(!is.null(input$create_new_db)) { + DB$new_database <- as.character( + parseDirPath( + roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), + input$create_new_db + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Undo db changes + observeEvent(input$undo_changes, { + log_print("Input undo_changes") + + DB$inhibit_change <- FALSE + + Data <- readRDS(paste0( + DB$database, "/", + gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "/Typing.rds" + )) + + DB$data <- Data[["Typing"]] + + if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { + cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) + DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) + } else { + DB$cust_var <- data.frame() + } + + DB$change <- FALSE + DB$count <- 0 + DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE + DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) + DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) + DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$deleted_entries <- character(0) + + observe({ + if (!is.null(DB$data)) { + if (nrow(DB$data) == 1) { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + rowHeaders = NULL, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgbA(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } else if (between(nrow(DB$data), 1, 40)) { + if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + + entry_data <- DB$data %>% + select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% + add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) + + rhandsontable( + entry_data, + col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, + dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + rowHeaders = NULL, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE, + contextMenu = FALSE + ) %>% + hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter", + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter", + strict = TRUE, + allowInvalid = FALSE, + copyable = TRUE) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + + } + }") %>% + hot_col(diff_allele(), + renderer = " + function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; + hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; + } + + if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { + = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; + } + }" + ) %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } else { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), + rowHeaders = NULL, + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + dup_names_high = duplicated_names()- 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + + } + }") %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } + } else { + if (length(input$compare_select) > 0) { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height) & !is.null(input$compare_select)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + + entry_data <- DB$data %>% + select(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) %>% + add_column(select(DB$allelic_profile_trunc, input$compare_select)) + + rhandsontable( + entry_data, + col_highlight = diff_allele() - 1, + rowHeaders = NULL, + height = table_height(), + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_col((14 + nrow(DB$cust_var)):((13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)) + length(input$compare_select)), + readOnly = TRUE, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", + halign = "htCenter", + allowInvalid = FALSE, + copyable = TRUE) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(diff_allele(), + renderer = " + function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hcols = instance.params.col_highlight; + hcols = hcols instanceof Array ? hcols : [hcols]; + } + + if (instance.params && hcols.includes(col)) { + = 'rgb(116, 188, 139)'; + } + }") + }) + } + } else { + if(!is.null(DB$data) & !is.null(DB$cust_var) & !is.null(input$table_height)) { + output$db_entries <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable( + select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))), + rowHeaders = NULL, + height = table_height(), + dup_names_high = duplicated_names() - 1, + dup_ids_high = duplicated_ids() - 1, + row_highlight = true_rows() - 1, + error_highlight = err_thresh() - 1, + contextMenu = FALSE, + highlightCol = TRUE, + highlightRow = TRUE + ) %>% + hot_cols(fixedColumnsLeft = 1) %>% + hot_col(1, + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(c(1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13), + readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(3, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_id', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(4, validator = " + function(value, callback) { + try { + if (value === null || value.trim() === '') { + callback(false); // Cell is empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } else { + callback(true); // Cell is not empty + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', false); // Reset to false when cell is not empty + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); // In case of error, consider it as invalid + Shiny.setInputValue('empty_name', true); // Notify Shiny of empty cell + } + } + ") %>% + hot_col(8, type = "dropdown", source = country_names) %>% + hot_col(6, dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD", type = "date", strict = TRUE, allowInvalid = TRUE, + validator = " + function (value, callback) { + var today_date = new Date(); + today_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + var new_date = new Date(value); + new_date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + + try { + if (new_date <= today_date) { + callback(true); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', false); + } else { + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + } catch (err) { + console.log(err); + callback(false); + Shiny.setInputValue('invalid_date', true); + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)), + valign = "htMiddle", + halign = "htLeft") %>% + hot_rows(fixedRowsTop = 0) %>% + hot_col(1, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.row_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(44, 222, 235, 0.6)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(2, type = "checkbox", width = "auto", + valign = "htTop", halign = "htCenter") %>% + hot_col(4, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_names_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(3, renderer = " + function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.dup_ids_high + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)' + } + } + }") %>% + hot_col(12, renderer = "function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer.apply(this, arguments); + if (instance.params) { + hrows = instance.params.error_highlight + hrows = hrows instanceof Array ? hrows : [hrows] + if (hrows.includes(row)) { + = 'rgba(255, 80, 1, 0.8)' + } + } + }") + }) + } + } + } + } + }) + }) + + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)){ + if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { + cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) + DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) + + } else { + DB$cust_var <- data.frame() + } + } + }) + + DB$count <- 0 + + observeEvent(input$add_new_variable, { + log_print("Input add_new_variable") + + if(nchar(input$new_var_name) > 12) { + log_print("Add variable; max. 10 character") + show_toast( + title = "Max. 10 characters", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + if (input$new_var_name == "") { + log_print("Add variable; min. 1 character") + show_toast( + title = "Min. 1 character", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + if(trimws(input$new_var_name) %in% names(DB$meta)) { + log_print("Add variable; name already existing") + show_toast( + title = "Variable name already existing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + showModal( + modalDialog( + selectInput( + "new_var_type", + label = "", + choices = c("Categorical (character)", + "Continous (numeric)")), + title = paste0("Select Data Type"), + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("conf_new_var", "Confirm", class = "btn btn-default") + ) + ) + ) + } + } + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$conf_new_var, { + log_print("Input conf_new_var") + + # User feedback variables + removeModal() + DB$count <- DB$count + 1 + DB$change <- TRUE + + # Format variable name + name <- trimws(input$new_var_name) + + if(input$new_var_type == "Categorical (character)") { + DB$data <- DB$data %>% + mutate("{name}" := character(nrow(DB$data)), .after = 13) + + DB$cust_var <- rbind(DB$cust_var, data.frame(Variable = name, Type = "categ")) + } else { + DB$data <- DB$data %>% + mutate("{name}" := numeric(nrow(DB$data)), .after = 13) + + DB$cust_var <- rbind(DB$cust_var, data.frame(Variable = name, Type = "cont")) + } + + DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) + DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) + DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + + log_print(paste0("New custom variable added: ", input$new_var_name)) + + show_toast( + title = paste0("Variable ", trimws(input$new_var_name), " added"), + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + + }) + + observeEvent(input$delete_new_variable, { + log_print("Input delete_new_variable") + + if (input$del_which_var == "") { + log_print("Delete custom variables; no custom variable") + show_toast( + title = "No custom variables", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0( + "Confirmation will lead to irreversible deletion of the custom ", + input$del_which_var, + " variable. Continue?" + ), + title = "Delete custom variables", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("conf_var_del", "Delete", class = "btn btn-danger") + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$conf_var_del, { + log_print("Input conf_var_del") + + DB$change <- TRUE + + removeModal() + + if(DB$count >= 1) { + DB$count <- DB$count - 1 + } + + show_toast( + title = paste0("Variable ", input$del_which_var, " removed"), + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + + log_print(paste0("Variable ", input$del_which_var, " removed")) + + DB$cust_var <- DB$cust_var[-which(DB$cust_var$Variable == input$del_which_var),] + DB$data <- select(DB$data, -(input$del_which_var)) + DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) + DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) + DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + }) + + # Select all button + + observeEvent(input$sel_all_entries, { + log_print("Input sel_all_entries") + + DB$data$Include <- TRUE + }) + + observeEvent(input$desel_all_entries, { + log_print("Input desel_all_entries") + + DB$data$Include <- FALSE + }) + + # Switch to entry table + + observeEvent(input$change_entries, { + log_print("Input change_entries") + + removeModal() + updateTabItems(session, "tabs", selected = "db_browse_entries") + }) + + #### Save Missing Value as CSV ---- + + output$download_na_matrix <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save missing values table ", paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Missing_Values.csv"))) + paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Missing_Values.csv") + }, + content = function(file) { + download_matrix <- hot_to_r(input$table_missing_values) + write.csv(download_matrix, file, sep = ",", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) + } + ) + + #### Save scheme info table as CSV ---- + + output$download_schemeinfo <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save scheme info table ", paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_scheme.csv"))) + + paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_scheme.csv") + }, + content = function(file) { + pub_index <- which(DB$schemeinfo[,1] == "Publications") + write.table( + DB$schemeinfo[1:(pub_index-1),], + file, + sep = ";", + row.names = FALSE, + quote = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + #### Save Loci info table as CSV ---- + + output$download_loci_info <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save loci info table ", paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Loci.csv"))) + + paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Loci.csv") + }, + content = function(file) { + write.table( + DB$loci_info, + file, + sep = ";", + row.names = FALSE, + quote = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + #### Save entry table as CSV ---- + + output$download_entry_table <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save entry table ", paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Entries.csv"))) + + paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Entries.csv") + }, + content = function(file) { + download_matrix <- hot_to_r(input$db_entries) + + if (input$download_table_include == TRUE) { + download_matrix <- download_matrix[which(download_matrix$Include == TRUE),] + } + + if (input$download_table_loci == FALSE) { + download_matrix <- select(download_matrix, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + } + + write.csv(download_matrix, file, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) + } + ) + + # Save Edits Button + + observeEvent(input$edit_button, { + if(nrow(hot_to_r(input$db_entries)) > nrow(DB$data)) { + show_toast( + title = "Invalid rows entered. Saving not possible.", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + if(!isTRUE(DB$inhibit_change)) { + log_print("Input edit_button") + + showModal( + modalDialog( + if(length(DB$deleted_entries > 0)) { + paste0( + "Overwriting previous metadata of local ", + DB$scheme, + " database. Deleted entries will be irreversibly removed. Continue?" + ) + } else { + paste0( + "Overwriting previous metadata of local ", + DB$scheme, + " database. Continue?" + ) + }, + title = "Save Database", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("conf_db_save", "Save", class = "btn btn-default") + ) + ) + ) + } else { + log_print("Input edit_button, invalid values.") + show_toast( + title = "Invalid values entered. Saving not possible.", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$Cancel, { + log_print("Input Cancel") + removeModal() + }) + + observeEvent(input$conf_db_save, { + log_print("Input conf_db_save") + + # Remove isolate assembly file if present + if(!is.null(DB$remove_iso)) { + if(length(DB$remove_iso) > 0) { + lapply(DB$remove_iso, unlink, recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE, expand = TRUE) + } + } + DB$remove_iso <- NULL + + Data <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme),"Typing.rds")) + + if ((ncol(Data[["Typing"]]) - 13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { + cust_vars_pre <- select(Data[["Typing"]], + 14:(ncol(Data[["Typing"]]) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) + cust_vars_pre <- names(cust_vars_pre) + } else { + cust_vars_pre <- character() + } + + Data[["Typing"]] <- select(Data[["Typing"]], -(1:(13 + length(cust_vars_pre)))) + + meta_hot <- hot_to_r(input$db_entries) + + if(length(DB$deleted_entries > 0)) { + + meta_hot <- mutate(meta_hot, Index = as.character(1:nrow(DB$data))) + + Data[["Typing"]] <- mutate(Data[["Typing"]][-as.numeric(DB$deleted_entries), ], + meta_hot, .before = 1) + rownames(Data[["Typing"]]) <- Data[["Typing"]]$Index + } else { + Data[["Typing"]] <- mutate(Data[["Typing"]], meta_hot, .before = 1) + } + + # Ensure correct logical data type + Data[["Typing"]][["Include"]] <- as.logical(Data[["Typing"]][["Include"]]) + saveRDS(Data, file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) + + # Load database from files + Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) + + DB$data <- Database[["Typing"]] + + if(!is.null(DB$data)){ + if ((ncol(DB$data)-13) != as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2])))) { + cust_var <- select(DB$data, 14:(ncol(DB$data) - as.numeric(gsub(",", "", as.vector(DB$schemeinfo[6, 2]))))) + DB$cust_var <- data.frame(Variable = names(cust_var), Type = column_classes(cust_var)) + } else { + DB$cust_var <- data.frame() + } + } + + DB$change <- FALSE + DB$count <- 0 + DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE + DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) + DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) + DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$deleted_entries <- character(0) + + removeModal() + + show_toast( + title = "Database successfully saved", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 4000 + ) + }) + + observeEvent(input$del_button, { + log_print("Input del_button") + + if (length(input$select_delete) < 1) { + log_print("Delete entries; no entry selected") + show_toast( + title = "No entry selected", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 4000 + ) + } else if((readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") | + (tail(readLogFile(), 1) != "0")) { + log_print("Delete entries; pending typing") + + show_toast( + title = "Pending Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 4000 + ) + } else { + if( (length(input$select_delete) - nrow(DB$data) ) == 0) { + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0("Deleting will lead to removal of all entries and assemblies from local ", DB$scheme, " database. The data can not be recovered afterwards. Continue?"), + easyClose = TRUE, + title = "Deleting Entries", + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("conf_delete_all", "Delete", class = "btn btn-danger") + ) + ) + ) + } else { + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0( + "Confirmation will lead to irreversible removal of selected entries and the respectively saved assembly. Continue?" + ), + title = "Deleting Entries", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton( + "conf_delete", + "Delete", + class = "btn btn-danger") + ) + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$conf_delete_all, { + log_print("Input conf_delete_all") + + # remove file with typing data + file.remove(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) + unlink(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates"), recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE, expand =TRUE) + + showModal( + modalDialog( + selectInput( + "scheme_db", + label = "", + choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {DB$available}, + selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {DB$scheme} else {DB$available[1]}}), + title = "All entries have been removed. Select a local database to load.", + footer = tagList( + actionButton("load", "Load", class = "btn btn-default") + ) + ) + ) + + }) + + DB$deleted_entries <- character(0) + + observeEvent(input$conf_delete, { + + log_print("Input conf_delete") + + # Get isolates selected for deletion + DB$deleted_entries <- append(DB$deleted_entries, DB$data$Index[as.numeric(input$select_delete)]) + + # Set reactive status variables + DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE + DB$change <- TRUE + DB$check_new_entries <- FALSE + + # Set isolate directory deletion variables + isopath <- dir_ls(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates")) + DB$remove_iso <- isopath[which(basename(isopath) == DB$data$`Assembly ID`[as.numeric(input$select_delete)])] + + # Reload updated database reactive variables + DB$data <- DB$data[!(DB$data$Index %in% as.numeric(input$select_delete)),] + DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) + DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + DB$allelic_profile <- select(DB$data, -(1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var)))) + DB$allelic_profile_trunc <-$allelic_profile, function(x) sapply(x, truncHash))) + DB$allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + + # User feedback + removeModal() + + if(length(input$select_delete) > 1) { + show_toast( + title = "Entries deleted", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 4000 + ) + } else { + show_toast( + title = "Entry deleted", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 4000 + ) + } + }) + + + ### Distance Matrix ---- + + hamming_df <- reactive({ + if(input$distmatrix_true == TRUE) { + if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { + if(input$na_handling == "omit") { + allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] + + allelic_profile_noNA_true <- allelic_profile_noNA[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA_true, hamming.dist) + + } else if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na"){ + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distIgnore) + + } else { + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distCategory) + + } + } else { + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.dist) + } + } else { + if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { + if(input$na_handling == "omit") { + allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA, hamming.dist) + } else if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na"){ + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile, hamming.distIgnore) + } else { + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile, hamming.distCategory) + } + } else { + hamming_mat <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile, hamming.dist) + } + } + + # Extreme values for distance matrix heatmap display + DB$matrix_min <- min(hamming_mat, na.rm = TRUE) + DB$matrix_max <- max(hamming_mat, na.rm = TRUE) + + if(input$distmatrix_triangle == FALSE) { + hamming_mat[upper.tri(hamming_mat, diag = !input$distmatrix_diag)] <- NA + } + + # Row- and colnames change + if(input$distmatrix_true == TRUE) { + rownames(hamming_mat) <- unlist(DB$data[input$distmatrix_label][which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),]) + } else { + rownames(hamming_mat) <- unlist(DB$data[input$distmatrix_label]) + } + colnames(hamming_mat) <- rownames(hamming_mat) + + mode(hamming_mat) <- "integer" + + DB$ham_matrix <- hamming_mat %>% + %>% + mutate(Index = colnames(hamming_mat)) %>% + relocate(Index) + DB$distancematrix_nrow <- nrow(DB$ham_matrix) + + DB$ham_matrix + }) + + output$download_distmatrix <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + paste0(Sys.Date(), "_", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_Distance_Matrix.csv") + }, + content = function(file) { + download_matrix <- hot_to_r(input$db_distancematrix) + download_matrix[] <- "" + write.csv(download_matrix, file, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) + } + ) + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Locus sequences ---- + + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$database) & !is.null(DB$scheme)) { + DB$loci <- list.files( + path = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles"), + pattern = "\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", + full.names = TRUE + ) + } + }) + + output$loci_sequences <- renderUI({ + req(input$db_loci_rows_selected, DB$database, DB$scheme, input$seq_sel) + + DB$loci <- list.files( + path = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles"), + pattern = "\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", + full.names = TRUE + ) + + fasta <- format_fasta(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) + + seq <- fasta[[which(fasta == paste0(">", gsub("Allele ", "", sub(" -.*", "", input$seq_sel)))) + 1]] + + DB$seq <- seq + + column( + width = 12, + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; position: relative; top: -15px; left: -50px', + sub(" -.*", "", input$seq_sel)) + ) + ), + tags$pre(HTML(color_sequence(seq)), class = "sequence") + ) + }) + + output$sequence_selector <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$db_loci_rows_selected)) { + + req(input$db_loci_rows_selected, DB$database, DB$scheme) + + DB$loci <- list.files( + path = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles"), + pattern = "\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", + full.names = TRUE + ) + + fasta <- format_fasta(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) + + seq_names <- c() + for (i in seq_along(fasta)) { + if (startsWith(fasta[[i]], ">")) { + name <- sub(">", "", fasta[[i]]) + seq_names <- c(seq_names, name) + } + } + + var_count <- table(DB$allelic_profile[gsub(".fasta", "", (basename(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected])))]) + + vec <- prop.table(var_count) + + perc <- sapply(unname(vec), scales::percent, accuracy = 0.1) + + names(perc) <- names(vec) + + choices <- seq_names + + present <- which(choices %in% names(vec)) + absent <- which(!(choices %in% names(vec))) + + choices[present] <- paste0("Allele ", choices[present], " - ", unname(var_count), " times in DB (", unname(perc), ")") + + choices[absent] <- paste0("Allele ", choices[absent], " - not present") + + choices <- c(choices[present], choices[absent]) + + names(choices) <- sapply(choices, function(x) { + x <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]] + x[2] <- paste0(substr(x[2], 1, 4), "...", substr(x[2], nchar(x[2])-3, nchar(x[2]))) + paste(x, collapse = " ") + }) + + column( + width = 3, + selectInput( + "seq_sel", + h5("Select Variant", style = "color:white;"), + choices = choices, + width = "80%" + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + actionButton("copy_seq", "Copy Sequence", + icon = icon("copy")), + bsTooltip("copy_seq", "Copy the variant sequence
to clipboard", placement = "top", trigger = "hover") + ) + ), + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 8, + align = "left", + downloadBttn( + "get_locus", + style = "simple", + label = "Save .fasta", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download") + ), + bsTooltip("get_locus_bttn", "Save locus file with all variants", placement = "top", trigger = "hover") + ) + ), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$copy_seq, { + if(!is.null(DB$seq)) { + session$sendCustomMessage("txt", DB$seq) + } + show_toast( + title = "Copied sequence", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + }) + + output$get_locus <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + fname <- basename(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) + log_print(paste0("Get locus fasta ", fname)) + fname + }, + content = function(file) { + cont <- readLines(DB$loci[input$db_loci_rows_selected]) + writeLines(cont, file) + } + ) + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Download cgMLST ---- + + observe({ + if (input$select_cgmlst == "Acinetobacter baumanii") { + species <- "Abaumannii1907" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- Scheme$folder_name <- "Acinetobacter_baumanii" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Bacillus anthracis") { + species <- "Banthracis1917" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Bacillus_anthracis" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Bordetella pertussis") { + species <- "Bpertussis1917" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Bordetella_pertussis" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Brucella melitensis") { + species <- "Bmelitensis1912" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Brucella_melitensis" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Brucella spp.") { + species <- "Brucella1914" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Brucella_spp" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Burkholderia mallei (FLI)") { + species <- "Bmallei_fli1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Burkholderia_mallei_FLI" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Burkholderia mallei (RKI)") { + species <- "Bmallei_rki1909" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Burkholderia_mallei_RKI" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Burkholderia pseudomallei") { + species <- "Bpseudomallei1906" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Burkholderia_pseudomallei" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Campylobacter jejuni/coli") { + species <- "Cjejuni1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Campylobacter_jejuni_coli" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Clostridioides difficile") { + species <- "Cdifficile1905" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Clostridioides_difficile" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Clostridium perfringens") { + species <- "Cperfringens1907" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Clostridium_perfringens" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Corynebacterium diphtheriae") { + species <- "Cdiphtheriae1907" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Corynebacterium_diphtheriae" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Cronobacter sakazakii/malonaticus") { + species <- "Csakazakii1910" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Cronobacter_sakazakii_malonaticus" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Enterococcus faecalis") { + species <- "Efaecalis1912" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Enterococcus_faecalis" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Enterococcus faecium") { + species <- "Efaecium1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Enterococcus_faecium" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Escherichia coli") { + species <- "Ecoli1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Escherichia_coli" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Francisella tularensis") { + species <- "Ftularensis1913" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Francisella_tularensis" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Klebsiella oxytoca sensu lato") { + species <- "Koxytoca717" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Klebsiella_oxytoca_sensu_lato" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Klebsiella pneumoniae sensu lato") { + species <- "Kpneumoniae1909" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Klebsiella_pneumoniae_sensu_lato" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Legionella pneumophila") { + species <- "Lpneumophila1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Legionella_pneumophila" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Listeria monocytogenes") { + species <- "Lmonocytogenes1910" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Listeria_monocytogenes" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex") { + species <- "Mtuberculosis1909" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Mycobacterium_tuberculosis_complex" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Mycobacteroides abscessus") { + species <- "Mabscessus1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Mycobacteroides_abscessus" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Mycoplasma gallisepticum") { + species <- "Mgallisepticum1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Mycoplasma_gallisepticum" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Paenibacillus larvae") { + species <- "Plarvae1902" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Paenibacillus_larvae" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Pseudomonas aeruginosa") { + species <- "Paeruginosa1911" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Pseudomonas_aeruginosa" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Salmonella enterica") { + species <- "Senterica1913" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Salmonella_enterica" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Serratia marcescens") { + species <- "Smarcescens1912" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Serratia_marcescens" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Staphylococcus aureus") { + species <- "Saureus1908" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Staphylococcus_aureus" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Staphylococcus capitis") { + species <- "Scapitis1905" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Staphylococcus_capitis" + } else if (input$select_cgmlst == "Streptococcus pyogenes") { + species <- "Spyogenes1904" + Scheme$link_scheme <- paste0("", species, "/") + Scheme$link_cgmlst <- paste0("", species, "/alleles/") + Scheme$link_targets <- paste0("", species, "/locus/?content-type=csv") + Scheme$folder_name <- "Streptococcus_pyogenes" + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$download_cgMLST, { + log_print(paste0("Started download of scheme for ", Scheme$folder_name)) + + shinyjs::hide("download_cgMLST") + shinyjs::show("loading") + + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    Downloading scheme...")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + + show_toast( + title = "Download started", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 5000 + ) + + if(length(DB$available) == 0) { + saveRDS(DB$new_database, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/new_db.rds")) + dir.create(file.path(readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/new_db.rds")), "Database"), recursive = TRUE) + } + + DB$load_selected <- TRUE + + # Check if .downloaded_schemes folder exists and if not create it + if (!dir.exists(file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes"))) { + dir.create(file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes"), recursive = TRUE) + } + + # Check if remains of old temporary folder exists and remove them + if (dir.exists(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp")))) { + unlink(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp")), recursive = TRUE) + } + + # Download Loci Fasta Files + options(timeout = 600) + + tryCatch({ + download.file(Scheme$link_cgmlst, + file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes", paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".zip"))) + "Download successful!" + }, error = function(e) { + paste("Error: ", e$message) + }) + + # Unzip the scheme in temporary folder + unzip( + zipfile = file.path(DB$database, ".downloaded_schemes", paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".zip")), + exdir = file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp") + ) + ) + + log_print("Hashing downloaded database") + # Hash temporary folder + hash_database(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"))) + + # Get list from local database + local_db_filelist <- list.files(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"))) + if (!is_empty(local_db_filelist)) { + # Get list from temporary database + tmp_db_filelist <- list.files(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"))) + + # Find the difference (extra files in local database) + local_db_extra <- setdiff(local_db_filelist, tmp_db_filelist) + + # Copy extra files to temporary folder + file.copy(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), local_db_extra), + file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"))) + + # Check differences in file pairs + local_db_hashes <- tools::md5sum(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), + local_db_filelist)) + tmp_db_hashes <- tools::md5sum(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"), + local_db_filelist)) + + diff_files <- local_db_hashes %in% tmp_db_hashes + diff_loci <- names(local_db_hashes)[diff_files == FALSE] + diff_loci <- sapply(strsplit(diff_loci, "/"), function(x) x[length(x)]) + + # Check locus hashes + for (locus in diff_loci) { + local_db_hashes <- get_locus_hashes(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), + locus)) + tmp_db_hashes <- get_locus_hashes(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"), + locus)) + diff_hashes <- setdiff(local_db_hashes, tmp_db_hashes) + + sequences <- extract_seq(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"), + locus), diff_hashes) + if (!is_empty(sequences$idx) && !is_empty(sequences$seq) && + length(sequences$idx) == length(sequences$seq)) { + add_new_sequences(file.path(DB$database, + Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp"), + locus), sequences) + } + } + } + + unlink(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles")), recursive = TRUE) + + file.rename(file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".tmp")), + file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, "_alleles"))) + + # Download Scheme Info + download( + Scheme$link_scheme, + dest = file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, "scheme_info.html"), + mode = "wb" + ) + + # Download Loci Info + download( + Scheme$link_targets, + dest = file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, "targets.csv"), + mode = "wb" + ) + + # Send downloaded scheme to database browser overview + DB$available <- gsub("_", " ", basename(dir_ls(DB$database))) + + Scheme$target_table <- read.csv( + file.path(DB$database, Scheme$folder_name, "targets.csv"), + header = TRUE, + sep = "\t", + row.names = NULL, + colClasses = c( + "NULL", + "character", + "character", + "integer", + "integer", + "character", + "integer", + "NULL" + ) + ) + + DB$exist <- length(dir_ls(DB$database)) == 0 + + shinyjs::show("download_cgMLST") + shinyjs::hide("loading") + + output$statustext <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + tags$li( + class = "dropdown", + tags$span(HTML( + paste('', + "Status:    ready")), + style = "color:white;") + ) + ) + ) + + show_toast( + title = "Download successful", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 5000 + ) + + log_print("Download successful") + + showModal( + modalDialog( + selectInput( + "scheme_db", + label = "", + choices = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {DB$available}, + selected = if(!is.null(Typing$last_scheme)) { + Typing$last_scheme + } else {if(!is.null(DB$scheme)) {input$select_cgmlst} else {DB$available[1]}}), + title = "Select a local database to load.", + footer = tagList( + actionButton("load", "Load", class = "btn btn-default") + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Download Target Info (CSV Table) + observe({ + input$download_cgMLST + + scheme_overview <- read_html(Scheme$link_scheme) %>% + html_table(header = FALSE) %>% + = FALSE) + + last_scheme_change <- strptime(scheme_overview$X2[scheme_overview$X1 == "Last Change"], + format = "%B %d, %Y, %H:%M %p") + names(scheme_overview) <- NULL + + last_file_change <- format( +$database, + ".downloaded_schemes", + paste0(Scheme$folder_name, ".zip")))$mtime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %p") + + output$cgmlst_scheme <- renderTable({scheme_overview}) + output$scheme_update_info <- renderText({ + req(last_file_change) + if (last_file_change < last_scheme_change) { + "(Newer scheme available \u274c)" + } else { + "(Scheme is up-to-date \u2705)" + } + }) + }) + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Visualization ---- + + # Render placeholder image + + output$placeholder <- renderImage({ + # Path to your PNG image with a transparent background + image_path <- paste0(getwd(), "/www/PhyloTrace.png") + + # Use HTML to display the image with the tag + list(src = image_path, + height = 180) + }, deleteFile = FALSE) + + # Render tree plot fields + + output$nj_field <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ) + + output$mst_field <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ) + + output$upgma_field <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ) + + ### Render Visualization Controls ---- + + #### NJ and UPGMA controls ---- + + # Control enable/disable of variable mapping inputs + observe({ + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_color_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_mapping_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiplab_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_mapping_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_color_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_mapping_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiplab_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_mapping_show)) + + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tipcolor_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tippoint_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tipcolor_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tippoint_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show)) + + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tipshape_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tipshape_mapping", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show)) + + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_1)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_2", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_2", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_2)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_3", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_3", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_3)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_4", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_4", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_4)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_fruit_variable_5", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_fruit_variable_5", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_5)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_1", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_1", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_1)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_2", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_2", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_2)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_3", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_3", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_3)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_4", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_4", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_4)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_tiles_scale_5", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_tiles_scale_5", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_tiles_show_5)) + + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_heatmap_sel", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_heatmap_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "nj_heatmap_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$nj_heatmap_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_heatmap_sel", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_heatmap_show)) + shinyjs::toggleState(id = "upgma_heatmap_scale", condition = isTRUE(input$upgma_heatmap_show)) + }) + + # Size scaling NJ + observe({ + req(input$nj_ratio) + if(input$nj_ratio == "1.6") { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_scale", + step = 5, value = 800, min = 500, max = 1200) + } else if(input$nj_ratio == "1.77777777777778") { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_scale", + step = 9, value = 801, min = 504, max = 1197) + } else if(input$nj_ratio == "1.33333333333333"){ + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_scale", + step = 3, value = 801, min = 501, max = 1200) + } + }) + + # Size scaling UPGMA + observe({ + req(input$upgma_ratio) + if(input$upgma_ratio == "1.6") { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_scale", + step = 5, value = 800, min = 500, max = 1200) + } else if(input$upgma_ratio == "1.77777777777778") { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_scale", + step = 9, value = 801, min = 504, max = 1197) + } else if(input$upgma_ratio == "1.33333333333333"){ + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_scale", + step = 3, value = 801, min = 501, max = 1200) + } + }) + + # Size scaling MST + observe({ + req(input$mst_ratio) + if(input$mst_ratio == "1.6") { + updateSliderInput(session, "mst_scale", + step = 5, value = 800, min = 500, max = 1200) + } else if(input$mst_ratio == "1.77777777777778") { + updateSliderInput(session, "mst_scale", + step = 9, value = 801, min = 504, max = 1197) + } else if(input$mst_ratio == "1.33333333333333"){ + updateSliderInput(session, "mst_scale", + step = 3, value = 801, min = 501, max = 1200) + } + }) + + # Custom Labels + + # Add custom label + observeEvent(input$nj_add_new_label, { + + if(nchar(input$nj_new_label_name) > 0) { + if(!(input$nj_new_label_name %in% Vis$custom_label_nj)) { + Vis$custom_label_nj <- rbind(Vis$custom_label_nj, input$nj_new_label_name) + if(!(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) == 1)) { + updateSelectInput(session, "nj_custom_label_sel", selected = input$nj_new_label_name) + } + } else { + show_toast( + title = "Label already exists", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + } else { + show_toast( + title = "Min. 1 character", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_add_new_label, { + + if(nchar(input$upgma_new_label_name) > 0) { + if(!(input$upgma_new_label_name %in% Vis$custom_label_upgma)) { + Vis$custom_label_upgma <- rbind(Vis$custom_label_upgma, input$upgma_new_label_name) + if(!(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) == 1)) { + updateSelectInput(session, "upgma_custom_label_sel", selected = input$upgma_new_label_name) + } + } else { + show_toast( + title = "Label already exists", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + } else { + show_toast( + title = "Min. 1 character", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + }) + + # Delete custom label + observeEvent(input$nj_del_label, { + + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 1) { + Vis$custom_label_nj <- Vis$custom_label_nj[-which(Vis$custom_label_nj[,1] == input$nj_custom_label_sel), , drop = FALSE] + } else if (nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) == 1) { + Vis$nj_label_pos_x <- list() + Vis$nj_label_pos_y <- list() + Vis$nj_label_size <- list() + Vis$custom_label_nj <- data.frame() + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_del_label, { + + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 1) { + Vis$custom_label_upgma <- Vis$custom_label_upgma[-which(Vis$custom_label_upgma[,1] == input$upgma_custom_label_sel), , drop = FALSE] + } else if (nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) == 1) { + Vis$upgma_label_pos_x <- list() + Vis$upgma_label_pos_y <- list() + Vis$upgma_label_size <- list() + Vis$custom_label_upgma <- data.frame() + } + }) + + # Select custom labels + output$nj_custom_label_select <- renderUI({ + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { + selectInput( + "nj_custom_label_sel", + "", + choices = Vis$custom_label_nj[,1] + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_custom_label_select <- renderUI({ + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { + selectInput( + "upgma_custom_label_sel", + "", + choices = Vis$custom_label_upgma[,1] + ) + } + }) + + # Select custom labels + output$nj_cust_label_save <- renderUI({ + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { + actionButton( + "nj_cust_label_save", + "Apply" + ) + } else { + column( + width = 12, + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + h5("test", style = "color: transparent; margin-bottom: 3px") + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_cust_label_save <- renderUI({ + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { + actionButton( + "upgma_cust_label_save", + "Apply" + ) + } else { + column( + width = 12, + br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), br(), + h5("test", style = "color: transparent; margin-bottom: 3px") + ) + } + }) + + # Custom Label Size + output$nj_custom_labelsize <- renderUI({ + if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_size[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]])) { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_size"), + label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, + value = Vis$nj_label_size[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]], + width = "150px") + } else { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_size"), + label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, value = 5, + width = "150px") + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_custom_labelsize <- renderUI({ + if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_size[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]])) { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_size"), + label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, + value = Vis$upgma_label_size[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]], + width = "150px") + } else { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_size"), + label = h5("Size", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + min = 0, max = 10, step = 0.5, ticks = F, value = 5, + width = "150px") + } + } + }) + + # Render slider input based on selected label + output$nj_sliderInput_y <- renderUI({ + if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]])) { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_y"), + label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, + value = Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]], + width = "150px") + } else { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_y"), + label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = sum(DB$data$Include), step = 1, ticks = F, + value = sum(DB$data$Include) / 2, + width = "150px") + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_sliderInput_y <- renderUI({ + if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]])) { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_y"), + label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, + value = Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]], + width = "150px") + } else { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_y"), + label = h5("Vertical", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = sum(DB$data$Include), step = 1, ticks = F, + value = sum(DB$data$Include) / 2, + width = "150px") + } + } + }) + + output$nj_sliderInput_x <- renderUI({ + if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]])) { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_x"), + label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, + value = Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]], + width = "150px") + } else { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_x"), + label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = round(Vis$nj_max_x, 0), step = 1, ticks = F, + value = round(Vis$nj_max_x / 2, 0), + width = "150px") + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_sliderInput_x <- renderUI({ + if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]])) { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_x"), + label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = 50, step = 1, ticks = F, + value = Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]], + width = "150px") + } else { + sliderInput(inputId = paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_x"), + label = h5("Horizontal", style = "color: white; margin-bottom: 5px;"), + min = 0, max = round(Vis$upgma_max_x, 0), step = 1, ticks = F, + value = round(Vis$upgma_max_x / 2, 0), + width = "150px") + } + } + }) + + # Apply custom label changes + observeEvent(input$nj_cust_label_save, { + + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_y) & + !is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_x) & + !is.null(Vis$nj_label_size) & + !is.null(input$nj_custom_label_sel)) { + Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_y")]] + Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_x")]] + Vis$nj_label_size[[input$nj_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("nj_slider_", input$nj_custom_label_sel, "_size")]] + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_cust_label_save, { + + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_y) & + !is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_x) & + !is.null(Vis$upgma_label_size) & + !is.null(input$upgma_custom_label_sel)) { + Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_y")]] + Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_x")]] + Vis$upgma_label_size[[input$upgma_custom_label_sel]] <- input[[paste0("upgma_slider_", input$upgma_custom_label_sel, "_size")]] + } + }) + + # Show delete custom label button if custam label added + output$nj_del_label <- renderUI({ + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { + actionButton( + "nj_del_label", + "", + icon = icon("minus") + ) + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$upgma_del_label <- renderUI({ + if(nrow(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { + actionButton( + "upgma_del_label", + "", + icon = icon("minus") + ) + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Mapping value number information + output$nj_tiplab_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_color_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))) { + if(input$nj_tiplab_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_color_mapping_div_mid", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$upgma_tiplab_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_color_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))) { + if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_color_mapping_div_mid", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$nj_tipcolor_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))) { + if(input$nj_tippoint_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))) { + if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$nj_tipshape_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tipshape_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipshape_mapping]))) { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Mapping continous variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipshape_mapping]))) > 6) { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Mapping > 6 variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipshape_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$upgma_tipshape_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipshape_mapping]))) { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Mapping continous variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipshape_mapping]))) > 6) { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Mapping > 6 variables to shape not possible", style = "color: #E18B00; font-style: italic; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipshape_mapping]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$nj_fruit_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(input$nj_tile_num == 1) { + if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 2) { + if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_2) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 3) { + if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_3) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 4) { + if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_4) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$nj_tile_num == 5) { + if(!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_5) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(input$upgma_tile_num == 1) { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 2) { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 3) { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 4) { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } else if (input$upgma_tile_num == 5) { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if(is.numeric(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 (", length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))), ") categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]))), paste0(" categorical values")), style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + output$nj_heatmap_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_select) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_nj))) { + if (any(sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & + any(!sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Heatmap with categorical and continous values not possible", + style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + if(any(sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { + if(input$nj_heatmap_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "nj_heatmap_div_mid", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Categorical values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + output$upgma_heatmap_mapping_info <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_select) & (!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma))) { + if (any(sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & + any(!sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Heatmap with categorical and continous values not possible", + style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; margin-top: 15px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + if(any(sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric))) { + if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale %in% c('Spectral', 'RdYlGn', 'RdYlBu', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'PuOr', 'PRGn', 'PiYG', 'BrBG')) { + column( + width = 3, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + h5("Midpoint", style = "color: white; margin-top: 22px;") + ), + column( + width = 8, + div( + class = "divmid-sel1", + selectInput( + "upgma_heatmap_div_mid", + label = "", + choices = c("Zero", "Mean", "Median"), + selected = "Mean" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Continous values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select]))) > 7) { + column( + width = 3, + h5(paste0("> 7 categorical values"), style = "color: #E18B00; font-size: 12px; margin-top: 23px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 3, + h5("Categorical values", style = "color: white; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 40px") + ) + } + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Tiles offset + output$nj_fruit_offset_circ <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.1 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.05 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.05, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_2", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_2", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_3", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_3", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_4", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_4", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_5", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_offset_circ_5", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } else { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } + + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5", + label = "", + min = min, + max = max, + step= step, + value = offset, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5", + label = "", + min = -0.2, + max = 0.2, + step= 0.01, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + # For Layout change update tiles offset position + observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { + + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } else { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } + + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ", min = min, step = step, max = max) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_2", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_3", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_4", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_offset_circ_5", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { + + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + offset <- 0.05 + step <- 0.01 + min <- -0.2 + max <- 0.2 + } else { + offset <- 0.15 + step <- 0.03 + min <- -0.6 + max <- 0.6 + } + + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ", min = min, step = step, max = max) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5", min = min, step = step, max = max, value = offset) + }) + + # Heatmap width + output$nj_heatmap_width <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_select)) { + length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 3 + } + } + + sliderInput( + "nj_heatmap_width", + label = "", + min = 0.05, + max = 1.5, + value = width, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_heatmap_width", + label = "", + min = 0.05, + max = 1.5, + value = 0.1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_heatmap_width <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_select)) { + length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 3 + } + } + + sliderInput( + "upgma_heatmap_width", + label = "", + min = 0.05, + max = 1.5, + value = width, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_heatmap_width", + label = "", + min = 0.05, + max = 1.5, + value = 0.1, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + # Update value if new variables added + observeEvent(input$nj_heatmap_select, { + + length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 3 + } + } + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_heatmap_width", value = width) + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_heatmap_select, { + + length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 3 + } + } + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_heatmap_width", value = width) + }) + + # Update value if layout changed + observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { + length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 3 + } + } + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_heatmap_width", value = width) + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { + length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + width <- min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + width <- 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + width <- min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + width <- 3 + } + } + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_heatmap_width", value = width) + }) + + # Heatmap column titles position + observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { + if(!(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular")) { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_colnames_y", value = -1) + } else { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_colnames_y", value = 0) + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { + if(!(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular")) { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_colnames_y", value = -1) + } else { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_colnames_y", value = 0) + } + }) + + output$nj_colnames_y <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { + if(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular") { + min <- 0 + val <- 0 + } else { + val <- -1 + if((sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1) > -2) { + min <- -2 + } else { + min <- round(sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1, 0) + } + } + sliderInput( + "nj_colnames_y", + label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = min, + max = sum(DB$data$Include), + value = val, + step = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_colnames_y", + label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -10, + max = 10, + value = 0, + step = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_colnames_y <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular") { + min <- 0 + val <- 0 + } else { + val <- -1 + if((sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1) > -2) { + min <- -2 + } else { + min <- round(sum(DB$data$Include) * -0.1, 0) + } + } + sliderInput( + "upgma_colnames_y", + label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = min, + max = sum(DB$data$Include), + value = val, + step = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_colnames_y", + label = h5("Names Y-Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -10, + max = 10, + value = 0, + step = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + # Heatmap column titles angle + output$nj_colnames_angle <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + angle <- 90 + } else {angle <- -90} + sliderInput( + "nj_colnames_angle", + label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -90, + max = 90, + value = angle, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_colnames_angle", + label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -90, + max = 90, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_colnames_angle <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + angle <- 90 + } else {angle <- -90} + sliderInput( + "upgma_colnames_angle", + label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -90, + max = 90, + value = angle, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_colnames_angle", + label = h5("Names Angle", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = -90, + max = 90, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + # Change heatmap column titles angle and label align when switching layout + observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward"){ + angle <- 90 + val <- TRUE + } else { + angle <- -90 + val <- FALSE + } + updateSwitchInput(session, "nj_align", value = val) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_colnames_angle", value = angle) + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward"){ + angle <- 90 + val <- TRUE + } else { + angle <- -90 + val <- FALSE + } + updateSwitchInput(session, "upgma_align", value = val) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_colnames_angle", value = angle) + }) + + # Tile number selector update each other + observeEvent(input$nj_tile_num, { + updateSelectInput(session, "nj_tile_number", selected = input$nj_tile_num) + }) + + observeEvent(input$nj_tile_number, { + updateSelectInput(session, "nj_tile_num", selected = input$nj_tile_number) + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_tile_num, { + updateSelectInput(session, "upgma_tile_number", selected = input$upgma_tile_num) + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_tile_number, { + updateSelectInput(session, "upgma_tile_num", selected = input$upgma_tile_number) + }) + + # Clade coloring + output$nj_clade_scale <- renderUI({ + if(length(input$nj_parentnode) <= 1) { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Color", style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "nj_clade_scale", + selected = "#D0F221", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start", + width = "100%" + ) + ) + ) + } else { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Scale", style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + div( + class = "sel-clade-scale", + selectInput( + "nj_clade_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_clade_scale <- renderUI({ + if(length(input$upgma_parentnode) <= 1) { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Color", style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + colorPickr( + inputId = "upgma_clade_scale", + selected = "#D0F221", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start", + width = "100%" + ) + ) + ) + } else { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + h5("Scale", style = "color:white; position: relative; right: -15px; margin-top: 30px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "center", + div( + class = "sel-clade-scale", + selectInput( + "upgma_clade_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Heatmap variable color scale + output$nj_heatmap_scale <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_heatmap_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_heatmap_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_heatmap_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Paired" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_heatmap_scale <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_heatmap_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_heatmap_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_heatmap_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Paired" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + # Tiles variable color scale + output$nj_tiles_scale_1 <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_1", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_1", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_1", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Accent" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_tiles_scale_1 <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_1", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_1", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_1", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Accent" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$nj_tiles_scale_2 <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_2", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_2", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_2", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Accent" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_tiles_scale_2 <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_2", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + 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"magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_3", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_3", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", 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"plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_3", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Accent" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$nj_tiles_scale_4 <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_4", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = 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"BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Accent" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_tiles_scale_4 <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_4", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_4", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tiles_scale_4", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Accent" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$nj_tiles_scale_5 <- renderUI({ + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_5", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_5", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tiles_scale_5", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Accent" + ) + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_tiles_scale_5 <- renderUI({ + 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list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Set2" + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_tippoint_scale <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping])) == "numeric") { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tippoint_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Continous = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ), + Diverging = list( + "Spectral", + "RdYlGn", + "RdYlBu", + "RdGy", + "RdBu", + "PuOr", + "PRGn", + "PiYG", + "BrBG" + ) + ), + selected = c("Viridis" = "viridis") + ) + ) + } else { + if(length(unique(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]))) > 7) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tippoint_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Gradient = list( + "Magma" = "magma", + "Inferno" = "inferno", + "Plasma" = "plasma", + "Viridis" = "viridis", + "Cividis" = "cividis", + "Rocket" = "rocket", + "Mako" = "mako", + "Turbo" = "turbo" + ) + ), + selected = "turbo" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tippoint_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Set2" + ) + ) + } + } + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tippoint_scale", + "", + choices = list( + Qualitative = list( + "Set1", + "Set2", + "Set3", + "Pastel1", + "Pastel2", + "Paired", + "Dark2", + "Accent" + ), + Sequential = list( + "YlOrRd", + "YlOrBr", + "YlGnBu", + "YlGn", + "Reds", + "RdPu", + "Purples", + "PuRd", + "PuBuGn", + "PuBu", + "OrRd", + "Oranges", + "Greys", + "Greens", + "GnBu", + "BuPu", + "BuGn", + "Blues" + ) + ), + selected = "Set2" + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Clade Highlights + output$nj_parentnode <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_parentnodes)) { + pickerInput( + "nj_parentnode", + label = "", + choices = sort(unique(as.numeric(Vis$nj_parentnodes))), + multiple = TRUE, + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + width = "99%" + ) + } else { + pickerInput( + "nj_parentnode", + label = "", + choices = c(), + multiple = TRUE, + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + width = "99%" + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_parentnode <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_parentnodes)) { + pickerInput( + "upgma_parentnode", + label = "", + choices = sort(unique(as.numeric(Vis$upgma_parentnodes))), + multiple = TRUE, + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + width = "99%" + ) + } else { + pickerInput( + "upgma_parentnode", + label = "", + choices = c(), + multiple = TRUE, + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + width = "99%" + ) + } + }) + + # Branch label size + output$nj_branch_size <- renderUI( + numericInput( + "nj_branch_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 2, + max = 10, + step = 0.5, + value = Vis$branch_size_nj, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + + output$upgma_branch_size <- renderUI( + numericInput( + "upgma_branch_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 2, + max = 10, + step = 0.5, + value = Vis$branch_size_upgma, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + + # Tippanel size + output$nj_tiplab_padding <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$tiplab_padding_nj)) { + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_padding", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.05, + max = 1, + value = Vis$tiplab_padding_nj, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tiplab_padding", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.05, + max = 1, + value = 0.2, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + output$upgma_tiplab_padding <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma)) { + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_padding", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.05, + max = 1, + value = Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tiplab_padding", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0.05, + max = 1, + value = 0.2, + step = 0.05, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + # Nodepoint size + output$nj_nodepoint_size <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$nodepointsize_nj)) { + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_nodepoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + value = Vis$nodepointsize_nj, + step = 0.5, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_nodepoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + value = 2.5, + step = 0.5, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + output$upgma_nodepoint_size <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$nodepointsize_upgma)) { + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_nodepoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + value = Vis$nodepointsize_upgma, + step = 0.5, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_nodepoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + value = 2.5, + step = 0.5, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + # Tippoint size + output$nj_tippoint_size <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$tippointsize_nj)) { + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tippoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + step = 0.5, + value = Vis$tippointsize_nj, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + inputId = "nj_tippoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + step = 0.5, + value = 4, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + output$upgma_tippoint_size <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$tippointsize_upgma)) { + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tippoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + step = 0.5, + value = Vis$tippointsize_upgma, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + inputId = "upgma_tippoint_size", + label = h5("Size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 20, + step = 0.5, + value = 4, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + # Tiplabel size + output$nj_tiplab_size <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$labelsize_nj)) { + numericInput( + "nj_tiplab_size", + label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + step = 0.5, + value = Vis$labelsize_nj, + width = "80px" + ) + } else { + numericInput( + "nj_tiplab_size", + label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + step = 0.5, + value = 4, + width = "80px" + ) + } + ) + + output$upgma_tiplab_size <- renderUI( + if(!is.null(Vis$labelsize_upgma)) { + numericInput( + "upgma_tiplab_size", + label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + step = 0.5, + value = Vis$labelsize_upgma, + width = "80px" + ) + } else { + numericInput( + "upgma_tiplab_size", + label = h5("Label size", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + step = 0.5, + value = 4, + width = "80px" + ) + } + ) + + # Rootedge length + output$nj_rootedge_length <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.02, 0) < 1) { + min <- 1 + } else { + min <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.02, 0) + } + max <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.2, 0) + sliderInput( + "nj_rootedge_length", + label = h5("Rootedge Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = min, + max = max, + value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.05, 0), + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_rootedge_length", + label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_rootedge_length <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.02, 0) < 1) { + min <- 1 + } else { + min <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.02, 0) + } + max <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.2, 0) + sliderInput( + "upgma_rootedge_length", + label = h5("Rootedge Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = min, + max = max, + value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.05, 0), + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_rootedge_length", + label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + # Treescale + output$nj_treescale_width <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + numericInput( + "nj_treescale_width", + label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0), + min = 1, + max = round(floor(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + } else { + numericInput( + "nj_treescale_width", + label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 2, + min = 1, + max = 10, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_treescale_width <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + numericInput( + "upgma_treescale_width", + label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0), + min = 1, + max = round(floor(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + } else { + numericInput( + "upgma_treescale_width", + label = h5("Length", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + value = 2, + min = 1, + max = 10, + step = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_treescale_x <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { + if(ceiling(Vis$nj_min_x) < 1) { + floor <- 1 + } else { + floor <- ceiling(Vis$nj_min_x) + } + sliderInput( + "nj_treescale_x", + label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = floor, + max = round(floor(Vis$nj_max_x)), + value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.2, 0), + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_treescale_x", + label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_treescale_x <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { + if(ceiling(Vis$upgma_min_x) < 1) { + floor <- 1 + } else { + floor <- ceiling(Vis$upgma_min_x) + } + sliderInput( + "upgma_treescale_x", + label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = floor, + max = round(floor(Vis$upgma_max_x)), + value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.2, 0), + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_treescale_x", + label = h5("X Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 2, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_treescale_y <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { + sliderInput( + "nj_treescale_y", + label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = sum(DB$data$Include), + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_treescale_y", + label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = 10, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_treescale_y <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(sum(DB$data$Include))) { + sliderInput( + "upgma_treescale_y", + label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = sum(DB$data$Include), + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_treescale_y", + label = h5("Y Position", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px"), + min = 0, + max = 10, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + ### Heatmap + # Heatmap picker + output$nj_heatmap_sel <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + meta <- select(Vis$meta_nj, -c(taxa, Index, `Assembly ID`, `Assembly Name`, + Scheme, `Typing Date`, Successes, Errors)) + + # Identify numeric columns + numeric_columns <- sapply(meta, is.numeric) + + numeric_column_names <- names(meta[numeric_columns]) + + non_numeric_column_names <- names(meta)[!numeric_columns] + + choices <- list() + + # Add Continuous list only if there are numeric columns + if (length(numeric_column_names) > 0) { + choices$Continuous <- as.list(setNames(numeric_column_names, numeric_column_names)) + } + + # Add Diverging list + choices$Categorical <- as.list(setNames(non_numeric_column_names, non_numeric_column_names)) + + div( + class = "heatmap-picker", + shinyjs::disabled( + pickerInput( + inputId = "nj_heatmap_select", + label = "", + width = "100%", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else {choices}, + options = list( + `dropdown-align-center` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + } else { + div( + class = "heatmap-picker", + shinyjs::disabled( + pickerInput( + inputId = "nj_heatmap_select", + label = "", + width = "100%", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_heatmap_sel <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + meta <- select(Vis$meta_upgma, -c(taxa, Index, `Assembly ID`, `Assembly Name`, + Scheme, `Typing Date`, Successes, Errors)) + + # Identify numeric columns + numeric_columns <- sapply(meta, is.numeric) + + numeric_column_names <- names(meta[numeric_columns]) + + non_numeric_column_names <- names(meta)[!numeric_columns] + + choices <- list() + + # Add Continuous list only if there are numeric columns + if (length(numeric_column_names) > 0) { + choices$Continuous <- as.list(setNames(numeric_column_names, numeric_column_names)) + } + + # Add Diverging list + choices$Categorical <- as.list(setNames(non_numeric_column_names, non_numeric_column_names)) + + div( + class = "heatmap-picker", + shinyjs::disabled( + pickerInput( + inputId = "upgma_heatmap_select", + label = "", + width = "100%", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else {choices}, + options = list( + `dropdown-align-center` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + } else { + div( + class = "heatmap-picker", + shinyjs::disabled( + pickerInput( + inputId = "upgma_heatmap_select", + label = "", + width = "100%", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Heatmap offset + output$nj_heatmap_offset <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + sliderInput( + "nj_heatmap_offset", + label = "", + min = 0, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x)*1.5, 0), + step = 1, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_heatmap_offset", + label = "", + min = 0, + max = 10, + step = 1, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_heatmap_offset <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + sliderInput( + "upgma_heatmap_offset", + label = "", + min = 0, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x)*1.5, 0), + step = 1, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_heatmap_offset", + label = "", + min = 0, + max = 10, + step = 1, + value = 0, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + }) + + ### Tiling + # Geom Fruit select Variable + output$nj_fruit_variable <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_variable2 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_2", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_2", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_variable3 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_3", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_3", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_variable4 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_4", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_4", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_variable5 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_5", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_fruit_variable_5", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_variable <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_variable2 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_2", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_2", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_variable3 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled(selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_3", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + )) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_3", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_variable4 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_4", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_4", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_variable5 <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_5", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_fruit_variable_5", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Geom Fruit Width + output$nj_fruit_width <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_width2 <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + 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round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_width4 <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$nj_fruit_width5 <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_width <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_width2 <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & 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width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_width3 <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_width4 <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + output$upgma_fruit_width5 <- renderUI({ + if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } else { + width_calc <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + if(width_calc < 1) {width <- 1} + } + } + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.5, 0), + value = width, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 3, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } else { + sliderInput( + "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", + label = "", + min = 1, + max = 10, + value = 1, + width = "150px", + ticks = FALSE + ) + } + } + }) + + # For Layout change update tiles + observeEvent(input$nj_layout, { + if((!is.null(Vis$nj_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } + + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_2", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_3", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_4", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_fruit_width_circ_5", value = width) + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$upgma_layout, { + if((!is.null(Vis$upgma_min_x)) & (!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x))) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width <- 3 + } else { + width <- 1 + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) * 3 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } + + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_2", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_3", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_4", value = width) + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_fruit_width_circ_5", value = width) + } + }) + + # Tip color mapping + output$nj_tipcolor_mapping <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tipcolor_mapping", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(City = "City"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tipcolor_mapping", + "", + choices = c( + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c(City = "City") + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_tipcolor_mapping <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tipcolor_mapping", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(City = "City"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tipcolor_mapping", + "", + choices = c( + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c(City = "City") + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Tip shape Mapping + output$nj_tipshape_mapping <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tipshape_mapping", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_tipshape_mapping", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_tipshape_mapping <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tipshape_mapping", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_tipshape_mapping", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Branch label + output$nj_branch_label <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + selectInput( + "nj_branch_label", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + } else { + selectInput( + "nj_branch_label", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_branch_label <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + selectInput( + "upgma_branch_label", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + } else { + selectInput( + "upgma_branch_label", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c("Host" = "Host"), + width = "100%" + ) + } + }) + + # Color mapping + output$nj_color_mapping <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_color_mapping", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(Country = "Country"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "nj_color_mapping", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c(Country = "Country"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_color_mapping <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_color_mapping", + "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(`Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(Country = "Country"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } else { + shinyjs::disabled( + selectInput( + "upgma_color_mapping", + "", + choices = c( + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c(Country = "Country"), + width = "100%" + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Tip labels + output$nj_tiplab <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_nj)) { + selectInput( + "nj_tiplab", + label = "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_nj) == 11) { + c( + Index = "Index", + `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(Index = "Index", `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_nj)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_nj)]) + }, + selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), + width = "100%" + ) + } else { + selectInput( + "nj_tiplab", + label = "", + choices = c( + Index = "Index", + `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), + width = "100%" + ) + } + }) + + output$upgma_tiplab <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(Vis$meta_upgma)) { + selectInput( + "upgma_tiplab", + label = "", + choices = if(ncol(Vis$meta_upgma) == 11) { + c( + Index = "Index", + `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ) + } else { + append(c(Index = "Index", `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", Host = "Host", Country = "Country", City = "City"), + names(Vis$meta_upgma)[13:ncol(Vis$meta_upgma)]) + }, + selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), + width = "100%" + ) + } else { + selectInput( + "upgma_tiplab", + label = "", + choices = c( + Index = "Index", + `Assembly ID` = "Assembly ID", + `Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name", + `Isolation Date` = "Isolation Date", + Host = "Host", + Country = "Country", + City = "City" + ), + selected = c(`Assembly Name` = "Assembly Name"), + width = "100%" + ) + } + }) + + #### MST controls ---- + + # Clustering UI + output$mst_cluster <- renderUI({ + req(DB$schemeinfo) + numericInput( + inputId = "mst_cluster_threshold", + label = NULL, + value = as.numeric(DB$schemeinfo[7, 2]), + min = 1, + max = 99 + ) + }) + + # MST color mapping + output$mst_color_mapping <- renderUI({ + if(input$mst_color_var == FALSE) { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 7, + div( + class = "node_color", + colorPickr( + inputId = "mst_color_node", + width = "100%", + selected = "#B2FACA", + label = "", + update = "changestop", + interaction = list(clear = FALSE, + save = FALSE), + position = "right-start" + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_node_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + width = 5, + numericInput( + "node_opacity", + label = h5("Opacity", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + value = 1, + step = 0.1, + min = 0, + max = 1, + width = "80px" + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + fluidRow( + column( + width = 9, + div( + class = "mst_col_sel", + selectInput( + "mst_col_var", + label = "", + choices = if(any(DB$cust_var[DB$cust_var$Variable[which(DB$cust_var$Variable %in% c("Isolation Date", names(DB$meta)[-c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12)]))],]$Type != "categ")) { + selection <- c("Isolation Date", names(DB$meta)[-c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12)]) + cust_vars <- DB$cust_var$Variable[which(DB$cust_var$Variable %in% selection)] + selection[-which(selection == cust_vars[DB$cust_var[cust_vars,]$Type != "categ"])] + } else {c("Isolation Date", names(DB$meta)[-c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12)])}, + width = "100%" + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + dropMenu( + actionBttn( + "mst_col_menu", + label = "", + color = "default", + size = "sm", + style = "material-flat", + icon = icon("sliders") + ), + placement = "top-start", + theme = "translucent", + width = 5, + selectInput( + "mst_col_scale", + label = h5("Color Scale", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), + choices = c("Viridis", "Rainbow"), + width = "150px" + ), + br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$mst_color_var, { + + if(input$mst_color_var == TRUE) { + updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_shape", choices = c("Pie Nodes" = "custom")) + updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_label", choices = c("Assembly Name")) + } else { + updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_shape", + choices = list(`Label inside` = c("Circle" = "circle", "Box" = "box", "Text" = "text"), + `Label outside` = c("Diamond" = "diamond", "Hexagon" = "hexagon","Dot" = "dot", "Square" = "square")), + selected = c("Dot" = "dot")) + updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = "mst_node_label", + choices = names(DB$meta)[c(1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9)], + selected = "Assembly Name") + } + }) + + # MST node labels + output$mst_node_label <- renderUI({ + selectInput( + "mst_node_label", + label = "", + choices = names(DB$meta)[c(1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9)], + selected = "Assembly Name", + width = "100%" + ) + }) + + ### Plot Reactives ---- + + #### MST ---- + + mst_tree <- reactive({ + data <- toVisNetworkData(Vis$ggraph_1) + data$nodes <- mutate(data$nodes, + label = label_mst(), + value = mst_node_scaling(), + opacity = node_opacity()) + + ctxRendererJS <- htmlwidgets::JS("({ctx, id, x, y, state: { selected, hover }, style, font, label, metadata}) => { + var pieData = JSON.parse(metadata); + var radius = style.size; + var centerX = x; + var centerY = y; + var total = pieData.reduce((sum, slice) => sum + slice.value, 0) + var startAngle = 0; + + const drawNode = () => { + // Set shadow properties + if (style.shadow) { + var shadowSize = style.shadowSize; + ctx.shadowColor = style.shadowColor; + ctx.shadowBlur = style.shadowSize; + ctx.shadowOffsetX = style.shadowX; + ctx.shadowOffsetY = style.shadowY; + + ctx.beginPath(); + ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); + ctx.fill(); + + ctx.shadowColor = 'transparent'; + ctx.shadowBlur = 0; + ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0; + ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0; + } + + pieData.forEach(slice => { + var sliceAngle = 2 * Math.PI * (slice.value / total); + ctx.beginPath(); + ctx.moveTo(centerX, centerY); + ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, startAngle, startAngle + sliceAngle); + ctx.closePath(); + ctx.fillStyle = slice.color; + ctx.fill(); + if (pieData.length > 1) { + ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; + ctx.lineWidth = 1; + ctx.stroke(); + } + startAngle += sliceAngle; + }); + + // Draw a border + ctx.beginPath(); + ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); + ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; + ctx.lineWidth = 1; + ctx.stroke(); + }; + drawLabel = () => { + //Draw the label + var lines = label.split(`\n`); + var lineHeight = font.size; + ctx.font = `${font.size}px ${font.face}`; + ctx.fillStyle = font.color; + ctx.textAlign = 'center'; + ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; + lines.forEach((line, index) => { + ctx.fillText(line, centerX, + centerY + radius + (index + 1) * lineHeight); + }) + } + + return { + drawNode, + drawExternalLabel: drawLabel, + nodeDimensions: { width: 2 * radius, height: 2 * radius }, + }; + }") + + Vis$var_cols <- NULL + + # Generate pie charts as nodes + if(input$mst_color_var == TRUE & (!is.null(input$mst_col_var))) { + + group <- character(nrow(data$nodes)) + for (i in 1:length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]))) { + group[i] <- unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])[i] + } + + data$nodes <- cbind(data$nodes, data.frame(metadata = character(nrow(data$nodes)))) + + if(length(which(data$nodes$group == "")) != 0) { + data$nodes$group[which(data$nodes$group == "")] <- data$nodes$group[1] + } + + if(is.null(input$mst_col_scale)) { + Vis$var_cols <- data.frame(value = unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]), + color = viridis(length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])))) + } else if (input$mst_col_scale == "Rainbow") { + Vis$var_cols <- data.frame(value = unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]), + color = rainbow(length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])))) + } else if (input$mst_col_scale == "Viridis") { + Vis$var_cols <- data.frame(value = unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]]), + color = viridis(length(unique(Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]])))) + } + + for(i in 1:nrow(data$nodes)) { + + iso_subset <- strsplit(data$nodes$label[i], split = "\n")[[1]] + variable <- Vis$meta_mst[[input$mst_col_var]] + values <- variable[which(Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name` %in% iso_subset)] + + for(j in 1:length(unique(values))) { + + share <- sum(unique(values)[j] == values) / length(values) * 100 + color <- Vis$var_cols$color[Vis$var_cols$value == unique(values)[j]] + + if(j == 1) { + pie_vec <- paste0('{"value":', share,',"color":"', color,'"}') + } else { + pie_vec <- paste0(pie_vec, ',{"value":', share,',"color":"', color,'"}') + } + } + + data$nodes$metadata[i] <- paste0('[', pie_vec, ']') + } + } + + data$edges <- mutate(data$edges, + length = if(input$mst_scale_edges == FALSE) { + input$mst_edge_length + } else { + data$edges$weight * input$mst_edge_length_scale + }, + label = as.character(data$edges$weight), + opacity = input$mst_edge_opacity) + + if (input$mst_show_clusters) { + clusters <- compute_clusters(data$nodes, data$edges, input$mst_cluster_threshold) + if (input$mst_cluster_type == "Area") { + data$nodes$group <- clusters$group + } + } + + visNetwork_graph <- visNetwork(data$nodes, data$edges, + main = mst_title(), + background = mst_background_color(), + submain = mst_subtitle()) %>% + visNodes(size = mst_node_size(), + shape = input$mst_node_shape, + shadow = input$mst_shadow, + color = mst_color_node(), + ctxRenderer = ctxRendererJS, + scaling = list(min = mst_node_size_min(), + max = mst_node_size_max()), + font = list(color = node_font_color(), + size = input$node_label_fontsize)) %>% + visEdges(color = mst_color_edge(), + font = list(color = mst_edge_font_color(), + size = mst_edge_font_size(), + strokeWidth = 4)) %>% + visOptions(collapse = TRUE) %>% + visInteraction(hover = TRUE) %>% + visLayout(randomSeed = 1) %>% + visLegend(useGroups = FALSE, + zoom = TRUE, + width = legend_width(), + position = input$mst_legend_ori, + ncol = legend_col(), + addNodes = mst_legend()) + + if (input$mst_show_clusters) { + if (input$mst_cluster_col_scale == "Viridis") { + color_palette <- viridis(length(unique(data$nodes$group))) + } else { + color_palette <- rainbow(length(unique(data$nodes$group))) + } + + if (input$mst_cluster_type == "Area") { + for (i in 1:length(unique(data$nodes$group))) { + visNetwork_graph <- visNetwork_graph %>% + visGroups(groupname = unique(data$nodes$group)[i], color = color_palette[i]) + } + } else { + thin_edges <- data$edges + thin_edges$width <- 1 + thin_edges$color <- "black" + + thick_edges <- data$edges + thick_edges$width <- 24 + + thick_edges$color <- rep("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", length(data$edges$from)) + color_palette <- rainbow(length(unique(clusters$edges))) + for (i in 1:length(unique(clusters$edges))) { + print(clusters$edges) + if (unique(clusters$edges)[i] != "0") { + edge_color <- paste(col2rgb(color_palette[i]), collapse=", ") + thick_edges$color[clusters$edges == unique(clusters$edges)[i]] <- paste0("rgba(", edge_color, ", 0.5)") + } + } + merged_edges <- rbind(thick_edges, thin_edges) + data$edges <- merged_edges + visNetwork_graph <- visNetwork(data$nodes, data$edges, + main = mst_title(), + background = mst_background_color(), + submain = mst_subtitle()) %>% + visNodes(size = mst_node_size(), + shape = input$mst_node_shape, + shadow = input$mst_shadow, + color = mst_color_node(), + ctxRenderer = ctxRendererJS, + scaling = list(min = mst_node_size_min(), + max = mst_node_size_max()), + font = list(color = node_font_color(), + size = input$node_label_fontsize)) %>% + visEdges(color = mst_color_edge(), + font = list(color = mst_edge_font_color(), + size = mst_edge_font_size(), + strokeWidth = 4), + smooth = FALSE, + physics = FALSE) %>% + visOptions(collapse = TRUE) %>% + visInteraction(hover = TRUE) %>% + visLayout(randomSeed = 1) %>% + visLegend(useGroups = FALSE, + zoom = TRUE, + width = legend_width(), + position = input$mst_legend_ori, + ncol = legend_col(), + addNodes = mst_legend()) + } + } + visNetwork_graph + }) + + # MST legend + legend_col <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(Vis$var_cols)) { + if(nrow(Vis$var_cols) > 10) { + 3 + } else if(nrow(Vis$var_cols) > 5) { + 2 + } else { + 1 + } + } else {1} + }) + + mst_legend <- reactive({ + if(is.null(Vis$var_cols)) { + NULL + } else { + legend <- Vis$var_cols + names(legend)[1] <- "label" + mutate(legend, shape = "dot", + font.color = input$mst_legend_color, + size = input$mst_symbol_size, + font.size = input$mst_font_size) + } + }) + + # Set MST legend width + legend_width <- reactive({ + 0.2 + }) + + # Set MST node shape + mst_node_shape <- reactive({ + if(input$mst_node_shape == "Pie Nodes"){ + "dot" + } else if(input$mst_node_shape %in% c("circle", "database", "box", "text")) { + shinyjs::disable('scale_nodes') + updateCheckboxInput(session, "scale_nodes", value = FALSE) + shinyjs::disable('mst_node_size') + shinyjs::disable('mst_node_scale') + input$mst_node_shape + } else { + shinyjs::enable('scale_nodes') + shinyjs::enable('mst_node_size') + shinyjs::enable('mst_node_scale') + input$mst_node_shape + } + }) + + # Set MST label + label_mst <- reactive({ + Vis$unique_meta[, colnames(Vis$unique_meta) %in% input$mst_node_label] + }) + + # Set node color + mst_color_node <- reactive({ + input$mst_color_node + }) + + # Node Label Color + node_font_color <- reactive({ + input$node_font_color + }) + + + # Node Size Scaling + mst_node_scaling <- reactive({ + if(input$scale_nodes == TRUE){ + Vis$unique_meta$size + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Node Size Min/May + mst_node_size_min <- reactive({ + input$mst_node_scale[1] + }) + + mst_node_size_max <- reactive({ + input$mst_node_scale[2] + }) + + # Node Size + mst_node_size <- reactive({ + input$mst_node_size + }) + + # Node Alpha/Opacity + node_opacity <- reactive({ + input$node_opacity + }) + + # Set Title + mst_title <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$mst_title)) { + if(nchar(input$mst_title) < 1) { + list(text = "title", + style = paste0( + "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", + "text-align:center;", + "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_title_size), "px", + "; color: ", as.character(mst_background_color())) + ) + } else { + list(text = input$mst_title, + style = paste0( + "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", + "text-align:center;", + "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_title_size), "px", + "; color: ", as.character(input$mst_title_color)) + ) + } + } else { + list(text = "title", + style = paste0( + "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", + "text-align:center;", + "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_title_size), "px", + "; color: ", as.character(mst_background_color())) + ) + } + }) + + # Set Subtitle + mst_subtitle <- reactive({ + list(text = input$mst_subtitle, + style = paste0( + "font-family:Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;", + "text-align:center;", + "font-size: ", as.character(input$mst_subtitle_size), "px", + "; color: ", as.character(input$mst_subtitle_color)) + ) + }) + + # Background color + + mst_background_color <- reactive({ + if(input$mst_background_transparent == TRUE) { + 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' + } else{ + input$mst_background_color + } + }) + + # Edge font color + mst_edge_font_color <- reactive({ + input$mst_edge_font_color + }) + + # Edge color + mst_color_edge <- reactive({ + input$mst_color_edge + }) + + # Edge font size + mst_edge_font_size <- reactive({ + input$mst_edge_font_size + }) + + #### NJ ---- + + nj_tree <- reactive({ + + # Convert negative edges + Vis$nj[["edge.length"]] <- abs(Vis$nj[["edge.length"]]) + + if(input$nj_nodelabel_show == TRUE) { + ggtree(Vis$nj, alpha = 0.2, layout = layout_nj()) + + geom_nodelab(aes(label = node), color = "#29303A", size = nj_tiplab_size() + 1, hjust = 0.7) + + nj_limit() + + nj_inward() + } else { + tree <- + ggtree(Vis$nj, + color = input$nj_color, + layout = layout_nj(), + ladderize = input$nj_ladder) %<+% Vis$meta_nj + + nj_clades() + + nj_tiplab() + + nj_tiplab_scale() + + new_scale_color() + + nj_limit() + + nj_inward() + + nj_label_branch() + + nj_treescale() + + nj_nodepoint() + + nj_tippoint() + + nj_tippoint_scale() + + new_scale_color() + + nj_clip_label() + + nj_rootedge() + + ggtitle(label = input$nj_title, + subtitle = input$nj_subtitle) + + theme_tree(bgcolor = input$nj_bg) + + theme(plot.title = element_text(colour = input$nj_title_color, + size = input$nj_title_size), + plot.subtitle = element_text(colour = input$nj_title_color, + size = input$nj_subtitle_size), + legend.background = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg), + legend.direction = input$nj_legend_orientation, + legend.title = element_text(color = input$nj_color, + size = input$nj_legend_size*1.2), + legend.title.align = 0.5, + legend.position = nj_legend_pos(), + legend.text = element_text(color = input$nj_color, + size = input$nj_legend_size), + legend.key = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg), + = unit(1.5, "cm"), + legend.key.size = unit(0.05*input$nj_legend_size, 'cm'), + plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg, color = input$nj_bg)) + + new_scale_fill() + + nj_fruit() + + nj_gradient() + + new_scale_fill() + + nj_fruit2() + + nj_gradient2() + + new_scale_fill() + + nj_fruit3() + + nj_gradient3() + + new_scale_fill() + + nj_fruit4() + + nj_gradient4() + + new_scale_fill() + + nj_fruit5() + + nj_gradient5() + + new_scale_fill() + + # Add custom labels + if(length(Vis$custom_label_nj) > 0) { + + for(i in Vis$custom_label_nj[,1]) { + + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[i]])) { + x_pos <- Vis$nj_label_pos_x[[i]] + } else { + x_pos <- round(Vis$nj_max_x / 2, 0) + } + + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[i]])) { + y_pos <- Vis$nj_label_pos_y[[i]] + } else { + y_pos <- sum(DB$data$Include) / 2 + } + + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_label_size[[i]])) { + size <- Vis$nj_label_size[[i]] + } else { + size <- 5 + } + + tree <- tree + annotate("text", + x = x_pos, + y = y_pos, + label = i, + size = size) + } + } + + # Add heatmap + if(input$nj_heatmap_show == TRUE & length(input$nj_heatmap_select) > 0) { + if (!(any(sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & + any(!sapply(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select], is.numeric)))) { + tree <- gheatmap.mod(tree, + data = select(Vis$meta_nj, input$nj_heatmap_select), + offset = nj_heatmap_offset(), + width = nj_heatmap_width(), + legend_title = input$nj_heatmap_title, + colnames_angle = -nj_colnames_angle(), + colnames_offset_y = nj_colnames_y(), + colnames_color = input$nj_color) + + nj_heatmap_scale() + } + } + + # Sizing control + Vis$nj_plot <- ggplotify::as.ggplot(tree, + scale = input$nj_zoom, + hjust = input$nj_h, + vjust = input$nj_v) + + Vis$nj_true <- TRUE + + # Correct background color if zoomed out + cowplot::ggdraw(Vis$nj_plot) + + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$nj_bg, color = input$nj_bg)) + } + }) + + # Heatmap width + nj_heatmap_width <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_width)) { + input$nj_heatmap_width + } else { + length_input <- length(input$nj_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$nj_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$nj_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + 3 + } + } + } + }) + + # Heatmap column titles position + nj_colnames_y <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_colnames_y)) { + input$nj_colnames_y + } else { + if(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular") { + 0 + } else {-1} + } + }) + + # Heatmap column titles angle + nj_colnames_angle <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_colnames_angle)) { + input$nj_colnames_angle + } else { + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "inward" | input$nj_layout == "circular") { + 90 + } else {-90} + } else {-90} + } + }) + + # Heatmap scale + nj_heatmap_scale <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_heatmap_scale) & !is.null(input$nj_heatmap_div_mid)) { + if(input$nj_heatmap_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_heatmap_div_mid == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_div_mid == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_heatmap_scale)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_heatmap_scale)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_heatmap_scale)[3], + midpoint = midpoint, + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else { + if(input$nj_heatmap_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_heatmap_select])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } + } else { + if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$nj_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H", + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_heatmap_scale, + name = input$nj_heatmap_title) + } + } + } + }) + + # Tippoint Scale + nj_tippoint_scale <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tippoint_scale) & !is.null(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid)) { + if(input$nj_tippoint_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tippoint_scale)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tippoint_scale)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tippoint_scale)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$nj_tippoint_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_tipcolor_mapping])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_color_brewer(palette = input$nj_tippoint_scale) + } + } + } + }) + + # Tiplab Scale + nj_tiplab_scale <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_scale) & !is.null(input$nj_color_mapping_div_mid)) { + if(input$nj_tiplab_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_color_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_color_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiplab_scale)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiplab_scale)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiplab_scale)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$nj_tiplab_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_color_mapping])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_color_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiplab_scale) + } + } + } + }) + + # Clade Highlight + nj_clades <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_parentnode)) { + if(!length(input$nj_parentnode) == 0) { + if(length(input$nj_parentnode) == 1) { + fill <- input$nj_clade_scale + } else if (length(input$nj_parentnode) == 2) { + if(startsWith(input$nj_clade_scale, "#")) { + fill <- brewer.pal(3, "Set1")[1:2] + } else { + fill <- brewer.pal(3, input$nj_clade_scale)[1:2] + } + } else { + fill <- brewer.pal(length(input$nj_parentnode), input$nj_clade_scale) + } + geom_hilight(node = as.numeric(input$nj_parentnode), + fill = fill, + type = input$nj_clade_type, + to.bottom = TRUE + ) + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # Legend Position + nj_legend_pos <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_legend_x) & !is.null(input$nj_legend_y)) { + c(input$nj_legend_x, input$nj_legend_y) + } else { + c(0.1, 1) + } + }) + + # Heatmap offset + nj_heatmap_offset <- reactive({ + if(is.null(input$nj_heatmap_offset)) { + 0 + } else {input$nj_heatmap_offset} + }) + + # Tiles fill color gradient + nj_gradient <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_1) & + !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_1) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1)) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_1)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_1)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_1)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_1) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + nj_gradient2 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_2) & + !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_2) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_2) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2)) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_2)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_2)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_2)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_2) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + nj_gradient3 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_3) & + !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_3) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient3(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_3)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_3)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_3)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_3])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_3) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + nj_gradient4 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_4) & + !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_4) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_4) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4)) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient4(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_4)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_4)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_4)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_4) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + nj_gradient5 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_5) & + !is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_5) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_scale_5) & + !is.null(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5)) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$nj_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient5(low = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_5)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_5)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$nj_tiles_scale_5)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_nj[input$nj_fruit_variable_5])) == "numeric") { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$nj_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$nj_tiles_scale_5) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # No label clip off for linear NJ tree + nj_clip_label <- reactive({ + if(!(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward")) { + coord_cartesian(clip = "off") + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Geom Fruit + nj_fruit <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), + offset = 0, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable)), + offset = 0, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # Geom Fruit + nj_fruit2 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_2)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_2))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_2, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_2 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_2, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_2, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_2 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + nj_fruit3 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_3)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_3))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_3, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_3 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_3, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_3, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_3 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + nj_fruit4 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_4)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_4))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_4, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_4 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_4, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_4, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_4 + ) + } + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + } + }) + + nj_fruit5 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_width_circ_5)) & + (!is.null(input$nj_fruit_alpha_5))) { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_5, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_5 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = input$nj_fruit_offset_circ_5, + width = input$nj_fruit_width_circ_5, + alpha = input$nj_fruit_alpha_5 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$nj_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$nj_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$nj_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # Xlim + nj_limit <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_layout == "circular") { + xlim(input$nj_xlim, NA) + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Treescale + nj_treescale <- reactive({ + if(!input$nj_layout == "circular") { + if(input$nj_treescale_show == TRUE) { + geom_treescale(x = nj_treescale_x(), + y = nj_treescale_y(), + width = nj_treescale_width(), + color = input$nj_color, + fontsize = 4) + } else {NULL} + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Treescale Y Position + nj_treescale_y <- reactive({ + if(is.null(input$nj_treescale_y)) { + 0 + } else {input$nj_treescale_y} + }) + + # Treescale X Position + nj_treescale_x <- reactive({ + if(is.null(input$nj_treescale_x)) { + round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.2, 0) + } else {input$nj_treescale_x} + }) + + # Treescale width + nj_treescale_width <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_treescale_width)) { + input$nj_treescale_width + } else { + round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0) + } + }) + + # Label branches + nj_label_branch <- reactive({ + if(!input$nj_layout == "circular" | !input$nj_layout == "inward") { + if(input$nj_show_branch_label == TRUE) { + geom_label( + aes( + x=!!sym("branch"), + label= !!sym(input$nj_branch_label)), + fill = input$nj_branch_label_color, + size = nj_branch_size(), + label.r = unit(input$nj_branch_labelradius, "lines"), + nudge_x = input$nj_branch_x, + nudge_y = input$nj_branch_y, + fontface = input$nj_branchlab_fontface, + alpha = input$nj_branchlab_alpha + ) + } else {NULL} + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Branch label size + nj_branch_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_branch_size)) { + input$nj_branch_size + } else { + Vis$branch_size_nj + } + }) + + # Rootedge + nj_rootedge <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_rootedge_show == TRUE) { + if(is.null(input$nj_rootedge_length)) { + geom_rootedge(rootedge = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.05, 0), + linetype = input$nj_rootedge_line) + } else { + geom_rootedge(rootedge = input$nj_rootedge_length, + linetype = input$nj_rootedge_line) + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Tippoints + nj_tippoint <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_tippoint_show == TRUE | input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE | input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == FALSE) { + geom_tippoint( + aes(color = !!sym(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping)), + alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, + shape = input$nj_tippoint_shape, + size = nj_tippoint_size() + ) + } else if (input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == FALSE & input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tippoint( + aes(shape = !!sym(input$nj_tipshape_mapping)), + alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, + color = input$nj_tippoint_color, + size = nj_tippoint_size() + ) + } else if (input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tippoint( + aes(shape = !!sym(input$nj_tipshape_mapping), + color = !!sym(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping)), + alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, + size = nj_tippoint_size() + ) + } else { + geom_tippoint( + alpha = input$nj_tippoint_alpha, + colour = input$nj_tippoint_color, + fill = input$nj_tippoint_color, + shape = input$nj_tippoint_shape, + size = nj_tippoint_size() + ) + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Nodepoints + nj_nodepoint <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_nodepoint_show == TRUE) { + geom_nodepoint( + alpha = input$nj_nodepoint_alpha, + color = input$nj_nodepoint_color, + shape = input$nj_nodepoint_shape, + size = nj_nodepoint_size() + ) + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Nodepoint size + nj_nodepoint_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_nodepoint_size)) { + input$nj_nodepoint_size + } else { + Vis$nodepointsize_nj + } + }) + + # NJ circular or not + nj_tiplab <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_tiplab_show == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular") { + if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = "text", + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position), + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + color = input$nj_tiplab_color, + geom = "text", + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position), + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } else if (input$nj_layout == "inward") { + if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = "text", + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position_inw), + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + color = input$nj_tiplab_color, + geom = "text", + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$nj_tiplab_position_inw), + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } else { + if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { + if(input$nj_geom == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = nj_geom(), + angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap, + label.padding = unit(nj_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), + label.r = unit(input$nj_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), + fill = input$nj_tiplab_fill + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = nj_geom(), + angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } else { + if(input$nj_geom == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = nj_geom(), + color = input$nj_tiplab_color, + angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap, + label.padding = unit(nj_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), + label.r = unit(input$nj_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), + fill = input$nj_tiplab_fill + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + nj_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = nj_geom(), + color = input$nj_tiplab_color, + angle = input$nj_tiplab_angle, + size = nj_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$nj_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$nj_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$nj_align), + nudge_x = input$nj_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$nj_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Tip panel size + nj_tiplab_padding <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_padding)) { + input$nj_tiplab_padding + } else { + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj + } + }) + + # Tiplab size + nj_tiplab_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_size)) { + input$nj_tiplab_size + } else { + Vis$labelsize_nj + } + }) + + # Tippoint size + nj_tippoint_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$nj_tippoint_size)) { + input$nj_tippoint_size + } else { + Vis$tippointsize_nj + } + }) + + # Show Label Panels? + nj_geom <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_geom == TRUE) { + "label" + } else {"text"} + }) + + # NJ Tiplab color + nj_mapping_tiplab <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_mapping_show == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab)) { + aes(label = !!sym(input$nj_tiplab), + color = !!sym(input$nj_color_mapping)) + } else { + aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name"), + color = !!sym(input$nj_color_mapping)) + } + } else { + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab)) { + aes(label = !!sym(input$nj_tiplab)) + } else { + aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name")) + } + } + }) + + # NJ Tree Layout + layout_nj <- reactive({ + if(input$nj_layout == "inward") { + "circular" + } else {input$nj_layout} + }) + + # NJ inward circular + nj_inward <- reactive({ + if (input$nj_layout == "inward") { + layout_inward_circular(xlim = input$nj_inward_xlim) + } else { + NULL + } + }) + + #### UPGMA ---- + + upgma_tree <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_nodelabel_show == TRUE) { + ggtree(Vis$upgma, alpha = 0.2, layout = layout_upgma()) + + geom_nodelab(aes(label = node), color = "#29303A", size = upgma_tiplab_size() + 1, hjust = 0.7) + + upgma_limit() + + upgma_inward() + } else { + tree <- + ggtree(Vis$upgma, + color = input$upgma_color, + layout = layout_upgma(), + ladderize = input$upgma_ladder) %<+% Vis$meta_upgma + + upgma_tiplab() + + upgma_tiplab_scale() + + new_scale_color() + + upgma_limit() + + upgma_inward() + + upgma_label_branch() + + upgma_treescale() + + upgma_nodepoint() + + upgma_tippoint() + + upgma_tippoint_scale() + + new_scale_color() + + upgma_clip_label() + + upgma_rootedge() + + upgma_clades() + + ggtitle(label = input$upgma_title, + subtitle = input$upgma_subtitle) + + theme_tree(bgcolor = input$upgma_bg) + + theme(plot.title = element_text(colour = input$upgma_title_color, + size = input$upgma_title_size), + plot.subtitle = element_text(colour = input$upgma_title_color, + size = input$upgma_subtitle_size), + legend.background = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg), + legend.direction = input$upgma_legend_orientation, + legend.title = element_text(color = input$upgma_color, + size = input$upgma_legend_size*1.2), + legend.title.align = 0.5, + legend.position = upgma_legend_pos(), + legend.text = element_text(color = input$upgma_color, + size = input$upgma_legend_size), + legend.key = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg), + = unit(1.5, "cm"), + legend.key.size = unit(0.05*input$upgma_legend_size, 'cm'), + plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg, color = input$upgma_bg)) + + new_scale_fill() + + upgma_fruit() + + upgma_gradient() + + new_scale_fill() + + upgma_fruit2() + + upgma_gradient2() + + new_scale_fill() + + upgma_fruit3() + + upgma_gradient3() + + new_scale_fill() + + upgma_fruit4() + + upgma_gradient4() + + new_scale_fill() + + upgma_fruit5() + + upgma_gradient5() + + new_scale_fill() + + # Add custom labels + if(length(Vis$custom_label_upgma) > 0) { + + for(i in Vis$custom_label_upgma[,1]) { + + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[i]])) { + x_pos <- Vis$upgma_label_pos_x[[i]] + } else { + x_pos <- round(Vis$upgma_max_x / 2, 0) + } + + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[i]])) { + y_pos <- Vis$upgma_label_pos_y[[i]] + } else { + y_pos <- sum(DB$data$Include) / 2 + } + + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_label_size[[i]])) { + size <- Vis$upgma_label_size[[i]] + } else { + size <- 5 + } + + tree <- tree + annotate("text", + x = x_pos, + y = y_pos, + label = i, + size = size) + } + } + + # Add heatmap + if(input$upgma_heatmap_show == TRUE & length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) > 0) { + if (!(any(sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric)) & + any(!sapply(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select], is.numeric)))) { + tree <- gheatmap.mod(tree, + data = select(Vis$meta_upgma, input$upgma_heatmap_select), + offset = upgma_heatmap_offset(), + width = upgma_heatmap_width(), + legend_title = input$upgma_heatmap_title, + colnames_angle = -upgma_colnames_angle(), + colnames_offset_y = upgma_colnames_y(), + colnames_color = input$upgma_color) + + upgma_heatmap_scale() + } + } + + # Sizing control + Vis$upgma_plot <- ggplotify::as.ggplot(tree, + scale = input$upgma_zoom, + hjust = input$upgma_h, + vjust = input$upgma_v) + + # Correct background color if zoomed out + cowplot::ggdraw(Vis$upgma_plot) + + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = input$upgma_bg, color = input$upgma_bg)) + } + }) + + # Heatmap width + upgma_heatmap_width <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_width)) { + input$upgma_heatmap_width + } else { + length_input <- length(input$upgma_heatmap_select) + if((!(input$upgma_layout == "circular")) & (!(input$upgma_layout == "inward"))) { + if(length_input < 3) { + 0.1 + } else { + if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 50) { + min(0.15 + 0.05 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + 1.5 + } + } + } else { + if(length_input < 3) { + 0.3 + } else if (length_input >= 3 && length_input <= 27) { + min(0.6 + 0.2 * floor((length_input - 3) / 2), 1.5) + } else { + 3 + } + } + } + }) + + # Heatmap column titles position + upgma_colnames_y <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_colnames_y)) { + input$upgma_colnames_y + } else { + if(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular") { + 0 + } else {-1} + } + }) + + # Heatmap column titles angle + upgma_colnames_angle <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_colnames_angle)) { + input$upgma_colnames_angle + } else { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "inward" | input$upgma_layout == "circular") { + 90 + } else {-90} + } else {-90} + } + }) + + # Heatmap scale + upgma_heatmap_scale <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_scale) & !is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_div_mid)) { + if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_heatmap_div_mid == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_div_mid == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_heatmap_scale)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_heatmap_scale)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_heatmap_scale)[3], + midpoint = midpoint, + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else { + if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_heatmap_select])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } else if(input$upgma_heatmap_scale == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H", + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_heatmap_scale, + name = input$upgma_heatmap_title) + } + } + } + }) + + # Tippoint Scale + upgma_tippoint_scale <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tippoint_scale) & !is.null(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid)) { + if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tippoint_scale)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tippoint_scale)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tippoint_scale)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tippoint_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_color_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tippoint_scale) + } + } + } + }) + + # Tiplab Scale + upgma_tiplab_scale <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_scale) & !is.null(input$upgma_color_mapping_div_mid)) { + if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_color_mapping_div_mid == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_color_mapping_div_mid == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_color_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiplab_scale)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiplab_scale)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiplab_scale)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_color_mapping])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "magma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "inferno") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "plasma") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "viridis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "cividis") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "rocket") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "mako") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiplab_scale == "turbo") { + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_color_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiplab_scale) + } + } + } + }) + + # Clade Highlight + upgma_clades <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_parentnode)) { + if(!length(input$upgma_parentnode) == 0) { + if(length(input$upgma_parentnode) == 1) { + fill <- input$upgma_clade_scale + } else if (length(input$upgma_parentnode) == 2) { + if(startsWith(input$upgma_clade_scale, "#")) { + fill <- brewer.pal(3, "Set1")[1:2] + } else { + fill <- brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_clade_scale)[1:2] + } + } else { + fill <- brewer.pal(length(input$upgma_parentnode), input$upgma_clade_scale) + } + geom_hilight(node = as.numeric(input$upgma_parentnode), + fill = fill, + type = input$upgma_clade_type, + to.bottom = TRUE) + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # Legend Position + upgma_legend_pos <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_legend_x) & !is.null(input$upgma_legend_y)) { + c(input$upgma_legend_x, input$upgma_legend_y) + } else { + c(0.1, 1) + } + }) + + # Heatmap offset + upgma_heatmap_offset <- reactive({ + if(is.null(input$upgma_heatmap_offset)) { + 0 + } else {input$upgma_heatmap_offset} + }) + + # Tiles fill color gradient + upgma_gradient <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_1) & + !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1)) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_1 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_1)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_1)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_1)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_1 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_1) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + upgma_gradient2 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_2) & + !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2)) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_2 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_2)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_2)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_2)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_2])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_2 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_2) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + upgma_gradient3 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_3) & + !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3)) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_3 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient3(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_3)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_3)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_3)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_3])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_3 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_3) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + upgma_gradient4 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_4) & + !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4)) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_4 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_4]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient4(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_4)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_4)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_4)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_4 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_4) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + upgma_gradient5 <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_5) & + !is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5) & + !is.null(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5)) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("Spectral", "RdYlGn", "RdYlBu", "RdGy", "RdBu", "PuOr", "PRGn", "PiYG", "BrBG")) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Zero") { + midpoint <- 0 + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_mapping_div_mid_5 == "Mean") { + midpoint <- mean(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) + } else { + midpoint <- median(as.matrix(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5]), na.rm = TRUE) + } + scale_fill_gradient5(low = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_5)[1], + mid = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_5)[2], + high = brewer.pal(3, input$upgma_tiles_scale_5)[3], + midpoint = midpoint) + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 %in% c("magma", "inferno", "plasma", "viridis", "cividis", "rocket", "mako", "turbo")) { + if(class(unlist(Vis$meta_upgma[input$upgma_fruit_variable_5])) == "numeric") { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(option = "H") + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "magma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "A") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "inferno") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "B") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "plasma") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "C") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "viridis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "cividis") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "E") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "rocket") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "F") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "mako") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "G") + } else if(input$upgma_tiles_scale_5 == "turbo") { + scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "H") + } + } + } else { + scale_fill_brewer(palette = input$upgma_tiles_scale_5) + } + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # No label clip off for linear upgma tree + upgma_clip_label <- reactive({ + if(!(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward")) { + coord_cartesian(clip = "off") + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Geom Fruit + upgma_fruit <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_1)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_1 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), + offset = 0, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable)), + offset = 0, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # Geom Fruit + upgma_fruit2 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_2)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_2)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_2))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_2, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_2 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_2, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_2, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_2 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_2 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_2)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + upgma_fruit3 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_3)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_3)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_3))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_3, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_3 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_3, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_3, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_3 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_3 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_3)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + upgma_fruit4 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_4)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_4)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_4))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_4, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_4 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_4, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_4, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_4 + ) + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_4 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_4)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + } + }) + + upgma_fruit5 <- reactive({ + if((!is.null(input$upgma_tiles_show_5)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_5)) & + (!is.null(input$upgma_fruit_alpha_5))) { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_5, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_5 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill = !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = input$upgma_fruit_offset_circ_5, + width = input$upgma_fruit_width_circ_5, + alpha = input$upgma_fruit_alpha_5 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } else { + if(input$upgma_tiles_show_5 == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(Vis$upgma_max_x)) { + if(round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) < 1) { + width <- 1 + } else { + width <- round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.033, 0) + } + } else { + width <- 2 + } + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = 0.15, + width = width * 3, + alpha = 1 + ) + } else { + geom_fruit( + geom = geom_tile, + mapping = aes(fill= !!sym(input$upgma_fruit_variable_5)), + offset = 0.05, + width = width, + alpha = 1 + ) + } + } else {NULL} + } + }) + + # Xlim + upgma_limit <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular") { + xlim(input$upgma_xlim, NA) + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Treescale + upgma_treescale <- reactive({ + if(!input$upgma_layout == "circular") { + if(input$upgma_treescale_show == TRUE) { + geom_treescale(x = upgma_treescale_x(), + y = upgma_treescale_y(), + width = upgma_treescale_width(), + color = input$upgma_color, + fontsize = 4) + } else {NULL} + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Treescale Y Position + upgma_treescale_y <- reactive({ + if(is.null(input$upgma_treescale_y)) { + 0 + } else {input$upgma_treescale_y} + }) + + # Treescale X Position + upgma_treescale_x <- reactive({ + if(is.null(input$upgma_treescale_x)) { + round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.2, 0) + } else {input$upgma_treescale_x} + }) + + # Treescale width + upgma_treescale_width <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_treescale_width)) { + input$upgma_treescale_width + } else { + round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0) + } + }) + + # Label branches + upgma_label_branch <- reactive({ + if(!input$upgma_layout == "circular" | !input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + if(input$upgma_show_branch_label == TRUE) { + geom_label( + aes( + x=!!sym("branch"), + label= !!sym(input$upgma_branch_label)), + fill = input$upgma_branch_label_color, + size = upgma_branch_size(), + label.r = unit(input$upgma_branch_labelradius, "lines"), + nudge_x = input$upgma_branch_x, + nudge_y = input$upgma_branch_y, + fontface = input$upgma_branchlab_fontface, + alpha = input$upgma_branchlab_alpha + ) + } else {NULL} + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Branch label size + upgma_branch_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_branch_size)) { + input$upgma_branch_size + } else { + Vis$branch_size_upgma + } + }) + + # Rootedge + upgma_rootedge <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_rootedge_show == TRUE) { + if(is.null(input$upgma_rootedge_length)) { + geom_rootedge(rootedge = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.05, 0), + linetype = input$upgma_rootedge_line) + } else { + geom_rootedge(rootedge = input$upgma_rootedge_length, + linetype = input$upgma_rootedge_line) + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Tippoints + upgma_tippoint <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_tippoint_show == TRUE | input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE | input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == FALSE) { + geom_tippoint( + aes(color = !!sym(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping)), + alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, + shape = input$upgma_tippoint_shape, + size = upgma_tippoint_size() + ) + } else if (input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == FALSE & input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tippoint( + aes(shape = !!sym(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping)), + alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, + color = input$upgma_tippoint_color, + size = upgma_tippoint_size() + ) + } else if (input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping_show == TRUE & input$upgma_tipshape_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tippoint( + aes(shape = !!sym(input$upgma_tipshape_mapping), + color = !!sym(input$upgma_tipcolor_mapping)), + alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, + size = upgma_tippoint_size() + ) + } else { + geom_tippoint( + alpha = input$upgma_tippoint_alpha, + colour = input$upgma_tippoint_color, + fill = input$upgma_tippoint_color, + shape = input$upgma_tippoint_shape, + size = upgma_tippoint_size() + ) + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Nodepoints + upgma_nodepoint <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_nodepoint_show == TRUE) { + geom_nodepoint( + alpha = input$upgma_nodepoint_alpha, + color = input$upgma_nodepoint_color, + shape = input$upgma_nodepoint_shape, + size = upgma_nodepoint_size() + ) + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Nodepoint size + upgma_nodepoint_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_nodepoint_size)) { + input$upgma_nodepoint_size + } else { + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma + } + }) + + # upgma circular or not + upgma_tiplab <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_tiplab_show == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular") { + if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = "text", + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position), + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, + geom = "text", + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position), + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } else if (input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = "text", + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position_inw), + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, + geom = "text", + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + hjust = as.numeric(input$upgma_tiplab_position_inw), + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { + if(input$upgma_geom == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = upgma_geom(), + angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap, + label.padding = unit(upgma_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), + label.r = unit(input$upgma_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), + fill = input$upgma_tiplab_fill + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = upgma_geom(), + angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } else { + if(input$upgma_geom == TRUE) { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = upgma_geom(), + color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, + angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap, + label.padding = unit(upgma_tiplab_padding(), "lines"), + label.r = unit(input$upgma_tiplab_labelradius, "lines"), + fill = input$upgma_tiplab_fill + ) + } else { + geom_tiplab( + upgma_mapping_tiplab(), + geom = upgma_geom(), + color = input$upgma_tiplab_color, + angle = input$upgma_tiplab_angle, + size = upgma_tiplab_size(), + alpha = input$upgma_tiplab_alpha, + fontface = input$upgma_tiplab_fontface, + align = as.logical(input$upgma_align), + nudge_x = input$upgma_tiplab_nudge_x, + check.overlap = input$upgma_tiplab_overlap + ) + } + } + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Tip panel size + upgma_tiplab_padding <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_padding)) { + input$upgma_tiplab_padding + } else { + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma + } + }) + + # Tiplab size + upgma_tiplab_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_size)) { + input$upgma_tiplab_size + } else { + Vis$labelsize_upgma + } + }) + + # Tippoint size + upgma_tippoint_size <- reactive({ + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tippoint_size)) { + input$upgma_tippoint_size + } else { + Vis$tippointsize_upgma + } + }) + + # Show Label Panels? + upgma_geom <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_geom == TRUE) { + "label" + } else {"text"} + }) + + # upgma Tiplab color + upgma_mapping_tiplab <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_mapping_show == TRUE) { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab)) { + aes(label = !!sym(input$upgma_tiplab), + color = !!sym(input$upgma_color_mapping)) + } else { + aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name"), + color = !!sym(input$upgma_color_mapping)) + } + } else { + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab)) { + aes(label = !!sym(input$upgma_tiplab)) + } else { + aes(label = !!sym("Assembly Name")) + } + } + }) + + # upgma Tree Layout + layout_upgma <- reactive({ + if(input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + "circular" + } else {input$upgma_layout} + }) + + # upgma inward circular + upgma_inward <- reactive({ + if (input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + layout_inward_circular(xlim = input$upgma_inward_xlim) + } else { + NULL + } + }) + + ### Save MST Plot ---- + output$save_plot_html <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save MST;", paste0("MST_", Sys.Date(), ".html"))) + paste0("MST_", Sys.Date(), ".html") + }, + content = function(file) { + mst_tree() %>% visSave(file = file, background = mst_background_color()) + } + ) + + ### Save NJ Plot ---- + + # Define download handler to save the plot + + output$download_nj <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save NJ;", paste0("NJ_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_nj))) + paste0("NJ_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_nj) + }, + content = function(file) { + if (input$filetype_nj == "png") { + png(file, width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale)) + print(nj_tree()) + + } else if (input$filetype_nj == "jpeg") { + jpeg(file, width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale), quality = 100) + print(nj_tree()) + + } else if (input$filetype_nj == "svg") { + plot <- print(nj_tree()) + ggsave(file=file, plot=plot, device = svg(width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio))/96, + height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale)/96)) + } else if (input$filetype_nj == "bmp") { + bmp(file, width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale)) + print(nj_tree()) + + } + } + ) + + ### Save UPGMA Plot ---- + + # Define download handler to save the plot + + output$download_upgma <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save UPGMA;", paste0("UPGMA_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_upgma))) + paste0("UPGMA_", Sys.Date(), ".", input$filetype_upgma) + }, + content = function(file) { + if (input$filetype_upgma == "png") { + png(file, width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale)) + print(upgma_tree()) + + } else if (input$filetype_upgma == "jpeg") { + jpeg(file, width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale), quality = 100) + print(upgma_tree()) + + } else if (input$filetype_upgma == "svg") { + plot <- print(upgma_tree()) + ggsave(file=file, plot=plot, device = svg(width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio))/96, + height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale)/96)) + } else if (input$filetype_upgma == "bmp") { + bmp(file, width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale)) + print(upgma_tree()) + + } + } + ) + + ### Reactive Events ---- + + # MST cluster reset button + observeEvent(input$mst_cluster_reset, { + if(!is.null(DB$schemeinfo)) + updateNumericInput(session, "mst_cluster_threshold", value = as.numeric(DB$schemeinfo[7, 2])) + }) + + # Shut off "Align Labels" control for UPGMA trees + shinyjs::disable('upgma_align') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiplab_linesize') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiplab_linetype') + + # Conditional disabling of control elemenmts + observe({ + + # Tiles for inward layout + if(input$nj_layout == "inward") { + shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show') + shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_2') + shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_3') + shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_4') + shinyjs::disable('nj_tiles_show_5') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_2') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_3') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_4') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_variable_5') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_2') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_3') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_4') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_width_5') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_2') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_3') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_4') + shinyjs::disable('nj_fruit_offset_5') + } else { + shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show') + shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_2') + shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_3') + shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_4') + shinyjs::enable('nj_tiles_show_5') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_2') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_3') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_4') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_variable_5') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_2') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_3') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_4') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_width_5') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_2') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_3') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_4') + shinyjs::enable('nj_fruit_offset_5') + } + + if(input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_2') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_3') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_4') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_tiles_show_5') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_2') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_3') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_4') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_variable_5') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_2') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_3') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_4') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_width_5') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_2') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_3') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_4') + shinyjs::disable('upgma_fruit_offset_5') + } else { + shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_2') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_3') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_4') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_tiles_show_5') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_2') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_3') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_4') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_variable_5') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_2') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_3') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_4') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_width_5') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_2') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_3') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_4') + shinyjs::enable('upgma_fruit_offset_5') + } + + # Shut off branch labels for NJ and UPGMA plots for circular layout + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + shinyjs::disable('nj_show_branch_label') + } else { + shinyjs::enable('nj_show_branch_label') + } + + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + shinyjs::disable('upgma_show_branch_label') + } else { + shinyjs::enable('upgma_show_branch_label') + } + }) + + #### Generate Plot ---- + + hamming_nj <- reactive({ + if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { + if(input$na_handling == "omit") { + allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] + + allelic_profile_noNA_true <- allelic_profile_noNA[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + + compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA_true, hamming.dist) + + } else if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na"){ + compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distIgnore) + + } else { + compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distCategory) + } + + } else {compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.dist)} + }) + + hamming_mst <- reactive({ + if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)) { + if(input$na_handling == "omit") { + allelic_profile_noNA <- DB$allelic_profile[, colSums($allelic_profile)) == 0] + + allelic_profile_noNA_true <- allelic_profile_noNA[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + + dist <- compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_noNA_true, hamming.dist) + + } else if (input$na_handling == "ignore_na") { + dist <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distIgnore) + } else { + dist <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.distCategory) + } + } else { + dist <- compute.distMatrix(DB$allelic_profile_true, hamming.dist) + } + + # Find indices of pairs with a distance of 0 + zero_distance_pairs <- == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)) + + zero_distance_pairs <- zero_distance_pairs[zero_distance_pairs$row != zero_distance_pairs$col, ] + + if(nrow(zero_distance_pairs) > 0) { + + # Sort each row so that x <= y + df_sorted <- t(apply(zero_distance_pairs, 1, function(row) sort(row))) + + # Remove duplicate rows + df_unique <- + + colnames(df_unique) <- c("col", "row") + + # get metadata in df + vector_col <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$col) { + vector_col[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name`[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + vector_row <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$row) { + vector_row[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name`[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + col_id <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$col) { + col_id[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly ID`[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + row_id <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$row) { + row_id[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly ID`[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + col_index <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$col) { + col_index[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Index[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + row_index <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$row) { + row_index[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Index[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + col_date <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$col) { + col_date[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Isolation Date`[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + row_date <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$row) { + row_date[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$`Isolation Date`[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + col_host <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$col) { + col_host[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Host[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + row_host <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$row) { + row_host[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Host[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + col_country <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$col) { + col_country[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Country[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + row_country <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$row) { + row_country[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$Country[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + col_city <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$col) { + col_city[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$City[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + row_city <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in df_unique$row) { + row_city[count] <- Vis$meta_mst$City[i] + count <- count + 1 + } + + df_unique <- cbind(df_unique, col_name = vector_col, row_name = vector_row, + col_index = col_index, row_index = row_index, col_id = col_id, + row_id = row_id, col_date = col_date, row_date = row_date, + col_host = col_host, row_host = row_host, col_country = col_country, + row_country = row_country, col_city = col_city, row_city = row_city) + + # Add groups + grouped_df <- df_unique %>% + group_by(col) %>% + mutate(group_id = cur_group_id()) + + # Merge groups + name <- character(0) + index <- character(0) + id <- character(0) + count <- 1 + for (i in grouped_df$group_id) { + name[count] <- paste(unique(append(grouped_df$col_name[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)], + grouped_df$row_name[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)])), + collapse = "\n") + + id[count] <- paste(unique(append(grouped_df$col_id[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)], + grouped_df$row_id[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)])), + collapse = "\n") + + index[count] <- paste(unique(append(grouped_df$col_index[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)], + grouped_df$row_index[which(grouped_df$group_id == i)])), + collapse = "\n") + + count <- count + 1 + } + + merged_names <- cbind(grouped_df, "Index" = index, "Assembly Name" = name, "Assembly ID" = id) + + # remove duplicate groups + + final <- merged_names[!duplicated(merged_names$group_id), ] + + final_cleaned <- final[!(final$col_name %in% final$row_name),] + + final_cleaned <- select(final_cleaned, 3, 17:20) + + # adapt metadata + Date_merged <- character(0) + for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { + Date <- character(0) + for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { + Date <- append(Date, Vis$meta_mst$`Isolation Date`[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) + } + Date_merged <- append(Date_merged, paste(Date, collapse = "\n")) + } + + Host_merged <- character(0) + for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { + Host <- character(0) + for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { + Host <- append(Host, Vis$meta_mst$Host[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) + } + Host_merged <- append(Host_merged, paste(Host, collapse = "\n")) + } + + Country_merged <- character(0) + for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { + Country <- character(0) + for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { + Country <- append(Country, Vis$meta_mst$Country[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) + } + Country_merged <- append(Country_merged, paste(Country, collapse = "\n")) + } + + City_merged <- character(0) + for(j in 1:length(final_cleaned$Index)) { + City <- character(0) + for(i in strsplit(final_cleaned$Index, "\n")[[j]]) { + City <- append(City, Vis$meta_mst$City[which(Vis$meta_mst$Index == i)]) + } + City_merged <- append(City_merged, paste(City, collapse = "\n")) + } + + final_meta <- cbind(final_cleaned, "Isolation Date" = Date_merged, + "Host" = Host_merged, "Country" = Country_merged, "City" = City_merged) + + + # Merging with original data frame / allelic profile + + allelic_profile_true <- DB$allelic_profile_true + meta_true <- Vis$meta_mst + + rownames(allelic_profile_true) <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name` + rownames(meta_true) <- Vis$meta_mst$`Assembly Name` + + omit <- unique(append(df_unique$col_name, df_unique$row_name)) %in% final_cleaned$col_name + + omit_id <- unique(append(df_unique$col_name, df_unique$row_name))[!omit] + + remove <- !(rownames(allelic_profile_true) %in% omit_id) + + allelic_profile_clean <- allelic_profile_true[remove, ] + + meta_clean <- meta_true[remove, ] + + # substitute meta assembly names with group names + + count <- 1 + for(i in which(rownames(meta_clean) %in% final_meta$col_name)) { + meta_clean$Index[i] <- final_meta$Index[count] + meta_clean$`Assembly Name`[i] <- final_meta$`Assembly Name`[count] + meta_clean$`Assembly ID`[i] <- final_meta$`Assembly ID`[count] + meta_clean$`Isolation Date`[i] <- final_meta$`Isolation Date`[count] + meta_clean$Host[i] <- final_meta$Host[count] + meta_clean$Country[i] <- final_meta$Country[count] + meta_clean$City[i] <- final_meta$City[count] + count <- count + 1 + } + + # Metadata completion + # get group size + + size_vector <- numeric(0) + for(i in 1:nrow(meta_clean)) { + if (str_count(meta_clean$`Assembly Name`[i], "\n") == 0) { + size_vector[i] <- 1 + } else { + size_vector[i] <- str_count(meta_clean$`Assembly Name`[i], "\n") +1 + } + } + + meta_clean <- mutate(meta_clean, size = size_vector) + + # get font size dependent on group size + + font_size <- numeric(nrow(meta_clean)) + + for (i in 1:length(font_size)) { + if(meta_clean$size[i] < 3) { + font_size[i] <- 12 + } else { + font_size[i] <- 11 + } + } + + # get v-align dependent on group size + valign <- numeric(nrow(meta_clean)) + + for (i in 1:length(valign)) { + if(meta_clean$size[i] == 1) { + valign[i] <- -30 + } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 2) { + valign[i] <- -38 + } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 3) { + valign[i] <- -46 + } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 4) { + valign[i] <- -54 + } else if(meta_clean$size[i] == 5) { + valign[i] <- -62 + } else if(meta_clean$size[i] > 5) { + valign[i] <- -70 + } + } + + Vis$unique_meta <- meta_clean %>% + cbind(font_size = font_size, valign = valign) + + # final dist calculation + + if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile)){ + if(input$na_handling == "omit") { + allelic_profile_clean_noNA_names <- allelic_profile_clean[, colSums( == 0] + compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean_noNA_names, hamming.dist) + } else if (input$na_handling == "ignore_na") { + compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean, hamming.distIgnore) + } else { + compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean, hamming.distCategory) + } + } else {compute.distMatrix(allelic_profile_clean, hamming.dist)} + + + } else { + font_size <- rep(12, nrow(Vis$meta_mst)) + valign <- rep(-30, nrow(Vis$meta_mst)) + size <- rep(1, nrow(Vis$meta_mst)) + Vis$unique_meta <- Vis$meta_mst %>% + cbind(size , font_size, valign) + + dist + } + + }) + + observeEvent(input$create_tree, { + log_print("Input create_tree") + + if(is.null(DB$data)) { + log_print("Missing data") + + show_toast( + title = "Missing data", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if(nrow(DB$allelic_profile_true) < 3) { + log_print("Min. of 3 entries required for visualization") + + show_toast( + title = "Min. of 3 entries required for visualization", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + + if(any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly Name`)) | any(duplicated(DB$meta$`Assembly ID`))) { + log_print("Duplicated assemblies") + + dup_name <- which(duplicated(DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`)) + dup_id <- which(duplicated(DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`)) + + showModal( + modalDialog( + if((length(dup_name) + length(dup_id)) == 1) { + if(length(dup_name) == 1) { + HTML(paste0("Entry #", dup_name, + " contains a duplicated assembly name:", "

", + DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`[dup_name])) + } else { + HTML(paste0("Entry #", dup_id, + " contains a duplicated assembly ID:", "

", + DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`[dup_id])) + } + } else { + if(length(dup_name) == 0) { + HTML(c("Entries contain duplicated IDs

", + paste0(unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`[dup_id]), "
"))) + } else if(length(dup_id) == 0) { + HTML(c("Entries contain duplicated names

", + paste0(unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`[dup_name]), "
"))) + } else { + HTML(c("Entries contain duplicated names and IDs

", + paste0("Name: ", unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly Name`[dup_name]), "
"), + paste0("ID: ", unique(DB$meta_true$`Assembly ID`[dup_id]), "
"))) + } + }, + title = "Duplicate entries", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("change_entries", "Go to Entry Table", class = "btn btn-default") + ) + ) + ) + } else { + + set.seed(1) + + if (input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { + + log_print("Rendering NJ tree") + + output$nj_field <- renderUI({ + addSpinner( + plotOutput("tree_nj", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$nj_scale), "px")), + spin = "dots", + color = "#ffffff" + ) + }) + + Vis$meta_nj <- select(DB$meta_true, -2) + + if(length(unique(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_nj)))) < length(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_nj)))) { + show_toast( + title = "Conflicting Custom Variable Names", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + + # Create phylogenetic tree data + Vis$nj <- ape::nj(hamming_nj()) + + # Create phylogenetic tree meta data + Vis$meta_nj <- mutate(Vis$meta_nj, taxa = Index) %>% + relocate(taxa) + + # Get number of included entries calculate start values for tree + if(!is.null(input$nj_layout)) { + if(input$nj_layout == "circular" | input$nj_layout == "inward") { + if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 5.5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 5.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.25 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.2 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4.5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.15 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3.5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2.5 + } else { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 1.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.05 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2 + } + } else { + if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.25 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4.5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.2 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 4 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 3 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.15 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3.5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 3 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 3 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2.5 + } else { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 2.5 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 2.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 1.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.05 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 2 + } + } + } else { + Vis$labelsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$tippointsize_nj <- 4 + Vis$nodepointsize_nj <- 2.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_nj <- 0.2 + Vis$branch_size_nj <- 3.5 + } + + Vis$nj_tree <- ggtree(Vis$nj) + + # Get upper and lower end of x range + Vis$nj_max_x <- max(Vis$nj_tree$data$x) + Vis$nj_min_x <- min(Vis$nj_tree$data$x) + + # Get parent node numbers + Vis$nj_parentnodes <- Vis$nj_tree$data$parent + + # Update visualization control inputs + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_size)) { + updateNumericInput(session, "nj_tiplab_size", value = Vis$labelsize_nj) + } + if(!is.null(input$nj_tippoint_size)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_tippoint_size", value = Vis$tippointsize_nj) + } + if(!is.null(input$nj_nodepoint_size)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_nodepoint_size", value = Vis$nodepointsize_nj) + } + if(!is.null(input$nj_tiplab_padding)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_tiplab_padding", value = Vis$tiplab_padding_nj) + } + if(!is.null(input$nj_branch_size)) { + updateNumericInput(session, "nj_branch_size", value = Vis$branch_size_nj) + } + if(!is.null(input$nj_treescale_width)) { + updateNumericInput(session, "nj_treescale_width", value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.1, 0)) + } + if(!is.null(input$nj_rootedge_length)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "nj_rootedge_length", value = round(ceiling(Vis$nj_max_x) * 0.05, 0)) + } + + output$tree_nj <- renderPlot({ + nj_tree() + }) + + Vis$nj_true <- TRUE + } + } else if (input$tree_algo == "UPGMA") { + + log_print("Rendering UPGMA tree") + + output$upgma_field <- renderUI({ + addSpinner( + plotOutput("tree_upgma", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$upgma_scale), "px")), + spin = "dots", + color = "#ffffff" + ) + }) + + Vis$meta_upgma <- select(DB$meta_true, -2) + + if(length(unique(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_upgma)))) < length(gsub(" ", "_", colnames(Vis$meta_upgma)))) { + show_toast( + title = "Conflicting Custom Variable Names", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + + # Create phylogenetic tree data + Vis$upgma <- phangorn::upgma(hamming_nj()) + + # Create phylogenetic tree meta data + Vis$meta_upgma <- mutate(Vis$meta_upgma, taxa = Index) %>% + relocate(taxa) + + # Get number of included entries calculate start values for tree + if(!is.null(input$upgma_layout)) { + if(input$upgma_layout == "circular" | input$upgma_layout == "inward") { + if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 5.5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 5.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.25 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.2 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4.5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.15 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3.5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2.5 + } else { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 1.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.05 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2 + } + } else { + if(sum(DB$data$Include) < 21) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.25 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 21, 40)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4.5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.2 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 4 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 41, 60)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 3 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.15 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3.5 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 61, 80)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3.5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3 + } else if (between(sum(DB$data$Include), 81, 100)) { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 3 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 3 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.1 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2.5 + } else { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 2.5 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 2.5 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 1.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.05 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 2 + } + } + } else { + Vis$labelsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$tippointsize_upgma <- 4 + Vis$nodepointsize_upgma <- 2.5 + Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma <- 0.2 + Vis$branch_size_upgma <- 3.5 + } + + Vis$upgma_tree <- ggtree(Vis$upgma) + + # Get upper and lower end of x range + Vis$upgma_max_x <- max(Vis$upgma_tree$data$x) + Vis$upgma_min_x <- min(Vis$upgma_tree$data$x) + + # Get parent node numbers + Vis$upgma_parentnodes <- Vis$upgma_tree$data$parent + + # Update visualization control inputs + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_size)) { + updateNumericInput(session, "upgma_tiplab_size", value = Vis$labelsize_upgma) + } + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tippoint_size)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_tippoint_size", value = Vis$tippointsize_upgma) + } + if(!is.null(input$upgma_nodepoint_size)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_nodepoint_size", value = Vis$nodepointsize_upgma) + } + if(!is.null(input$upgma_tiplab_padding)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_tiplab_padding", value = Vis$tiplab_padding_upgma) + } + if(!is.null(input$upgma_branch_size)) { + updateNumericInput(session, "upgma_branch_size", value = Vis$branch_size_upgma) + } + if(!is.null(input$upgma_treescale_width)) { + updateNumericInput(session, "upgma_treescale_width", value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.1, 0)) + } + if(!is.null(input$upgma_rootedge_length)) { + updateSliderInput(session, "upgma_rootedge_length", value = round(ceiling(Vis$upgma_max_x) * 0.05, 0)) + } + + output$tree_upgma <- renderPlot({ + upgma_tree() + }) + + Vis$upgma_true <- TRUE + } + } else { + + log_print("Rendering MST graph") + + output$mst_field <- renderUI({ + if(input$mst_background_transparent == TRUE) { + visNetworkOutput("tree_mst", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$mst_scale) * as.numeric(input$mst_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$mst_scale), "px")) + } else { + addSpinner( + visNetworkOutput("tree_mst", width = paste0(as.character(as.numeric(input$mst_scale) * as.numeric(input$mst_ratio)), "px"), height = paste0(as.character(input$mst_scale), "px")), + spin = "dots", + color = "#ffffff" + ) + } + }) + + if(nrow(DB$meta_true) > 100) { + + log_print("Over 100 isolates in MST graph") + + show_toast( + title = "Computation might take a while", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 10000 + ) + } + + meta_mst <- DB$meta_true + Vis$meta_mst <- meta_mst + + # prepare igraph object + Vis$ggraph_1 <- hamming_mst() |> + as.matrix() |> + graph.adjacency(weighted = TRUE) |> + igraph::mst() + + output$tree_mst <- renderVisNetwork({ + mst_tree() + }) + + Vis$mst_true <- TRUE + } + } + } + }) + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Report ---- + + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + if(!is.null(input$tree_algo)) { + if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { + shinyjs::disable("rep_plot_report") + updateCheckboxInput(session, "rep_plot_report", value = FALSE) + } else { + shinyjs::enable("rep_plot_report") + } + } + } + }) + + ### Report creation UI ---- + + observeEvent(input$create_rep, { + + if((input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning" & isTRUE(Vis$mst_true)) | + (input$tree_algo == "UPGMA" & isTRUE(Vis$upgma_true)) | + (input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining" & isTRUE(Vis$nj_true))) { + # Get currently selected missing value handling option + if(input$na_handling == "ignore_na") { + na_handling <- "Ignore missing values for pairwise comparison" + } else if(input$na_handling == "omit") { + na_handling <- "Omit loci with missing values for all assemblies" + } else if(input$na_handling == "category") { + na_handling <- "Treat missing values as allele variant" + } + + extra_var <- character() + if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { + shinyjs::runjs("mstReport();") + if(isTRUE(input$mst_color_var)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$mst_col_var) + } + } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { + if(isTRUE(input$nj_mapping_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_color_mapping) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_tipcolor_mapping_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_tipcolor_mapping) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_tipshape_mapping_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_tipshape_mapping) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_1)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_2)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_2) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_3)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_3) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_4)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_4) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_tiles_show_5)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_fruit_variable_5) + } + if(isTRUE(input$nj_heatmap_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$nj_heatmap_select) + } + } else if(input$tree_algo == "UPGMA") { + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_mapping_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_color_mapping) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tipcolor_mapping_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_tipcolor_mapping) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tipshape_mapping_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_tipshape_mapping) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_1)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_2)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_2) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_3)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_3) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_4)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_4) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_tiles_show_5)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_fruit_variable_5) + } + if(isTRUE(input$UPGMA_heatmap_show)) { + extra_var <- c(extra_var, input$UPGMA_heatmap_select) + } + } + + showModal( + modalDialog( + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color:black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'General') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + checkboxInput( + "rep_general", + label = "", + value = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + checkboxInput( + "rep_date_general", + label = h5("Date", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 7, + dateInput( + "mst_date_general_select", + "", + max = Sys.Date() + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + checkboxInput( + "rep_operator_general", + label = h5("Operator", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 8, + textInput( + "mst_operator_general_select", + "" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + checkboxInput( + "rep_institute_general", + label = h5("Institute", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 8, + textInput( + "mst_institute_general_select", + "" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + checkboxInput( + "rep_comm_general", + label = h5("Comment", style = "color:black;") + ) + ), + column( + width = 8, + textAreaInput( + inputId = "mst_comm_general_select", + label = "", + width = "100%", + height = "60px", + cols = NULL, + rows = NULL, + placeholder = NULL, + resize = "vertical" + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'Isolate Table') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + checkboxInput( + "rep_entrytable", + label = "", + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'Include Plot') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 1, + align = "left", + checkboxInput( + "rep_plot_report", + label = "", + value = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + div( + class = "rep_tab_sel", + pickerInput("select_rep_tab", + label = "", + choices = names(DB$meta)[-2], + selected = c("Assembly Name", "Scheme", "Isolation Date", + "Host", "Country", "City", extra_var), + options = list( + size = 10, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE) + ) + ) + ), + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: black; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900', 'Analysis Parameter') + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + checkboxInput( + "rep_analysis", + label = "", + value = TRUE + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + checkboxInput( + "rep_cgmlst_analysis", + label = h5("Scheme", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 8, + align = "right", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', DB$scheme) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + checkboxInput( + "rep_tree_analysis", + label = h5("Tree", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 8, + align = "right", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', input$tree_algo) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + fluidRow( + column(2), + column( + width = 4, + checkboxInput( + "rep_distance", + label = h5("Distance", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', 'Hamming') + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(2), + column( + width = 4, + checkboxInput( + "rep_version", + label = h5("Version", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color:black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic', phylotraceVersion) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + checkboxInput( + "rep_missval", + label = h5("NA handling", style = "color:black;"), + value = TRUE + ) + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "right", + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: black; position: relative; top: 17px; font-style: italic; right: 35px;', na_handling) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + title = "cgMLST Report Generation", + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + downloadBttn( + "download_report", + style = "simple", + label = "Save", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download") + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + show_toast( + title = "No tree created", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + }) + + observe({ + if(!is.null(input$rep_general)) { + if(isFALSE(input$rep_general)) { + shinyjs::disable('rep_date_general') + shinyjs::disable('rep_operator_general') + shinyjs::disable('rep_institute_general') + shinyjs::disable('rep_comm_general') + shinyjs::disable('mst_date_general_select') + shinyjs::disable('mst_operator_general_select') + shinyjs::disable('mst_institute_general_select') + shinyjs::disable('mst_comm_general_select') + } else { + shinyjs::enable('rep_date_general') + shinyjs::enable('rep_operator_general') + shinyjs::enable('rep_institute_general') + shinyjs::enable('rep_comm_general') + shinyjs::enable('mst_date_general_select') + shinyjs::enable('mst_operator_general_select') + shinyjs::enable('mst_institute_general_select') + shinyjs::enable('mst_comm_general_select') + } + } + + if(!is.null(input$rep_analysis)) { + if(isFALSE(input$rep_analysis)) { + shinyjs::disable('rep_cgmlst_analysis') + shinyjs::disable('rep_tree_analysis') + shinyjs::disable('rep_distance') + shinyjs::disable('rep_missval') + shinyjs::disable('rep_version') + } else { + shinyjs::enable('rep_cgmlst_analysis') + shinyjs::enable('rep_tree_analysis') + shinyjs::enable('rep_distance') + shinyjs::enable('rep_missval') + shinyjs::enable('rep_version') + } + } + + if(length(input$select_rep_tab) > 0) { + updateCheckboxInput(session, "rep_entrytable", value = TRUE) + } else { + updateCheckboxInput(session, "rep_entrytable", value = FALSE) + } + }) + + ### Save Report ---- + + #### Get Report elements ---- + + observe({ + if(!is.null(DB$data)){ + if(!is.null(input$tree_algo)) { + req(c(input$rep_entrytable, input$rep_general, + input$rep_date_general, input$rep_operator_general, + input$rep_institute_general, input$rep_comm_general, + input$rep_analysis, input$rep_cgmlst_analysis, + input$rep_tree_analysis, input$rep_distance, + input$rep_missval, input$rep_version, + input$rep_plot_report, input$select_rep_tab)) + Report$report_df <- data.frame(Element = c("entry_table", "general_show", + "general_date", "operator", + "institute", "comment", + "analysis_show", "scheme", + "tree", "distance", "na_handling", "version", + "plot"), + Include = c(input$rep_entrytable, input$rep_general, + input$rep_date_general, input$rep_operator_general, + input$rep_institute_general, input$rep_comm_general, + input$rep_analysis, input$rep_cgmlst_analysis, + input$rep_tree_analysis, input$rep_distance, + input$rep_missval, input$rep_version, + input$rep_plot_report)) + } + } + }) + + #### Get Report values ---- + + observeEvent(input$create_tree, { + if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { + Report$report_list_mst <- list(entry_table = DB$meta_true, + scheme = DB$schemeinfo, + tree = input$tree_algo, + na_handling = if(anyNA(DB$allelic_profile_true)){input$na_handling} else {NULL}, + distance = "Hamming Distances", + version = c(phylotraceVersion, "2.5.1"), + plot = "MST") + } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { + Report$report_list_nj <- list(entry_table = DB$meta_true, + scheme = DB$schemeinfo, + tree = input$tree_algo, + na_handling = input$na_handling, + distance = "Hamming Distances", + version = c(phylotraceVersion, "2.5.1"), + plot = "NJ") + } else { + Report$report_list_upgma <- list(entry_table = DB$meta_true, + scheme = DB$schemeinfo, + tree = input$tree_algo, + na_handling = input$na_handling, + distance = "Hamming Distances", + version = c(phylotraceVersion, "2.5.1"), + plot = "UPGMA") + } + }) + + # Save plot for Report + <- reactive({ + if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { + jpeg(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/NJ.jpeg"), width = (as.numeric(input$nj_scale) * as.numeric(input$nj_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$nj_scale), quality = 100) + print(nj_tree()) + + } else if(input$tree_algo == "UPGMA") { + jpeg(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/UPGMA.jpeg"), width = (as.numeric(input$upgma_scale) * as.numeric(input$upgma_ratio)), height = as.numeric(input$upgma_scale), quality = 100) + print(upgma_tree()) + + } else if (input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { + shinyjs::runjs("mstReport();") + decoded_data <- base64enc::base64decode(input$canvas_data) + writeBin(decoded_data, paste0(getwd(), "/Report/MST.jpg")) + } + }) + + #### Event Save Report ---- + output$download_report <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { + paste0("MST_Report_", Sys.Date(), ".html") + } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { + paste0("NJ_Report_", Sys.Date(), ".html") + } else {paste0("UPGMA_Report_", Sys.Date(), ".html")} + }, + content = function(file) { + if(input$tree_algo == "Minimum-Spanning") { + + + report <- c(Report$report_list_mst, + "general_date" = as.character(input$mst_date_general_select), + "operator" = input$mst_operator_general_select, + "institute" = input$mst_institute_general_select, + "comment" = input$mst_comm_general_select, + "report_df" = Report$report_df) + + report[["table_columns"]] <- input$select_rep_tab + + # Save data to an RDS file if any elements were selected + if (!is.null(report)) { + + log_print("Creating MST report") + + saveRDS(report, file = paste0(getwd(), "/Report/selected_elements.rds")) + + rmarkdown::render(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.Rmd")) + + file.copy(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.html"), file) + } else { + log_print("Creating MST report failed (report is null)") + } + } else if(input$tree_algo == "Neighbour-Joining") { + + report <- c(Report$report_list_nj, + "general_date" = as.character(input$mst_date_general_select), + "operator" = input$mst_operator_general_select, + "institute" = input$mst_institute_general_select, + "comment" = input$mst_comm_general_select, + "report_df" = Report$report_df) + + report[["table_columns"]] <- input$select_rep_tab + + # Save data to an RDS file if any elements were selected + if (!is.null(report)) { + log_print("Creating NJ report") + + saveRDS(report, file = paste0(getwd(), "/Report/selected_elements.rds")) + + rmarkdown::render(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.Rmd")) + + file.copy(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.html"), file) + } else { + log_print("Creating NJ report failed (report is null)") + } + + } else { + + report <- c(Report$report_list_upgma, + "general_date" = as.character(input$mst_date_general_select), + "operator" = input$mst_operator_general_select, + "institute" = input$mst_institute_general_select, + "comment" = input$mst_comm_general_select, + "report_df" = Report$report_df) + + report[["table_columns"]] <- input$select_rep_tab + + # Save data to an RDS file if any elements were selected + if (!is.null(report)) { + log_print("Creating UPGMA report") + + saveRDS(report, file = paste0(getwd(), "/Report/selected_elements.rds")) + + rmarkdown::render(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.Rmd")) + + file.copy(paste0(getwd(), "/Report/Report.html"), file) + } else { + log_print("Creating UPGMA report failed (report is null)") + } + + } + removeModal() + } + ) + + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Gene Screening ---- + + ### Render UI Elements ---- + + # Rendering results table + output$gs_results_table <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data) + if(!is.null(Screening$selected_isolate)) { + if(length(Screening$selected_isolate) > 0) { + fluidRow( + div(class = "loci_table", + DT::dataTableOutput("gs_profile_table")), + br(), + HTML( + paste0("", + 'RSL = Reference Sequence Length  |  ', + '%CRS = % Coverage of Reference Sequence  |  ', + '%IRS = % Identity to Reference Sequence  |  ', + 'ACS = Accession of Closest Sequence  |  ', + 'NCS = Name of Closest Sequence') + + ) + ) + } else { + fluidRow( + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste0("", + 'Select entry from the table to display resistance profile') + + ) + ) + ) + } + } else { + fluidRow( + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste0("", + 'Select entry from the table to display resistance profile') + + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Gene screening download button + output$gs_download <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data) + if(!is.null(Screening$selected_isolate)) { + if(length(Screening$selected_isolate) > 0) { + fluidRow( + downloadBttn( + "download_resistance_profile", + style = "simple", + label = "Profile Table", + size = "sm", + icon = icon("download"), + color = "primary" + ), + bsTooltip("download_resistance_profile_bttn", + HTML(paste0("Save resistance profile table for
", + Screening$selected_isolate)), + placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover") + ) + } else {NULL} + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Conditionally render table selectiom interface + output$gs_table_selection <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data, input$gs_view) + if(input$gs_view == "Table") { + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 10, + div(class = "loci_table", + dataTableOutput("gs_isolate_table")) + ) + ) + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Resistance profile table output display + output$gs_profile_display <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data) + if(!is.null(DB$meta_gs) & !is.null(input$gs_view)) { + if(input$gs_view == "Table") { + column( + width = 10, + hr(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + p( + HTML( + paste0("", + "Gene Screening Results
", + "", + "Comprising genes for resistance, virulence, stress, etc.") + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + uiOutput("gs_download") + ) + ), + br(), + uiOutput("gs_results_table") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 10, + fluidRow( + column( + width = 4, + p( + HTML( + paste0("", + "Gene Screening Results
", + "", + "Comprising genes for resistance, virulence, stress, etc.") + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 4, + div( + class = "gs-picker", + pickerInput( + "gs_profile_select", + "", + choices = list( + Screened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")] + }, + Unscreened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")] + }, + `No Assembly File` = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "NA") == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")] + } + ), + choicesOpt = list( + disabled = c( + rep(FALSE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")])), + rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")])), + rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")])) + ) + ), + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ) + ) + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + uiOutput("gs_download") + ) + ), + br(), + uiOutput("gs_results_table") + ) + } + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Screening sidebar + output$screening_sidebar <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data) + if(!is.null(DB$meta_gs)) { + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Toggle View') + ) + ) + ), + radioGroupButtons( + inputId = "gs_view", + choices = c("Picker", "Table"), + selected = "Picker", + checkIcon = list( + yes = icon("square-check"), + no = icon("square") + ) + ), + br() + ) + } else {NULL} + }) + + # Resistance profile table + observe({ + req(DB$meta_gs, Screening$selected_isolate, DB$database, DB$scheme, DB$data) + + if(length(Screening$selected_isolate) > 0 & any(Screening$selected_isolate %in% DB$data$`Assembly ID`)) { + iso_select <- Screening$selected_isolate + iso_path <- file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates", + iso_select, "resProfile.tsv") + + res_profile <- read.delim(iso_path) + + colnames(res_profile) <- c( + "Protein Identifier", "Contig ID", "Start", "Stop", "Strand", "Gene Symbol", + "Sequence Name", "Scope", "Element Type", "Element Subtype", "Class", + "Subclass", "Method", "Target Length", "RSL", "%CRS", "%IRS", + "Alignment Length", "ACS", "Name of Closest Sequence", "HMM ID", "HMM Description") + + Screening$res_profile <- res_profile %>% + relocate(c("Gene Symbol", "Sequence Name", "Element Subtype", "Class", + "Subclass", "Scope", "Contig ID", "Target Length", "Alignment Length", + "Start", "Stop", "Strand")) + + # Generate gene profile table + output$gs_profile_table <- DT::renderDataTable( + Screening$res_profile, + selection = "single", + rownames= FALSE, + options = list(pageLength = 10, scrollX = TRUE, + autoWidth = TRUE, + columnDefs = list(list(width = '400px', targets = c("Sequence Name", + "Name of Closest Sequence"))), + columnDefs = list(list(width = 'auto', targets = "_all")), + columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, + targets = "_all")), + initComplete = DT::JS( + "function(settings, json) {", + "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", + # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + ), + drawCallback = DT::JS( + "function(settings) {", + # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + # "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + )) + ) + } else { + output$gs_profile_table <- NULL + } + }) + + #Resistance profile selection table + observe({ + req(DB$meta, DB$data) + output$gs_isolate_table <- renderDataTable( + select(DB$meta_gs[which(DB$meta_gs$Screened == "Yes"), ], -c(3, 4, 10, 11, 12)), + selection = "single", + rownames= FALSE, + options = list(pageLength = 10, + columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, + targets = "_all")), + initComplete = DT::JS( + "function(settings, json) {", + "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + ), + drawCallback = DT::JS( + "function(settings) {", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + )) + ) + }) + + observe({ + req(input$screening_res_sel, DB$database, DB$scheme, DB$data) + if(!is.null(Screening$status_df) & + !is.null(input$screening_res_sel) & + !is.null(Screening$status_df$status) & + !is.null(Screening$status_df$isolate)) { + if(length(input$screening_res_sel) > 0) { + if(any(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)) { + if(Screening$status_df$status[which(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)] == "success") { + results <- read.delim(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Isolates", + input$screening_res_sel, "resProfile.tsv")) + + output$screening_table <- renderDataTable( + select(results, c(6, 7, 8, 9, 11)), + selection = "single", + options = list(pageLength = 10, + columnDefs = list(list(searchable = TRUE, + targets = "_all")), + initComplete = DT::JS( + "function(settings, json) {", + "$('th:first-child').css({'border-top-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('th:last-child').css({'border-top-right-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + ), + drawCallback = DT::JS( + "function(settings) {", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:first-child').css({'border-bottom-left-radius': '5px'});", + "$('tbody tr:last-child td:last-child').css({'border-bottom-right-radius': '5px'});", + "}" + ))) + } else {output$screening_table <- NULL} + } + } else { + output$screening_table <- NULL + } + } else { + output$screening_table <- NULL + } + + }) + + # Availablity feedback + output$gene_screening_info <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data) + if(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) %in% amrfinder_species) { + p( + HTML( + paste( + '', + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", + paste(DB$scheme, "available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + p( + HTML( + paste( + '', + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", + paste(DB$scheme, " not available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + output$gene_resistance_info <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data) + if(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) %in% amrfinder_species) { + p( + HTML( + paste( + '', + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", + paste(DB$scheme, "available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) + ) + ) + ) + } else { + p( + HTML( + paste( + '', + tags$span(style="color: white; font-size: 15px; position:relative; top:25px", + paste(DB$scheme, " not available for gene screening with NCBI/AMRFinder.")) + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + # Screening Interface + + output$screening_interface <- renderUI({ + req(DB$data) + if(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme) %in% amrfinder_species) { + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Select Isolates for Screening') + ) + ) + ), + if(Screening$picker_status) { + div( + class = "screening_div", + pickerInput( + "screening_select", + "", + choices = list( + Unscreened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")] + }, + Screened = if (length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")] + }, + `No Assembly File` = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "NA") == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")] + } + ), + choicesOpt = list( + disabled = c( + rep(FALSE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")])), + rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")])), + rep(TRUE, length(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")])) + ) + ), + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + ) + } else { + div( + class = "screening_div", + pickerInput( + "screening_select", + "", + choices = Screening$picker_choices, + selected = Screening$picker_selected, + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + multiple = TRUE + ) + ) + }, + br(), br(), + uiOutput("genome_path_gs") + ), + column( + width = 3, + uiOutput("screening_start") + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + uiOutput("screening_result_sel") + ), + column(1) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 10, + br(), br(), + uiOutput("screening_result"), + br(), br(), br(), br() + ) + ) + ) + } + }) + + ### Screening Events ---- + + observe({ + req(DB$data, input$gs_view) + if(input$gs_view == "Table") { + meta_gs <- DB$meta_gs[which(DB$meta_gs$Screened == "Yes"), ] + Screening$selected_isolate <- meta_gs$`Assembly ID`[input$gs_isolate_table_rows_selected] + } else if(input$gs_view == "Picker") { + Screening$selected_isolate <- input$gs_profile_select + } + }) + + output$download_resistance_profile <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save resistance profile table ", Screening$selected_isolate, "_Profile.csv")) + + paste0(format(Sys.Date()), "_", Screening$selected_isolate, "_Profile.csv") + }, + content = function(file) { + write.table( + Screening$res_profile, + file, + sep = ";", + row.names = FALSE, + quote = FALSE + ) + } + ) + + # Reset screening + observeEvent(input$screening_reset_bttn, { + log_print("Reset gene screening") + + # reset status file + sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, remove.screening.status) + + # set feedback variables + Screening$status <- "idle" + Screening$status_df <- NULL + Screening$choices <- NULL + Screening$picker_status <- TRUE + Screening$first_result <- NULL + + # change reactive UI + output$screening_table <- NULL + output$screening_result <- NULL + output$screening_fail <- NULL + + updatePickerInput(session, "screening_select", selected = character(0)) + + # disable isolate picker + shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').prop('disabled', false);") + shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').selectpicker('refresh');") + }) + + # Cancel screening + observeEvent(input$screening_cancel, { + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0( + "Gene screening is still pending. Stopping this process will cancel the screening." + ), + title = "Reset Multi Typing", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("conf_screening_cancel", "Stop", class = "btn btn-danger") + ) + ) + ) + }) + + observeEvent(input$conf_screening_cancel, { + log_print("Cancelled gene screening") + removeModal() + + show_toast( + title = "Gene Screening Terminated", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + + # terminate screening + system(paste("kill $(pgrep -f 'execute/')"), wait = FALSE) + system(paste("killall -TERM tblastn"), wait = FALSE) + + # reset status file + sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, remove.screening.status) + + # set feedback variables + Screening$status <- "idle" + Screening$status_df <- NULL + Screening$choices <- NULL + Screening$picker_status <- TRUE + Screening$first_result <- NULL + + # change reactive UI + output$screening_table <- NULL + output$screening_result <- NULL + + updatePickerInput(session, "screening_select", selected = character(0)) + + # disable isolate picker + shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').prop('disabled', false);") + shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').selectpicker('refresh');") + }) + + # Get selected assembly + observe({ + req(DB$data, Screening$status) + if (length(input$screening_select) < 1) { + output$genome_path_gs <- renderUI(HTML( + paste("", length(input$screening_select), " isolate(s) queried for screening") + )) + + output$screening_start <- NULL + + } else if (length(input$screening_select) > 0) { + + output$screening_start <- renderUI({ + + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + br(), br(), + if(length(input$screening_select) < 1) { + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + p( + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Select Isolate(s) for Screening"))) + ) + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "finished") { + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + p( + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Reset to Perform Screening Again"))) + ), + actionButton( + "screening_reset_bttn", + "Reset", + icon = icon("arrows-rotate") + ), + if(!is.null(Screening$status_df)) { + p( + HTML(paste("", + sum(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished"), "/", + nrow(Screening$status_df), " Isolate(s) screened")) + ) + } + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "idle") { + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + p( + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Screening Ready"))) + ), + actionButton( + inputId = "screening_start_button", + label = "Start", + icon = icon("circle-play") + ) + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "started") { + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + p( + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Running Screening ..."))) + ), + fluidRow( + column(3), + column( + width = 3, + actionButton( + inputId = "screening_cancel", + label = "Terminate", + icon = icon("ban") + ) + ), + column( + width = 3, + HTML(paste('')) + ) + ), + if(!is.null(Screening$status_df)) { + p( + HTML(paste("", + sum(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished"), "/", + nrow(Screening$status_df), " isolate(s) screened")) + ) + } + ) + } + ) + ) + }) + } else {NULL} + }) + + #### Running Screening ---- + + observeEvent(input$screening_start_button, { + + if(tail(readLogFile(), 1) != "0") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Multi Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Single Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + + log_print("Started gene screening") + + Screening$status <- "started" + Screening$picker_choices <- list( + Unscreened = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "No") == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "No")] + }, + Screened = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "Yes") == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "Yes")] + }, + `No Assembly File` = if (sum(DB$data$Screened == "NA") == 1) { + as.list(DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")]) + } else { + DB$data$`Assembly ID`[which(DB$data$Screened == "NA")] + } + ) + Screening$picker_selected <- input$screening_select + Screening$picker_status <- FALSE + + show_toast( + title = "Gene screening started", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + + Screening$meta_df <- data.frame(wd = getwd(), + selected = paste( + file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "Isolates", input$screening_select, + paste0(input$screening_select, ".zip")), + collapse = " "), + species = gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)) + + Screening$status_df <- data.frame(isolate = basename(gsub(".zip", "", str_split_1(Screening$meta_df$selected, " "))), + status = "unfinished") + + # Reset screening status + sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, remove.screening.status) + + saveRDS(Screening$meta_df, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/screening_meta.rds")) + + # Disable pickerInput + shinyjs::delay(200, shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').prop('disabled', true);")) + shinyjs::delay(200, shinyjs::runjs("$('#screening_select').selectpicker('refresh');")) + + # System execution + system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), wait = FALSE) + } + }) + + observe({ + req(DB$data, Screening$status, input$screening_res_sel, Screening$status_df) + if(!is.null(Screening$status_df) & + !is.null(Screening$status_df$status) & + !is.null(Screening$status_df$isolate) & + !is.null(input$screening_res_sel)) { + if(Screening$status != "idle" & length(input$screening_res_sel) > 0) { + if(any(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)) { + if(Screening$status_df$status[which(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)] == "success") { + output$screening_result <- renderUI( + column( + width = 12, + hr(), br(), + dataTableOutput("screening_table") + ) + ) + } else { + output$screening_result <- renderUI( + column( + width = 12, + hr(), br(), + verbatimTextOutput("screening_fail") + ) + ) + } + } + } else { + output$screening_result <- NULL + } + } else { + output$screening_result <- NULL + } + }) + + observe({ + req(DB$data, Screening$status, input$screening_res_sel) + if(!is.null(Screening$status_df) & + !is.null(Screening$status_df$status) & + !is.null(Screening$status_df$isolate) & + !is.null(input$screening_res_sel)) { + if(Screening$status != "idle" & length(input$screening_res_sel) > 0) { + if(any(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)) { + if(Screening$status_df$status[which(Screening$status_df$isolate == input$screening_res_sel)] == "fail") { + output$screening_fail <- renderPrint({ + cat(paste(readLines(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), + "Isolates", input$screening_res_sel, "status.txt")),"\n")) + }) + } + } + } else { + output$screening_fail <- NULL + } + } else { + output$screening_fail <- NULL + } + }) + + observe({ + req(DB$data) + if(!is.null(Screening$status)) { + if(Screening$status != "idle") { + + # start status screening for user feedback + check_screening() + + if(isTRUE(Screening$first_result)) { + output$screening_result_sel <- renderUI( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + selectInput( + "screening_res_sel", + label = h5("Select Result", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 28px; margin-top: -10px;"), + choices = "" + ), + if(!is.null(Screening$status_df)) { + p(HTML(paste("", + if(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "success") == 1) { + "1 success   /  " + } else { + paste0(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "success"), " successes   /  ") + }, + if(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "fail") == 1) { + "1 failure" + } else { + paste0(sum(Screening$status_df$status == "fail"), " failures") + }))) + } + ) + ) + + Screening$first_result <- FALSE + } + } else if(Screening$status == "idle") { + output$screening_result_sel <- NULL + } + } + }) + + check_screening <- reactive({ + invalidateLater(500, session) + + req(Screening$status_df) + + if(Screening$status == "started") { + + Screening$status_df$status <- sapply(Screening$status_df$isolate, check_status) + + if(any("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) & + !identical(Screening$choices, Screening$status_df$isolate[which(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished")])) { + + status_df <- Screening$status_df[which(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished"),] + + Screening$choices <- Screening$status_df$isolate[which(Screening$status_df$status == "success" | + Screening$status_df$status == "fail")] + + if(sum(Screening$status_df$status != "unfinished") > 0) { + if(is.null(Screening$first_result)) { + Screening$first_result <- TRUE + } + } + + if(tail(status_df$status, 1) == "success") { + + # Changing "Screened" metadata variable in database + Database <- readRDS(file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) + + Database[["Typing"]]$Screened[which(Database[["Typing"]]["Assembly ID"] == tail(Screening$choices, 1))] <- "Yes" + + saveRDS(Database, file.path(DB$database, gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "Typing.rds")) + + DB$data$Screened[which(DB$data["Assembly ID"] == tail(Screening$choices, 1))] <- "Yes" + + DB$meta_gs <- select(DB$data, c(1, 3:13)) + DB$meta <- select(DB$data, 1:(13 + nrow(DB$cust_var))) + DB$meta_true <- DB$meta[which(DB$data$Include == TRUE),] + + show_toast( + title = paste("Successful screening of", tail(Screening$choices, 1)), + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000) + + updateSelectInput(session = session, + inputId = "screening_res_sel", + choices = Screening$choices, + selected = tail(Screening$choices, 1)) + + } else if(tail(status_df$status, 1) == "fail") { + + show_toast( + title = paste("Failed screening of", tail(status_df$isolate, 1)), + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000) + + updateSelectInput(session = session, + inputId = "screening_res_sel", + choices = Screening$choices, + selected = tail(Screening$choices, 1)) + } + + if(sum("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) == length(Screening$status_df$status)) { + Screening$status <- "finished" + } + } else { + if(sum("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) == length(Screening$status_df$status)) { + Screening$status <- "finished" + } + } + + if(sum("unfinished" != Screening$status_df$status) == length(Screening$status_df$status)) { + Screening$status <- "finished" + } + } + }) + + + # _______________________ #### + + ## Typing ---- + + # Render Single/Multi Switch + + readLogFile <- reactive({ + invalidateLater(5000, session) + readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) + }) + + # Render sidebar dependent on data presence + # No sidebar + output$typing_sidebar <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$exist)) { + if(DB$exist) { + NULL + } else { + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: 0px', 'Typing Mode') + ) + ) + ), + radioGroupButtons( + inputId = "typing_mode", + choices = c("Single", "Multi"), + selected = "Single", + checkIcon = list( + yes = icon("square-check"), + no = icon("square") + ) + ), + br() + ) + } + } + + }) + + # No db typing message + output$typing_no_db <- renderUI({ + if(!is.null(DB$exist)) { + if(DB$exist) { + column( + width = 4, + align = "left", + br(), + br(), + br(), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste0( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 50px', 'To initiate allelic typing, a cgMLST scheme must be downloaded first.' + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + } else {NULL} + } else {NULL} + }) + + ### Single Typing ---- + + #### Render UI Elements ---- + + # Render single typing naming issues + output$single_select_issues <- renderUI({ + req(input$assembly_id) + + if(nchar(trimws(input$assembly_id)) < 1) { + ass_id <- as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name))) + } else { + ass_id <- trimws(input$assembly_id) + } + + if(ass_id %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"])) { + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Assembly ID already present in database."))) + } else if (ass_id == "") { + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Empty Assembly ID."))) + } else if (grepl("[()/\\:*?\"<>|]", ass_id)) { + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Invalid Assembly ID. Avoid special characters."))) + } else if(grepl(" ", ass_id)) { + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Invalid Assembly ID. Avoid empty spaces."))) + } else {HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + "  Assembly ID compatible with local database.")))} + }) + + # Render Typing Results if finished + observe({ + if(Typing$progress_format_end == 999999) { + if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt"))) { + if(str_detect(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1), "Successful")) { + output$typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ + Typing$typing_result_table <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_df.rds")) + Typing$typing_result_table <- mutate_all(Typing$typing_result_table, as.character) + if(nrow(Typing$typing_result_table) > 0) { + if(nrow(Typing$typing_result_table) > 15) { + rhandsontable(Typing$typing_result_table, rowHeaders = NULL, + stretchH = "all", height = 500, readOnly = TRUE, + contextMenu = FALSE) %>% + hot_cols(columnSorting = TRUE) %>% + hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% + hot_col(1:ncol(Typing$typing_result_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", + cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% + hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( + "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + if (value.length > 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); + } + td.innerHTML = value; + = 'center'; + return td; + }" + )) + } else { + rhandsontable(Typing$typing_result_table, rowHeaders = NULL, + stretchH = "all", readOnly = TRUE, + contextMenu = FALSE,) %>% + hot_cols(columnSorting = TRUE) %>% + hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% + hot_col(1:ncol(Typing$typing_result_table), valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", + cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% + hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( + "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + if (value.length > 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); + } + td.innerHTML = value; + = 'center'; + return td; + }" + )) + } + } + }) + + output$single_typing_results <- renderUI({ + result_table <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_df.rds")) + number_events <- nrow(result_table) + + n_new <- length(grep("New Variant", result_table$Event)) + + n_missing <- number_events - n_new + + # Show results table only if successful typing + if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt"))) { + if(str_detect(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1), "Successful")) { + if(number_events > 0) { + column( + width = 12, + HTML(paste("", + length(Typing$scheme_loci_f) - number_events, + "loci were assigned a variant from local scheme.")), + br(), + HTML(paste("", + n_missing, + if(n_missing == 1) " locus not assigned (NA)." else " loci not assigned (NA).")), + br(), + HTML(paste("", + n_new, + if(n_new == 1) " locus with new variant." else " loci with new variants.")), + br(), br(), + rHandsontableOutput("typing_result_table") + ) + } else { + column( + width = 12, + HTML(paste("", + length(Typing$scheme_loci_f), + "successfully assigned from local scheme.")) + ) + } + } + } + }) + + } else { + + output$single_typing_results <- NULL + + } + } else { + output$single_typing_results <- NULL + } + } + + }) + + # Render Initiate Typing UI + output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File (FASTA)') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyFilesButton( + "genome_file", + "Browse" , + icon = icon("file"), + title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", + multiple = FALSE, + buttonType = "default", + class = NULL, + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("genome_path"), + br() + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Render Declare Metadata UI + + observe({ + if (nrow(Typing$single_path) < 1) { + output$genome_path <- renderUI(HTML( + paste("", "No file selected.") + )) + + # dont show subsequent metadata declaration and typing start UI + output$metadata_single_box <- NULL + output$start_typing_ui <- NULL + + } else if (nrow(Typing$single_path) > 0) { + + if (str_detect(str_sub(Typing$single_path$name, start = -6), ".fasta") | + str_detect(str_sub(Typing$single_path$name, start = -6), ".fna") | + str_detect(str_sub(Typing$single_path$name, start = -6), ".fa")) { + + # Render selected assembly path + output$genome_path <- renderUI({ + HTML( + paste( + "", + as.character(Typing$single_path$name) + ) + ) + }) + + # Render metadata declaration box + output$metadata_single_box <- renderUI({ + + # Render placeholder + updateTextInput(session, "assembly_id", value = as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name)))) + updateTextInput(session, "assembly_name", value = as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name)))) + + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + h3(p("Declare Metadata"), style = "color:white; margin-left:-40px"), + br(), br(), + div( + class = "multi_meta_box", + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "90%", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Assembly ID", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + textInput("assembly_id", + value = "", + label = "", + width = "80%") + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + uiOutput("single_select_issues") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Assembly Name", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + textInput("assembly_name", + label = "", + width = "80%") + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Isolation Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + dateInput("append_isodate", + label = "", + width = "80%", + max = Sys.Date()) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Host", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + textInput("append_host", + label = "", + width = "80%") + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Country", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table_country", + pickerInput( + "append_country", + label = "", + choices = list("Common" = sel_countries, + "All Countries" = country_names), + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + width = "90%" + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("City", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + textInput( + "append_city", + label = "", + width = "80%" + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Typing Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + h5(paste0(" ", Sys.Date()), style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + actionButton( + inputId = "conf_meta_single", + label = "Confirm" + ), + br() + ) + ), + br() + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else { + show_toast( + title = "Wrong file type (only fasta/fna/fa)", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + } + }) + + # Get genome datapath + + observe({ + # Get selected Genome in Single Mode + shinyFileChoose(input, + "genome_file", + roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), + defaultRoot = "Home", + session = session, + filetypes = c('', 'fasta', 'fna', 'fa')) + Typing$single_path <- parseFilePaths(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$genome_file) + + }) + + #### Run blat ---- + + observeEvent(input$typing_start, { + + log_print("Input typing_start") + + if(tail(readLogFile(), 1) != "0") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Multi Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if (Screening$status == "started") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Gene Screening", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + + if(!is.null(DB$data)) { + if(sum(apply(DB$data, 1, anyNA)) >= 1) { + DB$no_na_switch <- TRUE + } else { + DB$no_na_switch <- FALSE + } + } + + # Activate entry detection + DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE + + Typing$single_end <- FALSE + + Typing$progress_format_start <- 0 + Typing$progress_format_end <- 0 + + # Remove Initiate Typing UI + output$initiate_typing_ui <- NULL + output$metadata_single_box <- NULL + output$start_typing_ui <- NULL + + # status feedback + Typing$status <- "Processing" + + # Locate folder containing cgMLST scheme + search_string <- paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles") + + scheme_folders <- dir_ls(paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme))) + + if (any(grepl(search_string, scheme_folders))) { + + # reset results file + if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { + unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) + } + + # blat initiate index + scheme_select <- as.character(scheme_folders[which(grepl(search_string, scheme_folders))]) + + show_toast( + title = "Typing Initiated", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + + log_print("Initiated single typing") + + ### Run blat Typing + + single_typing_df <- data.frame( + db_path = DB$database, + wd = getwd(), + save = input$save_assembly_st, + scheme = paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)), + genome = Typing$single_path$datapath, + alleles = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", search_string) + ) + + saveRDS(single_typing_df, "execute/single_typing_df.rds") + + # Execute single typing script + system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), + wait = FALSE) + + scheme_loci <- list.files(path = scheme_select, full.names = TRUE) + + # Filter the files that have FASTA extensions + Typing$scheme_loci_f <- + scheme_loci[grep("\\.(fasta|fa|fna)$", scheme_loci, = TRUE)] + + output$single_typing_progress <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + br(), br(), + column(width = 1), + column( + width = 3, + h3(p("Pending Single Typing ..."), style = "color:white") + ), + br(), br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column(width = 1), + column( + width = 4, + br(), br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + uiOutput("reset_single_typing"), + HTML( + paste( + "", + as.character(Typing$single_path$name) + ) + ), + br(), br(), + progressBar( + "progress_bar", + value = 0, + display_pct = TRUE, + title = "" + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + uiOutput("typing_formatting"), + uiOutput("typing_fin") + ) + ) + ), + column(1), + column( + width = 5, + br(), br(), br(), + uiOutput("single_typing_results") + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else { + log_print("Folder containing cgMLST alleles not in working directory") + + show_alert( + title = "Error", + text = paste0( + "Folder containing cgMLST alleles not in working directory.", + "\n", + "Download cgMLST Scheme for selected Organism first." + ), + type = "error" + ) + } + } + }) + + # Function to update Progress Bar + update <- reactive({ + invalidateLater(3000, session) + + # write progress in process tracker + cat( + c(length(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))), + readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[-1]), + file = paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), + sep = "\n" + ) + + progress <- readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt")) + + # if typing with blat is finished -> "attaching" phase started + if(![1])) { + if(![2])) { + if(progress[2] == "888888") { + Typing$progress_format_start <- progress[2] + Typing$pending_format <- progress[2] + Typing$status <- "Attaching" + } + } + # "attaching" phase completed + if(![3])) { + if(progress[3] == "999999") { + Typing$progress_format_end <- progress[3] + Typing$entry_added <- progress[3] + Typing$status <- "Finalized" + } + } + Typing$progress <- as.numeric(progress[1]) + floor((Typing$progress / length(Typing$scheme_loci_f)) * 100) + } else { + floor((Typing$progress / length(Typing$scheme_loci_f)) * 100) + } + }) + + # Observe Typing Progress + observe({ + + if(readLogFile()[1] == "0") { + # Update Progress Bar + updateProgressBar( + session = session, + id = "progress_bar", + value = update(), + total = 100, + title = paste0(as.character(Typing$progress), "/", length(Typing$scheme_loci_f), " loci screened") + ) + } + + if (Typing$progress_format_start == 888888) { + output$typing_formatting <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 6, + HTML(paste("", "Transforming data ...")) + ), + column( + width = 3, + align = "left", + HTML(paste('')) + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else { + output$typing_formatting <- NULL + } + + # Render when finalized + if (Typing$progress_format_end == 999999) { + + output$typing_formatting <- NULL + + output$typing_fin <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt"))) { + if(str_detect(tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1), "Successful")) { + req(Typing$scheme_loci_f, Typing$typing_result_table) + if(sum(Typing$typing_result_table$Event != "New Variant") > (0.5 * length(Typing$scheme_loci_f))){ + HTML( + paste("", + sub(".*Successful", "Finished", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1)), + paste("", "Warning: Isolate contains large number of failed allele assignments."), + paste("", "Reset to start another typing process."), + sep = '
\n')) + } else { + HTML(paste("", + sub(".*Successful", "Successful", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1)), + "Reset to start another typing process.", sep = '
')) + } + } else { + HTML(paste("", + sub(".*typing", "Typing", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/single_typing_log.txt")), 1)), + "Reset to start another typing process.", sep = '
')) + } + }, + br(), br(), + actionButton( + "reset_single_typing", + "Reset", + icon = icon("arrows-rotate") + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else { + output$typing_fin <- NULL + output$single_typing_results <- NULL + } + + }) + + #### Declare Metadata ---- + + observeEvent(input$conf_meta_single, { + + if(nchar(trimws(input$assembly_id)) < 1) { + ass_id <- as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name))) + } else { + ass_id <- trimws(input$assembly_id) + } + + if(nchar(trimws(input$assembly_name)) < 1) { + ass_name <- as.character(gsub("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", "", basename(Typing$single_path$name))) + } else { + ass_name <- trimws(input$assembly_name) + } + + if(ass_id %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"])) { + show_toast( + title = "Assembly ID already present", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if (isFALSE(Typing$reload)) { + show_toast( + title = "Reload Database first", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if (ass_id == "") { + show_toast( + title = "Empty Assembly ID", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if (grepl("[()/\\:*?\"<>|]", ass_id)) { + show_toast( + title = "Invalid Assembly ID. No special characters allowed: ()/\\:*?\"<>|", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if(grepl(" ", ass_id)) { + show_toast( + title = "Empty spaces in Assembly ID not allowed", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "started") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Single Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + + log_print("Single typing metadata confirmed") + + meta_info <- data.frame(assembly_id = ass_id, + assembly_name = ass_name, + cgmlst_typing = DB$scheme, + append_isodate = input$append_isodate, + append_host = trimws(input$append_host), + append_country = trimws(input$append_country), + append_city = trimws(input$append_city), + append_analysisdate = Sys.Date(), + db_directory = getwd()) + + saveRDS(meta_info, paste0( + getwd(), + "/execute/meta_info_single.rds" + )) + + show_toast( + title = "Metadata declared", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + + # Render Start Typing UI + output$start_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + div( + class = "multi_start_col", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Start Typing"), style = "color:white"), + br(), + br(), + HTML( + paste( + "", + "Typing by ", + DB$scheme, + " scheme." + ) + ), + br(), br(), br(), br(), + div( + class = "save-assembly", + materialSwitch( + "save_assembly_st", + h5(p("Save Assemblies in Local Database"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -3px; right: -20px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE) + ), + HTML( + paste( + "", + "Isolates with unsaved assembly files can NOT be applied to screening for resistance genes." + ) + ), + br(), br(), br(), br(), + actionButton( + inputId = "typing_start", + label = "Start", + icon = icon("circle-play") + ) + ) + ) + }) + } + }) + + #### Events Single Typing ---- + + observeEvent(input$reset_single_typing, { + log_print("Reset single typing") + + Typing$status <- "Inactive" + + Typing$progress <- 0 + + Typing$progress_format <- 900000 + + output$single_typing_progress <- NULL + + output$typing_fin <- NULL + + output$single_typing_results <- NULL + + output$typing_formatting <- NULL + + Typing$single_path <- data.frame() + + # reset results file + if(dir_exists(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"))) { + unlink(list.files(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/blat_single/results"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE) + # Resetting single typing progress logfile bar + con <- file(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"), open = "w") + + cat("0\n", file = con) + + close(con) + } + + output$initiate_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), + br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly File (FASTA)') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyFilesButton( + "genome_file", + "Browse" , + icon = icon("file"), + title = "Select the assembly in .fasta/.fna/.fa format:", + multiple = FALSE, + buttonType = "default", + class = NULL, + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("genome_path"), + br() + ) + ) + ) + }) + }) + + # Notification for finalized Single typing + Typing$single_end <- TRUE + Typing$progress_format_end <- 0 + + observe({ + if(Typing$single_end == FALSE) { + if (Typing$progress_format_end == 999999) { + show_toast( + title = "Single Typing finalized", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 8000 + ) + Typing$single_end <- TRUE + } + } + }) + + ### Multi Typing ---- + + #### Render Multi Typing UI Elements ---- + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyDirButton( + "genome_file_multi", + "Browse", + icon = icon("folder-open"), + title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", + buttonType = "default", + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_info"), + br() + ) + ), + uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") + ) + ) + ) + }) + + # Render selection info + output$multi_select_info <- renderUI({ + + if(!is.null(Typing$multi_path)) { + if(length(Typing$multi_path) < 1) { + HTML(paste("", + "No files selected.")) + } else { + HTML(paste("", + sum(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Include == TRUE), + " files selected.")) + } + } + }) + + # Render multi selection table issues + output$multi_select_issues <- renderUI({ + req(Typing$multi_sel_table, input$multi_select_table) + if(any(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files %in% dupl_mult_id()) & + any(duplicated(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files))){ + HTML( + paste( + paste("", + "Some name(s) are already present in local database.
"), + paste("", + "Duplicated name(s).
") + ) + ) + } else if (any(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files %in% dupl_mult_id()) & + !any(duplicated(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files))) { + HTML( + paste("", + "Some name(s) are already present in local database.
") + ) + } else if (!any(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files %in% dupl_mult_id()) & + any(duplicated(hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Files))) { + HTML( + paste("", + "Duplicated name(s).
") + ) + } + }) + + output$multi_select_issue_info <- renderUI({ + req(Typing$multi_sel_table, input$multi_select_table) + + multi_select_table <- hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table) + + if(any(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] %in% dupl_mult_id()) | + any(duplicated(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)])) | + any(grepl(" ", multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { + + if(any(grepl(" ", multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { + + if(any(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] %in% dupl_mult_id()) | + any(duplicated(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { + HTML(paste( + paste( + '', + paste("", + " Rename highlighted isolates or deselect them.
")), + paste( + '', + paste("", + " Filename(s) contain(s) empty spaces.")) + )) + } else { + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + " Filename(s) contain(s) empty spaces."))) + } + } else { + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + " Rename highlighted isolates or deselect them."))) + } + } else { + HTML(paste( + '', + paste("", + " Files ready for allelic typing."))) + } + }) + + # Render Metadata Select Box after Folder selection + observe({ + if(!is.null(Typing$multi_sel_table)) { + if (nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table) > 0) { + + output$multi_select_tab_ctrls <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 2, + align = "left", + actionButton( + "sel_all_mt", + "All", + icon = icon("check") + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "left", + actionButton( + "desel_all_mt", + "None", + icon = icon("xmark") + ) + ), + column(2), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_issues") + ) + ) + ) + + output$metadata_multi_box <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Declare Metadata"), style = "color:white;margin-left:-40px"), + br(), br(), + div( + class = "multi_meta_box", + box( + solidHeader = TRUE, + status = "primary", + width = "90%", + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Assembly ID", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + h5("Assembly filename", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Assembly Name", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + h5("Assembly filename", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Isolation Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + dateInput("append_isodate_multi", + label = "", + width = "80%", + max = Sys.Date()) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Host", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + textInput("append_host_multi", + label = "", + width = "80%") + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Country", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table_country", + pickerInput( + "append_country_multi", + label = "", + choices = list("Common" = sel_countries, + "All Countries" = country_names), + options = list( + `live-search` = TRUE, + `actions-box` = TRUE, + size = 10, + style = "background-color: white; border-radius: 5px;" + ), + width = "90%" + ) + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("City", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + div( + class = "append_table", + textInput("append_city_multi", + label = "", + width = "80%") + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + align = "left", + h5("Typing Date", style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 15px") + ), + column( + width = 7, + align = "left", + h5(paste0(" ", Sys.Date()), style = "color:white; margin-top: 30px; margin-left: 5px; font-style: italic") + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 12, + align = "center", + br(), br(), + actionButton( + inputId = "conf_meta_multi", + label = "Confirm" + ), + br(), br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_issue_info") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else { + output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL + } + } + }) + + # Check if ongoing Multi Typing - Render accordingly + observe({ + # Get selected Genome in Multi Mode + shinyDirChoose(input, + "genome_file_multi", + roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), + defaultRoot = "Home", + session = session, + filetypes = c('', 'fasta', 'fna', 'fa')) + + Typing$multi_path <- parseDirPath(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$genome_file_multi) + + files_selected <- list.files(as.character(Typing$multi_path)) + Typing$files_filtered <- files_selected[which(!endsWith(files_selected, ".gz") & + grepl("\\.fasta|\\.fna|\\.fa", files_selected))] + + Typing$multi_sel_table <- data.frame( + Include = rep(TRUE, length(Typing$files_filtered)), + Files = gsub(".fasta|.fna|.fa|.fasta.gz|.fna.gz|.fa.gz", "", + Typing$files_filtered), + Type = sub(".*(\\.fasta|\\.fasta\\.gz|\\.fna|\\.fna\\.gz|\\.fa|\\.fa\\.gz)$", + "\\1", Typing$files_filtered, perl = F)) + + if(nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table) > 0) { + output$multi_select_tab_ctrls <- renderUI( + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 2, + align = "left", + actionButton( + "sel_all_mt", + "All", + icon = icon("check") + ) + ), + column( + width = 2, + align = "left", + actionButton( + "desel_all_mt", + "None", + icon = icon("xmark") + ) + ), + column(2), + column( + width = 5, + align = "right", + br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_issues") + ) + ) + ) + } else { + output$multi_select_tab_ctrls <- NULL + } + + if(between(nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table), 1, 15)) { + output$multi_select_table <- renderRHandsontable({ + rht <- rhandsontable(Typing$multi_sel_table, rowHeaders = NULL, + stretchH = "all", contextMenu = FALSE + ) %>% + hot_cols(columnSorting = FALSE) %>% + hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% + hot_col(2, readOnly = FALSE, + valign = "htBottom") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(1, + halign = "htCenter", + valign = "htTop", + colWidths = 60) + + htmlwidgets::onRender(rht, sprintf( + "function(el, x) { + var hot =; + + var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed + var duplicates = {}; + + var highlightInvalidAndDuplicates = function(invalidValues) { + + var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed + var duplicates = {}; + + // Find all duplicate values + for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { + var value = columnData[i]; + if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { + if (duplicates[value]) { + duplicates[value].push(i); + } else { + duplicates[value] = [i]; + } + } + } + + // Reset all cell backgrounds in the column + for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { + var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed + if (cell) { + = 'white'; + } + } + + // Highlight duplicates and invalid values + for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { + var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed + var value = columnData[i]; + if (cell) { + if (invalidValues.includes(value)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)'; // Highlight color for invalid values + } else if (duplicates[value] && duplicates[value].length > 1) { + = '#FF7334'; // Highlight color for duplicates + } + } + } + }; + + var changefn = function(changes, source) { + if (source === 'edit' || source === 'undo' || source === 'autofill' || source === 'paste') { + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); + } + }; + + hot.addHook('afterChange', changefn); + hot.addHook('afterLoadData', function() { + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); + }); + hot.addHook('afterRender', function() { + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); + }); + + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); // Initial highlight on load + + Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('setColumnValue', function(message) { + var colData = hot.getDataAtCol(0); + for (var i = 0; i < colData.length; i++) { + hot.setDataAtCell(i, 0, message.value); + } + hot.render(); // Re-render the table + }); + }", + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()))) + }) + + } else if(nrow(Typing$multi_sel_table) > 15) { + output$multi_select_table <- renderRHandsontable({ + rht <- rhandsontable(Typing$multi_sel_table, rowHeaders = NULL, + stretchH = "all", height = 500, + contextMenu = FALSE + ) %>% + hot_cols(columnSorting = FALSE) %>% + hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% + hot_col(2, + readOnly = FALSE, + valign = "htBottom") %>% + hot_col(3, readOnly = TRUE) %>% + hot_col(1, + halign = "htCenter", + valign = "htTop", + colWidths = 60) + + htmlwidgets::onRender(rht, sprintf( + "function(el, x) { + var hot =; + + var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed + var duplicates = {}; + + var highlightInvalidAndDuplicates = function(invalidValues) { + + var columnData = hot.getDataAtCol(1); // Change column index if needed + var duplicates = {}; + + // Find all duplicate values + for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { + var value = columnData[i]; + if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { + if (duplicates[value]) { + duplicates[value].push(i); + } else { + duplicates[value] = [i]; + } + } + } + + // Reset all cell backgrounds in the column + for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { + var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed + if (cell) { + = 'white'; + } + } + + // Highlight duplicates and invalid values + for (var i = 0; i < columnData.length; i++) { + var cell = hot.getCell(i, 1); // Change column index if needed + var value = columnData[i]; + if (cell) { + if (invalidValues.includes(value)) { + = 'rgb(224, 179, 0)'; // Highlight color for invalid values + } else if (duplicates[value] && duplicates[value].length > 1) { + = '#FF7334'; // Highlight color for duplicates + } + } + } + }; + + var changefn = function(changes, source) { + if (source === 'edit' || source === 'undo' || source === 'autofill' || source === 'paste') { + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); + } + }; + + hot.addHook('afterChange', changefn); + hot.addHook('afterLoadData', function() { + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); + }); + hot.addHook('afterRender', function() { + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); + }); + + highlightInvalidAndDuplicates(%s); // Initial highlight on load + + Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('setColumnValue', function(message) { + var colData = hot.getDataAtCol(0); + for (var i = 0; i < colData.length; i++) { + hot.setDataAtCell(i, 0, message.value); + } + hot.render(); // Re-render the table + }); + }", + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()), + jsonlite::toJSON(dupl_mult_id()))) + + }) + + } else { + output$multi_select_table <- NULL + } + }) + + observeEvent(input$conf_meta_multi, { + + multi_select_table <- hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)[hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table)$Include == TRUE,] + + if(any(unlist(gsub(".fasta|.fna|.fa|.fasta.gz|.fna.gz|.fa.gz", "", multi_select_table$Files)) %in% unlist(DB$data["Assembly ID"]))) { + show_toast( + title = "Assembly ID(s) already present", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if (any(duplicated(multi_select_table$Files))) { + show_toast( + title = "Duplicated filename(s)", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if (any(multi_select_table$Files == "")) { + show_toast( + title = "Empty filename(s)", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if (any(grepl("[()/\\:*?\"<>|]", multi_select_table$Files))) { + show_toast( + title = "Invalid filename(s). No special characters allowed: ()/\\:*?\"<>|", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if (!any(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)) { + show_toast( + title = "No files selected", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if(any(grepl(" ", multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)]))) { + show_toast( + title = "Empty spaces in filename(s) not allowed", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + } else if (isFALSE(Typing$reload)) { + show_toast( + title = "Reload Database first", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if(Screening$status == "started") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Single Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + + log_print("Multi typing metadata confirmed") + + meta_info <- data.frame(cgmlst_typing = DB$scheme, + append_isodate = trimws(input$append_isodate_multi), + append_host = trimws(input$append_host_multi), + append_country = trimws(input$append_country_multi), + append_city = trimws(input$append_city_multi), + append_analysisdate = Sys.Date(), + db_directory = getwd()) + + saveRDS(meta_info, paste0(getwd(), "/execute/meta_info.rds")) + + show_toast( + title = "Metadata declared", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 3000 + ) + + output$start_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + div( + class = "multi_start_col", + column( + width = 3, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Start Typing"), style = "color:white"), + br(), + br(), + HTML( + paste( + "", + "Typing by ", + DB$scheme, + " scheme." + ) + ), + br(), br(), br(), br(), + div( + class = "save-assembly", + materialSwitch( + "save_assembly_mt", + h5(p("Save Assemblies in Local Database"), style = "color:white; padding-left: 0px; position: relative; top: -3px; right: -20px;"), + value = TRUE, + right = TRUE) + ), + HTML( + paste( + "", + "Isolates with unsaved assembly files can NOT be applied to screening for resistance genes." + ) + ), + br(), br(), br(), br(), + actionButton( + "start_typ_multi", + "Start", + icon = icon("circle-play") + ) + ) + ) + }) + } + }) + + #### Events Multi Typing ---- + + observeEvent(input$sel_all_mt, { + session$sendCustomMessage(type = "setColumnValue", message = list(value = TRUE)) + }) + + observeEvent(input$desel_all_mt, { + session$sendCustomMessage(type = "setColumnValue", message = list(value = FALSE)) + }) + + # Print Log + output$print_log <- downloadHandler( + filename = function() { + log_print(paste0("Save multi typing log ", paste("Multi_Typing_", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep = ""))) + paste("Multi_Typing_", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep = "") + }, + content = function(file) { + writeLines(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), file) + } + ) + + # Reset Multi Typing + observeEvent(input$reset_multi, { + if(!grepl("Multi Typing", tail(readLines(paste0(getwd(),"/logs/script_log.txt")), n = 1))) { + showModal( + modalDialog( + paste0( + "A Multi Typing process is still pending. Stopping this process will cancel the processing." + ), + title = "Reset Multi Typing", + fade = TRUE, + easyClose = TRUE, + footer = tagList( + modalButton("Cancel"), + actionButton("conf_multi_kill", "Stop", class = "btn btn-danger") + ) + ) + ) + } else { + + log_print("Reset multi typing") + + # Reset multi typing result list + saveRDS(list(), paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) + multi_help <- FALSE + Typing$result_list <- NULL + + # Null logfile + writeLines("0", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) + + # Reset User Feedback variable + Typing$pending_format <- 0 + Typing$multi_started <- FALSE + + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyDirButton( + "genome_file_multi", + "Browse", + icon = icon("folder-open"), + title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", + buttonType = "default", + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_info"), + br() + ) + ), + uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") + ) + ) + ) + }) + + output$pending_typing <- NULL + output$multi_typing_results <- NULL + } + }) + + # Confirm Reset after + observeEvent(input$conf_multi_kill, { + removeModal() + + log_print("Kill multi typing") + + # Kill multi typing and reset logfile + system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), + wait = TRUE) + + show_toast( + title = "Execution cancelled", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + + # Kill multi typing and reset logfile + writeLines("0", paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) + + #Reset multi typing result list + saveRDS(list(), paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) + multi_help <- FALSE + Typing$result_list <- NULL + + # Reset User Feedback variable + Typing$pending_format <- 0 + output$pending_typing <- NULL + output$multi_typing_results <- NULL + Typing$failures <- 0 + Typing$successes <- 0 + Typing$multi_started <- FALSE + + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 4, + align = "center", + br(), + br(), + h3(p("Initiate Typing"), style = "color:white; margin-left: 15px"), + br(), br(), + p( + HTML( + paste( + tags$span(style='color: white; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 15px', 'Select Assembly Folder') + ) + ) + ), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "center", + shinyDirButton( + "genome_file_multi", + "Browse", + icon = icon("folder-open"), + title = "Select the folder containing the genome assemblies (FASTA)", + buttonType = "default", + root = path_home() + ), + br(), + br(), + uiOutput("multi_select_info"), + br() + ) + ), + uiOutput("multi_select_tab_ctrls"), + br(), + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 11, + align = "left", + rHandsontableOutput("multi_select_table") + ) + ) + ) + }) + + }) + + observeEvent(input$start_typ_multi, { + log_print("Initiate multi typing") + + if(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/progress.txt"))[1] != "0") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Single Typing", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else if (Screening$status == "started") { + show_toast( + title = "Pending Gene Screening", + type = "warning", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + removeModal() + + show_toast( + title = "Multi Typing started", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 10000 + ) + + Typing$new_table <- NULL + + # Remove Allelic Typing Controls + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- NULL + output$metadata_multi_box <- NULL + output$start_multi_typing_ui <- NULL + + # Activate entry detection + DB$check_new_entries <- TRUE + + # Initiate Feedback variables + Typing$multi_started <- TRUE + Typing$pending <- TRUE + Typing$failures <- 0 + Typing$successes <- 0 + + # get selected file table + multi_select_table <- hot_to_r(input$multi_select_table) + + filenames <- paste(multi_select_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)], collapse = " ") + + files <- Typing$multi_sel_table$Files[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] + type <- Typing$multi_sel_table$Type[which(multi_select_table$Include == TRUE)] + genome_names <- paste(paste0(gsub(" ", "~", files), type), collapse = " ") + + # Start Multi Typing Script + multi_typing_df <- data.frame( + db_path = DB$database, + wd = getwd(), + save = input$save_assembly_mt, + scheme = paste0(gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme)), + genome_folder = as.character(parseDirPath(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$genome_file_multi)), + filenames = paste0(filenames, collapse= " "), + genome_names = genome_names, + alleles = paste0(DB$database, "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "/", gsub(" ", "_", DB$scheme), "_alleles") + ) + + saveRDS(multi_typing_df, "execute/multi_typing_df.rds") + + # Execute multi blat script + system(paste("bash", paste0(getwd(), "/execute/")), wait = FALSE) + } + }) + + + #### User Feedback ---- + + observe({ + if(file.exists(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt"))) { + if(Typing$multi_started == TRUE) { + check_multi_status() + } else { + Typing$status <- "Inactive" + } + } + }) + + check_multi_status <- reactive({ + + invalidateLater(3000, session) + + log <- readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")) + + # Determine if Single or Multi Typing + if(str_detect(log[1], "Multi")) { + Typing$pending_mode <- "Multi" + } else { + Typing$pending_mode <- "Single" + } + + # Check typing status + if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "Attaching")) { + Typing$status <- "Attaching" + } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "Successful")) { + Typing$multi_help <- TRUE + Typing$status <- "Successful" + show_toast( + title = paste0("Successful", sub(".*Successful", "", tail(log, 1))), + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 8000 + ) + } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "failed")) { + Typing$status <- "Failed" + show_toast( + title = sub(".* - ", "", tail(log, 1)), + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 8000 + ) + } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "Processing")) { + Typing$status <- "Processing" + + if(any(str_detect(tail(log, 2), "Successful"))) { + + if(!identical(Typing$last_success, tail(log, 2)[1])) { + Typing$multi_help <- TRUE + show_toast( + title = paste0("Successful", sub(".*Successful", "", tail(log, 2)[1])), + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 8000 + ) + + Typing$last_success <- tail(log, 2)[1] + } + } else if(any(str_detect(tail(log, 2), "failed"))) { + + if(!identical(Typing$last_failure, tail(log, 2)[1])) { + + show_toast( + title = sub(".* - ", "", tail(log, 2)[1]), + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 8000 + ) + + Typing$last_failure <- tail(log, 2)[1] + } + } + } else if(str_detect(tail(log, 1), "finalized")) { + Typing$multi_help <- TRUE + Typing$status <- "Finalized" + + if(Typing$pending == TRUE) { + show_toast( + title = "Typing finalized", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 8000 + ) + + Typing$pending <- FALSE + } + } + }) + + ##### Render Multi Typing UI Feedback ---- + + observe({ + if(!is.null(input$multi_results_picker)) { + Typing$multi_table_length <- nrow(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]]) + } else { + Typing$multi_table_length <- NULL + } + }) + + observe({ + if(!is.null(Typing$result_list)) { + if(length(Typing$result_list) > 0) { + if(is.null(Typing$multi_table_length)) { + output$multi_typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]], + rowHeaders = NULL, stretchH = "all", + readOnly = TRUE, contextMenu = FALSE) %>% + hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% + hot_col(1:3, valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", + cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% + hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( + "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + if (value.length > 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); + } + td.innerHTML = value; + = 'center'; + return td; + }" + )) + }) + + } else { + if(Typing$multi_table_length > 15) { + output$multi_typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]], rowHeaders = NULL, + stretchH = "all", height = 500, + readOnly = TRUE, contextMenu = FALSE) %>% + hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% + hot_col(1:3, valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", + cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% + hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( + "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + if (value.length > 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); + } + td.innerHTML = value; + = 'center'; + return td; + }" + )) + }) + } else { + output$multi_typing_result_table <- renderRHandsontable({ + rhandsontable(Typing$result_list[[input$multi_results_picker]], rowHeaders = NULL, + stretchH = "all", readOnly = TRUE, + contextMenu = FALSE) %>% + hot_rows(rowHeights = 25) %>% + hot_col(1:3, valign = "htMiddle", halign = "htCenter", + cellWidths = list(100, 160, NULL)) %>% + hot_col("Value", renderer=htmlwidgets::JS( + "function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) { + if (value.length > 8) { + value = value.slice(0, 4) + '...' + value.slice(value.length - 4); + } + td.innerHTML = value; + = 'center'; + return td; + }" + )) + }) + } + } + } else { + output$multi_typing_result_table <- NULL + } + } else { + output$multi_typing_result_table <- NULL + } + }) + + observe({ + if(!is.null(Typing$multi_result_status)) { + if(Typing$multi_result_status == "start" | Typing$multi_result_status == "finalized"){ + + if(Typing$multi_help == TRUE) { + Typing$result_list <- readRDS(paste0(getwd(), "/execute/event_list.rds")) + Typing$multi_help <- FALSE + } + } + } + }) + + + observe({ + #Render multi typing result feedback table + + if(!is.null(Typing$result_list)) { + if(length(Typing$result_list) > 0) { + output$multi_typing_results <- renderUI({ + column( + width = 12, + fluidRow( + column(1), + column( + width = 9, + br(), br(), + br(), br(), + br(), + div( + class = "mult_res_sel", + selectInput( + "multi_results_picker", + label = h5("Select Typing Results", style = "color:white"), + choices = names(Typing$result_list), + selected = names(Typing$result_list)[length(names(Typing$result_list))], + ) + ), + br(), br() + ) + ), + rHandsontableOutput("multi_typing_result_table") + ) + }) + } + } + }) + + observe({ + + # Render log content + output$logText <- renderPrint({ + cat(rev(paste0(tail(readLogFile(), 50), "\n"))) + }) + + output$logTextFull <- renderPrint({ + cat(rev(paste0(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "\n"))) + }) + + # Render Pending UI + if(!grepl("Multi Typing", tail(readLogFile(), n = 1)) & grepl("Start Multi Typing", head(readLogFile(), n = 1))) { + + Typing$multi_result_status <- "start" + + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- NULL + + output$pending_typing <- renderUI({ + fluidRow( + fluidRow( + br(), br(), + column(width = 2), + column( + width = 4, + h3(p("Pending Typing ..."), style = "color:white"), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + HTML(paste('')) + ), + column( + width = 6, + align = "left", + actionButton( + "reset_multi", + "Terminate", + icon = icon("ban") + ) + ) + ), + ) + ), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column(width = 2), + column( + width = 10, + verbatimTextOutput("logText") + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else if(grepl("Multi Typing finalized", tail(readLogFile(), n = 1))) { + + Typing$multi_result_status <- "finalized" + + Typing$last_scheme <- NULL + + output$initiate_multi_typing_ui <- NULL + + output$pending_typing <- renderUI({ + + fluidRow( + fluidRow( + br(), br(), + column(width = 2), + column( + width = 4, + h3(p("Pending Multi Typing ..."), style = "color:white"), + br(), br(), + HTML(paste("", + paste("Typing of", sum(str_detect(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "Processing")), "assemblies finalized."), + paste(sum(str_detect(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "Successful")), "successes."), + paste(sum(str_detect(readLines(paste0(getwd(), "/logs/script_log.txt")), "failed")), "failures."), + "Reset to start another typing process.", + sep = '
')), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column( + width = 5, + actionButton( + "reset_multi", + "Reset", + icon = icon("arrows-rotate") + ) + ), + column( + width = 5, + downloadButton( + "print_log", + "Logfile", + icon = icon("floppy-disk") + ) + ) + ) + ) + ), + br(), br(), + fluidRow( + column(width = 2), + column( + width = 10, + verbatimTextOutput("logTextFull"), + ) + ) + ) + }) + } else if (!grepl("Start Multi Typing", head(readLogFile(), n = 1))){ + output$pending_typing <- NULL + Typing$multi_result_status <- "idle" + } + }) + + observe({ + # Get selected Genome in Multi Mode + shinyDirChoose(input, + "hash_dir", + roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), + defaultRoot = "Home", + session = session, + filetypes = c('', 'fasta', 'fna', 'fa')) + }) + + observeEvent(input$hash_start, { + dir_path <- parseDirPath(roots = c(Home = path_home(), Root = "/"), input$hash_dir) + if (!is_empty(list.files(dir_path)) && all(endsWith(list.files(dir_path), ".fasta"))) { + log_print("Hashing directory using utilities") + shinyjs::hide("hash_start") + shinyjs::show("hash_loading") + show_toast( + title = "Hashing started!", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + hash_database(dir_path) + shinyjs::hide("hash_loading") + shinyjs::show("hash_start") + show_toast( + title = "Hashing completed!", + type = "success", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } else { + show_toast( + title = "Incorrect folder selected!", + type = "error", + position = "bottom-end", + timer = 6000 + ) + } + }) + +} # end server + +# _______________________ #### + +# Shiny ---- + +shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) From 131f476f77507926284d6077b65d80274b230323 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: fpaskali Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 19:17:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Udpated type 2 clustering --- App.R | 18 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/App.R b/App.R index 5a25259..4df9e98 100644 --- a/App.R +++ b/App.R @@ -1443,12 +1443,12 @@ ui <- dashboardPage( conditionalPanel( "input.mst_cluster_type=='Skeleton'", sliderInput( - "mst_cluster width", + "mst_cluster_width", label = h5("Skeleton Width", style = "color:white; margin-bottom: 0px;"), - value = 5, + value = 24, step = 1, min = 1, - max = 10, + max = 50, ticks = FALSE, width = "150px" ) @@ -18081,8 +18081,10 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { if (input$mst_show_clusters) { if (input$mst_cluster_col_scale == "Viridis") { color_palette <- viridis(length(unique(data$nodes$group))) + color_edges <- viridis(length(unique(clusters$edges))) } else { color_palette <- rainbow(length(unique(data$nodes$group))) + color_edges <- rainbow(length(unique(clusters$edges))) } if (input$mst_cluster_type == "Area") { @@ -18092,18 +18094,16 @@ server <- function(input, output, session) { } } else { thin_edges <- data$edges - thin_edges$width <- 1 + thin_edges$width <- 2 thin_edges$color <- "black" thick_edges <- data$edges - thick_edges$width <- 24 - + thick_edges$width <- input$mst_cluster_width thick_edges$color <- rep("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", length(data$edges$from)) - color_palette <- rainbow(length(unique(clusters$edges))) + for (i in 1:length(unique(clusters$edges))) { - print(clusters$edges) if (unique(clusters$edges)[i] != "0") { - edge_color <- paste(col2rgb(color_palette[i]), collapse=", ") + edge_color <- paste(col2rgb(color_edges[i]), collapse=", ") thick_edges$color[clusters$edges == unique(clusters$edges)[i]] <- paste0("rgba(", edge_color, ", 0.5)") } }