This project contains a demonstration system for the robot control language and contains two subproject. The Arduino demo contains code to program an Arduino to receive ROS messages, which are then translated to servo angles. The demo controller uses the ROS messaging mechanism to send commands to a RVIZ demo and/or an Arduino .
The MotionController subscribes to the /roc_message
ROS topic and adds them to a queue, which is then used to send the movement commands to the robot or simulation at the correct time. The controller applies a smoothing to the movements of each joint for a better movement trajectory.
The ROS topic /joint_command
with the message type sensor_msgs/JointState
is used to encode the command.
You can either use the GUI or send a command via Terminal To send a command via terminal use the following command:
rostopic pub -r 20 /joint_command sensor_msgs/JointState '{header: auto, name: [''], position: [], velocity: [], effort: []}'