Here, we are going to implement pull to refresh which will refresh and make API call again to refresh the posts in the Home screen list. Also, we are going to add the Infinite scroll to the bottom of Home screen. The infinite scroll will trigger the request to server which will load more articles into the list.
Thanks to the mobile era we have mobile apps for everything these days. Every business from a barbers shop to huge retailers has apps so that they can be closer to their customers.
Developing an application may seem a piece of cake for pros, but newbies need online guides to help them get from A to Z with their app development project.
As a Microverse student for one month, I realized that my first clone webpages didn’t have a responsive layout. I was using pixels in the Navbars, percentages in one section and rem in another, I didn’t have a rule or a standard procedure. The goal was to make it look like the original webpage IN MY SCREEN.
As I advanced through the course, I learned that these units made all the difference to the webpage’s response in different screen sizes. My code reviewers would tell me to adjust my webpage because it looked different when they were viewing it.
When I started having these issues, I made a lot of research on the subject, but I was still a little confused about it. This article’s goal is to create a simple and direct rule to achieve the required responsiveness any developer needs in their code.
Top 5 React Native starter kits with all ready-to-use components to build your first mobile app faster.
A guide on how to add inline video ads to your react native iOS app
In this chapter, we are going to implement the Contact screen. This screen is specially for contacting the developer and writer of articles. The users can use it to send a personal message to the developer. For the implementation, we are going to use two main packages. One is tcomb-form-native and the other is react-native-firebase. The tcomb package is to handle the form validation. And, react-native-firebase to connect react native app to real time firebase database.
We are going to learn how to bookmark the articles so that we can easily access them in our Bookmark screen later. The process is simple. We are going to save post id to Asyncstorage from the SinglePost screen and then fetch the articles on the bookmark screen. Here, we are going to add the bookmark icon to the SinglePost screen and configure its functionality.
Here, we are going to integrate the offline mode to the app. This feature is very handy when we are out of connection and we can still access some of the features in the app. Here, we are just going to notify the network status and cache the data using react-native-NetInfo package. Caching will help to pull the data from the AsyncStorage during the offline this app inspired from React native template from instamobile
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
Is learning to code on your bucket list for this year? Well here are all the courses you need to get started on your journey to the App Store!
Now, we need to display the excerpt of the overall post on the list. For that, we are going to make use of components from the react-native-render-html package. And, we need to display the published date of the article as well. For that, we are going to make use of the moment package which provides the moment.js configurations. In order to use these packages, we need to install them first. For that, we need to use the command from the following code snippet:
“In-play is just an incredibly engaging experience. It’s incumbent upon the existing operators to create really exciting new markets to engage the customer.” – Seth Young, Chief Innovations Officer at PointsBet.
Here, we are going to add the share button and implement its feature as well. The feature makes the article sharable to the social media accounts when pressing the share button. For that, we are going to make use of the Share component from the react-native package.
Read the article and make a final decision about whether you really need to convert web apps into mobile apps. If yes - learn how!
This article describes what is the video API? How does the video API ensure smooth transmission of audio and video?
The creation and development of mobile applications is a large and rapidly developing industry. In the past few years, it has been modified significantly due to the introduction of novel futuristic technologies.
Since we have the list of articles in the Home Screen, we need to display full articles as well. For that, we are going to create the SinglePost screen which will display the overall article. Here, we will learn how to fetch a single article from the WordPress API.
Nowadays, users expect mobile apps to act as counterparts to the websites and platforms they use on the web.
With an ever-increasing variety of mobile devices quickly overtaking desktop browsing in overall traffic, mobile support is no longer a matter of deciding whether or not you should do it but how you should do it. Like almost everything in software development trends, there is always more than one way to do it. But from all the trends out there I believe mobile-first will fit the bill best for most people and I’ll explain why.
This is today's reality: Artificial intelligence has already made a lot of buzz in the mobile app development industry. More cheap and available screens, easy real-time access to the data robust analysis tools have become even more powerful - all of this is already a normal part of our daily routine in society.
Cross-selling and upselling are key areas to focus on with an eCommerce business, and this article will teach you how to implement upselling on your storefront.
Here's how I managed to increase the user engagement of VK Messenger by adding a block of recommendations for contacts.
With the rise of IP hardware and advanced AI technology, proactive networks can be intelligently designed and easily implemented across premises.
Mobile debugging requires reliable tools, especially in production. In this article, I discuss ELK, Sentry, and Jaeger as the best mobile debugging tools.
A short article on how to easily and correctly sign your Cordova Android APK.
Android development has witnessed massive growth in all these years, and any developer who’s worth his salt will thoroughly test his products before launching them into the market. While having a conversation about testing in Android, we often hear two forms of tests doing the rounds — Unit Test and Integration Test.
Whenever the company decides to make a mobile application, the most important they are looking for efficient ways to implement the idea.
What are top five mobile development trends to watch out? Read to find out and prepare!
Here, we are going to implement the Categories screen. This screen will contain the list of categories related to the article posts. And on clicking on these categories, we will navigate to the posts which are based on that respective category.
Motorola cut the cord when it placed the first handheld mobile phone call over 40 years ago. Ever since, the race for smarter mobile development lives on.
You can learn how you can get access to your brain from your app for the price of a mid-level mobile phone by buying an EEG band.
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
This tutorial is the third part of our Airbnb Home Screen UI clone using React Native. In the previous part, we successfully implemented the Category and Airbnb plus sections. This tutorial is the continuation of the same tutorial from where we left off in the last part. So, it is recommended to go through the previous parts for better understanding and insight into the overall project.
This series intends to show how I build app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react native. Since, my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme , offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series.this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
Modern mobile products are the quintessence of the founders’ vision and actual market needs. To be successful, a mobile application needs to continually evolve in order to keep pace with changing market conditions. However, not every approach to application development can ensure such success.
The statistics tell the story: Gartner says this is the year our culture will go “mobile first.”
Now, we need to goto Setting.js file and implement a Contact menu option UI in order to navigate to the Contact screen. For that, we need to use the code from the following code snippet in the Setting.js file:
The world’s first Mobile DevOps, Performance, Productivity, and Maturity Assessment.
User ratings are very valuable to business as they play a crucial part in people's purchasing decisions; be it restaurants, movie tickets or in the current context, our react native app. You must have seen prompts when you are surfing through any android app or playing games, that ask you to rate the app in google play store.
Living in a digital-only era, we use our phones while in the office, on the streets, in our cars, at home, while we’re eating, relaxing in the bed, and even while bathing. There are 99.9% chances that you might be reading this from your smartphone right now. Are you?
Hi everyone! I'm Irina Heinz, Content Strategist at Checkaso, and I've compiled some major stories of the month for you. Well, I mean news. If there will be enough likes, shares, and views, we'll keep it up. Okay then, what all the buzz in mobile is about in July?
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
It is not wrong if we say that we are living on our mobile phone screens and our world has been succumbed within mobile phone applications. There is a huge development market for smart phone application development. There have been popular mobile applications generating revenue cycles that are hard to ignore. Some of the popular mobile phone applications in the running are: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc.
Medical technologies are not limited to remote examinations, robotic surgical controllers and diagnostic algorithms. Today they transform mental health domain, specifically, work methods with patients and the doctor’s role.
You must have heard the words like trends of color schemes/patterns in mobile app development and designing because mobile phones are the best and most convenient way to connect yourself to the digital world.
Despite the covid19-pandemic sending the world into frenzy, the new iPhone 12 might just bring some good news for the Apple loyalists and even the company in general. Although a lot has been speculated regarding the design and the innovations surrounding the same, we will take some time out to discuss the technological relevance of the inclusions.
Don’t you think that a great many mobile apps would be a lot more convenient if they had voice control? And I don’t mean chatting with a banking bot. In most cases, voice navigation or a conversational form-filling is just enough.
First, welcome to my series of “My Roadmap For Making a Popular Workout App”. I will share with you my trip to make my workout app into a popular mobile app.