The current feature only allow one child object/properties like var.prop
or array like arr[1]
but did not allow object.prop.childprop
the exp() purpose is solely proxying for assignment exp and conditional exp not sure how to test it file:/run/media/gumendol/rex/school/nfu_2/compiler/minic/minic/ exp(self, var=None):
Still dont know what to test for this file:/run/media/gumendol/rex/school/nfu_2/compiler/minic/minic/ optional_exp(self, var=None):
Its still ambigous [[file:/run/media/gumendol/rex/school/nfu_2/compiler/minic/tests/minic/ @pytest.mark.parametrize(“inp, exp”, \[(“default:\ncas”)]]
an ID for goto statement, or just make it plain string file:/run/media/gumendol/rex/school/nfu_2/compiler/minic/tests/minic/“goto something;”, nd.JumpStmt(1, ‘goto’, ‘something’)),
Now its only recognize int
and void
even void somevariable
is a valid statement;
file:/run/media/gumendol/rex/school/nfu_2/compiler/minic/tests/minic/“int something;”, nd.VarDecl(1, ‘int’, ‘something’)),