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cleanNLP: A Tidy Data Model for Natural Language Processing

Author: Taylor B. Arnold
License: LGPL-2

CRAN Version AppVeyor Build Status Travis-CI Build Status Coverage Status Downloads


The cleanNLP package is designed to make it as painless as possible to turn raw text into feature-rich data frames. You can download the package from within R, either directly from CRAN:


Or you may grab the development version using devtools:


As described in detail below, the package offers four backends that can be used for parsing text:

  • tokenizers: a fast parser that only requires the stringi package, but produces only tokenized text
  • udpipe: a parser with no external dependencies that produces tokens, lemmas, part of speech tags, and dependency relationships. The recommended starting point given its balance between ease of use and functionality. It also supports the widest range of natural languages.
  • spacy: based on the Python library, a more feature complete parser that included named entity recognition and word embeddings. It does require a working Python installation and some other set-up. Recommended for users who are familiar with Python or plan to make heavy use of the package.
  • corenlp: based on the Java library with the same name. Supports coreferences and other bleeding-edge annotation tasks. Not recommended for most users given its slow speed and difficult set-up.

Many function names have changed in the 2.0 release of the package, so please look at this file and the documentation for details.

Basic usage

We take as an example the opening lines of Douglas Adam's Life, the Universe and Everything:

text <- c("The regular early morning yell of horror was the sound of",
          "Arthur Dent waking up and suddenly remembering where he",
          "was. It wasn't just that the cave was cold, it wasn't just",
          "that it was damp and smelly. It was the fact that the cave",
          "was in the middle of Islington and there wasn't a bus due",
          "for two million years.")
text <- paste(text, collapse = " ")

A minimal working example of using cleanNLP consists of loading the package, setting up the NLP backend, initalizing the backend, and running the function cnlp_annotate. Because our input is a text string we set as_strings to TRUE (the default is to assume that we are giving the function paths to where the input data sits on the local machine"):

obj <- cnlp_annotate(text, as_strings = TRUE)

Here, we used the udpipe backend, which is the recommended place to start. The returned annotation object is nothing more than a list of data frames (and one matrix), similar to a set of tables within a database. The names of these tables are:

## [1] "coreference" "dependency"  "document"    "entity"      "sentence"
## [6] "token"       "vector"

The canonical way of accessing these data frames is by using functions of the form cnlp_get_TABLE. For example, the document table gives metadata about each document in the corpus, which here consists of only a single document:

      id                time version language  uri
1   doc1 2018-01-02 16:37:43   0.2.2  english <NA>

The tokens table has one row for each word in the input text, giving data about each word such as its lemmatized form and its part of speech. We access these table with the get_token function:

> head(cnlp_get_token(obj))
      id sid tid    word   lemma upos pos cid pid case definite degree gender
1   doc1   1   1     The     the  DET  DT   0   1 <NA>      Def   <NA>   <NA>
2   doc1   1   2 regular regular  ADJ  JJ   4   1 <NA>     <NA>    Pos   <NA>
3   doc1   1   3   early   early  ADJ  JJ  12   1 <NA>     <NA>    Pos   <NA>
4   doc1   1   4 morning morning NOUN  NN  18   1 <NA>     <NA>   <NA>   <NA>
5   doc1   1   5    yell    yell NOUN  NN  26   1 <NA>     <NA>   <NA>   <NA>
6   doc1   1   6      of      of  ADP  IN  31   1 <NA>     <NA>   <NA>   <NA>
  mood num_type number person pron_type tense verb_form
1 <NA>     <NA>   <NA>   <NA>       Art  <NA>      <NA>
2 <NA>     <NA>   <NA>   <NA>      <NA>  <NA>      <NA>
3 <NA>     <NA>   <NA>   <NA>      <NA>  <NA>      <NA>
4 <NA>     <NA>   Sing   <NA>      <NA>  <NA>      <NA>
5 <NA>     <NA>   Sing   <NA>      <NA>  <NA>      <NA>
6 <NA>     <NA>   <NA>   <NA>      <NA>  <NA>      <NA>

The output from the cnlp_get functions are (mostly) pre-calculated. All of the hard work is done in the cnlp_annotate function.

Text Interchange Format (TIF)

The cleanNLP package supports the text-interchange formats (see: tif), agreed formats for the input and output of textual data developed at the 2017 rOpenSci Text Workshop hosted at LSE.

To use the text interchange format as an input, first construct the input data as a data frame with the first column containing document ids, the second the raw text, and other columns containing metadata:

text <- c("It is better to be looked over than overlooked.",
         "Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time.",
         "The secret of getting ahead is getting started.")
tif_input <- data.frame(id = c("West", "Pratchett", "Twain"),
                        text = text,
                        full_name = c("Mae West",
                                      "Terry Pratchett",
                                      "Mark Twain"),
                        birthplace = c("Brooklyn, New York",
                                       "Florida, Missouri",
                                       "Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, England"),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

And then run the function cnlp_annotate on in the input:

obj <- cnlp_annotate(tif_input)

The object obj is a cleanNLP list of tables. To get the tif output format, which is a good starting format for working with the annotated data, run cnlp_get_tif:

# A tibble: 6 x 25
     id   sid   tid   word  lemma  upos   pos   cid   pid  case definite degree
  <chr> <int> <int>  <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <chr>    <chr>  <chr>
1  West     1     1     It     it  PRON   PRP     0     1   Nom     <NA>   <NA>
2  West     1     2     is     be   AUX   VBZ     3     1  <NA>     <NA>   <NA>
3  West     1     3 better better   ADJ   JJR     6     1  <NA>     <NA>    Cmp
4  West     1     4     to     to  PART    TO    13     1  <NA>     <NA>   <NA>
5  West     1     5     be     be   AUX    VB    16     1  <NA>     <NA>   <NA>
6  West     1     6 looked   look  VERB   VBN    19     1  <NA>     <NA>   <NA>
# ... with 13 more variables: gender <chr>, mood <chr>, number <chr>,
#   person <chr>, pron_type <chr>, tense <chr>, verb_form <chr>, voice <chr>,
#   source <int>, relation <chr>, word_source <chr>, lemma_source <chr>,
#   spaces <dbl>

The output is now a single data frame that can be saved to disk or used in models and plots. When possible, we recommend using the tif input format for annotating text.


Installation details for the spacy and corenlp backends, both of which required external dependencies, are given below.

spacy backend (python)

To use the Python based backend spacy, users must first install an up to date version of Python. For users without prior experience, we recommend installing the Python 3.6 version of Anaconda Python. Anaconda has both command line and GUI installers for all major platforms; these include many of the basic scientific Python modules (these can be troublesome to install otherwise). Make sure that you have at least version 3.6.1 or greater. Of particular note, we do not recommend or support using the default system installation of Python that is bundled with MacOS, Ubuntu, and many other linux distributions. This version is often out-of-date, almost impossible to update, and causes permissions issues when installing modules.

Once Python is installed, the next step is to install the spacy module and its associated models. There are detailed instructions for doing this on the spacy website that support many different platforms and versions of Python. Note that on windows you must also have a working version of Virtual Studio Express (preferably the 2015 version). If you installed the most recent version of Anaconda Python 3.6 as directed above, simply run the following commands in the terminal (Mac/Linux) or shell (Windows):

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install spacy
python -m spacy download en

The last line downloads the English models ("en"); repeat or replace with French ("fr") or German ("de") based on your needs.

Finally, the R package reticulate must also be installed, which can be downloaded from CRAN:


And, before running any cleanNLP command, run use_python to set the location of the Python executable. If using Anaconda Python on a Mac with the default settings, for example, the following should be correct:


Generally, we have found that the only difficult step in this process is installing spacy. Getting Python is almost always issue free as well as install the reticulate package. On a Mac, we've found that best solution is to start with a fresh version of Anaconda 3.6 (the 2.7 series causes problem even though it technically should work). We have not had an issue getting the library installed when doing this. On Windows, a fresh version of Anacond also helps, but even then there can be futher issues. On Windows, it seems that there is no general solution that works for everyone, unfortunately. Your best bet is to follow the instructions above and then look up your particular warning on the spacy issues page.

After the backend is install, you should be able to run the code in the preceeding section "Basic usage" as given.

corenlp backend (Java)

In order to make use of the Java-based corenlp backend, a version of Java >= 7.0 must be installed and the rJava package must be set up. This should be straightforward, and generally runs without issue on Linux and Windows. On Mac, there are issues arising from conflicts with the system version of Java. The detailed instructions Problem With rJava On Mac OS X El Capitan from from Peter von Rohr have solved these issues on all of our test systems. For additional help, see the GitHub issues tracker and submit any new bugs that arise.

Once these system requirements are met, we can install the ".jar" files inside of R with the following function:


These files are large and may take several minutes to download. The Java backend is then configured with cnlp_init_corenlp. The easiest interface is to specify an annotation level from 0 to 3, with higher numbers including more models but taking increasingly long to parse the text. Setting it equal to 2 is a good balance between time and feature-richness:

cnlp_init_corenlp(anno_level = 2L, lib_location = lib_loc)

After the pipeline is loaded, we again call run_annotators and set the backend to "coreNLP" (by default run_annotators will use whichever backend for most recently initalized, so this option is technically not needed if you just ran cnlp_init_corenlp):

obj <- cnlp_annotate(text, as_strings = TRUE, backend = "coreNLP")
## A CleanNLP Annotation:
##   num. documents: 1

The annotation object contains the same tables as the spaCy models, with slightly different fields filled in.

More information

This document is meant just to get users up to speed enough to starting being useful with the cleanNLP package. There are many more options and helper functions available to make working with textual data as easy as working with tabular datasets. For a full example of using the package to do an analysis of a corpus see the vignette:

For more detailed information about the fields in each of the tables, users should consult the paper:

'A Tidy Data Model for Natural Language Processing Using cleanNLP.' Taylor Arnold. The R Journal, 9.2, 1-20 (2017).


Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.