diff --git a/src/schema_formats/XML/GMP.xml.in b/src/schema_formats/XML/GMP.xml.in
index 9614f4187..b6ed5a563 100644
--- a/src/schema_formats/XML/GMP.xml.in
+++ b/src/schema_formats/XML/GMP.xml.in
@@ -1037,114 +1037,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
Result to which note applies
- id
- uuid
- 1
- host
- port
- nvt
- severity
- threat
- qod
- description
- host
- asset
- text
- asset
- Asset linked to host
- asset_id
- uuid
- 1
- port
- text
- nvt
- oid
- oid
- 1
- name
- type
- cvss_base
- severities
- cve
- name
- name
- type
- The type of the NVT: nvt, cve, ...
- text
- cvss_base
- text
- severities
- Severity info of the NVT
- severities
- cve
- CVE value associated with the NVT
- text
- severity
- severity
- threat
- threat
- qod
- The quality of detection (QoD) of the result
- value
- type
- value
- The numeric QoD value
- integer
- type
- The QoD type
- text
- description
- text
+ result