- Basic support for shortuuid v4, default alphabet only
- Add support for using shortuuid v3
- Update tests and test coverage
- Use Ecto.UUID.load/1 directly and encode the resulting UUID instead of only accepting 128 bit binaries
- Fix a bug where 22 bits strings would fail to cast
- implement new Ecto.Type callbacks equal?/2 and embed_as/1
Implement the new default callbacks to avoid compile warnings.
Implementing them is preferable to using use Ecto.Type
as it
does not affect compatibility with Ecto v2
- update shortuuid depedency to ~> 2.1.1
- this new version brings with it performance improvements
shortuuid v2.1.0
## EctoShortUUIDBench
benchmark name iterations average time
cast/1 ShortUUID 100000000 0.03 µs/op
cast/1 UUID 100000 17.02 µs/op
load/1 500000 5.94 µs/op
dump/1 100000 15.39 µs/op
generate/0 100000 18.84 µs/op
shortuuid v2.1.1
## EctoShortUUIDBench
benchmark name iterations average time
cast/1 ShortUUID 100000000 0.04 µs/op
cast/1 UUID 500000 5.74 µs/op
load/1 500000 3.65 µs/op
dump/1 200000 8.78 µs/op
generate/0 500000 7.53 µs/op
- update shortuuid dep to v2.1.0 for binary encoding support
- load/1 will now encode the binary directly without creating a string UUID first
- initial commit