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+# ac-reaper
+Michael Gogins
+## Introduction
+This library contains facilities for supporting algorithmic composition within
+the Reaper digital audio workstation, using Python ReaScripts.
+The primary objective is to enable using CsoundAC's Python API within
+ReaScript, but the library also supports scores that are generated in plain
+Python, as long as a score is just a list of notes, where each note is a list
+in the format `[start_time, duration, midi_channel, midi_key, midi_velocity]`.
+For documentation of ac-reaper, look at the function comments in ac-reaper.py;
+this can be done in the ReaScript editor by clicking on a function name.
+There are examples for using this library in this directory -- both for using
+CsoundAC, and for plain Python score generation.
+## Installation
+I recommend simply loading this library's Python code into Reaper using the
+_Actions_ menu, _Show action list..._ dialog, _New action_ dialog, _Load
+ReaScript..._ file picker.
+Once loaded, the ReaScript location is remembered by Reaper, and the code can
+be edited and run within Reaper like any other ReaScript.
+Alternatively, you can copy the Python code to Reaper's normal directory for
+ReaScript Actions (on macOS, that is the user's
+`~/Library/Application Support/REAPER/Scripts` directory).