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Introduction to RNA Seq Analysis

dataMaster-Kris edited this page Mar 9, 2020 · 31 revisions


Gene expression is central to cell biology. Disease pathways often involve changes in the expression levels of at least some genes. To quantify the expression levels, RNA-seq has become one of the most popular experimental methods. This hands-on workshop will provide an introduction to a typical bulk RNA-seq protocol and focus on the data analysis steps for recovering actionable insights.

We will start with raw data in the typical format that is provided by sequencing centers. We will process it by trimming adapters, mapping trimmed reads to a reference genome, tallying gene-wise counts, and end with differential gene expression analysis. We will also look at various methods of quality control at each step and learn to interpret data formats such as FASTQ, BAM and GFF. No prior RNA-seq experience is required. Bring your laptop and power adapter!

Learning Path

Novice   This is an introductory workshop in the RNA-Seq Analysis series. No prior experience required. No prerequisites.


Pre-workshop Instructions