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Validation Library

This library provides a flexible and extensible validation framework for Go structs and values. It allows you to define validation rules through struct tags, validate structs or single values, and even extend the existing set of validators with your own custom logic.

Table of Contents

  1. Defining Validation Tags
  2. Built-in Validators
  3. Validating Values
  4. Extending Validators
  5. Possible Error Messages

Defining Validation Tags

The validation rules for struct fields are defined using the validation tag. Each field can have one or more validators separated by commas. For example:

type User struct {
    Email string `validation:"required,email"`
    Age   int    `validation:">=18"`

Here, Email must be required and a valid email, and Age must be greater than or equal to 18.

Basic Usage

type Product struct {
    Name  string `validation:"required,alpha"`
    Price string `validation:"+float"`
  • Name must be non-empty and contain only letters.
  • Price must be a positive float.

Multiple Validators

You can chain multiple validators using commas:

type Account struct {
    Username string `validation:"required,alphanumeric,len>=6"`

This means Username must be:

  • required (cannot be empty),
  • alphanumeric (only letters and digits),
  • and have a length >= 6 characters.

Built-in Validators

Non-Database Validators (Validators)

These validators do not interact with the database. They only check the value in memory.

Validator Description Example Usage
text Ensures string contains no HTML tags. validation:"text"
name Checks if the value is a valid name (letters, spaces, etc.). validation:"name"
alpha Only alphabetical characters allowed. validation:"alpha"
latin Only Unicode letters are allowed. validation:"latin"
digit Only digits [0-9] allowed. validation:"digit"
alphanumeric Letters, digits, and spaces allowed. validation:"alphanumeric"
required Value cannot be empty. validation:"required"
email Checks for a valid email format. validation:"email"
regex(...) Matches value against a custom regex. validation:"regex([a-z]{2,})"
len<, len>, etc. Compares string length. Supports <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=. validation:"len==10"
Numeric comparisons Compares numeric value (>, <, >=, <=, etc.) with a given number. validation:">=18"
int, +int, -int Checks if value is integer (+ for positive, - for negative). validation:"+int"
float, +float, -float Checks if value is float (+ for positive, - for negative). validation:"-float"
password(...) Checks complexity (none, easy, medium, hard). validation:"password(medium)"
domain Valid domain format. validation:"domain"
url Valid URL format. validation:"url"
ip, ip4, ip6 Valid IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). validation:"ip"
cidr Valid CIDR notation. validation:"cidr"
mac Valid MAC address. validation:"mac"
date Valid date in RFC3339 format. validation:"date"
longitude Valid longitude. validation:"longitude"
latitude Valid latitude. validation:"latitude"
port Valid port number. validation:"port"
json Valid JSON format. validation:"json"
ISBN, ISBN10, ISBN13 Checks if value is a valid ISBN. validation:"ISBN13"
creditcard Checks if the value is a valid credit card number. validation:"creditcard"
uuid Checks if the value is a valid UUID. validation:"uuid"
uppercase Checks if string is uppercase. validation:"uppercase"
lowercase Checks if string is lowercase. validation:"lowercase"
rgbcolor, rgba, hexcolor, hex Validates various color formats. validation:"hexcolor"
countryalpha2, countryalpha3 Valid ISO country code formats. validation:"countryalpha2"
btcaddress, ethaddress Checks if value is a valid Bitcoin or Ethereum address. validation:"btcaddress"
cron Valid CRON expression. validation:"cron"
duration Valid Go duration format. validation:"duration"
time Valid RFC3339 timestamp. validation:"time"
unixTimestamp Valid unix timestamp. validation:"unixTimestamp"
timezone Valid timezone string. validation:"timezone"
e164 Valid E164 phone number format. validation:"e164"
safeHTML Checks string for possible XSS patterns. validation:"safeHTML"
noHTML Ensures string does not contain HTML tags. validation:"noHTML"
phone Checks if string is a valid phone number. validation:"phone"

Database-Related Validators (DBValidators)

These validators require database access and use GORM’s statement to validate against the DB.

Validator Description Example Usage
unique Ensures the field value is unique in the table. validation:"unique"
unique:col1|col2 Ensures a combination of columns is unique. validation:"unique:country,vat_number"
fk Checks the field references a valid foreign key in another table. validation:"fk"
enum Checks that the value matches one of the allowed ENUM values in the schema. validation:"enum"
before(field) Checks the timestamp is before another field’s timestamp. validation:"before(CreatedAt)"
after(field) Checks the timestamp is after another field’s timestamp. validation:"after(UpdatedAt)"

Validating Values

Validating Structs

import ""

type User struct {
    Email string `validation:"required,email"`
    Age   int    `validation:">=18"`

user := User{Email: "[email protected]", Age: 20}
errs := validation.Struct(user)
if len(errs) > 0 {
    // Handle validation errors

If any field fails validation, you will receive errors describing the issues.

Validating Structs with Non-Zero Fields

StructNonZeroFields only validates fields that are not at their zero value, useful for partial updates:

partialUser := User{Age: 25} // Email is zero value
errs := validation.StructNonZeroFields(partialUser)

Only Age will be validated in this case.

Validating Single Values

You can validate a standalone value:

err := validation.Value("[email protected]", "required,email")
if err != nil {
    // Handle validation error

Extending Validators

Adding a Simple Validator

You can easily add a custom validator. For example, to add a country validator:

import (

var CountryMap = map[string]string{
    "US": "United States",
    "CA": "Canada",
    // ...other countries

// Register a new validator
validation.Validators[regexp.MustCompile("^country$")] = countryValidator

func countryValidator(match []string, value *generic.Value) error {
    var v = value.String()
    if value.Input == nil || v == "" || v == "<nil>" {
        return nil
    if _, ok := CountryMap[v]; !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("invalid country %s", v)
    return nil

Now you can use validation:"country" in your struct tags or validation.Value() calls.

Extending DBValidators

To extend DBValidators for custom database-related validations, you can add a new entry to the DBValidators map. Here's an example of adding a custom validator that ensures a field value exists in a specific database table:

import (

// Register a new DBValidator
validation.DBValidators[regexp.MustCompile("^exists:(.+)$")] = existsValidator

func existsValidator(match []string, value *generic.Value, stmt *gorm.Statement, field *schema.Field) error {
    tableName := match[1] // Extract table name from validator, e.g., "exists:users"
    var count int64
    if err := stmt.DB.Table(tableName).Where(fmt.Sprintf("%s = ?", field.DBName), value.Input).Count(&count).Error; err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("database error: %s", err)
    if count == 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("value does not exist in table %s", tableName)
    return nil

Usage Example:

type User struct {
    RoleID int `validation:"exists:roles"`

In this example, the RoleID field must reference an existing ID in the roles table.

Possible Error Messages

Below is a list of possible error messages returned by validators:

Non-Database Validators (Validators)

Validator Description Error Message
text Ensures string contains no HTML tags. the text cannot contains html fields
name Checks if the value is a valid name. is not valid name
alpha Only alphabetical characters allowed. is not alpha
latin Only Unicode letters allowed. is not latin
digit Only digits [0-9] allowed. invalid digit value
alphanumeric Letters, digits, and spaces allowed. is not alpha
required Value cannot be empty. is required
email Checks for valid email format. invalid email
regex(...) Matches value against a regex pattern. format is not valid
len<, len>, ... Ensures string length within constraints. is too short / is too long / is not equal to <length>
Numeric comparisons Compares numeric values (>, <, etc.). is bigger than ... / is smaller than ...
int, +int, -int Checks if the value is integer. invalid integer
float, +float, -float Checks if the value is float. invalid integer
password(...) Checks password complexity. password is not complex enough
domain Valid domain format. invalid domain
url Valid URL format. invalid URL
ip, ip4, ip6 Valid IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). value must be valid IPv4/IPv6 address
cidr Valid CIDR notation. value must be valid CIDR notation
mac Valid MAC address. value must be valid MAC address
date Valid RFC3339 date. invalid date, date expected be in RFC3339 format
longitude Valid longitude. value must be valid longitude
latitude Valid latitude. value must be valid latitude
port Valid port number. value must be valid port number
json Valid JSON format. value must be valid JSON format
ISBN, ISBN10, ISBN13 Valid ISBN format. value must be ISBN-10 format / value must be ISBN-13 format
creditcard Valid credit card number. value must be credit card number
uuid Valid UUID. value must be valid uuid
uppercase Ensures string is uppercase. value must be in upper case
lowercase Ensures string is lowercase. value must be in lower case
rgbcolor, rgba, hexcolor, hex Validates color formats. value must be HEX color / value must be RGB color
countryalpha2, countryalpha3 Valid ISO country codes. value must be a valid ISO3166 Alpha 2/3 Format
btcaddress Valid Bitcoin address. value must be a valid Bitcoin address
ethaddress Valid Ethereum address. value must be a valid ETH address
cron Valid CRON expression. value must be a valid CRON format
duration Valid Go duration format. value must be a valid duration format
time Valid RFC3339 timestamp. value must be a valid RFC3339 timestamp
unixTimestamp Valid Unix timestamp. value must be a valid unix timestamp
timezone Valid timezone string. value must be a valid timezone
e164 Valid E164 phone number. value must be a valid E164 phone number
safeHTML Ensures string does not contain XSS tokens. value must not contain any possible XSS tokens
noHTML Ensures string does not contain HTML tags. value must not contain any html tags
phone Valid phone number format. value must be valid phone number

Database-Related Validators

These validators validate input against database constraints.

Validator Description Possible Error Message
unique Ensures the field value is unique in the table. duplicate entry
unique:col1|col2 Ensures a combination of columns is unique. duplicate value for <columns>
fk Validates foreign key references another table. value does not match foreign key
enum Ensures value matches an allowed ENUM value. invalid value, expected values are: ...
before(field) Ensures timestamp is before another field’s value. <field> must be before <other field>
after(field) Ensures timestamp is after another field’s value. <field> must be after <other field>