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An asynchronous Slack RTM & Web APIs client for PHP 7, powered by the Amp asynchronous framework, providing a typed experience and full-featured interfaces.

Forget those cURL wrappers and go async!

SensioLabsInsight Packagist (Composer) MIT License

  1. Installation
  2. Usage we'll learn how to do those node-ish things
  3. Slamp APIs
  4. Error handling because sh** always happens




Simple Message Composing

Inspired by maknz/slack, this API is based on top of the Web API and intends to provide a simple interface for sending messages to channels, groups or IM channels. You have to create a Web API client to begin, then call compose() to create a new message instance.

A basic usage example could be:

$client = Slamp\webClient(TOKEN);
yield $client->compose()->sendAsync('Hello there!');

You can also set the target channel and/or the bot name :

yield $client->compose()->from('Hello Bot')->to('#general')->sendAsync('Hey, wassup #general?');

The to("...") argument supports different notations:

  • #channel, C024BE91L for a public channel
  • private-group, G012AC86C for a private group
  • @username to post an IM message to the @slackbot inbox of the receiver (you will not appear as "slackbot")
  • D023BB3L2 to post as the bot itself (and not slackbot like before) (you have to create such channel before)

You can even edit messages or delete them after they are sent:

$message = yield $client->compose()->to('@guy')->sendAsync('I hate you');

# What I have done.. ?!
yield $message->updateAsync('I love u');

# I should calm down...
yield $message->deleteAsync();

Here is a more complete list of the possible calls:

$msg = Slamp\webClient(TOKEN)->compose()
    ->from('Sender name')
    ->withIcon(':robot:') # emoji code, or custom image with an URL
    ->withParsing('full') # defaults to "none", see
    ->linkingNames(true) # defaults to false, sets whether token like #general or @username are parsed and transformed into links
    ->sendAsync('the message text');

Note: attachments are not yet supported.

Warning: Please do not rely on the type behind these methods. Just use the methods. Don't manipulate the MessageComposer direclty, as the way it is created may change radically in a future version.


Error handling