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A Python package offering convenient methods for OAuth2.0 authentication

Currently, Google and GitHub have been implemented

Expects a config object passed into the class on instantiation of the Authicola class.

Scopes are accepted as arguments by the config, but they can also be passed in as a kwarg on the Authicola class method for the driver or a method on the driver itself.


    'google': {
        'client_id': os.environ.get('GOOGLE_CLIENT'),
        'client_secret': os.environ.get('GOOGLE_SECRET'),
        'redirect_uri': os.environ.get('GOOGLE_REDIRECT'),
        'scopes': ['profile', 'email']
    'github': {
        'client_id': os.environ.get('GITHUB_CLIENT'),
        'client_secret': os.environ.get('GITHUB_SECRET'),
        'redirect_uri': os.environ.get('GITHUB_REDIRECT'),
        'scopes': ['read:user', 'public_repo']

from authicola import Authicola

a = Authicola(DRIVERS)

# default scope from config used
authorization_url = a.driver('google').redirect_uri()

# only email scope requested as kwarg, overrides config for driver
authorization_url = a.driver('google', scopes=['email']).redirect_uri()

# only profile and email scopes requested manually, this time as method on the driver class .scopes, overrides config for driver
authorization_url = a.driver('google').scopes('email', 'profile').redirect_uri()

An optional state parameter can be used in the same way as scope (without the default value), for prevention of CSRF attacks.


# not state param used
authorization_url = a.driver('github').redirect_uri()

# state param set as kwarg
authorization_url = a.driver('github', state='state-string-here').redirect_uri()

# state param set as class method state
authorization_url = a.driver('github').state('state-string-here').redirect_uri()

On callback from the authentication provider, a params dict is expected for parsing to retrieve the user. An optional state parameter is also accepted, and if passed in it will be used to validate against the callback url params state param


# callack endpoint

a = Authicola(DRIVERS)

params = request.GET

user = a.driver('google').user(params)
    'id': <id>,
    'email': '[email protected]',
    'verified_email': True,
    'name': 'Gary Burgmann',
    'given_name': 'Gary',
    'family_name': 'Burgmann',
    'picture': '<pic-url>',
    'locale': 'en-GB'

# or to validate the state between redirect and callback. the state sting can be any unguessable string you like
def redirect(self):
    state = uuid.uuid4().hex
    self.request.session.set('github_redirect', state)
    authorization_url = self.authicola.driver('github').state(state).redirect_uri()
    return request().redirect(authorization_url)

def callback(self):
    state = self.request.session.get('github_redirect')
    user = self.authicola.driver('github').user(request().all(), state)
    return user