Context-self contrastive pretraining for crop type semantic segmentation (IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing)
Add the base directory and paths to train and evaluation path files in "data/datasets.yaml".
For each experiment we use a separate ".yaml" configuration file. Examples files are providedided in "configs". The default values filled in these files correspond to parameters used in the experiments presented in the paper.
activate "deepsatmodels" python environment:
conda activate deepsatmodels
Modify respective .yaml config files accordingly to define the save directory or loading a pre-trained model from pre-trained checkpoints.
python train_and_eval/ --config_file configs/**/UNet3D.yaml --gpu_ids 0,1
python train_and_eval/ --config_file configs/**/UNet2D_CLSTM.yaml --gpu_ids 0,1
model pre-training
python train_and_eval/ --config_file configs/**/UNet2D_CLSTM_CSCL.yaml --gpu_ids 0,1
copy the path to the pre-training save directory in CHECKPOINT.load_from_checkpoint. This will load the latest saved model. To load a specific checkpoint copy the path to the .pth file
python train_and_eval/ --config_file configs/**/UNet2D_CLSTM.yaml --gpu_ids 0,1
python train_and_eval/ --config_file configs/**/UNet3Df.yaml --gpu_ids 0,1
model pre-training
python train_and_eval/ --config_file configs/**/UNet3Df_CSCL.yaml --gpu_ids 0,1
copy the path to the pre-training save directory in CHECKPOINT.load_from_checkpoint. This will load the latest saved model. To load a specific checkpoint copy the path to the .pth file
python train_and_eval/ --config_file configs/**/UNet3Df.yaml --gpu_ids 0,1
If you incorporate any data or code from this repository into your project, please acknowledge the source by citing the following work:
author={Tarasiou, Michail and Güler, Riza Alp and Zafeiriou, Stefanos},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing},
title={Context-Self Contrastive Pretraining for Crop Type Semantic Segmentation},