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var storyContent = {"inkVersion":19,"root":[[{"->":"Begin1"},["done",{"#f":5,"#n":"g-0"}],null],"done",{"Begin1":["^<center>______________________________________________________","\n","^<center><b>THE TOUCH OF A GODDESS</b></center>","\n","^<center>______________________________________________________","\n","^<center>Genres: <i>Greek mythology, romance, magic</i></center>","\n","^<center>\"What will you do with all this power?\"</center>","\n",{"->":"S1E1_Start"},{"#f":1}],"S1E1_Start":[["^<center>______________________________________________________","\n","^<b>Chapter 1: The Innocent Thief","\n","^Athens, 512 BCE","\n","^A starry sky sits over a rising sun on the horizon. The camera pans left into the city of Athens until a large bronze statue of the Greek goddess Athena fills the foreground. A lady lies unconscious on the ground at the feet of the statue.","\n","^...: When you looked up to the heavens, what did you see? ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: Did rays of amber sunlight steal your gaze? Was it lured into the vastness of stars and the torrents of infinity beyond your Earthly bounds? ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: Or did you see us...your gods? ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: I know you lived through this. I know much is still fresh in your mind, but I need you to understand <i>everything</i> that happened. Things you may have missed the first time. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: What I'm retelling to you isn't simply <i>your</i> story. This is <i>the</i> story. The one cataclysm where a mortal needed to save existence from the damned arrogance of the gods! ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: My apologies. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: My emotions got the better of me for a moment... Where was I? Yes, of course...this is the point in the story when you woke up. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^A young girl appears in front of the unconscious lady, looking down at her inquisitively.","\n","^She kneels behind the lady, gently stroking her head.","\n","^Girl: It's okay. You're safe now. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^...: I always imagined the soft timbre of her words mixed with her gently petting the top of your head as reminiscent of waking slowly to the caress of an ocean breeze. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: But rather than an echo of the beauty of nature, when you woke, all your body could muster was an undead groan. How graceful. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: URRRRGGGHHH ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"pain"},"\n","^Girl: That's it. ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"smile"},"\n","^...: It was clear your mind was swimming through fog, holding all your senses hostage as you blinked through the stinging sunlight. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: As you slowly rose to your feet, a scent of fresh saltwater invaded your nostrils and battled with the coat of dirt hugging your tongue and strangling your throat from the inside. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: <i>Where am I?</i> ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","^Girl: Are you hurt? ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"concerned"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: No. No... I... I don't think so. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: What is this place? ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Part of the marble district. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: No. What city? ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","^Girl: ... ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","^...: She pointed upward to the statue behind you. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Girl: Athena. Athens. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^Girl: Isn't she amazing? I love they named a city after her. ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"excited"},"\n","^...: Your eyes searched the statue, and squinted as the morning sun reflected off its bronze. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Athens? ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^...: You whispered to yourself to dredge the memories held captive by the shadows of your mind. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: How did I get to Athens? ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","^...: This part really confused me. You... poked the girl gently in the shoulder. ",{"#":"narrator."},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: You're not a vision? I'm truly here? ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","^...: The girl giggled and poked you back. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Girl: If you're real, I'm real. ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"laughter"},"\n","^Girl: Where are you from? ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: I’m... from... ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","^The screen flashes to a different location with gently rolling hills on an island. In silhouette stands a modest clay house and a flock of sheep. In the background, the silhouette of a castle; in the foreground, a silhouette of ","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^.","\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: ...a small island. I raised sheep in the shadow of a kingdom. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^Girl: You're not a warrior? ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"intrigued"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: I look like a warrior to you? ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"confused."},"\n","^Girl: Why would a shepherd possess a sword of such greatness? ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^...: Your gaze fell upon the sword on the ground at your feet. A weapon without equal. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: Yes, ","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^, I was wondering the exact same thing for so long. How did your gentle hands find the sword of a commander? ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev","str","^(Take.)","/str","/ev",{"*":".^.c-0","flg":20},{"c-0":["\n",{"->":"S1E1_swordDescription"},{"#f":5}]}],{"#f":1}],"S1E1_swordDescription":[["^...: This was as much a sword as it was an undebatable argument for peace. Pure intimidation in the shape of a weapon. Anyone willing to fight the warrior who wielded a sword this powerful was asking to die. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: It was light as a feather and felt like an extension of your arm. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: Somehow radiating into your bones, the energy from the sword made you think of the chaos of an angry sun and the steel of a thousand anvils. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Girl: Can I hold it? ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"excited"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Wait, who are you? What's your name? ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^Girl: ... ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"frustrated"},"\n","^Girl: Alina. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^Alina: But I hate my name. It's dreadful. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Dreadful? I think it's beautiful. It means \"light\". ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Well, my dear Alina, this is far too dangerous a weapon for a child. I'm not even sure I should hold onto it... I'm rather certain it belongs to someone else. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^Alina: Well... It's yours now. You found it. The universe wants you to have it. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^...: Oh, Alina, our innocent little thief. Only you could make crime sound precious. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Alina: Tell you what... ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^Alina: ...if I give you something amazing, you let me hold the sword. Deal? ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: I really must figure out how I ended up here-- ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^...: Wisely ignoring your words of protest, Alina backed up and motioned for you to follow. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Alina, wait... Where are your parents? ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^Alina: No time for questions. Hurry! ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"excited"},"\n","^...: You secured the sword through the back wrapping of your gown with the hilt protruding at an angle behind your head. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Tutorial: You're about to make a choice. Your choices make the story yours, as each decision affects the story in some way. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev","str","^(Stay)","/str","/ev",{"*":".^.c-0","flg":20},"ev","str","^(Follow)","/str","/ev",{"*":".^.c-1","flg":20},{"c-0":["\n","ev",{"VAR?":"relationshipAlina"},1,"-",{"VAR=":"relationshipAlina","re":true},"/ev","^$NOTESHOW body(Your relationship with Alina has deteriorated!)","\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Why the rush, child? ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^...: Your words were lost to the breeze and distance between the two of you, and your feet remained planted like the statue towering above you. Surveying your surroundings as though you were above the frivolity. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: I definitely wasn't watching a shining moment in the history of humanity when you ignored an eager homeless child who wanted a friend. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: She meekly walked back to you, pleading with her eyes. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Alina: It's worth it. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^Alina: I wouldn't trick you. I swear. ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"concerned"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: It's nearby? ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^Alina: Yes, by the market. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^Alina: Please. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: I'll oblige, but then sorting this madness must take precendent. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^...: Alina solemnly kept her mouth sealed as she walked you to a simple staircase leading up to a rooftop in the heart of the market district. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n",{"->":"S1E1_RooftopIntro"},{"#f":5}],"c-1":["\n","ev",{"VAR?":"relationshipAlina"},1,"+",{"VAR=":"relationshipAlina","re":true},"/ev","^$NOTESHOW body(Your relationship with Alina has improved!)","\n","^...: You followed quickly, pleading with her. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Slow down, child. There's no rush. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^...: Suddenly, she was nowhere to be found. You stopped in your tracks. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: But a giggle behind a large amphora gave away her hiding spot. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: I thought you said we're in a hurry. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^Alina: Bet you can't beat me there! ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Of course I can't. I don't even know where we're going. ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"laughing"},"\n","^...: Alina darted down the street and up a simple staircase leading to a rooftop in the heart of the market district. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n",{"->":"S1E1_RooftopIntro"},{"#f":5}]}],{"#f":1}],"S1E1_RooftopIntro":[["^...: Walking onto the rooftops above the market felt like stepping into another world. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: Stunning handcrafted amphoras spilled over with stocks of blueish-purple aconite flowers, passionately reaching for the heavens. As deadly poisonous as they are alluring. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: A sea breeze tangled in your hair, drawing your eyes past the rooftop walls. The view of the city was breathtaking. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: The core of downtown Athens on this day teemed with artistry and innovation. Statues and monoliths. Debate and frivolity. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: The aroma of fresh bounties of meats and spices swirled with crisp breezes off the Aegean Sea. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Oh, my-- ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"surprised"},"\n","^Alina: Told you it would be amazing. ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"smile"},"\n","^Alina: I love it up here at sunrise. ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"smile"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: It's marvelous. ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"smile"},"\n","^...: You both enjoyed the silence and bathed in the peace and majesty offered by this Athenian dawn. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Alina: Up here I don't have to worry about the others. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: The others? ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^Alina: People. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^Alina: To most, I am invisible. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","ev","str","^Invisible?","/str","/ev",{"*":".^.c-0","flg":20},"ev","str","^That must be troublesome.","/str","/ev",{"*":".^.c-1","flg":20},"ev","str","^Do you have any friends?","/str","/ev",{"*":".^.c-2","flg":20},{"c-0":["\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Do you mean... people ignore you? ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","^...: Alina nodded and lowered her head as memories of solitude flared up in her mind. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Alina: They must not know how it would make someone feel. ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"scowl"},"\n","^...: Her words resonated with an innocent gravitas only a tortured child could know. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n",{"->":"S1E1_AlinaSword"},{"#f":5}],"c-1":["\n","^Alina: Maybe I'll get used to it. Eventually. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Do you feel alone all the time? ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^Alina: Only when I'm awake. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^...: You chuckled softly at her sarcasm. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Sorry. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: You're clever for your age. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^Alina: Maybe some cleverness will rub off on you if you stick around. ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"smile"},"\n",{"->":"S1E1_AlinaSword"},{"#f":5}],"c-2":["\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Must be a lot of kids your age around town. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^Alina: To them I'm strange. ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"frustrated"},"\n","^Alina: Seems like you might not care. Maybe you can be my friend. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^...: You gently rubbed Alina's back, and hoped your smile would ease her pain. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: You're not strange. Uniqueness is a gift. ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"smile"},"\n","^Alina: Just wait. You haven't seen my \"uniqueness\" yet. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n",{"->":"S1E1_AlinaSword"},{"#f":5}]}],{"#f":1}],"S1E1_AlinaSword":[["^...: Even now, after we know what we know, we must never forget: Alina's foundation is abandonment. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: She is incapable of believing anyone will understand or accept her. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: You wrapped your arm around her shoulder and pulled her close in a side hug. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: Offering her a kind smile, you sat in a moment of solace, hoping it would ferry Alina's frustration away. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Do you have family in Athens? ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^...: And then shattered those hopes with that inquiry. Perfect. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: Alina bent her gaze out to sea and silently ignored your question. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: You pulled her a bit closer. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Alina: Can I hold the sword now? ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^Tutorial: Some choices affect your Charm, <sprite> the ability to persuade with confidence, desire, or friendliness, or affect your Influence, <sprite> the ability to persuade through coercion, logic, or power. Which will you rely on? ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev","str","^So, you want to be a warrior?","/str","/ev",{"*":".^.c-0","flg":20},"ev","str","^I don't know. Are you strong enough?","/str","/ev",{"*":".^.c-1","flg":20},"ev","str","^Sure. Every child needs to lose a finger or two at some point.","/str","/ev",{"*":".^.c-2","flg":20},{"c-0":["\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalCharm"},1,"+",{"VAR=":"globalCharm","re":true},"/ev","^Alina: Uh, no. I want to hold the pretty sword. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^Alina: Who said anything about being a warrior? ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Fair enough. Was simply easing my curiosity. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: My conscience couldn't survive this blade corrupting you into a life of violence. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^$NOTESHOW body(+1 Charm)","\n","^...: Alina flashed a look of incredulity, which crumbled into a joyous giggle. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Alina: Nah. I don't feel the way people feel about me. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: You... don't... what? Say again? ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","^Alina: I adore other people. Always will. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^...: Oh, Alina, you couldn't know how much I want that premonition to remain true. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n",{"->":"S1E1_GoddessesArrive"},{"#f":5}],"c-1":["\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalInfluence"},1,"+",{"VAR=":"globalInfluence","re":true},"/ev","^Alina: The boys in Sparta start warrior training at 7 or 8! I'm 10! ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^Alina: Are your hurtful words fueled by the fact I'm a girl? So are you! ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Apparently, I touched a nerve. Very passionate you are. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^Alina: I held up my end of the bargain. See? Amazing sunrise. ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"smile"},"\n","^...: She outstretched her hand toward you with that endearing smile. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: That you did. That you did. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^$NOTESHOW body(+1 Influence)","\n",{"->":"S1E1_GoddessesArrive"},{"#f":5}],"c-2":["\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalInfluence"},1,"+",{"VAR=":"globalInfluence","re":true},"/ev","^Alina: What?! ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"surprised"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Scars build character. ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"smile"},"\n","^...: Alina quickly started counting your fingers. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Was merely a joke. ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"laughter"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: But this beast was designed to separate bodies from limbs. Be mindful. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^$NOTESHOW body(+1 Influence)","\n",{"->":"S1E1_GoddessesArrive"},{"#f":5}]}],{"#f":1}],"S1E1_GoddessesArrive":[["^...: You retrieved the sword from your back and offered it to her. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: It's weight is deceptive. It's energy peculiar. Don't swing it at anything unless you want that thing to die. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Better yet, don't swing it at all. ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"nervous"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Hold it tight. ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"nervous"},"\n","^...: Alina took the sword and her eyes lit up, both of you completely unaware of exactly what power she held in her tiny hand. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Alina: It looks so heavy, but this... ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Yeah. It feels like part of your arm when you hold it. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^...: Alina twisted her wrist and gently shifted the sword back and forth, marveling at its connection to her. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Alina: So strange. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^...: Suddenly, the aconite flowers in front of you started to move. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: The orderly columns of their stalks and branches began to twist and snarl like the chaotic and belligerent hair of Medusa. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: You and Alina noticed and took a step back. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: What the--?! ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","^Alina: ... ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"surprised"},"\n","^Kind Lady: There you are. ",{"#":"Harmonia"},"\n","^...: You and Alina turned around quickly to find two ladies standing on the rooftop, facing you. Both dressed in impeccably designed gowns. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: Their radiance and refined style wholly unfitting the dusty rooftop. Even at this distance, the smile of the first lady was oddly reassuring. A wave of calm washed over you the moment you made eye contact with her. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: Beside her, the other lady emanated a palpable air of frustration. Her face was a torment of emotions, as honest and interwoven as the tattoos that cover half her body. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: Her emotions seemed to be at war with themselves: kind eyes and furrowed brows. A smirk transforming to gritted teeth. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Frustrated Lady: You. It's you. ",{"#":"Eris"},{"#":"scowl"},"\n","^Alina: Oh no... ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"scared"},"\n","^...: Alina clutched the side of your gown and stepped behind you, her eyes wide with fear as the kind lady started slowly walking toward you both. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Alina: Something is wrong. I feel it. ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"scared"},"\n","ev","str","^(Calm Alina)","/str","/ev",{"*":".^.c-0","flg":20},"ev","str","^(Confront the ladies)","/str","/ev",{"*":".^.c-1","flg":20},{"c-0":["\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalCharm"},1,"+",{"VAR=":"globalCharm","re":true},"/ev","ev",{"VAR?":"relationshipHarmonia"},1,"+",{"VAR=":"relationshipHarmonia","re":true},"/ev","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Look at me, Alina. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: You're going to be safe. No one would dare harm someone as gentle as you. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^$NOTESHOW body(+1 Charm)","\n","^Alina: Don't you realize what they are? ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"scared"},"\n",{"->":"S1E1_GoddessIntro"},{"#f":5}],"c-1":["\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalInfluence"},1,"+",{"VAR=":"globalInfluence","re":true},"/ev","ev",{"VAR?":"relationshipAlina"},1,"+",{"VAR=":"relationshipAlina","re":true},"/ev","^...: You took a step toward the advancing lady, aggressively standing between her and Alina. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: She's obviously frightened. ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"scowl"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Maybe a little understanding is the wise move here. ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"scowl"},"\n","^$NOTESHOW body(+1 Influence)","\n","^$NOTESHOW body(Your relationship with Alina has improved!)","\n","^Kind Lady: There's no cause for alarm. ",{"#":"Harmonia"},{"#":"smile"},"\n",{"->":"S1E1_GoddessIntro"},{"#f":5}]}],{"#f":1}],"S1E1_GoddessIntro":["^Frustrated Lady: It really is you. ",{"#":"Eris"},{"#":"sad"},"\n","^...: The lady looked over at her friend... ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Kind Lady: Eris, calm yourself. It's not her. You know it to be true. ",{"#":"Harmonia"},{"#":"scowl"},"\n","^Alina: Wait... ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"surprised"},"\n","^Alina: If she's Eris... ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^Alina: ...that would make you Harmonia. ",{"#":"Alina"},{"#":"surprised"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: What?! ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"surprised"},"\n","^Alina: Yes. They're goddesses. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","^...: Harmonia waved her hand elegantly, and the aconite flowers behind you transformed back into their orderly columns. In perfect harmony. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Alina, give me the sword. ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"concerned"},"\n","^Alina: You heard me, right? They’re <I>goddesses</I>. You might only make them angrier. ",{"#":"Alina"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Hand it over, please. ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"scowl"},"\n","^...: Alina offered the sword, and for the first time the goddesses got a clear look at it. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: What do you want? Why are you here? ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^Eris: Where did you... ",{"#":"Eris"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","^Harmonia: ...get that? ",{"#":"Harmonia"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","^Eris: You shouldn't... ",{"#":"Eris"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","^Harmonia: ...have that sword. ",{"#":"Harmonia"},{"#":"confused"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: And you shouldn't be cornering two innocent mortals. ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"scowl"},"\n","^...: Harmonia stopped in her tracks. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Harmonia: Perhaps you're correct. ",{"#":"Harmonia"},"\n","^Eris: How do you feel? ",{"#":"Eris"},{"#":"concerned"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Cornered. But my shiny friend here is affording me a new-found confidence. ",{"#":"MC"},{"#":"intrigued"},"\n","^Eris: We saw you unconscious on the street. Wanted to make sure you were safe. ",{"#":"Eris"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: But...you already know everything. You're goddesses. Goddesess are omniscient. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^Eris: Oh, is that so? I wasn't aware that... ",{"#":"Eris"},{"#":"amused"},"\n","^Harmonia: ...I'm omniscient. ",{"#":"Harmonia"},{"#":"amused"},"\n","^...: You narrowed your gaze at both of your tormentors. Their brazen smirks too close to mocking for comfort. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: Omniscience is the one word I truly despise. The gods know all. A steadfast belief held by everyone who is decidedly <i>not</i> a god. The most infuriating of all cosmic jokes. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: The word \"omniscient\" mocks our failures. Reminds us we should have known. Especially with Alina. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: We all should have known what would happen to her. Everyone should have paid more attention, and then we would have seen it coming. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: But no one did. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: We're going to take our leave of you now. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","ev",{"VAR?":"globalPlayer"},"out","/ev","^: Enjoy the sunrise. It's quite lovely. ",{"#":"MC"},"\n","^...: With one protective hand ushering Alina and the other clasping the sword tight, you began moving toward the stairs on the other side of the rooftop. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^...: Eris and Harmonia watched you with cautious eyes as you made your way to the stairs and started to descend. ",{"#":"narrator"},"\n","^Eris: We'll be seeing you. ",{"#":"Eris"},{"#":"smirk"},"\n","end",{"#f":1}],"global decl":["ev","str","^Callista","/str",{"VAR=":"globalPlayer"},0,{"VAR=":"globalCharm"},0,{"VAR=":"globalInfluence"},0,{"VAR=":"relationshipAlina"},0,{"VAR=":"relationshipHarmonia"},"/ev","end",null],"#f":1}],"listDefs":{}};