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CogniBench is a software framework for benchmarking cognitive models. It is implemented as a free, open source package in Python, but it can readily be used for validating models implemented in any language for which there is a Python interface (such as R or Matlab/Octave). CogniBench builds upon SciUnit - a domain-agnostic framework for validating scientific models, and OpenAI Gym - a library for developing and testing artificial agents. For a short introduction to CogniBench structure, please refer to documentation notebooks under the docs folder. For detailed examples of how one can use CogniBench you can refer to example testing and simulation scripts under the examples folder.


You can install CogniBench by downloading or cloning the repository, and running the following command:

pip install cognibench-path

where cognibench-path is the path to the top-level directory of the unpacked/cloned CogniBench package (i.e., the directory that contains the file).

If you wish to contribute to the development, you can clone this repository, and create the conda development environment with CogniBench using the following commands executed at the package top-level directory:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate cognibench
python install

Short usage example

Here is a short snippet describing how you can test several models against multiple sets of experimental observations using CogniBench.

import cognibench.models.decision_making as decision_models
from cognibench.testing import InteractiveTest
from cognibench.scores import AccuracyScore, PearsonCorrelationScore
from sciunit import TestSuite

# observations is a dictionary with keys such as 'stimuli', 'rewards', etc.
observations, obs_dim, action_dim = read_data(observation_path)
# define the list of models to test
model_list = [
    decision_models.RWCKModel(n_action=action_dim, n_obs=obs_dim, seed=42),
    decision_models.NWSLSModel(n_action=action_dim, n_obs=obs_dim, seed=42),
# define the list of test cases
test_list = [
    InteractiveTest(observation=observations, score_type=AccuracyScore, name='Accuracy Test'),
    InteractiveTest(observation=observations, score_type=PearsonCorrelationScore, name='Correlation Test'),
# combine in a suite and run
test_suite = TestSuite(test_list, name='Test suite')

Main features of CogniBench

Interactive tests

Testing certain models should be performed in an interactive manner. Instead of presenting all the stimuli at once, test samples are inputted one at a time, while observing the actions of the model being tested. CogniBench formalizes this notion in InteractiveTest test class and Interactive model capability.

In addition to interactive tests, CogniBench also implements the common way of testing models against a batch of samples (BatchTest and BatchTestWithSplit) in case you don't need the interactive testing logic.

SciUnit and OpenAI Gym interaction

In the SciUnit framework, models are tagged with capabilities which define the tests a model can possibly take. CogniBench combines this idea with action and observation spaces from OpenAI Gym library. Therefore, a model also specifies against which environments it can be simulated against in addition to the tests it can take.

Support for both single- and multi-subject models

Some models operate on a single subject at a time (single-subject models) whereas others can operate on multiple subjects at the same time (multi-subject models). CogniBench supports multi-subject models by assuming the model implementation of required interface functions take the subject index as the first argument. The testing interface defined by CNBTest class can seamlessly work on both single- and multi-subject models. In addition, we provide a simple utility function to convert single-subject model classes deriving from CNBModel to multi-subject classes.

Data simulation

CogniBench provides utility functions to simulate agents and/or models against matching environments to generate stimuli, action and reward triplets. These functions support both single-subject and multi-subject models.

Implementation of common experimental tasks

CogniBench offers model_recovery and param_recovery functions that you can use to perform these common auxiliary modeling tasks.

Agent and model Separation

CogniBench distinguishes between agents (CNBAgent base class) and models (CNBModel base class). An agent can interact with an environment through act and update methods, and can only function when its parameters are set to given values. In contrast, a model represents a specific way of fitting parameters for an agent (fit) and predicting the probability distribution over the action space (predict). The models we provide in CogniBench are implemented by taking this distinction into consideration; however, CogniBench has the flexibility to support models that don't care about this distinction.

Associative learning agent and model implementations

We provide example implementations for several simple associative learning agents and models. These models also demonstrate how to satisfy the interfaces required by interactive tests that require log probability distributions as predictions. Currently implemented associative learning models are

  • Random responding
  • Beta-binomial
  • Rescorla-Wagner
  • Kalman Rescorla-Wagner
  • LSSPD (Rescorla-Wagner-Pearce-Hall)

Decision making agent and model implementations

Similarly, we also provide example implementations for several simple decision making agents and models. Currently implemented decision making models are

  • Random responding
  • Rescorla-Wagner Choice Kernel
  • Rescorla-Wagner
  • Choice Kernel
  • Noisy-win-stay-lose-shift


We provide a series of Jupyter notebooks that you can use as an introduction to CogniBench:

Small note to developers

If you are going to use the development version and want to run notebooks, you should install CogniBench inside the conda environment. See the section on installing CogniBench.


We provide multiple examples of using CogniBench as a tool to test models, simulate data and perform experimental tasks. These are very useful to get acquainted with how to use CogniBench. Please refer to readme file under examples/ folder for further information.


We use built-in unittest module for testing CogniBench. To perform checks, clone this repository and type


Information for developers

If you want to extend CogniBench, you need to use the development environment and conda. Please follow the conda installation instructions in how to install section and then continue here.

We use black for code-formatting and pre-commit for ensuring high quality code. To enable these tools simply run

pre-commit install

The next time you try to commit, all the required tools and hooks will be downloaded (and cached) and checks will be performed on your code.

Generating local documentation

After enabling the development environment, you can generate a local version of the documentation by running

cd docs/sphinx
make html

Afterwards, you can browse the local documentation by opening docs/sphinx/_build/index.html.

Installing a local development version

After implementing some changes, you can install the modified version of CogniBench to your local system by running

python install

Then, every time you import CogniBench, this modified version will be imported.


CogniBench is distributed under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for the exact terms and conditions.