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Releases: fluid-dev/hexo-theme-fluid


19 Dec 08:16
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✨ 新功能

  • LeanCloud 增加忽略本地路径的配置项
+   ignore_local: false
  • OpenGraph 增加开关配置项
+ enable: true
  • FrontMatter 可通过 og_img 字段单独设置 OpenGraph 图片(默认等同于 index_img):
title: 文章标题
index_img: /img/index.png
og_img: /img/og.png

🎨 优化

  • 文章可自动生成 description 属性
  • 修改阅读时长的默认值和计算
  • 更新 iconfonthint 的 CDN 链接

🐛 修复

  • 修复首页打字机从 API 嵌套取值无效的情况
  • 修复文章面板在部分情况下会超出

✨ Feature

  • LeanCloud adds a configuration item that ignores localhost:
+   ignore_local: false
  • OpenGraph add switch configuration item:
+ enable: true
  • Set the OpenGraph image separately through the og_img field in FrontMatter (the default is equivalent to index_img):
title: Post Tile
index_img: /img/index.png
og_img: /img/og.png

🎨 Enhancement

  • Post can automatically generate the description meta
  • Modify the default value and calculation of wordcount
  • Upgrade the CDN links of iconfont and hint

🐛 Fix

  • Fix the slogan from the nested value of the API is invalid
  • Fix post pages will exceed in some cases


22 Sep 09:35
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🔧 配置变更

  • 文章阅读时长的配置项因功能优化发生变更
- words: 100
+ awl: 2
+ wpm: 160

✨ 新功能

  • 增加 OpenGraph 配置项
+ open_graph:
+   twitter_card: summary_large_image
+   twitter_id:
+   twitter_site:
+   google_plus:
+   fb_admins:
+   fb_app_id:
  • 增加字间距的配置项
+ letter_spacing: 0.02em
  • LeanCloud 增加配置项用于指定统计路径
+   path: window.location.pathname

🎨 优化

  • 暗色模式按钮悬停动效
  • 字体在苹果系统下抗锯齿
  • 优化文章阅读时长的计算
  • MathJax 支持懒加载(需要 3.2.0+ 版本)
  • 评论图片支持缩放功能
  • 备案信息不再强制对称居中
  • 优化无障碍条件
  • 默认静态 CDN 地址不再锁定版本
  • Waline 评论插件升级新版本

🐛 修复

  • 修复博客二级目录下一些路径错误
  • 修复畅言评论在移动端报错
  • 修复 Safari 不支持的正则语法
  • 修复多级分类无法折叠
  • 修复圆角图片有白色描边
  • 修复部分特殊字符的转义

🔧 Configuration

  • The config items of reading time have changed due to feature enhanced
- words: 100
+ awl: 2
+ wpm: 160

✨ Feature

  • Add OpenGraph:
+ open_graph:
+   twitter_card: summary_large_image
+   twitter_id:
+   twitter_site:
+   google_plus:
+   fb_admins:
+   fb_app_id:
  • Add the config items of word spacing
+ letter_spacing: 0.02em
  • Add the config items to specify the leancloud statistical path
+   path: window.location.pathname

🎨 Enhancement

  • Hover animation of dark mode button
  • Font anti-aliasing in Apple system
  • Optimize the calculation of reading time
  • MathJax supports lazy loading (requires version 3.2.0+)
  • Comment images support zoom
  • Optimize accessibility
  • The default static CDN no longer locks the version
  • Waline comment plugin upgrade to the new version

🐛 Fix

  • Fix some path errors in the secondary directory
  • Fix regular syntax not supported in Safari
  • Fix multi-level category cannot be folded
  • Fix the rounded corners of the image with white shadow
  • Fix the escape of some special characters


23 May 11:15
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🔧 配置变更

  • Valine 评论插件的配置字段名与官方统一
- appid:
- appkey
+ appId:
+ appKey:

✨ 新功能

  • 支持 Cusdis 评论插件
  • 多语言增加世界语(Esperanto)

🎨 优化

  • 大部分评论插件的配置项现在可以自行追加(与官方提供的字段名一致即可)
  • 升级第三方库默认版本
  • 优化搜索框代码

🐛 修复

  • 修复 font:font_family 配置项没有生效
  • 修复 LeanCloud 统计 PV 时静态路径的判断
  • 修复搜索框不显示结果的情况

🔧 Configuration

  • The config item name of the Valine comment plugin is unified with the official
- appid:
- appkey
+ appId:
+ appKey:

✨ Feature

  • Support Cusdis comment plugin
  • i18n add Esperanto language

🎨 Enhancement

  • The config items of most comment plugins can be added by yourself (just the same as the field name of the original config)
  • Upgrade the default version of the third-party library
  • Improve search dialog code

🐛 Fix

  • Fix font:font_family doesn't work
  • Fix the judgment of static path when LeanCloud counts PV
  • Fix search dialog not showing results in some cases


24 Apr 13:55
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🔧 配置变更

  • 移除主题的版本检测功能及配置(由于 GitHub API 有请求限制)
- version:
-   check: false

✨ 新功能

  • 增加文章图片放大后可加载原图片的配置
+   img_url_replace: ['', '']

🎨 优化

  • 升级依赖库版本
  • 优化放大字号后的样式
  • 优化懒加载代码

🐛 修复

  • 修复配置项 onerror_avatar 在某些情况下未生效
  • 修复配置项 post_url_target 在某些情况下未生效
  • 修复 <a> 标签可能跳转空页面

🔧 Configuration

  • Remove theme version detection (because GitHub API limits requests)
- version:
-   check: false

✨ Feature

  • Add new config item of the zoom image that can be used to replace the compressed image to the original image:
+   img_url_replace: ['', '']

🎨 Enhancement

  • Upgrade dependent library version
  • Optimize the styles after enlarged font-size
  • Optimize lazyload code

🐛 Fix

  • Fix the config item onerror_avatar doesn't work in some cases
  • Fix the config item post_url_target doesn't work in some cases
  • Fix <a> tag may be directed to a blank page


16 Mar 16:52
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✨ 新功能

  • 重构懒加载代码,并新增配置项:
# 触发加载的偏移倍数
+ offset_factor: 2
# 指定加载时的占位图片
+ loading_img: /img/loading.gif
  • FrontMatter 可以设置 keywords 参数:
title: 文章标题
keywords: [关键词1, 关键词2]
  • 增加分类文章排序字段:
+ post_order_by: "-date"
  • 根据 Waline 官方新增配置项:
+ avatarCDN:
+ anonymous:
  • 根据 Twikoo 官方新增配置项:
- env_id:
+ envId:
+ region: ap-shanghai
+ path: window.location.pathname

🐛 修复

  • 修复部分图片样式异常,如关于页的悬浮二维码
  • 修复分类没有同时显示文章与子分类
  • 修复懒加载在 PWA 中报错以及在友链页未生效
  • 修复分类锚点每次生成会变更的问题

✨ Feature

  • Refactor Lazyload code and add new config items:
# The factor of viewport height that triggers loading
+ offset_factor: 2
# The placeholder image when loading
+ loading_img: /img/loading.gif
  • keywords can be set in FrontMatter:
title: The introduction of Fluid
keywords: [hexo, theme, blog]
  • Config of the category page added new item:
+ post_order_by: "-date"
  • Config of Waline added new items:
+ avatarCDN:
+ anonymous:

🐛 Fix

  • Fix some images anomalies, such as QR code on the about page
  • Fix that category doesn't contain both posts and subcategories
  • Fix lazyload doesn't work in some cases
  • Fix an issue where the category anchor would change each time it was generated


24 Feb 07:01
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✨ 新功能

  • 自定义页与关于页支持评论(通过 FrontMatter 的 comment: 'valine' 字段开启)
  • 友链页支持自定义区域和评论(详见新配置项及注释
  • 友链页增加默认头像(在头像加载错误时使用默认头像显示)
  • 增加自定义 <head> 的配置项 custom_head
  • 多语言增加繁体中文
  • Gitalk 评论插件增加 proxy 参数

🎨 优化

  • 优化搜索框交互
  • 优化暗色模式的样式
  • 修改内联代码的默认颜色为 GitHub 相同的样式
  • 文章页的 description meta 现在跟随摘要属性
  • 全局图片最大宽度限制为 100%
  • 优化翻页锚点

🐛 修复

  • 修复代码复制按钮的错误
  • 修复 Waline requiredFields 参数转义

✨ Feature

  • Custom page and About page support comment plugin (enabled via FrontMatter comment: 'valine' field)
  • Link page supports custom area and comment plugin (see new config items for details)
  • Add a config item onerror_avatar, replace the specified image when the member avatar fails to load on the link page
  • Add a config item custom_head for customize <head>
  • i18n add traditional Chinese
  • Gitalk comment plugin adds proxy parameter

🎨 Enhancement

  • Improve search box interaction
  • Improve some styles of dark mode
  • Modify the default color of inline code to the same style as GitHub
  • The description meta of the post page now follows excerpt field
  • The maximum width of images is limited to 100%

🐛 Fix

  • Fix bug of code copy button
  • Fix Waline requiredfields parameter escape


23 Dec 06:27
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🔧 配置变更

  • post_default_img 变更名称与位置,功能不变(便于更容易理解):
- post_default_img:

+ default_index_img:
  • banner_parallax 变更为层级关系,并增加配置项 width_height_ratio 用于控制 banner 图片的最小宽高比,以免竖屏浏览时图片两边被过度裁剪:
- banner_parallax: true
+ banner:
+   parallax: true
+   width_height_ratio: 1.0

🎨 优化

  • 全新的文章便签配色
  • 限制 TOC 的最大高度(超出可以滚动)
  • 略微缩小移动端下标题的字号
  • 进度条关联图片加载
  • 移动端隐藏进度条(避免与浏览器本身的进度条重叠)

🐛 修复

  • 修复全局懒加载不支持 Hexo 旧版本的问题
  • 修复代码复制按钮在某些情况不显示
  • 修复一些情况下的报错

🔧 Configuration

  • post_default_img is modified the name and location, but the feature remains unchanged:
- post_default_img:

+ default_index_img:
  • banner_parallax is modified, new configuration item width_height_ratio is applied to limit banner image of ratio of width to height:
- banner_parallax: true
+ banner:
+   parallax: true
+   width_height_ratio: 1.0

🎨 Enhancement

  • New color of post notes
  • Limit the maximum height of the TOC (can be scrolled)
  • Progress bar associated image loading
  • Hide the progress bar on the mobile terminal

🐛 Fix

  • Fix the bug that the lazy loading doesn't support the old version of Hexo
  • Fix the code copy button is not displayed in some cases
  • Fix errors in some cases


02 Dec 08:35
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✨ 新功能

  • 代码块可显示行数(新配置项:code: highlight: line_number
  • 增加 Waline 评论插件(一款从 Valine 衍生的带后端的插件)
  • 为 Mermaid 增加 Tag 插件 {% mermaid %} ... {% endmermaid %}

🎨 优化

  • 默认配置中静态 CDN 修改为 jsDelivr,原因是 staticfile 在部分区域会出现无法连通的情况(原配置备份
  • 现在默认字体族优先使用系统字体
  • 为过长的右侧目录添加省略号
  • 不蒜子和 LeanCloud 统计可以共用

🐛 修复

  • 修复上个版本中向下滚动按钮失效
  • 修复上个版本中备案层级问题
  • 修复上个版本中 Remark42 评论插件报错
  • 修复某些情况下 lazyload 会报错
  • 修复新版 MathJax 的样式适配

✨ Feature

  • Code block can display line numbers (new config item: code: highlight: line_number)
  • Add Waline comment plugin
  • Add the tag {% mermaid %} ... {% endmermaid %} for Mermaid

🎨 Enhancement

  • The default static CDN is changed to jsDelivr, because will not be able to connect in some areas
  • The default font family now prefers system fonts
  • Add ellipsis for too long TOC heading

🐛 Fix

  • Fix the scroll down button is useless in the previous version
  • Fix Remark42 comment plugin error in the previous version
  • Fix that lazyload will throw an error in some cases
  • Fix the style adaptation of the new version of MathJax


05 Nov 06:37
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✨ 新功能

  • 加载进度条
  • 自定义页面支持在 Front-matter 里设置 comment: true 开启评论
  • 首页打字机支持通过 API 获取内容(详情
  • 支持不生成一些页面(分类页、标签页、404页等)
  • twikoo 评论插件

🎨 优化

  • Gitalk 评论插件改为在本地生成 ID,配置项 gitalk: id 已废弃
  • 重构 JS 代码,使生成的页面体积缩小约 10% ~ 30%
  • PrismJS 支持引入自定义 CSS
  • 优化图片点击放大,并且支持图片下方显示图片说明
  • 配置文件增加英文注释

✨ Feature

  • Loading progress bar
  • Custom pages support setting comment: true in Front-matter to enable comments
  • The typing subtitle of the home page supports getting content through API (details)
  • Support not generating some pages (category page, tag page, 404 page, etc.)
  • twikoo comment plugin

🎨 Enhancement

  • Gitalk plugin is changed to generate ID locally, the config item gitalk: id is deprecated
  • Refactor the JS code to reduce the size of the generated page by 10% ~ 30%
  • English comments are written in _config.yml (welcome more friends to install)
  • Improve image zoom
  • PrismJS supports custom CSS


17 Oct 13:45
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🔧 配置变更

  • 移除了 Aplayer、DaoVoice、鼠标点击动效 这些功能及配置项(因为可以通过 Hexo 5 的注入器引入,详情
  • _static_prefix.yml 内容并入到 _config.yml(原文件功能依然保留,主要便于使用覆盖配置)

✨ 新功能

  • 支持自定义页脚内容
  • 文章通过 sticky 排序后增加一个图标(详情
  • 多语言新增德语

🐛 修复

  • 修复 Gitalk 的样式会影响到文章
  • 修复未开启暗色模式时的报错

🔧 Configuration

  • Remove the features of Aplayer, DaoVoice and mouse click animation (because they can be injected via the injector of Hexo 5)
  • The content of _static_prefix.yml is merged into _config.yml, but the original file feature remains

✨ Feature

  • Support custom footer content
  • Add an icon after the posts are sorted by sticky (details)
  • I18n add German language

🐛 Fix

  • Fix Gitalk style will affect the post content
  • Fix an error when the dark mode is disable