Researchers/Hackers: while you research/hack, we ask that you please refrain from committing the following:
- Denial of Service / Active exploiting against the network
- Social Engineering of Gridcoin developers or maintainers# The Gridcoin Research Vulnerability Response Process 2 3
- Any physical or electronic attempts against Gridcoin community property and/or data centers
If you do need to test the execution of an exploit, use the Gridcoin testnet.
[email protected]
A8FC 55F3 B04B A314 6F34 92E7 9303 B33A 3052 24CB
[email protected]
D5F6 97AD 8E9C 829C 7861 19B0 9A58 6C82 96D9 78B9
[email protected]
A3AB 2616 664E BA36 A4EC 3F88 B6B9 BD36 C45F 4253
- thecharlatan
- ravon
Researcher submits report via Email
Response Team designates a Response Manager who is in charge of the particular report based on availability and/or knowledge-set
In no more than 3 working days, Response Team should gratefully respond to researcher using only encrypted, secure channels
Response Manager makes inquiries to satisfy any needed information to confirm if submission is indeed a vulnerability
- a. If submission proves to be vulnerable, proceed to next step
- b. If not vulnerable:
- i. Response Manager responds with reasons why submission is not a vulnerability
- ii. Response Manager moves discussion to a new or existing ticket on GitHub if necessary
Establish severity of vulnerability:
- a. HIGH: impacts network as a whole, has potential to break entire network, results in the loss of gridcoin, or is on a scale of great catastrophe
- b. MEDIUM: impacts individual nodes, wallets, or must be carefully exploited
- c. LOW: is not easily exploitable
Respond according to the severity of the vulnerability:
- a. HIGH severities must be notified on website and cryptocurrencytalk within 3 working days of classification
- i. The notification should list appropriate steps for users to take, if any
- ii. The notification must not include any details that could suggest an exploitation path
- iii. The latter takes precedence over the former
- b. MEDIUM and HIGH severities will require a Point Release
- c. LOW severities will be addressed in the next Regular Release
- a. HIGH severities must be notified on website and cryptocurrencytalk within 3 working days of classification
Response Team applies appropriate patch(es)
- a. Response Manager designates a PRIVATE git "hotfix branch" to work in
- b. Patches are reviewed with the researcher
- c. Any messages associated with PUBLIC commits during the time of review should not make reference to the security nature of the PRIVATE branch or its commits
- d. Vulnerability announcement is drafted
- i. Include the severity of the vulnerability
- ii. Include all vulnerable systems/apps/code
- iii. Include solutions (if any) if patch cannot be applied
- e. Release date is discussed
At release date, Response Team coordinates with developers to finalize update:
- a. Response Manager propagates the "hotfix branch" to trunk
- b. Response Manager includes vulnerability announcement draft in release notes
- c. Proceed with the Point or Regular Release
Response Team has 90 days to fulfill all points within section III
If the Incident Response process in section III is successfully completed:
- a. Response Manager contacts researcher and asks if researcher wishes for credit
- b. Finalize vulnerability announcement draft and include the following:
- i. Project name and URL
- ii. Versions known to be affected
- iii. Versions known to be not affected (for example, the vulnerable code was introduced in a recent version, and older versions are therefore unaffected)
- iv. Versions not checked
- v. Type of vulnerability and its impact
- vi. The planned, coordinated release date
- vii. Mitigating factors (for example, the vulnerability is only exposed in uncommon, non-default configurations)
- viii. Workarounds (configuration changes users can make to reduce their exposure to the vulnerability)
- ix. If applicable, credits to the original reporter
- c. Release finalized vulnerability announcement on website and cryptocurrencytalk
If the Incident Response process in section III is not successfully completed:
- a. Response Team and developers organize an Slack / IRC meeting to discuss why/what points in section III were not resolved and how the team can resolve them in the future
- b. Any developer meetings immediately following the incident should include points made in section V
- c. If disputes arise about whether or when to disclose information about a vulnerability, the Response Team will publicly discuss the issue via Slack / IRC and attempt to reach consensus
- d. If consensus on a timely disclosure is not met (no later than 90 days), the researcher (after 90 days) has every right to expose the vulnerability to the public
Isolate codebase
- a. Response Team and developers should coordinate to work on the following:
- i. Problematic implementation of classes/libraries/functions, etc.
- ii. Focus on apps/distro packaging, etc.
- iii. Operator/config error, etc.
- a. Response Team and developers should coordinate to work on the following:
- a. Response Team and developers should coordinate to work on the following:
- i. Auditing of problem area(s) as discussed in point 1
- ii. Generate internal reports and store for future reference
- iii. If results are not sensitive, share with the public via IRC, Slack or GitHub
- a. Response Team and developers should coordinate to work on the following:
Response Team has 45 days following completion of section III to ensure completion of section V
Any further questions or resolutions regarding the incident(s) between the researcher and response + development team after public disclosure can be addressed via the following:
- GitHub
- Slack Team Gridcoin
- IRC - #gridcoin on Freenode
Response Team and developers should hold annual meetings to review the previous year's incidents
Response Team or designated person(s) should give a brief presentation, including:
- a. Areas of Gridcoin affected by the incidents
- b. Any network downtime or monetary cost (if any) of the incidents
- c. Ways in which the incidents could have been avoided (if any)
- d. How effective this process was in dealing with the incidents
After the presentation, Response Team and developers should discuss:
- a. Potential changes to development processes to reduce future incidents
- b. Potential changes to this process to improve future responses