Repository with some Ethereum security bugs. The bugs and fixes are demonstrated using Mocha tests.
Bugs added so far:
- Overflow
- Underflow
- Reentrancy (DAO hack)
- Delegatecall (Parity hack style)
- DOS (e.g. stay as an Auction leader forever)
- DOS (unbounded array loop)
- Force ether (relying on the invariant this.balance == 0)
- Tx.origin
- Unchecked send() output
- Storage override (commonly used in honeypots - or genuine bugs)
- Array storage override (length underflow - storage override)
bypassed when used to check if the caller is a contract
truffle test
To debug or run the test suite in more detail:
- Modify
module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
host: "localhost",
port: 8545,
network_id: "*", // Match any network id
gas : 4000000
This will run the tests in a local test blockchain. Then testrpc
& truffle console
or just truffle develop
can be run to have an interactive console and be able to see the RPC methods that have been called in the process, and therefore, the transaction hashes (if there was a transaction).
Once you know the transaction hash you want to inspect in more detail, it can be debugged running truffle debug <tx_hash>
See the transaction with web3.eth.getTransaction("<tx_hash>")
or the transaction receipt: web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt("<tx_hash>")
Also, an individual test can be run using:
truffle test test/<test_folder>/<test_name>.js