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- 📢 Give feedback
We'll glad to get any feedback from you!
- 💡 Report bugs, suggest improvements
If something specific doesn't work well for you or can be done better, please let us know!
- 💬 Estimate & discuss issues
Share your opinion, evaluate given problem context from author
- 🔩 Repeat difficult issues
Some issues hard to repeat
- 🛡️ Review pull requests
Share your opinion and help us with others' suggestions
- ⚒️ Suggest your own pull-requests!
Reinforce project by your code solution
- Fork repository
- Add your changes
- Ensure that commits messages conforms to Conventional Commits spec.
- Ensure that all tests are passing
$ npm run test # mocha will be started
- Propose your pull-request by your forked branch and specify related issues, if they are exist
- Ensure that CI is passing for your PR
Our goal - to dev good-quality solution in every sense
- Ensure that CI is passing for your PR