Using ConceptGraphs with PARTNR
For our non-privileged world-graph baseline (see details here) we provide code to create concept-graph from our scenes as well as code to use the JSONs with PARTNR. Note you can use pre-built concept-graphs provided as part of our episode repository to get started quickly. If you already have the concept-graph JSONs from our data repository, please proceed to Step 4 to run the baseline over them.
There are four main steps to this:
- Installation
- Logging data with Habitat-LLM
- Processing data to create a textual 3D scenegraph through CG pipeline
- Running the non-privileged baseline
Install CG in a separate environment than your habitat-llm one. This is because
habitat-llm does not have any dependency on concept-graphs to run. Concept-graphs repo
has dependency on HabitatDataset
dataloader which is implemented in this repository
for self-contained code placement.
To install concept-graphs follow steps on the forked repository installation page.
In order to generate a concept-graph for a given scene, we minimally requires the following data from an agent exploring this scene (all time-synced):
- RGB frames
- Depth frames
- Camera intrinsics
- Camera pose (either with respect to the world or with respect to initial location, requires config change to switch from one to the other)
We need to configure a handful of parameters in order to start logging the above data in habitat-llm. These parameters are read from here.
save: True
agent_names: ['agent_1'] # list of all agents to log
save_path: 'data/traj0' # root of data where to log data
save_options: ["rgb", "depth", "pose"] # modalities to log during execution
# rgb: accesses agent_N_articulated_agent_arm_rgb camera
# depth: accesses agent_N_articulated_agent_arm_depth camera
# pose: logs agent_N_articulated_agent_arm_rgb camera pose
They can be accessed via: conf.trajectory
config variable in code. In order to execute
a run with logging enabled, use the following command:
HYDRA_FULL_ERROR=1 python -m habitat_llm.examples.planner_demo --config-name examples/planner_multi_agent_demo_config.yaml \
planner='habitat_centralized_planner_multi_agent' \
[email protected]=llama2 \
mode='cli' \
partial_obs='False' \
habitat.dataset.data_path="data/datasets/partnr_episodes/v0_0/val_mini.json.gz" \
[email protected]=openai_chat \ \
instruction="send agent_0 to all receptacles in the environment"
Make sure you have created the output directory for above run code to store data in:
mkdir data/traj0
Output directory is expected to have following organization if everything is set up correctly:
Please follow the instructions provided in our fork
After spawning your LLM servers use the following command to reproduce baseline as reported in PARTNR paper:
python -m habitat_llm.examples.planner_demo --config-name baselines/decentralized_zero_shot_react_summary_nn.yaml \
+habitat.dataset.metadata.metadata_folder=data/hssd-hab/metadata/ \
habitat.dataset.data_path="/path/to/dataset" \
evaluation.agents.agent_0.planner.plan_config.objects_response_include_states=True \
evaluation.agents.agent_1.planner.plan_config.objects_response_include_states=True \
world_model=concept_graph \
device=cpu \
agent_asymmetry=True \
habitat.simulator.agents.agent_0.sim_sensors.jaw_depth_sensor.normalize_depth=False \
habitat.simulator.agents.agent_1.sim_sensors.head_depth_sensor.normalize_depth=False \
habitat_conf/task=rearrange_easy_multi_agent_nn \
num_proc=4 \
paths.results_dir=/path/to/your/output/directory \