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Terraform Template for ONTAP Cloud for AWS standalone instance with OnCommand Cloud Manager

Manages the deployment of NetApp OnCommand Cloud Manager and ONTAP Cloud

This Terraform template will deploy a NetApp OnCommand Cloud Manager environment into the chosen AWS region and location. As part of the process, a new ONTAP Cloud system will be deployed with a 1TB aggregate using an ONTAP Cloud Explore system. The solution leverages the ONTAP Cloud CHEF Cookbook to provision and configure the environment.

Note: On terraform destroy, the associated ONTAP Cloud system deployed will be destroyed and removed from your cloud account

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


ONTAP Cloud charges and AWS fees

This Terraform template will deploy cloud instances and resources into your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. Usage of this template will likely lead to cloud charges as resources are consumed. The template will deploy a NetApp OnCommand Cloud Manager instance and a single ONTAP Cloud for AWS instance into the same VPC/Subnet. Usage of this template in your organization is done so with the explicit understanding that you will be responsible for these charges.

NetApp and Amazon Marketplace registration

Prior running this template, you will need to ensure that your AWS account has subscribed to the official ONTAP Cloud for AWS and OnCommand Cloud Manager images:

Tools and versions

  • OnCommand Cloud Manager 3.2.0+
  • Chef Solo 12.5+
  • Terraform v0.9.2+


Before you begin

Verify your meet these requirements

Terraform Commands

  • terraform plan: Execute the planned output to verify the current desired infrastructure state
  • terraform apply: Run the configuration using the supplied variables.
  • terraform destroy: Execute the destruction sequence to remove all resources.
  • terraform taint: Mark a resource for recreation. All child dependent resources will be reset and redeployed as well.

Re-running the provisioning effort and changes

All host configurations have been place in custom resources using the Terraform null_resource operator. This allows for easy re-application of templates and services. All of the configurations are designed to set the desired state and only update when the existing configuration does not match. Only if a specific resource is marked for destruction, will the destroy triggers enact.

Configuration Resources

  • null_resource.ontap_cloud: Manages the configuration of OnCommand Cloud Manager and the ONTAP Cloud system

Redeploying an instance

If you mark an instance for redeployment, the associated configuration resource will be marked as well. The deletion of a host will trigger clean-up resources if defined.

Since the ONTAP Cloud system can be added or removed outside of this infrastructure, the process to reset the OnCommand Cloud Manager host will delete the existing ONTAP Cloud system and force a redeployment. This action will also cause the Peritus Test Case host to rerun its configuration to ensure that everything connects.


This Terraform will create the following resources:

  • AWS Identity Access Management (IAM) Policy
  • AWS Identity Access Management (IAM) Profile
  • AWS Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) IAM Role
  • AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Security Group
  • AWS EC2 Instance using OnCommand Cloud Manager marketplace image
  • NetApp ONTAP Cloud for AWS instance with 1TB of storage


NOTE: properties in bold are required

Configuration Variables

Variable Description Default Value
owner_name Your Username to identify your infrastructure.
converge Setting this variable on subsquent runs will force a reload of the configuration and re-apply the configurations. Changing this value will notify the provisioning resources to reconverge their configurations. You can override the value from the command line by running terraform apply -var converge=true

Note: Once changed, the value is preserved so the next time the terraform apply command is run, the value will revert to the default.

AWS Variables

Variable Description Default Value
aws_profile Identifies the AWS Shared Credentials File profile name. More information found in the official AWS documentation. default
region: AWS region to which the systems will be deployed. us-east-1
subnet_id AWS Subnet to which the systems will be deployed. Must exist in your region.
key_name Existing AWS KeyPair name. Must match the KeyPair referenced in key_file_path.
key_file_path Local file path to the SSH key selected as the aws_keyname.

OnCommand Cloud Manager Variables

Variable Description Default Value
occm_email The email address to register as the Cloud Admin for the new OnCommand Cloud Manager server.
occm_password OnCommand Cloud Manager Admin password.
company_name Your company name to which the OnCommand Cloud manager system will be registered.
occm_amis This is a reference variable and does not need to be set. List of the OnCommand Cloud Manager AMIs per region. Automatically selected based on region

ONTAP Cloud for AWS

Variable Description Default Value
ontap_name New ONTAP Cloud Name. demolab
ontap_password New ONTAP Cloud password for Admin. netapp123
ontap_size Size of the Aggregate: Pick One - 100GB, 500GB, 1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB. 500GB
ontap_instance AWS Instance type for ONTAP Cloud instance. Note: must be a supported size for the selected license type". Default = 'm4.xlarge'. m4.xlarge
license_type ONTAP Cloud license type. Supported values are ['cot-explore-paygo', 'cot-standard-paygo', 'cot-premium-paygo']. cot-explore-paygo
write_speed Sets the ONTAP Cloud write speed. 'normal' is standard with high consistency guarantee, while 'high' will increase write performance at the risk of potential data loss in the event of a failure. normal

Terraform Configuration Files

├── aws_standalone/
│   ├── files
│   │   ├── occm-ec2-role.json
│   │   ├── occm-role-policy.json
│   │   ├── solo.rb
│   │   ├── Berksfile
│   ├── scripts
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   ├── templates
│   │   ├── create_ontap.json.tpl
│   │   ├── destroy_ontap.json.tpl
│   │   ├── data_bags
│   │   │   ├── occm
│   │   │   │   ├── admin_credentials.json.tpl
│   │   │   │   ├── ontap_credentials.json.tpl
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──


  • files/occm-ec2-role.json: Default role model for IAM EC2 Role used by OnCommand Cloud manager
  • files/occm-role-policy.json: Creates a new IAM policy used by OnCommand Cloud Manager's IAM EC2 Role and sets valid permissions for the system.
  • files/solo.rb: Configures CHEF Solo defaults for bootstrapping purposes.
  • files/Berksfile: Berkshelf configuration file to identify cookbooks and dependencies.


  • scripts/ Forces Terraform to wait for the OnCommand Cloud Manager system services to be fully up prior to provisioning. This solves a race condition where SSH responds faster than the services have time to complete first-boot.
  • scripts/ Executes the installation of Git, downloads the Chef Client and ChefDK, uses Berkshelf to package the CHEF cookbooks, and triggers the CHEF Solo command to self-bootstrap.


  • templates/create_ontap.json.tpl: Configures the CHEF run_list for the process of setting up OnCommand Cloud Manager and deploying ONTAP Cloud for AWS. This file is automatically configured during execution based on supplied variables.
  • templates/destroy_ontap.json.tpl: Configures the CHEF run_list for the process of destroying the ONTAP Cloud for AWS system. This file is automatically configured during execution based on supplied variables.
  • data_bags/occm/admin_credentials.json.tpl: Template for the CHEF Data_bag to setup and access the OnCommand Cloud Manager system.
  • data_bags/occm/ontap_credentials.json.tpl: Template for the CHEF Data_bag to configure the credetials for the newly deployed ONTAP Cloud for AWS system.

Default Variable Values

Create a new file called terraform.tfvars to include the variable name and the value to which to assign. This file can be used to preserve the values of the Terraform variables but is explicitly not included in source code control as per the included .gitignore file.

owner_name = "Jeremy Goodrum"
aws_profile = "exosphere"
key_name = "terraform"
key_file_path = "~/Downloads/terraform.pem"

region = "us-east-1"
subnet_id = "subnet-7ce3f846"

occm_email = "[email protected]"
occm_password = "Netapp123"
company_name = "exospheredata"

ontap_name = "demolab"
ontap_password = "Netapp123"

CHEF Solo integration

This Terraform template requires the use of the ONTAP Cloud CHEF Cookbook from Exosphere Data, LLC. This cookbook is loaded automatically to the OnCommand server.

Run_Lists and Attributes

Once the OnCommand Cloud Manager has booted and passed the server_health tests, the remote provisioners will transfer the files and start the bootstap process. The current list of supported node attributes can be found at the ONTAP Cloud CHEF Cookbook repository. The values for these can be added or removed in the create_ontap.json.tpl file in the templates directory.


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License & Authors

Author: Jeremy Goodrum ([email protected])

Copyright: 2017 Exosphere Data, LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.