- "Let q(x) be a property provable about objects x of type T. Then q(y) should be provable for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T" - Barbara Liskov
- Subtypes must have:
- Same or stronger invariants
- Same or stronger postconditions for all methods
- Same or weaker preconditions for all methods
- e.g., Compiler-enforced rules in Java:
- Subtypes can add, but not remove methods
- Concrete class must implement all undefined methods
- Overriding method must return same type or subtype
- Overriding method must accept the same parameter types
- Overriding method may not throw additional exceptions
Delegation is simply when one object relies on another object for some subset of its functionality
Judicious delegation enables code reuse
e.g., here, the
is delegating functionality to someOrder
interface Order { boolean lessThan(int i, int j); } final Order ASCENDING = (i, j) -> i < j; final Order DESCENDING = (i, j) -> i > j; static void sort(int[] list, Order cmp) { ... boolean mustSwap = cmp.lessThan(list[i], list[j]); ... }
Using delegation to extend functionality
Consider the java.util.List (excerpted):
public interface List<E> { public boolean add(E e); public E remove(int index); public void clear(); ... }
Suppose we want a list that logs its operations to the console
public class LoggingList<E> implements List<E> { private final List<E> list; public LoggingList<E>(List<E> list) { this.list = list; } public boolean add(E e) { System.out.println("Adding " + e); return list.add(e); } public E remove(int index) { System.out.println("Removing at " + index); return list.remove(index); } ... }
Small interfaces with clear contracts
Classes to encapsulate algorithms, behaviors
- Different kinds of objects can be treated uniformly by client code
- Each object behaves according to its type
Interface inheritance for type hierarchy
public interface Account { public long getBalance(); public void deposit(long amount); public boolean withdraw(long amount); public boolean transfer(long amount, Account target); public void monthlyAdjustment(); } public interface CheckingAccount extends Account { public long getFee(); } public interface SavingsAccount extends Account { public double getInterestRate(); } public interface InterestCheckingAccount extends CheckingAccount, SavingsAccount { }
Implementation inheritance for code reuse
public abstract class AbstractAccount implements Account { protected long balance = 0; public long getBalance() { return balance; } abstract public void monthlyAdjustment(); // other methods... } public class CheckingAccountImpl extends AbstractAccount implements CheckingAccount { public void monthlyAdjustment() { balance -= getFee(); } public long getFee() { ... } }
Benefits of inheritance:
- Reuse of code
- Modeling flexibility
- Inheritance is for polymorphism and code reuse
- Write code once and only once
- Superclass features implicitly available in subclass
- Subtyping is for polymorphism
- Accessing objects the same way, but getting different behavior
- Subtype is substitutable for supertype
- A final field: prevents reassignment to the field after initialization
- A final method: prevents overriding the method
- A final class: prevents extending the class
- Useful if you know you have a more specific subtype
- e.g.,
double pi = 3.14; int indianaPi = (int) pi;
- Advice: avoid downcasting types
- Never(?) downcast within superclass to a subclass
Operator that tests whether an object is of a given class
e.g., Warning that this code is bad!
public void doSomething(Account acct) { long adj = 0; Warning: if (acct instanceof CheckingAccount) { checkingAcct = (CheckingAccount) acct; adj = checkingAcct.getFee(); } else if (acct instanceof SavingsAccount) { savingsAcct = (SavingsAccount) acct; adj = savingsAcct.getInterest(); } ... }
Advice: avoid
if possible- Never(?) use instanceof in a superclass to check type against subclass
- Inheritance can improve modeling flexibility
- Usually, favor composition/delegation over inheritance
- Inheritance violates information hiding
- Delegation supports information hiding
- Design and document for inheritance, or prohibit it
- Document requirements for overriding any method