Lecture 11 Join Algorithms
We will focus on combining two tables at a time with inner equijoin algorithms
In general, we want the smaller table to always be the left table ("outer table") in the query plan
Decision #1: Output
What data does the join operator emit to its parent operator in the query plan tree?
Decision #2: Cost Analysis Criteria
How do we determine whether one join algorithm is better than another?
For a tuple $r \in R$ and a tuple $s \in S$ that match on join attributes, concatenate $r$ and $s$ together into a new tuple
Copy the values for the attributes in outer and inner tuples into a new output tuple
Subsequent operators in the query plan never need to go back to the base tables to get more data
Only copy the joins keys along with the record ids of the matching tuples
Ideal for column stores because the DBMS does not copy data that is not need for the query
This is called late materialization
Join is the most common operation and thus must be carefully optimized
Cross-product followed by a selection is inefficient because the cross-product is large
Simple/Stupid Nested Loop Join
foreach tuple r ∈ R: (Outer)
foreach tuple s ∈ S: (Inner)
emit, if r and s match
For every tuple in R, it scans S once
For R has $M$ pages and $m$ tuples, S has $N$ pages and $n$ tuples
Cost: $M+(m·N)$
foreach block B_R ∈ R:
foreach block B_S ∈ S:
foreach tuple r ∈ B_R:
foreach tuple s ∈ B_S:
emit, if r and s match
This algorithm performs fewer disk accesses
For every block in R, it scans S once
Cost: $M+(M·N)$
The smaller table in terns of # of pages should be the outer table
What if we have $B$ buffer available?
Use $B-2$ buffers for scanning the outer table
Use one buffer for the inner table, one buffer for storing output
Cost: $M + (\lceil M/(B-2) \rceil · N)$
What if the outer relation completely fits in memory ($B>M+2$ )?
We can avoid sequential scans by using an index to find inner table matches
Use an existing index for the join
Build one on the fly (hash table, B+Tree)
Assume the cost of each index probe is some constant C per tuple
Cost: $M+(m·C)$
foreach tuple r ∈ R:
foreach tuple s Index(r_i = s_j):
emit, if r and s match
Phase #1: Sort
Sort both tables on the join keys
We can use the external merge sort algorithm that we talked about last class
Phase #2: Merge
Step through the two sorted tables with cursors and emit matching tuples
May need to backtrack depending on the join type
sort R,S on join keys
cursor_R <- R_sorted, cursor_S <- S_sorted
while cursor_R and cursor_S:
if cursor_R > cursor_S:
increment cursor_S
if cursor_R < sursor_S:
increment cursor_R
elif cursor_R and cursor_S match:
increment cursor_S
Total Cost: Sort+Merge
Sort Cost (R): $2M · (1 + \lceil log_{B-1}{\lceil M/B \rceil} \rceil)$
Sort Cost (S): $2N · (1 + \lceil log_{B-1}{\lceil N/B \rceil} \rceil)$
Merge Cost: $(M + N)$
The worst case for the merging phase is when the join attribute of all of the tuples in both relations contain the same value
The input relations may be sorted by either by an explicit sort operator, or by scanning the relation using an index on the join key
If tuple $r \in R$ and a tuple $s \in S$ satisfy the join condition, then they have the same value for the join attributes
If that value is hashed to some partition $i$ , the $R$ tuple must be in $r_i$ and the $S$ tuple in $s_i$
Therefore, $R$ tuples in $r_i$ need only to be compared with $S$ tuples in $s_i$
Basic Hash Join Algorithm
Phase #1: Build
Scan the outer relation and populates a hash table using the hash function $h_1$ on the join attributes
Phase #2: Probe
Scan the inner relation and use $h_1$ on each tuple to jump to a location in the hash table and find a matching tuple
build hash table HT_R for R
foreach tuple s ∈ S:
output, if h_1(s) ∈ HT_R
Key: The attributes that the query is joining the tables on
Value: Varies per implementation
Depends on what the operators above the join in the query plan expect as its input
Approach #1: Full Tuple
Avoid having to retrieve the outer relation's tuple contents on a match
Takes up more space in memory
Approach #2: Tuple Identifier
Ideal for column stores because the DBMS doesn't fetch data from disk it doesn't need
Also better if join selectivity is low
Create a Bllom Filter duing the build phase when the key is likely to not exist in the hash table
Threads check the filter before probing the hash table
This will be faster since the filter will fit in CPU caches
Sometimes called sideways information passing
Hash join when tables do not fit in memory
Build Phase: Hash both tables on the join attribute into partitions
Probe Phase: Compares tuples in corresponding partitons for each table
Hash R into (0,1,...,max) buckets
Hash S into the same # of buckets with the same hash function
Join each pair of matching buckets between R and S
If the buckets do not fit in memory, then use recursive partitioning to split the tables into chunks that will fit
Build another hash table for $bucket_{R,i}$ using hash function $h_2$
Then probe it for each tuple of the other table's bucket at that level
Cost of hash join
Assume that we have enough buffers
Cost: $3(M+N)$
Partitioning Phase
Read+Write both tables
$2(M+N)$ I/Os
Probing Phase
Read both tables
$M+N$ I/Os
If the DBMS knows the size of the outer table then it can use a static hash table
Less computational overhead for build / probe operations
I/O Cost
Simple Nested Loop Join
1.3 hours
Block Nested Loop Join
50 seconds
Index Nested Loop Join
20 seconds
Sort-Merge Join
M+N+(sort cost)
0.59 seconds
Hash Join
0.45 seconds
Hashing is almost always better than sorting for operator execution
Sorting is better on non-uniform data
Sorting is better when result needs to be sorted
Good DBMSs use either or both