- Traditional: separate clusters
- There are many cluster resource consumers
- Big data frameworks, elastic services, VMs
- Historically, each would run its own cluster
- There are many cluster resource consumers
- Preferred: dynamic sharing of cluster
- Heterogeneous mix of activity types
- Each grabbing/releasing resources dynamically
- Preferred: intra-cluster heterogeneity
- Have a mix of platform types, purposefully
- Could try to do with a monolithic scheduler
- Organization policies
- Resource availability
- Job requirements (Response time, Throughput, Availability)
- Job execution plan (Task DAG, Inputs/outputs)
- Estimates (Task durations, Input sizes, Transfer sizes)
- Advantages: can (theoretically) achieve optimal schedule
- Advantages:
- Simple -> easier to scale and make resilient
- Easier to port existing frameworks, support new ones
- Disadvantages:
- Distributed scheduling decision -> may be suboptimal
- Need to balance awareness with coordination overhead
- One mechanism: resource offers (e.g., Mesos)
- Unit of allocation: resource offer
- Vector of available resources on a node (e.g., node1: <1CPU, 1GB>)
- Meta-scheduler sends resource offers to frameworks
- Frameworks select which (if any) offers to accept and which tasks to run
- Unit of allocation: resource offer
- Challenges
- Allocation changes
- when circumstances change, the right decisions might too
- Planning ahead
- lack of central planning of schedule can lead to distribuetd hoarding
- Limited visibility for frameworks into overall cluster state
- Allocation changes
- Alternate distributed scheduler: shared state
- Expose cluster state and schedule to all framework schedulers
- Let each framework make decisions independently
- Allow scheduling into future
- -> Performance overheads in maintaining shared state & Can repeat work
Single master for all jobs, JobTracker (Resource allocator and job scheduler)
One or many slaves, TaskTrackers (Configurable number of Map and Reduce task slots)
Hadoop Limitations
- Single programming model (MapReduce only)
- Centralized handling of jobs
- Single point of failure (JobTracker failure kills all running and pending jobs)
- Scalability concerns (Bottleneck for ~10K jobs)
- Resources (task slots) were specific to either (Map or Reduce tasks)
- Support multiple programming models
- Two-level scheduler
- Cluster resource management detached from job management (meta-scheduler)
- One master per job (framework-scheduler for application lifecycle management)
- Dynamic allocation of resources to run any tasks
- Resource Manager (RM)
- Cluster resource scheduler
- Application Master (AM)
- One per job
- Job life-cycle management
- Node Manager (NM)
- One per node
- Contaienr life-cycle management
- Container resource monitoring
- One per cluster
- Request-based scheduler
- Tracks resource usage and node liveness
- Enforces allocation and arbitrates contention among competing jobs
- Fair, Capacity, Locality
- Dynamically allocates leases to applications
- Interacts with NodeManagers to assemble a global view
- Can reclaim allocated resource by
- Collaborating with AMs
- Killing containers directly throught the NM
- One per job
- Manages life-cycle of a job
- Creates a logical plan of the job
- Requests resource through a heartbeat to the RM
- Receives a resource lease from the RM
- Creates a physical plan
- Coordinates execution
- Plans around faults
- Each AM manages the job's individual tasks
- Start, monitor, and restart tasks
- Each task runs within a container on each NM
- The AM acquires resources dynamically in the form of containers from the RM's scheduler before contacting corresponding NMs to start a job's tasks
- Manages container lifecycle and monitor containers
- One per node
- Authenticates container leases
- Monitors container execution
- Reports usage through heartbeat to RM
- Kills containers as directed by RM or AM
- Container represents a lease for an allocated resource in the cluster
- The RM is the sole authority to allocate any container to applications
- The allocated container is always on a single NM and has a unique container id
- YARN interfaces:
- Client-RM Protocol
- AM-RM Protocol
- AM-NM Protocol
- NM-RM Protocol
- All client-facing MapReduce interfaces are unchanged, which means that there is no need to make any source code changes to run on top of YARN
- FIFO Scheduler
- Has a single FIFO queue used to schedule container requests
- Fair Scheduler
- Has multiple queues and tries to fairly allocate resources to the queues
- Uses the Dominant Resource Fairness Algorithm which ensures that the queue with the lowest share of a particular resource gets the resource
- Queues are configurable by the cluster administrator
- Capacity Scheduler
- Has multiple queues and tries to allocate resources to the queues such that each queue's capacity constraint is not violated
- During initial configuration, the administrator can split the capacity of the cluster's resources among these queues
- Late binding
- RM Failure
- Single point of failure
- Can recover from persistent storage
- Kills all contaienrs including AMs
- Launches instance for each AM
- NM Failure
- RM detects through heartbeat timeout
- Marks all container on NM killed
- Reports failure to all running AMs
- AMs are responsible for node failures
- AM Failure
- RM restarts AM
- AM has to resync with all running tasks or all running tasks are killed
- Task Failure
- Framework (AM) responsibility