Releases: eschnett/SIMD.jl
Releases · eschnett/SIMD.jl
Correct version number in Project.toml
v2.5.1 Correct version number in Project.toml
Make indexing aware of SubArray memory layout
Merge pull request #44 from tkf/contiguous Make indexing aware of SubArray memory layout
Support non-temporal stores (that bypass the cache)
v2.4.0 New minor version 2.4.0
Improve performance of integer exponentiation
v2.3.0 Update version to 2.3.0
Propagate @inbounds declarations when indexing
Merge pull request #39 from KristofferC/kc/prop_inb propagate inbounds for getindex
Add gather operation
Merge pull request #37 from tkf/gather Add gather
Correct version number
v2.0.1 Bump version to 2.0.1
Vec is not a subtype of AbstractArray any more
While Vec
technically satisfies the AbstractArray
interface, it does so quite inefficiently. Removing this will likely prevent performance bugs.
Update package metadata
v1.2.0 Update Travis script
Drop support for Julia 0.6
Merge pull request #33 from miguelraz/testcleanup Tests cleanup