- NAIF/SPICE Repository (check all kernels)
- Europlanet/VESPA Planetary Coord Systems
- IVOA Space Time Coordinate Mode: Standard Reference Frames List
- SPASE Data Model: CoordinateSystemName
- M.A.Hapgood, Space physics coordinate transformations: A user guide, PSS, 40-5, 1992, 711-717
- Fränz & Harper, Heliospheric Coordinate Systems
- HELIO-FP7 Coordinate Systems
- Juno Coord System Document
- OMNIWeb Geomagnetic Frames
- Geophysical Coordinate Transformations, C. Russel, IGPP, UCLA
- MSSL UCL Ref list
- Coordinate systems for solar image data, W. T. Thompson, A&A 449, 791-803 (2006)
- Coordinate Systems for ACE
- SPENVIS Coordinate Systems
- STEREO Science Center Coordinate Systems
- IAU code - Data get from IAU report and source code to convert to WKT-crs
- CRS representation in OGC