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Mobx-State-Tree API reference guide

This reference guide lists all methods exposed by MST. Contributions like linguistic improvements, adding more details to the descriptions or additional examples are highly appreciated! Please note that the docs are generated from source. Most methods are declared in the mst-operations.ts file.

Creates a key based collection type who's children are all of a uniform declared type. If the type stored in a map has an identifier, it is mandatory to store the child under that identifier in the map.

This type will always produce observable maps


  • subtype IType<S, T>


    const Todo = types.model({
      id: types.identifier,
      task: types.string

    const TodoStore = types.model({

    const s = TodoStore.create({ todos: [] })
    s.todos.set(17, { task: "Grab coffee", id: 17 })
    s.todos.put({ task: "Grab cookie", id: 18 }) // put will infer key from the identifier
    console.log(s.todos.get(17)) // prints: "Grab coffee"

Returns IComplexType<Array<S>, IObservableArray<T>>


Creates a index based collection type who's children are all of a uniform declared type.

This type will always produce observable arrays


  • subtype IType<S, T>


    const Todo = types.model({
      task: types.string

    const TodoStore = types.model({
      todos: types.array(Todo)

    const s = TodoStore.create({ todos: [] })
    s.todos.push({ task: "Grab coffee" })
    console.log(s.todos[0]) // prints: "Grab coffee"

Returns IComplexType<Array<S>, IObservableArray<T>>


Identifier are used to make references, lifecycle events and reconciling works. Inside a state tree, for each type can exist only one instance for each given identifier. For example there could'nt be 2 instances of user with id 1. If you need more, consider using references. Identifier can be used only as type property of a model. This type accepts as parameter the value type of the identifier field that can be either string or number.


  • baseType IType<T, T>


const Todo = types.model("Todo", {
     id: types.identifier(types.string),
     title: types.string

Returns IType<T, T>


Creates a new model type by providing a name, properties, volatile state and actions.

See the model type description or the getting started tutorial.


Composes a new model from one or more existing model types. This method can be invoked in two forms:

  1. Given 2 or more model types, the types are composed into a new Type.
  2. Given 1 model type, and additionally a set of properties, actions and volatile state, a new type is composed.


  • compose(...modelTypes)
  • compose(modelType, properties)
  • compose(modelType, properties, actions)
  • compose(modelType, properties, volatileState, actions)

Example of form 2


Creates a reference to another type, which should have defined an identifier. See also the reference and identifiers section.


  • factory


types.union(dispatcher?, types...) create a union of multiple types. If the correct type cannot be inferred unambigously from a snapshot, provide a dispatcher function of the form (snapshot) => Type.


  • dispatchOrType (ITypeDispatcher | IType<any, any>)
  • otherTypes ...Array<IType<any, any>>

Returns IType<any, any>


types.optional can be used to create a property with a default value. If the given value is not provided in the snapshot, it will default to the provided defaultValue. If defaultValue is a function, the function will be invoked for every new instance. Applying a snapshot in which the optional value is not present, causes the value to be reset


  • type
  • defaultValueOrFunction


    const Todo = types.model({
      title: types.optional(types.string, "Test"),
      done: types.optional(types.boolean, false),
      created: types.optional(types.Date, () => new Date())

    // it is now okay to omit 'created' and 'done'. created will get a freshly generated timestamp
    const todo = Todo.create({ title: "Get coffee "})


The literal type will return a type that will match only the exact given type. The given value must be a primitive, in order to be serialized to a snapshot correctly. You can use literal to match exact strings for example the exact male or female string.


  • value S The value to use in the strict equal check


const Person = types.model({
    name: types.string,
    gender: types.union(types.literal('male'), types.literal('female'))

Returns ISimpleType<S>


Maybe will make a type nullable, and also null by default.


  • type IType<S, T> The type to make nullable

Returns (IType<(S | null | undefined), (T | null)>)


types.refinement(baseType, (snapshot) => boolean) creates a type that is more specific then the base type, e.g. types.refinement(types.string, value => value.length > 5) to create a type of strings that can only be longer then 5.


  • name string
  • type IType<T, T>
  • predicate

Returns IType<T, T>


Frozen can be used to story any value that is serializable in itself (that is valid JSON). Frozen values need to be immutable or treated as if immutable. Values stored in frozen will snapshotted as-is by MST, and internal changes will not be tracked.

This is useful to store complex, but immutable values like vectors etc. It can form a powerful bridge to parts of your application that should be immutable, or that assume data to be immutable.


    const GameCharacter = types.model({
      name: string,
      location: types.frozen

    const hero = new GameCharacter({
      name: "Mario",
      location: { x: 7, y: 4 }

    hero.location = { x: 10, y: 2 } // OK
    hero.location.x = 7 // Not ok!


Creates a type that can only contain a string value. This type is used for string values by default


    const Person = types.model({
      firstName: types.string,
      lastName: "Doe"


Creates a type that can only contain a numeric value. This type is used for numeric values by default


    const Vector = types.model({
      x: types.number,
      y: 0


Creates a type that can only contain a boolean value. This type is used for boolean values by default


    const Thing = types.model({
      isCool: types.boolean,
      isAwesome: false


The type of the value null


The type of the value undefined


Creates a type that can only contain a javascript Date value.


    const LogLine = types.model({
      timestamp: types.Date,

    LogLine.create({ timestamp: new Date() })


Defines a type that gets implemented later. This is usefull when you have to deal with circular dependencies. Please notice that when defining circular dependencies TypeScript is'nt smart enought to inference them. You need to declare an interface to explicit the return type of the late parameter function.

 interface INode {
      childs: INode[]

  // TypeScript is'nt smart enough to infer self referencing types.
 const Node = types.model({
      childs: types.optional(types.array(types.late<any, INode>(() => Node)), [])


  • name [string] The name to use for the type that will be returned.
  • type ILateType<S, T> A function that returns the type that will be defined.
  • nameOrType
  • maybeType

Returns IType<S, T>


Can be used to create an string based enumeration. (note: this methods is just sugar for a union of string literals)


  • name string descriptive name of the enumeration (optional)
  • options Array<string> possible values this enumeration can have


    const TrafficLight = types.model({
      color: types.enum("Color", ["Red", "Orange", "Green"])

Returns ISimpleType<string>


Returns the actual type of the given tree node. (Or throws)


  • object IStateTreeNode

Returns IType<S, T>


Returns the declared type of the given sub property of an object, array or map.


  • object IStateTreeNode
  • child string


    const Box = types.model({ x: 0, y: 0 })
    const box = Box.create()

    console.log(getChildType(box, "x").name) // 'number'

Returns IType<any, any>


Middleware can be used to intercept any action is invoked on the subtree where it is attached. If a tree is protected (by default), this means that any mutation of the tree will pass through your middleware.

SandBox example

It is allowed to attach multiple middlewares. The order in which middleware is invoked is inside-out: local middleware is invoked before parent middleware. On the same object, earlier attached middleware is run before later attached middleware.

A middleware receives two arguments: 1. the description of the the call, 2: a function to invoke the next middleware in the chain. If next(call) is not invoked by your middleware, the action will be aborted and not actually executed. Before passing the call to the next middleware using next, feel free to clone and modify the call description

A call description looks like:

     name: string // name of the action
     object: any & IStateTreeNode // the object on which the action was original invoked
     args: any[] // the arguments of the action
     asyncMode: string
     asyncId: number

The fields asyncMode and asyncId are explained in detail in the asynchronous action section.

An example of a build in middleware is the onAction method.


  • target IStateTreeNode
  • middleware


    const store = SomeStore.create()
    const disposer = addMiddleWare(store, (call, next) => {
      console.log(`action ${} was invoked`)
      next(call) // runs the next middleware (or the intended action if there is no middleware to run left)

Returns IDisposer


Registers a function that will be invoked for each mutation that is applied to the provided model instance, or to any of its children. See patches for more details. onPatch events are emitted immediately and will not await the end of a transaction. Patches can be used to deep observe a model tree.


  • target Object the model instance from which to receive patches
  • boolean includeOldValue if oldValue is included in the patches, they can be inverted. However patches will become much bigger and might not be suitable for efficient transport
  • callback
  • includeOldValue

Returns IDisposer function to remove the listener


Registeres a function that is invoked whenever a new snapshot for the given model instance is available. The listener will only be fire at the and of the current MobX (trans)action. See snapshots for more details.


Returns IDisposer


Applies a JSON-patch to the given model instance or bails out if the patch couldn't be applied See patches for more details.

Can apply a single past, or an array of patches.


  • target Object
  • patch IJsonPatch


The inverse function of apply patch. Given a patch or set of patches, restores the target to the state before the patches where produced. The inverse patch is computed, and all the patches are applied in reverse order, basically 'rewinding' the target, so that conceptually the following holds for any set of patches:

getSnapshot(x) === getSnapshot(revertPatch(applyPatches(x, patches), patches))

Note: Reverting patches will generate a new set of patches as side effect of applying the patches. Note: only patches that include oldValue information are suitable for reverting. Such patches can be generated by passing true as second argument when attaching an onPatch listener.


  • target
  • patch


Small abstraction around onPatch and applyPatch, attaches a patch listener to a tree and records all the patches. Returns an recorder object with the following signature:

export interface IPatchRecorder {
     // the recorded patches
     patches: IJsonPatch[]
     // the same set of recorded patches, but without undo information, making them smaller and compliant with json-patch spec
     cleanPatches: IJSonPatch[]
     // stop recording patches
     stop(target?: IStateTreeNode): any
     // apply all the recorded patches on the given target (the original subject if omitted)
     replay(target?: IStateTreeNode): any
     // reverse apply the recorded patches on the given target  (the original subject if omitted)
     // stops the recorder if not already stopped
     undo(): void


  • subject IStateTreeNode

Returns IPatchRecorder


Applies an action or a series of actions in a single MobX transaction. Does not return any value Takes an action description as produced by the onAction middleware.


  • target Object
  • actions Array<IActionCall>
  • options [IActionCallOptions]


Small abstraction around onAction and applyAction, attaches an action listener to a tree and records all the actions emitted. Returns an recorder object with the following signature:

export interface IActionRecorder {
     // the recorded actions
     actions: ISerializedActionCall[]
     // stop recording actions
     stop(): any
     // apply all the recorded actions on the given object
     replay(target: IStateTreeNode): any


  • subject IStateTreeNode

Returns IPatchRecorder


The inverse of unprotect


  • target IStateTreeNode


By default it is not allowed to directly modify a model. Models can only be modified through actions. However, in some cases you don't care about the advantages (like replayability, tracability, etc) this yields. For example because you are building a PoC or don't have any middleware attached to your tree.

In that case you can disable this protection by calling unprotect on the root of your tree.


  • target


const Todo = types.model({
    done: false,
    toggle() {
        this.done = !this.done

const todo = new Todo()
todo.done = true // OK
todo.done = false // throws!
todo.toggle() // OK


Returns true if the object is in protected mode, @see protect


  • target


Applies a snapshot to a given model instances. Patch and snapshot listeners will be invoked as usual.



Calculates a snapshot from the given model instance. The snapshot will always reflect the latest state but use structural sharing where possible. Doesn't require MobX transactions to be completed.


Returns Any


Given a model instance, returns true if the object has a parent, that is, is part of another object, map or array


  • target Object
  • depth number = 1, how far should we look upward?

Returns boolean


Returns the immediate parent of this object, or null.

Note that the immediate parent can be either an object, map or array, and doesn't necessarily refer to the parent model


  • target Object
  • depth number = 1, how far should we look upward?

Returns Any


Given an object in a model tree, returns the root object of that tree


Returns Any


Returns the path of the given object in the model tree


Returns string


Returns the path of the given object as unescaped string array


Returns Array<string>


Returns true if the given object is the root of a model tree


Returns boolean


Resolves a path relatively to a given object. Returns undefined if no value can be found.


Returns Any


Resolves a model instance given a root target, the type and the identifier you are searching for. Returns undefined if no value can be found.


  • type IType<any, any>
  • target IStateTreeNode
  • identifier (string | number)

Returns Any



Returns Any


Given two state tree nodes that are part of the same tree, returns the shortest jsonpath needed to navigate from the one to the other


  • base IStateTreeNode
  • target IStateTreeNode

Returns string


Returns a deep copy of the given state tree node as new tree. Short hand for snapshot(x) = getType(x).create(getSnapshot(x))

Tip: clone will create a literal copy, including the same identifiers. To modify identifiers etc during cloning, don't use clone but take a snapshot of the tree, modify it, and create new instance


  • source T
  • keepEnvironment (boolean | any) indicates whether the clone should inherit the same environment (true, the default), or not have an environment (false). If an object is passed in as second argument, that will act as the environment for the cloned tree.

Returns T


Removes a model element from the state tree, and let it live on as a new state tree


  • thing


Removes a model element from the state tree, and mark it as end-of-life; the element should not be used anymore


  • thing


Returns true if the given state tree node is not killed yet. This means that the node is still a part of a tree, and that destroy has not been called. If a node is not alive anymore, the only thing one can do with it is requesting it's last path and snapshot


  • thing IStateTreeNode

Returns boolean


Use this utility to register a function that should be called whenever the targeted state tree node is destroyed. This is a useful alternative to managing cleanup methods yourself using the beforeDestroy hook.


  • target IStateTreeNode
  • disposer


    const Todo = types.model({
      title: types.string
    }, {
      afterCreate() {
        const autoSaveDisposer = reaction(
          () => getSnapshot(this),
          snapshot => sendSnapshotToServerSomehow(snapshot)
        // stop sending updates to server if this
        // instance is destroyed
        addDisposer(this, autoSaveDisposer)


Returns the environment of the current state tree. For more info on environments, see Dependency injection


  • thing IStateTreeNode

Returns Any


Performs a depth first walk through a tree


  • thing
  • processor


escape slashes and backslashes


  • str


unescape slashes and backslashes


  • str


Registers a function that will be invoked for each action that is called on the provided model instance, or to any of its children. See actions for more details. onAction events are emitted only for the outermost called action in the stack. Action can also be intercepted by middleware using addMiddleware to change the function call before it will be run.


  • target IStateTreeNode
  • listener

Returns IDisposer


Returns true if the given value is a node in a state tree. More precisely, that is, if the value is an instance of a types.model, types.array or


  • value Any


Creates a tiny proxy around a MST tree that conforms to the redux store api. This makes it possible to use MST inside a redux application.

See the redux-todomvc example for more details.


  • model Any
  • middlewares ...Array<MiddleWare>

Returns IReduxStore


Connects a MST tree to the Redux devtools. See this example for a setup example.


  • remoteDevDep Any
  • model Any