From f9293e2043e55083c811f08f7a10579e50807a4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jeff-dude <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2024 12:47:09 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 01/14] add back changes for solana

 .../tokens/solana/tokens_solana.sources.yml   |  23 ++
 .../tokens/solana/tokens_solana_fungible.sql  | 158 ++++++++--
 models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_schema.yml |  11 +-
 .../tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql | 279 ++++++++++++++++--
 4 files changed, 415 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)

diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana.sources.yml b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana.sources.yml
index 0636d8254fe..5a17103eee3 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana.sources.yml
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana.sources.yml
@@ -24,6 +24,29 @@ sources:
       - name: spl_token_call_burnChecked
         loaded_at_field: call_block_time
+  - name: spl_token_2022_solana
+    description: "spl_token 2022 decoded tables"
+    freshness: # default freshness
+      warn_after: { count: 12, period: hour }
+      error_after: { count: 24, period: hour }
+    tables:
+      - name: spl_token_2022_call_initializeMint
+        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
+      - name: spl_token_2022_call_initializeMint2
+        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
+      - name: spl_token_2022_call_transferFeeExtension
+        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
+      - name: spl_token_2022_call_transferChecked
+        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
+      - name: spl_token_2022_call_mintTo
+        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
+      - name: spl_token_2022_call_mintToChecked
+        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
+      - name: spl_token_2022_call_burn
+        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
+      - name: spl_token_2022_call_burnChecked
+        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
   - name: mpl_token_metadata_solana
     description: "mpl metadata decoded tables"
     freshness: # default freshness
diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_fungible.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_fungible.sql
index 5f26d007d6c..6a66471188c 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_fungible.sql
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_fungible.sql
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 {{ config
   alias = 'fungible',
   post_hook='{{ expose_spells(\'["solana"]\',
@@ -10,26 +10,32 @@
     tokens as (
         bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data, 2, 1))) as decimals
         , call_data
         , account_mint
+        , token_version
         , call_tx_id
         , call_block_time
+        , row_number() over (partition by account_mint order by call_block_time desc) as latest
         FROM (
-            SELECT call_data, account_mint, call_tx_id, call_block_time FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana', 'spl_token_call_initializeMint') }}
-            UNION ALL 
-            SELECT call_data, account_mint, call_tx_id, call_block_time FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana', 'spl_token_call_initializeMint2') }}
+            SELECT call_data, account_mint, call_tx_id, call_block_time, 'spl_token' as token_version FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana', 'spl_token_call_initializeMint') }}
+            UNION ALL
+            SELECT call_data, account_mint, call_tx_id, call_block_time, 'spl_token' as token_version FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana', 'spl_token_call_initializeMint2') }}
+            UNION ALL
+            SELECT call_data, account_mint, call_tx_id, call_block_time, 'token2022' as token_version FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana', 'spl_token_2022_call_initializeMint') }}
+            UNION ALL
+            SELECT call_data, account_mint, call_tx_id, call_block_time, 'token2022' as token_version FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana', 'spl_token_2022_call_initializeMint2') }}
         {% if is_incremental() %}
-        where call_block_time >= date_trunc('day', now() - interval '7' day)
+        where {{ incremental_predicate('call_block_time') }}
         {% endif %}
     , metadata as (
-        SELECT 
+        SELECT
             , meta.call_block_slot
             , meta.call_block_time
@@ -38,8 +44,10 @@ with
             , meta.account_mint
             , meta.call_block_time
             , master.account_edition as master_edition
+            , metadata_program
+            , row_number() over (partition by meta.account_mint order by meta.call_block_time desc) as latest
         FROM (
-            SELECT 
+            SELECT
                 , call_outer_instruction_index
                 , call_inner_instruction_index
@@ -48,9 +56,10 @@ with
                 , json_query(createMetadataAccountArgs, 'lax $') as args
                 , account_metadata
                 , account_mint
+                , call_executing_account as metadata_program
             FROM  {{ source('mpl_token_metadata_solana', 'mpl_token_metadata_call_CreateMetadataAccount') }}
-            UNION ALL 
-            SELECT 
+            UNION ALL
+            SELECT
                 , call_outer_instruction_index
                 , call_inner_instruction_index
@@ -59,51 +68,143 @@ with
                 , json_query(createMetadataAccountArgsV2, 'lax $') as args
                 , account_metadata
                 , account_mint
+                , call_executing_account as metadata_program
             FROM {{ source('mpl_token_metadata_solana', 'mpl_token_metadata_call_CreateMetadataAccountV2') }}
-            UNION ALL 
-            SELECT  
+            UNION ALL
+            SELECT
                 , call_outer_instruction_index
-                , call_inner_instruction_index                    
+                , call_inner_instruction_index
                 , call_block_slot
                 , call_block_time
                 , json_query(createMetadataAccountArgsV3, 'lax $') as args
                 , account_metadata
                 , account_mint
-            FROM {{ source('mpl_token_metadata_solana', 'mpl_token_metadata_call_CreateMetadataAccountV3') }} 
-        ) meta 
+                , call_executing_account as metadata_program
+            FROM {{ source('mpl_token_metadata_solana', 'mpl_token_metadata_call_CreateMetadataAccountV3') }}
+        ) meta
         LEFT JOIN (
-            SELECT account_mintAuthority, account_edition, account_metadata FROM {{ source('mpl_token_metadata_solana', 'mpl_token_metadata_call_CreateMasterEdition') }} 
+            SELECT account_mintAuthority, account_edition, account_metadata FROM {{ source('mpl_token_metadata_solana', 'mpl_token_metadata_call_CreateMasterEdition') }}
             UNION ALL
             SELECT account_mintAuthority, account_edition, account_metadata FROM {{ source('mpl_token_metadata_solana', 'mpl_token_metadata_call_CreateMasterEditionV3') }}
             ) master ON master.account_metadata = meta.account_metadata
         {% if is_incremental() %}
-        WHERE meta.call_block_time >= date_trunc('day', now() - interval '7' day)
+        WHERE {{ incremental_predicate('meta.call_block_time') }}
+        {% endif %}
+    )
+    , token2022_metadata as (
+        --token2022 direct metadata extension
+        SELECT
+            from_utf8(bytearray_substring(data,1+8+4,bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8,4))))) as name
+            , from_utf8(bytearray_substring(data,1+8+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8,4))) + 4 --start from end of name and end of length of symbol
+                , bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8,4))),4))) --get length of symbol from end of name
+                )) as symbol
+            , from_utf8(bytearray_substring(data,1+8+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8,4))) + 4 --end of name and end of length of symbol
+                    + bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8,4))),4))) + 4 --start from end of symbol and end of length of uri
+                , bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8,4))) + 4
+                    + bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8,4))),4))),4))) --get length of uri from end of symbol
+                )) as uri
+            , tx_id as metadata_tx
+            , account_arguments[3] as account_mint
+            , block_time
+            , executing_account as metadata_program
+            , row_number() over (partition by account_arguments[3] order by block_time desc) as latest
+        FROM {{ source('solana','instruction_calls') }}
+        WHERE executing_account = 'TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb'
+        AND bytearray_substring(data,1,1) = 0xd2 --deal with updateField later 0xdd
+        AND tx_success
+        {% if is_incremental() %}
+        AND {{ incremental_predicate('block_time') }}
+        {% endif %}
+    )
+    , token_metadata_other as (
+        --some other metadata program (idk the owner)
+        SELECT
+            from_utf8(bytearray_substring(data,1+1+4,bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1,4))))) as name
+            , from_utf8(bytearray_substring(data,1+1+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1,4))) + 4 --start from end of name and end of length of symbol
+                , bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1,4))),4))) --get length of symbol from end of name
+                )) as symbol
+            , from_utf8(bytearray_substring(data,1+1+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1,4))) + 4 --end of name and end of length of symbol
+                    + bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1,4))),4))) + 4 --start from end of symbol and end of length of uri
+                , bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1,4))) + 4
+                    + bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1,4))),4))),4))) --get length of uri from end of symbol
+                )) as uri
+            , tx_id as metadata_tx
+            , account_arguments[2] as account_mint
+            , block_time
+            , executing_account as metadata_program
+            , row_number() over (partition by account_arguments[2] order by block_time desc) as latest
+        FROM {{ source('solana','instruction_calls') }}
+        WHERE executing_account = 'META4s4fSmpkTbZoUsgC1oBnWB31vQcmnN8giPw51Zu'
+        AND bytearray_substring(data,1,1) = 0x21
+        AND tx_success
+        {% if is_incremental() %}
+        AND {{ incremental_predicate('block_time') }}
         {% endif %}
     tk.account_mint as token_mint_address
     , tk.decimals
-    , trim(json_value(args, 'strict $.name'))as name 
-    , trim(json_value(args, 'strict $.symbol')) as symbol 
-    , trim(json_value(args, 'strict $.uri')) as token_uri
+    , coalesce(,,trim(json_value(args, 'strict $.name'))) as name
+    , coalesce(m22.symbol,mo.symbol,trim(json_value(args, 'strict $.symbol'))) as symbol
+    , coalesce(m22.uri,mo.uri,trim(json_value(args, 'strict $.uri'))) as token_uri
     , tk.call_block_time as created_at
+    , coalesce(m22.metadata_program,mo.metadata_program,m.metadata_program) as metadata_program
+    , tk.token_version
+    , tk.call_tx_id as init_tx
 FROM tokens tk
-LEFT JOIN metadata m ON tk.account_mint = m.account_mint
+LEFT JOIN token2022_metadata m22 ON tk.account_mint = m22.account_mint AND m22.latest = 1
+LEFT JOIN token_metadata_other mo ON tk.account_mint = mo.account_mint AND mo.latest = 1
+LEFT JOIN metadata m ON tk.account_mint = m.account_mint AND m.latest = 1
 WHERE m.master_edition is null
+AND tk.latest = 1
+--token2022 wrapped sol
+  trim(token_mint_address) as token_mint_address
+  , decimals
+  , trim(name) as name
+  , trim(symbol) as symbol
+  , token_uri
+  , cast(created_at as timestamp) created_at
+  , metadata_program
+  , token_version
+  , init_tx
+  '9pan9bMn5HatX4EJdBwg9VgCa7Uz5HL8N1m5D3NdXejP',
+  9,
+  'wrapped SOL',
+  'SOL',
+  null,
+  '2023-08-02 00:00:00',
+  null,
+  'token2022',
+  '2L1o7sDMCMJ6PYqfNrnY6ozJC1DEx61pRYiLdfCCggxw81naQXsmHKDLn6EhJXmDmDSQ2eCKjUMjZAQuUsyNnYUv'
+) AS temp_table (token_mint_address, decimals, name, symbol, token_uri, created_at, metadata_program, token_version, init_tx)
---wrapped sol is special and doesn't have a init tx (that I can find)
+--old wrapped sol is special and doesn't have a init tx (that I can find)
   trim(token_mint_address) as token_mint_address
   , decimals
   , trim(name) as name
   , trim(symbol) as symbol
   , token_uri
   , cast(created_at as timestamp) created_at
+  , metadata_program
+  , token_version
+  , init_tx
@@ -112,6 +213,9 @@ FROM
   'wrapped SOL',
-  '2021-01-31 00:00:00'
+  '2021-01-31 00:00:00',
+  null,
+  'spl_token',
+  null
-) AS temp_table (token_mint_address, decimals, name, symbol, token_uri, created_at)
+) AS temp_table (token_mint_address, decimals, name, symbol, token_uri, created_at, metadata_program, token_version, init_tx)
diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_schema.yml b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_schema.yml
index ab3b17f52e5..29ac7ed40e8 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_schema.yml
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_schema.yml
@@ -19,8 +19,14 @@ models:
         description: "token symbol"
       - name: decimals
         description: "Number of decimals, refers to how divisible a token can be"
+      - name: metadata_program
+        description: program used for creating token metadata
+      - name: token_version
+        description: version of the token program used (spl_token, token2022)
       - name: created_at
         description: token mint created at
+      - name: init_tx
+        description: "transaction that initialized the mint"
   - name: tokens_solana_nft
@@ -72,7 +78,7 @@ models:
       tags: ['solana','transfers','erc20','nft','spl']
     description: >
-        get all spl token transfers (will add in token2022 later)
+        get all spl token transfers
       - name: block_time
       - name: block_date
@@ -80,10 +86,13 @@ models:
       - name: action
       - name: token_mint_address
       - name: amount
+      - name: fee
+      - name: token_version
       - name: from_owner
       - name: to_owner
       - name: from_token_account
       - name: to_token_account
+      - name: token_version
       - name: tx_signer 
       - name: tx_id
       - name: outer_instruction_index
diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
index a28903cf3d4..2bb1e5600d6 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
@@ -14,56 +14,279 @@
                                     \'["ilemi"]\') }}')
-    call_block_time as block_time
-    , cast (date_trunc('day', call_block_time) as date) as block_date
-    , call_block_slot as block_slot
-    , action
-    , amount
-    , COALESCE(tk_s.token_mint_address, tk_d.token_mint_address) as token_mint_address
-    , tk_s.token_balance_owner as from_owner
-    , tk_d.token_balance_owner as to_owner
-    , account_source as from_token_account
-    , account_destination as to_token_account
-    , call_tx_signer as tx_signer
-    , call_tx_id as tx_id
-    , call_outer_instruction_index as outer_instruction_index
-    , COALESCE(call_inner_instruction_index,0) as inner_instruction_index
-    , call_outer_executing_account as outer_executing_account
-FROM (  
-      SELECT account_source, account_destination, amount, call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer, 'transfer' as action, call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+token2022_fee_state as (
+      --we need the fee basis points and maximum fee for token2022 transfers because the fee amount is not emitted in transferChecked
+      SELECT 
+      call_account_arguments[1] as account_mint
+      , try(bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,
+                  1+1+1+1+1+case when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x01 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+32+1,1) = 0x01
+                              then 64
+                              when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x01 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+32+1,1) = 0x00
+                              then 32
+                              when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x00 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+1,1) = 0x01
+                              then 32
+                              when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x00 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+1,1) = 0x00
+                              then 0
+                              end --variations of COPTION enums for first two arguments
+                  ,2)))) as fee_basis
+      , try(bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,
+                  1+1+1+1+1+case when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x01 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+32+1,1) = 0x01
+                              then 64
+                              when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x01 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+32+1,1) = 0x00
+                              then 32
+                              when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x00 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+1,1) = 0x01
+                              then 32
+                              when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x00 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+1,1) = 0x00
+                              then 0
+                              end
+                        +2
+                  ,16)))) as fee_maximum
+      , call_block_time as fee_time
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_transferFeeExtension') }}
+      WHERE bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,1) = 0x00 --
+      UNION ALL 
+      SELECT 
+      call_account_arguments[1] as account_mint
+      , try(bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,
+                  1+1+1,2)))) as fee_basis
+      , try(bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,
+                  1+1+1+2,16)))) as fee_maximum
+      , call_block_time as fee_time
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_transferFeeExtension') }}
+      WHERE bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,1) = 0x05 --
+, base as (  
+      SELECT 
+            account_source, account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'transfer' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'spl_token' as token_version
       FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_transfer') }}
+      WHERE 1=1 
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
       UNION ALL
-      SELECT account_source, account_destination, amount, call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer, 'transfer' as action, call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+      SELECT 
+            account_source, account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'transfer' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'spl_token' as token_version
       FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_transferChecked') }}
+      WHERE 1=1 
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
       UNION ALL
-      SELECT null, account_account as account_destination, amount, call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer, 'mint' as action, call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+      SELECT 
+            null as account_source, account_account as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'mint' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'spl_token' as token_version
       FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_mintTo') }}
+      WHERE 1=1 
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
       UNION ALL
-      SELECT null, account_account as account_destination, amount, call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer, 'mint' as action, call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+      SELECT 
+            null as account_source, account_account as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'mint' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'spl_token' as token_version
       FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_mintToChecked') }}
+      WHERE 1=1 
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
       UNION ALL
-      SELECT account_account as account_source, null, amount, call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer, 'burn' as action, call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+      SELECT 
+            account_account as account_source, null as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'burn' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'spl_token' as token_version
       FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_burn') }}
+      WHERE 1=1 
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
       UNION ALL
-      SELECT account_account as account_source, null, amount, call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer, 'burn' as action, call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+      SELECT 
+            account_account as account_source, null as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'burn' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'spl_token' as token_version
       FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_burnChecked') }}
-) tr
+      WHERE 1=1 
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+      --token2022. Most mint and account extensions still use the parent transferChecked instruction, hooks are excecuted after and interest-bearing is precalculated.
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT 
+            account_source, account_destination, amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , fee
+            , token_version
+      FROM (
+            SELECT 
+                  account_source, account_destination
+                  , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount --note that interestbearing mints have a different amount methodology, to add later
+                  , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+                  , 'transfer' as action
+                  , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+                  , least(
+                        cast(bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as double)
+                              *cast(f.fee_basis as double)/10000
+                        ,f.fee_maximum) as fee --we want to take the percent fee on total amount, but not exceed the maximum fee
+                  , 'token2022' as token_version
+                  , f.fee_time
+                  , row_number() over (partition by tr.call_tx_id,  tr.call_outer_instruction_index,  tr.call_inner_instruction_index order by f.fee_time desc) as latest_fee
+            FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_transferChecked') }} tr
+            LEFT JOIN token2022_fee_state f ON tr.account_tokenMint = f.account_mint AND tr.call_block_time >= f.fee_time
+            WHERE 1=1 
+            {% if is_incremental() %}
+            AND {{incremental_predicate('tr.call_block_time')}}
+            {% endif %}
+      ) WHERE latest_fee = 1
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT 
+            null as account_source, account_mintTo as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'mint' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'token2022' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_mintTo') }}
+      WHERE 1=1 
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT
+            null as account_source, account_mintTo as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'mint' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'token2022' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_mintToChecked') }}
+      WHERE 1=1 
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT 
+            account_burnAccount as account_source, null as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'burn' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'token2022' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_burn') }}
+      WHERE 1=1 
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT 
+            account_burnAccount as account_source, null as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'burn' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'token2022' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_burnChecked') }}
+      WHERE 1=1 
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+      --token2022 transferFeeExtension has some extra complications. It's the only extension with its own transferChecked wrapper (confidential transfers will have this too)      
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT 
+            call_account_arguments[1] as account_source, call_account_arguments[3] as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+2,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'transfer' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data, 1+2+8+1,8))) as fee
+            , 'token2022' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_transferFeeExtension') }}
+      WHERE bytearray_substring(call_data,1,2) = 0x1a01 --
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+    call_block_time as block_time
+    , cast (date_trunc('day', call_block_time) as date) as block_date
+    , call_block_slot as block_slot
+    , action
+    , amount
+    , fee
+    , COALESCE(tk_s.token_mint_address, tk_d.token_mint_address) as token_mint_address
+    , tk_s.token_balance_owner as from_owner
+    , tk_d.token_balance_owner as to_owner
+    , account_source as from_token_account
+    , account_destination as to_token_account
+    , token_version
+    , call_tx_signer as tx_signer
+    , call_tx_id as tx_id
+    , call_outer_instruction_index as outer_instruction_index
+    , COALESCE(call_inner_instruction_index,0) as inner_instruction_index
+    , call_outer_executing_account as outer_executing_account
+FROM base tr
 --get token and accounts
 LEFT JOIN {{ ref('solana_utils_token_accounts') }} tk_s ON tk_s.address = tr.account_source 
 LEFT JOIN {{ ref('solana_utils_token_accounts') }} tk_d ON tk_d.address = tr.account_destination
 WHERE 1=1
-{% if is_incremental() %}
-AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
-{% endif %}
--- AND call_block_time > now() - interval '600' day
\ No newline at end of file
+-- AND call_block_time > now() - interval '90' day --for faster CI testing
\ No newline at end of file

From b1ebdd616b2450b636686f42599fe0e839903283 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 07:20:07 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 02/14] moving

 .../tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql | 47 ++-----------------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
index 2bb1e5600d6..bda951b85eb 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
@@ -14,50 +14,9 @@
                                     \'["ilemi"]\') }}')
-token2022_fee_state as (
-      --we need the fee basis points and maximum fee for token2022 transfers because the fee amount is not emitted in transferChecked
-      SELECT 
-      call_account_arguments[1] as account_mint
-      , try(bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,
-                  1+1+1+1+1+case when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x01 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+32+1,1) = 0x01
-                              then 64
-                              when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x01 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+32+1,1) = 0x00
-                              then 32
-                              when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x00 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+1,1) = 0x01
-                              then 32
-                              when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x00 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+1,1) = 0x00
-                              then 0
-                              end --variations of COPTION enums for first two arguments
-                  ,2)))) as fee_basis
-      , try(bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,
-                  1+1+1+1+1+case when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x01 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+32+1,1) = 0x01
-                              then 64
-                              when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x01 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+32+1,1) = 0x00
-                              then 32
-                              when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x00 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+1,1) = 0x01
-                              then 32
-                              when bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1,1) = 0x00 and bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1+1+1,1) = 0x00
-                              then 0
-                              end
-                        +2
-                  ,16)))) as fee_maximum
-      , call_block_time as fee_time
-      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_transferFeeExtension') }}
-      WHERE bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,1) = 0x00 --
-      UNION ALL 
-      SELECT 
-      call_account_arguments[1] as account_mint
-      , try(bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,
-                  1+1+1,2)))) as fee_basis
-      , try(bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,
-                  1+1+1+2,16)))) as fee_maximum
-      , call_block_time as fee_time
-      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_transferFeeExtension') }}
-      WHERE bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,1) = 0x05 --
-, base as (  
+base as (  
             account_source, account_destination
             , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
@@ -177,7 +136,7 @@ token2022_fee_state as (
                   , f.fee_time
                   , row_number() over (partition by tr.call_tx_id,  tr.call_outer_instruction_index,  tr.call_inner_instruction_index order by f.fee_time desc) as latest_fee
             FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_transferChecked') }} tr
-            LEFT JOIN token2022_fee_state f ON tr.account_tokenMint = f.account_mint AND tr.call_block_time >= f.fee_time
+            LEFT JOIN {{ ref('tokens_solan_fees_history') }} f ON tr.account_tokenMint = f.account_mint AND tr.call_block_time >= f.fee_time
             WHERE 1=1 
             {% if is_incremental() %}
             AND {{incremental_predicate('tr.call_block_time')}}

From 7def82d451b365c155bdb158346e3183d13e105f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 07:20:26 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 03/14] removing

 .../tokens/solana/tokens_solana_fungible.sql  | 158 +++---------------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 131 deletions(-)

diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_fungible.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_fungible.sql
index 6a66471188c..5f26d007d6c 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_fungible.sql
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_fungible.sql
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 {{ config
   alias = 'fungible',
   post_hook='{{ expose_spells(\'["solana"]\',
@@ -10,32 +10,26 @@
     tokens as (
         bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data, 2, 1))) as decimals
         , call_data
         , account_mint
-        , token_version
         , call_tx_id
         , call_block_time
-        , row_number() over (partition by account_mint order by call_block_time desc) as latest
         FROM (
-            SELECT call_data, account_mint, call_tx_id, call_block_time, 'spl_token' as token_version FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana', 'spl_token_call_initializeMint') }}
-            UNION ALL
-            SELECT call_data, account_mint, call_tx_id, call_block_time, 'spl_token' as token_version FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana', 'spl_token_call_initializeMint2') }}
-            UNION ALL
-            SELECT call_data, account_mint, call_tx_id, call_block_time, 'token2022' as token_version FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana', 'spl_token_2022_call_initializeMint') }}
-            UNION ALL
-            SELECT call_data, account_mint, call_tx_id, call_block_time, 'token2022' as token_version FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana', 'spl_token_2022_call_initializeMint2') }}
+            SELECT call_data, account_mint, call_tx_id, call_block_time FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana', 'spl_token_call_initializeMint') }}
+            UNION ALL 
+            SELECT call_data, account_mint, call_tx_id, call_block_time FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana', 'spl_token_call_initializeMint2') }}
         {% if is_incremental() %}
-        where {{ incremental_predicate('call_block_time') }}
+        where call_block_time >= date_trunc('day', now() - interval '7' day)
         {% endif %}
     , metadata as (
-        SELECT
+        SELECT 
             , meta.call_block_slot
             , meta.call_block_time
@@ -44,10 +38,8 @@ with
             , meta.account_mint
             , meta.call_block_time
             , master.account_edition as master_edition
-            , metadata_program
-            , row_number() over (partition by meta.account_mint order by meta.call_block_time desc) as latest
         FROM (
-            SELECT
+            SELECT 
                 , call_outer_instruction_index
                 , call_inner_instruction_index
@@ -56,10 +48,9 @@ with
                 , json_query(createMetadataAccountArgs, 'lax $') as args
                 , account_metadata
                 , account_mint
-                , call_executing_account as metadata_program
             FROM  {{ source('mpl_token_metadata_solana', 'mpl_token_metadata_call_CreateMetadataAccount') }}
-            UNION ALL
-            SELECT
+            UNION ALL 
+            SELECT 
                 , call_outer_instruction_index
                 , call_inner_instruction_index
@@ -68,143 +59,51 @@ with
                 , json_query(createMetadataAccountArgsV2, 'lax $') as args
                 , account_metadata
                 , account_mint
-                , call_executing_account as metadata_program
             FROM {{ source('mpl_token_metadata_solana', 'mpl_token_metadata_call_CreateMetadataAccountV2') }}
-            UNION ALL
-            SELECT
+            UNION ALL 
+            SELECT  
                 , call_outer_instruction_index
-                , call_inner_instruction_index
+                , call_inner_instruction_index                    
                 , call_block_slot
                 , call_block_time
                 , json_query(createMetadataAccountArgsV3, 'lax $') as args
                 , account_metadata
                 , account_mint
-                , call_executing_account as metadata_program
-            FROM {{ source('mpl_token_metadata_solana', 'mpl_token_metadata_call_CreateMetadataAccountV3') }}
-        ) meta
+            FROM {{ source('mpl_token_metadata_solana', 'mpl_token_metadata_call_CreateMetadataAccountV3') }} 
+        ) meta 
         LEFT JOIN (
-            SELECT account_mintAuthority, account_edition, account_metadata FROM {{ source('mpl_token_metadata_solana', 'mpl_token_metadata_call_CreateMasterEdition') }}
+            SELECT account_mintAuthority, account_edition, account_metadata FROM {{ source('mpl_token_metadata_solana', 'mpl_token_metadata_call_CreateMasterEdition') }} 
             UNION ALL
             SELECT account_mintAuthority, account_edition, account_metadata FROM {{ source('mpl_token_metadata_solana', 'mpl_token_metadata_call_CreateMasterEditionV3') }}
             ) master ON master.account_metadata = meta.account_metadata
         {% if is_incremental() %}
-        WHERE {{ incremental_predicate('meta.call_block_time') }}
-        {% endif %}
-    )
-    , token2022_metadata as (
-        --token2022 direct metadata extension
-        SELECT
-            from_utf8(bytearray_substring(data,1+8+4,bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8,4))))) as name
-            , from_utf8(bytearray_substring(data,1+8+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8,4))) + 4 --start from end of name and end of length of symbol
-                , bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8,4))),4))) --get length of symbol from end of name
-                )) as symbol
-            , from_utf8(bytearray_substring(data,1+8+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8,4))) + 4 --end of name and end of length of symbol
-                    + bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8,4))),4))) + 4 --start from end of symbol and end of length of uri
-                , bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8,4))) + 4
-                    + bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+8,4))),4))),4))) --get length of uri from end of symbol
-                )) as uri
-            , tx_id as metadata_tx
-            , account_arguments[3] as account_mint
-            , block_time
-            , executing_account as metadata_program
-            , row_number() over (partition by account_arguments[3] order by block_time desc) as latest
-        FROM {{ source('solana','instruction_calls') }}
-        WHERE executing_account = 'TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb'
-        AND bytearray_substring(data,1,1) = 0xd2 --deal with updateField later 0xdd
-        AND tx_success
-        {% if is_incremental() %}
-        AND {{ incremental_predicate('block_time') }}
-        {% endif %}
-    )
-    , token_metadata_other as (
-        --some other metadata program (idk the owner)
-        SELECT
-            from_utf8(bytearray_substring(data,1+1+4,bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1,4))))) as name
-            , from_utf8(bytearray_substring(data,1+1+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1,4))) + 4 --start from end of name and end of length of symbol
-                , bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1,4))),4))) --get length of symbol from end of name
-                )) as symbol
-            , from_utf8(bytearray_substring(data,1+1+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1,4))) + 4 --end of name and end of length of symbol
-                    + bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1,4))),4))) + 4 --start from end of symbol and end of length of uri
-                , bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1,4))) + 4
-                    + bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1+4+bytearray_to_bigint(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(data,1+1,4))),4))),4))) --get length of uri from end of symbol
-                )) as uri
-            , tx_id as metadata_tx
-            , account_arguments[2] as account_mint
-            , block_time
-            , executing_account as metadata_program
-            , row_number() over (partition by account_arguments[2] order by block_time desc) as latest
-        FROM {{ source('solana','instruction_calls') }}
-        WHERE executing_account = 'META4s4fSmpkTbZoUsgC1oBnWB31vQcmnN8giPw51Zu'
-        AND bytearray_substring(data,1,1) = 0x21
-        AND tx_success
-        {% if is_incremental() %}
-        AND {{ incremental_predicate('block_time') }}
+        WHERE meta.call_block_time >= date_trunc('day', now() - interval '7' day)
         {% endif %}
     tk.account_mint as token_mint_address
     , tk.decimals
-    , coalesce(,,trim(json_value(args, 'strict $.name'))) as name
-    , coalesce(m22.symbol,mo.symbol,trim(json_value(args, 'strict $.symbol'))) as symbol
-    , coalesce(m22.uri,mo.uri,trim(json_value(args, 'strict $.uri'))) as token_uri
+    , trim(json_value(args, 'strict $.name'))as name 
+    , trim(json_value(args, 'strict $.symbol')) as symbol 
+    , trim(json_value(args, 'strict $.uri')) as token_uri
     , tk.call_block_time as created_at
-    , coalesce(m22.metadata_program,mo.metadata_program,m.metadata_program) as metadata_program
-    , tk.token_version
-    , tk.call_tx_id as init_tx
 FROM tokens tk
-LEFT JOIN token2022_metadata m22 ON tk.account_mint = m22.account_mint AND m22.latest = 1
-LEFT JOIN token_metadata_other mo ON tk.account_mint = mo.account_mint AND mo.latest = 1
-LEFT JOIN metadata m ON tk.account_mint = m.account_mint AND m.latest = 1
+LEFT JOIN metadata m ON tk.account_mint = m.account_mint
 WHERE m.master_edition is null
-AND tk.latest = 1
---token2022 wrapped sol
-  trim(token_mint_address) as token_mint_address
-  , decimals
-  , trim(name) as name
-  , trim(symbol) as symbol
-  , token_uri
-  , cast(created_at as timestamp) created_at
-  , metadata_program
-  , token_version
-  , init_tx
-  '9pan9bMn5HatX4EJdBwg9VgCa7Uz5HL8N1m5D3NdXejP',
-  9,
-  'wrapped SOL',
-  'SOL',
-  null,
-  '2023-08-02 00:00:00',
-  null,
-  'token2022',
-  '2L1o7sDMCMJ6PYqfNrnY6ozJC1DEx61pRYiLdfCCggxw81naQXsmHKDLn6EhJXmDmDSQ2eCKjUMjZAQuUsyNnYUv'
-) AS temp_table (token_mint_address, decimals, name, symbol, token_uri, created_at, metadata_program, token_version, init_tx)
---old wrapped sol is special and doesn't have a init tx (that I can find)
+--wrapped sol is special and doesn't have a init tx (that I can find)
   trim(token_mint_address) as token_mint_address
   , decimals
   , trim(name) as name
   , trim(symbol) as symbol
   , token_uri
   , cast(created_at as timestamp) created_at
-  , metadata_program
-  , token_version
-  , init_tx
@@ -213,9 +112,6 @@ FROM
   'wrapped SOL',
-  '2021-01-31 00:00:00',
-  null,
-  'spl_token',
-  null
+  '2021-01-31 00:00:00'
-) AS temp_table (token_mint_address, decimals, name, symbol, token_uri, created_at, metadata_program, token_version, init_tx)
+) AS temp_table (token_mint_address, decimals, name, symbol, token_uri, created_at)

From 042b5afe149f09ebc48625c78b943e4699fa2229 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 07:20:59 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 04/14] removing

 models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_schema.yml | 6 ------
 1 file changed, 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_schema.yml b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_schema.yml
index 29ac7ed40e8..97871a6c0e4 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_schema.yml
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_schema.yml
@@ -19,14 +19,8 @@ models:
         description: "token symbol"
       - name: decimals
         description: "Number of decimals, refers to how divisible a token can be"
-      - name: metadata_program
-        description: program used for creating token metadata
-      - name: token_version
-        description: version of the token program used (spl_token, token2022)
       - name: created_at
         description: token mint created at
-      - name: init_tx
-        description: "transaction that initialized the mint"
   - name: tokens_solana_nft

From 11254fbad9d1d6542fadd3c2a05ebd718b24e29b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 07:22:36 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 05/14] sources removed

 .../tokens/solana/tokens_solana.sources.yml   | 23 -------------------
 1 file changed, 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana.sources.yml b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana.sources.yml
index 5a17103eee3..0636d8254fe 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana.sources.yml
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana.sources.yml
@@ -24,29 +24,6 @@ sources:
       - name: spl_token_call_burnChecked
         loaded_at_field: call_block_time
-  - name: spl_token_2022_solana
-    description: "spl_token 2022 decoded tables"
-    freshness: # default freshness
-      warn_after: { count: 12, period: hour }
-      error_after: { count: 24, period: hour }
-    tables:
-      - name: spl_token_2022_call_initializeMint
-        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
-      - name: spl_token_2022_call_initializeMint2
-        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
-      - name: spl_token_2022_call_transferFeeExtension
-        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
-      - name: spl_token_2022_call_transferChecked
-        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
-      - name: spl_token_2022_call_mintTo
-        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
-      - name: spl_token_2022_call_mintToChecked
-        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
-      - name: spl_token_2022_call_burn
-        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
-      - name: spl_token_2022_call_burnChecked
-        loaded_at_field: call_block_time
   - name: mpl_token_metadata_solana
     description: "mpl metadata decoded tables"
     freshness: # default freshness

From 862713f43bf322fbb3a6a7e4616e78abc54e1d33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alan Ghobadi <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 15:22:05 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/14] Fix name

 models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
index bda951b85eb..a9d318a2321 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ base as (
                   , f.fee_time
                   , row_number() over (partition by tr.call_tx_id,  tr.call_outer_instruction_index,  tr.call_inner_instruction_index order by f.fee_time desc) as latest_fee
             FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_transferChecked') }} tr
-            LEFT JOIN {{ ref('tokens_solan_fees_history') }} f ON tr.account_tokenMint = f.account_mint AND tr.call_block_time >= f.fee_time
-            WHERE 1=1 
+            LEFT JOIN {{ ref('tokens_solana_fees_history') }} f ON tr.account_tokenMint = f.account_mint AND tr.call_block_time >= f.fee_time
+            WHERE 1=1
             {% if is_incremental() %}
             AND {{incremental_predicate('tr.call_block_time')}}
             {% endif %}

From 19c5f987d982c1167475d75c6d73eae5dd367cf7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 07:06:44 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 07/14] Update tokens_solana_transfers.sql

 models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
index a9d318a2321..c044e4222b3 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ SELECT
     , call_outer_executing_account as outer_executing_account
 FROM base tr
 --get token and accounts
-LEFT JOIN {{ ref('solana_utils_token_accounts') }} tk_s ON tk_s.address = tr.account_source 
-LEFT JOIN {{ ref('solana_utils_token_accounts') }} tk_d ON tk_d.address = tr.account_destination
+INNER JOIN {{ ref('solana_utils_token_accounts') }} tk_s ON tk_s.address = tr.account_source 
+INNER JOIN {{ ref('solana_utils_token_accounts') }} tk_d ON tk_d.address = tr.account_destination
 WHERE 1=1
 -- AND call_block_time > now() - interval '90' day --for faster CI testing
\ No newline at end of file

From e8f56f152794db2c6d25bfda6785cb796b2a214f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alan Ghobadi <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 16:58:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/14] Try splitting up

 .../solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql    | 127 +++++++++
 .../tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql   | 146 ++++++++++
 .../tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql | 263 ++++--------------
 3 files changed, 320 insertions(+), 216 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
 create mode 100644 models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql

diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..06f1fbfd692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ {{
+  config(
+        schema = 'tokens_solana',
+        alias = 'spl_transfers',
+        materialized = 'incremental',
+        file_format = 'delta',
+        incremental_strategy = 'merge',
+        partition_by = ['block_date'],
+        incremental_predicates = [incremental_predicate('DBT_INTERNAL_DEST.block_time')],
+        unique_key = ['tx_id','outer_instruction_index','inner_instruction_index', 'block_slot']
+  )
+base as (
+      SELECT
+            account_source, account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'transfer' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'spl_token' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_transfer') }}
+      WHERE 1=1
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT
+            account_source, account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'transfer' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'spl_token' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_transferChecked') }}
+      WHERE 1=1
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT
+            null as account_source, account_account as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'mint' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'spl_token' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_mintTo') }}
+      WHERE 1=1
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT
+            null as account_source, account_account as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'mint' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'spl_token' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_mintToChecked') }}
+      WHERE 1=1
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT
+            account_account as account_source, null as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'burn' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'spl_token' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_burn') }}
+      WHERE 1=1
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT
+            account_account as account_source, null as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'burn' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'spl_token' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_burnChecked') }}
+      WHERE 1=1
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+    call_block_time as block_time
+    , cast (date_trunc('day', call_block_time) as date) as block_date
+    , call_block_slot as block_slot
+    , action
+    , amount
+    , fee
+    , account_source as from_token_account
+    , account_destination as to_token_account
+    , token_version
+    , call_tx_signer as tx_signer
+    , call_tx_id as tx_id
+    , call_outer_instruction_index as outer_instruction_index
+    , COALESCE(call_inner_instruction_index,0) as inner_instruction_index
+    , call_outer_executing_account as outer_executing_account
+FROM base tr
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d4efb921d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ {{
+  config(
+        schema = 'tokens_solana',
+        alias = 'token22_spl_transfers',
+        materialized = 'incremental',
+        file_format = 'delta',
+        incremental_strategy = 'merge',
+        partition_by = ['block_date'],
+        incremental_predicates = [incremental_predicate('DBT_INTERNAL_DEST.block_time')],
+        unique_key = ['tx_id','outer_instruction_index','inner_instruction_index', 'block_slot']
+base as (
+      --token2022. Most mint and account extensions still use the parent transferChecked instruction, hooks are excecuted after and interest-bearing is precalculated.
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT
+            account_source, account_destination, amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , fee
+            , token_version
+      FROM (
+            SELECT
+                  account_source, account_destination
+                  , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount --note that interestbearing mints have a different amount methodology, to add later
+                  , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+                  , 'transfer' as action
+                  , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+                  , least(
+                        cast(bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as double)
+                              *cast(f.fee_basis as double)/10000
+                        ,f.fee_maximum) as fee --we want to take the percent fee on total amount, but not exceed the maximum fee
+                  , 'token2022' as token_version
+                  , f.fee_time
+                  , row_number() over (partition by tr.call_tx_id,  tr.call_outer_instruction_index,  tr.call_inner_instruction_index order by f.fee_time desc) as latest_fee
+            FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_transferChecked') }} tr
+            LEFT JOIN {{ ref('tokens_solana_fees_history') }} f ON tr.account_tokenMint = f.account_mint AND tr.call_block_time >= f.fee_time
+            WHERE 1=1
+            {% if is_incremental() %}
+            AND {{incremental_predicate('tr.call_block_time')}}
+            {% endif %}
+      ) WHERE latest_fee = 1
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT
+            null as account_source, account_mintTo as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'mint' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'token2022' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_mintTo') }}
+      WHERE 1=1
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT
+            null as account_source, account_mintTo as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'mint' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'token2022' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_mintToChecked') }}
+      WHERE 1=1
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT
+            account_burnAccount as account_source, null as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'burn' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'token2022' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_burn') }}
+      WHERE 1=1
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT
+            account_burnAccount as account_source, null as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'burn' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , null as fee
+            , 'token2022' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_burnChecked') }}
+      WHERE 1=1
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+      --token2022 transferFeeExtension has some extra complications. It's the only extension with its own transferChecked wrapper (confidential transfers will have this too)
+      UNION ALL
+      SELECT
+            call_account_arguments[1] as account_source, call_account_arguments[3] as account_destination
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+2,8))) as amount
+            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
+            , 'transfer' as action
+            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
+            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data, 1+2+8+1,8))) as fee
+            , 'token2022' as token_version
+      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_transferFeeExtension') }}
+      WHERE bytearray_substring(call_data,1,2) = 0x1a01 --
+      {% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
+    call_block_time as block_time
+    , cast (date_trunc('day', call_block_time) as date) as block_date
+    , call_block_slot as block_slot
+    , action
+    , amount
+    , fee
+    , account_source as from_token_account
+    , account_destination as to_token_account
+    , token_version
+    , call_tx_signer as tx_signer
+    , call_tx_id as tx_id
+    , call_outer_instruction_index as outer_instruction_index
+    , COALESCE(call_inner_instruction_index,0) as inner_instruction_index
+    , call_outer_executing_account as outer_executing_account
+FROM base tr
+-- AND call_block_time > now() - interval '90' day --for faster CI testing
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
index c044e4222b3..228ba1c332d 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_transfers.sql
@@ -16,214 +16,45 @@
-base as (  
-      SELECT 
-            account_source, account_destination
-            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
-            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
-            , 'transfer' as action
-            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
-            , 'spl_token' as token_version
-      FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_transfer') }}
-      WHERE 1=1 
-      {% if is_incremental() %}
-      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
-      {% endif %}
-      UNION ALL
-      SELECT 
-            account_source, account_destination
-            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
-            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
-            , 'transfer' as action
-            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
-            , 'spl_token' as token_version
-      FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_transferChecked') }}
-      WHERE 1=1 
-      {% if is_incremental() %}
-      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
-      {% endif %}
-      UNION ALL
-      SELECT 
-            null as account_source, account_account as account_destination
-            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
-            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
-            , 'mint' as action
-            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
-            , 'spl_token' as token_version
-      FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_mintTo') }}
-      WHERE 1=1 
-      {% if is_incremental() %}
-      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
-      {% endif %}
-      UNION ALL
-      SELECT 
-            null as account_source, account_account as account_destination
-            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
-            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
-            , 'mint' as action
-            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
-            , 'spl_token' as token_version
-      FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_mintToChecked') }}
-      WHERE 1=1 
-      {% if is_incremental() %}
-      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
-      {% endif %}
-      UNION ALL
-      SELECT 
-            account_account as account_source, null as account_destination
-            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
-            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
-            , 'burn' as action
-            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
-            , 'spl_token' as token_version
-      FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_burn') }}
-      WHERE 1=1 
-      {% if is_incremental() %}
-      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
-      {% endif %}
-      UNION ALL
-      SELECT 
-            account_account as account_source, null as account_destination
-            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
-            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
-            , 'burn' as action
-            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
-            , 'spl_token' as token_version
-      FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_burnChecked') }}
-      WHERE 1=1 
-      {% if is_incremental() %}
-      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
-      {% endif %}
-      --token2022. Most mint and account extensions still use the parent transferChecked instruction, hooks are excecuted after and interest-bearing is precalculated.
-      UNION ALL
-      SELECT 
-            account_source, account_destination, amount
-            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
-            , action
-            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , fee
-            , token_version
-      FROM (
-            SELECT 
-                  account_source, account_destination
-                  , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount --note that interestbearing mints have a different amount methodology, to add later
-                  , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
-                  , 'transfer' as action
-                  , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-                  , least(
-                        cast(bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as double)
-                              *cast(f.fee_basis as double)/10000
-                        ,f.fee_maximum) as fee --we want to take the percent fee on total amount, but not exceed the maximum fee
-                  , 'token2022' as token_version
-                  , f.fee_time
-                  , row_number() over (partition by tr.call_tx_id,  tr.call_outer_instruction_index,  tr.call_inner_instruction_index order by f.fee_time desc) as latest_fee
-            FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_transferChecked') }} tr
-            LEFT JOIN {{ ref('tokens_solana_fees_history') }} f ON tr.account_tokenMint = f.account_mint AND tr.call_block_time >= f.fee_time
-            WHERE 1=1
-            {% if is_incremental() %}
-            AND {{incremental_predicate('tr.call_block_time')}}
-            {% endif %}
-      ) WHERE latest_fee = 1
-      UNION ALL
-      SELECT 
-            null as account_source, account_mintTo as account_destination
-            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
-            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
-            , 'mint' as action
-            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
-            , 'token2022' as token_version
-      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_mintTo') }}
-      WHERE 1=1 
-      {% if is_incremental() %}
-      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
-      {% endif %}
-      UNION ALL
-      SELECT
-            null as account_source, account_mintTo as account_destination
-            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
-            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
-            , 'mint' as action
-            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
-            , 'token2022' as token_version
-      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_mintToChecked') }}
-      WHERE 1=1 
-      {% if is_incremental() %}
-      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
-      {% endif %}
-      UNION ALL
-      SELECT 
-            account_burnAccount as account_source, null as account_destination
-            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
-            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
-            , 'burn' as action
-            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
-            , 'token2022' as token_version
-      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_burn') }}
-      WHERE 1=1 
-      {% if is_incremental() %}
-      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
-      {% endif %}
-      UNION ALL
-      SELECT 
-            account_burnAccount as account_source, null as account_destination
-            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
-            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
-            , 'burn' as action
-            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
-            , 'token2022' as token_version
-      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_burnChecked') }}
-      WHERE 1=1 
-      {% if is_incremental() %}
-      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
-      {% endif %}
-      --token2022 transferFeeExtension has some extra complications. It's the only extension with its own transferChecked wrapper (confidential transfers will have this too)      
-      UNION ALL
-      SELECT 
-            call_account_arguments[1] as account_source, call_account_arguments[3] as account_destination
-            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+2,8))) as amount
-            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
-            , 'transfer' as action
-            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data, 1+2+8+1,8))) as fee
-            , 'token2022' as token_version
-      FROM {{ source('spl_token_2022_solana','spl_token_2022_call_transferFeeExtension') }}
-      WHERE bytearray_substring(call_data,1,2) = 0x1a01 --
-      {% if is_incremental() %}
-      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
-      {% endif %}
+base as (
+    block_time,
+    , call_block_slot as block_slot
+    , action
+    , amount
+    , fee
+    , from_token_account
+    , to_token_account
+    , token_version
+    , tx_signer
+    , tx_id
+    , outer_instruction_index
+    , inner_instruction_index
+    , outer_executing_account
+FROM {{ ref('tokens_solana_spl_transfers') }}
+{% if is_incremental() %}
+WHERE {{incremental_predicate('block_time')}}
+{% endif %}
+    block_time,
+    , call_block_slot as block_slot
+    , action
+    , amount
+    , fee
+    , from_token_account
+    , to_token_account
+    , token_version
+    , tx_signer
+    , tx_id
+    , outer_instruction_index
+    , inner_instruction_index
+    , outer_executing_account
+FROM {{ ref('tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers') }}
+{% if is_incremental() %}
+WHERE {{incremental_predicate('block_time')}}
+{% endif %}
     call_block_time as block_time
@@ -235,17 +66,17 @@ SELECT
     , COALESCE(tk_s.token_mint_address, tk_d.token_mint_address) as token_mint_address
     , tk_s.token_balance_owner as from_owner
     , tk_d.token_balance_owner as to_owner
-    , account_source as from_token_account
-    , account_destination as to_token_account
+    , from_token_account
+    , to_token_account
     , token_version
-    , call_tx_signer as tx_signer
-    , call_tx_id as tx_id
-    , call_outer_instruction_index as outer_instruction_index
-    , COALESCE(call_inner_instruction_index,0) as inner_instruction_index
-    , call_outer_executing_account as outer_executing_account
+    , tx_signer
+    , tx_id
+    , outer_instruction_index
+    , inner_instruction_index
+    , outer_executing_account
 FROM base tr
 --get token and accounts
-INNER JOIN {{ ref('solana_utils_token_accounts') }} tk_s ON tk_s.address = tr.account_source 
+INNER JOIN {{ ref('solana_utils_token_accounts') }} tk_s ON tk_s.address = tr.account_source
 INNER JOIN {{ ref('solana_utils_token_accounts') }} tk_d ON tk_d.address = tr.account_destination
 WHERE 1=1
 -- AND call_block_time > now() - interval '90' day --for faster CI testing
\ No newline at end of file

From d75c3d2c548c0d78b8602699cedca09e4945dd4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alan Ghobadi <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 17:09:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/14] Fxi typo

 models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql
index d4efb921d86..78b23717480 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
         partition_by = ['block_date'],
         incremental_predicates = [incremental_predicate('DBT_INTERNAL_DEST.block_time')],
         unique_key = ['tx_id','outer_instruction_index','inner_instruction_index', 'block_slot']
+  )

From 8a53bdb7e5bc6c6119c8dc01dc6820a545c9f542 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 12:09:07 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 10/14] fix union

 models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql | 2 --
 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql
index 78b23717480..9ebc9bff9cb 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_token22_spl_transfers.sql
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
 base as (
       --token2022. Most mint and account extensions still use the parent transferChecked instruction, hooks are excecuted after and interest-bearing is precalculated.
-      UNION ALL
             account_source, account_destination, amount
             , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer

From 4afc64e5f5ff66532114b4ad17129568167639bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 12:51:49 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 11/14] typeing

 models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql | 12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
index 06f1fbfd692..800024c1a26 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ base as (
             , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
             , 'transfer' as action
             , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
+            , cast(null as double) as fee
             , 'spl_token' as token_version
       FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_transfer') }}
       WHERE 1=1
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ base as (
             , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
             , 'transfer' as action
             , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
+            , cast(null as double) as fee
             , 'spl_token' as token_version
       FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_transferChecked') }}
       WHERE 1=1
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ base as (
             , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
             , 'mint' as action
             , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
+            , cast(null as double) as fee
             , 'spl_token' as token_version
       FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_mintTo') }}
       WHERE 1=1
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ base as (
             , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
             , 'mint' as action
             , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
+            , cast(null as double) as fee
             , 'spl_token' as token_version
       FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_mintToChecked') }}
       WHERE 1=1
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ base as (
             , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
             , 'burn' as action
             , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
+            , cast(null as double) as fee
             , 'spl_token' as token_version
       FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_burn') }}
       WHERE 1=1
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ base as (
             , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
             , 'burn' as action
             , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , null as fee
+            , cast(null as double) as fee
             , 'spl_token' as token_version
       FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_burnChecked') }}
       WHERE 1=1

From 990d035bbb23f7fa55cf84f74aeaf9dc17a27832 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alan Ghobadi <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 10:31:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 12/14] Try another split

 .../solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql    | 38 ++++++++++---------
 ...ens_solana_spl_transfers_call_transfer.sql | 33 ++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers_call_transfer.sql

diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
index 800024c1a26..7ad07021765 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
@@ -14,22 +14,6 @@
 base as (
-      SELECT
-            account_source, account_destination
-            , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
-            , call_tx_id, call_block_time, call_block_slot, call_outer_executing_account, call_tx_signer
-            , 'transfer' as action
-            , call_outer_instruction_index, call_inner_instruction_index
-            , cast(null as double) as fee
-            , 'spl_token' as token_version
-      FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_transfer') }}
-      WHERE 1=1
-      {% if is_incremental() %}
-      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
-      {% endif %}
-      UNION ALL
             account_source, account_destination
             , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
@@ -124,4 +108,24 @@ SELECT
     , call_outer_instruction_index as outer_instruction_index
     , COALESCE(call_inner_instruction_index,0) as inner_instruction_index
     , call_outer_executing_account as outer_executing_account
-FROM base tr
\ No newline at end of file
+FROM base
+    block_time
+    , block_date
+    , block_slot
+    , action
+    , amount
+    , fee
+    , from_token_account
+    , to_token_account
+    , token_version
+    , tx_signer
+    , tx_id
+    , outer_instruction_index
+    , inner_instruction_index
+    , outer_executing_account
+ FROM {{ref'spl_transfers_call_transfer')}}
+{% if is_incremental() %}
+      AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+      {% endif %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers_call_transfer.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers_call_transfer.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cc319990015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers_call_transfer.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ {{
+  config(
+        schema = 'tokens_solana',
+        alias = 'spl_transfers_call_transfer',
+        materialized = 'incremental',
+        file_format = 'delta',
+        incremental_strategy = 'merge',
+        partition_by = ['block_date'],
+        incremental_predicates = [incremental_predicate('DBT_INTERNAL_DEST.block_time')],
+        unique_key = ['tx_id','outer_instruction_index','inner_instruction_index', 'block_slot']
+  )
+      call_block_time as block_time
+    , cast (date_trunc('day', call_block_time) as date) as block_date
+    , call_block_slot as block_slot
+    , 'transfer' as action
+    , bytearray_to_uint256(bytearray_reverse(bytearray_substring(call_data,1+1,8))) as amount
+    , cast(null as double) as fee
+    , account_source as from_token_account
+    , account_destination as to_token_account
+    , 'spl_token' as token_version
+    , call_tx_signer as tx_signer
+    , call_tx_id as tx_id
+    , call_outer_instruction_index as outer_instruction_index
+    , COALESCE(call_inner_instruction_index,0) as inner_instruction_index
+    , call_outer_executing_account as outer_executing_account
+FROM {{ source('spl_token_solana','spl_token_call_transfer') }}
+WHERE 1=1
+{% if is_incremental() %}
+AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
+{% endif %}

From a567bb702b0eb58b795f6d6ed9d0696e017d8b7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alan Ghobadi <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 10:36:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 13/14] Fix typo

 models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
index 7ad07021765..0f4af81972d 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ SELECT
     , outer_instruction_index
     , inner_instruction_index
     , outer_executing_account
- FROM {{ref'spl_transfers_call_transfer')}}
+ FROM {{ref('spl_transfers_call_transfer')}}
 {% if is_incremental() %}
       AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
       {% endif %}
\ No newline at end of file

From 88f064906a41374d0106d8d2027b671236a26c70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alan Ghobadi <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 10:43:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 14/14] Use correct path

 models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
index 0f4af81972d..2f788049ac5 100644
--- a/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
+++ b/models/tokens/solana/tokens_solana_spl_transfers.sql
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ SELECT
     , outer_instruction_index
     , inner_instruction_index
     , outer_executing_account
- FROM {{ref('spl_transfers_call_transfer')}}
+ FROM {{ref('tokens_solana_spl_transfers_call_transfer')}}
 {% if is_incremental() %}
       AND {{incremental_predicate('call_block_time')}}
       {% endif %}
\ No newline at end of file