This file specifies the wire protocol used for vehicles/GCS connection to the dronehub server. Supporting documents are available, but it is intended that this file should be self describing enough for a developer to be able to write a client adapter that can connect to the server.
A basic understanding of Protocol Buffers is needed to understand this protocol. The actual .proto file is located in src/main/protobuf/webapi.proto. For more information see:
This protocol is currently a draft and encryption is not yet supported. A future variant of this protocol will use SASL encapsulation for encryption ( A UDP variant may also be released at some point.
- Clients should open a TCP connection to port 5555 on
- Once the connection is open, the client should send an Envelope containing a LoginMsg (see documentation below)
- The server will respond with an Envelope containing a LoginResponseMsg
- Once login completes successfully client can send other message types (see documention for Envelope)
- Messages are always sent/received using the protobuf writeDelimited/readDelimited functions
- Every message sent over the wire is an Envelope (see documentation below)
- Envelope is a 'variant record' and should contain one (and only one) Message
- Client sends LoginMsg(with code = CHECK_USERNAME) as user is picking a username.
- Server responds with LoginResponseMsg to indicate if username is available
- Client sends LoginMsg(with code = CREATE) and the selected username and password
- Server responds with LoginResponseMsg (if server populates message, the client should show the message to the user)
- Client sends LoginMsg with a valid username and password
- Server responds with LoginResponseMsg (if server populates message, the client should show the message to the user)
- (User arms vehicle)
- Server responds with MissionResponseMsg
- Client sends SetVehicleMsgs (one per vehicle the client is talking with). These messages will indicate if mavlink from the server is accepted.
- Server does not respond
- Client sends StartMissionMsg (must be sent AFTER SetVehicleMsgs)
- Client sends numerous MavlinkMsgs - ideally for all mavlink, but if the TCP link begins to back up client can use heuristics to drop packets
- If server wants to send commands/queries to vehicles, it can send MavlinkMsgs to the client
- (User chooses to end the flight/disarm vehicle etc...)
- Client sends StopMissionMsg
- Server responds with MissionResponseMsg
- Client disconnects
(used if internet connectivity was not available while GCS was connected to vehicle)
- This message flow is the same as the 'live' flight except the SetVehicleMsgs will indicate that vehicle can not be contacted by server
See developer documentation at