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File metadata and controls

337 lines (277 loc) · 14 KB

(Original pre-refactor README; leaving it here until I broom it)

This library can be understood as something of a workbench for the development of a set of patterns and protocols for Web content—a content management meta-system. The proximate goals of this implementation are as follows:

  • Durable addresses with fine-grained addressability of content,
  • Adherence to declarative content models mediated by open standards,
  • Easy content re-use, i.e., transclusion,
  • Rich embedded metadata for search, social media, and other purposes.

Intertwingler is also intended to serve as a substrate for:

Finally, this library is also intended to establish a set of hard requirements for the kind of RDF and Linked Data infrastructure that would be necessary to replicate its behaviour in a more comprehensive content management system.

The only public website currently generated by Intertwingler is my own personal site, which I use as a test corpus. However, this library draws together a number of techniques which have been in use with employers and clients for well over a decade.


  • RDF::Repository extension (entailment, etc)
  • URI resolver
  • generalized markup document interface
  • data forensics from docs
    • nlp
    • metrics
    • pre-rdfa scan
    • version control
  • source driver
  • surface driver
    • web microservicey app thing
      • caching proxy?
  • command line (batch mode whatev)
    • actual shell


  • empty out Intertwingler::Context
    • move source-fetching stuff to Intertwingler::Source
    • move target-writing stuff to Intertwingler::Surface::DocumentRoot
    • move document stuff to Intertwingler::Document
      • get rid of write_to_target
    • overhaul the configuration/marshalling
  • empty out Intertwingler::Util::Messy
    • move everything in it to its respective more-sensible module
    • merge Intertwingler::Util::Clean back to Intertwingler::Util


  • get rid of Intertwingler::Document and everything under it
    • replace it with Intertwingler::Representation and friends
      • generated markup should be a subclass of Intertwingler::Source
  • implement content transforms as pure functions
    • break out the markup-generating and manipulating ones
    • do some for images (scale/crop/etc)
    • hook up the content-addressable store and TFO ontology
      • use it for rudimentary caching
  • Loupe


maybe its own document? who knows!

Future Directions

Ultimately, this implementation is disposable. What matter are the patterns laid down in the program output. If these patterns can be sufficiently normalized, then the behaviour ought to at least be replicable in other content management systems. Failing that, the patterns will serve as a set of requirements for future systems. The ideal is that adherence to existing open standards plus a modest set of additional constraints could, at least from the perspective of the audience, make the CMS infrastructure disappear.

As for the texture and topology of the content itself, squaring away the mundane problems of stable addressing, transclusion, and the product-agnostic separation of content from presentation, the emphasis on the page as the basic unit of content can be subjected to further scrutiny. The long-term goal of this project is a structure with smaller nodes and many more links between them, something I am calling dense hypermedia.

How it Works

Because the focus of Intertwingler is a corpus of interrelated Web resources marked up just so, rather than presenting as an on-line Web application, it instead both consumes and emits a set of static files. It currently expects a directory of (X)HTML and/or Markdown as its document source, along with one or more serialized RDF graphs which house the metadata.


The files in the source tree can be named in any way, however, in the metadata, they are expected to be primarily associated with UUIDs, like the following (complete) entry:

@prefix owl:  <> .
@prefix xsd:  <> .
@prefix xhv:  <> .
@prefix dct:  <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix bibo: <> .
@prefix bs:   <> .
@prefix ci:   <> .

    dct:abstract "Yet another slapdash about-me page."@en ;
    dct:created "2019-03-11T08:14:10+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    dct:creator <urn:uuid:ca637d4b-c11b-4152-be98-bde602e7abd4> ;
    dct:hasPart <> ;
    dct:modified "2019-05-17T05:08:42+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime,
        "2019-05-17T18:37:37+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    dct:references <urn:uuid:01a1ad7d-8af0-4ad7-a8ec-ffaaa06bb6f1>,
        <urn:uuid:ef4587cd-d8c6-4b3d-aa01-d07ab49eda4f> ;
    dct:replaces <urn:uuid:1944f86f-cafb-42f7-bca3-ad518f9b6ec7>,
        <urn:uuid:d30a49d7-71ed-4355-bc44-4bbe3d90e000> ;
    dct:title "Hello, Internet"@en ;
    bibo:status bs:published ;
    a bibo:Note ;
    xhv:alternate <urn:uuid:4a13ab5a-67a5-4e1a-970f-3425df7035bb>,
        <urn:uuid:c2f57107-9f79-4f13-a83c-4c73448c1c0b> ;
    xhv:bookmark <urn:uuid:c2f57107-9f79-4f13-a83c-4c73448c1c0b> ;
    xhv:index <urn:uuid:4a13ab5a-67a5-4e1a-970f-3425df7035bb> ;
    xhv:meta <urn:uuid:47d52b80-50df-4ac4-a3f3-941c95c1aa14> ;
    owl:sameAs <>,
        <> ;
    foaf:depiction <;desaturate;scale=800,700> ;
    ci:canonical <> ;
    ci:canonical-slug "hello-internet"^^xsd:token ;
    ci:indexed false .

Another program generates these entries from version-controlled source trees. It was written over a decade ago in Python, intended to handle the Mercurial version control system. Eventually it will be switched to Git, rewritten in Ruby, and made part of Intertwingler.


The library has methods to generate the following kinds of file:

  • (X)HTML documents, where file inputs are married with metadata
  • Special indexes, generated completely from metadata
  • Atom feeds, with various partitioning criteria
  • Google site maps,
  • Apache rewrite maps.

All files are generated in the target directory as their canonical UUID and a representative extension, e.g. b5c16511-6904-4130-b4e4-dd553f31bdd8.xml. Human-readable URIs are then overlaid onto these canonical addresses using rewrite maps. This enables the system to retain a memory of address-to-UUID assignments over time, with the eventual goal to eliminate 404 errors.

Documents themselves are traversed and embedded with metadata. Wherever possible, links are given titles and semantic relations, and a list of backlinks from all other resources is constructed. There are modules for generating various elements in the <head> to accommodate the various search and social media platforms. The strategy is to hold the master data in the most appropriate RDF vocabularies, and then subsequently map those properties to their proprietary counterparts, e.g., Facebook OGP, (Google), and Twitter Cards.

The latter representations tend to cut corners with various datatypes and properties; it's much easier to go from strict RDF to a platform-specific schema than it is to go the other way around.

Private content

While a fine-grained access control subsystem is decidedly out of scope, Intertwingler has a rudimentary concept of private resources. A resource is assumed to be "private" unless its bibo:status is set to bibo:status/published. A document may therefore have both a public and private version, as the private version may have links to and from other documents which themselves are not published. Links to private documents get pruned from published ones, so as not to leak their existence.


I endeavour to create a command-line interface but the library interface is currently not stable enough to warrant it. The best way to use Intertwingler for now is within an interactive pry session:

~$ cd rdf-sak
~/rdf-sak$ pry -Ilib
[1] pry(main)> require 'intertwingler'
=> true
[2] pry(main)> ctx = config: '~/my.conf'
=> <Intertwingler::Context ...>
[3] pry(main)> doc = ctx.visit 'some-uri'
=> <Intertwingler::Context::Document ...>
[4] pry(main)> doc.write_to_target

A YAML configuration file can be supplied in lieu of individual parameters to the constructor:

graph: # RDF graphs
  - ~/projects/active/
  - ~/projects/active/
source: ~/projects/active/
target: ~/projects/active/
private: .private     # private content, relative to target
transform: /transform # XSLT stylesheet attached to all documents


Deploying the content can be done with rsync, although it requires certain configuration changes on the server in order to work properly.

In Apache in particular, rewrite maps need to be defined in the main server configuration:

# one need not place these in the document root but it's handy for rsync
RewriteEngine On
RewriteMap rewrite  ${DOCUMENT_ROOT}/
RewriteMap redirect ${DOCUMENT_ROOT}/
RewriteMap gone     ${DOCUMENT_ROOT}/

# then we just add something like this to prevent access to them
<Files ".*.map">
Require all denied

The rest of the configuration can go in an .htaccess:

# this redirects to canonical slugs
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "^/*(.*?)(\.xml)?$"
RewriteCond ${redirect:%1} ^.+$
RewriteRule ^/*(.*?)(\.xml)?$ ${redirect:$1} [L,NS,R=308]

# this takes care of terminated URIs
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/*(.*?)(\..+?)?$
RewriteCond ${gone:%1} ^.+$
RewriteRule .* - [L,NS,G]

# this internally rewrites slugs to UUIDs
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/*(.*?)(\..+?)?$
RewriteCond ${rewrite:%1} ^.+$
RewriteRule ^/*(.*?)(\..+?)?$ /${rewrite:$1} [NS,PT]

# we can do something perhaps more elaborate to route private content
SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "31\.3\.3\.7" PRIVATE

# this splices in the private content if it is present
RewriteCond %{ENV:PRIVATE} !^$
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/.private%{REQUEST_URI} -F
RewriteRule ^/*(.*) /.private/$1 [NS,PT]

Configurations for other platforms can be figured out on request.


API documentation, for what it's worth at the moment, can be found in the usual place.


For now I recommend just running the library out of its source tree:

~$ git clone [email protected]/doriantaylor/rb-intertwingler.git intertwingler
~$ cd intertwingler
~/intertwingler$ bundle install


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome at the GitHub repository.

Copyright & License

©2018-2023 Dorian Taylor

This software is provided under the Apache License, 2.0.