This sample is basically the same as oil.
The difference is that it does not involve writing code in Java, and can be used in a .dat/.mod from OPL Studio.
Before you run the sample, you will need to edit oil.dat, and configure paths. In particular, you want to add the JDBC connector jar, for instance:
// Update this to point to your jdbc driver.
// For instance mssql-jdbc-7.2.2.jre8.jar for mssql
And you want to specify the configuration file for your database connection:
// This is the configuration file for accessing your database.
var jdbcConfigXml = "../../data/db_mssql.xml";
Lastly, you want to point to the jdbc custom data source jar. It is distributed as binaries in the lib directory:
// The jar containing the jdbc custom data source
To run the sample, invoke the run.bat
C:\> run
Buildfile: C:\opl\OPL-jdbc-custom-data-source\examples\ilo_opl_call_java\build.xml
[exec] <<< setup
[exec] Reading elements from database
[exec] Reading Gasolines using "SELECT NAME FROM GASDATA"
[exec] Reading OilData using "SELECT * FROM OILDATA"
[exec] Reading Oils using "SELECT NAME FROM OILDATA"
[exec] Reading GasData using "SELECT * FROM GASDATA"
[exec] Done
[exec] <<< generate
[exec] Tried aggregator 1 time.
[exec] LP Presolve eliminated 1 rows and 0 columns.
[exec] Reduced LP has 12 rows, 12 columns, and 43 nonzeros.
[exec] Presolve time = 0.00 sec. (0.01 ticks)
[exec] Iteration log . . .
[exec] Iteration: 1 Scaled dual infeas = 0.000000
[exec] Iteration: 2 Dual objective = 434000.000000
[exec] <<< solve
[exec] OBJECTIVE: 287750
[exec] Result = {<"Crude1" "Diesel" 800 0> <"Crude1" "Regular" 2111.1 750>
[exec] <"Crude1" "Super" 2088.9 0> <"Crude2" "Diesel" 0 0>
[exec] <"Crude2" "Regular" 4222.2 750> <"Crude2" "Super" 777.78 0>
[exec] <"Crude3" "Diesel" 200 0> <"Crude3" "Regular" 3166.7 750>
[exec] <"Crude3" "Super" 133.33 0>}
[exec] <<< post process
[exec] <<< done
Total time: 1 second
Press any key to continue . . .