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Getting started


I want you to understand how Django deployment works, and in order for you to understand it we'll need to experiment. So you will need an experimental Debian or Ubuntu server. You could create a virtual machine on your personal system, but it will be easier and more instructive if you have a virtual machine on the network. So go to Hetzner, Digital Ocean, or whatever is your favourite provider, and get a virtual server. In the rest of this book I will be using $SERVER_IPv4_ADDRESS to denote the ip address of the server on which your Django project is running; so you must mentally replace $SERVER_IPv4_ADDRESS with "" or whatever the address of your server is. Likewise with $SERVER_IPv6_ADDRESS, if your server has one.

If you find the above confusing, maybe it's because you don't know what this book is about. "Deployment" means installing your Django application on production. This book doesn't teach you how to develop with Django; you need to already know that. If you don't, you need to read another book.

If you are really looking to deploy your Django application, and you can already create a Debian or Ubuntu server, login to it with ssh, use scp to copy files, use basic commands like ls, and understand some basic encryption principles, that is, what is a public and private key, you can probably skip most of this chapter. Otherwise, I'll take you step by step, right from getting a virtual server, logging in to it, and using essential GNU/Linux commands.

Getting a server

Until recently, I used to create test servers on my laptop using virtualbox and/or vagrant. However, virtual servers on the cloud have become so cheap that it is usually better to hire one there. It's faster to set up, and you don't need to worry about NAT. The other time I needed a Ubuntu server for a brief test. I created one on DigitalOcean within a couple of minutes; I made my test; and then I destroyed the server, after about half an hour. DigitalOcean's charge for that was $0.01. The cool thing about DigitalOcean is that you can get a test server for only as long as you need it, and get charged only for the number of hours for which the server exists. In other providers you usually pay for the whole month.

(Note: I am not affiliated with DigitalOcean, and I am not using their referrals program.)

So, if you don't already have a cloud VM provider, sign up on and create a droplet. DigitalOcean calls its servers droplets, but they are just virtual machines. In order to create a droplet, you need to choose the operating system and some other things.

If you don't want to know much about your options for the operating system, just choose Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit.


Debian or Ubuntu?

These two operating systems are practically the same system. You have probably already chosen one of the two to work with, and there is no reason to reconsider.

If you haven't chosen yet, and you want to know nothing about this, go ahead and pick up the latest LTS version of Ubuntu, which currently is 16.04 (and will continue to be so until April 2018).

The reason I recommend Ubuntu is mostly that it is more popular and therefore has better support by virtual server providers. Ubuntu's Long Term Support versions also have five years of support instead of only three for Debian (though recently Debian has started to offer LTS support but it's kind of unofficial). On the other hand I feel that Ubuntu sometimes rushes a bit too much to get the latest software versions in the operating system release, whereas Debian can be more stable; but this is just a feeling, I have no hard data. I use Debian, but this is a personal preference because sometimes I'm too much of a perfectionist (with deadlines) and I want things my own way.

In Ubuntu's version numbering, the first number is the year and the second is the month; so 16.04 was released in April 2016. The LTS versions are the ones released in April of even years, so the next LTS version will be 18.04. I don't see why someone would use the 32-bit version, which can support only up to 4 GB of RAM, so choose the 64-bit version. Don't choose a non-LTS version; support for these lasts less than a year, and it is too little.

Besides operating system, you also need to choose size, data center, IPv6, SSH keys, and host name.

The size of the server depends on how heavy the application is. For our purpose, which is testing Django deployment, the smallest one is usually more than enough. In fact, 512 MB of RAM and 20 GB of disk space are sometimes enough for small applications in production.

Choose the data center that is nearest to you.

I like my servers to have IPv6, so I always turn that on.

Don't specify SSH keys yet, unless you are comfortable with them already. I devote the whole next section to SSH keys.

Finally, choose a host name. Usually, when it is for testing, I look at the time and if it's 17:02 I name the server test1702. For production, if I don't have anything better, I choose names of Greek rivers at random.

Hit the big green Create button and your server will be ready after one or two minutes. DigitalOcean will create a password for your server and email it to you.

In order to login from Unix (such as Linux or Mac OS X), open a terminal and type this:

ssh root@[server ip address]

The first time you attempt this, it will warn you that the authenticity of the host cannot be established; tell it "yes", you are sure you want to continue connecting. It will then ask for the password. The first time you connect, it may force you to change the password. Note that when you type a password, nothing at all is shown, no bullets or other placeholders, it's as if you are typing nothing, but it is actually registering your keystrokes.

You can logout of the server by entering exit at its command prompt. Ctrl+D also works.

From Windows you first need to install an SSH client. The most popular one is PuTTY, which you can download from It's a single file, putty.exe. Each time you execute it, it will launch its configuration window. Type the server ip address in the "Host Name (or IP address)" field and click Open.

The first time you attempt this, it will warn you that the authenticity of the host cannot be established; tell it Yes, you trust the host. It will then ask for the user name ("login as:"), which is root, and the password. The first time you connect, the server may force you to change the password. Note that when you type a password, nothing at all is shown, no bullets or other placeholders, it's as if you are typing nothing, but it is actually registering your keystrokes.

Eventually you will want to copy and paste text from and to PuTTY. Just selecting text automatically copies it to the clipboard, and pasting is just right-clicking.

You can logout of the server by entering exit at its command prompt. Ctrl+D also works.

Introduction to SSH keys

You have deadlines. Learning about SSH keys doesn't seem to be urgent. You can live without them, can't you? Is it worth to spend an hour to learn about them? The answer is yes. If you log on to a server 12 times per day (a conservative estimate), and it takes on the average 5 seconds to type your password (and retype it if it's wrong), that's one minute. You will have paid off your investment in three months. But there are more savings; when creating a droplet on DigitalOcean you will just be ticking a box and you will be ready to login. Otherwise you will be needing to wait for the email to come, copy and paste your password, and go through the process of changing the password. SSH keys can also be used on GitHub and other services. Finally, a little understanding of public key cryptography will later help you setup HTTPS, which is based on the same principles. So let's start.

You will first create a pair of keys, which we call the public key and the private key. Let's just do it first. You won't be understanding what we are doing, but I will explain it afterwards.

On Unix, such as Ubuntu or Mac OS X, just enter the command ssh-keygen, which stands for ssh key generator. It will ask you a couple of questions:

  1. It will ask where to store the keys. Since we are just testing, I suggest to store them in /tmp/id_rsa.
  2. It will ask for a passphrase. For the time being, do not use a passphrase. We will come to the passphrase later on.

This will create two files; the private key will be in /tmp/id_rsa, and the public key in /tmp/

On Windows, download PuTTYgen from the PuTTY download page. Like PuTTY, PuTTYgen is a single .exe file which you double-click on and it runs. Click on "Generate". It will ask you to move the mouse over the blank area; do so. After it finishes, click "Save private key". Ignore the warning about having an empty passphrase, we will deal with that later. Save the private key to a file named id_rsa.ppk. Leave the PuTTYgen window open, as we will need to copy the public key shown at the top, in the field "Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file".

In order to login to a server, create a droplet in DigitalOcean. In the droplet creation form, at the "Add your SSH keys" section, click "New SSH Key". In the "SSH key content" field, paste the public key. In Unix, the public key is the contents of the file; in Windows, it is displayed at the top of the PuTTYgen window. When you create the droplet, it won't send you any email, as you won't need a password. The server will be ready for login with your SSH key.

Here is how to logon to the droplet from Unix:

ssh -i /tmp/id_rsa root@[server_ip_address]

In Windows, start PuTTY, and enter the server's IP address at the "Host Name" field (also look at :numref:`putty_config`). In addition, in the "Category" tree on the left, go to "Connection", "Data", and in "Auto-login username" enter "root"; then go to "SSH", "Auth", and in "Private key file for authentication" specify the id_rsa.ppk file; finally, go to "Session", specify a name in "Saved Sessions", and click "Save". Finally, click "Open". You should now login on the server without password.


How to configure PuTTY

What's more, in the future, if you just open PuTTY and double-click on the saved session name, you will immediately logon to the server.

How SSH keys work

As you noticed, the key generator created a public key and a private key. These "keys" are just numbers, integers, but large ones; if printed in decimal, they would be several hundreds of digits long. In order to save some space, they are stored in the files in a format that is more condensed than decimal, but the file format does not concern us (in fact, the private key file contains both keys, so if you lose the public key file you can generate it from the private key file using ssh-keygen -y in Unix or clicking "Load" on PuTTYgen).

These numbers are called keys because they are used in encryption and decryption. Encryption systems use keys. For example, a silly encryption system could be to replace a with b, b with c, and so on, so that the word "chair" becomes "dibjs" and the word "zoo" becomes "app". Or, instead of moving one letter forward you could move two letters forward, so "chair" becomes "ejckt" and "zoo" becomes "bqq". In both cases, the algorithm is the same, but the key changes—in the first example the key is 1 (we moved one letter forward) and in the second it is 2 (two letters forward). In that algorithm, the key is a number from 1 to 25. If you send me an encrypted message with this algorithm and someone intercepts it, if they know the key with which it was encrypted they can decrypt it. Of course in this dummy system it's trivial to find the key, and there are only 25 possible keys anyway, but what I want to illustrate here is that you need the key in order to decrypt the message. Serious encryption algorithms like AES are similar to our silly algorithm with respect to the fact that you decrypt with the same key that you used to encrypt, which gives them the name "symmetric".

Now, asymmetric, or public key cryptography algorithms, such as RSA, have the property that keys go in pairs, and if you encrypt a message with one key, you can only decrypt it with the other key of the pair. What's more, although there exists a method with which you can generate pairs of keys, if you know one of the two keys of a pair, you can't derive the other. At least that's what the mathematicians think. So our generator, ssh-keygen or PuTTYgen, generated a pair of two such numbers. It christened one of them "public key" and the other "private key". So now if you want to send me an encrypted message I can just give you my public key, and it doesn't matter if someone intercepts it. You can encrypt the secret message with my public key and send it to me, and it doesn't matter if someone intercepts it. Only I have the corresponding private key, and only I can decrypt the message.

But how can this be used for authentication? Well, I can take any message, such as "hello world", and encrypt it with my private key. I can then send it to you. You have my public key. You can decrypt the message. Since you were able to decrypt it with my public key, you know that it was encrypted with my private key. But only I have my private key, so it was I who encrypted the message. So you know I did it and no-one else. This is how digital signatures work, and how ssh authentication works.

So, the server is configured to accept login from you. It knows your public key. The server asks the ssh client to encrypt some information with your private key. The ssh client (i.e. ssh on Unix or PuTTY on Windows) does so, and sends the encrypted information back to the server. The server verifies it can be decrypted with your public key, and then it gives you access.

You configure a server to accept SSH keys simply by adding them to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys, one public key per line. Logon to the server and examine the contents of the file (nano is the simplest text editor in GNU/Linux systems):

nano /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

You will see that it contains a line with the SSH key you pasted from PuTTYgen or from the file. That is all the Digital Ocean UI did, it just added the key to that file. You can specify many allowed keys in that file, one key per line. /root is the home directory of the root user, so the keys specified in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys may logon as root. If the system has a user named joe, the home directory of joe is usually /home/joe, and the keys allowed to logon as joe will be stored in /home/joe/.ssh/authorized_keys.

It's not only people who have SSH keys; SSH servers also have their own keys. Your server has key pairs in /etc/ssh. It's not only you who needs to authenticate with the server, but the server also needs to authenticate with you. You really need to know that you are logging in to your own server; an attacker could have compromised your local DNS cache and be directing you towards another server. They could steal valuable information if they did that, or obtain access to the real server. This is why, the first time you connect to a server, your SSH client gives you a warning. The server has provided its public key and has proven that it has the corresponding private key, but the SSH client has never connected to this server before, so it has no way of verifying that that server is really that server. The next times you connect to that server there will be no warning, because the SSH client can now verify that it is the same server as the server it connected to the previous time. On Unix, the ssh client stores server keys in $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts; PuTTY stores them in the registry, in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\SshHostKeys.

You may have noticed that the warning mentions the "fingerprint" of the key of the server. It could have just given us the public key, but this would have been inconvenient because keys are so large. Therefore to identify keys we use hashes of the keys which we call fingerprints and are much smaller; they are usually numbers with 32 hexadecimal digits. While it cannot be ruled out that two different keys might have the same fingerprint, the probability of this happening is lower than the sky falling on your head in the next minute, so it's not something you should worry about.

Using an SSH agent

Usually you only need a single pair of keys. On Unix, we usually store them at $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa and $HOME/.ssh/ ssh-keygen by default places them there, and the ssh client, "ssh", uses them without needing to specify any parameter. On Windows there is no prescribed location, so you should put your .ppk file wherever it is convenient.

Now, whoever has your private key can probably format all your servers, and possibly delete all your software on GitHub. If your laptop is stolen, they get your key (unless your disk is encrypted). It doesn't matter if they don't know your boot password or your login password. Anyone with a screwdriver can reset your BIOS password, and there are several ways to access a disk when you don't know the login password; one of the most obvious is to plug the disk on another system. For this reason, you should encrypt your private key file with a passphrase. You can either create a new key and not give it an empty passphrase, or you can change the passphrase of an existing key. You do this with ssh-keygen -p -f /tmp/id_rsa (you can omit the -f /tmp/id_rsa part if you want to use the default file, $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa), or by loading the key in PuTTYgen, specifying a passphrase, and saving it again.

But it doesn't make any sense to key in the passphrase each time you want to login to the server. There would be little advantage over typing the password each time. So what we do is run an "agent", software that runs continuously in the background, and keeps our unencrypted private key cached in memory. The ssh client communicates with the agent whenever needed and gets the key from there. The agent only asks for the passphrase once after you login to your local machine, and then keeps it cached until logout or shutdown. This, combined with a screen saver that locks your screen after a few minutes of inactivity (I use 5 minutes), is reasonably secure.

On GNU/Linux, you don't need to do anything. ssh-agent, as the agent is called, is installed by default. The first time you attempt to ssh into the remote server, it will ask you for your passphrase.

On Windows, you need to download pageant.exe from the PuTTY download page and set it up to start at login. On Windows 7, you go to Start, All programs, Startup folder, right-click on the folder and select "Open", and in there create a new shortcut which should execute C:\...\pageant.exe C:\...\your_key.ppk. After you do that, try to logout and login (or restart the system altogether), and as soon as you login pageant will start and ask you for your passphrase.

Finally, on Mac OS X, I don't know how it works, but if you search the web for "Mac OS X ssh-agent" you should find enough information.

Essential GNU/Linux commands

Right after you login, enter this command:


This prints the working directory (also called the current directory), which right after login is /root, which is equivalent, very roughly, to C:\Users\administrator in Windows (which in older Windows versions was C:\Documents¬and¬Settings\administrator). /root is called the "home directory" of the root user. Most other users will have home directories under /home; for example, if there is user named joe, the home directory will usually be /home/joe; the root user is an exception.

In Unix-like operating systems, there is nothing like the drive letters of Windows. I just plugged a USB storage device on my Debian laptop, and I can see its files under /media/anthony/ANTONIS. Different storage devices are thus "mounted" in different locations of the single directory tree.

Now let's try to view the contents of the directory:


"ls" stands for "list" and is the equivalent of the Windows dir command. If it didn't show anything, it's because the directory is empty. If you type ls on its own, it shows the contents of the current directory. Try listing the root directory instead:

ls /

You can make it list details by adding the -l parameter:

ls -l /

In that case, the output is like :numref:`output_of_ls`.


Output of ls

Usually when we use -l we also use -h, which shows prettier numbers; for example, instead of 4096 it shows 4.0K. You can type either ls -l -h, or, as is more common, ls -lh.

Just as in Windows, you can change directory using the cd command:

cd /

In contrast to Windows, cd on its own takes you to the home directory, so for the root user, a mere cd is equivalent to cd /root. The Unix-like equivalent of a mere cd in Windows is the pwd command.

Just a while ago, we tried ls on the /root directory. We are interested in some files that happen to be hidden. In Unix, when a file begins with a dot, it's "hidden". This means that ls doesn't normally show it, and that when you use wildcards such as * to denote all files, the shell will not include it. Otherwise it's not different from non-hidden files. To list the contents of a directory including hidden files, use the -a option:

ls -a

This will include . and .., which denote the directory itself and the parent directory (/root/. is the same as /root; /root/.. is the same as /). You can use -A instead of -a to list all hidden files except . and ...

The last command we will examine in this section is shutdown. To restart a machine, enter shutdown -r now. You can also shut down a system with shutdown -h now, but this much is less often used on servers.

Shell files, editing files, remote copying

After the ssh server authenticates you and decides to give you access, it runs your shell. The shell is the program that accepts input from you, parses it, and executes the commands you type. There is a number of shells you can choose from, but most probably you are using the most popular, which is called "bash". Bash stores the commands you type in .bash_history; when at the shell prompt you use the arrow up/down keys to move through your history of commands, bash gets this history from the file.

When you login, bash executes the commands in .profile; and when you logout, it executes the commands in .bash_logout. Finally, each time an interactive shell starts, it executes the commands in .bashrc. The difference between .bashrc and .profile is that the latter is executed only by a "login shell"; that is, by the shell started by the ssh server as soon as you login; but if you start another shell, e.g. by entering bash, only .bashrc is executed. Type this:


The first command starts another bash that runs inside the bash you were running before. The second command exits from the nested bash and returns you to the previous bash. Of course you would normally not do something like this, but it demonstrates that the "outside" shell is probably your login shell, whereas the "inside" shell is another interactive shell. When the nested one starts, it executes .bashrc.

Now, let's edit .bashrc.

nano .bashrc

We have already seen nano before—it's the simplest editor in GNU/Linux systems like Debian and Ubuntu. Many people prefer to use vim or emacs, which are very powerful but need some learning. nano is as simple as Windows Notepad, but it does not need a GUI. At the bottom it shows you what the special keys do; for example, ^X (Ctrl+X) exits the editor.

I like the bash prompt to be colored. To use the same colors I use, add this snippet at the end of the .bashrc file:

red=$(tput setaf 1)
green=$(tput setaf 2)
blue=$(tput setaf 4)
reset=$(tput sgr0)
PS1='\[$red\]\u\[$reset\]@\[$green\]\h\[$reset\]:\[$blue\]\W\[$reset\]\$ '

Now exit nano by saving the file, logout and login again, and the prompt should be colored. I'm not going to explain how these commands work, as they are quite complicated; my main purpose here was for you to get a grip with editing a file and see the results.

If you have custom stuff in your .bashrc, you won't want to login to the server, edit .bashrc, make the changes, save, logout, and login again, and all that each time you create a new virtual server. Instead, you will want to keep your custom .bashrc somewhere in your local machine and copy it to the new virtual server. If your local machine runs GNU/Linux, you can use the scp command:

scp .bashrc [email protected]:/root/

If you have Windows, download pscp.exe from the PuTTY download page, make sure it's in the system path, and run it from a command prompt or PowerShell like this:

pscp .bashrc [email protected]:/root/

The command means "open an ssh connection to machine, login as root, and using the ssh connection transfer the file .bashrc from the local machine to the remote, and put it in /root/". It uses the ssh keys stored in .ssh or in PuTTY, so it can login without a password. Instead of .bashrc you could have used a full or relative path such as /home/anthony/.bashrc or C:\Users\user\.bashrc. Instead of [email protected]:/root/ you could have simply used [email protected]: (don't forget the colon at the end); if you don't specify a destination, the remote user's home directory is the default. Copying also works the other way round; scp [email protected]:.bashrc . would fetch the remote file /root/.bashrc locally and put it in the current directory.

Installing software on a Debian/Ubuntu server

If you want to install nginx or any other software on Windows, you need to go to the software's web site, download it, and execute the downloaded installer. In Debian and Ubuntu we rarely do something like this. To install nginx, just enter this command:

apt install nginx

apt is the Advanced Package Tool. Except for "install" it also has "remove", with which you can uninstall, and some other options. You will find out that people mostly use apt-get instead of apt, which is also correct. apt actually uses apt-get behind the scenes.

What actually happens is that the Debian/Ubuntu developers have packaged nginx so that it can be installed with apt. They have done this with thousands of software items, so whenever you want to install something on your server, chances are it's packaged. This is true for other GNU/Linux systems as well, though they usually use different package managers. CentOS uses rpm, for example.

apt keeps a list of available packages. This needs to be updated regularly, because it changes whenever there are security updates. Try this to update the list:

apt update

After you update the list, you also need to upgrade any installed packages:

apt upgrade

After creating a new server, pretty much the first thing you should do is to update the list and upgrade the software. The two commands can be joined into a single one like this:

apt update && apt -y upgrade

This idiom means "run apt update, and if it succeeds, run apt -y upgrade". The -y option tells apt to not ask you "Do you want to continue?", but instead assume yes.

In contrast to Windows, which installs updates automatically, Debian/Ubuntu servers don't, unless you install package unattended-upgrades. However, I don't recommend it. I think it's a bad idea to run unattended upgrades, and I've once seen a server stop working when it was performing unattended upgrades and the upgrade procedure needed to ask a question. We found out the next morning. What I do is that I am subscribed to the Debian Security Announce mailing list, so whenever there's a problem I get notified and I run apt update && apt -y upgrade. I'm using Debian on all my servers; if you use Ubuntu, you should subscribe to the Ubuntu Security Announce list instead.

This applies only to software installed with apt. If you install software in any other way, apt will not upgrade it, and the Debian/Ubuntu security announce mailing lists will not mention it. The most common other way that you will use to install software is pip. You will probably install Django with pip, and you should be monitoring the Django blog for security announcements (you can subscribe to its feed, for example).

Sometimes you will not know how a package is named. Suppose you want to install Apache. You immediately suspect that Apache may be packaged, but you don't know the name of the package. Here is how to search for Apache:

apt-cache search apache

(apt search apache also works, but apt-cache search is faster and I like better the formatting of the results.) On a Ubuntu 16.04 system, this returns about 735 results. If you only want to search for packages that have "apache" in their name (and not just in their description or elsewhere), you can do this:

apt-cache search --names-only apache

This returns 161. Still many. You can narrow it down by searching only for packages whose name begins with "apache":

apt-cache search --names-only ^apache

This returns only 12 packages. The first one, apache2, is probably what you want. You can examine the contents of the package thus:

apt show apache2

There are more ways to narrow down the search, as there are tens of thousands of packages, but I think that's enough for now.

Reading the documentation

In the preceding sections, we saw that ls can accept several options, such as -l, -h, -a, -A, and others, and that apt-cache search accepts the --names-only option. Where can you find a reference of the options used?

The answer depends on the tool. Traditionally we use the man command for this; for example,

man apt-cache

will show you the full documentation of apt-cache.

In 1990 we were still reading the documentation from printed manuals, and man ls would show you the contents of the printed manual's ls entry. "man" stands for manual. At that time, that system was quite cool. If you wanted to take a quick glance at a detail in the manual you'd use the man command which was quicker, but if you wanted to study the manual more carefully you'd prefer to use the printed version which was easier to read. Remember, there was no web at that time, and terminals weren't as smart as they are today (there was no bold or italics when you used the man command).

When the GNU system was developed at around that time, its developers thought that the man system was outdated, and they developed info. Although this is a better system that uses hyperlinks, it didn't get much traction, so today it's not much used. You can access the full documentation for ls with info ls, but this works much better from within the emacs editor than with the standalone info program, and it takes some learning. I never use info; I usually just use man ls, which is a summary that has most of the information I need, and if I need more I usually search the web.

Finally, it has lately become fashionable for commands to show help when given the --help option. Usually the help provided with --help is more condensed than that provided by man or info. ls has all three; info, man, and --help.

The quality of the documentation varies. While sometimes the help provided by man is excellent and can be used as tutorial as well as reference, very often it is better to familiarize yourself with a program by reading a book or a tutorial on the web. For example, you can't possibly learn git from its official documentation (and you can barely use it as reference).

Setting up the system locale

The "locale" is the regional settings, among which the character encoding used. If the character encoding isn't correctly set to UTF-8, sooner or later you will run into problems. So checking the system locale is pretty much the first thing you should do on a new server.

The procedure is this:

  1. Open the file /etc/locale.gen in an editor and make sure the line that begins with "en_US.UTF-8" is uncommented.
  2. Enter the command locale-gen; this will (re)generate the locales.
  3. Open the file /etc/default/locale in an editor, and make sure it contains the line LANG=en_US.UTF-8. Changes in this file require logout and login to take effect.

Let me now explain what all this is about. The locale consists of a language, a country, and a character encoding; "en_US.UTF-8" means English, United States, UTF-8. This tells programs to show messages in American English; to format items such as dates in the way it's done in the United States; and to use encoding UTF-8.

Different users can be using different locales. If you have a desktop computer used by you and your spouse, one could be using English and the other French. Each user does this by setting the LANG environment variable to the desired locale; if not, the default system locale is used for that user. For servers this feature is less important. While your Django application may display the user interface in different languages (and format dates and numbers in different ways), this is done by Django itself using Django's internationalization and localization machinery and has nothing to do with what we are discussing here, which affects mostly the programs you type in the command line, such as ls. Because for servers the feature of users specifying their preferred locale isn't so important, we usually merely use the default system locale, which is specified in the file /etc/default/locale. You can understand English, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this book, so "en_US.UTF-8" is fine. If you prefer to use another country, such as "en_UK.UTF-8", it's also fine, but it's no big deal, as I will explain later on.

Although the system can support a large number of locales, many of these are turned off in order to save a little disk space. You turn them on by adding or uncommenting them in file /etc/locale.gen. When you execute the program locale-gen, it reads /etc/locale.gen and determines which locales are activated, and it compiles these locales from their source files, which are relatively small, to some binary files that are those actually used by the various programs. We say that the locales are "generated". If you activate all locales the binary files will be a little bit over 100 M, so the saving is not that big (it was important 15 years ago); however they will take quite some time to generate. Usually we only activate a few.

To check that everything is right, do this:

  1. Enter the command locale; everything (except, possibly, LANGUAGE and LC_ALL) should have the value "en_US.UTF-8".
  2. Enter the command perl -e ''; it should do nothing and give no message.

The locale command merely lists the active locale parameters. LC_CTYPE, LC_NUMERIC etc. are called "locale categories", and usually they are all set to the same value. In some edge cases they might be set to different values; for example, on my laptop I use "en_US.UTF-8", but especially for LC_TIME I use "en_DK.UTF-8", which causes Thunderbird to display dates in ISO 8601. This is not our concern here and it rarely is on a server. So we don't set any of these variables, and they all get their value from LANG, which is set by /etc/default/locale.

However, sometimes you might make an error; you might specify a locale in /etc/default/locale, but you might forget to generate it. In that case, the locale command will indicate that the locale is active, but it will not show that anything is wrong. This is the reason I run perl -e ''. Perl is a programming language, like Python. The command perl -e '', does nothing; it tells Perl to execute an empty program; same thing as python -c ''. However, if there is anything wrong with the locale, Perl throws a big warning message; so perl -e '' is my favourite way of verifying that my locale works. Try, for example, LANG=el_GR.UTF-8 perl -e '' to see the warning message. So locale shows you which is the active locale, and perl -e '', if silent, indicates that the active locale has been generated and is valid.

I told you a short while ago that the country doesn't matter much for servers. Neither does the language. What matters is the encoding. You want to be able to manipulate all characters of all languages. Even if all your customers are English speaking, there may eventually be some remark about a Chinese character in a description field. Even if you are certain there won't, it doesn't make any sense to constrain yourself to an encoding that can represent only a subset of characters when it's equally easy to use UTF-8. So you need to make sure you use UTF-8. In the chapter about PostgreSQL we will see that installing PostgreSQL is a process particularly sensitive to the system locale settings.

The programs you run at the command line will be producing output in your chosen encoding. Your terminal reads the bytes produced by these programs and must be able to decode them properly, so it must know how they are encoded. In other words, you must set your terminal to UTF-8 as well. Most terminals, including PuTTY and gnome-terminal, are by default set to UTF-8, but you can change that in their preferences.

Quickly starting Django on a server

As I said in the beginning, we will be experimenting. Experimenting means we will be trying things. We will be installing your Django project and do things with it, and then we will be deleting it and reinstalling it to try things differently as we move on. You must have mastered setting up a development server from scratch. You should be able to setup your Django project on a newly installed machine within a couple of minutes at most, with a sequence of commands similar to the following:

apt install git python3 virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv --system-site-packages $DJANGO_PROJECT
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 migrate
python3 runserver

It doesn't matter if you use Python 2 instead of 3, or mercurial (or even, horrors, FTP) instead of git, or plain virtualenv instead of virtualenvwrapper, or if you don't use --system-site-packages. What is important is that you have a grip on a sequence of commands similar to the above and get your development server running in one minute. We will be using virtualenv heavily; if you aren't comfortable with virtualenv, read my blog post on virtualenv.

So, you have your virtual server, and you have a sequence of commands that can install a Django development server for your project. Go ahead and do so on the virtual server. Do it as the root user, in the /root directory.

Now, make sure you have this in your settings:

DEBUG = True

Then, instead of running the development server with ./ runserver run it as follows:

./ runserver

After it starts, go to your web browser and tell it to go to http://$SERVER_IPv4_ADDRESS:8000/. You should see your Django project in action.

Usually you run the Django development server with ./ runserver, which is short for ./ runserver 8000. This tells the Django development server to listen for connections on port 8000. However, if you just specify "8000", it only listens for local connections; a web browser running on the server machine itself will be able to access the Django development server at "http://localhost:8000/", but remote connections, from another machine, won't work. We use "" instead, which asks the Django development server to listen for remote network connections. Even better, if your virtual server has IPv6 enabled, you can use this:

./ runserver [::]:8000

This will cause Django to listen for remote connections on port 8000, both for IPv4 and IPv6.

Next problem is that you can't possibly ask your users to use http://$SERVER_IPv4_ADDRESS:8000/. You have to use a domain name, and, you have to get rid of the ":8000" part. Let's deal with the ":8000" first. "http://$SERVER_IPv4_ADDRESS/" is actually a synonym for "http://$SERVER_IPv4_ADDRESS:80/", so we need to tell Django to listen on port 80 instead of 8000. This may or may not work:

./ runserver

Port 80 is privileged. This means that normal users aren't allowed to listen for connections on port 80; only the root user is. So if you run the above command as as a normal user, Django will probably tell you that you don't have permission to access that port. If you run the above command as root, it should work. If it tells you that the port is already in use, it probably means that a web server such as Apache or nginx is already running on the machine. Shut it down:

service apache2 stop
service nginx stop

When you finally get ./ runserver running, you should, at last, be able to go to your web browser and reach your Django project via http://$SERVER_IPv4_ADDRESS/. Congratulations!

Things we need to fix

Now, of course, this is the wrong way to do it. It's wrong for the following reasons:

  • The URL http://$SERVER_IPv4_ADDRESS/ is ugly; you need to use a domain name.
  • You have put your project in /root.
  • You are running Django as root.
  • You have Django serve your static files, and you have DEBUG=True.
  • You are using runserver, which is seriously suboptimal and only meant for development.
  • You are using SQLite.

Let's go fix them.