Contributing to this very project is very easy. If you want to add or change an institution you need to edit the file.
Institution | organisations | Sector |
Bedag | bedag | IT |
56K Cloud | 56kcloud | IT |
Check if you can find the Institution name on the list. If not, add it to the list on the bottom of the file. If the Institution is already there but one of its GitHub organizations is missing, only add the organization.
Important: The organisation name has to be the same as the name in the url. For example: "" -> organisation Name is "bedag".
Important: The sector needs to be one of these:
- FoodBeverage
- Gov_Companies
- Gov_Federal
- IT
- Communities
- Gov_Cities
- Gov_Cantons
- Media
- NGOs
- ResearchAndEducation
- Banking
- Others
- Insurances
- Pharma
- PolitcalParties
Just edit or append the file and make a pull request.
If everything is correct it will be added and updated on the website.