DIA near oracles is deplyed at contract.diadata.near, to get the quotation from oracles calle contract need to request quotation fro DIA near oracles with near as fee per call.
DIA Near oracle in return will give quotation as response which can be consumed by callee contract.
///Make a request to the dia-gateway smart contract
pub fn make_request(&mut self, data_item: String)-> near_sdk::Promise{
return near_sdk::Promise::new(String::from(DIA_GATEWAY_ACCOUNT_ID)).function_call(
near_sdk::serde_json::to_vec(&DiaGatewayRequestArgs {
request_id: U128::from(self.current_request_id),
data_key: String::from("quotation"),
data_item: data_item,
callback: String::from("callback")
After making request DIA Oracle call the callback with the quotation response, make sure you create a callback function here is example for it
/* Dia adapter callback */
///Callback to receive dia-api data
pub fn callback(&mut self, request_id: U128, err: String, data: ResponseData){
//verify data origin
assert!(env::signer_account_id() == SIGNER_DIA_ORACLES_ACCOUNT_ID);
//check for errrors in the request
//use quote
match &data {
ResponseData::None => env::log("empty data".as_bytes()),
ResponseData::Quote(x)=>env::log(format!("Quote {} {}",x.Name,x.Price).as_bytes())
//store last response
self.last_callback_response = Response {
request_id: request_id,
err: err,
data: data
Call back function recieves the response for which can be consumed as per the requirement if contract.