This repository contains source files for a document (published as a GitHub pages site here) that provides an example of how to use tools available from the R programming language to estimate characteristics of any given target spatial area(s) (e.g., neighborhoods, project boundaries, water supplier service areas, etc.) based on data from a source dataset containing the characteristic data of interest (e.g., census data, CalEnvrioScreen scores, etc.), especially when the boundaries of the source and target areas overlap but don't necessarily align with each other. It also provides some brief background on the various types of data available from the U.S Census Bureau, and links to a few places to find more in-depth information.
This document is published as a site on GitHub pages, following the instructions here. In particular:
- Start here to set up the
branch in Git / GitHub and format.gitignore
to ignore rendered directories - Then follow instructions here to set up a GitHub Action for publication
More details are available here.