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15. Plugins to Dafny {#sec-plugins}

Dafny has a plugin architecture that permits users to build tools for the Dafny language without having to replicate parsing and name/type resolution of Dafny programs. Such a tool might just do some analysis on the Dafny program, without concern for verifying or compiling the program. Or it might modify the program (actually, modify the program's AST) and then continue on with verification and compilation with the core Dafny tool. A user plugin might also be used in the Language Server and thereby be available in the VSCode (or other) IDE.

This is an experimental aspect of Dafny. The plugin API directly exposes the Dafny AST, which is constantly evolving. Hence, always recompile your plugin against the binary of Dafny that will be importing your plugin.

Plugins are libraries linked to a Dafny.dll of the same version as the Language Server. A plugin typically defines:

  • Zero or one class extending Microsoft.Dafny.Plugins.PluginConfiguration, which receives plugins arguments in its method ParseArguments, and

    1. Can return a list of Microsoft.Dafny.Plugins.Rewriters when its method GetRewriters() is called by Dafny,
    2. Can return a list of Microsoft.Dafny.Plugins.Compilers when its method GetCompilers() is called by Dafny,
    3. If the configuration extends the subclass Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.Plugins.PluginConfiguration:
      1. Can return a list of Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.Plugins.DafnyCodeActionProviders when its method GetDafnyCodeActionProviders() is called by the Dafny Language Server.
      2. Can return a modified version of OmniSharp.Extensions.LanguageServer.Server.LanguageServerOptions when its method WithPluginHandlers() is called by the Dafny Language Server.
  • Zero or more classes extending Microsoft.Dafny.Plugins.Rewriter. If a configuration class is provided, it is responsible for instantiating them and returning them in GetRewriters(). If no configuration class is provided, an automatic configuration will load every defined Rewriter automatically.

  • Zero or more classes extending Microsoft.Dafny.Plugins.Compiler. If a configuration class is provided, it is responsible for instantiating them and returning them in GetCompilers(). If no configuration class is provided, an automatic configuration will load every defined Compiler automatically.

  • Zero or more classes extending Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.Plugins.DafnyCodeActionProvider. Only a configuration class of type Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.Plugins.PluginConfiguration can be responsible for instantiating them and returning them in GetDafnyCodeActionProviders().

The most important methods of the class Rewriter that plugins override are

  • (experimental) PreResolve(ModuleDefinition): Here you can optionally modify the AST before it is resolved.
  • PostResolve(ModuleDefinition): This method is repeatedly called with every resolved and type-checked module, before verification. Plugins override this method typically to report additional diagnostics.
  • PostResolve(Program): This method is called once after all PostResolve(ModuleDefinition) have been called.

Plugins are typically used to report additional diagnostics such as unsupported constructs for specific compilers (through the methods Èrror(...) and Warning(...) of the field Reporter of the class Rewriter)

Note that all plugin errors should use the original program's expressions' token and NOT Token.NoToken, else no error will be displayed in the IDE.

15.1. Language Server plugin tutorial

In this section, we will create a plugin that enhances the functionality of the Language Server. We will start by showing the steps needed to create a plugin, followed by an example implementation that demonstrates how to provide more code actions and add custom request handlers.

15.1.1. Create plugin project

Assuming the Dafny source code is installed in the folder dafny/ start by creating an empty folder next to it, e.g. PluginTutorial/

mkdir PluginTutorial
cd PluginTutorial

Then, create a dotnet class project

dotnet new classlib

It will create a file Class1.cs that you can rename

mv Class1.cs MyPlugin.cs

Open the newly created file PluginTutorial.csproj, and add the following after </PropertyGroup>:

    <ProjectReference Include="../dafny/source/DafnyLanguageServer/DafnyLanguageServer.csproj" />

15.1.2. Implement plugin Code actions plugin

This code action plugin will add a code action that allows you to place a dummy comment in front of the first method name, only if the selection is on the line of the method.

Open the file MyPlugin.cs, remove everything, and write the imports and a namespace:

using Microsoft.Dafny;
using Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.Plugins;
using Microsoft.Boogie;
using Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.Language;
using System.Linq;
using Range = OmniSharp.Extensions.LanguageServer.Protocol.Models.Range;

namespace MyPlugin;

After that, add a PluginConfiguration that will expose all the quickfixers of your plugin. This class will be discovered and instantiated automatically by Dafny.

public class TestConfiguration : PluginConfiguration {
  public override DafnyCodeActionProvider[] GetDafnyCodeActionProviders() {
    return new DafnyCodeActionProvider[] { new AddCommentDafnyCodeActionProvider() };

Note that you could also override the methods GetRewriters() and GetCompilers() for other purposes, but this is out of scope for this tutorial.

Then, we need to create the quickFixer AddCommentDafnyCodeActionProvider itself:

public class AddCommentDafnyCodeActionProvider : DafnyCodeActionProvider {
  public override IEnumerable<DafnyCodeAction> GetDafnyCodeActions(IDafnyCodeActionInput input, Range selection) {
    return new DafnyCodeAction[] { };

For now, this quick fixer returns nothing. input is the program state, and selection is where the caret is. We replace the return statement with a conditional that tests whether the selection is on the first line:

    var firstTokenRange = input.Program?.GetFirstTopLevelToken()?.GetLspRange();
    if(firstTokenRange != null && firstTokenRange.Start.Line == selection.Start.Line) {
      return new DafnyCodeAction[] {
        // TODO
    } else {
      return new DafnyCodeAction[] { };

Every quick fix consists of a title (provided immediately), and zero or more DafnyCodeActionEdit (computed lazily). A DafnyCodeActionEdit has a Range to remove and some string to insert instead. All DafnyCodeActionEdits of the same DafnyCodeAction are applied at the same time if selected.

To create a DafnyCodeAction, we can either use the easy-to-use InstantDafnyCodeAction, which accepts a title and an array of edits:

  return new DafnyCodeAction[] {
    new InstantDafnyCodeAction("Insert comment", new DafnyCodeActionEdit[] {
      new DafnyCodeActionEdit(firstTokenRange.GetStartRange(), "/*First comment*/")

or we can implement our custom inherited class of DafnyCodeAction:

public class CustomDafnyCodeAction: DafnyCodeAction {
  public Range whereToInsert;
  public CustomDafnyCodeAction(Range whereToInsert): base("Insert comment") {
    this.whereToInsert = whereToInsert;
  public override DafnyCodeActionEdit[] GetEdits() {
    return new DafnyCodeActionEdit[] {
      new DafnyCodeActionEdit(whereToInsert.GetStartRange(), "/*A comment*/")

In that case, we could return:

  return new DafnyCodeAction[] {
    new CustomDafnyCodeAction(firstTokenRange)
  }; Request handler plugin

This request handler plugin enhances the Language Server to support a request with a TextDocumentIdentifier as parameter, which will return a bool value denoting whether the provided DocumentUri has any LoopStmt's in it.

Open the file MyPlugin.cs, remove everything, and write the imports and a namespace:

using OmniSharp.Extensions.JsonRpc;
using OmniSharp.Extensions.LanguageServer.Server;
using OmniSharp.Extensions.LanguageServer.Protocol.Models;
using Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.Plugins;
using Microsoft.Dafny.LanguageServer.Workspace;
using MediatR;
using Microsoft.Dafny;

namespace MyPlugin;

After that, add a PluginConfiguration that will add all the request handlers of your plugin. This class will be discovered and instantiated automatically by Dafny.

public class TestConfiguration : PluginConfiguration {
  public override LanguageServerOptions WithPluginHandlers(LanguageServerOptions options) {
    return options.WithHandler<DummyHandler>();

Then, we need to create the request handler DummyHandler itself:

[Method("dafny/request/dummy", Direction.ClientToServer)]
public record DummyParams : TextDocumentIdentifier, IRequest<bool>;

public class DummyHandler : IJsonRpcRequestHandler<DummyParams, bool> {
  private readonly IProjectDatabase projects;
  public DummyHandler(IProjectDatabase projects) {
    this.projects = projects;
  public async Task<bool> Handle(DummyParams request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
    var state = await projects.GetParsedDocumentNormalizeUri(request);
    if (state == null) {
      return false;
    return state.Program.Descendants().OfType<LoopStmt>().Any();

For more advanced example implementations of request handlers, look at dafny/Source/DafnyLanguageServer/Handlers/*.

15.1.3. Building plugin

That's it! Now, build your library while inside your folder:

> dotnet build

This will create the file PluginTutorial/bin/Debug/net8.0/PluginTutorial.dll. Now, open VSCode, open Dafny settings, and enter the absolute path to this DLL in the plugins section. Restart VSCode, and it should work!