For memo purpose, we describe things about WNF Callback shellcode in C/C++ with Visual Studio.
The code in WnfCallbackPayload is for generating shellcode which calls WinExec("notepad", SW_SHOW)
WnfCallbackPayload project must be built as Release build.
Following architecture are supported:
- x86
- x64
- ARM64
Shellcode must be self-contained, and all code must be in single section (.text
We cannot use Windows API or Library function without implementing procedures to resolve by ourselves, and any access to uncertain memory area cause access violation.
Stack cookie is not located in .text
section. It is located at section to store data and causes access violation in shellcode execution. We must avoid to use stack cookie in program for shellcoding. The easiest way to avoid stack cookie is to use /GS-
compiler option. To set /GS-
compiler option, open protect's [Properties]
page and set the value of [Configuration Properties] -> [C/C++] -> [Code Generation] -> [Security Check]
to Disable Security Check (/GS-)
as following figure:
In many cases, string constants are stored in data section (.rdata
section). If we want to use string constants in C/C++ built shellcode, we can use integer array. For example, Hello world
in following code will be stored at .rdata
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello world.\n");
To store Hello world
string in function code, modify this code as follows:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
unsigned long long message[2];
message[0] = *(unsigned long long*)"Hello wo";
message[1] = *(unsigned long long*)"rld.\n\0\0\0";
If we declare initial values for array variables, it will generate memset
call. For example, following declaration will cause memset(buf, 0, 0x400)
int buf[256] = { 0 };
To initialize array variable without memset
call generation, write as follows:
int buf[256];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
buf[i] = 0;
In situations to define multiple functions in a shellcode, function code alignemnt order is important. To control function code order, we can define the order in a text file and set it to linker's property. Simply write the function name on each line of the text file as follows:
If we coding in C++, function names will be mangled.
Linker will fail to resolve function name without defining correct mangled function name, and function order definition will be ignored.
This issue can be avoided with setting extern "C"
keyword to functions or changing the source code extension from .cpp
to .c
To reflect function order setting, open protect's [Properties]
page and set the value of [Configuration Properties] -> [Linker] -> [Optimization] -> [Function Order]
to the definiton file path as following figure:
In shellcoding, we use only our own code, so library code will be noise to exfil shellcode from final code.
To remove library code from program, open protect's [Properties]
page and set the value of [Configuration Properties] -> [Linker] -> [Input] -> [Ignore All Default Libraries]
as following figure:
This setting will cause linker error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol mainCRTStartup
, so we must define entry point.
To set this, open protect's [Properties]
page and set the value of [Configuration Properties] -> [Linker] -> [Advanced] -> [Entry Point]
to our main function name as following figure:
According previous research about Windows Notification Facilities, callback function's prototype is as follows:
_In_ WNF_STATE_NAME StateName,
_In_ WNF_CHANGE_STAMP ChangeStamp,
_In_opt_ PVOID CallbackContext,
_In_ PVOID Buffer,
_In_ ULONG BufferSize
This means that shellcode's function signature must follow this prototype manner.
After finished programming, we need to get shellcode bytes from C/C++ program.
There are several ways to get shellcode from built program, but I wrote small program named PeRipper
for this purpose.
Before get shellcode, we should check location and size of shellcode with Disassembler or something.
For example, my sample locate shellcode at start of .text
To get minimum shellcode, we can check shellcode bytes PeRipper
as follows:
PS C:\Dev> .\PeRipper.exe -p .\WnfCallbackPayload.exe -a
[*] Raw Data Size : 3072 bytes
[*] Architecture : AMD64
[*] Header Size : 0x400 bytes
[*] EntryPoint:
[*] VirtualAddress : 0x00001000
[*] PointerToRawData : 0x00000400
[*] Sections (Count = 4):
[*] .text Section:
[*] VirtualAddress : 0x00001000
[*] PointerToRawData : 0x00000400
[*] VirtualSize : 0x185
[*] SizeOfRawData : 0x200
[*] .rdata Section:
[*] VirtualAddress : 0x00002000
[*] PointerToRawData : 0x00000600
[*] VirtualSize : 0x1E0
[*] SizeOfRawData : 0x200
[*] .pdata Section:
[*] VirtualAddress : 0x00003000
[*] PointerToRawData : 0x00000800
[*] VirtualSize : 0x24
[*] SizeOfRawData : 0x200
[*] .rsrc Section:
[*] VirtualAddress : 0x00004000
[*] PointerToRawData : 0x00000A00
[*] VirtualSize : 0x1E0
[*] SizeOfRawData : 0x200
[*] Export functions (Count = 0):
[*] Done.
If you implemented only shellcode in your C/C++ program, VirtualSize
for .text
section would be shellcode size.
In the example above, shellcode size should be 0x185
PS C:\Dev> .\PeRipper.exe -p .\WnfCallbackPayload.exe -v 0x1000 -s 0x200 -d
[*] Raw Data Size : 3072 bytes
[*] Architecture : AMD64
[*] Header Size : 0x400 bytes
[*] VirtualAddress (0x00001000) is in .text section.
[*] Dump 0x200 bytes in Hex Dump format:
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
0000000000001000 | 48 89 5C 24 20 56 48 83-EC 30 65 48 8B 04 25 60 | H.\$.VH. ì0eH..%`
0000000000001010 | 00 00 00 33 DB 8B F3 48-8B 48 18 4C 8B 51 20 49 | ...3U.óH .H.L.Q.I
0000000000001020 | 83 EA 10 0F 1F 40 00 66-0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00 | .ê[email protected] ........
0000000000001030 | 41 0F B7 4A 58 8B C3 49-8B 52 60 66 3B D9 73 23 | A.·JX.AI .R`f;Us#
0000000000001040 | 44 8B C9 0F BE 0A C1 C8-0D 80 F9 60 7E 03 83 C0 | D.É...AE ..ù`~..A
0000000000001050 | E0 03 C1 48 FF C2 49 83-E9 01 75 E7 3D 5B BC 4A | à.AHÿAI. é.uç=[.J
0000000000001060 | 6A 74 10 4D 8B 52 10 49-83 EA 10 49 39 5A 30 75 | jt.M.R.I .ê.I9Z0u
0000000000001070 | BF EB 04 49 8B 72 30 B8-4D 5A 00 00 66 39 06 0F | ¿ë.I.r0, MZ..f9..
0000000000001080 | 85 DA 00 00 00 8B 46 3C-81 3C 30 50 45 00 00 0F | .U....F< .<0PE...
0000000000001090 | 85 CA 00 00 00 0F B7 4C-30 18 BA 0B 02 00 00 66 | .E....·L 0.º....f
00000000000010A0 | 3B CA 75 09 8B 8C 30 88-00 00 00 EB 12 BA 0B 01 | ;Eu...0. ...ë.º..
00000000000010B0 | 00 00 66 3B CA 0F 85 A4-00 00 00 8B 4C 30 78 48 | ..f;E.. ....L0xH
00000000000010C0 | 89 6C 24 40 44 8B D3 48-89 7C 24 48 4C 89 74 24 | [email protected] .|$HL.t$
00000000000010D0 | 50 8B C1 48 03 C6 8B 68-1C 44 8B 58 20 48 03 EE | P.AH.Æ.h .D.X.H.î
00000000000010E0 | 44 8B 70 24 4C 03 DE 8B-78 18 4C 03 F6 85 FF 74 | D.p$L._. x.L.ö.ÿt
00000000000010F0 | 5F 41 8B 13 44 8B C3 48-03 D6 38 1A 74 0B 66 90 | _A..D.AH .Ö8.t.f.
0000000000001100 | 41 FF C0 41 38 1C 10 75-F7 8B CB 45 85 C0 74 23 | AÿAA8..u ÷.EE.At#
0000000000001110 | 45 8B C8 0F BE 02 C1 C9-0D 3C 60 7E 03 83 C1 E0 | E.E...AÉ .<`~..Aà
0000000000001120 | 03 C8 48 FF C2 49 83 E9-01 75 E8 81 F9 68 F6 88 | .EHÿAI.é .uè.ùhö.
0000000000001130 | 0D 74 0E 41 FF C2 49 83-C3 04 44 3B D7 72 B2 EB | .t.AÿAI. A.D;xr.ë
0000000000001140 | 0F 41 8B C2 41 0F BF 0C-46 8B 5C 8D 00 48 03 DE | .A.AA.¿. F.\..H._
0000000000001150 | 4C 8B 74 24 50 48 8B 7C-24 48 48 8B 6C 24 40 48 | L.t$PH.| $HH.l$@H
0000000000001160 | B8 6E 6F 74 65 70 61 64-00 48 8D 4C 24 20 BA 05 | ,notepad .H.L$.º.
0000000000001170 | 00 00 00 48 89 44 24 20-FF D3 48 8B 5C 24 58 48 | ...H.D$. ÿOH.\$XH
0000000000001180 | 83 C4 30 5E C3 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | .Ä0^A... ........
0000000000001190 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ........ ........
00000000000011A0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ........ ........
00000000000011B0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ........ ........
00000000000011C0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ........ ........
00000000000011D0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ........ ........
00000000000011E0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ........ ........
00000000000011F0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ........ ........
[*] Done.
PS C:\Dev> .\PeRipper.exe -p .\WnfCallbackPayload.exe -v 0x1000 -s 0x185 -d
[*] Raw Data Size : 3072 bytes
[*] Architecture : AMD64
[*] Header Size : 0x400 bytes
[*] VirtualAddress (0x00001000) is in .text section.
[*] Dump 0x185 bytes in Hex Dump format:
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
0000000000001000 | 48 89 5C 24 20 56 48 83-EC 30 65 48 8B 04 25 60 | H.\$.VH. ì0eH..%`
0000000000001010 | 00 00 00 33 DB 8B F3 48-8B 48 18 4C 8B 51 20 49 | ...3U.óH .H.L.Q.I
0000000000001020 | 83 EA 10 0F 1F 40 00 66-0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00 | .ê[email protected] ........
0000000000001030 | 41 0F B7 4A 58 8B C3 49-8B 52 60 66 3B D9 73 23 | A.·JX.AI .R`f;Us#
0000000000001040 | 44 8B C9 0F BE 0A C1 C8-0D 80 F9 60 7E 03 83 C0 | D.É...AE ..ù`~..A
0000000000001050 | E0 03 C1 48 FF C2 49 83-E9 01 75 E7 3D 5B BC 4A | à.AHÿAI. é.uç=[.J
0000000000001060 | 6A 74 10 4D 8B 52 10 49-83 EA 10 49 39 5A 30 75 | jt.M.R.I .ê.I9Z0u
0000000000001070 | BF EB 04 49 8B 72 30 B8-4D 5A 00 00 66 39 06 0F | ¿ë.I.r0, MZ..f9..
0000000000001080 | 85 DA 00 00 00 8B 46 3C-81 3C 30 50 45 00 00 0F | .U....F< .<0PE...
0000000000001090 | 85 CA 00 00 00 0F B7 4C-30 18 BA 0B 02 00 00 66 | .E....·L 0.º....f
00000000000010A0 | 3B CA 75 09 8B 8C 30 88-00 00 00 EB 12 BA 0B 01 | ;Eu...0. ...ë.º..
00000000000010B0 | 00 00 66 3B CA 0F 85 A4-00 00 00 8B 4C 30 78 48 | ..f;E.. ....L0xH
00000000000010C0 | 89 6C 24 40 44 8B D3 48-89 7C 24 48 4C 89 74 24 | [email protected] .|$HL.t$
00000000000010D0 | 50 8B C1 48 03 C6 8B 68-1C 44 8B 58 20 48 03 EE | P.AH.Æ.h .D.X.H.î
00000000000010E0 | 44 8B 70 24 4C 03 DE 8B-78 18 4C 03 F6 85 FF 74 | D.p$L._. x.L.ö.ÿt
00000000000010F0 | 5F 41 8B 13 44 8B C3 48-03 D6 38 1A 74 0B 66 90 | _A..D.AH .Ö8.t.f.
0000000000001100 | 41 FF C0 41 38 1C 10 75-F7 8B CB 45 85 C0 74 23 | AÿAA8..u ÷.EE.At#
0000000000001110 | 45 8B C8 0F BE 02 C1 C9-0D 3C 60 7E 03 83 C1 E0 | E.E...AÉ .<`~..Aà
0000000000001120 | 03 C8 48 FF C2 49 83 E9-01 75 E8 81 F9 68 F6 88 | .EHÿAI.é .uè.ùhö.
0000000000001130 | 0D 74 0E 41 FF C2 49 83-C3 04 44 3B D7 72 B2 EB | .t.AÿAI. A.D;xr.ë
0000000000001140 | 0F 41 8B C2 41 0F BF 0C-46 8B 5C 8D 00 48 03 DE | .A.AA.¿. F.\..H._
0000000000001150 | 4C 8B 74 24 50 48 8B 7C-24 48 48 8B 6C 24 40 48 | L.t$PH.| $HH.l$@H
0000000000001160 | B8 6E 6F 74 65 70 61 64-00 48 8D 4C 24 20 BA 05 | ,notepad .H.L$.º.
0000000000001170 | 00 00 00 48 89 44 24 20-FF D3 48 8B 5C 24 58 48 | ...H.D$. ÿOH.\$XH
0000000000001180 | 83 C4 30 5E C3 | .Ä0^A
[*] Done.
Using these information, we can get shellcode bytes as follows:
PS C:\Dev> .\PeRipper.exe -p .\WnfCallbackPayload.exe -v 0x1000 -s 0x185 -e
[*] Raw Data Size : 3072 bytes
[*] Architecture : AMD64
[*] Header Size : 0x400 bytes
[*] VirtualAddress (0x00001000) is in .text section.
[*] Export 0x185 bytes raw data to C:\Dev\bytes_from_module.bin.
[*] Done.
PS C:\Dev> dir .\bytes_from_module.bin
Directory: C:\Dev
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 3/1/2023 4:11 AM 389 bytes_from_module.bin