A simple utility for testing Target Communication Framework (TCF) debugging agents
Provides utilities for reading files, writing files, and executing commands on a remote target via the TCF protocol.
- Python3
python3 thisconsolesfree.py read [-h] [--rport RPORT] lfile rfile rhost
- E.g.
python3 thisconsolesfree.py read remote_shadow '/etc/shadow'
python3 thisconsolesfree.py write [-h] [--rport RPORT] lfile rfile rhost
- E.g.
python3 thisconsolesfree.py write modified_shadow '/etc/shadow'
python3 thisconsolesfree.py run [-h] [--pwd PWD] [--rport RPORT] cmd rhost
- E.g.
python3 thisconsolesfree.py run 'cat /etc/shadow'
python3 thisconsolesfree.py help cmd
- E.g.
python3 thisconsolesfree.py help read
Contributors names and contact info
Marc Bohler crusoe112
This project is licensed under the The MIT License (MIT) - see the LICENSE file for details
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.