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Post Hoc Explainer Evaluation ToolKit

This repository provides a toolkit for objectively evaluating post hoc explainers, such as LIME and SHAP. The results from our papers, How Well Do Feature-Additive Explainers Explain Feature-Additive Predictors? (published) and On the Objective Evaluation of Post Hoc Explainers (preprint), were produced using this codebase. We avoid the need for proxy metrics or subjective evaluation by deriving ground truth feature contributions from arbitrary models. This is made possible by exploiting existing additive structure, which leaves us with the exact amount that each effect, comprising one or more features, contributes to the model output. Our proposed algorithm for fair comparison of model effects and feature attributions by explainers is described in our paper and implemented in this repository.

This framework allows us to understand the quality of explanations by post hoc explainers. We can visualize quality of explanations for individual explanations, entire models or datasets, and can directly compare explainers to one another. For instance, we can easily see poor explanations from LIME for a GAM trained on the Boston Housing regression task: Worst explanation from LIME for a GAM trained on the Boston Housing regression task.

Or, we can see the effect of the interaction order of effects on explanation quality for multiple explainers over thousands of synthetic expressions. The effect of interaction order on explanation quality.

Supported explainers:

  • LIME
  • (Kernel) SHAP
  • PDP
  • Blur-IG
  • GradCAM
  • Gradients x Inputs
  • Integrated Gradients
  • Occlusion
  • Vanilla Gradients
  • XRAI

New explainers can be added by subclassing posthoceval.explainers._base.BaseExplainer and completing the abstract methods. A tutorial may be provided, but in the meantime follow what is done in the classes in the posthoceval.explainers.local module.

Supported models:

  • Symbolic expressions (using SymPy, see posthoceval.models.synthetic)
  • Neural networks (using tensorflow.keras, see posthoceval.models.dnn and posthoceval.models.cnn)
  • Generalized additive models (using pyGAM, see posthoceval.models.gam)

New models can be added by subclassing posthoceval.models.model.AdditiveModel and completing the abstract methods.

If you use this repository in your work, please reference our papers:

  title     = {How Well Do Feature-Additive Explainers Explain Feature-Additive Predictors?},
  author    = {Carmichael, Zachariah and Scheirer, Walter J},
  booktitle = {NeurIPS Workshop XAI in Action: Past, Present, and Future Applications},
  year      = {2023},
  url       = {}

  title   = {On the Objective Evaluation of Post Hoc Explainers},
  author  = {Carmichael, Zachariah and Scheirer, Walter J},
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.08376},
  year    = {2021},
  url     = {}


Python version 3.6+ is required! We recommend using a virtual environment for installation.

To install with pip, simply clone this repository and then run the following:

pip install -r requirements.txt

SHAPR Installation

The following needs to be done to use the SHAPR explainer in Python. We provided an interface to the R version using rpy2. Install R. Then, in an R shell:


or for our fork with a workaround to allow more than 30 features and 13 groups...


Do note that SHAPR explicitly prohibits this behavior as the estimates are less accurate for more features with the default parameters. You will want to change the SHAPR hyperparameters to allow for the estimate to include more evaluations.


Trained Models and Real Data

We recommend viewing the notebook real_world_experiments.ipynb in the root project directory for working with real models and data. The notebook shows examples for working with multiple explainers, multiple datasets, and visualization of the results: 1D and 2D feature shapes, feature attribution, evaluation with ground truth, and other analysis.

Synthetic Models and Data

We provide several project root-level scripts. We used the scripts to produce experimental results in our paper "On the Objective Evaluation of Post Hoc Explainers." By default, the scripts save and expect all relevant files to be in this directory structure:

|-- experiment_data/
   |-- data/
      |-- generated_expressions_<kwargs>_<timestamp>/
         |-- 0.npz
         |-- 1.npz
         |-- <...>
         |-- <n-1>.npz
   |-- explanations/
      |-- generated_expressions_<kwargs>_<timestamp>/
         |-- <explainer>/
            |-- 0.npz
            |-- 1.npz
            |-- <...>
            |-- <n-1>.npz
   |-- expr/
      |-- generated_expressions_<kwargs>_<timestamp>.pkl
   |-- metrics/
      |-- generated_expressions_<kwargs>_<timestamp>.json

Generating synthetic expressions leaves us with a file of the name generated_expressions_<kwargs>_<timestamp>.pkl in expr/. The basename will prefix all other data generated and is used to identify associated runs. The data generated for each model is stored in data/. The explanations generated by each explainer for the models and data, including the ground truth effect contributions themselves, are stored in explanations/. The aggregated results are stored in metrics/ in JSON format.

Generating Synthetic Expressions

The first step in running the synthetic model experiments is to generate those models. We use the script to generate many synthetic models at once and store the output in the Pickle format (.pkl) as SymPy does not have its own way of serializing expression objects. The other scripts will make use of this .pkl output.

./ --seed 42 --n-runs 1 \
    --n-feats-range 2,1024,10,log \
    --kwarg n_dummy              --kwarg-range 0.,0.95,5,linear \
    --kwarg n_interaction        --kwarg-range 0,0.5,4,linear \
    --kwarg interaction_ord      --kwarg-range 2,3,linear \
    --kwarg nonlinear_multiplier --kwarg-range 0.,1.5,5,linear

The example command above generates 10x5x4x2x5 = 2000 models varying model generation parameters. We generate each model with a grid of the combinations of each specified generation parameter range. The --n-runs parameter informs how many random models should be generated for each combination of parameters. Run with --help for more information on the arguments to the script.

Generating Synthetic Data

Following the generation of expressions, simply run the script to generate data for them. Assuming the generated .pkl file is in the default path, the command will look something like:

./ \

This script will use some heuristics to generate data that is within the valid domains of each expression to avoid NaNs and Infs in the output range. By default, the number of data samples generated scales with the data dimensionality d ( square root of d).

Evaluating Explainers on the Synthetic Models and Data

Now for the exciting part! The script will run all explainers by default on the generated models and data. It simply needs the expression .pkl file and will infer the generated data path. We pass the --max-explain argument to limit the maximum number of explained samples, which improves runtime. This simply truncates the number of samples in the data deterministically and consistently; each explainer explains the same samples.

./ \
    "experiment_data/expr/generated_expressions_<...>_<timestamp>.pkl" \
    --max-explain 1000

The explanations from each explainer for each generated model/dataset will be saved. Explanations will not be rerun if they are already on disk in the expected output path.

Aggregating Metrics Across the Explainer Results

Finally, the takes the generated explanations and performs the following:

  • Execute the matching algorithm (MATCHEFFECTS in the text) to establish the effects for direct, objective comparison
  • Yield MaIoU "goodness" score of the matching
  • Compute sample-wise and effect-wise errors
  • Compute effect detection error
./ \

The scores will be saved in a JSON file and renamed as to not overwrite a previous result.

Final Notes

Some of these scripts accept the argument --n-jobs which should be set to use multiprocessing. Run any script with --help for documentation of this argument and the other arguments.

Dataset Availability

The COMPAS and Boston datasets are included within this repository. The MNIST dataset is downloaded and cached through the posthoceval.datasets.tiny_mnist module.

The FICO HELOC license prohibits distribution. You should obtain it from:

All datasets are can be accessed through the posthoceval.datasets module. See the base posthoceval.datasets.dataset.Dataset class for general usage.

Some Framework-Specific Notes

Any CUDA-compatible framework:

# CPU-only

TensorFlow, sshhh...

TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=1 python ...

Installing Theano (if you would like to use that backend) manually:

  1. Install libgpuarray
  2. Install cython: pip install cython
  3. Install pygpu: cd libgpuarray && pip install -e .
THEANO_FLAGS='floatX=float32,device=cpu' python ...
THEANO_FLAGS='floatX=float32,device=cuda0' python ...

You need a version (not available yet) that provides the _print_Exp1 method to the theanocode printer. If not, you'll need to modify sympy/printing/ as done in this PR.