sudo apt-get install -y protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev
before running.
export NETWORK=<bitcoin_network> DERIVATION_PATH=<derivation_path> SEED_PATH=<folder_to_write_seed_file> && cargo run --bin keyshare-server
to start the server.
cargo run --bin keyshare-client add-mnemonic "fork clerk hover mystery replace crucial industry deliver rule into broom brave derive slam limit market alarm weird worth reform idle indoor ozone must" tdgjhwJ75KnA 0
to add a mnemonic.
The command is cargo run --bin keyshare-client add-key-share <mnemonic> <password> <index>
docker build -t keyshare .
to build the image.
docker run -d --name keyshare-server -v /home/<user>:/home/vls/.lightning-signer/testnet -p 50051:50051 keyshare
to run the container
docker exec keyshare-server keyshare-client add-mnemonic "fork clerk hover mystery replace crucial industry deliver rule into broom brave derive slam limit market alarm weird worth reform idle indoor ozone must" tdgjhwJ75KnA 0
to send a mnemonic.