This is Jason's reminder list of setup steps when setting up a new OSX system.
- backup "sent" email to server
- backup keychain items
- backup voice memos
- backup messages
- backup passwords from lastpass
- backup bookmarks
- backup screenshots
- backup random stuff in dot folders under home folder
- other stuff backup scripts get such as voice memos, "add to itunes" in Pictures
- Backup old time machine disk
- Wipe hard drive, and turn disk encryption on
- Install OS
- Install all system updates
- OS Settings Changes:
- Set time machine backup disk
- Remove external drives from time machine backup
- Disable local time machine snapshots with:
- sudo tmutil disablelocal
- Disable spotlight and siri
- Add external hard drives to spotlight ignore
- Set Energy Settings as appropriate
- Enable screen sharing, remote access, and file sharing
- click "allow full disk access" in remote login sharing "i" info icon panel
- Fix mouse scroll direction
- Fix dock location
- Add internet accounts for mail/calendars/contacts
- Turn off bluetooth
- Add guest account
- Install printer
- Fine tune notifications
- Add common apps to stick on dock
- Enable hidden files in finder with:
- defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
- Check File Sharing Permissions (especially change "Everyone" from "Read/Write" to "No Access")
- Rename computer in "Sharing" panel
- Enable file sharing.
- Add VPN settings
- Change shell to bash in terminal: chsh -s /bin/bash
- Disable "force click" under "touch pad -> point and click"
- enable full disk access to terminal:
- System prefs -> Security and Privacy -> Privacy Tab -> Full Disk Access -> Add Terminal
- Install JDK, Eclipse, Dev Tools
- Setup backup directories
- SERVER: ln -s /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD2 /external
- Install Xcode, then homebrew, then these: rclone, wget, coreutils (and others from the brewlist in backup)
- Open messages and ensure it can get msgs from iphone, needs to be opened once for this to start
- Soft link md5sum with:
- sudo ln -s /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin/md5sum /usr/local/bin/md5sum
- Restore system files (jason ~/, etc/hosts, etc/profile, etc/paths, ssh keys, and so on)
- Soft link scripts:
- LAPTOP: sudo ln -s /Users/jason/Documents/code/scripts /scripts
- SERVER: ln -s /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD2/misc/scripts /scripts
- Install applications listed below
- Disable wifi if needed
- Fix ssh keys
- Install open folder in stext finder plugin.
- copy to ~/Library/Services (from laptop backup "" file in backup/misc).
- System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services -> Enable "Open in Sublime Text"
- Install open folder in terminal.
- System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services -> "New Terminal at Folder"
- Ensure backup is working well
- Ensure time machine works
- 4K Video Downloader
- 4K YouTube to MP3
- Acorn (from store)
- AdvancedRestClient
- Amazon Drive
- Android File Transfer
- Audacity
- Blackhole sound driver
- Blackmagic Disk Speed Test
- BookWright
- CrossOver
- Cyberduck
- Disk Cartography
- Disk Inventory X
- Display Menu (from store)
- Dolphin
- DosBox
- Dropbox
- FileZilla Pro
- FileZilla
- Friendly Streaming
- FTP Server (from store)
- GarageBand
- Giphy Capture
- Google Chrome
- HandBrake
- iMovie
- Keynote
- Kindle
- LastPass
- MakeMKV
- Messenger
- Microsoft Remote Desktop
- Minecraft
- MusicBrainz Picard
- Numbers
- OpenEMU
- Pages
- Pixlr
- RealVNC
- Skype
- Slack
- SmartSVN
- Sourcetree
- Spotify
- Steam
- Sublime Text
- The Unarchiver (from store)
- Thunderbird
- Transmission
- Utilities
- VirtualBox
- VNC Viewer
- What
- WineBottler
- xACT
- Xcode
- XQuartz
- Zoom
how to load into plist into launchd:
- sudo chmod 755 /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/serverbackup.plist
- sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/serverbackup.plist
root cron job to run reports at 8:30pm:)
file tabs are stored in: /usr/lib/cron/tabs
Run sudo crontab -e and add these lines:
[email protected] 30 20 * * * bash /scripts/to_sales_reports/
/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/serverbackup.plist file contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">
autodiskmount.plist file contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">
/etc/daily.local file contents:
/scripts/ 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/systembackup.log
/etc/weekly.local file contents:
/archive/scripts/ /var/log /archive/logs/locallogs/