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Google Cloud Messaging

Roger Hu edited this page May 28, 2016 · 140 revisions


Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM) is a service that allows you to send data from your server to your users' Android-powered device and also to receive messages from devices on the same connection.

GCM Arch

How it works

Much of the heavy lifting in supporting push notifications on Android is facilitated by Google-powered connection servers. These Google servers provide an API for messages to be sent from your server and relay these messages to any Android/iOS devices authorized to receive them.

An Android device with Google Play Services will already have GCM client support available. For push notifications to be received, an app must first obtain a token by registering with a Google server:

This token then must be passed along to your server so that it can be used to send subsequent push notifications:

Push notifications can be received assuming your app has registered to listen for GCM-based messages:

In other words, in order to implement GCM, your app will need both a Google server and your own server. When your app gets a token from Google, it needs to forward this token to your server. This token should be persisted by the server so that it can be used to make API calls to the Google server. With this approach, your server and the Android device do not need to create a persistent connection and the responsibility of queuing and relaying messages is all handled by Google's servers.


In order to use GCM, we need to go through the following steps:

  1. Register with Google Console and enable GCM
    • Obtain Sender ID (Project Number)
    • Obtain Server API Key
  2. Integrate GCM into our Android app
    • Register for an instance ID and generate a token
    • Transmit the token to our web server
    • Register a GCM Receiver to handle incoming messages
    • Register an InstanceID Listener Service to handle updated tokens
  3. Develop HTTP Server with GCM endpoints
    • Endpoint for registering a user with a registration token
    • Endpoint for sending a push notification to a specified set of registration tokens

Step 1: Register with Google Developers Console

If you have used the Google Developers Console and wish to enable GCM on an existing project, skip to the using existing setup step. Otherwise, proceed to creating a new project.

Creating a new project

  • Use the new creation page. You can either select an existing project or create a new one. The Android package name is required but not necessarily used for GCM configuration. Proceed to the next step by selecting Choose and configure services.

  • You will want to make sure to click the Enable Google Cloud Messaging button:

    A server key will be generated for you. Record this data.

Using an existing project

  • Go to the Google Developers Console
  • Under APIs & Auth -> APIs, find "Google Cloud Messaging for Android". Click Enable API.
  • Under APIs & Auth -> Credentials, select "Create New Key" => "Server Key". Record key for later
  • Click on the Overflow menu, click on the Project Information option, and record the "Project Number":

Before continuing make sure:

  • Google Cloud Messaging for Android is enabled in APIs.
  • You have recorded the "Project Number" as listed in developer console in APIs.
  • You have recorded the "Server Key" as listed in developer console in Credentials.

Now let's setup our Android client.

Step 2: Setup Android Client

Download Google Play Services

First, let's download and setup the Google Play Services SDK. Open Tools->Android->SDK Manager and check whether or not you have already downloaded Google Play services under the Extras section. If not, install the package.

Play Services

Import Google Play Services

Add the following to your Gradle file:

dependencies {
  compile ""

Setup Sender ID

Add your project number to your strings.xml, which should correspond to the sender ID:

<string name="gcm_defaultSenderId">1234</string>

Add GCM Permissions

Your app will need to have the ability to make Internet connection and request wake locks. Wake locks are needed so that the receiving GCM service that you will implement will be able to receive the full payload before the devices goes to sleep.

<manifest package="com.example.gcm" ...>
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
  <uses-permission android:name="" />
  <permission android:name="com.example.gcm.permission.C2D_MESSAGE"
      android:protectionLevel="signature" />
  <uses-permission android:name="com.example.gcm.permission.C2D_MESSAGE" />


Why these permissions are needed: To prevent other broadcast receivers from receiving the message, there is a special custom C2D_MESSAGE permission that should be defined. This permission may be an artifact of the C2DM technology and to provide backwards compatibility for older devices. The permission should correspond to your package name (i.e. com.codepath.gcmexample.permission.C2D_MESSAGE). Some of the permissions in general still used reference C2DM for backwards compatibility with older Android devices. C2DM, which was Google's first push notification system, has been deprecated, and GCM is now the recommended way of implementing push notifications.

For a more detailed explanation, see Google's guide. The permission in particular is needed for devices below Android 4.4 (KitKat) versions.

Implement a Registration Intent Service

You will want to implement an Intent Service, which will execute as a background thread instead of being tied to the lifecycle of an Activity. In this way, you can ensure that push notifications can be received by your app if a user navigates away from the activity while this registration process is occuring.

First, you will need to create a RegistrationIntentService class and make sure it is declared in your AndroidManifest.xml file:

<service android:name=".RegistrationIntentService" android:exported="false"/>

Inside this class, you will need to request an instance ID from Google that will be a way to uniquely identify the device and app. Assuming this request is successful, a token that can be used to send notifications to the app should be generated too.

// abbreviated tag name
public class RegistrationIntentService extends IntentService {

    // abbreviated tag name
    private static final String TAG = "RegIntentService";

    public RegistrationIntentService() {

    protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
        // Make a call to Instance API
        InstanceID instanceID = InstanceID.getInstance(this);
        String senderId = getResources().getString(R.string.gcm_defaultSenderId);
        try {
            // request token that will be used by the server to send push notifications
            String token = instanceID.getToken(senderId, GoogleCloudMessaging.INSTANCE_ID_SCOPE);
            Log.d(TAG, "GCM Registration Token: " + token);

            // pass along this data
        } catch (IOException e) {

    private void sendRegistrationToServer(String token) {
        // Add custom implementation, as needed.

You will want to record whether the token was sent to the server and may wish to store the token in your Shared Preferences:

    public static final String SENT_TOKEN_TO_SERVER = "sentTokenToServer";
    public static final String GCM_TOKEN = "gcmToken";

    protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
        SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);

        // Fetch token here
        try {
          // save token
          sharedPreferences.edit().putString(GCM_TOKEN, token).apply();
          // pass along this data
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Failed to complete token refresh", e);
            // If an exception happens while fetching the new token or updating our registration data
            // on a third-party server, this ensures that we'll attempt the update at a later time.
            sharedPreferences.edit().putBoolean(SENT_TOKEN_TO_SERVER, false).apply();

    private void sendRegistrationToServer(String token) {
        // send network request

        // if registration sent was successful, store a boolean that indicates whether the generated token has been sent to server
        SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
        sharedPreferences.edit().putBoolean(SENT_TOKEN_TO_SERVER, true).apply();

You will want to make sure to dispatch this registration intent service when starting up your main activity. There is a Google Play Services check that may require your activity to be launched in order to display a dialog error message, which is why it is being initiated in the activity instead of application.

public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

     * Check the device to make sure it has the Google Play Services APK. If
     * it doesn't, display a dialog that allows users to download the APK from
     * the Google Play Store or enable it in the device's system settings.
    private boolean checkPlayServices() {
        GoogleApiAvailability apiAvailability = GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance();
        int resultCode = apiAvailability.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this);
        if (resultCode != ConnectionResult.SUCCESS) {
            if (apiAvailability.isUserResolvableError(resultCode)) {
                apiAvailability.getErrorDialog(this, resultCode, PLAY_SERVICES_RESOLUTION_REQUEST)
            } else {
                Log.i(TAG, "This device is not supported.");
            return false;
        return true;

    protected void onCreate() {
        if(checkPlayServices()) {
          Intent intent = new Intent(this, RegistrationIntentService.class);

For more details, see the sample code provided by Google.

Create a InstanceID ListenerService

According to this Google official documentation, the instance ID server issues callbacks periodically (i.e. 6 months) to request apps to refresh their tokens. To support this possibility, we need to extend from InstanceIDListenerService to handle token refresh changes. We should create a file called that will override this base method and launch an intent service for RegistrationIntentService to fetch the token:

public class MyInstanceIDListenerService extends InstanceIDListenerService {

    public void onTokenRefresh() {
        // Fetch updated Instance ID token and notify of changes
        Intent intent = new Intent(this, RegistrationIntentService.class);

You also need to add the service to your AndroidManifest.xml file:

     <action android:name=""/>

Create Broadcast Receiver and Message Handler

In the past, Google required implementing a WakefulBroadcastReceiver that would launch a service that would process this GCM message. It now provides that simply needs to be defined in your AndroidManifest.xml file:

  android:permission="" >
     <action android:name="" />
     <category android:name="com.codepath.gcmquickstart" />

Listening for push notifications

Let's define that extends from GcmListenerService that will process the message received:


import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;

public class GcmMessageHandler extends GcmListenerService {
    public static final int MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION_ID = 435345;

    public void onMessageReceived(String from, Bundle data) {
        String message = data.getString("message");

        createNotification(from, message);

        // Creates notification based on title and body received
    private void createNotification(String title, String body) {
        Context context = getBaseContext();
        NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context)
        NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) context


We need to register the receiver class with GCM in the AndroidManifest.xml tagging the type of request (category) of the push:

         <!-- ... -->


            android:exported="false" >
                <action android:name="" />



Note that above the push message is handled by creating a notification. There are a few actions that are commonly taken when a push is received:

You can review examples of these outlined in this more elaborate code sample.

In certain cases when receiving a push, you want to update an activity if the activity is on the screen. Otherwise, you want to raise a notification. The solutions to this are outlined in this post with a code sample here.

Step 3: Setup Web Server

Now we just need a web server to keep track of the different device tokens and manage the pushing of messages to different devices.


Your HTTP web server needs two features:

    1. Endpoint for mapping a user_id to an android reg_token
    1. Logic for sending specified data messages to sets of android reg_tokens

1. Implement Registration Endpoint

We need an endpoint for registering a user id to a device token:

  • Probably requires a database table for user to device mappings
  • Create a reg_token linked to a registered user for later access
  • Sample endpoint: POST /register?user_id=123&reg_token=abc

2. Implement Sending Logic

We need code for sending data to specified registration tokens:

  • To send GCM pushes, send a POST request to GCM send endpoint with data and registered ids

    • POST
  • Request requires two headers:

    • Authorization: key=<YOUR SERVER API KEY>
    • Content-Type: application/json
  • HTTP POST body can be in JSON. Below is an example of the body of the request to GCM.

      "data": {
        "title": "Test Title",
        "body": "Test Body"
      "registration_ids": ["token1", "token2"]

This sending code can be exposed as an endpoint or utilized on the server-side to notify users when new items are created or available. Note that the registration_ids parameter is synonymous with device tokens. if you only need to send a message to one device, you can use to instead of registration_ids:

     "data": {
       "title": "Test Title",
       "body": "Test Body"
     "to": "token1"

Sample Ruby Server Implementation

A simple Sinatra-based ruby application that supports these endpoints is included below. The key point is that there is a /register endpoint, which is needed to record the registration token for a particular example. In a production environment, these POST requests should be sent by an authenticated user, so the token can be associated with that individual. In this example, the user_id must be specified.


First, let's install a few packages that will be used for this sample application.

gem install sinatra
gem install rest-client
gem install sequel

Sample web server

require 'sinatra'
require 'rest-client'
require 'sequel'

# Create a SQLite3 database

DB = Sequel.connect('sqlite://gcm-test.db')

# Create a Device table if it doesn't exist
DB.create_table? :Device do
  primary_key :reg_id
  String :user_id
  String :reg_token
  String :os, :default => 'android'

Device = DB[:Device]  # create the dataset

# Registration endpoint mapping reg_token to user_id
# POST /register?reg_token=abc&user_id=123
post '/register' do
  if Device.filter(:reg_token => params[:reg_token]).count == 0
    device = Device.insert(:reg_token => params[:reg_token], :user_id => params[:user_id], :os => 'android')

# Ennpoint for sending a message to a user
# POST /send?user_id=123&title=hello&body=message
post '/send' do
  # Find devices with the corresponding reg_tokens
  reg_tokens = Device.filter(:user_id => params[:user_id]).map(:reg_token).to_a
  if reg_tokens.count != 0
    send_gcm_message(params[:title], params[:body], reg_tokens)

# Sending logic
# send_gcm_message(["abc", "cdf"])
def send_gcm_message(title, body, reg_tokens)
  # Construct JSON payload
  post_args = {
    # :to field can also be used if there is only 1 reg token to send
    :registration_ids => reg_tokens,
    :data => {
      :title  => title,
      :body => body,
      :anything => "foobar"

  # Send the request with JSON args and headers '', post_args.to_json,
    :Authorization => 'key=' + AUTHORIZE_KEY, :content_type => :json, :accept => :json


We can startup this Sinatra server and register the token granted to our Android client with it:

curl http://localhost:4567/register -d "reg_token=<REG TOKEN>&user_id=123"

If we wish to send a message, we would simply type:

curl http://localhost:4567/send -d "user_id=123&title=hello&body=message"

Easy Local Testing with Curl

To verify that API calls to Google servers are working currently, We can quickly test by sending commands with curl:

curl -s "" -H "Authorization: key=[API_KEY_HERE]" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"to": "[REG_TOKEN_HERE]", "data": {"score": 123}}'

Easy Local Testing with Ruby

We can also easily send messages to GCM registered devices using the ruby GCM gem. First we must have ruby installed (default on OSX) and then we can install GCM with:

gem install gcm

and send test pushes by running irb in the command-line:

require 'gcm'
options = { :data => { :title =>"foobar", :body => "this is a longer message" } }
response = gcm.send(reg_tokens, options)

This will send messages to the devices specified.

Subscribing clients to Topic-Based Messages

GCM also supports opt-in topic-based subscriptions for clients, which does not require passing along the device token to your server. On the client side, we can also subscribe to this topic simply with two lines. The getInstance() call automatically makes a call to grab an Instance ID, so if we do not wish to pass along our device token, our RegistrationIntentService class can look like the following:

protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
  GcmPubSub pubSub = GcmPubSub.getInstance(this);
  pubSub.subscribe(token, "/topics/" + "dogs", null);

Inside your custom GcmListenerService, you will also need to check for these topic-based messages by checking the from String:

public void onMessageReceived(String from, Bundle data) {
   String message = data.getString("message");

   if (from.startsWith("/topics/dogs")) {
      Log.d(TAG, "got here");
   } else {
      // normal downstream message.

Sending to subscribers simply involves changing the to: to be prefaced with /topics/[topic_name]:

curl -s "" -H "Authorization: key=[AUTHORIZATION_KEY]" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"to": "/topics/hello", "data": {"score": 123}}'

Rate Limits

GCM is free to use. In Jan. 2015, Google announced new rate limits in this blog post for GCM. There is a per minute / per device limit that can be sent. More technical details are included in this Stack Overflow posting.


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