class: middle, center, nonumber
- we start at 19:00 ]
class: middle, center, nonumber
- we start in a few minutes ]
class: center, middle, nonumber
Code for Germany connects people with .blue.b[similar interests from very different fields] who are committed to .red.b[Free and Open Software], .green.b[Open Data] and .cyan.b[Open Government].
We are .blue.b[open government experts], .red.b[software developers], .green.b[designers], and other activists, who work as volunteers for a .cyan.b[sustainable digital transformation in politics and administration].
We are organized .blue.b[in over 20 local OK Labs] in Germany and aim to connect .red.b[the community] with the .green.b[local government] and act as contact for the .cyan.b[different stakeholders].
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.column.oklab[ We identify .blue.b[human needs] in the digital world and scrutinize technological developments for their .red.b[benefit to society].
With our volunteer network, we develop .green.b[open source software] and .cyan.b[liberate data]!
We want to shape the .blue.b[open and sustainable digital transformation] from within society - for a world in which the possibilities of digitization benefit .red.b[everyone]. ]
background-image: url(img/germany-map.png) background-size: contain
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.ref[ ]
<style> .abs.wurst { right: 4rem; width: 27rem; } .web img { margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: -2rem; height: 6rem; } .slack p { margin-bottom: 0; } .slack img { margin-top: 0,5rem; height: 2rem; } </style>
- Open Lab every 2nd Monday of the month
- 19:00-22:00
- WikiBär, Köpenicker Straße 45
@[email protected]
<style> .okf { top: 12rem; left: 6rem; width: 30rem; text-align: center; } .wikimedia { top: 8rem; right: 12rem; width: 20rem; text-align: center; } </style>
Open Knowledge Foundation
Wikimedia Deutschland
class: center, middle, nonumber